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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  November 2, 2023 6:30pm-7:30pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] nowhere can be called trivial, for starters, this is a film about a soviet cosmonaut without the usual heroic pathos, according to the script even before gagarin, someone named kim flies to the stars, then the wrong detective story begins, the wrong thriller, in general, something risky with chases , whoever does not risk his life will not gain it, adventures we must go through together with the main character and figure out why such a story happened? with him, what, who, who is watching this, who, is this some kind of game, is this a show, what is this? what is written, uh, on the movie poster and it doesn’t sound like what he sees, well, something like that, cunning. another feature is that the hero was played by alexander metelkin, who was born after the collapse of the ussr, that is, he did not even experience perestroika. according to the actor, at first they wanted to create the image of a man from the sixties, but they unanimously abandoned the idea.
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a soviet man, so to speak, and they had a slightly different melody of speech, like the kardashians, the communist youth international, and love, of course, where would we be without it, the only thing that barely perceptibly remembers is kim this is the image of a girl with whom he fell in love, meanwhile, she is either not her, or she is not the same, it is also unclear until the denouement, she lives in modern moscow at the same address, but alas, she does not remember tim. dasha, dasha, forgive me, the feeling of an absolutely close person nearby, this is the path of love, this is the only hint that is appropriate here, and only because such a story simply could not help but end well, and for the rest of the answers, go to the cinema. pavel matveev, maya emelyanova, veronika ilvuchenova, alexander isaev, dmitrizov, channel one. and that's all for now,
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we are monitoring the development of the event. and the information channel on the first will continue the program for now. hello, live on the first channel, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, today, as always , we will discuss the most important, current events on the agenda, but at the same time there is such an interesting feature, today i’m reading the news with which i’ll start now, i thought that there was a very large, voluminous one with a lot of news, videos, part of the agenda, but well, a lot depends on military operations, there is another part above this agenda, about which there is much less news, but every time, within the framework of this agenda, some news comes here, well, it would seem so not the most significant, everything is like that, yeah, so what will happen next, today the president signed the law
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, that russia is revoking its ratification in the treaty, in accordance with the law, was passed, and now we are waiting, of course, in response to this, and how is it anxiety, indignation, concern, and so on, and when will you read or hear about these indignations and concerns, you only need to remember one thing that and after the signing of this law, the russian federation , let’s say, became equal in relation to this, it took another step in its own time... and now we have simply returned to where the usa and china had been all this time. in this case, the united states, which never signed it, is more important to us. so, accordingly, france and great britain were left alone and signed and ratified. so, why is this important, because we understand that with all the complexity, with all
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the complexity, there is a danger of it developing into nuclear conflict, and what can and should be done to avoid it, to prevent it, everyone thinks about it all the time, just as everyone remembered it when we were here in this studio, right in the middle on air we watched how the president was present and conducted training launches, here because of the conflict that they have, remember, yesterday they talked about the spider, that’s actually it. this is all about this, about the spider, and today’s news is about this, well, coincidentally, today’s news is about the fact that the united states of america, here’s the question of training launches, about test launches, we carried out a test launch, many of us mistakenly call this a test, a test, after all, when we are talking about some kind of new ori, this is a test test, it
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was intended to determine, well, how much roughly speaking, functionally, something went wrong, they blew up this rocket themselves, something went wrong, well, maybe there is a little fuel there, how it was caked, matted, well, anything can be, why is there a coincidence of all these three news in one day in my opinion quite indicative and relevant. this is a reminder to us, the former ukraine , where it is clear that russia and nato have collided with each other, the middle east, where israel and hamas, potentially hezbollah have collided with each other, and we understand that iran is also behind all this. and an interesting picture emerges that what we are actively discussing and about... the mass of what is called data is essentially a war in which they are either trying or have tried, now we will find out in the next part of the program, trying to understand, here you can should they, with the help of their non-nuclear proxy, defeat the nuclear power of russia, yes
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, what is happening in the middle east, in the middle east, israel, which conditionally has nuclear weapons, and which is a proxy of the united states of america, has collided with iranian proxies. iran is a country that also has nuclear weapons, if not, then conduct a showdown between potentially nuclear powers, that’s what i’m talking about, and this needs to be kept in mind when we discuss the events in the territory of the former ukraine, which we will now discuss, in the middle east, everything that happens here and here happens , keeping one eye in the sphere of your attention, what is happening at this level , where are the test tests, where are the minutemen, where are the ban treaties... the time has come for the russian revolution, be men, fertilize it long live purification
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through the blood. i had to stop being myself in the name of the great, fear is the basis of any order, you have no mercy, you are not capable of love, what could be worse and stronger. do you want to sacrifice your children for these bastards? the world that we will build is worth this price,
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the brezian peace, if this alliance is concluded, it would mean that the new world we are building is not able to exist without traditional leaders. revolutions , haven’t you realized yet that the revolution is me, trotsky, watch the time after the program, montechoc cognac, a product of my father, the soul of any company, forever young, fantasy. tika, the next level, tomorrow on the first, vodka veda,
