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tv   Vremya  1TV  November 8, 2023 9:00pm-9:40pm MSK

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the council for inclusive capitalism, led by the vatican, are very different, but they compete with each other, no, they are subordinate to them, this is a manifest structure, that is , the most, let’s say, who is the coolest structure? this is the manifested structure of the committee of three hundred, capitalist over everything, here is the bildergi tripartite commission bilderberg is the human mary, this is the manifested part for you, you will not find anywhere where and how the council on inclusive capitalism meets, now about russia, a letter to listen to people from fifty-four, first of all, it is necessary to establish control over the core of the globe, dash russia , without this, the world domination of the anglo-saxons is unattainable, in order to take possession of this huge continental mass in russia, it is necessary to develop a strategy according to which the united states and its allies must, like anaconda strangle russia from all sides, you know, western civilization is incompatible with russian, indeed. we prevent
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them from achieving the most important thing, what they dream of is to reign supreme, you know, once upon a time, kisinger’s assistant told one of my close people, an intelligence general, that if we russians submit to them the americans, then everything will be fine with us, and he says: don’t you understand, we, he says, are americans born in order to rule the world and my close person says, don’t you think that we are russian, we russians also have our own mission, very much a reality, definitely a reality, one thing we have found out for sure, a task... of the highest order, is that we are not it was because in their global world order or world disorder, there is no place in faith, love, traditions, this is the task of the belder club, today we are at the forefront of a serious struggle.
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hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. meeting with doctors and gifts for young patients. help for people who cannot cope with debts, mass support. restoration of cultural monuments in different regions. details of the meeting between the president and the government. five ukrainian planes were shot down and more than thirty were intercepted drones, what our military did in the zone within 24 hours. people's republic of china by jan yuxia. the head of our ministry of defense, sergei shaiv, also took part. another step on the way to europe or a house curtain behind which they hide. failure at
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the front, the european commission recommended starting negotiations with ukraine on joining the eu, why is the old world in no hurry to give kiev everything they ask for. middle east, israel storms the gases and claims to have eliminated one of the main developers in the capital, the head of the russian railways checked. big travel around the country an opportunity to see how decisions are made in the government condensation center. grand exhibition of russia at vdnk, what prize did the five hundred thousandth visitor receive? exposition. today the head of state was shown a new building in the national hematolocenter, which is what dima dreamed of, and the president fulfilled his dream. the new building was built with the participation of rosatom. and in the neuro-oncology department it is possible to carry out the most complex diagnostics and cell therapy, even in the most severe cases. and now there are good outcomes
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treatment from 75 to 100%. this means that the meeting was a long time ago, it was no coincidence, and the memory of little dima, who did such a great thing, is everything, at his age he is shy, the boy is not used to such attention, hello, he is just fighting, it’s okay, what’s your name , tell me, from under the blanket, what’s your name, where did you get the phone from, how long have we had the phone there? we’ve been here since june 1st, yes, vadim has undergone several difficult operations, many courses of chemotherapy, he has brain cancer, he’s been to the hospital where all the little ones will be cured patients, the clinic of the future soon appeared, its construction was personally supervised by vladimir putin. for me, this is also a personal story, because the meeting with an amazingly bright boy, dima rogachev, cheerful, despite his terrible illness, determined the immediate decision.
