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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  November 13, 2023 10:00am-10:50am MSK

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choose the right real addyge cheese? flooding the eyes, bleeding in the eye will help, the program lives healthy, looks at everything through the prism of science. so, friends, in our studio there is such a huge, friendly thyroid gland, instructions for users. the lord god gave us a body with a variety of organs, but did not give us instructions. therefore, we very often behave unreasonably, and we do not take care of our amazing and divinely beautiful organs. today we have thyroid gland users who do not know what it is for we need. please come to us, dear ones, don’t all come one at a time. so come join us. thyroid. what's your name?
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olya, why do you need a thyroid gland to feel better, well, yes, why do you need such big teeth, that’s for sure, to feel better, after all, you are like a user, that’s what the thyroid gland does in your body, why it answers , dear user olga, i think that for a good sound sleep, for a good mood, well-being, in general, poplars, give me a thyroid... where is your thyroid gland located? here, where? absolutely correct, like this, here it lies, this is a butterfly, this is the battery of our organisms, the battery , this is our energy, this is the thyroid gland, the energy of life, that is, the thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones, which support our.
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the body is at a certain level of functioning, how much energy needs to be released, how much, what rapid pulse we will have, this determines the function of the thyroid gland, that is, the thyroid gland is our vital force, it is clear, absolutely true, where it is lies there, this is the larynx, we just enlarged it many times, here you have the larynx , everyone can take and feel their thyroid... gland, like this, if you put your fingers there and ask to swallow like this, there will be a thyroid gland right under your fingers, here such a unique organ, please sit down, now of course, we will show you what the thyroid gland looks like normally and what can happen to it in pathology, here it is, a normal , beautiful thyroid gland, and now it has turned into a pathology, now we are waiting for the next guest, enemies of our thyroid
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glands, enemies of our small gland, yours, specifically, i think so, everything that is harmful that surrounds us, well, all such users, why is the thyroid gland needed, for everything useful, and what is harmful for the thyroid gland, everything harmful is harmful, this is not so, then explain, hold on. for the thyroid gland, this is how it makes all the organs and systems of our body spin, this is literally the battery of our body, enemies, do you remember the chernobyl disaster? yes, of course, you know that’s when these were released radioactive substances, then people drank water into the body of these. radioactive iodine was exposed,
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it turned out that people from these areas had a significantly increased chance of developing thyroid cancer. i want to remind our viewers that the chernobyl accident, it really was a huge tragedy on april 26, 1986, you are from the generation that remembers this, it turned out not only chernobyl, but also nearby areas, because in fact the question is not only where an explosion occurred, the question is where did the radioactive clouds fly and fall out in the form precipitation, here is a map of the affected regions, bryansk, tula, oryol and kaluga regions, and the people who lived in this territory in 1986, especially children... who were then only
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one day old, because their thyroid gland, how the growing organ took over absolutely everything, they all... today should be on the registry or monitor their own thyroid gland, but how to monitor their thyroid gland? probably do an examination, what kind? ultrasound, that's right, ultrasound is the simplest examination, you need to check the function of the thyroid gland, which is determined very simply by a blood test, thyroid hormone. the tsh hormone is the only indicator that can be taken anywhere, and then figure out what’s wrong with the thyroid gland , thank you very much, please sit down , we invite another guest, we return to our huge thyroid gland, come to us,
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hello, what’s your name ? my name is galina mikhailovna, galina mikhailovna, friends of the thyroid gland. oh, friends, the thyroid gland, i think these are vitamins, well clear, bad, everything is bad, good, everything is good, so, fruits and vegetables, necessarily, movement, and faith that everything will be fine, everything is very simple, the biggest friend of the thyroid gland is iodine, iodine, because? therefore, without iodine, the thyroid gland cannot function. now i suggest going to the kitchen, because here we have
