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tv   Poekhali  1TV  November 11, 2023 12:15pm-1:09pm MSK

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exhibitions of russia at vdnkh, a new day and new events, in the studio of the first there is an opportunity in real time to see everything that is currently happening on the territory of the complex. for example, these are multimedia galleries in the form of a collider, an achievement of russia, practically the digital heart of the exhibition. so, today we will go on an exciting journey, all visitors are invited to chukotka and primorsky krai. they take up the baton of the days of the far eastern regions. run a marathon across the famous cable-stayed beech bridge. golden rock in vladivostok, and also learn everything about the history and cultural life of the capital of primorye, of course, walk along the leopard trail, you can visit the chukotka stand, for example, in the village of egvekinot, which is also called the local sochi. in general, even experienced travelers will be interested, many came to vadiinha in the morning, took their children with them , the exhibition is a great opportunity to spend time with the whole family, especially on a saturday, well, it ’s very interesting, to get an overall picture of what we have in country. is not happening, what
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the regions do, how they live, how they live, in general, look at our country, we want to get around everything, of course we won’t have time in one day, for now we have signed up for technical achievements, and then we’ll see what else will happen on the excursion, that is, plan again, of course, of course, more than once, i think , the new stage of the russian figure skating grand prix starts in kazan, half of the series is already behind us, which means the fight for reaching the final is gaining momentum, today the athletes will present short skates for the first time... this season, and even in their hometown, on olympic champion kamilla valieva will take flight, new unusual images, complex elements, beauty and grace, the audience is in anticipation, and the rival sofya muravyova, as well as alina gorbacheva, who was already second at the stage in omsk, do not intend to give up so easily. in men, among the favorites is the current national champion evgenia semenenko, in pairs skating anastasia mishino and alexander galyamov. but everything can change after a short program, a hot flight on air first. starts at 16:45 with
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broadcast also on our website and that’s all for now, we are following the development of the event, and now the program is on the first channel go. today is smolensk, enjoy your viewing. the ancient, fabulous akovsky forest, a christmas tract, filled to the brim with moisture, sprinkled with lush herbs, the earth gives life to a weak stream. from here it flows south and gains momentum. strength and becomes one of the longest full-flowing european rivers called the dnieper, they say that russia unites around this river, because it was in its waters that prince vladimir baptized the russian people, its source is located in the sychovo region, the north of the smolinsk region, that is where we are heading, three times russia seemed ready was to die, twice, enemies penetrated into
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its very heart, moscow, and each time the walls of smolensk served their homeland faithfully. smolensk, the shield of the russian land, and how many outstanding names these places gave birth to, gagaririn, glinka, tvordovsky, mikulin, papanov, it’s impossible to list, but we, friends, are starting our journey through the smolensk region, well , let’s go?
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smolensk is one of the oldest russian cities. scientists are still arguing about the exact date of its appearance, but there is also something that is reliably known: the city is located on the western the outskirts of russian lands, it is not surprising that it was he who stood in the way of all... european invaders, a shield city , a key city, a hero city, a great city and many people, already in 863 smolensk was mentioned in the chronicles and tales, but the current the year has become an anniversary for my hometown, 1160
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years old, smolensk celebrates this year. hello, dmitry, hello, oh, good day, good one, that’s how they said hello, is this how smolyan people walk around the city? well, it’s unlikely now, although you can probably see a reenactor on the street. a in general, i’m now in the costume of an archer, a generalized image of a warrior of the 16th century. well, since times are turbulent, top, i walk with a saber, although in normal times it was not customary in the muscovite kingdom to walk with weapons. smalinsk certainly played a very important role in the history of our state. and one of the smolensk fortress, and our fortress is the largest brick fortress in the world. 3 km , no, its original length was almost 6.5 km, 38 towers, walls up to 12 m high
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, up to 6 thick. 2 months of siege during the polish intervention, 1812 great the patriotic war and each caused damage to the fortification; 20 of the 38 towers of the fortress wall and more than half of its spindles were lost. they say that the city owes its resilience to the icon of the smolensk mother of god, they say it was painted during the time of the earthly existence of the mother of god, before the forty -fifth year of our era. smolenskaya, it became in the 19th century, since then it has protected both the city and the country from everyday troubles and major wars. it is believed that she showed the way to salvation during the mongol-tatar invasion. kutuzov prayed in front of her, exactly the day before