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full cycle, which was shown to the president today. last week there were 260 requests for hospitalization, but we can’t admit everyone, we needed beds, it’s just at dawn, as they say, so we will also have a separate surgery department here, the first specialized department in russia and are being implemented throughout the country, targeted therapy is used, the latest cellular drugs are on the way, they stimulate. the patient’s own immune system is such an ultra-precise anti-cancer weapon that affects not just the tumor, but each of its cells separately. the most common tumor is acute leukemia , leukemia in children, and 90% recover, and we have such a multicenter
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study of 60 regions, and we know exactly all those patients who were refractory or relapsed, then did not respond to therapy, we recognized them as palliative, and now we are doing... cell therapy. the new building occupied 12,000 m. on the lower floors there are laboratories, diagnostic units, wards for the treatment of radiopharmaceuticals, and drugs. we showed the president the neuro-oncology department, unique for our country, with a capacity of 20 beds. the latest equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of tumors, head and neck, including neurosurgical operating rooms and reconstructive surgery. the president was told the story of ten-year-old odile, she endoscopically, that is, through punctures, removed the tumor that was growing from the base of the skull. with the help of modern technologies, we managed to remove the tumor from the sacid process to the pericardium through simultaneous endoscopic endoscopic examination of the chest through small incisions on the neck, isolating all the vessels and all the nerves, after 7 days the child is here in the ward breathing, eating in the center, what
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kind of cat do you have ? who is that for you and she hasn’t been operated on yet, she’s also very difficult and very located. the tumor, yes, in the lateral base of the skull and we, too, as a team, will solve the problem, we’ll get ready tomorrow, well, you see, girls, everything will be fine, mom believes, of course, without faith, there’s no way, the girls asked vladimir putin to take a photo as a souvenir, a bright event for young patients, in our vadim did not hesitate to tell the film crew about his gift in the helicopter. yes, but we haven’t had time to buy batteries yet. oddela touchingly thanked the doctors. who saved her life, i am glad that i was treated in this hospital, there are very good doctors here, nurses, i want to say a huge thank you, i’m inoperable, but now at the dima rogachev center they help such children fight a serious illness and give them the opportunity to continue
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living, yulia nishchenko, olga gersimenko, maria martanova, sergey romanov, channel one, fight against cancer diseases, today it became one of... more about it a little later in our program, but for now on to other news. in lugansk, the head of the people's council of the lpr, the former head of the republican department. the necessary investigative actions are being carried out, objects from the scene of the incident are examined to order the necessary forensic examinations. at the moment, information about the victim of one person is known; based on the results of the investigative actions , assessments will be given. now a special operation. per day. air defense systems hit five aircraft of the ukrainian air force. two mig-29 fighters, one su-27 and two su-25 attack aircraft, were shot down in the donetsk republic of dnepro petro, american- made. and what else did our defense department say? in a populated area in the serebryanka village of the donetsk
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people's republic, the control points of the 67th mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine and the thirty -first brigade of the national guard of ukraine in the south donetsk direction of a subdivision of the vostok group of troops in cooperation with the army were hit. and artillery inflicted fire damage on the personnel and equipment of the 79th air assault and fifty-eighth motorized infantry region. and new examples of the courage of the russian military. lieutenant malik gadzhiev and his unit repelled ukrainian attempts for several days in a row formations to break into the village. he was wounded by shrapnel, but did not leave the fighters. the platoon held the line, despite the enemy's use of artillery and heavy equipment. motorized riflemen under the command of senior lieutenant kurban kamililov in battle. behind the populated area, they occupied a commanding height , defeated the enemy, and knocked out two units of armored vehicles. vladimir putin and sergei shaigu today met with the deputy chairman of the central military council of the people's republic of china, jan yusia. cooperation was discussed in novoogorev russia and china in various fields, including defense. who creates a tense situation in
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the world and goes beyond the norm and how to resist this? fly motive of negotiations. details in the report by pavel krasnov. the central military council is the main body in china. and its influence, and the north atlantic alliance is making attempts to go beyond the geographical boundaries of its activities, more and more the united states is drawing all the countries of the alliance into creating a tense situation in new military-political alliances, including countries of the region, i am primarily guided by my own, of course my own, i will say directly selfish interests; in the united states, china has long been openly called the main
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enemy, not only economically, but militarily, and the military bloc aucus, created 2 years ago, which, in addition to the states, includes britain and australia are directly aimed at deterrence in order to implement your important agreements with the chairman of the siya, hold the next meeting on military-technical cooperation, and strengthen it in the future. the guest from the middle kingdom also discussed military cooperation between moscow and beijing with the minister of defense. a week ago, sergei shaigu and dzhan yuxia met at a forum in china, where they discussed threats common to the two states and a common view of events in the world. the moscow meeting turned out to be almost a mirror of the actions of china and russia. russian-chinese relations in the military field are steadily developing in all directions, and we regularly conduct joint operational combat training activities on land, in the air and at sea. shoulder to shoulder, successfully we are practicing combat training tasks of varying complexity, and all these actions are not
