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tv   PODKAST  1TV  November 9, 2023 12:00am-12:37am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] statement, i always try to avoid personal statements, but sometimes i have to, it was brought to my attention today that among the numerous telegram channels one appeared, in which there was a very pompous statement from a certain person who addressed the russians, addressed the rastiadas, said that they were very it is important to know that he now has a new telegram channel, where he will discuss the battles in ukraine and what is happening in gaza and there , and such a generally pompous statement against the backdrop of the russian flag, this expert turned out to be it was me, so i want to categorically say that this telegram channel has
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nothing to do with me, it’s a complete fake, i don’t... know why this is being done, i naturally have my own assumptions, where do things like this come from? article about me, this is also a complete fake, where they even systematically claim that my parents, not my parents, give a completely different date of my birth, at this level, under all conditions, this is a trifle in life compared to the problems that we discussed, although of course it illustrates how they use it, but i thought it necessary to say this, so that if something appears on this channel that seems strange to those people who know me, please keep in mind, this is a complete fake, it was a big game,
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see you tomorrow on the air . hello, this is a psychic podcast, my name is natalya losyeva and today, together with our expert, psychotherapist, clinical psychologist, doctor of medical sciences, sergei kolov, we will deal with the situation of the young, bright, brutal nikita koryakin, who is confused by the fact that what he really wants from a relationship, why: they don’t work out for the long term, and where is the freedom that needs to be found , tell your story, there is such a problem that it’s difficult for me to trust myself, to put myself in someone’s hands, to do something full-fledged relationships , because i always feel some kind of restrictions in them, and since i am a creative person, i need freedom and most often i
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need it in everything. ahh, and it’s like, when everything begins such a bouquet period, on the contrary, i ’m inspired by it, i get interested, but when it’s already - it goes to over the course of two years, as if this whole bouquet period, it begins to turn into a routine, and this grounds me a little, and my creative impulse in work, in general , some of my ideas, they are a little dulled, i begin to lack some kind of... then with the creative impulse, some difficulties begin to be felt with this, and of course this affects relationships and i lose interest in people, i just feel, probably, that i want more, that is, i want to communicate - with different people, there to receive attention - other girls to make me feel
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i get a lot of attention, i still consider myself a good person, and... it’s important for me that my other half feels needed, but when i need the attention of other people, i think there are some problems with this, in the shadow doesn’t illuminate, but in general, what is your request, when you came to us, that’s what, so that we can answer your question, but how to feel free in a relationship, because you want to develop yourself in a relationship, because when you , you are leading some... this is a superficial relationship, you you don’t get something much deeper emotionally, and since my life is connected with creativity, i’m sure that there is also something to be gained there, so that later it can be shared with people. nikit, you know that just now in your monologue i heard a lot, a lot, a lot of me , i myself, now i’ll think of it, dear, beloved, precious, i can’t do it like this, but who would
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like this yes... priceless me , nikita koryakin 26 years old, photographer, graduate student, bring for long-term use, i also heard that you are getting bored. yes, that is, it is coming routine after the bouquet period, as you called it, uh-huh, ru is coming , it doesn’t inspire you, and the third thing i heard is that relationships, maybe i’m wrong, i say, the way i hear it, this is a resource for that so that you are inspired, you are an artist, you realize yourself, but where is the girl in all this? good question, probably, first of all, this should be music for me, which i will give it energy to me, and that is, so that it is a mutual energy exchange, and at some point, it’s like our the wires are lost, this energy disappears somewhere, and that is, i don’t feel like
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i want to give something to this person, and at the same time, i don’t want to keep the person next to me so that this is how i would play, ala yes and we just parted ways, but i want the person ... to be happy next to me and to give him only positive emotions, you know, right now i’m listening to you, and something’s wrong with me, something’s not right here, you know , it’s as if nikita koryakin is sitting now, yes, the actor who is sitting plays a young man, so enthusiastic, so subtle , who came to us to show himself, girls, look what i am, don’t count on... anymore, because i will always be burdened when there are too many of you, is this what i thought now? if i wanted to show myself, i probably would, but i didn’t want to talk about my problems, because i