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the battle of borodino, and it disappeared in 1941, but many lists have been preserved, in terms of influence, not inferior to the original. the city itself has also experienced a lot, how many sieges and fierce battles these stones have seen. the smolensk wall is literally watered with the blood of its defenders. and why exactly the phoenix bird adorns the coat of arms of smolensk. each time our city, like a legendary bird, was reborn from the ashes. repeatedly it was destroyed, burned, the most terrible test, perhaps, was 1812 and the great patriotic war. in both in some cases, 90% of all buildings in the city were destroyed, but each time the city
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was revived again. not much remains of the smolensk fortress today, but what has survived is surprising, a brainchild. fedora konya is not just a very long, strong brick wall. this is a masterpiece of late medieval architecture, both beautiful and functional, not a single tower is the same, but each is perfectly adapted to the terrain. in general , fortifications in the form of a fortress wall can be found in many old russian cities, but smolensk... spare the wall, it is unique, pay attention to these loopholes, they are located on three different levels, these are the bottom, middle and top levels, yes, from there it was possible to enter directly from these loopholes, of course, observation of the enemy, it was possible to introduce aimed fire,
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well, from a firearm, well, from above it was possible, well, let’s say, to water, no, not with a hand, contrary to popular belief, no one watered with a hand, but it’s very expensive, you see, that’s what could really be used in the defense of fortresses, it’s... well for example, boiling water, which was in in abundance, and it was cheap, and of course, oh , hot sand, which, by the way, penetrating under the armor, well, let’s say, caused much more damage than some simply heated liquid. after a long walk we had worked up an appetite. fortunately, i know a place in the city center where you can not only eat, but feel like a real boyar.
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ornaments, veils, kokoshniks, ligature and popular prints on the walls, solid alyarus. the door creaked, everything is clear to me, it’s now, oh, yes, judging by this gastronomic. the smolensk region has always loved the variety of delicious food, but of course, all this is due to the diverse history, because smolensk, as they say, wandered from hand to hand, and as soon as it’s all there, hello, oh, here you are, boss - the cook, he’ll definitely tell you everything in detail, that everything here is delicious, appetizing, but i can’t understand, yes, what is it made of, so i thought, found today, this is a pie, and this is something potato, and this is like pancakes, something in between
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pancakes, cheesecakes, yeah, that is, it’s lapon cottage cheese, lapon, lapon, that lopushka, him, lapon, lapon, prepare me a lapn, little sweetheart, we seem to date back to the times of krivich , this dish came from there, there is a village in the shumyachesky district, smolensk region, and they are called, found at night, yes, that is, it turns out that this is where this dish came from, pay attention, he says from there , this is purely smolensk smolensk from there or from there, lapun is prepared in different shapes and contents, and this is a separate dish, an independent and separate dish in its own right , baked, try it with sour cream, dip it in sour cream, sweet ones are usually served with sour cream and berry sauce. in front of you, uh-huh, lapuni is an everyday dish,
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although there is a subtext in them, in naidenovichi they greet guests with lapuni, and somewhere in the smolensk region they do this with cutlets. and then there were only pickles, stewed rabbit in sour cream with white beans, they say, this is what kutuzov himself ate, after which there was sorrel soup, for testing. nettle soup, and what is interesting, some fried dumplings, and this is actually ours, that is, our cereal, which walks in smolensk style, this is buckwheat, buckwheat, of course, smolensk, and our mushrooms are buckwheat, these are not just pelemeshki, these are kundyums, like kundyums, they are either called bear ears, or kundyubki, and what region of the region is this dish? again, these are connections.
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borborsman, a product of stetellar group. if we take it globally, i think that few people still know who slavsky is. bomb, nuclear energy, education, medicine. all elements. who made it possible to say that sredmash is a state within a state, can you imagine leading such an industry, nor uranium, there is nothing, everything had to be created, what a responsibility it is, he was the owner, he is forest everywhere, he had to know everything everywhere, and most importantly, you need to be able to make a decision, you often send people to... they die, this is radiation
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, this is radiation sickness, it’s worth kurchatov, where are you going down, the devil knows what, he was irradiated very heavily, he believed that the main task of his life, he created a nuclear shield, he completed this task, on the 125th anniversary of the legendary minister, yashim slavsky, titan of the atomic age. premiere, today on the first. montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group. lopatinsky garden. the central park in smolensk is named after governor alexander lopatin.
