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tv   Vremya  1TV  November 11, 2023 9:00pm-9:21pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] they put this point without fear at all, to fight, to fight to the last bullet, we are a military generation who grew up in different conditions, so for us, i’m used to treating life and myself with irony, so i thought how great it was. how it is exactly, where, who knows where, how what will happen next, but no one knows , it seems that you have lost everything in this place, and then suddenly it turns out, yes, you won, yes, you won, if you were here i haven’t lost, then i understand that i am many years old, i look
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back, i see that i have lived a very good life life, i had so many interesting things, i was loved , betrayed, friends, comrades, i moved forward, i succeeded in something, i understood everything , i learned everything, i loved often, i hated more often, and most of all, i suffered, first everything... i wanted, then i despised everything, then i didn’t understand myself, then the world didn’t understand me. about the days poisoned by excitement, the wickedness of my youth, with what deep disgust i think on your chest,
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so before i did not appreciate. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. air raid warning in israel and new ones attacks on the gas sector - the latest data on the situation in the middle east and details in the extraordinary summit of the league of arab states and the organization of islamic cooperation in egypt. save the iss the russian progress spacecraft saved the station from colliding with space debris. exhibition forum of russia , lieutenant arsalanov with his motorized rifle company thwarted the enemy’s attempt to take a bridgehead on the left bank of the dnieper. even the wounded did not abandon his own. the guys were opposed by well-trained marines from the thirty- sixth brigade. in addition, there were militants
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more. nevertheless, the main part of the ukrainian landing force was sergei shaigu presented the fighters with state awards, in gennady kortelev’s report the details of the battle were first-hand, the quadcopter type began to be carried out, the people were prepared, no one was shy, everyone took control of the prisoner, my task was completed, now he in the hospital he regains his health and talks about that battle in detail; ukrainian militants attempted to gain a foothold on the left bank of the dnieper. help, organized an ambush, two units, and accordingly, yes, so that we they were unable to take any data from them, any information so that you could take from them, but aralanov commanded fifteen motorized rifles, the enemy forces significantly outnumbered their group in numbers, the battle was fast, difficult, fleeting, during the battle seven people were
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taken prisoner, four people surrendered after the end of the bull, well, they understood that that was all, the commander clearly got victory. the enemy has repeatedly tried to seize a bridgehead on the islands and the left bank of the dnieper, this time the ukrainian naval the infantrymen went to the breach. later, those taken prisoner claimed that they were sent to their deaths with obviously incorrect intelligence data. they allegedly did not have time to undergo normal training, and their equipment and weapons left much to be desired . we were on the right bank, there was no one with us. officers, they were in the rear, our task, throughout the last week they fought until the last bullet. these units that came to us, they are military personnel of the thirty- sixth marine brigade, these are trained military personnel who at least they call themselves mobilized, but it is clear from them that their equipment, their preparation, their weapons, everything shows that they were prepared to occupy some of
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the lines they indicated. zalto was born and raised in buryatia in 2018, graduated from the far eastern military in the general direction and they were not even surprised, they remembered zalto as a responsible, hardworking cadet. in tactics classes, salanova always found non-standard ways out of difficult situations; he looked for new approaches to perform pastral tasks. with warmth and with pride, they say about senior lieutenant arsalannov, a colleague. we are worried, we are worried, good health to the commander, a speedy recovery, victory will be ours. and the commander himself has no doubt about this, about which he is confident: the gunner of an artillery battery in battle destroyed the vsu tank, which was firing at a closed position by our unit, and three self-propelled guns. the russian army repelled eight enemy attacks in various areas of specialization in one day. the loss of ukrainian formations was over 600 people killed and wounded. the largest 305 militants on the donetsk front. a lot of broken nato weapons, five polish self-propelled guns krap,
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the german-british managed to heal his wounds and return to the line of fire with his comrades, about the everyday life of artillerymen at the front in their zone. our military correspondent alexey kruchinin. the shells do not stay in storage. the installation position is carefully camouflaged, it’s not that far from the front line, if the drones are moving, it looks like the enemy has planned a rotation, a salvo of 122mm hail shells should disrupt these plans with the artillery seventh brigade of the southern group. we have been working for a long time, in the summer of last year, this battery of self-propelled howitzers took revenge on the vsu fortification in solidar, now they have been transferred to another direction, since then the composition of the batteries has been renewed and younger, many even young people are so
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happy. 150 second shell, terrible power, i once had to experience the effect of a similar caliber on myself, only it was a nato 15, i’ll tell you, everything shudders from outside to inside, but fortunately then the enemy did not hit exactly the basement where we took cover. shot, well, those artillery units who stand in their positions for a long time cannot do without the 122nd gaub, the infantry storming the dugouts needs fire support. the gun is loaded. gun, shot! the commander of the gun, petrovich, is already over 50; he joined the army , one might say, from his home sofa; by the beginning, svo had already finished working in the mine and went out using high-explosive fragmentation shells with twisted caps, this is more effective. ammunition may explode, for example, if it touches a branch;