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came here with that problem, to deal with the concept of freedom, because freedom is of course good, but when you feel this freedom, you there are too many ways for you when there are many paths, you can get lost in something and freedom, lack of freedom is when i have to do something that i don’t want, for example, what, for example, i want, this is what i like to do, great, this is already, this is great, glasses, i love it, but, for example, i want to spend time, i want to go somewhere with friends, simply because we have some common interests, but one way or another, there i am with a girl for some other reason, no story, no. yes, but this wouldn’t have happened, for sure, the problem is that my conscience is starting to gnaw that i didn’t i take it as if, uh, i’m not interested in her, there are people with whom i’m more interested , yes, or there, you feel guilty at this moment, i feel
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guilty very often, and i think that my empathy is quite- is still in a normal position and probably she allows me to feel it, and often empathy is my enemy and friend, because sometimes i... feel too much and at the same time it seems to me that the person is uncomfortable with this, but it happens that in fact it doesn’t feel so bad for a person, but for myself i just thought of this, and um, further, for example, i want, maybe, to go there on vacation with my friends, i have both female friends, but at the same time this is always accepted, and if i say, a friend is a real friend , nothing more, and by the way, it’s interesting that i perceive it as if i put my friends first, for now , because i think it’s logical, why, because a new person comes into your life, you meet there for a year or two, and you have friends with whom you have been friends for 20 years, 10 years, and as if for me they are a priority,
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perhaps there is also some nuance here, why is it difficult for me to build this, so you understand that every year this friendship experience increases, will increase, you know, and the chances that you will someday meet a girl like this by your standards, which can compete with your friends, it is simply minimized , or unless you lose all your friends, listen, an interesting case, although the story at first seemed rather banal to me, sergey, what’s wrong with us here? nikita, do you have a close, warm relationship with someone, yes, there is, i have a friend, with whom we have been friends for 20 years, from the first class line and, i can safely call this my sister, with whom we spend a lot of time together in general... i have an understanding of what it is deep relationships, but unfortunately not with the other half , so far it’s not working out with the other half, that is, you know how to do it, but something uh-huh, yes, because i feel when
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i choose a partner that this is one of those things, i as if i were slandering something, and if i chose a person, then that’s it, he’s mine, i, uh, hers, everything, and that is, for me this is some very, very important step. which i don’t know what needs to happen for me to overcome it and say: yes, that’s it, i’m ready, i’ll swear on blood, figuratively speaking, look, it turns out that he seems to give you only two, i have the right to look at... .left or right, even if this is a friend of my childhood, he sentences himself to this, then he himself begins to suffer from this same self-sentence, self-righteous, it turns out, nikit, it’s like you have two parts of the psyche, one wants some kind of loved ones , long-term, deep relationships, and the other wants freedom, and if i understand correctly , you understand freedom as desire, yeah, and if there are some... restrictions, and this concerns this story with desires and
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freedom, only relationships with girls, or in life in general? in life in general, and it’s very difficult to control me in terms of this, because as soon as i feel a lack of freedom , i lose interest; you even know, some kind of indifference towards this person wakes up when they try to do something to me, that’s some- then some kind of energy drops and is lost and... it immediately feels somehow uncomfortable and difficult for me to live in the feeling of lack of freedom, as you imagine, because any other person and any girl, she has her own desires, her own ideas about freedom, i understand this perfectly in my head my idea of ​​a relationship is collapsing, because i, because the first tick here doesn’t work for us , it’s true, any relationship - do you understand
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how you pay for such freedom, how do you feel with the feeling of loneliness, isolation? the problem is that i don't feel like never lonely, that is, because there is always someone to compensate for this, since i often go filming, it’s a lot of acquaintances, a lot of people around me, also then, if you want to tell something there, share, there are your close friends who they compensate for this, but why do you need a relationship with a girl then, for what? well, as for relationships, intimate relationships, for example, he is a young man, and this is also an important part of our life, probably just like that, you know, to engage in promiscuity, somewhere, uh, in any bar, he doesn’t want to, yes, because the moment comes when you want to go to bed, not alone, yes, with someone to feel this warmth from a person, but the problems are in some deep ones.
