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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  November 2, 2023 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] we figured it out, then we realized that there was no need to do this, but we didn’t give a straight soviet person, well, that wouldn’t be ridiculous, i’m not a soviet person, it would be a parody, arkasha is kim, kim is like a kardashian, a communist international youth, and love, of course, where would we be without it? the only thing kim barely remembers is the image of the girl she fell in love with , meanwhile, or it’s not her, or she’s not the same, it’s also unclear until the end, she lives in modern... who is this path from feeling rejected to a stranger who broke into your home, to the feeling of an absolutely close person nearby, this is the path of love, this is the only hint that is appropriate here, and only because
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such a story simply could not help but... end well, and for the rest of the answers, go to the cinema. pavel matveev, maya emelyanova, veronika ilbuchenova, alexander isaev, dmitry remizov, channel one. that ’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. the information channel on the first continues its work, it is direct broadcast, time will tell the program, anatoly kuzichev is with you. it’s interesting, the turning point of the war for ukraine, this is how western journalists characterize the situation at the front, their press every day, listen, well, i just don’t know how it was ordered, but we didn’t make such an order, and it’s impossible, but nevertheless , as if by order, every day there are shots of damaged equipment, which means that the military is making some disappointing forecasts and analysts, so the other day british journalists from the telegraph publication visited the positions of the ukrainian troops
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and saw stuck german leopard tanks, american bradley, this is the article they wrote, a small fragment from it. the failure of the ukrainian army is a drama that now seems to be becoming a reality. against this background , it is not surprising that the morale of the ukrainian armed forces soldiers has fallen. a ukrainian officer with the call sign miron advised western politicians who criticize the actions of the ukrainian armed forces to come to the front and show themselves in action. anyone who thinks they can fight better than us can come here to try themselves. well, in general, it’s so characteristic, you know, even in everyday life. in a dispute, this is a very typical argument, yes, well then try it yourself, well, that is, in general, this is recognition, another thing is that i remember, the ukrainian authorities, well, within the framework of, so to speak, democratization, there was a struggle for values, european and so on, they generally banned western journalists, without coordination, without, so to speak, the right correct accompaniment to go to the front line, well, somehow you see, the british either leaked out, or i’m just afraid to imagine , either they were really
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sent there, or it was not by chance that they were all... we saw it all and described it, well, it’s really interesting, let’s do it now let's talk to a war correspondent who also sees all this, only from the other side of the front line, direct communication with our studio, chief editor of the call, war correspondent evgenia lisina, evgeniy, hello, thank you for being with us, hello, you heard, uh , what i just quoted from the telegram publication, and in general the words of western analysts, please comment, how do you feel about everything that was said and especially about this comment from the ukrainian military? i 'll explain a little now, now the command the armed forces of ukraine are at a dead end and are urgently forced to transfer reserves from different front lines to other directions. for example , the forty-seventh mechanized brigade in the ssu, they call it magura, popularly known as the princely brigade. previously, they called it the pride of nato, so they transferred it to the donetsk direction, but every day we see on
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the internet how they are burning... bradley everything else, in 4 months this brigade did not manage to achieve anything at all, their entire line of defense, they , well, let's just say it was broken through by ours units, nothing worked out for them, and i’ll tell you another interesting, interesting fact: now the ukrainian army cannot send as many soldiers as they sent before to america for training, due to the fact that america has now switched to israeli ones. conflict now the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine cannot receive supposedly imaginary military qualified training there, right away these military personnel who were caught on the street are thrown into meat assaults, as for the minefields along the entire front line where our guys are setting up, then this is a colossal line of defense, all the western media have already dubbed it as
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the most serious in the world, every day, uh, we publish videos of armored vehicles exploding, personnel exploding, now their situation is colossally complicated, if previously soldiers still believed in the ssu that he can learn something in western countries. will receive weapons, then now everything has been cut, and the situation is already beginning to be like a weapons famine, that is, they are not really given the bull, what reserves are left, they are trying to finish shooting them, when ours begin to push, anatoly, but about the reserves, by the way, it’s interesting , and you said about this, western journalists write that i quote directly that kiev is forced to use the last reserves because of russia’s successes, transfer them from different sectors of the front, and so on. well, as i imagine, there are not infinite reserves, especially in ukraine, where, of course, it loses people in battles itself , probably even more in, so to speak, as they say, in attempts to leave the country, either in
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one direction or in the other, under this or that an excuse, even pay attention to the past or a couple of weeks ago there were such messages that some kind of football player is there, okay, this is one football player left, there are several members of the sports delegation, i keep thinking what kind of country, and then i realized? you can legally leave the country as part of a scientific or sports delegation, respectively, people leave in delegations, and part of the delegation remains, i mean that the reserves are not endless, that’s how you already feel it, it’s already manifesting itself somehow, look, that’s great, an excellent question, just about the reserves that are missing , now in kiev, kharkov and other large settlements of dnepropetrovsk cities, when... uncaught future meat soldiers in the ssu walked calmly along the street, they could relax in taverns, have fun there, now they are already hiding in their homes, because people have already been taken from villages, from some small towns, now this will apply
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specifically to big cities, because reserves are running out, they need to be pulled out from there, and those who somewhere there corruptly paid the military registration and enlistment office there so as not to go, this no longer works, that is, now everyone will row about trying to flee the country as much as possible, plus the country’s economy is based on the west, subsidies have stopped, now it’s a war economy it will simply collapse, that is, ukraine will only exist there for a very short time, then internal riots will begin, but they may, most likely will not, of course, thank you very much , evgeniy lisitsyn was in direct contact with us, the editor-in-chief is a war correspondent, let’s just say, in continuation of our conversation with evgeniy and this topic in general, we gave you there from a telegraph publication quoting a certain military man with the call sign miron, here is the main ukrainian military man, without any call sign, his name is valery zaluzhny, an article
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the british publication the economist wrote such a huge article about him, or rather, based on an interview with him. so, what is needed to defeat russia, no more, no less, we listen, the conflict is now moving to... a new stage, this is called a positional war, long-term and carrying enormous risks for the armed forces of ukraine and the state. if ukraine wants to escape this trap, we will need all of these things: air superiority, improved rap capabilities, new mine clearance technologies, and the ability to mobilize and train more reserves. we need to focus on modern command and control so we can visualize the battlefield and make decisions more effectively than russia. innovative approaches can again turn this positional warfare into maneuver warfare. russia should not be underestimated; it will have superiority in weapons, equipment, missiles and ammunition for a considerable time to come. alexander germanovich, as a military expert, how do you feel, and do they correlate with each other the words of miron, the words of zaluzhny,
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the words of our military correspondent lisitsyn, who describes for his part, so to speak , the situation, i would say that anatoly is not only zaluzhny, but budanov also stated that russia has enough missile weapons for the next... many months, then yes, he decided so, oh, where is arestovich with his forecasts, probably there are no ones of his own, but budanov is in execution, the head of military intelligence, arestovich, now no one is calling him, when he himself is a young general and, so to speak, a cavalier of some kind they have all the orders of courage, they allow themselves to make such statements, this is quite exciting , i would say, for ukrainian society, but why are they making these statements, well, you have to delve into your head, especially since, as a zaluzhny, in my opinion , he is also a man already wounded several times since shell-shocked, about this, pray that what contacts did not work so well for him , that he allows himself such statements, now alexandrov, i will explain, but i understand that in someone else’s soul there is darkness there and so on, but if we assume that for with these statements there is still some kind of rational calculation, of course there is, yes, then let’s go in
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this direction. it doesn’t end in the fact that budanov and zaluzhny are trying to scare the ukrainians, but in the fact that they are naturally trying to extract as much money as possible from their western partners, you and i understand this well, anatolia, talking about something else, talking about something very strange, again in zaluzhny’s head, happening, because the opposition war, by definition, is no longer today, it has not entered the positional phase, it is in it, has been stable for several months, thanks to our natural efforts, our line of defense, the name of general surovikin, as it is conventionally called, thanks to everything that has been done and created, but the line is stable, that’s why he decided that the line will remain stable, he i named her further, so to speak, from positional possibility of transition to another phase, i would say, maybe not just like that, it will end naturally, this phase will be a breakthrough, because thank god he didn’t hold a candle in our general staff, i think that our general staff does not agree with zaluzhny...
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to remain indefinitely within our line of defense, naturally it will all end with an offensive, and why hasn’t it ended yet, because there is , i was asked how much my view counts with the view of lisitsin, zaluzhny and others, well, lisitsin is a good person, he is ours man, in my opinion, now there is a certain parity, when we remember, some cannot, while others no longer want or are not able, we do not want to go on the offensive yet, because we have just begun to introduce... the most 300,000 per the first line, on the other hand, we have now expanded the production of combat aircraft, i will remind you that the su57, the first squadron is completed, is one of the best aircraft in the world, i think that the best, this is the same fifth generation, yes, of course, so true , will go to the front at the end of the twenty-third year, naturally, this is just one of the markers, there are many of them, ammunition has been produced by order of mishustin since the spring of this year, they have just expanded production to three shifts, and of course, in some ways they have not yet
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been observed with the foxes on the part of the ukrainians unfortunately, there is a shortage of ammunition, but now our ammunition is reasonably limited in use, because we are now replacing barrels, and it is necessary for the artillery to be updated, on the other hand, only now will an expanded amount begin to reach the front ammunition, the westerners have no shortage, because i was there a week ago, two weeks ago, i can say that cassettes, those very prohibited ammunition, have really arrived en masse, and shelling of donetsk is really underway. prohibited type of ammunition and even contrary to the will of many american politicians, including, they began supplying such terrible weapons to the front, and i remember this fact for a reason now, especially since we must exercise reasonable caution, because going on the offensive under fire cluster munitions, this sorry, unconventional and we must prepare to minimize.
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therefore, i urge everyone to be calm, as they say, to be patient, in this case, to be patient and not to push anyone’s back, even from the point of view , we have been through so much in these one and a half years, we have had so many ups and downs in our so to speak, that no, so to speak, no , calm, just calm, yes, here you know that vladimir, i want to focus your attention on the same thing, of course, alexander gerovich, he’s probably right, that in many ways, all these, all this, all this washing, it... is connected not with the fact that suddenly a person decided, found the strength there and the courage to describe the real situation, but because it’s so to speak, well, what’s the best way to get more money, but how to get more to cling out, well, you have to pretend, because in a good jacket, who do you remember, there would be a funny meme, standing, that means zelensky opposite him is pashinyan, with his own, as usual, this means in the light of the harbor, and pashinyan says, so the old man, well, look, that means as for money, in such a jacket of course they won’t give it to you, well, i mean, pashinyan was in some smart clothes, that’s understandable. right now, but there is one phrase: russia should not be underestimated, it will
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have superiority in weapons, technology, missiles , ammunition for a considerable time, this phrase impressed me, i thought, listen, but he’s a little big says that the west needs to not just give us more, but generally rebuild our lives, our way of life, change it, so that russia, so to speak, he’s not just saying that, by the way, i want to note there, there not only the interview, but his personal article was published, that is, there is a huge amount of material there. what do i mean, he continues there that in order for the west to defeat russia on the battlefield, but he supposedly doesn’t remove this task, but he must invent gunpowder again, that is, something needs to be done, but he doesn’t know what , but something needs to be invented in order to finally defeat russia technically, not only that, i don’t know who wrote him this article, yes, but if, i’m sure, many will quote it today, yes, it or in printed form
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only tomorrow in general... that a year ago in the same magazine he laid out his points, what he needs to take melitopol and generally return the front line to formation, and so that means he listed, i need so many tanks, so many bmp and artillery, and i will easily take melitopol, he has already forgotten about it, that they gave him much. yes, more than that, melitopol, of course, is only in his dreams, so that’s what i’m talking about, and now he ’s telling me that there’s an excalibre, those famous, vaunted american missiles, that i’ve learned how to shoot them down, and that’s that, that’s it russia has found a way to neutralize them, they haven’t given f16 yet and he’s already saying, well, the air defense systems are russian and norwegian mines can handle them, which means there are minesweepers there, which means they can’t overcome russian mines. you understand how he immediately lowered the shares
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of the manufacturers of the same excalibre, that is, you can you imagine what a collapse this is and praises praises the only type of weapon that he praises there is our lancets. the lancet says russia, here is a miracle of technology, you understand how potential buyers are reading this now in the global south, various expensive western weapons, and they say, wait, why are we going to buy such expensive equipment, but really , listen, here’s the truth from this angle, yes , that means we need to defeat russia on the battlefield, but of course with such luxurious with a weapon like an op, like a lancet, it’s difficult to do, in this case he also praises our rap system, our air defense system, but most importantly. this is what i generally think we should all stamp in gold letters in all the military academies and military schools of russia. he says: american textbooks, nato ones textbooks don’t work, imagine, so i, general zaluzhny says , gave orders to my employees in old
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libraries, they found a book from 1941 by the soviet general smirny, how their decommunizers worked, i don’t understand, yes, they found it, which is called. this is a breakthrough of fortified lines, but everything is described there , you understand, you understand how at the same time he lowered the nato standards in this article, it’s simply amazing, well done, what a guy, i underestimated him, of course, but it’s interesting, no, well, this is actually a fact, about nato textbooks, there are not nato textbooks, of course, they are all superbly equipped, there is equipment, still in such beautiful suits, you’ll watch a movie, i just don’t know, i don’t want to live. well, in fact, as you understand, the most important thing and what matters is combat experience, everything else is lyrics, friends , well, look, ukraine, of course, we remember the formula of alexander germanovich, which means all this whining is not simple, like there it’s not for nothing, it’s for money, it’s necessary, because the economy really
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functions exclusively thanks to western leftism, that’s not how it works, it doesn’t exist, i’m not talking about the army and everything else, so ukraine depends on what washington says. and there is not very good news for kiev, as i understand it, a group of republicans, it’s clear there, they are butting heads, it’s difficult, but they set a condition for joe biden to further support ukraine, that’s what, pay attention to what is included in this list, give us , we have identified conditions that must be met before sending even one dollar to ukraine, among them, biden and zelensky must provide to the us congress a real strategy for victory, you and i will not win yet, this is not a regular strategy. from the us, clarify what will happen if us investment in ukraine stops. excellent points, in fact, very, very sound, intelligible, and look, yes, indeed, that means the real strategy, how much we, by the way, presented to each other, that means this very thing, that this is what
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our strategy for victory looks like, the image of the future, the image victories, that’s how we say it, we sadly state that it’s not very clear, here’s a question for you, listen, and what is a strategy? until we win there, it’s not a strategy, it’s some kind of bullshit. and the last point, from the above, what will happen, and if suddenly american investments in ukraine, what will happen? end of the world or what? excellent questions, i’m really looking forward to the answer to them, it’s terribly interesting. further, ordinary americans, in fact, they were also in for a surprise, the administration, their administration has no idea what exactly , as far as strategy is concerned, what to do with this very ukraine, a counter-offensive, this is a fact, the prospects are vague, another fact, here by about this on the fox news channel, a continuation of those questions that were just shown to you on fox news, so the story has been released, let's watch a fragment of it. the truth is that the united states has no strategy to save ukraine or defeat russia.