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they say it was he who made the province prosperous, and the place where the park stands with a history, bitter and heroic , at the beginning of the 16th century, the poles blew up part of the fortress wall here, when they took possession of smolensk, they built an impregnable fortress, today on the site of earthworks, gazebos and cafes, instead of moats there are ponds with swans. turns out. until the 19th century there was a military garrison here, you see, these - these were fortifications, and then it was decided to set up a recreation and entertainment park here, and there was a certain dress code, you couldn’t come here in some kind of unkempt state, and you couldn’t walk your dogs, or use two-wheeled vehicles in the park. yes, i’m certainly not that ancient, but i remember back in my childhood, going here, it was, of course, a real holiday, my mother brought me here, usually on sundays, or on saturdays, it was possible
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ride on cars, then they took me somewhere to a cafe and ate ice cream there, this is a memory, guys, yes, of course, then all this did not look as beautiful as it does today, but already in those days, for me it was probably the best thing, today there is peace and mothers with strollers, and 200 years ago on the ramparts of the royal bastion, our soldiers fought to the death with the french, the cast-iron monument in the central alley of the park is dedicated to them, by the way, exactly the same monument was erected by decree of nicholas ii on marazin field. and this is the highlight of smolensk, life flows along the stones, each of which preserves the memory of the military exploits of its defenders.
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tourist information center, here you can buy souvenirs and get tips on where to go in smolensk, what to see and even where to spend the night. i knew that there was a lot to see in my hometown, but nothing like this, miracles. evening in smolensk, how nice it is to admire the views and panoramas of the city, sitting like this on the sofa, in an absolutely calm, relaxed state, with a cup of tea, all this is right, the dnieper is wonderful in calm weather, especially when you float along it on a raft, it’s good that
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this is not gogol’s dnieper, the same one in the middle of which a rare bird flies. hello, lesh, yes, hello, listen, how much we have already traveled, but we have never seen such a watercraft or used it, so smolensk surprises us, and in general the dnieper, as far as i know, it is not navigable, even when i was born i was, but here i am not , i couldn’t even think that i could swim along the dnieper in my native land, on a sofa, on a sofa, what is this, what kind of sofa is this? background, now the most common means of swimming is... on which you can have tea, with barrancas, and the dnieper - this is from the voyak to the greeks? yes, of course , there was a main water artery, it was a transport route,
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because now we have planes, the fastest ones, trains, highways, before there was nothing like this. of course, the trees built trade routes, military routes, trade routes on this, smolensk was right in the center, in the middle, look, veliky novgorod, smolensk is exactly in the middle, and why smolensk, and resin, yes, to the point, exactly, resin, resin, and a very large amount of resin was mined here, but why , in order to probably repair something, is not at all interesting with you, but it is very profitable. there were a lot of visitors, a lot of trade, judging by the excavations, the locals knew how not only to repair boats, but skilled blacksmiths, carpenters, tanners, gunsmiths, potters and even jewelers lived here, for example, if you go with the flow on your own, then well, there in a day, for two, where you can reach, well, in a month, i know, the black sea, in a month under your own power, you can, nothing
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doing, just managing, just like that, sat on the sofa, sea, 6 m per second, speed of the dnieper, average. 6 m per second, yeah, well, that is, it’s about 30 days to the black sea, if some beavers didn’t build a dam there, the issue of housing in smolensk was somehow resolved for us by itself, we just looked at one of the local hotels , we immediately decided that we would stay here, courteous staff, scandinavian style, cozy rooms... not the center, of course, but by car it’s literally a stone’s throw from all the attractions, in general you can find cheaper hotels, 1.300 per night, but be prepared, it... will not be the center at all. the next morning we drive through the streets of smolensk. our goal is bloni park, which has a standard architecture, alleys diverge from a large fountain, and this is the very
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center of the city, surrounded by an administrative building and an art gallery with the smolensk regional philharmonic, by the way, one of the oldest in russia. although i skipped music literature classes as a child at a music school, i remember well the fact that mikhail glinkor was born, grew up, and worked on the land of smolensk, the man from whom classical russian music began, yes, well, of course, there are many monuments to our fellow countrymen here, you can literally say they are everywhere here, but you can not only see this monument, but also hear it, because every hour one of his works is always played here . by the way, this is his own note. another interesting fact, this monument was created exclusively with public money, the whole country collected it, imagine, at the end of the 19th century,