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two microelements that are super important for the thyroid gland. the first and most important thing is iodine. german shaivich, name the products that contain it. and now we will show you famous photographs of alpine cretins. the alps were a region with severe iodine deficiency. and, unfortunately, this led to the birth of children with mental retardation. therefore, iodine must be normal in the region where the pregnant woman lives, otherwise children will be born with congenital iodine deficiency, which means they will grow up, as they were then called alpine cretins, endemic critinism. this is a diagnostician, which products contain iodine, well, first of all, this is algae, uh, the second is filhua, and this is cod, but most importantly - free salt, by the way, it was in the soviet union
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necessarily iodized salt, and this completely solved the problem of iodine deficiency in the country, because you must understand that some of the children have the clearest signs of iodine, deficiency is cretenism, someone simply grows up as a defective person, when iodine deficiency is not so great, therefore, the fact that today we have moved away from this, in principle, is a huge loss, the second microelement that should be, a microelement, is contained in brazil nuts in tuna kidneys, these are the products that should be on your table, this is the situation, what else do we want to tell you to show you that today we have a large state program to identify hypothyroidism and poor thyroid function in newborn children, you now see how the so-called heel test is carried out right in
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the maternity hospital, when they make a tiny puncture on heel of the child, a drop of blood is placed on a blotter, this analysis determines: 30 or 40 indicators, including hypothyroidism, if hypothyroidism is detected in a child in the maternity hospital, then he has no chance of being an alpine cretin, like in pre-revolutionary times, because he is immediately prescribed drugs, thyroid hormones, as a medicine, understandable, so children grow up healthy and reasonable if their parents are sane and have passed all these tests, understand? treatment of thyroid insufficiency is the easiest treatment, one tablet a day or a drug, if it is a child in drops , everything is fine, how to determine the function of the thyroid gland, how to put it on the no,
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blood test tg, that's it, and tsh, let's get to thyroid gland again to i'll show it to you one last time. users, we hope you have become smarter and will use your reading hardware wisely and correctly, now we need to take a break for a while. and in a minute we will meet at the market, what are we buying at the market today? adyghe cheese, red devil, what to do in case of hemorrhage in the eye? kindness will save the world, science has proven that being kind and pleasant is good for your health. like spiders in a jar, european politicians are chewing on each other. ursula fonder... versus charles michel. corruption - it is the driving engine of the european union. the crisis around
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ukraine is also a big corruption. tamosele has millions in his personal pockets. i want to thank you both for being here. those who rule are those who know how to negotiate and bow correctly to those guys who are sitting in washington. it is important to show solidarity with israel, the victim of the worst attack. a war in the middle east could completely break all european politics. european streets. elon musk made a statement that there will be a civil war in the eu. michel's strategy is not to maintain this alliance, but create colonies within this union. capital clearly understands that it is being buried in the interests of the globalists and it naturally must begin to resist. field of future clashes between other elites. european union: big cockroaches running. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. old barrel cognac is
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a product of the stellar group; a traveler coming to venice is more inclined to see his expectations than the city as it is. in the eighties of the century, the carnival suddenly revived on its own. the silent or screaming crowd in the square is always ready to overturn peace if the crowd is nothing. doesn’t want to, a carnival is impossible, the phenomenon of a mask is difficult to understand, using a mask is a desire to change, hide, become someone else, sometimes people get the crazy idea that there is no taboo anymore, the energy itself, some kind of action, there is no such thing here observed, even close, and it seems to me that the russians could breathe a new spirit here , confused masks wander through the venetian squares and streets, nothing more than the shadow of a carnival, why wear a mask if you are not
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able to give up yourself. matador, venice, winter water, on friday first, what kind of idiot even wrote this letter, and what a cool, cool kostya kincher, they really could have been imprisoned, because they imprisoned pop musicians, if roman kostomarov had not been a famous legendary athlete, they would have been for it in exactly the same volume, any celebrity, getting into the shock hall, will end up on the same bed, on the same ecmo machine, on the same aol machine, we don’t have any kind of division, the consideration of the case of kamilla valieva, of course, they they want geniuses like her because that she is truly a genius, they want this to be born in their countries, because if she is in our country, we will always defeat them, any person who wants to adequately assess the present, of course, should... now they don’t ask , it was you who flew into space, now they say it was you who starred in the film challenge
