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tv   Mechtallion  1TV  November 5, 2023 9:20am-9:40am MSK

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well, roughly speaking, in your tea, right? yes, yes, how many spoons of sugar do you eat a day? spoon, one spoon a day, one spoon of sugar is 5 g, this is the twentieth part of 400 kilocals, if you consider that sugar is 400 kilocals, it’s not that, it’s not a little, if you eat three spoons, you eat there, i don’t know, how much sugar, 10 tablespoons of sugar a day, the maximum you will save on sweeteners is 200 kilopotassium, because you cannot replace sugar in sausage, you cannot replace sugar in flour, you cannot replace sugar in cereals you can, but it will all break down to sugar, to glucose, now let’s return to the scandal that happened with the world health organization, when it either declared one of the well-known sugar sweeteners aspartame as a cause of cancer, then retracted its words, everything passed within one month, after all, it’s about the truth or not, to
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answer this question, let’s go back to the studio of the health program. well, here we are back in the studio of the health program, we have a big conversation about sweeteners, i want to start with this: here, of course, not all sweeteners are included, but we wanted to show you a simple thing, how much sweeter artificial sweeteners are than sugar, which means sugar, let’s imagine the sweetness of sugar in one piece, so we designated it as one piece. further, saccharin and aspartame are 200 times sweeter than sugar, 200 times sweeter, cyclomate is 500 times sweeter than sugar, and sucrolose is 300 times sweeter than sugar. that is, these sweeteners are super-sweet products, and their calorie content is practically zero, because microscopic pieces of these substances are enough for us to it was at... this is the essence of replacing sugar, it is
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a taste replacement, not a biochemical one, why this is important to understand, i will tell you a little later, but we will summarize the first results regarding aspartame. so, what is the basis for the great concern of all doctors in the use of sweeteners. first, it has long been shown in animals that many sweeteners, in particular. there they increase the risk of cancer in animals, well, it seems like animals, what do animals have to do with it, few people can relay this data, but we told several times in the program that this data there is, in general, we don’t have any reason to take much risk by replacing sugar with sweetener substitutes , now for the second time in the twenty-second year a huge study has appeared, conducted in france, in which 102 thousand, thousands of people are participating, this is a gigantic study.
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and this study shows that the use of sweeteners, particularly asportam, increases the risk of cancer. it was after this that the world health organization issued such a message that aspartame can be trusted in the development iraq. the research is there, everything is there. i don’t even want to discuss why they later retracted their words, i do. give advice like a doctor. so, we have long assumed that sweeteners may be associated with the development of cancer, but there was no direct evidence, this is the first time in the form of a survey that they found some kind of connection in people in the twenty-second year, but from my point of view, to sweeteners should be treated as follows: i want to invite two people whom i met this morning: in
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the store and they agreed to come to our program, please come to us, both of you, this is a young man, arthur and olga, so look, these are drinks where sweeteners are used instead of sugar, this is chewing gum, and some kind of candy, in general, here and even sauces where the sugar substitute, aspartame, is used instead of sugar, now... i asked you whether these sweeteners are beneficial, you told me yes, you also told me yes, so now you will help me figure it out. so, this is sugar, and we will make a piece of sugar like this. who will take a piece of sugar? a someone will take a bottle of water with sweetener. okay, so look, sugar is actually glucose. come here, it's universal. when blood sugar drops,
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our brain says: i’m hungry, let me eat, let me eat, we give it something, glucose, this is sugar, okay. thank you, i'm full, thank you, i 'm full. now the situation is different, now the person is suitable as a sweetener, come here? there is no sugar, we replaced it with a sweetener, the brain says: i’m hungry, let me eat, let me eat, we give it a sweet sugar substitute, but we don’t give it sugar, oh well if they didn’t give you food, but showed you a picture. whether your hunger will go away or not, it won’t go away, your hunger will go away from the picture, i think no , i think no, the hunger doesn’t go away, but the sweetness is such that it’s right here, because sweeteners are much sweeter, that means
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the sweetness is here here, what do people eat, people still eat, but they eat fatty foods, with whatever? with potatoes, with cereals, with anything , and potato cereals are sugar, they are glucose, everything will break down into glucose, only glucose is now with fat, so a long time ago it has been shown that when people, for example, change glucose to fructose, their risks of obesity increase, it turns out that they seemed to change to lose weight , they thought, but the risks of obesity increased, of course , yes, you can’t fool the brain, the brain has sugar, you may not want sweets, but it will extract glucose, and you will go eat and you will empty your reserves, clearly, now the question arises: is it worth changing the awl for soap at all, put in glucose, put in sweet water. so,
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where can we replace sugar, in everyday life, we bought a sweetener, where can we replace sugar with sweetener? what? in tea? probably in tea in coffee, well, in any drink, coffee, that’s right, and an advanced soup will also make a cake with a sweetener, or some sides, that’s right, we already discussed in the store, the correct answer is the source of sugar, not only that this sugar, this sugar, the vast majority of us don’t really eat , that’s right, we’ve been eating tea with a piece for a long time, we don’t eat three spoons, five spoons anymore, that’s right, yes, that’s why this sugar constitutes... a minimum of calories, if we we change it, maximum, maximum we change 200 calories for a sweetener, in our diet, where three, 5,000 calories each, this is , well, just a drop in the bucket, it’s clear, but what do we eat, where else do we get sugar, the brain
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is everything he also says, give me sugar, give me glucose, where else do we get it from, young man, what does he have, he has sugar, he has sugar, he didn’t look for sugar, we still take sugar, well , help, sugar is everywhere now, take the microphone, confectionery, candy, that's right, and also, fruits, fruit, that's right, and also, vegetables, in the end there will also be sugar, but there will be a lot of fiber, what else, porridge, a variety of cereals, potatoes, cereals, who shouted porridge, well, of course porridge, porridge - these are just long-lasting carbohydrates that.