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a product of the stellar group, france, the commander was born, pokon, with sometimes names, alyoshka, those who accepted mortal combat, simply spinhali earth, grass, when we go, alyosha, only formidable valor, sit down all the backs, we wound in the chest, allow me, go ahead, eh... officers november 4th on the first. what kind of profession is this? defend the homeland. devi's agent, maior gru. on beria's instructions, he obtained the secrets of the atomic bomb and
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was betrayed. on the occasion of sasha sokolov's eightieth birthday. november 5, on the first. what kind of katran did you do there? fet grigorich, where did my guys go to look for the corpse, but... there is household stuff, but what is this? have you seen this before? this means that he decided to engage in amateur activities before retirement. robert, i i repeat to you again, hands behind your back, i was not aware that the house was under surveillance. aunt van, but we seem to have one murder, ionova, an opera singer, and in her apartment she has the same sign as our alcoholic. maniac, you think, it is not forbidden to use this
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word. you're off to a big premiere, soon on the first one, time will tell the program, we continue to work live, we discuss live current events, and which i started the program with this, can be considered, among many other frameworks, from that point of view , with with the help... of our own, our ukrainian reich, to try to inflict a military, military-political, and so on, defeat on the nuclear power of the russian federation, what comes of this, or what does not come of this, is an important issue, related, among other things, how fraught is the transition to another level, from the point of view of where this whole story is developing next, given that they are involved in it without orders, today everyone is discussing, well, this is how
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the modern information world works, to the commander-in-chief of the army, which is something this is quite strong, and he writes, as it were, articles addressed to the world with an explanation of what prevented him from dancing, since everyone expected him to dance, in theory he should be leading the troops somewhere there and so on, he writes an article, this is a separate issue at the front, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces okreikha described... like this: if you look at the textbooks and look at the mathematical calculations that we did when planning a counter-offensive, then four months should have been enough to to reach crimea, fight in crimea, return get out of crimea again. at first i thought there was something wrong with our commanders and changed some of them, then i thought something new, like gunpowder, which the chinese invented, and with which we still kill each other, it is important to understand that war is impossible
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... to win with weapons of the past generation of outdated methods, so we need modern weapons systems that come to us late, the biggest risk of trench warfare is that it can drag on for years and destroy our state, but i repeat, it is possible, since this in itself is true, it actually admits the failure of the counter-offensive of the armed forces of ukraine, for this the commander-in-chief of the armed forces does not need to write an article in an economist, because the main question, in my opinion, is why and for what purpose is he writing this article, but an economist publishes this article, and the question is whether this article is generally about the situation at the front, the current one and about its problems, although it would seem that zaluzhny is analyzing this - quite using the example of the first world war, well, actually, for the post of commander in chief, before valera, this book how would have reached it and he, having read it to the middle, hit himself on the spelled and said: “christmas trees, this is our situation.”
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that is, before this, apparently there were some ideas that deeply in-depth defenses, they are somehow like this, well, when you have leopards, schmeropards and so on, that’s how it all goes back and forth, now it turns out that this it was not he who miscalculated, but that it was the nato members who miscalculated, the nato members miscalculated, and valera is telling them about this, the same zelensky, about whom there is still a lot of active discussion in ukroreich itself in the west, and the time article and the cover of the time, in which, so to speak, zelsky is presented, everyone agrees on this, and is quite pathetic, this is a nobody, and so on, so on, but the main thesis of this article is that he is the only one who believes in the possibility of defeating the article, and why does the economist take it, why is he writing it now, and being, probably, also a general, and this is actually an article about a topic that is very actively beginning to be discussed... in the west in the ukrainian archive, is a victory over
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russia really necessary, or more important is not losing to russia, then there is a time saying that zelensky has books there today , this is what he seems to be scolding nato, that they are giving very slowly, if they are giving slowly, where will they get it from now, he contradicts himself, but the point is not that, it seems to me that the main reason this article was written is those same five points, what he wants to be given to him , he writes this, you know, how the chinese invented gunpowder, boom, and how- then everything happened, give us something to make us bang, these are the five points, essentially the things he writes are much better in the air, perhaps. new mine clearance technologies, the ability to mobilize and train more. and then the question arises: this is a strategy to win the war in what way, just so as not to lose it, so that it continues and no matter how they break down, please note, there are no tanks there, about which there was so much
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talk, there are no armored vehicles, then there is a strategy to win the war, he says, guys, you give us modern... weapons and we will hold out for a long time, why i say that this is, it seems, a kind of training manual, i spoke yesterday about a polish article, in a polish newspaper, which actually writes about exactly the same thing under the heading the failure of the ukrainian counter-offensive is a favorable event for western countries, and concludes this to the idea that which, strictly speaking, interprets the same article in time in such a way that it is, let's say, tie russia's hands with a war on the territory of the former ukraine, so that when and if they start with china, so that russia cannot join china, in basically, what is it about?