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relationship, that i want this, but something is pricking, that’s what’s pricking, i want to take it apart and somehow, as if we have already said, pricking the restriction of the girl’s desires , yes, but in no case do you think that i every desire there, i’m not ready to tolerate it, if i understand that somewhere i have to give in, yes, i understand that, but there is, there comes some point of no return, when it ’s as if the whole cauldron is gone. it’s boiling and i can’t give in any longer, that’s it, i want freedom and i need to rest, that is, i had a relationship for 2 years, eh, well, again, we call it 2 years, it was easy to rest, and i gained strength and so , hello, how are you, let's try again, and i sincerely believe that it will work out, then we go, the relationship begins cyclically in a circle, that i need a rest, i'm getting there, uh, going somewhere
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to rest, taking a break from the person , then i i’m starting to get bored, because i still feel love for this person, that is, i can’t say, it’s somehow you, no matter what, think about this person and in other people next to you you can see this person and desire him in in any case, nearby and some kind of story that you both want to be together, but something separates you, she still doesn’t lose this feeling of love inside for this person, well, that is, love is a feeling, yes it is this is how i am with my feelings, yes i worry, this is a podcast psyche, my name is natalya losyeva and together with doctor of medical sciences, psychotherapist sergei kolov, we are solving the difficult situation of our hero nikita koryakin, have you ever had pets? mine personally, there weren’t any, but some flower, there are three flowers at home. and why do you love them, your flowers, madly, i take care of them, you have no idea how i take care of them, but
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please tell me a little more in detail, i really wanted indoor plants, because i believe that they bring comfort to the home, and i love creating coziness at home, and when i started my first plant, i realized that he needed a companion, i got some others, we thought about how he felt, this plant, yes, that is, i constantly water it every day, because watering for me is a stress reliever, yeah , loosen the land in this? we loosened it, added fertilizer, and after 3 days new leaves appeared, i feel some satisfaction, as i see... my work, and i see the result, and when you see the result, you understand, great, that means i did it everything is right that we have achieved something new in in this case, leaflet, well, you are happy, yes, suddenly you realize that you didn’t seem to be doing all this for yourself, yes, but this will not change your life in any way, but when you see, you can’t just leave for a week, yes
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, without agreeing that someone will water them, that’s right, yes, this is not freedom, by the way, this is a terrible freedom, but you enjoy it, it’s interesting. but the flowers are standing still and waiting for me , with people, unfortunately this is impossible, they will wither if you don’t take care of them, or there are bugs in them, sergey, maybe he’s just didn’t love, well, there are doubts, but from a scientific point of view, love is a little different , there, say, if you refer to frome, he clearly describes different types of love not only for a woman, not erotic, for god, for children, for mother , there are scientific clear criteria, let's say, yes, that this is one of the followers of the school of psychoanalysis, who wrote a lot about love and emotions from a scientific point of view, all the arts of the art of love and there is, we won’t list everything now, but in including if there is no such need, well, there are still some