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, it’s different for me, they tell me, well, it was you who flew suli, i say, no, it’s strange, it looks like it, he says you flew, i know that you recently it was a very difficult accident, i flew out of the back seat forward, i have a concussion, a man got into a standing traffic accident, at a speed of 110, he didn’t brake at all, podcast lab, all nights with you. today we came to the dairy department of the market for the first time, i’ve been waiting for a long time, but not the dairy department, just the most alarming departments , that’s it, why from the point of view of sanitary control, sanitary control, hello, hello, glad to see you, thank you very much, how are you name? valentina fedorovna. fedorovna, where all the dairy products, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheeses come from, our locals are from
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the myzhalsky district, borodino settlement, yes, and you yourself are from there, yes, listen, from there, please tell me, here we are, as doctors , we believe that dairy products are the most dangerous thing on the market, no, this is the very thing that is not good and healthy food, put. calcium, bones, after all, start our program about prodygei cheese and about dairy products, we must invite a veterinarian to us, because... we know the head of the veterinary service, we have a good one, andrey petrovich, bring, bring a good doctor that everything is checked very carefully with us, we have our kings are registered, hello, do you know olga ivanovna, of course, i’ve been here for 32 years, not only her, before that her mother worked here,
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olga ivanovna, well, here, as they say, everyone has been working for generations. valentina fedorovna tells us that cows are registered and something else, but this is simply the most important question, we start with it, how dairy products are controlled, because in general microbes live in milk in dairy products, this is their environment they adore this environment, that's how it's controlled so that people don't were you sick? well, all products are received by the veterinarian with an accompanying document in the mercury system, and it is traced there, what is the mercury system? and this is a federal state system in which veterinary document flow comes, that is, that is, roughly speaking, about cows, about fields, what kind of fields there are, about producers, everything is traced there, about vaccinations, it is indicated in the marks that the area is free from infectious diseases and that no medications were used, including
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antibiotics, that is, initially, when you our valentina fedorovna has arrived, we already have a package of official documents, for the cow, yes, for all the studies that are being carried out, what is being checked here, what kind of analyzes are being done here, sampling is being carried out and organalyptic tests are being carried out, well, according to organalyptic indicators, we examine for color, taste, smell, consistency, laboratory-chemical laboratory physical-chemical, acidity, microbiological studies we carry out in the city veterinary laboratory, we take samples of milk, cottage cheese and send them to city ​​vetlatorium, if you suddenly find something, what is the fate of the product? and valentina fedorovna, well, there will be products, of course we have never had anything like this, because valentina fedorovna has also worked for so many years, has such clients, we have never had anything like this, but in this situation, yes, we received recycled storage, an isolator cell , and then the disposal of this product, that is , you also
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check the products during storage time, well, cottage cheese has 72 hours, milk has 72 hours, and one day, but what if? you didn't sell in a day milk or cottage cheese hasn’t been sold in 72 hours, will you destroy everything? i sell everything home in 5 hours, and there’s not enough, olga ivanovna , thank you very much, and we ’ll take valentina fedorovna further for education, what’s good about adyghe cheese, valentina fedorovna, will you treat us to adyghe cheese? yes, of course, my dear, geshavich, thank you, thank you, let's go. you know us all by your patronymic name, i’m watching your programs, my dear, you told everything so well, let’s go, valentin is with me, let’s go, well, our mock-ups have arrived, our program is here as here. so, what is good about adyghe cheese from your point of view? firstly, it is delicious,
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it is made with fresh, pure, whole milk. yeah, there is a lot of calcium here, indeed, there is a really large amount of calcium here, and but we need calcium just for the strength of the bones, this bone , look, the femur bone, when our bone is healthy, we don’t have any holes in this bone, it is very strong, here at the bone, which in humans, if there is not enough calcium, osteoporosis occurs. yes, that will be the problem, so dairy products, especially fermented milk products, such as cheese, they are rich in calcium, there is 52% of the daily requirement of calcium in 100 g, you need to understand that the harder the product, the more calcium there is in the production process, when you start adding