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writes zaluzhny - this is exactly, exactly, in general , in the west the question arises of what we have now in terms of trends, military-political, yes, that is. and what is happening on the battlefield, and the attitude towards this on the part of those on whom it depends, because zaluzhny admitted in his article, in the thesis that we have been talking about here since february of the twenty-second year, ukraine itself does not represent anything in the military sense , zaluzhny’s article is about this, therefore, that the offensive was stopped, the initiative was lost, and most likely the russians through for some time they will be able to seize new territories, well, in... there is a high probability , and for all investors, especially not american ones, who invested resources, money, equipment in this conflict, the question arises: is ukraine able to continue to fight, all those the investments that we made, they went where, they looted everything, they equipped
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everything, we did everything we could, we changed people, switched directions, you see, you gave us old weapons, and we were able to break through they couldn’t, and in general it’s not really the west’s fault, and this general military thought has come up against some new concept , now no one can move at all, it says there that our enemy sees everything that we do, we see everything that the enemy does in this situation, well, he mentions it more than once this word, as if the question is in the air, gentlemen, we need to continue to chip in and give us not old tanks , but real new weapons technologies, and i think that this article that was made was, after all, prepared by president zelsky’s office, they sold this one for money article in order to whitewash ukraine a little, to show that it is not our fault , gentlemen, that is, you think that zaluzhny, as it were, who writes this article, against the background of the fact that zelsky is obviously in a state of decision-making, that they will need to change one minister and one general, well, maybe this general
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decided to quickly write an article, try changing him now, ukraine is a pure dictatorship, everyone has already admitted this. that is, there is death for failure to comply with party policies, there is no prison, everything else is there, ministers are there explode in helicopters, everyone understands this very well, it is very important now to expel zelsky, and he really needs real money, he has a budget deficit for the twenty -fourth year of about 50 billion, this is the money that he must pay to his repressive machine in the form of high salaries and ensuring their lives, and if he doesn’t do this, he will be overthrown, plus he needs some kind of weapons, but there really is some small amount of truth in this article, because if there are a lot of articles, there are a lot of individually quite sensible thoughts, question why is he all of them, that is, for the sake of something, the question here is, what is the main thesis, do you think that the main thesis is still through the mouth of zaluzhny in this article zelensky, his team, the face of collective
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ukraine, still speaks please don’t blame us for not being able to achieve results on the battlefield, it’s our fault. zbro, because you gave us everything old, you didn’t give us the weapons of the last war, in the terms in which zelsky and ukrarey described it all the time, not about the ninety-first year, not about any crimea, nothing about this, this is dismemberment, fragmentation, what they were raving about all these , that is, this, in this sense, this is of course, in general, well, a new concept, what victory is, what we are going towards, they are asking i will build a new miracle for completely different tasks, which in this case, the discrepancy with what they write about zelensky is very large, that is, as it were , zelsky, who... was selling everything there to the border of the ninety-first year, refused to conduct any negotiations, passed
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laws prohibiting him from talking about something negotiations, he is in all of this, you think, he will find a place for himself, well, in fact, they are now setting themselves, as far as i understand from this article of the generally occurring trends, they are setting a position for themselves, i am not very interested in what is written in their anthem, but i’m interested in the fact that we understand everything perfectly well, and now it’s definitely not something that the ukrainians wanted and spoke out about, the second year, which suggests that there were several points there that would provoke russia into a conflict in ukraine, cut off gas, cut off electricity from europe, all economy. usa, we will all earn 10 three dollars, everything is going according to the scenario we wanted.