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and even if you made sugar in a cake at home and replaced it with a sugar substitute, then there is still flour there, flour is sugar, so it turns out that in general you can live without sugar substitutes, replacing sugar is still possible there are risks of cancer, is it worth resisting? probably not, of course not. i don’t see a single argument, the point hasn’t been made, there’s no direct evidence that it’s aspartame causes cancer, there is no direct data, but this study is a reason to think, and when there is a reason to think, maybe you shouldn’t increase yours. cancer, yes, it’s not worth it, on this happy note i want to end this program, thank you for this wonderful morning meeting in the store and thank you too, so these departments have very interesting names, where there are dietary
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products with sweeteners, they are called informed choice , the conscious choice is that you need to live without sugar substitutes, then everything... okay, that’s all for today, dears friends, health to everyone, because this is the most important thing, i’m glad i’m happy that today ... this all happened, thank you, leni, very much, i ’ll leave my autograph, in memory of our meeting, brevity is the sister of talent, my favorite lenochki and autograph , so we leave this as a souvenir, there is already a whole econostasis of people who come to vasilievna’s program, watch the health program on channel one.
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these are not travel notes with dmitry krylov; once the famous american writer henry miller spoke in the spirit that when traveling, the place you choose is important, and your ability to look differently, that is, it is important how much you change internally thanks to this journey, it seems to me that this is... partial and controversial, but quite a deep statement, right? so we, when we come and get acquainted with new places, sometimes we discover something anew for ourselves , not necessarily in new places, for example, i like to return to the lands i like, and although it is impossible to walk into the same river twice, but having eyes always will be able to notice something new, unusual, exciting and possible to take a different path. it was with this mood that we continued our acquaintance with the westernmost region of our country, the mumuka garbage museum. our regular
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fellow travelers may remember that a couple of years ago, in one of the essays, we talked about an extremely unusual, but interesting from different points of view, museum in the kaluga region, the museum of garbage. and just recently , his younger brother, mumuka, opened another garbage museum in the kaliningrad region. it is located on the road to zelenogradsk, and you probably won’t miss it passing by, many exhibits are already on display right on the street. global concept. the authors of the museum are that there was less garbage in the world in the head, in the soul, in the house, how to do this, where to start? our creators are sure that we must start with ourselves first. the green code eco-site, where the museum is located, accepts recycled materials and sorted waste and transfers them for further processing. back in the 16th century , french rag pickers went from house to house and collected old clothes and other things; from the beginning of the 19th century, from similar junk trepya in france began to produce paper. at the end of the 19th century they began to do this in russia. why go far? surely navtalina, like me
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, remembers how soviet schoolchildren and adults also collected waste paper. by handing over a countless number of kilograms of old newspapers , one could get the opportunity to buy a rare book. do you remember how glass bottles or scrap metal were collected? nowadays newspapers have almost disappeared, but a huge number of different materials, packaging, containers, disposable products have appeared, everything that slowly but surely it pollutes and clogs... but most waste can and should have a second life. bottle caps contain very important elements, they are processed into small granules and sold for recycling, and the money goes to charity. an unusual solution for toilets, they were turned into flower beds and used to decorate the top party area of ​​the museum. once, a bankrupt studio offered to buy plumbing fixtures from him, which now found their second, albeit unusual, life here. by the way, since we're talking about toilets, in the adjacent building with the museum - a toilet. moreover, the name on it is written in the same large letters as the name of the museum itself, you can’t pass by, this is an absolutely
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real toilet, although it should be called a boutique toilet, everything here is just as elegant and stylish, the idea of ​​this establishment is to draw the attention of visitors to what there should be public toilets, from a warm welcome to all sorts of sensors that allow you to maintain maximum hygiene, but the museum, do you know my fellow experts, what makes upcycling different? words, god forgive me, let's find out this using the example of some exhibits in the collection of this same mumuki, which was used by foreign russian artists, precisely with these unpronounceable methods, you guessed it, what unites them is that absolutely all of these exhibits were created, yes, from everything that that for some reason they no longer serve people for their intended purpose, oh, there are so many interesting little things here, women’s jewelry, broken dishes, items made from droplets. and industrial hemp, soap, cosmetics, hats, backpacks, sweets, oil, all this is real