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salt , and salt, right away in general, to be honest, so it’s just about salt that i wanted to talk to you, well, i don’t really care much, i must say that we noted that in fact, in real georgian cheese there is much less salt in general than in brenz and other homemade cheeses, naturally, look here, look at this, this is a vessel, in what is the problem with salt, that when we consume salt, sodium is retained in the body, it leads to swelling of the vascular walls, and this leads to an increase in blood pressure... please tell me, do you know your blood pressure, only honestly, only honestly, no strong, but it happens, canforrin, well, this is the answer to you from cancoral , how is it like... how is the answer to you, a person is being treated, a person is drinking, she’s great, but nevertheless , we said about salt, i also want to say, it’s white cheese, white cheese is a low
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-fat cheese, always exactly, one of the most low-fat cheeses, it turns out that there is less fat, more protein, how to choose adyghe cheese when we come to the market, firstly, so that it has a milky smell, yes. well, oh, it smells good, well, you need to give it something to eat, fresh, cheese, we honestly offer fresh, but when it’s not fresh, it’s completely different, it loses all these tastes, well, i understand, you sell everything in 5 hours , how to store addyghe cheese correctly, it needs to be in packaging, in the refrigerator, how long do you store at home, at home for three days, this question is very important, how to store adyghe cheese correctly
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eat, we now need to return to the studio of the live healthy program, and we want you to treat us to your choice of your most delicious adgege cheese, okay, okay, let's return to the studio of the live healthy program. a wandering artist with a light character, troubadour is always in search of adventure, they always find him, fantastic, next level, on friday at the first, come. to venice the traveler is more inclined to see his expectations than the city as it is. in the eighties of the century, carnival suddenly reborn by itself. the silent or screaming
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crowd in the square is always ready to change the world. if the crowd doesn't want anything, carnival is impossible. the mask phenomenon is difficult to understand. using a mask is a desire to change, hide, become someone else. sometimes people. a crazy thought comes to mind that there is no more taboo, the very energy and some kind of action , this is not observed here, not even close, and it seems to me that the russians could breathe a new spirit here, confused masks wander through the venetian squares and streets, but it is not more than a shadow of a carnival, why wear a mask if you cannot give up yourself. matador, venice, winter water. on friday on the first.
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hot ice, live broadcasts, on the weekend on the first, love figure skating, appreciate figure skating, adore figure skating, give it a brief description, professional qualities, umion so. good reaction, brilliant command of german, i was born in a ural village, family, very
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arrogant, killed a colonel and a mayor, now i will kill a colonel every day, his character is rather weak, it seems to me that he is very eager to add. eliminating kokh is of great political importance, but is it worth risking such a valuable agent for the sake of eliminating kokh? based on real events. a true intelligence officer must be ready for anything. on the razor's edge, the premiere of the multi-part film is coming soon, on the first. he is the enemy, have you fallen in love? you get pleasure like a cat , well, dear friends, we have returned from the market
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and it’s time to visit us about mikhail egorovich, an ophthalmologist, he examines patients, and i want to say, mikhail egorovich, that we have returned from the market, so our wonderful doctors are treating everyone to adyghe cheese, the professor has already seen you, please take a seat, and we are approaching these huge glasses, and today we will talk about hemorrhage in the eye, our spectators are being treated to adyghe cheese. and we want to ask you to take a mirror in your hands to look at your eyes and who has an eye with hemorrhage, press on the red screen, and who has everything fine on the green screen, well, the professor and i will go here, to our eye, i suggest you come here to this big michael egorovich, why? because a
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lot of people saw hemorrhage. what it looks like in life, well, the fact is that there are different types of bleeding in the eye, but most often bleeding occurs under the mucous membrane of the eye called the conjunctiva. the conjunctiva covers our eyeball from above, the inner part of the eyelid and is a protective membrane for the eye. let's mikhail egorevich look at our viewers. we had one person press the red screen. come visit us. please, we are waiting for you, i want you to stand here, our camera is now close-up, just look into the camera, and the camera will now show your eyes, here our guest has a hemorrhage, here is dima’s eye, everyone can see the hemorrhage, you can see it quite well, yes mikhail egorovich, how did you get it, if honestly, nothing foreshadowed trouble, i fell asleep in the evening and