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look, they collected such, now the monument stands, sounds, and pleases hearts, souls and minds. to see where the light, the great russian composer, appeared, we go to the village of novospasskoye, 120 km southeast of smolensk, a family estate, and now the house-museum of the founder of russian classical music and mikhail glinke. he was born here, spent his best, young years, he left here when he was 13 years old, then he visited here periodically, but while his mother was living. but mother very often
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recalled that at the first cry of the newborn misha, a ringing nightingale trill was heard throughout the entire area. for her, this became a symbol of the child’s health and well-being. a mansion in the style of russian classicism. built by the composer's father at the beginning of the 19th century. the fate of the house is not easy, it was restored twice almost from scratch, first after the french took over here, then it was dismantled and sold by one of the heirs. the estate was rebuilt again in the soviet years.
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young glinka was brought up in the spirit of the times; his french governess taught the boy to read and write. the hired architect taught misha to draw, and as a result, a love of reading, geography, and hence to wandering and travel. little misha visited and... nanny - an ordinary rural girl, a peasant woman, avdotya ivanovna. she loved to read russian fairy tales to the boy and sing russian songs, and the future adult composer, glinka, remembered his nanny with great love and warmth and said that it was she who instilled in him a love for russian folk traditions.
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just look at how the young composer lived, here is nature, and here are the birds singing. every morning , he sat down at the table in our large cheerful room, opened the door to the balcony, yes, opened the door to the balcony and drank in the clean balsamic air, he writes that the whole family, mother, wife, sisters, everyone worked here, and the more fun they hung out, laughed, chatted, laughed, the better my work went, so right in the middle of the room i worked, yes, right here, right in this place there was a table and you could watch what was happening there on the sloping meadow, you see the sloping meadow under the balcony, mikhail ivanovich loved to invite peasants, girls and boys here, they gathered from all over the region and danced in circles for mikhailovich. and
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mikhail ivanovich loved to take part in these round dances, he played along with the crosses on violin, then went up to the table and wrote something down, here are only genuine things of that era, and the situation, by the way, was recreated from memories, it was here in this very place that exactly the same instrument stood, and mikhail ivanovich not only worked on his works here in this room, but also approached the instrument and tried to write, the beauty around the estate, a huge old park, there are trees in it that glinka himself planted. by the way, he himself admitted, some fragments of ivan susanin and ruslan and lyudmila, he wrote right here. rum, castra,
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product, stellar group, i look back and see that i have lived a very good life. boris klyuev is an actor who could safely say that life was good. and we looked at him, everything, oh , klyuev is coming, klyuev is coming, so handsome, so charming, roles in tv series, films and theaters that one can only dream of. he almost died of love, suddenly a terrible blow of fate, at the very pinnacle of success, the disease gradually took hold of him, yet he remained a courageous man to the end. upon learning of the fatal diagnosis, he called us to the dacha. we left for a fun report with barin, as klyuev jokingly called himself. it turned out that this was the final confession, which, as happens with extremely positive people, also turned out to be ironic, albeit rather poignant.
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looks like you're in this. lost everything, and then suddenly it turns out that you won, unknown details, the results of boris klyuev’s life, summed up by himself, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, today on the first, gin sheaf, product of stelar group. we are moving a little south of novospassky, to a place where the gums suddenly is getting wider. on the southern bank of the reservoir stands the city of smolensk atomists desnogorsk. this is perhaps one of the youngest cities, not only in
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the territory. region, but throughout our entire beautiful country. the village was founded in 74, and in 808 desnogorsk was given the status of a city. wait, that is, i ’m even older than desnogorsk, so i’m old, and my city is almost the same age. yes, and, of course, this city is famous for the fact that there is the famous smolensk nuclear power plant, which we are now visiting let's admire, by the way, right from the water, yes, welcome, energy and how energetic we are, about the same as in me, where will we return from? the area of ​​the disnogorsk reservoir is 44 km, the average depth is about 8 m. and all this was created for the sole purpose of cooling the atomic heart of the smolensk nuclear power plant.