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the summer counter-offensive was supposed to be the answer, but it failed, and there is simply no plan b. they also don't want joe biden to face humiliation. this is a huge amount of money they now want for ukraine tied to legal aid to israel, this is a cynical, extremely irresponsible political ploy, delaying defeat in ukraine is necessary to ensure biden’s victory in 2024, that’s the point. we have the words that gave us a delay in victory, not the inevitable collapse of russia, which is torn apart. i really love bareli, of course, yes, it’s not enough to achieve victory, because they have already stated there, well, that ’s it, in fact, russia has already lost, but what, what is this, and what, what kind of songs? you sing then, well, finally, the publication writes, well, so that we understand the general, so to speak, general atmosphere in the states regarding
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ukraine, the hill publication writes that the president will veto, well, their president, naturally, will veto the project on allocating aid to israel if it does not contain ukraine, i don’t want to discuss this separately, so to speak, it’s just for a general understanding of what serious troubles are going on there, because one or one needs it for re-election, and others need it for exactly the same thing. actually, it’s interesting, there is such an intrigue, please vladim vadimovich, well, yes, at the same time, we see how ukraine was essentially turned into such a bargaining chip, namely, and, and this is even, well , as it were, yesterday, the dutch newspaper nrc, and they put on the front page, and a message, their insight about how the vote went on the resolution of the un general assembly, which means, and there about the arabs, yes, yes, yes, regarding the immediate condemnation in israel, you know, the general assembly overwhelmingly adopted such a resolution last week, and
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europe basically abstained, although the newspaper finds out that initially the hague was going to vote against, as they were told to do in the usa, but the opinion of the usa is one thing , and then the foreign minister of jordan called, excuse me, who are the usa, when such a person calls, he said, he says, if you vote , that means against this resolution, then globally... and the south in general will question the issue of assistance to ukraine , you know, and so the netherlands decided to abstain, that is, you understand, this is how much of a bargaining chip that can be used if something happens america doesn’t give a damn about it in the united states, and that there is now an important bargaining chip, but a bargaining chip, in the united states of america, when they say and karin jean in principle indirectly confirmed this, that biden would veto aid to israel, he wanted. see how this happens, if in fact the republicans refuse to consider this issue together, and divide
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the muhot of cutlets, yes, it will work out, biden will have to veto aid to israel, you can imagine how this will be perceived voters in the united states of america, not to mention israel, yes, so yes, the reservations there remain outside the brackets, if there is no ukraine there, for this aid to be cancelled. alexander germanov, i think that in this case, i understand, i think that in this case , america itself is interested in escalating in every possible way and developing the conflict in the middle east, in the countries of the south, unfortunately or fortunately , that i don’t know, in this case there is no need to pay special attention, no help to ukraine they did not have a significant impact. unlike turkey, turkey turned out to be significant, if we take at least psc sadad, fighting in ukraine under the personal control of recep tayyip
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erdogan, assemble kirpi armored vehicles and assemble a multiple launch rocket system of tourist production and much, much more, not forgetting about the products of a wonderful company baycar, i’m talking about baraktar t2, the company and so on and so forth, regarding this, the fact that the turks really spoke out in the person of ryp erdogan, and i would say that the speech is truly shocking basis, if the president of turkey declares that israel does not exist as a state, he called it a group, well, he probably could not have done otherwise when in front of him there were 1.5 million voters who took to the streets, but nevertheless, how expensive are we we’ll give for israel if all these people, including the emenites, by the way, they have excellent infantry , so that it’s clear, but for us evan is somewhere at the end of the world, but i’ll remind you that evan actually launched old-style scuds against saudi aramka and no...
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no, well, after all, these are conversations, they a little bit, so to speak, rhetoric and actions often not only do not coincide, they diverge in opposite directions, i’m just talking about the fact that if you look at the countries of the south, in this case it will not be the ukrainian logic regarding resolving the issue of israel, especially since eilat is already under shelling from the yamenites, right at the moment, and the fact that the league of arab states and the organization of islamic cooperation will never stand aside and will never be put on the same plane, it is natural to provide assistance palestine is next to the fact that what is going on there in ukraine, for them palestine is a question, well , their own, their arab minds, muslim minds, their community, what they are doing in ukraine, i don’t know, as far as i know, no help, with on the side, thank you gentlemen of muslim countries, no one has provided assistance to ukraine, and no one will provide assistance, as far as biden’s situation is concerned, it may very well be a tricky game, of course, to gather himself, in which, two words, we don’t have much time there, what's the game, look, if you take the president himself, naturally, to win back positions on burisma, because no one will remove from him the announcements that have actually been presented to him and his
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son, but i have a question, to what extent i have raised it more than once, i will raise it again to what extent... in the existence of israel, if they decided to blow up the entire middle east and provoke iran, then they are clearly going against, well, i would say with the instinct of self-preservation of the general staff of the idf, and i repeat once again, that according to some information, well, i honestly checked, i say very quickly, the americans push the israelis even there, if they are needed push where they might prefer not to act so quickly, not so radically, do everything, well, this is a separate topic and of course we will have to discuss it, because everything there really, as one officer’s daughter said, is not so simple, advertising and we’ll come back, olaf scholz disappeared from the public sphere for a long time, they say he just fell and injured his eye, an absolute operetta production that will allow those german forces to turn their heads, those who intend to come to power
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through constitutional means, we will continue support ukraine. money with humanitarian aid, more than 150 billion euros were stolen, we support israel in defending its own country, an absolutely dependent person, but whoever he serves, the usa, bilderberger, none of them want a strong sovereign germany, mr. scholz is doing an excellent job , he is finishing off the german economy, biden has the leverage to force scholz to follow the american path. german tanks must stop the russians. germany shot itself in the foot, but it went well now they will shoot themselves in the head, olaf scholz, the doll chancellor, the dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, old barrerel cognac is a product of the stellar group, the lady is stubborn in all
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respects, rosa markovna klyah. ready to start everything from scratch, fantastic, next level , tomorrow on the first, mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group, the commander was born, sometimes the lights have no names left, alyasha, those who accepted mortal combat became just grass in the back when we were driving, alyosha, only
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the terrible house shines, everyone settled in, became one close person, this eternal flame... the memory of everyone who died is bequeathed alone , we are wounded in the chest, allow it, go ahead, officers, on the fourth of november, on the first, and what kind of profession is this, to defend the homeland, you carry me, recal , well, he sang the most important song for me when we first met... this style is closer, that is, such an intimate conversation with the audience, the first rehearsal, the boss is irritated, he just goes to the microphone, only the first words are uttered, my
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whole mind turned upside down peace, thoughtful rastorguevskys, so to say, the boats are off, the audience loves the ensemble, love, love these songs, they know them, sing together, i am very grateful to the audience for the fact that these 30-odd years, they have been with us, god willing, everything will be fine in our future, i drew a cat for you there, i know that you love them, who doesn’t love them, the premiere of the documentary lyuba, what is this? summary of german troop movements near our border. if this is not preparation for war, then what? imitation of preparation for war? we are doing a very important job. pribentrop and even the fuhrer himself personally took part in the preparation of your materials. the same
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materials that you passed on to the russians. i already reported that he doesn’t trust me. source, but his comrades trust him, he just sent information from a gossip newspaper, or what? will you obey me directly, when you go yourself, dragging me along with you, with the zendego war? two new transmitters sounded near berlin. we need an exact date. be careful with these materials. if they surface, it will be the end. we need him alive. shoots only as a last resort. chief of intelligence november 4, 5 and 6, on the first. do you even realize that you signed your own death warrant, idiot. our colleague, yulia baronovskaya, continues to talk about the difficult fate of the residents of donbass. this time the heroine was
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svetlana vasilyevna, a primary school teacher from pervomaisk . since she was 14, ukrainian militants have been deliberately shelling her school, but she continues to honestly fulfill her professional duty, look. once upon a time svetlana vasilievna chose this school in pervomaisk and became a primary school teacher, then 2014, a war zone, but those shells that flew into the school building in her... sira was not forced to give up her choice, the choice -
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to teach children. i take a pillow, knock it down like this, and some inner voice speaks directly. commands me not to go to bed, i open the window like this, then i see a fiery sky flying like this, sharabah, here i had a sideboard like this, it turned into powder, it’s gone, a shell hit here, where the chandelier is, that’s all , she was upset by everything pieces fell here on the floor, in general, in short, me... here she mixed it with this concrete, my husband is banging on the door of the world, you are alive, i started rowing with my nails like that, from here the blood started coming from under my nails, because the concrete such
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dimensions are huge, and he says: “take encyclopedias, the soviet encyclopedic dictionary, it weighs 20 kg.” and just like that, no one can believe that such a crack, how he pulled me out, i wasn’t there anymore, why did i bite my lips all the way, that’s it, that’s yulechka, i don’t know that at all, how was it all to survive, the most important thing is that you are alive, 2014, primary school teacher, these are very little children, where did you meet all these events and what happened here? i entered the year 2013-2014, first grade, but i already saw that
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things were heading towards war, but how did you see it? well, because it was already thundering in gorsk, there was already a coup d’état in 1313 in kiev, i think that since the war, they won’t go to second grade, which means i need to teach them so that i give them the first second grade. i taught them all to read before the new year, i taught everyone how to count, and after the new year i began to go over the second grade material with them, this is the fourteenth year , thank ukraine,
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they shoot at the ambulance in may, we already went into our basement because there were bombings with children and with children with us. here at school, there we lit candles , they took lanterns, and there we sat, sometimes we sat for a whole lesson, then again the silence would cease, we go out, again we continue to study, call. parents, parents come, we hand over each child personally to the parent and he takes him home, we didn’t just let a single child go anywhere, we were bombed for the month of july for 11 hours a day, immediately there was no water, immediately there was no... there was no gas, there was no
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electricity, the towels came in about a week later two, probably, to the city, from there there is a road with a popasnaya and so that they wouldn’t come to us here, they blocked us off like that, and we couldn’t go out into the city, we lived in this microdistrict there, only the militias gave us two loaves of bread for all 14 people, i cut it into two pieces, here at least i say right away, eat it, at least divide it as you want. but there will be nothing more for you, we drank water from a well, when we already drank this water, there were bicycle wheels, car tires, some dirty pots lying around, when we saw it all, but you know, this is probably it the belief that we will not give up our homeland and will live here until the bitter end, this has probably saved us
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to this day. to this day these people are alive, well, only slowly, death comes, like my husband, there are neighbors, and so are we buried, and what happened to the school ? , they still quit... you see how they quit at night, especially at night, we sleep here for two or three hours, if we sleep, it’s good, because then there’s no sleep, just pills, you turn on the tv, that's all you're waiting for, when the sun comes out, the sun comes out, it means life goes on, we all rejoice, run to work, you know, i always speak at school councils, i tell teachers this eastern proverb, if you... create
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plans for one year, sow millets, if you create plans for 10 years, plant trees, and if you set plans for yourself for the rest of your life, educate people, so i set myself such a dream, and i try to fulfill it, honestly and conscientiously. i am sure that all our viewers, after listening to your story, will want to give you a gift. let's help them and tell them what they need, that's what you would really like it helped, i personally don’t need anything for life except victory and health, i can only ask for a gift for the children for whom i teach, because now you see, everything has switched to computerization, so if you gave computers and or laptops for them, for computer science class for a computer science class, i am sure that we will all
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cope with this task together and donate equipment for a computer science class to this wonderful school. my friends, this is a challenging task for you and me. this was the story of yulia boronovskaya from her social project people donbass. it seems to me that such stories simply cannot help but touch you. and if you, like me, were touched by this story, you can help and take part in collecting everything for victory on the popular front website. for this. just point your smartphone’s camera at the qr code that you now see on the screen. thank you for your attention, short news on channel one and we’ll be back. this is news first. hello, in the studio of valery koravlev. vladimir putin signed the law on the revocation and ratification of the
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comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty, this document, which has existed since the nineties, was supposed to become the main legal instrument for stopping all types of nuclear tests. our country complied with the treaty for many years, but the united states never ratified it. the time has come to restore parity of obligations. the russian leader spoke about the possibility of revoking ratification at a meeting of the valdai discussion club, followed by an immediate reaction from parliament, the state duma, and then the federation council. withdrawal of ratification does not mean withdrawal from the treaty; we will continue to fulfill our obligations. now middle east, the israeli military struck a region in lebanon, from where a missile was launched at an army drone, the hezbollah group claims that the drone was shot down, but tel aviv denies this information. in the northern part of the gaza strip, the israeli army broke through the hamas defense line. the idf said that the ground
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operation, which, let me remind you, began after the terrorist attack by militants on october 7 , is going according to plan. the al-jazeera tv channel reports fierce fighting, and there is also information about shelling in an area located near the refugee camp jabaliya, the very one that suffered massive strikes, almost 200 dead, hamas cites such figures. given the high number of civilian casualties, attacks on the camp could amount to war crimes. this statement was made by the office of the un high commissioner for human rights. our permanent representative to the world organization, vasily nebenzya, said that the bloodshed urgently needs to be stopped. at an emergency special session of the general assembly, he called on israel to do everything to avoid the death of civilians residents. fight terrorists, not civilians . otherwise, you yourself take the side of evil and act using its own