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criteria, then there is already doubt, even if a person says that he loves, well, from a scientific point of view, there are already questions here and we can doubt, yeah, that is, it turns out that if i don’t want to give something to a person, then most likely i i don’t like it, most likely you use it, my dear, but who said that i don’t give anything to a person, because you don’t remember this, then i made a mistake and i want to say that you can already give a person not only some financial needs, yes, although in this regard there were no problems with this either problems, that is, i really like to please people . it brings me wild pleasure, for example, giving gifts and choosing, making some surprises, it brings me great pleasure, but what’s important is that it’s important for me to see a bright emotion and give a lot of things, everything, i want even more, more more, history again about you, yes, you are giving something, you need to see that the person is very happy
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about this, yes, expressing emotion, your dafabines begin to be released and all sorts of other neurotransmitters that are responsible for anticipation. different mechanisms are launched, physiologically you feel pleasure, yes, they turned into an argument, natalya says something, i sometimes say something, and it’s as if you are opposing us, what do you think on this topic, well, there is such a small impression, even as we sit, okay , and you generally tend to argue, is this how you build relationships? i like to prove my point . mom always doesn’t like this trait of mine that i will, uh, say, i have nothing to say here, but it seems to me that this is how the argument is built, that you share your arguments, you either agree, find some a compromise, or both do not agree that
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there are also norms, but at the same time , i don’t think that arguing when you simply state your arguments in a calm tone is somehow unconstructive. what would you like to get as a result of a dispute with us? but i would like to understand that somewhere i am wrong, in order to cover up this gestalt of my own, it turns out that , yes, i can have a relationship in some near future, here is natalia’s metaphor, my references to authorities, well for me, at least, as i understand it, natalia is not for you the arguments did not convince you, argument, but the question is that practice, when in some extent, i stop feeling it, it’s just, as it were, these are not thoughts, but feelings already, sergey, and maybe there are people in general, who are not given this gift, such a giving muscle, such love
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, and maybe nikita simply suffers from the fact that he does not fit into some social stereotype, and thinks, well, i’m somehow not like that, there are no long-term relationships, girls bore me, in general there can be such people, yet nikita described himself as an empathetic person and who gives a lot, nevertheless he loses interest, i understood everything correctly, yes , then again i will return to where we started, the limitations that are desires with the fact that you lose interest, but for now you said, i thought that maybe this empathy for everyone, and then in a relationship i want to somehow compensate for this by saying that it’s time to think about myself, maybe i was looking for this corner when... you don’t have to think about others for a long time, that is, because it’s
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true, in my work, it’s very important part, because it is necessary, you present to us your relationship, we, of course, look at the situation through your eyes, we can think about how you like your girlfriend, well, at least the one with whom you had a relationship for 2 years, imagine, yeah, everything that we we know about her, as you present her to us, she is like that. quite an unpleasant type, she only shows her desires , she doesn’t care about you, well, in general, apparently she doesn’t even want to take you with you, and the way you introduced her to us, yes, i don’t want to take you, you need to take a break from her, even he, yes, she is something apparently, well, this is already in context, yes, apparently some kind of intrusive, she needs to joke somehow awkwardly in front of your friends, you, well , you have to be embarrassed by her, the image of a rather unpleasant person, i don’t agree that i tried to give some kind of...