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the uniqueness of this very reservoir is that all year round, the water temperature here is such that it does not freeze, guys, yes, right there at the spillway the temperature can reach 30°. these are the guys, the same famous smolensk nuclear power plant power plant, one of the largest power plants in our country, and which supplies electricity not only to the smolensk region, but also to bryansk, kaluga and even moscow. yeah, and of course, its presence gave birth to a lot. myths, well, for example, what can you say when you can swim, relax, sunbathe here, yes, the radiation is off the charts, but no, well, look, the normal background radiation is considered to be, well, about 160, maybe 200 nanosieverts, but well what to walk around for so long, here you go, 5.54, well, what other proof do you need, so it turns out that people are afraid of everything related
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to nuclear power. energy, and there is an explanation for this: by splitting the atom, scientists harnessed a powerful force; it is difficult for the common man to understand how to control it. therefore, peaceful atom is being popularized at the smolensk npp. and here we are already in the interactive exhibition hall of the power plant and, in fact, here it is in a reduced size. and unfortunately i don’t know anything else. well, of course. not the whole station, it’s just one power unit, but there are three of them here, and the physics of the process looks something like this way, in a very simplified way, look, first of all, this is a man, so you understand the dimensions, yes, this is the holy of holies, this is a reactor, well, you’ve probably heard about it, of course, but these
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metal tubes, even it happened once, you see, here is the reactor itself, these metal tubes , nuclear fuel is loaded into it and it is heated , water under pressure is supplied here, accordingly, the fuel heats up the water, the water turns into steam and then goes to the turbines and so way steam pressure spins the turbine, it turns into electrical energy, well, you understand, yes, i got an a in physics, as you remember , there is a dynamo on a bicycle, yes, we pedal, electricity is generated, or like in a steam locomotive, the principle is the same, but there’s just nuclear fuel here, and the test must have been passed. we spent several hours a few hundred meters from nuclear reactors, i wonder how much radiation stuck to us during this time? and also, guys, here in the museum there is such a cool thing
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that can measure your own radiation background. yes, we are all a little radioactive, but i hope we are not dangerous, we are phonemic and measured by the way, in bequerels, so maryana, let’s find out the level of radiation, come on, op. so i’ll refuse you away, you never know, well, about 2.408, that’s a lot, well, that’s much below the norm , marya sergeevna, you’re great, fresh, come on, it’s your turn, oh, come on, so, may, come on, launch and leave, oops , wow, 2,000 more than me 3,616, i think what? how do you make me feel? so this is marya sergievna, morning, saturday, in the evening everything is fine, the background will be in normal, or something else, no, up to 10,000 i ’ll tell you, everything is within limits, we saw the main
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smolensk river, got acquainted with the main source of smolensk energy, now to the north, in demidovsk. area in the smolensk lakeland national park, the pearl of the smolensk region. why is it named like that? yes , because there are 35 lakes here, all of glacial origin. each one has its own appearance, they say that even the water tastes and smells different. guys, we are in the very heart of the national park . lake and here you can not only breathe air, admire nature and animals, swim, but also get a massage absolutely free, but not a simple one, but a foot massage, yes, we all know that
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a massage is a stop, it is very useful, there are a lot of nerve endings, and doctors in general they recommend walking barefoot on the grass as much as possible, but here we went further, what kind of grass, or rather not only grass, here is a complete forest soup with a complete forest soup, here you go, stones, pebbles, there are also cones, in short, everything, everything, everything guys, the main thing is not to rush, and there is even a special reminder for tourists, no animals, don’t rush, your legs will thank you, but only probably closer to the end of the trail for it all to end, how nice, god, oh the cones, the forest. do you know this? what is the name of the kuznetsov applicator? well, probably, by the way, there is a very good useful thing, and better yet, these bumps, why are these
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bumps so hot, okay, they’re normal, you just have sensitive feet, man, they’re like squirrels , apparently you’re very nervous, great, rather, sooner, sooner, sister, after, time, zhen, how are you there, i’m okay, path, oh, further, more, two parallel logs. i’m wondering what you and i look like from the outside now, who we look like, it seems to me, like two wading birds, you’re heron number one, i ’m heron number two, be careful, what’s this like, like when you’re a child you can’t step on the ground, the earth is lava, this is already about static muscle tension for coordination, so what's ahead?