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the second report, very large, in the summer of this year, it was written, everything, our interests with ukraine do not intersect, they go in different directions, our vision, the future is interesting for the united states, it will be different, it’s important for us, it won’t work, we’re changing zelsky, we did it americans, this is by the way, and there and everything else, it emerges in this design that he did not agree to a situation related to negotiations, he himself is... the usa and replacing him with some new person, perhaps deservedly acts as an alternative candidate and agrees with this, i will only add that perhaps this is a conversation under some new person, under some new, let’s say, concept, victory and what ukrr is doing, wow, that’s rude speaking of the series in which they filmed zelsky, it is already, by and large, judging by the article in time , the way it is discussed, and there it
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ends, and the characters in any case need to be changed, you wanted to add something to this , he first said that yes, i tried, the article was written under dictation zelsky’s office, which i completely disagree with, and then he manipulated me and said that perhaps zaluzhny is offering himself as a political figure, because the article is absolutely political, i don’t agree, i’m sorry, i don’t agree with that. usa, he knows very well that this will not be staged, because this is a direct conflict with russia, that is, this is the next level of war, and not a hybrid, not a network, as we say, yes, this is not, not a special military operation, this is level of global war. and he's great. knows how smart a person is, because that here he positions himself as an intellectual, a military intellectual, i said right away, he writes this not as a warring
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general, but with this article he translates himself by supplying, we, of course, yes, we will be this meat there, if you want, if you want, yes, in this sense, i am very convenient for you, as if to say, a loser, but you will fight , because excuse me, these are the modern weapons that he requested, without stuffing, without reconnaissance, without everything, everything, everything, these are the weapons on the streets . there’s nothing super modern, just look the list is very, very. analyzing the article politically, i will tell you that this is a ready-made politician, pay attention to the visual accompaniment itself, it is not the gods who burn the pots, i tried, i did everything as you wanted, but with what you gave me, success was not achieved. yes, which means we are looking forward, we are looking forward, where , oh, there is a war, he offers himself as a candidate and most likely he will succeed, i
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would like to draw your attention to the fact that, almost in parallel , the well-known alexey aristovich actually nominated his candidate, yes , which actually did approximately the same thing, oh, so that’s what i’m talking about, it’s significant that lyokha arestovich is actually pushing exactly the same theses now, that this is the war that the office... of the president and i, says alestoevich, we’ve been going on for a long time they sold you, zelsky doesn’t exist at all, he doesn’t exist at all, he just doesn’t exist, as if there is a presidential office somewhere, he does something there, but it doesn’t matter, we do everything, aristovich, zaluzhny, i don’t know what there is also politics at the end, that the current president can be left until re-election, he is there lists what needs to be done; in my opinion, these series of meetings were already very important - around the zelsky formula. formulas are the so-called peace formulas, only i believe in our victory and so on, that is, this is already a farewell cry, a wheeze, i would even say,
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well, in the case of zelensky, a wheeze, but that’s it, this is the end, well, strictly speaking... discussing here, you understand the question; i personally am not interested in the fate of a specific individual zelensky at all. zelensky is a person who was part of this project of the american the proxies are the same as they declared with zelsky, they are not marketable and have not been implemented, and there is a transition to another stage, for me the most important thing is what stage it is, and whether it will be useful for... a tangible change, because look, but why did i say that this article in time is , well, a kind of manifesto, i don’t know whether it was intended as a manifesto or not, by the shuster who wrote it, but in any case, he became one, because, well, come on for starters , the way they react to this in ukryrekha is
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quite predictable, well, here’s one for you example. when reading an article, do not forget about the personality of its author. simon schuster has worked in russia and ukraine for more than 15 years. in particular, he wrote about the maidan as a violence, accused azov of nazism and claimed it was inherent in russian propaganda. yes, i remind you, it’s familiar, yes, max. let me remind you that this man is a smart guy, about whom they are writing all this, this is a man who was generally awarded an order by them, so. and the order was awarded to him by furar zelsky himself, and so on and so forth, well, it just coincided with their narratives then, now it does not coincide with theirs narratives, material, journalistic material, yes, journalistic material, in a sense, just like for research, today we cut a rat from the head, tomorrow we cut it from the tail, we describe the result, the article will be this way and that, we will defend the dissertation this way and
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that, well you probably don’t even need to listen to danilov , well, it’s like the most interesting thing is why i say that this has become a kind of manifesto, i don’t know if it was intended, this is a reaction to this, western, let’s say, noticeable figures, i don’t know how influential politically, but prominent in these circles, for example, david sachs, who wrote the following about this article: will we seek to make an honorable peace to save the ukrainian people from further unnecessary killings, or will we remain trapped in zelsky's bunker of delusion, psychologically, if not physically, waiting for a slow end, well, for those who have not read shuster’s entire article, these last three lines are precisely a reference to