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flying fragments from above will cause more damage. to the enemy. the ammunition is stored strictly according to the rules, according to artillery science, here are the powder charges, they are in a separate cellar, quite deep. so that in the event of shelling there would be no detonation, well, there, in fact , the shells themselves are in the cellar, alexey kruchinin, roman khralenko, roman sidorov and svetlana vedyashkina, the first channel of the lugansk people's republic. guns, the european union is unlikely to fulfill its promise to supply kiev with a million artillery ammunition by spring, bloomberg writes about this with reference to its sources. according to them, the european external action service informed the eu countries that it would most likely not be able to achieve the intended goal. more than half of the summit of the league of arab states and the organization of islamic cooperation has already passed. it met at the request of palestine. its president, mahmoud abbas, directly blamed the united states for delaying the resolution of the conflict and called on washington
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to influence israel to end its occupation of the gas sector. at the same time , there were again mass demonstrations in different countries, the most numerous in london. more details about everything. mikhail kinchenko. london police, palestinians. for the first time in more than 10 years , leaders of almost all countries belonging to the league of arab states and the organization of islamic cooperation gathered in arriyadh. at one table are the saudi crown prince, the president of iran, the heads of syria and turkey. previous differences have been put aside for the time being. everyone has one goal - a speedy end to the bloodshed in the gas sector. no military solutions. protection of civilians in the gaza strip. the world must condemn israeli aggression in gas as a war crime. we cannot remain silent about the catastrophic conditions in which defenseless residents of gaza find themselves and demand the speedy opening of humanitarian
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corridors; it is unacceptable to deny food to the civilian population, deprive them of water, electricity, and medicine. for more than a month that the fighting has continued, according to humanitarian organizations in the sector, there has been fire for 4 hours, we consider such proposals shameful. it is a pity that western countries, which always talk about human rights and freedoms, remain silent in front of facing the ongoing killings of palestinians. the day before, a representative of united reported about daily four-hour humanitarian pauses in certain areas of gaza before the pauses began. how to warn also remains unclear, because it is well known that practically no one has communications in the gas sector. israel and emmanuel macron called for an indefinite ceasefire the day before. today the civilian population is being bombed, in fact these
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children, these women, these old people are being bombed and killed, so there is no basis for this and no legitimacy, so we we call on israel to stop, for the first time among civilians, this is because hamas is using them as a human shield, and the israeli army is systematically destroying this shield, today the alkuts hospital was shelled from tanks, last night battles using armored vehicles took place in the immediate vicinity of the ashifa hospital. according to the palestinian health minister, 39 newborns and premature babies who are in special incubators are now on the verge of death in this hospital, the memory of all the dead civilians on both sides confrontation, since october 7, the director of the palestinian red crescent society and the head of the world health organization called on participants in the security council meeting to take urgent action, but to do
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anything without israeli permission to use ambulances to transport weapons and militants? shocked and deeply outraged that civilian targets, schools, hospitals, mosques, and refugee camps are being targeted. we emphasize that targeted attacks on civilian targets are intoxicating violation of international law, international. the saudi prince condemned western countries for their position. we are faced with a humanitarian catastrophe, which demonstrates the failure of the un security council and the international community to put an end to israel's crimes, which is a manifestation of a policy of double standards. at the same time, arab heads of state called on hamas to immediately release all hostages
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being held. but what if they are not afraid, and what if other countries in the region join them, hardly anyone wants to hear the answer to these questions. mikhail akinchenko, evgenia stefanchuk, kristina ivanova, channel one. the united states has a policy for its own citizens, but allocates tens of billions of dollars to foreign ukrainian citizens. in september, america's national debt exceeded $33 for the first time, but the biden administration does not seem to care much about this, unlike the situation in ukraine, where they are ahead of the rest. the flow of people who go to the russian exhibition at vdnkh shows enormous interest in this grandiose event. today your doors pavilions open. in chukotka
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there are a lot of queues in this industry on weekends. in the hall of the first you can see unusual projects that were never realized. here, for example, is a nuclear helicopter, and this is a nuclear underground boat. its designer, alexander tribeleev, studied the movement of moles, which can quickly dig holes. as a result , a prototype from the drill-tastic film was built in 1960. get to the core of the earth, and this picture was filmed 40 years after the development in russia of a real prototype of an underground boat, which during testing traveled 40 km underground, and this is a volga with a nuclear engine, when the car was brought to the test site, they realized that it weighed too much and did not brake well, here are the implemented projects: nuclear reactor f1, bomb with rdsizer. and in the largest pavilion