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woke up in the morning. i go to the mirror to wash my face and look, a double eye just appeared like that, it happens, unexpectedly, look, it means it’s really a hemorrhage, now look at this eye, well, look, the conjunctiva covers the eye, well, it’s like such a small film, if a hemorrhage occurs, then we see it in this form, that is, it covers... the front part of the eye and here it is, yes, you see, uh, subconjunctiva, this film is the conjunctiva, it can be different, now on the screen there will be pictures of what a hemorrhage can be, absolutely different, mikhaila igorich, but people get scared, sometimes a small dot, sometimes a large area, sometimes almost half of the eyeball, and sometimes the entire conjunctiva covered in this blood
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therefore, so to speak, the first thing people pay attention to is appearance, often these hemorrhages do not give any symptoms, but pay attention to appearance. mikhail egorevich, now i want to emphasize that we are not talking about situations when you were punched in the eye, if you were punched in the eye, as they say, there is already an obvious reason, obviously, there is a reason, we are talking about situations like yours, i woke up, and you have a hemorrhage in your eye, in general, the man is calm, i, since i have a friend, a professor, i would call three times mikhail egorovich all sorts of different things to tell him passions about my eye, i would send him a photograph and ask for an answer, many people are scared, you weren’t scared, but i sent photographs to many, red devil, one-eyed, yes, the point, the point is that to be scared or
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no, uh, be scared, but not too much, the fact is that this hemorrhage for the eye does not pose any danger, but we should always think about why it happened, why the vessel ruptured, if they didn’t give it to your eye, the first thing is people suspect, they say: i have hypertension, maybe hypertension, maybe, of course, it can be associated with hypertension, it can be associated with any blood diseases, so the question is what should we do: for the guest, he has his photograph, as you called yourself, the red-eyed devil, with the inscription, i am the red-eyed devil , sent it to friends, and what in general should be done in this situation, in principle, you need to see a doctor in any case, because if a hemorrhage occurs, we must examine the entire eye and the condition of the eye inside, because these hemorrhages sometimes combined with other eye diseases. in
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particular vascular disease. look, we have the ophthalmologist’s main device, the slit lamp, so i will now ask you to release the slit lamp for us, mikhail egorovich, and for you. and i'll take a look at you. so , why should dr. mikhail yegorich observe, and we should examine the surface of the eyeball and should look at the condition of the eyeball inside, that is, do biomicroscopy, that’s what i’m doing now. and i have this request: “ look, i’m looking at the vessels of the iris, the vessels fundus, so that there are no newly formed vessels, and we understand that if there are newly formed vessels, this is connected,
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it may be associated with diabetes, with hypertension, well, in this patient, that in this case we do not we see any problems related to the eye, in principle. but we see bleeding under the conjunctiva, what should we do? what to do? well, first, drip, the first thing we always say is that it is not dangerous in this form, but we must think about so that hemorrhage does not occur in another part of the eye. what to do? what to do? contact, we recommend seeing a therapist, why? in order to see the general condition of a person. what is his blood pressure, what is the blood rheology, cholesterol, all this now needs to be looked at, it’s clear , that is, the ophthalmologist looked and said: “ there are no ophthalmological problems for hemorrhage, but there may be problems related to general
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health, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol and so on, so the next step of your examination by an ophthalmologist is with us, you should go to the therapist. and be examined, because there are some reasons for this rupture of the vessel, like this, my friend, the second point, if there are complaints, the hemorrhage is large, it may present some, some discomfort, a feeling of a foreign body, and so on, then we use anti-inflammatory drops , non-steroidal and moisturizing drops to reduce these symptoms, that is, the ophthalmologist will prescribe his treatment, you don’t need it, you have... a slight hemorrhage, but there are also drops to strengthen the back of these walls, such there are no drops so that we, so to speak, strengthen the vascular wall, there are drops that, so to speak, treat almost all diseases,
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eye diseases, there are such people too, they also treat everything, this is not about us, we treat our specific, so the tactics are clear to you behavior, in general, hemorrhage in the eye is not an indicator of the norm. and is a reason to be examined by an ophthalmologist and therapist. thank you, now let’s take a short break and then continue. the premiere of the season, well, here's the master, for now, as they say, i will gain experience, unless of course he against. actually, i'm against it. is kovalev a knowledgeable, experienced employee, ready to work under him? i'm working with you. only we didn’t have a mug of radio transmitters, and this is a help, and i can teach you this too, he made a scene of jealousy for me, he says, i exchanged glances with kovalev, here we have a new murder,