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directed against third countries and are carried out exclusively for the victory over germany. after the war , the allies, as we know, were divided into two warring camps, one of which, represented by nato, still exists, but relations between russia and china are built on others. russia and china are not building any military alliances following the example of time; they are gaining our cooperation, our contacts in the military and military-technical sphere, i mean space, including high-altitude groups, i have in view of modern types of weapons, promising ones, which will certainly provide security for both russia and the people's republic of china. by the way, in the military
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leadership of china, it is general jan who is responsible for the development of the first channel. the blades of heroes for the cities of military glory, swords of victory, and special memorial signs were rightfully accepted today by mariupol and melitopol. now they are on the list of honor, which includes almost fifty russian cities. the celebrations took place in the capital, in the victory museum on poklonnaya hill in the federation council. two new lines, followed by tribute to the residents. those who fought for the freedom and independence of our homeland, the donetsk people's republic, evgeniy valetsky and denis kushilin, this is a sign of gratitude to the people of melitopol, mariupol, this is a tribute to the feat of both past and present heroes who fight for their land, for our nation. for our values ​​and i sincerely want swords of victory, which will be
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kept in the museums of these two cities and will remind descendants of the great feat of the inhabitants of these cities. they called him the landing father and loved him very much. our warriors with whom he shared the hardships of danger, father mikhail vasiliev died a year ago in the zone, the president awarded him the title of hero of russia posthumously. and today in vlasikha, near moscow, in the main garrison, there are rocket guards. today we are missing a reliable friend, a real person, a reliable comrade-in-arms, someone who was always ready to help. the parishioners loved father mikhail unselfishly; he was always welcome in military, soldier, and officer groups. he always prepares our military command school for those who will train such specialists. u
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future instructors have 140 hours of flight training to become proficient in piloting combat drones. tatyana kozlova learned some of the subtleties of the educational process. i flew off at about 3.7-3.6 on the battery, you approach the landing through a right angle with braking. lightning fast, almost elusive, they are not capable of hitting the enemy, no matter where he is, in the trench, or in the buildings of these specialists. there’s not enough in the zone, the first flights are made in tandem with a trainer, if something goes wrong, the senior comrade takes control, forward, i don’t see nothing, for such cases there is a trainer mode. the trainee lost the signal, doesn’t see anything, the instructor just takes control, now i’m flying, today we’re flying in circles, plus we’re practicing landing , if it’s a human prototype, all the subtleties of the flight are being practiced on simulators, at first glance, the simulator resembles a video game, but the tasks are true here other, virtual flights
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develop fine motor skills of the hands and the vestibular apparatus, but before learning to fly you have to... once you fall, the instructor learns not only to fly, here they also master topography and engineering. knowledge of digital circuitry and analogue circuitry is welcome, as well as programmer knowledge and work accuracy, military specialists will hone their dexterity for 3 weeks, after which the ready-made instructors will return to their universities and share their knowledge and experience with young cadets. tatyana kozlo, maxim putintsev, yulia khodorova, konstantin anisisimov, siberian bureau, channel one. in buryat, fsb operatives detained an accomplice of ukrainian intelligence, according to the investigation, the suspect, being in the special operation zone , persuaded our fighters to switch. political terror against dissidents, persecution of believers, censorship in the media, ardent russophobia, endemic corruption , it would seem, is not the best track record for the country
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of a candidate for the eu, but kiev can, although promising does not mean accepting, negotiations with the zelsky regime will only begin, ah... it will be clear that they are still looking through rose-colored glasses and seeing what they want to see, but there are fewer and fewer optimistic colors. ivan blagoev read the reports of the european bureau, procurement to the ministry of defense, we will write about progress in the fight against corruption; kiev is even praised for the repressive law on media. citizens of ukraine enjoy freedom of expression and critical reporting is available in the media. this is despite the fact that the national council for television and radio broadcasting received essentially punitive functions. and it is formed like this: one half of its members are appointed personally by zelensky, the verkhovna rada controlled by him. after the outbreak of war, uniform news appeared on ukrainian television. i was able to verify it personally. necessary steps we outlined last year in our report, 90% completed. the main progress was achieved in reforming constitutional justice, in the selection of the supreme council of justice in the anti-corruption program, and progress in
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the fight against money laundering. recently, the former minister of finance of greece, yanis varoufas, spoke very impartially. this is a problem, because sooner or later, in his opinion , the crossing of ethnic hungarians will begin. hungary's position is crystal clear. as long as this law exists, it is impossible to discuss with ukrainians their integration into european union. warsaw also laid down its conditions to kiev. if you want to go to the eu, exhume the poles who were tortured by bandera, victims of the volyn massacre, whose remains are located on the territory of present-day ukraine. in my opinion, without resolving this issue, many ukrainians already have this. that ambassador of ukraine makeev hears him. i am glad that the ambassador of ukraine is also present here. hello, alexey. and then an ice shower. i don't think taurus could have changed the course of the fighting