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methods. today it is necessary to immediately cease fire to stop the bloodshed. it would seem that this should be obvious to everyone. it's a pity that our western colleagues on the security council. adoption by the council of immediate actions aimed at quickly normalizing the situation, first of all, a ceasefire. let me remind you that the un security council has still not been able to pass a single resolution demanding immediate ceasefire, and there have been four of these over the past month, two of them russian. the scale of the humanitarian disaster in the gas sector, assess the number of victims is growing at a catastrophic pace, official representative of our foreign ministry maria zakharova stated this today at the briefing, the situation there continues to develop according to an extremely negative scenario, against the backdrop of the escalation of hostilities, the scale of the humanitarian disaster is growing, this is
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a disaster, that's when you hear the phrase humanitarian disaster in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone for more than a day and not for a month, it is just unfolding, if not... drastic steps are taken to de-escalate the situation, it will have consequences for years and decades, we continue to actively work with the israeli, egyptian, palestinian authorities, we have contacts with the the ambassadors of egypt and israel in moscow, as well as relevant international organizations in order to quickly begin evacuation measures. the progress of the special operation and personnel from the ministry of defense of the zaporozhye direction. destruction of another german tank leopard-2. our drone is constantly monitoring the combat vehicle, allowing it to pass forward, and then precise strikes from fpv drones on the rear of the turret, detonation and fire. and this is already the spornoye area, the trenches of the ukrainian
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military’s shelter were discovered from a height, aimed fire, ammunition falling one after another, covering the militants. our silent mine gal works in the krasno-lebanese section. ukrainian take-off site. drones hit. well, this is the outskirts of artyomovsk: there is a kornet anti-tank guided missile system at a combat post. impact on the ukrainian armed forces vehicle, thick smoke. the militants flee, abandoning the damaged car. determine the places where enemy manpower accumulates, its equipment, reconnaissance tasks and eagles, which are indispensable assistants in this matter. the latest drones help artillery with guidance and see everything day and night in any weather. well, in addition, the complex is capable of intercepting calls and sms messages, calculating the coordinates of subscribers, as sergei ponomarev saw how everything happens. the job is to find out everything about the enemies thanks to their mobile phones, this is the calculation of the electronic warfare complex of the group's line east, while the operators in the tent are setting up
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the computers on the launcher, they place the drone from the propeller. courses... today they will collect information in the area of ​​carbon, in the sky an orland 10 with a payload, that ’s what engineers call equipment that allows reconnaissance, heavy? no, the plane itself is not heavy, along with 18 fuel, the principle of operation is quite simple, rising into the sky, the drone essentially replaces cellular base stations on the ground, that is, it can identify subscribers, intercept calls, sms and also send them in response. in real time they receive information about all mobile phones that operate within a radius of 6 km from the drone, on the monitor screen, there is the first, as they say here, sms message. and the question is where is the bull for taimen, that is, taimen, as a rule, this is the name of forest belts or some specific point where they
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are located, so as not to say all this openly, but with some kind of negotiation, negotiation tables, all the data transferred to unit headquarters, for example, a concentration of militants is an excellent target for artillery, of course, before this they double-check everything, and reconnaissance is also carried out by forces, say orland 10, which have cameras, that is, they are already flying up, looking specifically at what kind of equipment is there. what kind of position, where is it a forest, not a forest, is it some kind of industrial zone, that is, if, let’s say, there is already military equipment there, then we immediately understand that there are most likely no civilians there, thanks to the intercepted sms we can be judged including information about the state of affairs of the enemy at the front, mostly these are messages sent to relatives, some text directly with their worries, even with swear words, like we’re all going to end here, here and there, why is all this even necessary, there are times when they also complain.
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money doesn’t arrive on time, sometimes they don’t arrive at all, and they write mostly in russian, very rarely in ukrainian, that is , their language is ukrainian, i know, i don’t know, but my opinion is probably more for pathos, at the same time operators can receive information from three drones at once, the maximum operating range of each is 100 km, enough, in order to conduct reconnaissance in the deep rear, they usually send out a message to all subscribers with the radio frequency 149200, on it you can find out the details of how to surrender correctly. sergey ponomarev, valentin stukanovok and alexander travkin. first channel. tests of the intercontinental ballistic missile minetman 3 in the united states ended in failure. it was launched from a space force base in california to ensure the reliability of strategic deterrence systems. but soon after launch, for unknown reasons, the projectile began to change its trajectory. the military decided to destroy the ammunition. it was blown up over the pacific ocean. now they are finding out what caused the failure. missiles of this type have been in service with the united states since 1970 and are periodically
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modernized. speaking of the tests, the united states warned our country in advance, as required by bilateral obligations. an important stage in equipping our military units in the far north, remote garrisons of siberia and the far east, the ministry of defense announced the completion of deliveries as part of the northern delivery. modern weapons and military equipment, fuel, product. everything that doctors need, and not only, more than 76,000 tons in total to 130, 133 hard-to-reach points, more than half were brought along the northern sea route, aviation and motor transport were also involved, in these same areas the infrastructure is constantly being updated, for example in the village tiksi repaired the fuel pipeline that goes from the tanker to the airfield, the delivery time for fuel was reduced by 10 times, but in addition , large-scale e-fueling continues this year on
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the novaya zemlya archipelago, collected and transported from there, over 1,200 tons of scrap metal beat out rivals from more than 100 countries; became the best: a high school student from russia won the world chinese language competition, for the first time in its history, not only excellent knowledge, a deep understanding of culture and mentality, seventeen-year-old daniil pyshny coped with all the tasks brilliantly. how did he do it? through years of hard work. undoubted talent and a little luck. gennady kortelev talked with the champion. congratulations, he is solemnly greeted at the airport by his family and teachers. daniil pyshny, a schoolboy from vladivostok, won the world competition for knowledge of the chinese language. to become a champion, you need to not only know the hieroglyphs, but also understand the tonality and understand the context. there was one question about a chinese poem, you had to insert a hieroglyph , that is, you had to do it in 10 seconds, it turns out that he reads for 5 seconds and 5 seconds while it gives time to understand the meaning, insert the correct hieroglyph by
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meaning, and what was the answer? there is an onion, well , the hieroglyph is onion, onion, that is, a vegetable, no, not a vegetable, but with which they shoot, a world competition called chinese, this is a bridge, brought together more than 100 guys from all continents in the city of kunming. daniil got into the top five, already in the super final there was an intellectual battle with a schoolgirl from japan. and we had... three rounds , that is, this doesn’t happen at all, but it was really hard for us, we fought until the last, our difference in the end was time, it’s 1 millisecond, that is, i won it by one millisecond, about five seconds there was just silence in my head, and then the feelings came and i gradually began to realize that this is my victory, before participants from russia won this competition in the categories for students and junior high school students, one of them was dima vasetsky from yekaterinburg. they told us last year that by the time he was ten, he had learned more than a thousand characters and could write poetry and even sing
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opera in chinese. ' was the first winner of this competition from russia among high school students; even at the qualifying stage of the competition in vladivostok, he amazed the chinese language teachers who were on the jury. the confucius institute of the far eastern federal university held in april the regional stage is a qualifying round for the global competition of chinese language institutes, in fact, when the participant who took second place in this qualifying stage came out, i thought that this is the winner, because the participant was wonderful. but after him danil came out and i realized that there were no options at all, i started learning chinese at the age of 6 , my parents sent me to a special course, my dad was an engineer, my mom was a psychologist, they really helped me make friends with the language, my peers from chinese social networks, and i also watched films and read books in chinese. daniil went with his parents to
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border cities of china to practice more. at first it seemed to be a little difficult, i began to delve into it, naturally, there were ups and downs, i continued, i took it seriously, well, in principle, this is the result. danil’s older sister, antonina, is a prize-winner of the all-russian olympiad in chinese, and now she is studying at the university, where he himself has not decided yet, but he will definitely connect his career with china. this win means a lot to me, i really love chinese and want as much as possible. china. interest in the chinese language is growing all over the world. especially in our country, now that relations between russia and china have reached a new level, many entrepreneurs began to learn the language of the neighboring country in order to more effectively conduct business with their partners. trade between russia and china reached a historic high last year of
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$190 billion, and tourist flows are returning to pre-pandemic levels. primorsky krai is expanding the direction of air travel with china. vladivostok has already connected flights with beijing and harbin, and just recently planes flew to dolyanya, and by the end of this year flights to several other major cities in china are expected to be launched. the competition is not only competition, but also live communication between young people. participants from different countries talked about how important it is in the modern world to understand respect for each other. tomorrow danila will congratulate representatives of the consulate general of the people's republic of china in vladivostok, but for now he has only one wish. first of all, i would like to rest first, then later. there and russian cuisine, probably gennady koshulev, sawiski, tatyan shilina, igor agafonov of his own, especially for the first channel. in kamchatka, roads were being cleared of dirt; the day before, the klyuchevskoy volcano twice threw ash to a height of up to 11 km. there is a plume of thick smoke over the mountain. hot lava erupted and
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melted the glacier. mudflows began to flow down the slopes. on the highway, on the highways there is a mixture of mud, water and.... 2 weeks ago , scientists say the most powerful stage of the eruption is ending, that’s all for now, we are monitoring the development of the event, the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. the information channel continues to operate. live, this program time will tell, anatoly kuzichev is with you, this is how we agreed in the last part with our colleagues , let’s really talk about the middle east crisis, especially since there are a lot of all sorts of, excuse the harshness, allusions and direct influence on our special a military operation, on you and me, on the whole world in general, what is there, israel continues to attack the gas strip,
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mainly, it just happens to be civilians, yesterday, as a result of an attack on the jebali refugee camp in northern... gaza, they were killed and not injured less than 400 people, it is important here to note that israel once hit this refugee camp, and commented that there was some very important hamasovsky commander there, it was necessary to kill him, well, we showed it yesterday, we won’t do that now once again, i’ll quote, i’ll just tell you, there a representative of the israeli army says, well, yes, you understand, so to speak, this is the tragedy of war, when the correspondent said that there in general you couldn’t help but realize that a lot of civilians would die there , tragedy? war, but they dealt a second blow to the same camp, that is, in general everything is like water , the world there is kind of excited, everyone is walking around, shouting, there are some resolutions being passed in the united nations organization, people are turning their backs during the speech , they leave the hall in protest
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, but they didn’t give a damn, lord, i also have a problem, look, as a result of the second attack on the refugee camp, according to various sources, from 80 to 200 people died, the number of deaths in the gas sector, which is already 26 days exposed to israeli bombing, has grown to almost 9,000 people, as reported, about 3,500 of them are children, the situation is complicated by the lack of water and medicine , people are being operated on without anesthesia, so they make money from these personnel, just like that, well, like that, but you know what the big main problem is, of course , in what is happening, this is passion, this is just some kind of horror, this is a massacre, but the problem is, this is not a problem of someone’s lack of morality, this is a problem, so to speak, well, apparently of human physiology, people are getting used to it little by little and have recovered from the first shock. in general the gas becomes like this well, it’s like they’re wasting away such a routine of some kind of news, it must be the next one and it’s so cruel, well, it doesn’t seem to touch me like that anymore, this is of course this is the most tragic thing in
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everything that’s happening, they’ve already been called collateral victims of this, too, we as people are used to it, look so kirby is speaking and talking about what is happening, they ask him a question, he answers by listening to kirby. from russia and ukraine, unlike what hamas did on october 7, killing civilians is not an israeli military goal. i don't deny that this is is happening now, of course it is happening, it is a tragedy, but the purpose of israeli forces is not to deliberately take the lives of innocent civilians, israel is trying to keep these losses to a minimum. that is, well, like this , you know, dispassionate accountant, you understand what the trick is, comrade journalist, right there, it means it’s not military, but it doesn’t happen, but that’s not the goal, you know, it’s subtlety, but this is, of course, harsh, but uh, i would like to directly emphasize, unlike
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russia, ukraine, unlike the fact that did hamas, is not a military target of israel, i just want it, i don’t even know what to call this person, but how can such, such meanness, such an abomination, i don’t know, tell such a lie, so i want to ask john kirby directly , maybe someone from the american embassy is watching us, well, what do you think, someone... doubts that there will be such a task, as kirby hints at the russian federation, then there would be casualties among the civilian population of ukraine, otherwise, so that there would be no more civilians at all, what are you talking about? you doubt russia’s technical capabilities to produce this, why carry this dirty trick, why be such a scumbag , but they don’t force you, like, or force, force, force, who is vladim vladimirovich, who is forcing him, well, who or? what, how is this possible, unlike russia and ukraine, israel did not have the task of killing civilians, the position of lying to most of the current western american
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propagandists, but they lie openly, calmly, you probably saw this footage here, they probably discussed it yesterday or the day before, how about linsey graham, and the american senator said that israel has no limit on the number of civilian casualties, just as the usa and great britain did not have the usa, great britain and israel, but they don’t, they can kill at least the entire civilian population, and no one has the right to accuse them, this is perverted logic, you think, they have now begun to remember about ukraine, today in the british newspaper tymes, and former british prime minister gordon brown wrote a column: russia should be brought to an international tribunal like nuremberg for war crimes in ukraine.