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shuster’s articles, and about the bunker and about delusion, and about what shys away from... that means, zelensky, whom no one can to tell that he no longer lives in this one, who writes, unfortunately, this is an accurate analysis, and when two such noticeable people , so to speak, in a sense, subscribe to such under such an assessment, this is also interesting, yes, they probably , do not make decisions, but the fact that they are related to some influence groups on which decision-making partially depends is undeniable, if anyone does not know that such cronkite’s time psychologically put an end to the vietnam war of the united states of america. do you understand what a deep parallel there is saksa, i’ll remind you what cronkay said then. now more than ever, it is clear that the bloody experience of vietnam leads to a dead end. it is increasingly clear that the only reasonable way out is negotiations, not from the position
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of the victors, but from the position of worthy people who live. in the coming weeks, expect new messages covering more deeply the military strategy of ukraine, its military diplomacy, tensions within zelsky’s team, well, that is, shuster says, guys, if you think that it’s me who’s drowning him, it’s me too so i just dipped it with some water, as if wait more, in your opinion, what is happening , articles in time magazine are written by one person and are not further examined through a magnifying glass by the entire team, and the team is also connected with certain people in the leadership of the united states, they are very they are very mistaken, no one is like that, here of those standing here, after all, no one is like that, we cited an opinion here when we tried to discredit this article with an emphasis on
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, mind you, where, well, to discredit simon schuster personally, he... worked for many years in russia , a chrystia freeland has not worked in russia for many years. you know, all the experts on the former soviet union, with all due respect to ukraine, worked in russia. i suggest you discuss the people on whom the decision depends, and you are discussing this , i didn’t even let danilov listen, so as not to waste time on bedbugs, now you artyom set me a difficult task, because you said at the very beginning, but i listen to what the presenter says, but you can and should disagree, i think that you agree with me, let’s move on to, well, you said i have to disagree, you know, stylistically, i’ll call valeriy zaluzhny aristovich alexey and ukraine ukraine is why i still respect anything
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other than ukroreich in today’s system of power, it doesn’t deserve anything other than ukryreich , and i’ll tell you further, people who they drive across russian soil on german tanks on russian soldiers, that’s why they are called germans at the front, zaluzhny clearly acts as an opponent of zelsky, as a person challenging him, we remember five points, which, well, they don’t even
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demand, they probably ask the west for zaluzhny, well, let’s analyze the first and fifth points, they are absolutely frivolous, the second, third and fourth, they are so vague that i don’t even want to discuss them, but air superiority, and if you read this entire article, the same zaluzhny writes there, that russia is creating eight united states, great britain, poland, france, no, this is the task of ukraine, this task is impossible, based on the fact that the main military man in ukraine admits the impracticability of the task, we see an absolutely striking contrast between him and president zelsky, who lives in a fictional world, are absolutely like that. the public is expensive, of course, at a cost to themselves, but in general it’s also starting, by the way, i analyze what this public writes on social networks, the public
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that six months ago had a completely different attitude, now this is a public that is 10 times more nationalistic , essentially in their own way, because these are more likely poroshenko ’s people, and those who came with zelensky are more likely... opportunists, but what you write, they like to say how many of ours are dying, and now they are putting up people who in poroshenko’s team are paid by poroshenko, and this means this is deliberate , emphasis is placed on this to show how untenable is zelsky’s strategy, which invites the gullible public to live in myths, and the main myth is that russia can be quickly crushed, this myth is already refuted by barking with russia. and national inther writes this question: is this public ready to realize this or not, please. it is trite to say that ending a military conflict will benefit everyone, but this is already not just a benefit for ukraine, it is now important
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for its very survival. a prolongation of the military conflict will destroy ukraine. as unfair as it is that ukraine has to negotiate after such horrific losses, tomorrow could very well be even worse. yes, she fell for the prank of vavan and lexus, of course. so you won’t see the video, because vavan and lexus should have recorded this only by sound, since they presented themselves as african politicians, the skill of vavan and lexus has gone up to this point, so that even in black leather it would not come to repainting, well, let’s listen to what jorja milona said and said. i see that many are tired of the situation in ukraine, to tell the truth, perhaps we are close to the moment when everyone will understand to try to find some solutions, the problem is what solution is acceptable for both? without starting other conflicts, you can do more, right? look, it’s important here, they are already saying which solution is acceptable for both, because before that they were saying only solutions acceptable for ukraine, yes, so alexey
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alekseevich said that malta, malta showed that everything, everything, now means one more moment, this would all have happened, in any case, after it became clear that the ukrainian offensive would soon, the same milone would begin to say this in official speeches, especially two from three parties. members of her coalition initially had, you understand that i will be very happy when milona starts saying this out loud, but her election campaign convinced us that when milona says something out loud, in general, it’s not very... what -influenced by a standing western politician, yes, she is a real western politician, she is the mistress of her word, she wanted, she said, she wanted, she took it, but here we are, look, it’s just as red as it may seem now , we’re listening, a group of high-ranking republicans in the us congress called on president joe biden to send attack missiles to ukraine from longer ranges, while the administration provided ukraine with several limited-range atacamas. in their november 1 letter to biden , republican lawmakers said.