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. the truth is that all this threatens to develop into trench warfare, which is why we have to do everything. cannot compensate for the loss of personnel of the ukrainian army. the army is in a state that is now considered close to catastrophic. isn’t the news from brussels then a kind of informational anti-crisis campaign, something similar has already happened? the capitulation in mariupol in media terms for ukraine was smoothed over by a gift, the status of a candidate for accession to the eu. the loss of solidar was covered by leopard tanks, artyomovsk, and the promise of training aircraft for the european party in power. as well as a dirty election campaign with the removal of competitors from the elections and the suspension of the licenses of six tv channels at once. ivan blago, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva, svetlana, vedyashkina, stanislav opletin, channel one. the new government of slovakia, led by robert fitso, has blocked a package of military aid to ukraine worth more than 40 million euros, which the previous cabinet had planned to allocate. slovak
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media write about this. thus to fitz, whose party lost about 250 billion euros under the account. like this. meeting with ambassadors of different countries, dedicated to regulating the situation around ukraine. the head of our foreign ministry noted that the sanctions of the collective west harm not only individual states, but do not aggravate the situation in the world economy as a whole, but america, america benefits from such a policy. washington, in fact, ruins its european vassals, and allows its military-industrial union to earn money by abandoning everything russian. washington continues to buy from russia. uranium and other critical materials. now the middle east israel is intensifying shelling of the city of gaza all more tightly surrounds the center of the enclave. allegedly destroyed. head of the hamas arms and industry department: since the beginning of the escalation of the conflict, the idf has struck more than 14,000 targets of the palestinian movement. first of all, the heart
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of the hamas group , there is no footage of the battles for the central region, which was announced by the head of the southern command of the idf, the main clashes are in the coastal zone, gaza is cut off from the sea, both infantry and heavy equipment are working. hamas responds with mobile groups, street fighting through the eyes of one of the militants. almost everyone armed with an anti-tank grenade, it is reported that this is beit lahia, a northern suburb of gaza, from there they are working with minomsha meri per hour with an intensity of 20 explosions per minute, we understand what is happening and are trying to prepare for the moment when they reach our hospital, and this, apparently, now the main target of sahal is in the gas, the alshifa hospital is considered the headquarters of hamas and its human shield, the other hospital of the gas alkuts was also completely cut off today. the israeli army is already 24 hours old. bombs all adjacent roads, a total of according to the palestinian ministry of health, now 18 have already hit 1,400 targets associated with hamas. in particular, today
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the head of the hamas arms and industry department, makhsen abuzin, was eliminated. more than 100 tunnels were destroyed, as well as rocket launchers, which were allegedly located in kindergartens, mosques and residential buildings. more than 10,400 people were killed, more than 25 were injured. civilians, but no one is intentionally killing them, there is simply no choice, the situation is difficult, a situation in which many palestinians are now fighting for survival, that's how they talk about it on the west bank. which they plowed, which they live there all their lives, this is the only homeland for them. he loved life so much, loved people, of all ages and nationalities, and they killed him in cold blood; of the seven members of my family,
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only three are breathing now. israel will not be able to come to terms with the existence of an organization that captured more than 200 people. netanyahu repeats the example again: there will be no ceasefire until the hostages are released. the city of gas is surrounded, we operate inside it, we increase. with all due respect john, some people say you are just repeating the israeli army spokesman, why not come forward and say that israel is doing something wrong, you are their best friend, you have leverage, why don't you criticize their? your question assumes that we have come to a certain conclusion that many laws of armed conflict have been violated, but i do not think that this is so, i will only say that we are not going to respond to every real event. we want to live, we want peace, we want medicine, food and education, we want to live like all the other children. for the outside world, gensequon answered today, it hasn’t
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gotten any easier. what leverage does the united nations have to stop, as you put it, possible genocide in the enclave? well, we have neither money nor power for this, but we have a voice platform, where at least the president gave a long interview to the kazakhstanskaya pravda newspaper. in particular, they say success in economics. last year , trade between the countries reached a record $28 billion. there is a joint investment project. russia is one of the largest investors in the kazakh economy. accumulated russian investments in kazakhstan amount to about $17 billion. there are about 6,000 enterprises from russia operating in the republic. our strategic partnership is truly forward-looking, broad and multifaceted. over time and is developing upward, we have something to offer and how to help each other. on the eve of vladimir putin’s visit to kazakhstan, which is scheduled for tomorrow,
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kasym gave a long interview to our newspaper zhamar takaev, he told how the dialogue between moscow and astana is being built. important features of the kazakh-russian dialogue are constructiveness at their meeting held today in moscow. against the backdrop of common threats and challenges, it is important to act in communication and work proactively, the president emphasized. outside the cis the same. russian security council nikolaishev noted: washington and its vassals are purposefully inciting conflicts. particular emphasis is placed on the targeted destabilization of the situation, in the so- called collective aggression of the west. to justify their actions, washington, london and brussels openly demonstrate double standards in assessing current events and the compliance of certain actions with international law.