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the victims of this very thing in a thunderstorm and in the village of a thunderstorm, where until now no one has investigated who shot, why, what am i saying, you understand, he writes this at the very moment when we see just mass casualties, just extermination civilian population, but there it is possible, i say again, when kirby tells us that israel is trying to reduce it to a minimum, but why so many, here it is this column, yes, then it arises, why so many among the child and civilian casualties there in israel, yes, just imagine for a second, in fact, if russia acted like this in ukraine, how many casualties would there be, we are just trying to avoid casualties among the civilian population, we are just trying, unlike, by the way, in ukraine, to hit strictly the military objects, and the west, at least a stake on the head is cheaper there. i’m not talking about not filmed, i’m talking about the fact that if you say so, all sorts of proud browns, if
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our western ones, so to speak, brothers in mind, don’t consider it, then, or they consider something a crime, then it is such, and if they don’t think so, then excuse me, and this, of course , more and more of us, so to speak, from a rhetorical, as it were, from a rhetorical form, forces us to simply ask a specific question. what's the point of talking to these people, felix, i've talked to you a lot, no, no, no, with western politicians who have such approaches, you know, what's the point with them, maybe really. some other human species? no, i believe that it makes no sense to talk with politicians, yes, that is, but it is important for the general information field always understand that the west is in its own bubble of information, so that, for example, excuse me, but it’s just from the west that such a word came to us, which many joyfully picked up and began to rush around with it, and to this day, as if the bags were written off, attention ,
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universal... values ​​and the west was , as it were, a guide, the west represented them and transmitted the general human attention, what does this mean to us, what does it mean? well, that means a killed palestinian is equal to a killed russian, equal to a killed frenchman, equal to a killed american or or there to the killed afghan, this is a person, these are all equal tragedies, but what we see now, but no, but it turns out that no, what happens, it turns out, people are divided into varieties, it turns out that this is the official, so to speak, me i don’t know, the ideology of the west, that there are different types of people, so come up with a term for such a division, but how else to explain this, how else to understand it, you know, if you transfer it to such a chain of argumentation, yes, that is, but because germany is a special country that has
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its own relations with israel, where it’s simple. at all even just thinking and arguing from any angle, something is impossible for them, due to the fact that the german people exterminated 6 million people, yes, that is, this justifies everything, yes, that is, no one can imagine that what -then a refugee can also be bad, because he was subjected to evil violence , from where, yes, that is, this is how we perceive ukrainian refugees, yes, that is, there can be no nationalists, no anti-semes, no, that is, we abound yes people we need ideologically and priori, it’s like dad rimsky at one time in the middle ages handed out these pieces of paper that are released, and you know what it’s called, as i said, we, in accordance with our political priorities, abound with those and denigrate others, that’s what it’s called, there’s a term for it in
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political science, hypocrisy it is called. hypocrisy is very mild, no, in fact, if, please excuse the harshness, but if, due to your political ideas or expediency, yes, circumstances, you abound some, knowing that they are criminals, scum, and denigrate others, you know that they are not guilty of anything, but in general it’s probably called nazism, well , i, i, nazism can be called a lot of things, but i think, okay, the characteristics that i gave are characteristics of what? well, blatantism always presupposes that someone is superhuman, but in my opinion they haven’t reached this point yet when they say that these are not people, despite the fact that the germans now exclude themselves from superhumans on principle, you have a complex, this everything is clear, yes, what you wanted to say, yes, i wanted to say that you are right by definition, but here we are dealing with the worst nazism, religious nazism,
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because you don't really need to study german. his people are identified with the fascists, yeah, you had very good communist figures, you had a red capel , well, what kind of people did you have, who were categorically against hitler and who were put on heliate, that’s the one who is now doing yahoo directed against the jewish people , but in fact the jewish people now, with their ancient history, are identified with the war crime that sahal specifically is committing, this is a big difference, as they say in odessa, one big the difference, there are jews, and there are, excuse me, well, let’s put it this way, and there is no need to equate the two concepts here, right now bebe, yahoo at the moment, referring to ancient history to the moabites, i’m just quoting it to you now, to the amalekites, he quotes these things, he says, we have the right to do this, they killed the chosen blood , sorry, hitler didn’t get to that point, hitler came up with his own black religion, but it was not a christian religion, it was a religion named after hitler, separate, it was a religion named ss, and the german people
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i didn’t sign up for this. in this matter, this is a crime against the jewish people at the moment, it’s strange, colleagues, that you don’t understand this, this is a huge difference, now this is a war crime, which now at this moment said to bomb civilians and refugees, and another thing, i am very surprised that the arabs act in many ways, well, to put it mildly, hesitantly, by blood, their faith, their religion, if people are not animals, they take up arms, go and, that is, it turns out, in order to somehow object to nathanyahu, you really have to go, try something... do something with all those who kill, roughly speaking, like women and children, and the arabs are silent today, but the turks are not silent, no, it’s so interesting in general everything in life, in general everything is very interesting, but no, not yet someone is not silent, by the way, russia is trying to draw the world’s attention to what is currently
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unfolding in the gas sector, but our western partners there in the past loved all these pathetic phrases , yes the largest humanitarian catastrophes, this is what it is, if you have ever tried, i don’t know, tried to comprehend this... term, what is a humanitarian catastrophe? just open any news now, look at the pictures, watch the video and you know, this is what it is , this is a humanitarian catastrophe, and the largest humanitarian catastrophe that russia is trying to attract attention to, and how, this is also, of course, an amazing story, textbooks will talk about this is probably to write, but calls, means to adopt some kind of resolution, declaration, call for a ceasefire, an attempt, no, he says, this is inappropriate, the americans say, this is inappropriate, a ceasefire is the same thing, so to speak, what are you saying? yes, just against the backdrop of this inappropriateness of the ceasefire, the united states began supplying military aid to israel quite large, many countries, in fact, well, not that many of them are understandable, now you can count them on the fingers, well, at most of two hands,
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but after all, yes, it means that they either lowered the level of diplomatic relations, or recalled their ambassadors, for example, colombia, chile, and jordan recalled their ambassadors, boliiya, as i understand it, venezuela said something harsh. the queen of jordan, rania, even so to speak, well, she reprimanded, so you say, they are silent, not everyone, she reprimanded the west for keeping silent about the situation in gas, let's listen to her. the people of the middle east, including jordan, are shocked and disappointed by the reaction of the official world to the catastrophe unfolding before our eyes. the last two weeks have become a blatant example of double standards. when october 7 happened, the whole world was instantaneous. rallied around israel condemned the attack by hamas, but in recent for 2 weeks we were faced with silence from officials. state authorities do not even express their concern, do not acknowledge the extent of the losses, but only declare their support for israel. that is, they tell us that shooting entire families is bad, but
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bombing them is normal, right? this is double standards. we are shocked by this. they are shocked by this. and we, you know, comrades, are accustomed to these same double standards. igor alexandrovich, please. yes. the world is silent, yes, i think no, of course, the world is not silent, well, first of all, you can look, yes, in two guises, yes, this is the official reaction, well, firstly , queen rane, she herself is palestinian, that is , this is still personal, yes, of course, secondly, of course, this is the position of jordan , here are the negotiations, say, between the king of jordan, abdullah and the emir of qatar, and so on, that is, this is all an indicator of what jordan wants to show. which really reacts somehow to this crisis, because it is politically and very difficult, yes, and jordan, it is not ready to host large masses of palestinians, it is very they remember well the black september of the seventieth, seventy-first year, how it turned out, that is, here they are being careful, but
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they need to say something and react somehow, otherwise the arab street will not understand, otherwise there will be destabilization of the internal situation in jordan, for example, that in general it is arab, i apologize for interrupting, but an arab street is enough of a statement, a street is a very serious factor, because everyone remembers the arab spring, everyone remembers the flash mob and so on, and this is all, of course, when possible development scenarios are calculated situations, then all this is taken into account, well, that is, the arab street is enough , there is a statement, the arab street calmly goes to drink there, no, the arab street is the opposite, it reacts very emotionally, supports the palestinians, yes, that is, it is not youthless, and this factor is certainly taken into account by the authorities of arab countries. the next very important point , i want to say that the reaction, say, in the so-called global south to the events that are happening in the israeli-palestinian conflict zone, look at latin america, yes, this the severance of diplomatic relations between bolivia, this
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is a severance of diplomatic relations, there was a corresponding official statement, you have already said about the reaction of colombia and chile, by the way, chile is clear, it has the largest arab population. the diaspora in latin america, on the other hand, the restrained position of the same argentina, where the largest jewish community, 300,000 people, is also generally understandable, but even there there are a variety of protests, including in support of palestine, this is very significant, that in the country of latin america with the largest jewish community, it is still happening, but the performance now means the next moment here. when we talk, now i apologize, now, i just want to understand, these speeches , well, that is, the street needs, so to speak, the street needs something all the time, excuse me , throwing up, like harsh statements that we are not we approve, well, the streets seem to be calming down, so to speak, dispersing
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, while these protests continue, they continue, even in some places they are expanding, growing, which means a recall of their ambassadors, a decline in diplomatic relations there, and so on and so forth, that’s what it is, so to speak, where where, where is the limit of this, this opposition, as if rhetorical for now, but still, you know, this is a very interesting question , in my telegram channel, i recently conducted a survey about possible scenarios for the development of the situation and there was one option. regarding the forecast for the transfer of gas under international control and the deployment there of peacekeepers of international agreement, meaning the parties to the conflict and the warring parties, and 13% of respondents just spoke in favor of this scenario, that this would happen, yes, that is, this is an indicator , now leaks are appearing that the americans are holding intensive consultations with the israelis just on this subject about the possible transfer of gases under inter-female
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control, yeah. when he condemned the actions of israel, but the deceit, you know, is that they separate the military side of the matter from the political, that is , they say that israel deals such blows, because hamas hides behind people as a living count, if you ask my personal opinion, purely personal opinion as an expert, i agree with this. is really covering up, this is true, but when they say, what should the israelis do, how to solve military problems differently, it turns out to be a vicious circle, i say that there is a resolution of the un, the general assembly, which calls for an immediate truce, that is, the way out is very simple, conclude a truce, yes , israel will say, but then we simply freeze the conflict, it turns out that hamas will remain and will continue to strike at israel, but this is where the deceit lies, the problem is that this palestinian problem, as
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the arabs themselves call it, the dalqads or the palestinian question, it must be solved, that is, the current one, it is solvable, it is solvable, it is solvable, of course, and with on the other hand, the palestinians are being solved, because in the west they say that this is impossible, so this is the cunning, why, because here we cannot do without inter-wife guarantees, the israelis will always say, then we are losing strategically, not publicly, of course, then we are losing its strategic... depth, because in the widest section, that means israel is 135 km, in total, this is the maximum , we will lose it, look at the map, we can see everything here in the studio, look, the west bank, yes, gaza is a completely small area, yes , here is not independent in economic terms, well, the western coast is independent, so look at what can happen, but this problem , current events show, will still have to be solved, our president, when he speaks, yes about what needs to be solved in
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accordance with the decision, the un, yes, about the creation, as he says, a full-fledged, independent palestinian state, what he means is that we need to get out of this vicious circle only in combination, with military issues and political issues, yes, there is no other option, the vicious circle must, of course, be broken, but don’t run along it, let’s say you mentioned the street, but the street, the street is not only in arab countries, in general in europe the street has become very lively, so to speak, that means , according to look, we’ll move on to this step by step now, according to the survey, which conducted by the german institute for public opinion research, insa is called, the majority of germans surveyed do not want to accept migrants from islamic countries anymore, they were scared, let’s see, and by the way, tucker carlos spoke out the other day, he’s like, you know, thoughtful a tweet published says this: start a new war, send millions more anti-western refugees to the west, are you starting to notice it’s natural? i would say, but it seems to me that the right word is here, not
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to the west, to europe, that’s the key thing to say, the trick and in general, like the key plot, seems to me to be what is happening, so he sits, thoughtful, so start a new war and send millions more refugees to europe, an interesting plan, but it looks like a plan, well, really, but how else can we understand it, boris pistorius is the minister of defense of germany, you also understand, it cannot be said that, so to speak, he calmly looks at everything that is happening, he is also afraid, that’s what he says, please, we need to get used to the idea that a threat of war may arise in europe, germany must be able to protect ourselves, we must be prepared for war, conflicts in the middle east in ukraine will have consequences in german society, we must, as he said, get used to the idea that there may be a threat of war in europe, germany must be able to protect itself by paying... attention, if i understand correctly, in the context of what they were talking about, we are not talking about