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we are all slowly going crazy, we found something, no, and where, i won’t bother you, he ’ll drag us all along with him, maybe he was once a brilliant cherkasy, but now, well, that’s it. just a stubborn old man, can i spend the night with you, don’t trust, don’t trust anyone, mozraz is cherkasov’s latest case, you want me to report, you can say so, no, i won’t, you will, and we won’t dig up your old cases, watch the time on the first after the program, whiskey mancatcher , a product from mikhalych, in narrow circles they call him seasoned, or simply dad, the soul of any company, forever
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young, fantastic, the next level, on friday on the first, coming to venice, the carnival of the century was suddenly revived by itself , silent or screaming to the world, if the crowd doesn't want anything, carnival is impossible, the phenomenon of a mask is difficult to understand, the use of a mask is a desire to change, hide, become someone else, sometimes people get the crazy idea that there is no taboo anymore, the energy itself, some kind of action, this is not observed here, not even close, and it seems to me that the russians could breathe a new spirit here. confused masks wander through venetian squares and streets, but this is nothing more than
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the shadow of a carnival. why wear a mask if you can't give up on yourself. matador, venice, winter water, friday on first. a series of brutal murders continues in the city; the fourth victim was found dead today on the outskirts of the city. we are left here alone. well, how did people find out what happened here, many of the children were taken away, the victims knew each other, here in this town everyone is tied up, so they don’t show anything here, what do you want from me, they came here, you freak catch, here you go, stop messing around , savchenko, you just arrived, your marks are like those of a tractor, i came to do business and i’ll see this thing through to the end, well, how is he you? i don’t want to work with this scumbag anymore, he’s being thrown around the districts on complicated cases
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, he’s a very conflicted comrade, you work in the police, but our city is small, you can’t hide anything, i need to know everything, his every step, understand? our territory is large, there are many cities, so look, the territory will soon come first. turn around, you know, friends , november 13 is world kindness day, today we will talk about kindness, we thought for a very long time how to build this conversation about kindness, we are still doctors, so of course, we want to add medicine, but kindness is universal. what word
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does the word kindness come from? there is a very interesting hypothesis, they say that the word kindness comes from the word kindness, goodness is a pressed property, and sharing kindness means in the literal sense of the word, giving part of yours to someone, by the way, i like this version more than all the others. because when we were children germanich grew up with you, there was a difference between us, who you are, a kind person or a kind person, but the new generation no longer knows, what is it, and we knew that a kind person comes to the rescue, can tell the truth straight to the face, but a kind person, susi-pusi, susi-pusi, will not help in trouble, will not share the good, so we start talking about kindness, and let's start all over - from the medical point of view, are good people from the point of view of health... different from evil ones? a person who does good
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deeds, he does it from the heart, it is shown that these people have blood pressure several millimeters lower than that of people who do not do these kind things actions, this is very interesting, this is a vessel, dear friends, so a good person has vessels. dilate and lower blood pressure, this is such a beauty, but there is another very interesting study that showed that they took people who participate in the volunteer movement and compared them with ordinary people, it turned out that volunteers die less and live longer, like that, like that this is a piece of medicine. but we decided to invite several priests to join us. the first,
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of course, represents the first mono-god religion is judaism, let me remind the orthodox that the old testament is the torah, so our first guest is rabbi mikhail stavropolsky. and the first question for you is, what is kindness in judaism? good afternoon. you are not healthy with these people, you first introduced yourself and grimenshaevich all the tv viewers, good afternoon everyone, you see, even good afternoon there is already goodness in this greeting. so what is kindness in judaism? you know, it was not by chance that i picked up the jewish prayer book siddur yat and we will open with you a page where the morning prayer is written, and you can read this phrase for me, with which the morning prayer of any jew begins. i accept the commandment: love your neighbor as yourself.