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a small bath with lake milk and that’s it, here ’s the shower, we saw even children walking around, so don’t pay attention to our screams, really, it may seem painful only at first , then it’s okay, it’s even pleasant, especially after, it’s always important after the taste, of course, right now there’s such warmth in the legs. everything is fine, everything is for the sake of your health, in general we are returning to the roots, listen, look, they are generally walking, they don’t even squeak , children are children, they are not afraid of anything, nothing is scary, we have covered half the region, now we are back in smolensk, or rather there , where this city originated 10 km. in
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the century before last, a treasure was dug up nearby, more than a hundred silver jewelry and coins, today on this site there is a nesting museum-reserve, an ancient settlement and a giant burial place, just think about it, the area is more than 200, 3000 burial mounds, this is the largest pagan one. in europe, while we were traveling now, zhenya told me how he told me about these legendary smolensk excavations, and the fact that smolensk, in fact, everyone says 863, 863, the excavations here confirm that people lived here for at least a century earlier, but alexey won’t let me collect, well, the end of the 6th century, the beginning of the 2nd century already, there are some signs of economic activity on the territory of the gnezdovo settlement, as i understand it, this is the classic village life of the vikings?
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well, this is not, this is not quite a village, this is an early urban center, because village is an agriculture, and here is a trade and craft settlement, that is, those people who lived here, they were warriors, and artisans and traders, well, you who is here with us, i am drowsy here, temporarily, temporarily fulfilled and a warrior, allow me, allow me, alexey, look, at us alexey, and the wallet, well, and apparently, maybe a bit of a craftsman or a hunter, well, perhaps, yes, a collective image, yes , an expedition from the department of archeology of moscow state university and the state historical museum is working here, without valuable finds, scientific discoveries are a shame, gnezddovo artifacts can be seen even in the armitage, by the way, in one of the mounds on a greek amphora, the oldest russian inscription in cyrillic was discovered here. what does it say? it is written gorouksha or gorukhsha
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or gorushna, there were different versions, the inscription dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, most likely it meant the name itself, that is, who this vessel belonged to, gorun or gorukh. the main feature of the clothes of the ancient rusich was the complete absence of pockets, while practical smolensk residents had everything at hand, and they, it must be said, had a lot. i have it on my belt and first of all it’s a knife, a bone? yes, of course, yeah, but to be honest, it looks like an ordinary modern kitchen knife, well, it’s so modern, but in order for the knife to bone, in order for the knife to always be sharp, i have a block of these hanging here, a bunch of them here several hundred were found, and scientists have established the deposit where these pebbles, this shale, come from, it comes from norway.