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the terrible russia that is now coming to berlin, no, we are talking about this war that will come to europe, here we remember tucker’s tweet. survey of germans, but i think i think it’s too late, i don’t know, however, it’s with us now the connection goes straight vladimir sergienko, our chief expert on germany, hello, are you definitely in berlin, i’m looking at the mosque over your right shoulder, yes, yes, i have a mosque, i’m in berlin, you know, this is the kreuzberg district, i i'm near the metro. from the tuor bus 3 km to potzdam arlats, where they dispersed - a demonstration just recently about the palestinians is twice prohibited, this is if you go straight , right now i’m going there in the direction of potzdamer, if i go left, then literally in a kilometer i will reach a place that is jewish
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the german council has recognized it as dangerous for jews, i confirm, it is better not to go there, with elements of judaism, confession of religion, in particular, because uh, for kipu, for makin david, you see, i have a metro, codebaser, catbaser, this is a quarter , here, of course, there are poor people, not counting, there are a lot of migrants, well, there are a lot of germans and artists who rent an apartment on the cheap, but right now i’m walking in the direction of somewhere in the neighborhood where jews are not recommended to appear, this true, that is it’s really true, and the street dictates its terms, no matter what anyone says, you understand when pistorius speaks. oh directly - well, that we need to prepare for war, uh, the german ministry of defense has no right to take part in dispersing migrants who are very active, even the build couldn’t stand it, it posted a video in which it clearly expresses migration roots, young guys say, that they really want
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hitler to return and the jews need to go to the gas chamber, how will history deal with them, they don’t speak good german, this is monstrous, because the dissonance between the statements of politicians, the financing of palestine by the hidden financing of hamas, that is, even annalena burbock says that hamas should not exist, hamas will not exist, hamas practically rules in palestine in gaza, at the same time she says that they finance gas, well, excuse me, if you know that they rule there, then how can you finance it, this dissonance is enough. i want to say that vice-canon of germany habeck posted on twitter video, how for me it relativizes narratives, while inciting discord, because the expression is putin’s friends, it’s not that i ’m personally friends with putin, so anyone can be branded, i want nord stream 2 restored, i’m a friend of putin, i don’t want so that
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the germans and leopards supply weapons to ukraine, i will be a friend of putin, and so he said that putin’s friends are clearly not friends of the jews, etc. germany, i believe that this is inciting strong hatred, you know, on the one hand, they declare work against anti-semitism, about what should not be allowed, so who will somehow dispute this, they say that terrorism is unacceptable, yes it is unacceptable, but you understand, they immediately stuck on how putin could take photographs with representatives of hamas and iran, i am quoting the vice-chancellor of germany , you understand how they set fire to the oil, we are good, we have a responsibility to the jewish people, because we are nazis. i see, nazi germany, because that’s where it’s further, this is the street that leads to the quarter that the jewish council does not recommend visiting, germany, listen, wait, here you are, you mentioned about the street, which dictates its own laws, please tell us what it’s like on the street, well, that is, in the broad sense of the word, do people go out, what are
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the main slogans there, what do they want, in general, what they demand, what they say, who has complaints against whom, one of these, well, yes, there is also , everything is there, one of these main, you know, chants on the street is freedom for palestine, it is constantly shouted, a very important point , not everything comes down to migrants, you don’t know, you know, it’s not some kind of turkish migrant workers, not those who came from iran, iraq, syria and egypt there, no. these are not only muslims, the most extreme far-right left bloc directly joined the protest, this is a black bloc, people who set fire to, if you remember, hamburg, when it looked like after the bombing, this is the most aggressive cell in europe that exists, they also joined to protests and demand freedom for palestine,
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the difference is this, the street knows from the internet what is happening in reality, there with the refugee camp that was bombed, it knows what number of victims. children, that is, no, the conversation is not about condemning, not condemning terrorism, but talking about stopping the bloodshed, but the official position of the government, we must express full solidarity and the state, israel , condemn terrorism, that is, this dissonance specifically in the informational sense, it’s clear, well, you know, this is not, i would say that this is for germany, at least, the dissonance is not so familiar, but already precedent, you remember the famous formula of berbak, yes, i say whatever these same ones, as the voters call them, didn’t want it, i know what needs to be done, that’s it , volodya, i’m sorry, we already have, thank you very much, an excellent report, yes, thank you very much, an excellent report, interesting, picturesque. you know, such moments, when volodya walked there between, past the houses, remember, painted, covered with something spit on, for some reason i just wanted to hug sobyanin, okay, that’s later,
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thank you very much, vladimir, vladimir vladimirovich was in direct contact with us, sergienko, and now another term that, one more word, remember, double standards, here is rania, queen of jordan, yes she says, double standards, we say in shock, you would benefit from working with double standards. you wouldn’t be shocked, double standards, you know, this is a strategy, it’s like, well , this is the style and methodology of their life, western excuse me, this is not some kind of kremlin propaganda, this is a fact, look , two headlines from the atlantic, a serious publication, everything is as it should be, may 27 , 2022, decolonize russia, headline, october 27, just the other day
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twenty-third year, about decolonization is dangerously wrong, are you serious, but the authors are different, and the authors are different, well, okay, washed, but you want one author, and two very different statements, then the author sounds very beautiful, international olympic committee, which means this is the same one, but why, i’m doing everything consistently now, which means i could have reacted. on what is happening and released my own, i don’t know how, well , i released something, in general, an appeal, there is a paper, a fatwa, i don’t know, let’s listen, athletes cannot be held responsible for actions their governments, if there is discriminatory behavior by an athlete or official against representatives of israel, could work with the relevant national olympic committee and international federation to ensure prompt action is taken, come on: athletes cannot be held responsible for the actions of their governments, if
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discrimination occurs. guys, please, the same one, as you say, there’s a different author, here ’s the same author, so about russian athletes, which means unconditional support for ukraine, ukrainian athletes, sanctions against athletes, wait a minute, against athletes from russia, but how can i and i not be held responsible for the actions of the government. i don’t know, igorsanovich, but this is probably the reason why they can still compete under the white olympic flag, and israel can perform under their own, you know, i want you to, this is such a perverted interpretation, but it is consistently implemented, well, wait, what's the logic, where's the logic? direct, that is, we have not yet completely excluded russian athletes, albeit because they
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are responsible for their abilities. cannot be held responsible for their government's acts of discrimination? because because you are russian, i am continuing this topic, that’s why, very briefly, there is such a paradigm , it’s called the paradigm of liberalism in international relations, these are not just words, and even us president wilson put forward at one time in 1900 in the eighteenth year, that is, relations between states, as between people, that is, there is good and evil, there are good, there are bad, and israel , since it is perceived as a western outpost, yes , that is, a priori, it belongs to the good, no, it is good, not like one of our own, i cannot say, that he belongs to everyone, this is not true, but he is good, that is, yes, he makes mistakes , yes, he sometimes doesn’t listen, so to speak, yes, which history, by the way, also shows, yes, israel, by the way, is far from even s-they always listen, but still, yes, in this
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paradigm of liberalism, yes liberal, he fits into the concept of good, of course, but if he’s bad, he can perform the right actions sometimes, but he’s still bad , you know, here we are now, and the laws don’t apply to bad people, you know, what’s the matter, there are no laws, there’s expediency, yes , that is, expediency, this is not a concept, it is expediency, yes, that is, this is what is happening now, this is actually a crisis of this liberalism, yes, that is, it turns out that now those people who believed in it are faced with yourself at home, you're right we noticed that it’s not just an arab street. this is all now happening as a return from all this negative, yes, that is, now a certain situation has arisen, and it has been brewing for a very long time, 75 years, and even maybe more, yes, but now there is another culmination, but not for the first time, yes , but here it is happening, you said a crisis
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, but this behavior, yes, it is very explainable within the framework of this paradigm, even i said not even double standards, this is a differentiated approach, yes, that is, here it is, but here so, as one of our people said, i don’t remember, maybe even valery linish, novodvorsky, when they say democracy there in the nineties, they say it like that, it’s only for democrats, well done, you understand, please, not in this regard here now you can remember many such decisions, for example, remember when our tennis players were required to sign a declaration of neutrality at major tournaments, yes, now the organizer of these same tournaments will propose, and you will require israeli athletes to sign similar declarations that they say we do not we supported that means they didn’t participate there, although mind you, they were all liable for military service, in fact, yes, and you understand what kind of noise will arise, oh , you are anti-semites and so on, against the russians, you can, so felix started because, yes, well because that you are russians, that’s all, and most importantly, when they started right now in a row from biden,
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many european figures said there, including in germany. we cannot allow these anti-semitic and anti-islamic sentiments to be taken out onto the street; this cannot be allowed, mind you, at least some of them have once expressed concern about the russophobic sentiments being dispersed by the image, no, this is possible , that is, i say again, this is really the same division into good and bad, into the state a priori guilty and a priori innocent, because yes, they may be bastards, but they are ours. bastards, listen, we entered this rotten clique of our own free will in 1991, that’s the truth, but what is it, i understand, you can there - condemn me a little for these maybe harsh words, not even harsh, but unfair, but it’s as if europe is still enlightened, coffee shops on the streets, this rotten claaka with coffee shops on the streets, with all the attributes, so to speak, of such a beautiful , cozy life, rotten, vile claaka, but
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at least judging by what they do, what they do, how they think. differently, but how else , and we got into it, of our own free will, well, i don’t know, but how we got out of it now, that’s interesting, i can say that in this case the world has already gone so far that i don’t i want the form that the worse the better, but in theory, what’s going on in europe now is very much in question, europe’s combat capability and readiness are the same germany, ask to supply leopard a6 tanks, and not only to the eastern front. how to feel about this, well, we have nothing to do with this, in principle this does not concern us as russians, but the fact is that, excuse me, felix, there are now many millions of turks in your germany who feel absolutely in solidarity with what was happening on the streets of istanbul literally 2 days ago, then the fact that in france, as familiar to me as vladimir’s germany, about 20 million citizens are of muslim origin, even if not they profess islam, they will not stay in the country,
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because i will tell you one more fact, now dear colleagues, oh yes. on the streets of paris they have already begun to draw magendovids, six-pointed stars, in places where jews live compactly, yes, yes, yes, we saw this, and in this regard, naturally, one step away from the muhammad of the world, who killed jewish children, and upon leaving from a synagogue, a jewish school at the synago several years ago, and then you know, anatoly, there was an essay in a french school, like specifically french children react to the muhammad of the world, why are we always talking about the germans, what about the poor germans, why did they do so wrong, and that the french are better, or what? gas chambers, by the way, were not in germany, in france, so muslims, french, or french muslims, whatever, many felt their solidarity at school with what the muhammad of the world did seriously, wrote essays about it, yes, openly , the teachers were a little surprised, about this, or maybe they weren’t surprised, you understand that specifically the people who saw off their heads to the teachers after the lesson, the french teacher simply doubted
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that france was responsible for the murder, i beg your pardon, of algerian muslims. general golitheus is carrying when he conquered algeria, and after the lesson they sawed off his head, took it, sawed it off with a knife, well, not children, one of the parents is there, so you understand which ones are about to begin or may begin, let's be careful with the words and maybe start, we understand, but you know what, friends, please bring out these surveys, as they are called from germany, yes, now we have 20 seconds, so felix will simply say in one sentence, what do you think, felix, look, are the israpel demonstrations scary, and should we stop accepting migrants? yes, the majority answers, isn’t it too late, i think it’s too late, because of this, for example, the journal now has 50 theses, yes, what we germans are holding on to, what we... don’t want to change, yes, that is, i think that for now we’ll bury our heads in the sand, it doesn’t matter, because it’s too late, well
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, that’s it, advertising on channel one, the proletariat must not only call for revolution, but first of all go to it, revolution cannot be scheduled for a certain day or hour, the force of an inevitably growing catastrophe, with a revolutionary slogan, train them in martial arts, keep them under arms, there is a revolutionary proletarian mass, the skill is necessary at the same time , throughout russia, bring this mass to the streets and unite with a common cry, period. trodsky, watch the time after the program, any religion mixed with blood is a monster that sooner or later devours
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own children, you think, feed us to him, and he will calm down, bourbon beersman, a product of the stellar group, i decree, assign the title of hero. ukraine with the award of the order of the banderi power to stepanov. stepan bandera's father was a ukrainian greek catholic priest. and he, of course, was integrated into the church structure, which was permeated with hostility to russia. he was quite flawed, sickly, short, his hands somehow dragged behind him. and such people, as a rule, of course, experience an inferiority complex. the guys from bandera's security they said with indignation that he beat his wife, or else kicked her.... her stomach when she was pregnant. when a child grows up in an atmosphere of violence, this becomes a kind of permission to be used. as a child in his youth, he had
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the nickname koshkodav. avver actually took ukrainian nationalists under his wing. moreover , this came directly from bandera. on august 29-30, 1943, i massacred and shot over 15,000 civilians. the german troops were amazed at the cruelty they saw from bandera. bandera diagnosis, today on the first. rum castra is a product of the stellar group. imagine if suddenly, we, all the doctors, ended up wearing red, like this. or better, as usual, in blue, or maybe in green, how color affects us, who it makes winners, who losers, how quickly we recover
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depending on what walls we look at, we will answer this and many other questions it’s great to live in the program, tomorrow is the first one. my russia will say yes, and we are united forever, like the sun, air and water, all in the forest, the most russian hee will wash away the sad soul, and let my heart ache for those whom i do not ask, for me, to breathe and believe with a wounded heart, yes, this is my fight, for the last one. my pain, even if it’s bad, my fight, until