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then this image, because it absolutely does not coincide with reality, but i feel that they love me more, and i am in the position of someone who allows me to love, and this is about the feeling that i said that i do not love, and not a pleasant person , no, very pleasant, and - yes, we are alone, but when not for a long time time, i’m interested in this person, but we have completely different interests, that is, we are more likely to be focused more on our relationships than on some of our common hobbies, interests, and so on, what do you mean by a showdown, that's what you think, let's talk about why you and i are useful, well, if in the world. about this, because i also think it’s useful, but this is of course such a difficult stage, it has become just such a center of your general relationship and clarify
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your relationship, how you relate to each other and in this at the moment we are very interested in this dialogue, both of them are very interested together, and when it becomes something, well, it’s good for us to go somewhere together, watch a movie together at home, eat delicious food, and i feel maximum comfort, that is, such an island, where everything is good, plus or minus. but then you feel boredom, this is how to combine you want some kind of passion and surprises and high emotions sergei, i’m a little confused, do you expect this from a girl, that she should somehow create these emotions for you? no, it seems to me this something should charge me, something for me to do, let’s say some actions, the universe, who will charge you. the person is nearby, well, after all, it’s from her, what is your expectation from her, that she will call you somehow, that this is a common contact, yes
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it will be, but he’s somehow lost on us, season premiere, binge the star, on sunday , on the first, snob gin, a product of the stellar group. this is a psychic podcast, my name is natalya losyeva and together with doctor of medical sciences psychotherapist sergei kolov, we are solving the difficult situation of our hero nikita koryakina. i will return again to the understanding of freedom and your desires. never, good, good, yes, interesting, a slave to your desires, well , definitely on this topic. to think, because i don’t feel that i’m being controlled, but by my desires, that is , i can approximately, which does not concern the relationship,
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again, everything that concerns the other part of life, it suits me very much and i feel like a very happy person, but there are such sad evenings, yes, well , i don’t know what your concept of personality and personal development is, but science believes that development is overcoming something within yourself, including your desires. including, i can also refer to many authors, well, take my word for it, this is overcoming your own desires and limitations, including , for you in this story, i deliberately asked them, do not somehow adapt to them, your personality begins to degrade, yeah, this applies to relationships, relationships with yourself, but this also applies to relationships, if you don’t make any efforts, everything is only according to your
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desire, then the development of relationships should not happen. a position that is comfortable for me, so that i don’t have to change much, think about something, yes , okay, but there is another side, me, this is my profession, where i have to change a lot, very much like my freelancing, work and you are always responsible only for you , you don’t have a boss, you always have to lead your life, you have to agree on shooting, communicate with people, that is, it’s quite inconvenient, right? his desires, nikita, i have an association when a person wants, but i want this, i want that, this is not it seems that this is how children behave, then if this hypothesis can be true, that i am only what i seem to want, then
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you are not looking for a partnership in a relationship, you are looking for a mother, and she, and a girl about she doesn’t know, she thinks that she’s with a man, well, look how personable you are, well , right, well, i saw it, and natalia right away, well, just like a match, yes, in my youth, you were targeted, we called it for live bait, that is, the girls will be interested in exhibiting there once, and then the friends will get something, or something, once and that there is some kind of company, yes , i don’t really hide it, in fact, that is, i ’m a super kind... gentle person, and i won’t be very masculine in relationships, this, i don’t think it’s somehow... then it’s a minus for myself, i’m probably even proud of it somewhere, but the problem is that yes, there is some kind of appearance, most likely at the beginning of a relationship people expect something different from me, and even at some point i think about shaving this beard, because the appearance, which will understand everything,
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that is, crumples, and how do you react if a person who charmed...' with you may be disappointed in you, that he is an ops, buys it, and then it turns out that this is not at all how you react to disappointment, i don’t remember this, to be honest, that is, the girl continues to be deceived , probably, yes, it’s not a fact, but what is your version, that he’s starting to lose interest in her and doesn’t show it, but i thought it was him, and he, and this could be an underlying fear, maybe it’s very scary, that.. .and then your defense will throw it first. well, in any case, it’s like, this understanding, i don’t feel in yourself, because, one way or another, kindness does not mean softness, yes, there, they don’t exactly reformulate what you say, because you are the one who says that i really, well, i want