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number 75, the regions of russia host the days of the constituent entities of the federation. at the primorsky krai stand, with the help of realistic screens, you can visit, for example, cape gamow on petrov island. the regional governor spoke about the economic development of the region. we are building new ports, and of course this is important a process that a siberian dinosaur named kuzbasik. despite the fact that we are all basically the same. educated, enlightened, but we completely unexpectedly saw that there is a lot we don’t know about our country , a stunning impression, in general the exhibition was done great, and the people tried, and the guys are funny, the guides are all lively, everyone is from the field, everyone is very on topic, and another wedding at vdnkh, this time chukotka in a colorful one, there is no kolyma there, that’s all, he proves it, his love is his skill through work, and
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chukutka also has a unique nature, he talked about it governor of the district, we have one of the largest ethnoparks in russia along the coastal zone. whale, that is, this is a place where you can come to take a selfie with a whale, by the way, they are very interested , they will be able to find out what professions there are on the railway, the path to success is the topic of the meeting in the fazprom pavilna lecture hall, famous gymnasts spoke with the guests of the russian exhibition , arina and dina overina, we are grateful that there is such a gazprom children project, because not only that. that they have more than 2,000 sports projects built, leaving the stage, you understand that those spectators, it is your responsibility, as a professional, not not to play, but to live, to spend money, then it’s fair, what you heard and saw can be discussed in the restaurant
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of modern russian cuisine, on the top floor of the atom pavilion, to the guests offer the author's interpretation of dishes from the past. borch with goose is generally a gorgeous dish , we took this old recipe, and we burned it from the regions, the diversity of the peoples of the country is also emphasized by the installation of a living map of russia, this is a digital copy of an embroidered map, where each subject of the federation presented by flap in national design. dmitry kochetkov, vladimir bokarev, yuri sholmov, sergei kuznetsov, sergei deev and larisa nikitina, channel one, maneuver that helped move the iss away from space debris. in orbit even debris is dangerous, diameters, they see that the iss fuddu thunderstorms is adjusting the orbit. this time, progress helped the docked cargo ship, its engines were turned on for 5 minutes and raised the station to 900 m. now it flies above the ground, at an altitude of approximately 425 km, the seventieth long-term operating on board expedition. it consists of seven people,
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including three russians: oleg kononenko, nikolai chup and konstantin borisov, and two more americans, a dane and a japanese. leads to irreversible consequences, the secret of the countess performed by the inimitable valentina tolyzina and the tragedy of herman, who made a bet but lost, love and betrayal, life and death - three cards, like a guiding star, but this path leads to nowhere. olga pautova about why you should watch this performance at the mossovet theater, premiere today. calculation, moderation and hard work, an idea that drives you crazy, three cards or your own vanity. three, seven and ace will win you from the row, it was valentina talyzina who wanted to transfer pushkin’s mystical story the queen of spades to the stage of the most council theater, she even helped write the dramatization. i had a teacher, roman
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grigorievich viktyuk, and he staged this play, he had a countess, and herman, and she reached out to this request. you can make up the happiness of my whole life, but it can’t cost you anything, i swear to you, it was a joke, cold and a calculating german, that’s how he was in pushkin, but in the play he is closer to the hero from the opera tchaikovsky’s queen of spades, he is no longer able to control himself, because it’s only for the sake of meeting the countess that german is trying to seduce her pupil lizaveta, the passions were incredible, he wanted to touch pushkin, to the original source, but this is a story, this is not a play, there are fragments of pushkin’s text, they are magnificent, but there is also something that is conveyed
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as the author’s speech, which is precisely in this channel, in the channel of this work, and not write some modern one. to immerse the audience in the pushkin era, the stage recreated the atmosphere of st. petersburg in the 19th century, with its music, dancing, gentlemen in camisoles and ladies in chic outfits. by the way, it was on the costumes that the curse of the queen of spades fell even before the premiere, for a reason, theaters have their own wizards, craftsmen from the costume shop have already managed to restore the frock coat, although it seemed that it would be easier to sew a new one, for example, this is a flank, this one part of the back, if you apply it, well, here it is, there was something like this, plus there was, here everything was also married, fortune. the performance leads you to success, as a way to look into yourself, to risk everything, and maybe the main
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trump card is, after all, love. olga pautova, vladimir grinevich, sergei zalotan, tatyana bodrova and sergei klishin, channel one. hot ice the fourth stage of the russian grand prix in figure skating has started in kazan. for the first time this season, olympic champion kamilla valieva was on her home ice, she was captivated. leadership after short program, second sofia muravyova is in third place , spectacular and unpredictable; among men , the current national champion evgenia semenenko is in the lead; in pairs skating, anastasia mishina and alexander galyamov have the best result.


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