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it is still necessary for ukraine to maintain the ability strike deep into territories, especially at remote areas, resulting in a stalemate on the battlefield and further prolongation of the war, and also poses a threat of global destabilization. it was literally an hour before our broadcast that this came up to talk about the fact that there are those there who will hear zaluzhny and say, let’s give it. no, they didn’t hear zaluzhny, because it’s fundamentally different. you might think that americans want to cut off the cat's tail. in parts, that is, let's go deeper, and let's go further, and so on, but we are talking about this, if you don’t, you won’t defeat russia, it’s impossible, almost all western politicians said, tell me this, it was then, but what plan b turned out to be, negotiations, this is plan b now, and now all western, all western politicians now they are working to save face, yes, given that the elections, given that there are not only elections in the united states, there are also elections in
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europe, the year will be very interesting in general , but give two two two reasons, the first is to let the western ones get out politicians with an unchanged face are running across the pond, but this to get out of this situation with face intact, because they are all in the deepest state right now, this is absolutely obvious to everyone, they are practically political corpses, that is, now in fact, politics at the level of relationships with voters is made by political corpses, to the next stage, therefore, of course, for us now the negotiating position is not good, not good, and i hope that the russian leadership will be guided by the principle that viktorovich lavrov formulated, we will enter into negotiations without problems, but without stopping hostilities, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, well, that is, this should be perceived not as something that they will definitely give, but as something that they will allow or will not allow to continue, that
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the question is, what will they come to? or what they will not come to depending on the conditions that are profitable or unprofitable, and as maxim rightly said , the very same black swan, as he said , had a very large influence on the situation here, including primarily for the states themselves and even a whole penguin, a black swan, the size of a penguin, the size from a penguin, it seems to me, the truth is that swans are usually larger than a penguin, you are some kind of penguin, you are apparently lucky with the penguins in antarctica, you know which ones, i decree that you award the title... hero of ukraine with the honor of the order of the bandera power to stepan. stepan bandera's father was a ukrainian greek catholic priest, and he was of course integrated into a church structure that was permeated with hostility to russia. he was quite flawed, sickly, short, his hands somehow dragged behind him. and such people, as a rule, they certainly do. he beat his wife, or even kicked her in the stomach, when she was pregnant. when. a child grows up in an atmosphere
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of violence, this becomes a kind of permission to use violence; in his childhood, in his youth, he had the nickname koshkodav. avver actually took the ukrainian nationalists under his wing, and this came directly from bandera, for august 29 and 30, 1943, cognac: old barrel product of the lar group. russian actors died right during their performance, to be honest, i immediately thought that they were scammers, the death of any film actor receives a huge number of responses. they told me that you will live a long time, why did the pedagogical landing force face massive threats from a woman who very soon could become a member of the bundestag. antifake,
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premiere, tomorrow on the first. when we first met, i personally didn’t have any chance of guessing him as a future national artist; these guys are from our yard, this style is closer to me, that is, this kind of intimate conversation with the audience, the thoughtful rastorguevskys, so to speak, like spectators. any ensemble is loved, they love these songs, they know them, they sing together, i am very grateful to the audience for the fact that for these 30 -odd years they have been with us, god willing, everything will be fine, we will be. i drew a cat for you there, i know what you like. he began to build his capital where a city could not be built. years will pass, and he will change the life of an entire country. peter i. yes,
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they were going to make her a pawn in someone else’s game, but the russian princess believed that having returned to her homeland, she would be able to stand up for herself, no matter what it was worth it. anna. ioannovna, the formation of the russian state in the historical cycle of the empire november 4, 5 and 6, on the first. you can’t love your homeland and not understand culture, art, literature, geography, what was the name of the village where uncle fyodor lived, simply, this is a marble canyon, she passed this region with a backpack, she will stop a galloping horse, she will resell an apartment at a gallop, i will i remember, rose, i went, i went to the skating rink, there was no little goat, a man, little goats
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become little after the wedding. depth of baikal, premiere. time will tell the program, let's continue work live, and now live, having discussed the situation in the ukrainian bridgehead, recording that it had a very great influence on the development of events there, including the influence of the way of thinking of the western and, above all, the american, it looks like this, what is it, what is it - something that flared up completely unexpectedly and... and immediately began to flare up, time will tell , someday, after how many years, maybe, whether it was such an unexpected event, let’s not get into conspiracy theories now, it’s happening in any case that, what is happening, which means israel is starting some kind of ground actions