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the brass knuckles are fire, the heart beats and decides, goes to the strength in the chest, our eternal memory, i am russian, i go to the end, shaman, russian, premiere november 4, on the first, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, i'm leaving to look for you, serial killers are divided into four different types, according to their motivations, one way or another, they kill because of love. you, probably, the writer sent a request to him, they don’t have such an employee, but do you
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know igor well? you don’t drink coffee, girls, no, you scare me, i love you, let me go, it hurts, don’t come here anymore, what do i like? the territory will soon be on the first, maybe the tail will hang behind him, let’s wait, his head is now full of others, you know, i still can’t get it out of my head, well, it’s clear, at the level
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of such formulas, well, everything is clear, this same thomas bach comes home in the evening, his wife is there, what do you do there in the evening? well, have a beer, they are pouring something, listen, tomos, how does this happen, why is this, and then edok, what does he answer her? well, he must answer something, well, he must answer something inside his head somehow, so that it is not contradictory, so as not to go crazy? riddle, news on channel one. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. vladimir putin today signed a law
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revoking russia's ratification of the comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty. the corresponding document is posted on the official portal of legal information, and this means that we are no longer bound by obligations that the united states never began to undertake. russia at one time showed goodwill and indicated its desire to make its contribution to global security, but there was no response from washington. this means, as vladimir putin said at a meeting of the valdai discussion club. we can behave in a mirror way. after this, the law on revoking ratification quite quickly passed three readings in the state duma, then it was supported by the federation council. today document signed by the president. i will add that withdrawal of ratification does not mean automatic withdrawal from the treaty. russia will continue to comply with its obligations. in the united states , tests of the miniman-3 intercontinental ballistic missile failed. it had to be blown up in flight over the pacific ocean. carried out to show the reliability
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of american nuclear weapons, this is how they passed the test, after a forced explosion , the remains of the rocket sank in the water. the armed forces were silent at first, and then referred to some anomaly, because of which everything happened. the united states has four hundred such missiles, each allegedly capable of carrying up to three nuclear warheads and flying at a distance of up to 12,000 km. by the way, the united states warned our country in advance about the tests, as required by bilateral... fierce clashes broke out again in the gaza strip today between israeli army forces and hamas militants. the group's combat wing reported attacks on tanks and armored vehicles, and islamic jihad reported a missile attack on a concentration of israeli military personnel. in its turn tel aviv announced a breakthrough of the hamas defense line in the north of the enclave. the troops are conducting an offensive on gas
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, bombing the immediate vicinity of the alkutsk hospital, where 1,400 people are taking refuge. the aljazeera tv channel reports that shells also exploded in the vicinity of the school, there were casualties and new shelling in the area where the refugee camp is located, which was subjected to rocket attacks from israel, there are almost 200 dead, this is the data of the palestinian side, unicef ​​is the un children's fund, called the incident a massacre, in the administration of the supreme commissioner for human rights stated that the blockade and gas attacks on residential areas are war crimes. our permanent representative to the un, vasily nebendya, called for an early end to the bloodshed, emphasizing that the world we do not deny israel the right to fight terrorism, but fight terrorists, not the civilian population, otherwise you yourself stand on the side of evil and act with its own methods. today it is necessary to immediately cease fire to stop the bloodshed. it would seem that this should be obvious to everyone. it's a pity that our western colleagues on the security council
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continue. the adoption by the council of urgent actions aimed at quickly normalizing the situation, first of all, a ceasefire. let me remind you that due to the position of the united states, safbisoon has still not been able to adopt a resolution with an urgent demand for a ceasefire in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone, meanwhile, the number of deaths as a result of attacks on the gaza strip has approached 9,000, more than 20,000 injured, medical assistance the amount of gas supplied to everyone is not enough - he said red cross, we need 5-10 times more medicine, this is how our foreign ministry assesses the situation. the situation there continues to develop according to an extremely negative scenario, against the background of the escalation of hostilities, the scale of the humanitarian disaster is growing, this is a disaster, that’s when you hear the phrase humanitarian disaster in the zone of the palestinian-israeli conflict, not for a day or a month, it is just unfolding, and if not
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drastic steps will be taken to de-escalate the situation, it will have consequences for years and decades, we continue to actively work with israeli, egyptian, palestinian authorities. every day, several times a day , we maintain contacts with the ambassadors of egypt and israel in moscow, as well as relevant international organizations in order to begin evacuation measures as quickly as possible. now about how the special operation is going, today our ministry of defense reported that the russian army immediately prevented six attempts by the enemy to bring reinforcements to the front line. our artillery destroyed vehicles, as well as a large number of ukrainian fighters. heavy flamethrower systems worked in places where manpower accumulated. and army aviation, as well as missile forces and artillery, strikes were carried out at the locations of three ukrainian brigades at once, enemy losses per day here alone amounted to 200 people, and personnel from the ministry of defense of the zaporozhye direction, our reconnaissance officers
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discovered a german leopard tank, which moved to an attack position , however, this combat vehicle did not last long, the tank was destroyed by the drone operator, after the impact a detonation occurred, the kit and video from under the kremyana snake gorynich destroys the ukrainian opornik, such a meteorite rocket launcher is capable of destroying any fortified dugout, since the charge contains about 700 kg of explosives and is excellent not only for clearing mines in the area, but also for eliminating enemy positions. and now about the heroes of the soviet union, who 85 years ago wrote their names in the history of domestic aviation, the legendary pilots valentin... grizadubova, polina osipenko and marina raskova were the first women to receive gold stars. high rewards for flights from moscow to the far east. they covered 6,500 km in 26.5 hours, setting a world record. almost the entire flight took place in extremely difficult conditions at the limit of capabilities. yuri sherbakov
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will remind you how it was. this is not just courage, this is exceptional courage. even making a decision to land in the taiga requires a hero for that. september 1938, early morning , a long-range bomber with the name rodina takes off from an airfield in shchelkovo near moscow, destination komsomolsk-on-amur, on board a female crew, ship commander valentina grizodubova, co-pilot polina osipenko and navigator marina roskovo. before takeoff , the aircraft designers thoroughly strengthened the landing gear, removed all military equipment in favor of adding additional fuel tanks, installed the most modern, most powerful engines at that time, in a word, they did everything to the maximum. in order for the record flight to be accomplished. and immediately the difficult weather, overcast, squally wind, rain with snow and difficult weather conditions had to gain an altitude of almost 7,500 m. from the logbook, the temperature outside was -50°, in the cockpit
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-thirty. the inside of the cabin was icy from the outside. the radio station failed, marina raskova tried to restore it, but nothing worked, and besides, she opened the astro hatch so that... try to follow the stars, although there were clouds there, but the map was lost, i don’t know what the clouds are hiding, it’s dangerous , it’s impossible to determine the direction and strength of the wind in order to correct the route, the next almost 3,000 km the flight was blind, from the logbook we reached okhotsk the sea, seeing the shantar islands in the clearing, the pilots realized that their destination was left behind, the alarm light came on, there was half an hour of fuel left, we couldn’t make it to the airfield, we had to make an emergency landing in the taiga. it was unsafe to land, so i gave a note to marina mikhalovna roskova, from the navigator of our flight, that she needed to leave the plane. roskova landed safely, and a few
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minutes later, thanks to gryazodubova’s skill, the plane landed on the overgrown lake with virtually no damage. that is, the plane actually lost its orientation and no one knew whether they were alive, dead, landed or not. and therefore. expedition, it was carried out over an area of ​​15 million km. the search continued for 10 long days, all this time the entire soviet union was monitoring the fate of the brave pilots. found. alive. the crew set a women's world record for flight distance: 6,450 km in 26.29 minutes; the girls returned home by train at every station and were greeted as real heroes. an example for millions. 60 years later , a memorable flight took place with the participation of two russian-american female crews. one of the planes was flown by someone who admired the high skill of piloting. mud-oak. i'm always surprised by the equipment. then it was, well, it’s so minimal, it’s so impossible to fly with such equipment, so as not only not to
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get lost, but at least just to find your way around. on november 2, 1938, the crew of the rodina aircraft were awarded the gold stars of heroes of the ussr; valentina grizadubova, polina osipenko and marina raskova became the first women to receive this highest state award. thank you to all the soviet people for your care and attention. for hot meetings, comrades, we are happy to report that the crew’s task completed the plane homeland. yuri sherbakov, ekaterina beloova, oleg krupen, alexey belov, inesa mezhivalova, channel one. an adventure movie with a plot that captivates you from the first minutes, and the ending is unpredictable until the last moment. today , the film nowhere man, a mixture of detective, thriller and science fiction, is being released in wide release. a hero, a soviet cosmonaut, on a top-secret mission, he flies into orbit, but
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finds himself in a distant future for him, how did he get to the present day, why does the girl he meets in moscow seem to him very familiar, riddles and puzzles at every step, and love and humor help you solve them. pavel matveev knows whether he will be able to reveal the secret of time travel; he has already seen the movie. are you 89 years old? i don't remember. nowhere can be called trivial, for starters, this is a film about a soviet cosmonaut without the usual heroic pathos, according to the script even before gagarin, someone named kim flies to the stars. 30 seconds, the flight is normal, all indicators are normal, but we don’t even have time to understand whether he is a good astronaut; a sudden collision with meteorite, after which tim appears to the viewer in 2023, outwardly the same as he was, but with memory loss, where am i? this is a special hospital. and then a detective story begins, or a thriller, in general, something
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risky with chases. he who does not risk his life will not gain it. we must go through adventures together with the main character and figure out why such a story happened to him, who, who is watching this, who? this is some kind of game, this is a show, what is it? what is written on the movie poster from... sounds in the movie and sounds in advertising videos, everything you see is not what it seems, the point is that the script is invented in such a cunning way that the viewer watches the film, then it turns out that it is not what he sees, well, somehow so cunningly, another feature is that the hero was played by alexander metelkin, who was born after the collapse of the ussr, that is , he did not even experience perestroika. according to the actor, at first they wanted to create the image of a man from the sixties, but they unanimously abandoned the ideas, soviet - so to speak,
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man, they are a little, they have a melody of speech it was different, so we figured it out, then we realized that we didn’t need to do that, but we didn’t directly give a soviet person, but that would be ridiculous, i’m not a soviet person, it would be a parody, arkasha is kim, like a kardashian , communist youth international. well, and love, of course, where would we be without it? the only thing kim barely remembers is the image of the girl he fell in love with; meanwhile, she’s either not her, or she’s not the same, it’s also unclear until the end, she lives in modern moscow at the same address, but alas, he doesn’t remember kim, dasha, dasha, and you sorry, anyone, this path from feeling rejected to unfamiliar.
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who burst into your house, to the feeling of an absolutely close person nearby, this is the path of love, this is the only hint that is appropriate here, and only because such a story simply could not help but end well, and for the rest of the answers, go to the cinema. pavel matveev, maya emelyanova, veronika ilvuchenova, alexander isaev, dmitry remizov, channel one. the klyuchevskoy volcano in kamchatka has emitted a new column of ash. the train dropped to a hundred. 30 km and climbed a height of 11 km, this means that there is a threat to aircraft, the ministry of emergency situations has declared a red cat of aviation danger, if the wind changes direction, ash may fall in residential areas. but the work of the emergency services has already been increased by mud flows that poured onto one of the busy highways, all because of the hot lava from the volcano, it melted the glacier, the movement, however, was quickly restored, now kryuchevskaya is calming down, the most powerful phase, according to scientists, is already behind. and that’s all for now, we are monitoring developments, and the information channel one will continue the program “big
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game”. nikonov, good afternoon, vladimir putin held an important meeting on economic issues, named a number of very important figures for our country, well, firstly, the economy, it is already growing, ours this year by 2.8%, and in the last 2 months economic growth of more than 5%, real... this allows us to say that we have already reached the level of economic development that was recorded before the start of the special military operation, that is, despite all the sanctions, the russian the economy has taken off and is demonstrating, well, at least if we take it by european standards, the highest rates of economic
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growth, and putin noted as positive... the moment of reducing imports into our country, these are the words he said, let’s listen, let me emphasize that we must be prepared for the fact that western sanctions pressure will intensify. yes, over the past years they, our so-called partners, have already adopted countless packages of sanctions, they themselves have practically become entangled in these sanctions, sanctions, trying... to prove in the end, as we see, this is a completely obvious thing, as can be seen from the statistics , they hit their own economy, their jobs, now in their fantasies they simply reach the point of absurdity, you know this too, dear colleagues, they propose to ban imports into russia screwdrivers, needles and so on, but
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the less junk, the better, perhaps, the less chance that bed bugs will be exported to us from large... me cities. well, this is a subtle hint to paris, where bedbugs have now become a big problem, especially on the eve of the olympics games. well, i must say that sending junk to other places is now active, since it is not in russia, so an american military expert and retired us navy officer, donald bremer, made such a valuable confession. let's listen, there are concerns not only about the us building up its nuclear capabilities, but about the huge amount of weapons that we are sending to ukraine and now israel, which undoubtedly affects our own stockpiles, as far as you think the us itself ready for war, perhaps even on several fronts. necessary understand that the aid packages that we