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you are watching the time, now there is an advertisement, immediately after the details of the meeting of vladimir putin with the government of this navdkh. stay with us on channel one. trotsky, you executed a man who... weren't worth killing you, dad, i forgot my pencils, dad is free, it's not free, mancatcher whiskey, stellar group product, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
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i sent a request to him, they don’t have such an employee, and you know igor well, you don’t drink coffee, girls, no, you ’re scaring me, i love you. the territory will soon be on the first, maybe the tail will hang behind him, let's wait, his head is now full of others, fantastic. the next
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level is on friday on the first. if we take it globally, i think that few people still know who slavsky is. bomb, nuclear energy, education, medicine, all the elements that made it possible to say that sredmash is a state within a state, should have known, and most importantly, this is radiation, this is radiation sickness, it’s worth kurchatov, where are you going down, the devil knows that he was irradiated very much, he believed that the main thing of his life, he was new, the premiere, on saturday on the first. this is the program
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time and we continue. many topics were discussed at the meeting between the president and the government today. one of them is the creation of high-quality medical equipment for the russian market. there was also talk about supporting mass sports to help people who have fallen into debt dependence. pavel cholkin will continue. tabernacles are no less important topics. i would ask maxim gennadvich reshetnikov to start with the question of fr. protection of citizens with a high debt burden, there are some changes here, and it is necessary for people to know about these changes, and of course, for every citizen to understand that all these actions are aimed at protecting the interests of citizens, according to reshetnik, the debtor himself or the creditor, if the amount the debt is more than 500,000, but there is a second out-of-court bankruptcy mechanism, developed for vulnerable sections of citizens,
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the simplest possible mechanism for writing off debts, there is a limit from 50 to 500,000 rubles. the procedure is free, it takes place without the participation of a financial manager and without a trial. the application can be submitted to the mfc branch at the place of registration or place of residence, and here it must be confirmed that the citizen has neither income nor property. this is confirmed by mfc employees and, after that , information about bankruptcy will have to be published in the public domain. we have adapted this mechanism for pensioners. large but constant income. our new rules came into effect on november 3 this year. what has it changed? firstly, the procedure can now be used by pensioners and families with children from whom debts have been collected for more than a year. the procedure is available for debts from 25,000 rubles to 1 million rubles. the minister of economy clarified that a pensioner or anyone who receives benefits must obtain a certificate about this from the social fund, a certificate where the creditor filed
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an application for recovery. not only for mortgages, but for consumer loans, borrowers will have the opportunity to take such a vacation for up to 6 months. such a mechanism, according to nabiulina, was well demonstrated yourself during a pandemic. according to her, 85% of borrowers eventually return to the payment schedule, avoiding delays and bankruptcy. and all this does not affect their credit history. another way to reduce the amount of debt, including interest. penalties, fines and penalties, in addition, we also know the practice when banks lure people with extremely favorable interest rates on loans, both one and two, and 3% per annum. in addition, banks are now required to indicate in advertising their services the honest cost of the money
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they issue to a citizen, with all additional fees, including life insurance, health insurance and other services imposed on citizens, and not in small print, as it was before, in an electronic form, of course, it is necessary... this should be done as quickly as possible, so that the form is convenient for people to work with this this problem, well, that’s where i started , informing citizens definitely needs to be strengthened, so that every financial institution has a corresponding certificate, the head of the all-russian popular front raised the topic of tax deductions for paid classes sports, according to him, the main problem is that there are not enough residents, they also seem to be saying that they are not... informed about the tax deduction for sports, according to the tax office, in ten regions less than 50 people received the deduction, and that is clearly awareness people here are not at the highest level, everything needs to be done to ensure that the organizations
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themselves know about this form of working with citizens, and the citizens themselves who deal with people’s health, the health care system, this is all well known, so you just need unwind. it is necessary, i know, they just said, an increase, this is a deduction, too, for this area of ​​​​activity, there may be such , in principle, a good amount that will return to people involved in sports, the main speaker on the topic of the meeting, the minister of health, on measures to combat with oncological diseases, on your instructions, the federal project fighting oncological diseases was launched in 2019, today speaking about interim... results, we managed to provide breakthrough results in this fight against this complex disease and consolidate positive trends in the field of oncology, the project is designed until the twenty-fourth year, as a result, in the twenty-second year, the annual mortality rate of patients with oncology decreased by 13.5% for