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, which i don’t know how much they fit into what israel promised when it said at the beginning that it would demolish everything there and so on, partisans in the tunnels, when i heard the announcement of a breakthrough the first line of defense of hamas, i immediately somehow wondered what they were talking about, but maybe they are confusing, as they say, everyone, which is why they, you know who, yes, um, accordingly, there is still news, this is already the chief of the general staff, and the defense of israel, who says that his forces are in the very heart of the north, agreed things, but to surround the gas is one thing, but to cleanse the gas, as it were, and their goal inside the gas is another, that is , well, apparently, these are some formative actions for now, well, the extreme, this is what israeli prime minister netanyahu literally recently wrote on twitter, israeli troops are achieving success in gas, they have already crossed the outskirts of the city, nothing will stop us, so the question is, at
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ground level, once upon a time the military was there successes, promotions and so on, or until this is still, no, but you need to understand that they are actually carrying out the operation, they are acting quite consistently, they understand for themselves that victory for them is a sterile gas, that is, zero people are sterile - is it sterile bezhamas or sterile erased from the face of the earth? but no, there will be buildings, there shouldn’t be any people there, that is, no people, i want a refugee camp, but it’s in gaza, and what did israel say, we drew a northern line in the middle, there shouldn’t be a northern one, anyone in civilian clothes will be , will be accepted us as an action movie. just yesterday they destroyed three civilian vehicles, according to our data, they were transporting something, that is, any transport that moves is destroyed, everyone saw how a tank shot at a civilian vehicle that was turning away from it, which was the main one, under the pretext that we didn’t know the fighting, there are no restrictions for them, because there are no judges who will
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be judged for this, america is covering them, secondly, they will intensify this conflict, they will increase the pressure and intensify the squeezing of the entire group of palestinians into side of egypt. when they start freeing hostages underground, and there is success, one has already been released, groups are entering there, and so on, so there is no talk of any palestinian front there at all, someone can get out, shoot, have time to hide, that makes an impression from -for the bombing, and israel in the military sense of the word is quite intense, it does what suits its interests, it doesn’t have any stops, they say the americans are holding them back, no, they act as they calculated, they are already almost halfway through ... above we came in very clearly, yes, here it is clear that they will now squeeze this ring inside so we. humanitarian pauses, when they shot, so that civilians would come out, and here do you see a hint of this at all?
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no, this is not even discussed, today they again struck at the point where the refugees were concentrated, that is, they say: guys, there will be no mercy, in the mouths of their politicians, they say so, for us everyone there is guilty, therefore uh, as soon as they resolve the issue, the hostages either died or there are no longer any prospects liberation, this is what we are deluding ourselves about, now we are drawing a parallel , relatively speaking... with the ukrainian conflict, we imagine, when ukraine bombed peaceful cities, that we placed tanks along the border, they said neither women nor children would come out, they will die there under bombing, and we will hold rallies, we immediately took everyone out, and what is the divided muslim world doing now? egypt said, yes, we will fight, and we will not let anyone, not children, anyone, into these resettlement plans, but well, well, okay, that’s it, the muslim world has made a decision : israel, their enemy, is where the prospects for withdrawing this number of people are completely hopeless. just come to an agreement with other countries, distribute, you get 100,000, 1000 goes to pakistan, something else
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, it’s a decision, you know about it, like about containers with chickens, but no, well, i’m speaking relatively speaking, to save people in this situation, you can do any options , then to recapture, well, because then it will be even worse, because under the rubble there are thousands of people and children, which is the most interesting, he said, they are ready to agree on at least something, about the export, about the export of people , about something, that is, they are all making statements there, a couple with bahrain, in my opinion, jordan has recalled its ambassadors, but for now, that’s all for now what is happening is, as they say, well, at the level of such, of course, very active condemnation, nothing more, which means, uh, yesterday we said here in the studio that many arab countries, on which they really depend a little more than perhaps on jordan, but they are used to living well and want a three-hour performance tomorrow shit, everyone is waiting for something and they say that when he speaks live, this is when he usually directly announces something like this: he announces, i don’t know, we’ll wait until tomorrow, but
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in general, so far, in my opinion, no action, but i personally don’t see any arab countries and not only arab countries, but the so-called muslim world that could somehow restrain israel, which has declared all this, and what’s even more surprising is that joe biden and his assistants discussed the possibility that political days benjamin netanyahu is numbered, and the president conveyed this opinion to the israeli prime minister biden went so far as to suggest that netanyahu consider the lessons he could teach his possible successor. the administration expects that the israeli prime minister will most likely remain in office for several months, or at least until the end of the initial phase of netanyahu’s military campaign, despite the fact that, in general, for now, well, from what we just discussed, well, in general, i don’t see any, if you remove this conviction for blows and so on, but in practical and pragmatic terms it’s not very clear, i can’t help but