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this is a christian commandment, by the way, they probably also said , indeed, in all monarchist religions, a good neighborly attitude towards everyone is very important... and this is where our day begins, it is important to do to another person what you want to be done to you and not to do what you don’t want to do, and it’s also important, the day begins with zdaki, this is when you you take a coin and throw it into the piggy bank, and please note, this is not charity, this is justice, the word transfer is like justice, thereby you bring justice to this world, and this commandment is done every day, no matter how much you put into this piggy bank, rub, rub . your piggy bank, a piggy bank, which you will then give to good deeds, guys, how good it is, it’s time to put a penny in the piggy bank for good deeds, and this is a commandment in which the whole person participates absolutely completely, and his body, and his soul and mind. thank you very much, please sit down, and we continue
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the conversation about kindness, and i want one more sentence, said andrei petrovich prodeus. so, good people, from a medical point of view, what about them? immunity, everything is fine with their immunity, there are two aspects why immunity becomes strong, firstly, they conducted a study, look, i have an immune cell here with such teeth, here are antibodies and viruses, they took it to the students, showed a film about maria teresa, and after that they measured the level of secretory immunoglobulin, those immunoglobulins help me, michal egorovich, these are the ones that block viruses, it turned out that their immunoglobulin levels increase. and with a decrease in stress, which good people have, their immune cells work more actively and their teeth are better against viruses and bacteria and cancer, you know, of course, when you talk about medicine, it seems somehow even a little shameful that this is also the role of kindness in life, so i want to move now to
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the tula region, where in the deep, deep outback there are guys working as filters and this is huge. a job that might be for someone does not seem like kindness, from our point of view, this is kindness of the highest order, we go to tula, a giant first-aid post, hello, a giant first-aid post, gigantic because it is located in a giant village, here i receive patients, this is my main workplace , there is also a procedural the office in which i carry out all the various procedures, sergei sergeevich, has been working for the second year. his fashion center serves five villages, and the village headman is happy. i have been living here since i was 64, thank you very much to sergei sergeevich, life in the village has taken a turn for the better . the first half-day is an appointment at the medical center,
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then the paramedics go to patients’ homes; all paramedics were given cars as part of the national healthcare project. but sergei sergegevich’s car is driven by his wife, also filsher. i’m always happy to help, especially since i recently received my license and am just about to gain experience. they met when they were students, came to the village together, and now work together. nina antonovna, hello, of course, the patients are glad to see felsher and conversations not only about health, but about life. it's good that there are young specialists. work for us, we are very happy with them. these two wonderful paramedics are visiting us, come to us, guys, because this is also kindness, kindness in action, please come in, it’s great that now , as part of the national healthcare project , you have been given cars, but before the paramedics
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were walked around, yes? well, yes, through fields, through puddles, everything, everything on foot, why doesn’t the husband have... rights, well, that’s how it happened, she just somehow did it faster, well, you get, of course, of course, well, that’s it, we just wanted you to applaud the guys, because it’s great that today , as part of the state national health care project, what we call primary care is being modernized, these primary areas where people meet doctors, that you have been given a new transport, that you can work like a human being, but still you need to be an ascetic at heart in order to go far, far away to a village, it’s true that hermansha will work there too, now you will stand modestly and be silent, what is kindness sergei sergeevich?
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if, i think, from a medical point of view, in our work, i think , this is timely and high-quality service for our patients to people, here you are, my dear christians, orthodox, i want to call an orthodox priest, father valerie, come to us, please, what is kindness in orthodoxy, in christianity? you know, here in our apostle paul’s letter to titus, there are such words that christ came to purify for himself a special people, zealous for good deeds, here some good deeds, in fact, those that are asked of us at the last judgment, and it says directly, when the son of man comes... all nations will gather before him and he will divide them to the right, to the left, and to those on the right
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side from him, he will say, come to me, you blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world, and explain why? because i was hungry and you gave me something to eat, i was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, i was a stranger and you took me in. "i was sick and you visited me in prison was, and you came to me, then i will tell him, righteous people, and when we, lord , saw you like this, he will say, since you did this to one of the least of these, that is, to one of the people, then you did this is to me, oh , my god, like this, i made only one conclusion, doctors will go to heaven, because the only thing we do is help. to the suffering, thank you very much , please sit down, and one more medical remark , mikhail egorovich, over to you, what else
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kindness does to people, people suffer, less depression, these people have better mental health health, the fact is that during or when we do good deeds , we produce substances called: and dopamine, these are substances of joy, satisfaction, reward, so people feel much more comfortable, they are satisfied with life, in the end they they live longer, we have another guest today, i invite imam ramili sadeko to join us, what does kindness mean in islam? it can be said that kindness is the basis of the muslim religion because the holy quran says in many places that
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believed and did, did good, righteous deeds. this is the basis of religion, sincerely from the bottom of my heart in caring for my neighbor, doing good deeds. and what are good deeds? in islam, what are good deeds? when i listened to the rabbi and the orthodox priest, we have the same morning prayer in it, the prophet muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam asked for good food, good knowledge, good things that would benefit him, and asked for good deeds that would be accepted, that is, so that a person committed those deeds that will be accepted by the lord. we also have a hadith that allah almighty will say, you didn’t come to me when i was sick, and when a person says, how can this be? how were you sick, the almighty, he will say, was the man sick?


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