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send to israel and ukraine are two completely different things. israel has extremely powerful and advanced defenses. production base, which ukraine does not have, but in most cases we send equipment from existing reserves, that is , we are talking about aging equipment and this becomes a convenient way for us to update our arsenals, and in addition, it has a very beneficial effect on maintaining the build-up of defense manufacturing base of the us itself, each of these aid packages provides jobs, helping our industry and our technological development. it’s going to ukraine, but i don’t know if itf16 belongs to this category. which, according to some ukrainian reports, have already begun to arrive on the territory of ukraine in disassembled form through poland, well , in fact, there may be different options here; they could actually have already begun to supply something, although in their place i would not do this, given the speed of shooting down ukrainian aircraft, now with our anti-aircraft systems
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defense, on the other hand, in these conditions, ukraine needs some kind of prodigy that can change something, so i do not rule out that now it will explain the situation with the sf-16 in general and the general situation on the svo fronts, yuri ivanovich, good afternoon, good afternoon, well, yes, there is such an information flow, it contains such information, f16, supposedly several pieces have already been delivered to the territory of ukraine and should be completed somewhere, it is unknown where yet, to be honest, i’m not sure if this is true or no, it doesn't really matter, let's do it let's hypothetically suggest, assume that they are already here, that what they can change , in fact, nothing in principle, especially with the latest events, when today ukrainian telegram channels published fragments of our long- range anti-aircraft missiles, which shoot down... deep, deep in inside their so-called airspace, respectively, f16 , which is fundamentally incapable of conducting air combat, well, it can simply deliver some kind of
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missile closer to the front, and accordingly launch it, it is not fundamentally different from those planes that, for example, ukraine has and, of course, are head and shoulders below ours , for example, even the same 135 that now controls the airspace of ukraine, that is, they are not capable of conducting an air battle, accordingly, they will not change anything fundamentally, but the only thing, indeed, you are absolutely right, the task of this noise is to convince your soldiers that not everything is lost, that you need to endure a little more in order to achieve something there, although in my opinion, now the most fashionable topic in ukrainian patriotic publics has become the posting of vidne, when the ukrainian military, you know, are saying that everything, everything is lost, our war is essentially lost, and we have all already lost faith that there will be any success, and even very ardent supporters and admirers say this... azov people , the leaders of this criminal organization, that is, as if here you can already trust them, but what’s new today on the fronts
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of the svo, well, you know, from the new i would say, important news, again continuing that from the new, this is the news that yesterday there was, you know, yesterday there was also an indicative moment that it was no accident that the destruction eight stormshadow cruise missiles that were flying towards ... sevastopol, yesterday the enemy tried to repeat this attack and with exactly the same result, five missiles were shot down and three were most likely landed by our reb systems, this, by the way, is also very good, because they got two us, well, spare parts, accordingly we will study them and then we will be able to work more effectively against these missiles, and this is the second case in a row of the massive use of these missiles unsuccessful for the enemy, which shows that they have these prodigies for... which they still positioned themselves in this way, in connection with this, at the front there is now an intensification of military operations in our favor, for example, the kupinsky
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direction, for the first time in a week , advances were noted, that is, the front began to come to life again, because the weather had improved, the same very remarkable moment in the artyomovsk direction, if earlier the enemy tried to attack the city to the south and the northern and western cities, then yesterday we attacked along this entire line of combat contact, the same thing on... direction, we are probing positions deep into the enemy’s defenses, i think that forward movements here should also be expected, well, the enemy is noticing the advance of our troops in the ugledar direction and there are oncoming battles in the zaporozhye sector. yes, thank you very much, ivanovich podalyaka, our permanent military expert, as always, with an accurate analysis of the situation on the fronts. but not only ukrainian military personnel and azov fighters, but also the supreme commander, say that things are going badly. commander-in-chief of zaluzhny, he gave interview with the economist magazine, let's listen to what he said there. russia cannot be underestimated; for a long time it will
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have superiority in weapons, equipment, missiles and ammunition, its defense industry is increasing production volumes, despite unprecedented sanctions. the war is moving into a new stage, in military affairs we call this a positional war, this is beneficial to russia, as it allows it to restore its military power. we will have a deep and beautiful breakthrough sooner. we won’t achieve everything, but to get out of such a war ukraine's armed forces need key military capabilities and technologies. drones must be part of our answer: ukraine must conduct massive strikes using decoy attack drones that can overload russian air defense systems. we also need greater access to allied electronic intelligence. another challenge is mine clearance technologies. even western supplies, such as norwegian mine-clearing tanks and rocket launchers, proved insufficient given the scale of russian mines. fields. my final priority is building up reserves. our ability to prepare reserves on our own territory is limited. we cannot spare the soldiers sent to the front. moreover, russia may strike training centers. in
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addition, there are gaps in our legislation that allow citizens to evade fulfilling their duties. a positional war is a protracted war that carries enormous risks for ukraine. in fact, give, give, give, there is nothing, everything is bad. and look, ukraine is even in favor of the debate. with the beginning of the military-civil conflict, and even during these almost 10 months of this year, which the special military operation has been conducting, they have created absolutely nothing in their ukraine, on their territory, this suggests that the insolvent kiev regime today is supported exclusively artificially only by the account of funds of the european union, nato countries and the united states of america, and what they have, that is, this is the story that two told about. they launched missiles, these missiles were not only shot down, but captured by our reps, they are already part of our
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research, says exactly that laboratory... laboratory exercises , which uh, let's say, set tasks for their implementation on the territory of ukraine, the anglo-saxon world and the united states of america, failed in the literal sense of the word, the supply of f16 aircraft, with which i first met on max -1 in 2011, it just clearly shows that these planes are not maneuverable, yes, they will go astray even better than those mig 29 that are on the territory, so i once again have very big doubts what the americans will deliver such easy targets for our air defense systems. dmitry olegovich astrakhon, a news columnist, is now in direct contact with us, working in the artyomovsk direction, where ukraine tried to take at least some revenge for the loss of this city. dmitry olegovich, good afternoon, the floor is yours. good afternoon, in the artyomovsk direction there is now an intensity of ukrainian
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attacks. are coming to naught, these are, first of all , no longer attempts at some kind of breakthrough or large-scale offensives, this is what is called squeezing out the survival of positions, they began apply gradually - injections from copters, tear gas grenades, in order to make positions, well, in order to force our military to come out of cover and in order to make the position less suitable for finding, naturally, this works in conjunction with artillery. in addition, there are cases of targeted hunting of comikat drones for fpvs, drones for evacuation vehicles, and in this way they are trying to gradually survive positions. at the moment it is already our side, our troops are gradually beginning to squeeze out ukrainian militants from their position and conduct offensive operations in the arrtyom direction. yes, thank you very much, this is dmitry astrakhan, izvestia columnist. well,
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indeed, you will agree that the amount of materials that are now published in the western media about ukrainian failures is simply off the charts. there was a basement article from time magazine, which said that zelensky is the only person who already believes that ukraine will win on the battlefield, this interview with zaluzhny, who in general, it can be regarded as panicky, and this article does not even say that he is the supreme commander-in-chief of the ukrainians. a high-ranking ukrainian general, that is, what we have always talked about, that russia has unconditional priority in military terms and in relation to ours, in relation to the air, in relation to the production base, the creation of more and more new weapons systems, now this is all starting already develop into quality, our quantity will clearly turn into quality, and
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this... is like a special military operation a new stage is brewing, especially since all the attention of the west has now switched to the middle east, where the situation is becoming more and more acute, more about this after the advertisement. olaf scholz disappeared from the public sphere for a long time; they say he simply fell and injured his eye. an absolute apperett position that will allow those german forces to turn their heads . intend to come to power through constitutional means, we will continue to support ukraine with money, humanitarian aid, more than 150 billion euros have been stolen, we support israel in protecting its own country, an absolutely dependent person, but whoever he serves , the usa, bilderberger, none of them wants a strong sovereign germany, mr. scholz is doing an excellent job with his responsibilities, he is finishing off the german economy, biden has the leverage to force
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scholt . follow the american track. german tanks must stop the russians. germany shot itself in the foot, but it went well. now they will shoot themselves in the head. olaf scholz, puppet chancellor. dolls, heir to tutti. today is the first one. сnop gin, product stelar group. carry me recal, he sang the most important song for me, at our first acquaintance , i personally had no opportunity to guess the future folk artist, these are the guys from our yard, this style is closer to me, that is, such an intimate conversation with the audience, first rehearsal, the boss is irritated, he just goes to the microphone, just the first words are spoken, my whole world has turned upside down, the thoughtful
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rastorguevskys, so to speak, let's go, we'll go, we'll ride, the audience loves, the ensemble loves, they love, they love these songs, they love them know sing together, i am very grateful to the viewer for the fact that these 30-odd years, they have been with us, god willing, everything will be fine in our future, i drew a cat for you there, i know that you love them, who doesn’t like them, the premiere of the documentary lyuba, lyuba, november 4, at the first, well, everything is fine, the team is friendly, the work is interesting. what , brother, problems with your woman? what to interpret? you’re almost never at home, we ’ll wait for you, you hear, we’ll be there as long as necessary, why are you here, mikhalovich, you tell me so much and they didn’t say, i just decided to spend
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the evening with you at a reception at the german embassy? uh-huh, chief of intelligence on the fourth november 5 and 6 , on the first, there are justified fears, he began to build his capital where a city cannot be built, years will pass and he will turn the life of the whole country upside down. peter ii. yes, they were going to make her a pawn in someone else’s game, but the russian princess believed that once she returned to her homeland, she would be able to stand up for herself, no matter what the cost. anna ioannovna, her father, peter ii, died without leaving a will. position elizabeth's court was very shaky. she could either take power into her own hands or
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wait for execution. elizaveta petrovna, the formation of the russian state, in the historical cycle, empire. on november 6, at the first, what kind of idiot even wrote this letter, and what a cool, cool kostya they could actually imprison, because rock musicians were imprisoned, if roman kostamarov had not been a famous legendary athlete, you would have fought for him exactly the same volume, any celebrity entering the shock hall will end up on the same bed, on the same machine ecmo, on the same ivla’s apparatus and we don’t have any kind of division, consideration of the case of kamilla valieva, they want geniuses like her, because she is truly a genius, they want this to be born in their countries, because if she is in our side will be, we will always defeat them, any person who wants to adequately assess the present, of course, should know
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the stories, now they don’t ask, it was you who flew into space, now they say, it was you who starred in the film challenge, but for me it’s different, for me they say, well, it was you who flew with yuli pisi, i say, no, it’s strange, it looks like he’s flying? the girl calls me night, i know that you recently had a very difficult accident, i flew from the back seat forward, i have a concussion, the man got into a standing accident at a speed of 110, he did not brake at all. podcast lab, all nights with you, big game live, escalation in the east continues. the israeli air force carried out another strike on the jabaliya camp, where 400 people have already died, and yesterday another 200, including half of them children. and
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the number of child victims has already exceeded 4,000 children's lives. and there are clashes in the gas sector itself, wherever. is conducting a ground operation, hamas, for its part, is posting videos about how its fighters are fighting israeli tanks from underground, naturally, both sides declare their great military successes, what is happening there is actually quite difficult to say, but it is obvious that in the islamic and arab world there is a growing wave of protest against the policies of israel and the united states of america, so the houthis, who now rule in yemen, requested saudi arabia regarding the possibility of conducting its troops through the territory of saudi arabia in order for them to enter into a war with israel, the leadership
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of hezbollah stated that it is already ready to enter into a war with israel from lebanese territory, here in turkey, there are now rallies going on, very serious ones, some of them pro -palestinian. in anti-american ones, they are burning american flags and slogans of the death of america are already heard, but naturally, in this regard, the big question of how turkey will behave is more important... erdogan is doing more and more harsh statements, his last statement sounded like israel had already ceased to be a state and had turned into an organization , that is, like hamas, it must be treated accordingly, that’s really how far erdogan is ready to go, will he do anything other than words? the words are sounding harsher and harsher, vyacheslav alekseevich, it’s true that the turkish republic held back for a long time and used rather moderate rhetoric. but we see this growth in turkish civil society and in
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the corridors of power, they are sounding more and more strong calls to action. the authorities cannot help but react to the mood that is developing in turkish society, with all the attendant consequences. first, of course, there are now a large number of rallies and demonstrations taking place in turkey with demands to send troops of the turkish republic to palestine. secondly, slogans that sound very... very tough, so i wrote it down for myself, this is the death of america, and israel is a killer, america is a killer, the people, so to speak, are very, very dissatisfied, there is a growing desire to liquidate american bases in turkey on friday a march is planned towards the enderlik base, in turkey there is also a kuriacik base, in addition to engerlik , this is quite serious, both bases are calling for withdrawal from the territory, expulsion from the territory of the turkish republic, these sentiments cannot help but...