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but it is necessary that this is so interesting, this is a tool, this is such a necessary item for me, almost every person had a bone comb, how convenient, why are there no such things in our time, it was already closed, this is also a braid and what century is this, the tenth century, the tenth century, manufacturer? now if only i could find a hairdryer from the 10th century, i wouldn’t even be surprised, a styler, jokes aside, but we still found it alexey has quite a few things on his belt. temporary look, it wasn’t like that, a telephone, yes, an ancient one from the tenth century, it feels so necessary, women’s jewelry, oh, this, this is something modern, no, no, these are copies of jewelry found in the nest, or maybe this is what
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the real ones looked like women's jewelry of that time, yes, women knew a lot about it, yes, or men knew a lot about it than women, they copied them directly, yes , and what are these beads made of? this is glass, multi-colored glass, that is, they blew beads, yes, this is an eastern import, and this is metal, this is silver, silver, look how beautiful, already in those days they wore such stylish jewelry, of course, noble ladies, can i wear a little, of course, yes, yes, more... one obligatory thing in the arsenal of the ancient rusich was the kresalo, a surefire means for making fire. this is the first time i’ve seen this, now on the other side, i held them in my hands, how much time did they spend
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making a fire, on average, well, it happened up to a week, it happened to me, well, i’m serious, alexey, did the vikings have any , well, smolyan, of course, is ancient, yes, there are some standards for kindling, but i didn’t comply with them, that’s all, you are welcome from our viking detachment, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, go, go, well, alexey was clearly an excellent student, maybe i can help you, fiery training, so, it’s immediately obvious, yes, that i have no bad habits , wind in my head. here your skills came in handy, yes, yes, yes, oh, so, i grabbed it, went , what do we do next, then we need to put everything in place, i just run in the morning, come on, maryaevna, another kilometer, it’s smoldering so that now, now, now we take it, my head is spinning, it’s not
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easy, that’s it, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go darling. and you’ll have to eat that fish raw, wow, this is a sacrament, so , so, fire, faster, faster, faster, faster , carefully, carefully, carefully, set it on fire, so, well , everything, everything, everything, everything, burns, burns, it’s burning, that’s it, that’s it, friends, if , god forbid, we end up one day on a desert island or in a wild forest, for sure, if without alexey, then we will definitely die, because we can’t do this , look, alexey, it was a wonderful master class, i hope it won’t come in handy in life, during our trip we didn’t, but also that we saw a lot. the smolensk fortress
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wall, the svyatoussky cathedral with a unique and rich in history icon, listened to glinka music in the shady blonie park. we tasted lapunya, swam on the sofa along the dnieper and breathed in the reserved air of the lake. what about you, zhenya never boasted to me about your smolensk picturesque zakki, listen to me. in general, friends, you know, visiting smolensk is like being in a history textbook, because literally everything here is imbued with antiquity and the exploits of past years. yes, smolyans by right. are proud of their history, respect their legendary natives look to the future with confidence, well, in my opinion, maria osadniki traveled with you to her hometown.
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and fidot the sagittarius lived in this world, a daring fellow. fedot was not handsome, not ugly, not ruddy, not pale, not rich, not poor, service
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with fidot, fishing and hunting, game and fish for the king, thanks to fidot, one day they gave him an order, just before light in the morning, to appear to in the yard, on fetics from fear, my shirt got wet, my temples began to pound, my belly began to growl, then... a story from a fairy tale, the beginning.
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aglitsky arrived for our morning pickle ambassador, and we have snacks in our house, half a gorbushka, domosol, get ready, brother, on the road, and get us some food, a wood grouse, a partridge, or something else. if you can’t blame who, i must execute you, it’s a matter of state, you catch the thread.
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that’s a misfortune, that’s a problem, there’s no game in sight, i’ll shoot a pigeon, at least some kind... but generally speaking, pigeons are scolded in vain, if a pigeon were in gravy, it’s no worse than a wood grouse, you’re a fool,
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don’t bother me, this isn't worth a penny, and you can't fill the pots, you can't stuff the pillow, the overseas gentleman likes his tea fresh gallantine, what kind of meat is in me? so, not meat, just laughter. i don’t understand what kind of parable it is, okay, get into my bag, we’ll figure it out on the spot, who goes where, why?
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hello fedya, you and i, we are now one family, i am your wife, marusya, i am your spouse. why are you silent, dear friend fedot, like someone who has taken water into his mouth, and the kokoshnik i’m wearing is not the same, and the outfit i’m wearing is not the same, my soul would look at you without breathing for a century, but i don’t have a chance to become your husband, i was noni , just before dawn, at the tsar’s reception, well
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, the tsar gave me a task, meaning, that means, wood grouse. though it’s not the season for game, there’s no reason to argue with the authorities. okay, i think, yes i will, tea is wood grouse, not beson, i passed the whole day, and luck , at least a day, not a single serious bird, everything is pure rubbish, and now my dear friend, i won’t finish dancing my ear, tomorrow the king will be busy , he's biting my head. and i have no use for anything like this, neither in the service nor in the house, because i understood everything exclusively in my mind, don’t twist and don’t whine, there will be a table and there will be game, come on, stand in front of me, titus kuzmich and frol famich, if understand the order, carry out this immediately, don’t
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don't worry, it's not the first time.
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