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can be worn and used, because what kind of imagination did you have to have to build a little mermaid and her lover from a pile of metal raised from the bottom of the kush bay, and a portrait of viktor tsoi from microcircuits. by the way, according to our guide, ten grams of gold and other precious metals could be recovered from these microcircuits, so this portrait is practically golden. and in this corner there is trash fashion on display. and each dress is unique, made in only one copy, as the heroine of the remark in the novel life said dimes, in the thinnest evening dress, if it fits well, you cannot catch a cold, but it is easy to catch a cold in that dress that irritates. you or in the twins that you will see on another woman this evening, my dear fimins, in such a dress you will definitely not catch a cold, it will be the only one in the company in which you will appear in it, it is not necessary to say what it is made of, envious people won't understand you, here 's an elephant breeder, colorful and good-natured, a favorite of children, a huge tapestry snail rushes on a motorcycle, anyone can sit in the bathtub mobile
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who wants to, and even turn it on, turn the steering wheel, the exhibition of the time of negation is made of... i see nothing, i hear nothing, i won’t say anything, near this exhibit i remembered the poems of vladimir maykovsky, and could you play the kurn on the flute of the drainage corpse? as you can see, some have succeeded, but what am i telling you, come and imagine more of ours, and if there is no such opportunity yet, then be with us at the screen. kaliningrad, we did not plan to film on this trip to the kaliningrad region. we only managed to skim through this region around the city and noted for ourselves how kaliningrad is transforming and becoming more and more beautiful, we paid attention to the new, very well-kept recreation area stretching along the luxurious lake with the modest name upper pond, as it is literally translated from german. geographically, it turned out that the capital of kaliningrad, maiden kennicksburg , unlike many other cities in the region,
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did not get the shores of the baltic sea, but its role was successfully taken on by numerous lake ponds, as well as the river... prigolya, current across the city. the upper pond is one of the oldest in the city. it appeared back in 1270, when the knights of the tefton order dammed the influx of this very lake to create water reserves and breed fish, and raised this fish there until the beginning of the 20th century, since the lake was located outside the boundaries of the then city. but over time, koenik began to grow. new beautiful neighborhoods appeared one after another on the shore of the lake, but after a century, the houses around the lake look very attractive. although the fish are like that. the neighborhood didn’t look good, they emigrated to more waters calm from people. fishing village immanula kanta island. these are probably the most tourist places in kaliningrad. the craft ethnographic center, a fishing village with gothic castles and towers, is, of course, a new building, although it fits quite reliably into the general atmosphere of the city center. this is a reminder of the time when kaliningrad
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was still könecksberg. this is probably what the fish market area on this site looked like. now here is the concentration of all kinds of tourist joys: skiing on boats on the river, photos with pigeons, buying souvenirs and the opportunity to simply soak up the sun in one of the many cafes, such a simple, but very pleasant pastime. the weather in kaliningrad can be very changeable, so citizens catch the sun whenever possible. tourists, impatient to see everything at once in order to have time to take photos and take pictures, and why else would they travel, hastily run across the honey bridge to the island. ostrovaz... immanula kanta. it’s worth staying on the bridge, not just to admire the fishing village, but still take the obligatory photo with homlin, grandfather karl. by the way, these local brownies, who have been
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processing amber at all times, what else can you ask them to do in the baltic. so there are seven of them in total in kalining. homework from dcc. find everyone, and you will be rewarded, i’m serious, we walked around the island of kneiphof, that’s its old name. it is surprising that a relatively small area until the middle of the century housed an entire city, or rather one of the three that were part of the könecksberg fortress. during the second world war, after the brutal bombing of 1944, the island turned into complete ruins. for a long time after the war, it was bricks from the island of kneifhof that were the source of building material for reconstruction. after the liberation of leningrad, it was only in the seventies of the last century that a park was laid out here and the cathedral of our lady and st. adalpert began to be restored. for the territory of russia, this is of course a unique architectural pearl. a 21st century building, a magnificent example of hanseatic gothic architecture. now the cathedral regularly hosts organ concerts. we listened to a small concert
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outside. yes, not an organ, of course, but still nice. in general, the park on kant island is very cozy. benches, paths, sculptures, veins of time , an innovation of the 21st century, and a faucet, with the help of which anyone can chat with immanuel kant himself, and even take a selfie with him. hello, let me introduce myself. immanuel ka, i am glad to see you. not sure about grandpa. i would be glad of this fact, although who knows, in the virtual world it looks quite friendly, after all, maybe this is the evolution of education, to help such young creatures learn, and maybe be interested, or maybe be interested? and who is this guy in a white wig? agent devi, mayor.


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