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yes, the authorities, as you know , double-chair in turkey, if not multi-chair, an attempt to maneuver exists, but of course , not to be taken into account, the public mood of turkey cannot, it is preparing to send humanitarian aid, but if everything continues like this, then society will provide colossal pressure of an anti-american nature and to send troops to the region, and one more very important thing, based on what you said , the unification of the arab-muslim world is growing, and along with this unification, something that seemed impossible is happening, the houthis have requested passage through saudi arabia, this is where this has been seen, this is how this is even possible, well, it is clear that they will not be given passage, yes, no, the very fact of this communication between the houthis and saudi arabia, taking into account all the events in ebene, is very peculiar, the second point is this this consolidation, the cessation of negotiations with the country of saudi arabia, yes , the cessation of all communications with the country
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of turkey, with israel, i mean, of course, the iranian statements that are heard and the turkish statements, and in fact in unison. moreover, now there is such a comparison of clocks between turkey, iran, and the ministry of foreign affairs, which will also lead to certain consequences, the process in the middle east is again becoming more and more intense thanks to the efforts of the united states of america american, anti-american, countries of the region. ready to unite to kick the united states out of this region. well, for now, american b1 strategic bombers are based at the incerlik base, so it’s not very clear how many chairs turkey actually sits on, but the united states, they generally sit on one fairly clear chair, while, however, trying to portray which is also on two, and i would call it blinkin’s dialectic, he then made a statement in which this is simply the quintessence of damn
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dialectics. let's listen. on friday we will head back to the middle east to continue our diplomatic work. as i have already emphasized, we do not have to choose between protecting israel and helping palestinian civilians; we can and must do both. it’s clear, yes, that is , to bomb and thereby help the civilian population, what to do, die, there, go somewhere. and the question constantly arises in america: where exactly are the borders that the united states and israel are ready to cross into committing genocide? palestinian people, the question was addressed to the late senator graham, linsey graham answered the following, let's listen: is there a certain limit of civilian casualties when the united states government says: let's take it. is there a moment when you
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start to doubt? no, no , of course not, it’s like if after the second world war we were asked whether we should have taken a pause while japan and germany were taking over the world, whether israel should have taken a pause in the fight against those who are trying to exterminate the jews, the answer: no , no there is no limit, that is, to bomb to the end and there is no limit, and the civilian population, they are all hostages, well, that’s what he said the truth, the truth during... the second world war, that’s how the americans acted, the americans bombed, no, not cities demolished, cities were demolished by the germans, which they never did, ours, and, by the way, they loved to do this, in eastern germany, where ours were supposed to go, like dresdan, they really destroyed japan, there were atomic bombings, as you remember, and the requirement for the goal was for it to be there more civilians, but i must say, before that they destroyed tokyo, where it’s scary to imagine, during one bombing more people died than
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during the bombings of kherashim and nagasaki, so everything is so, what are the limits, destroy, destroy. alekseevich, you very correctly acquired toki, which was in tokyo, burned alive, in fact, because they bombed with incendiary bombs, the people burned, burned very badly, and the people who survived there, they said, remembered the smell of human burnt flesh for the rest of their lives, why because that tokyo was made of wood, this is a consuming fire, i’m sorry, but it’s just , well, 100,000 people died, yes 100 people, in one day, now what borders can there be for linsa graham, he’s like this... what is now the red line of resettlement population of palestine to egypt, as long as there is an idea that 2 million people just need to be driven away , until this happens, and they are simply killed
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in the thousands, these are trifles, look at the discussions that are now unfolding in the united states of america, there was such a john mccain , friend of the current speaker, so... absolutely two twin brothers, they talk about the same things, and the palestinians are not people, there are no children, remember the recent interview with the israeli army general, yes, we kill women, old people and children, but you must understand, war is always a sacrifice, this is what america is saying now, that everyone else must come to terms with the fact that without rules, war is good and normal, but the biggest problem is no one comes out against israel anymore, all those demonstrations that come out all over... the world, they have already shifted their emphasis from israel to america, because everyone understands that israel is a tool, well , it must be said that the united states in these conditions, together with ukraine, is trying to set us on fire, to inflame interethnic contradictions
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, inflate interfaith conflicts, and in my opinion, yesterday there was a very interesting article in the russian newspaper by mikhail gutseriev, a famous entrepreneur and author of many songs beloved by the people, let’s listen to what he wrote. for centuries, jews lived in the caucasus hand in hand with the dagestanis, kabbordians, ossetians, georgians, chechens, avars, azerbaijanis, ingush and other peoples. it is not for nothing that many european jews consider mountain jews more likely to be caucasians, because their culture is close to the culture of other caucasian peoples. mountain jews practiced kunakism and recognized blood feud. were not fully included in the context of the complex inter-clan and interpersonal relationships that are the hallmark of the caucasus. that is why the community is so sacred for them, just as they honor their shrines, they revere their homeland. caucasus. surely the pogromists are proud of the dancing art of their ancestors, but what did they do to develop the culture of their people, to
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continue their centuries-old traditions? nothing, or maybe some of them, with a complex fracture, would refuse treatment according to the method of gabriel abramovich elizav, because he was a mountain jew, no, as soon as it comes to their own well-being, such people cowardly forget about their principles. russia is a multinational country. russia has no future without interethnic and interfaith harmony. without these postulates, russia cannot survive. after all, ukraine was also set on fire. in the same way, ukraine was set on fire, and we are for them, just as today for israel the palestinians are not people, just as the residents of donbass and luhansk region were not at the time of the start of a special military operation, for ukraine, in which these years, for 8 years, it was cultivated to its fullest - nazism and they even organized several exercises before a special military operation, which you paid attention to, this is the nikolaev region, when they, uh, did, that is, predicted clearing urban areas, that is, densely populated areas, that is, the main task was to squeeze out the population from there to
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russia, destroy this population and this territory, take over the empty territory for yourself , by and large, what is happening today... in israel and you know, you today they cited a monstrous figure , we have the avenue of angels at the time of the start of a special military operation, these are hundreds, yes, but you brought thousands, thousands of victims of children, probably no one will forgive israel for this, right here very important, mikhail gutsariev happens to live in the territory where i have been a deputy in the moscow region for 8 years, i know this man and i know how deeply he understands these processes, you know, he touched on a very important point, what is against us , a powerful information war, which is based, among other things, on sectarian strife, and this cannot be done, i literally came here to the studio today from one wonderful forum, this is an all-russian forum for graduates
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of orphanages, we need each other, we were there representatives from all subjects of the russian federation spoke about patriotism there, and today our weapon in the fight against the enemy’s information dumps is the formation of patriotic youth, the formation of a patriotic society, the holding of this kind of forums, where guys from different regions, you can’t imagine, guys from different regions learned, learned to do... not communicate tasks as part of a large big team. yesterday, vyacheslav alekseevich, they showed the film mariupol, homecoming, you can’t imagine, i would like to express great gratitude to konstantin lvovich and natalya petrovna here to the first channel. uh, the film ended, the children and - here are our teenagers, they cried, they applauded for 5 minutes, this suggests that we have the tools, and the first channel is actively participating in this for this information struggle, information resistance to these creatures , well, there must be information counteraction and there must be
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a system of self-defense for every person who must understand that absolutely crazy ideas are being thrown in from outside that should weaken us, but we should not allow this to happen, because we are all citizens of one huge country, but the united states will continue to pump up israel, yes, with weapons, if only they they invested more in their own infrastructure development, maybe they didn’t have such a large number of train wrecks, but about this after advertising , again, the time has come for the russian revolution, be men, fertilize it,
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long live, through blood, i had to stop being myself in the name of... a great idea, fear is the basis of any order, you have no mercy, you are incapable of love, what could be more terrible and stronger than the feeling of approaching death, attack, i will make you the most influential revolutionary modernity. you are confusing trotsky, which one of
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you is an icon, you are a jew. you want to sacrifice your children for the sake of these bastards, the world that we will build is worth this price, a vile peace, if we entered into this alliance, it would mean that the new world we are building... is not capable of existing without the traditional pillars of the old world , the destroyer, my son, is buried, the leaders of the revolution, haven’t you realized yet that the revolution is me, trutsky, look,
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it’s time after the program. montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group. imagine if suddenly , we, all the doctors, found ourselves in red, like this , or better, as usual, in blue, or maybe in green, how color affects us, who it does. depending on what walls we look at, this and many other questions, we will answer in the program live healthy, tomorrow on first, the commander. sometimes they hit a penny, a nut, those who accepted mortal combat
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simply threw earth and grass at the back when we were driving? only the formidable house shines, one close person has settled in, this eternal flame , the memory of everyone who died behind the wheel, bequeathed alone, we are on the verge, we hurt, allow it, go ahead, officers, november 4, on the first. what kind of profession is this? defend the homeland. in bulgaria , a prediction was published in ang for 2024. they promise a decrease in the world's population as a result of global conflict. the strongest earthquake in history in the quiet ocean, which will also lead to a large number of victims. she said that there would be natural disasters, that they were intensifying. some will come from space. where do
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vange’s new and new forecasts regarding the future of humanity come from? she felt people at the aura level, she felt our planet and what price everyone who looked into the future had to pay, and the boy, the boy is 9 years old, he is still small, but my son is gone, already 2 and a half years old, i was in such shock that i am our exclusive, unknown facts wange's biographies, videos and prophecies, do you want me to tell you now what could happen? year exclusive with dmitry borisov premiered
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on november 5 at the first. hot ice, live broadcasts, november 11 and 12 on the first, love figure skating, appreciate figure skating, adore figure skating. big game live, somehow american trains began to leave rilsov in large numbers, radessa, louisiana, 10 cars left rilsov, not far from the city, which led to the closure of the route, well, judging by the condition, and the tracks of the cars themselves,
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it is clear that it would be strange if they did not get off, stanley wisconsin, the same thing, 10 cars derailed, and, we see, this happened at a railroad crossing that paralyzed the movement of other trains, charleston, finally, west virginia, here is a traditional railroad crossing, where a train crashed into an empty suv, which for some reason ended up on the rails, the united states is not investing in its infrastructure, it is collapsing, many americans talk about this, but at the same time it is investing a growing the amount of funds military adventures in ukraine, in israel, but this is what unites ukraine and israel, here and there and there the search for a scapegoat begins, if everything is clear with ukraine, zelsky is a completely natural scapegoat there, who will also be a scapegoat in israel, like you you think
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the politician’s publication has already prepared material on this subject, let’s listen. joe biden and his aides have discussed the possibility that netanyahu's political days are numbered, a sentiment the president conveyed to the israeli prime minister in a recent call, according to biden went so far as to suggest that netanyahu consider lessons he could share with his eventual successor, according to two administration officials. inside the administration they believe that the israeli prime minister will most likely hold out for several months, or at least until the end of the initial phase of israel's military campaign in the gas sector. this must happen in israeli society. realization of what happened, said the official, who was granted anonymity, ultimately, all responsibility falls on the prime minister, well, as you know, being a friend or enemy of america is dangerous, and a friend of america is mortally dangerous , so, well, it is clear that now the entire humanitarian catastrophe will be blamed on someone, on bibi, on bibi, of course, man alekseevich,
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it is very logical that they hugged first, they said that there would be unconditional support, and then in the classic american scenario, you know, we got carried away, we got carried away , after all, the person ended up in the face, really in the face, did not cope with the tasks, the most important task is now america will ensure the transit of the transfer of power so that everything remained in their places, and the support, as before, as before, so that it remained in its place. it is very important for the united states of america to at least save face. does this face exist? indeed, today, by changing one figure, you will not change the theater of action. well, in this situation, biden is, of course, primarily concerned about the elections. he's worried about the jewish votes he's probably gaining now. but in the united states there is no less large muslim community, where biden
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is catastrophically losing, there - in fact, his rating among muslims now does not exceed 17%, which guarantees his defeat, in fact , the election campaigns were worried about this, not about the fate of children in palestine, but were worried about what, islamophobia in the united states of america, about this spoke out and spoke... let's listen. today we take another important step forward in the fight against hatred. for years, muslims in america and those who identify as muslims have suffered a disproportionate number of hate attacks. as a result of the hamas attack on israel and the humanitarian crisis in the gaza strip, we are seeing a rise in anti-palestinian, anti-arab, anti-semitic and islamophobic. for many people in our country, the last few days and weeks have brought to light well-known fears, fears of being targeted and attacked simply because of who they
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are, what they believe and what they look like, so today i am proud to announce , that the biden administration is developing the country's first-ever national strategy to counter islamophobia, this strategy will... present a comprehensive and detailed plan to protect muslims and those who perceive themselves to be muslims from hatred, bigotry and violence and address concerns that government policies may discriminate against muslims. well, naturally, they care little about the fate of the palestinians themselves, on whom biden’s rating also depends. and here lloyd osin spoke in the united congress. states hearings and talked about what kind of assistance they are providing to israel, how much more money, planes, ammunition and so on and so forth, and now senator chris van holden from maryland has taken the floor, and
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let's listen to what he said. the siege of gas is accompanied by brutal bombings ; in the first 6 days of the war alone, israel dropped 6,000 bombs on densely packed regional gas sectors; since then, israel has stopped reporting the number of air bombs it uses. but intense attacks continue. the other day, my wife and i learned that one of our good friends lost two members of his family and four of their children. they all died under bombs in the gas. their they have not yet managed to include in the un list of victims, which already numbers more than 8,300 people, of which 70% are women and children, 3,457 children alone were killed. according to the un, in three weeks, six times more children were killed in the gas sector than in ukraine during the entire war. and this is true, and nothing. will harris biden be overturned by these facts? it is incontrovertible, it will not cancel these facts, in general, of course, it is very interesting, kharis says, muslims and those, i even wrote down, who seem to feel like
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muslims, this is very interesting the wording, americans defending islam - this is a very interesting idea, considering that they destroyed muslim countries around the world, we remember what blows they dealt, without thinking at all where they were hitting, yes, to protect muslim children, the united states of america, yes, they destroyed everything in iraq, yes, they destroyed, tried to set fire to syria , libya, they tried to destroy the entire middle east, so when they say that they are protecting someone, it means that exactly the opposite, the pressure will increase, additional ammunition will be supplied and so on, and that unexpected voice of reason that we heard, well, this is rare... the case just shows the rule, what really happens with this very spider, which believes that it can spread his influence everywhere, but in fact he can no longer do this and does not extend the process
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that is happening in the middle east, the hatred of the middle eastern population towards the united states will increase, and no initiatives to combat islamophobia within the usa will lead to nothing, because a muslim is also maturing inside the usa. a world that is preparing to have its say, and we see this in the protests that are taking place in the united states, we see in the protests that are taking place in europe, where the muslim world is also maturing and is preparing to have its say. in general, the level of cynicism, of course, is off the charts, it’s just, yes, the level of hypocrisy, well, well, now they can tell the arabs, yes, nothing, nothing, nothing, we decided to create an initiative in order to do what, yes, to stop the war, no, we are not going to stop the war, here, biden spoke in the state of minnesota, they asked him , after all... we can even show how
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it was, his speech was interrupted to say that it was time to end it altogether, let's see, mr. president, if you care about the jewish people, then i, as a rabbi, demand you to immediately call the parties to a truce, note that i am really ravina, she is an activist in the jewish movement for peace in palestine, but what did biden answer , he replied: “well, why do we need a truce, there, well, humanitarian pauses, maybe, but we’ll continue to strike, well, that’s what they can offer now, in general, to the islamic world, they can offer nothing to the islamic world, nor to afghanistan, nor to ukraine, nor to yugoslavia, nor to libya, nor to lebanon, they can’t offer anything to anyone, because their main task is to create controlled chaos, within the framework of which they want to rule the world, and you are talking about this
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cynicism, when human lives play a role only in the rating of the president of the united states of america, and i think the world is understands, in this studio i have already said more than once that if the israeli-palestinian conflict develops at such a pace now, and if it is suspended, as the minsk process was suspended within the framework of the military-civil conflict in ukraine and this one has been brewing for 8 years the boil, which ultimately resulted in the fact that nazism had matured and a special military operation was needed, the islamic world, and america will have to understand, it is strengthening, it is uniting, and even these disparate groups, within the muslim world, this is saudi arabia, this is turkey, this is iran, they will unite around one enemy who is committing genocide against muslims, and i think that america will still
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face a very serious confrontation, why, as in ukraine, as in ukraine, yes, this kiev regime planted by the united states of america stumbled upon what first of all? to the popular resistance, which was supported by russia and which is in ukraine, what is it doing now? she doesn't even conduct a special military operation, this is my opinion, yes, it restores historical justice. this is really so, this is what the united states is doing now ... well, it’s quite difficult to explain, if you don’t take into account , of course, the domestic political context, but the united states is losing not only its finances, not only its weapons, it is actually losing the remnants of its moral authority , if he was somewhere, because this is a country that declared itself as the main bearer of the idea of ​​democracy, human rights, the right to life, tramples this right before everyone’s eyes, all over the world.
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and not only muslims see this, they see it everywhere, they see it in europe, where there are protests against israel and the united states of america, they see it perfectly here too, all of them are a moral sermon about the fact that russia is committing a crime there in ukraine, it went down the drain after, i don’t know, the first three days of the israeli operation in the gas sector, which was supported by the united


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