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someone like that, so that i am like this i give my all, i want to be taken care of. i’m so defenseless, fragile, i’m so vulnerable, that’s how we heard it, maybe there’s a question of some kind of your self-presentation, really or in some kind of conflict, sergey, what if nikita started a relationship with a girl who’s younger him, but if she yes, these are her strong needs, the inner maternal ones, that is, to take care, entertain, take them to clubs, well, what else do mothers do there to make her child interested, then this is not, yes, it may not be a holiday, but a trip i don’t know somewhere, at sea, for example, dear, we have a surprise, you think we came, the first time you didn’t argue with us and didn’t say anything, but maybe the girl is just not like that, i’ve been thinking for a long time, maybe it’s
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a habit , but it’s as if we haven’t seen each other for six months. still ours, when we met everything is the same the deepest desire to be with this person, well, that is, after all, you are not so bored with her, if six months later you meet her and your heart begins to have its own needs, it looks like they are in conflict inside you and you cannot with them, ball to the right, the ball to the left, and maybe this is one of the main problems, in a smart word it ’s called splitting. this kind of psyche is a defense mechanism, what to do? there are technologies that should lead to, well , integration, yeah, we all, we should do that, but usually, if you believe in philosophy, opposite parts fight in their unity and develop a person, but they force you to remain in a dead end in one place, you have no relationship, sergey,
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please tell me, this work, it will exclude... for nikita and here it doesn’t matter what kind of woman it will be whether it’s this woman or another, or what’s called a family or a partnership together, i also want my mother to not show her wives... any, but this and that part is you, they are both really important, but it’s important how to understand and integrate them, manage them, yeah, with this i really agree, because i feel to myself, maybe even some three sides, yes, parental, something in me definitely has some needs ahead of me and that’s what i thought about, that when i’m in. .. i seem to have ended my life in a serious relationship with this bright, cheerful life, just like these three aspects, they probably need to be somehow mixed into one lump and made friends. well, friends, we saw such
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a complex nikita, who was a little confused not in relationships, but for now, or already in himself, rowing is very interesting it was, thank you, it was a podcast of the psyche, and we, together with our expert, clinical doctor of medical sciences kolov, examined the situation of nikita koryakin, who at 26 years old is trying to understand what he really wants from a relationship with a girl of age , has extensive experience in diets, i wouldn’t discount men either, they are with us and also lose weight and also many times, there are a lot of mistakes, and uh, as a rule, where does it all start? from monday, and even more often from january 1, now we’ll celebrate the new year, we’ll start
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a new lifestyle, we’ll all lose weight and just in time for in the spring we will be slim and elegant and beautiful. well, if it’s winter, then of course you shouldn’t run, if it’s summer, then everyone starts thinking about running and forgetting that if a person is overweight. then there is definitely no need to run anywhere, sometimes they say: they are running towards a heart attack, and so it is, because excess weight means lost knees, it’s very large, in general all the joints, it’s the hips and so on, yes, yes, that’s me so figuratively about the knees, of course, all the joints, yes, indeed, you need to start not only with diets, but with physical activity, but with such an individual approach, the greater the weight, the more restrictions on types and intensity. movements, well, that is, what is the most physiological, as it seems to you, i think, well, walking, probably, of course, yes, again we return to the fact that a person is a walker, so walking, walking in any
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variant, it can be on, now, if you don’t sit when you talk, but walk, then during the conversation you take a certain number of steps, and you burn calories, that is, you combine business with pleasure. and here you don’t have to think too much about how you walk, you just walk naturally, and at the same time you also talk, a very good way, i recommend it to everyone, the only thing the headset needs so as not to hold your hand is a dangerous story - this is when we hold it like this, with our shoulder, and the phone, but here everything is very bad, these are big problems with the neck, big problems with the blood supply to the brain, so you don’t need to do this at all, with a headset, there will be people who will say, that it is very dangerous, that it is radiation, which, right into the brain, yes, so even if you don’t have a headset, but have a phone, change the handles so that your hands don’t go numb and there is also
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normal blood supply, start with walking, with the simplest thing, or if you like to swim and you have somewhere , and it’s safe, it ’s a normal warm pool, then please, swimming is probably a more gentle exercise than walking, for example, if it’s on your knees, if it’s on your back. lower back, this is such a healthy alternative, especially if you have joint pathology, and yes, uh, swimming nights, for a long time, then at 11 he will not immediately fall asleep, well, because there is a certain restructuring that i recommend such patients do, i recommend that in the evening after
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