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five years, there were 553 of them open in the country. first of all, the speed and quality of diagnosis increased, today is the highest figure for all previous years - 60% of malignant neoplasms were detected at the first and second stages of the disease, when the prognosis for treatment is the most favorable. moreover, the development of preventive increasing the coverage and quality of medical examinations made it possible to increase the supply of highly professional medical personnel, the number of oncologists, including children's, increased by 13%. another direction in the development of technologies aimed at identifying tumors. and now it can be done. in the regions, in reference centers. these are advisory centers where you can get the opinion of a second specialist - a more high-level institution, both on the study of samples, uh, in fact, in new
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territories, as such the infrastructure for treatment of oncological diseases, it was missing, it was modern, it was the equipment that was still there ... which of course, excuse me, but why, when ukraine was in charge there, why nothing, nothing happened, they did nothing in this regard, to fight there were also no early detection programs. according to the minister of health , equipment worth 622 million rubles has already been purchased for new regions. next year, purchases of another 450 million rubles are planned. plus, regional funds will be used for repairs. visitor the international exhibition forum russia is a place for history and modern achievements.
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a separate pavilion for the government. a real branch of the coordination center was built at vdnkh. today, deputy prime minister alexander novyk chaired a meeting of the federal gasification headquarters here. ordinary gasification visitors could watch the important meeting of the gasification headquarters, as the president said. its goal is for natural gas to reach every home, in the village, in the city where the main gas pipeline is laid. it was ordered to radically change approaches, now gas is brought to the boundaries of household plots without attracting funds from citizens and municipalities. free gas is supplied to the border of the site for connection already at the russian energy week, during the speech the president said to expand the categories and add participants
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in a special military operation, as well as disabled people of the first category, and this is work, now, based on the results of the headquarters, it is being carried out in the russian regions in the near future time , everything will be adopted, in all subjects, the regulatory framework, from the russian government federation, support measures will be expanded for subjects who are subsidized, communicate with robots, meet roman legionnaires, they are marching from the seva stand. the impressions are overwhelming, emotions, overwhelming, breathtaking, people who have not been to this or that region, seeing the exhibition of the same, yes, regional exhibition, of each region, they will want to get to this region, visit the country, how different the country is, how diverse it is, how different the culture is, how different the people are, it’s just amazing, truly great. get out of here
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you can not only with impressions, but also with delicacies, the farmer's fair pavilion. yakut fish, cheese from the moscow region, kamchatka caviar, for six months at the fair as part of the russian exhibition, it will be completely updated. unusual vegetable-shaped cakes were brought from the tver region. look, our carrots are made from orange chocolate. white chocolate potatoes, if we cut them, milk chocolate, and cheese makers from the belgorsk region shared the secrets of their craft, what is the most important thing in cheese production? there are a few factors, this is the quality of milk, this is the implementation of individual projects, with the support of experienced mentors. i began to form a project for the development and promotion of sports among young people, among adults and children, we hold sports festivals and sports competitions. regions, we fought among
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150 participants and everyone turned out, we broke all records and today is the 500th visitor to our exhibition, thank you very much for helping us so much, where are you from? and who did you come with? when did you arrive? cora, he has already come to the exhibition, yes, we love i have been to vdnk several times already, yes, 500,000 guests in 5 days, until april on the main exhibition and veronika ilvutchenova, channel one. unmanned swallows will soon begin flying along the moscow central ring. the head of russian railways, oleg belozerov, today checked how the transport control center of the future works. trains will become so smart that they will make their own decisions on many technical
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issues, delivering passengers to their destination, stopping and much more, but behind such an unmanned swallow, of course there will be an operator standing, our correspondent ivan prozarov also saw everything, i have several trains, so they were highlighted for me.
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