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to quote jesus christ, leave the dead to bury their dead, yeah, biden is a political corpse, burying netanyahu, also a political one, calling him a political corpse, indeed, this is very complicated, here is a coalition of western countries that supports israel, of course, a coalition should oppose it arab countries, but the coalition of arab countries has not yet been formed, hamas continues to resist and so on, all this is yes, but protests, not military actions, these countries should not form a coalition, or this the coalition should be so aorphic, this is a good outcome for them, that the western one cannot resist the western one, and this is already an election factor, so i think that the americans are now fighting between two,
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let’s say, evils, to prevent the formation of a coalition, and it is guaranteed that we will either allow the formation of an arab coalition to defeat it, and here attention is given, this is a more risky project, but there is a bigger prize here, because if this happens, it will be possible to talk from a different position between saudi arabia and opec, you can will bend egypt without any questions at all, and so on. you see, yes, really lean on, lean on everything, everything, everything , everything in general, because if the arabs lose again, as biden is doing with the rest of the guys, or the guys, yes, that’s it, they won’t get out of there now i will, but by the way, we, we are talking about arab countries, we are talking about iran, but we forget that there is also turkey there, in fact, this visit of blinkin, it will actually end
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in turkey. when everyone started getting rid of the grandfather. their main pillar is it is the oil and dollar of the persian gulf countries that began to switch to yuan and rubles, they urgently need to be conditionally put in their place, this coalition of aircraft carriers that has been created is really starting them now, that is, you are saying that if israel puts the squeeze on, then with with all this use of this violence and so on, if he still puts the pressure on, the arabs did not suddenly start, they are guaranteed to defeat them and it will also be a victory for them, moreover, they will put everyone ... in a clear place in the ranks, they will never again dare to contradict america, but here it is important, they think so, that they will win, because well , i don’t know, the iran factor, i still wouldn’t be here, hezbollah hezbollah, iran iran, because these are all the developments that you describe for the americans, this is iran, china , russia, for iran all this was proposed as an option on behalf of the muslim arab countries
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to remove all civilians from there, this is exactly what israel wants. yes, this would be an ideal option for the gas sector in a buffer zone devoid of population, and thereby if the palestinians would decide to withdraw all palestinians from the west bank, well, this is what the israelis were striving for , after they cut off, well, they cut off, of course, this northern part of the gas sector, the biggest problem will begin, there are hundreds thousands of civilians remained, but please tell me what you mean when you say that if they were given free hands, they would have won this war, firstly, i don’t yet know what other free hands the israeli army needs given what they do, and most importantly, you mean, they would have won then, but how would they have won if they had won their hands , this will not happen now, because the entire arab and entire muslim world
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is watching this very closely, from the outside, it results in a demonstration, rimsky , he asked how many divisions he had? then explain to me what is the strength of the weapons and weapons of the muslim, the left, who historically sympathize with palestine, the split among the western elites, who in your version will be able to put pressure on israel to tie the hands of its military, it doesn’t seem like artyom is the administration today. biden demands a humanitarian ceasefire, any humanitarian cessation is due to historical dislike for israel, and don’t forget that biden just has elections and in this situation he cannot completely untie their hands, but
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it seems to me that these articles are in even influential publications like they tie the hands of the israeli military, they are now... not forty-eight years old, because in forty -eighth the israelis did everything they wanted, but they killed, they got away with everything, now for some time, maybe the first week, they victims of october 7, they got away with a lot, no more, and the stars in this are not the holocaust, they will be condemned by the united nations organization in 1001 resolutions, in my opinion, i’m not allocating money to them. until the united states, in fairness, it must be said, will not have 100% support from the united states, they already have an internal post directed against intelligence leaders, then the next day he is removed, after that the leader of the left opposition, who supposedly should be in this national government, opposes
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netanyahu, israel is not the same now as it was in forty-eight, this is a much more amorphous and relaxed state, which allowed... this is what i’m talking about, well , in general, the main events, i also think there are many interesting events ahead, unfortunately, probably also tragic ones, time will tell , advertising, olaf scholz disappeared from the public sphere for a long time, they say he just fell and injured his eye, an absolute operetta production, none of them want a strong sovereign
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