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tv   PODKAST  1TV  November 22, 2023 12:45am-1:31am MSK

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you mean that some kind of virtual world, virtual, virtual hermitage , we developed this a lot during covid, well , then, we’ll see later, when you look from the windows of the hermitage onto the palace square, that’s what you would like to warn against today's world and your contemporaries, we all know that history does not teach anything, people do not learn from history lessons, but at the same time they should know these lessons of history, so we must just we must... people must know everything that happened, remember what happened, and then they will be this leadership or not, that’s how it will turn out, it was the director of the state hermitage, mikhail borisovich pyatrovsky, the first persons in the podcast.
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you are watching the podcast precious history, me and its host ekaterina varkan. and today our guest is the people's artist of the republic, sergei petrovich nikonenko, but in addition to the fact that our favorite actor is wonderful, he is also a great admirer of sergei alexandrovich yeseninan, he has put great effort into preserving his memory, and i know sergei petrovich, you are a lot once we were in constantinople, and i was too, and i remember how i little girl. i was there, i came for the first time, my parents brought me, all the girls love yesenin, so i come out to this shore , it’s beautiful, i see it, i understand why he wrote such poems, only there it was possible, strictly speaking, to write such poems, this one here air, this is how hands are made, a very beautiful, magnificent place, you know, i first came to konstantinovo during the filming of a film about yesenin, and when we arrived, i went for a walk, went outside...
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the church, and there it just began , a boy about 10-11 years old rises up to meet me with a broken face in blood, simply, right there in front of my eyes i remember meeting a frightened mother, i was talking through a bloody mouth , nothing, i tripped over a stone, so tomorrow everything will heal, i asked him, guy, what are you doing, where did you hit yourself like that , so he says, yes, on a bicycle he decided to ride down... this steep slope, but it’s simply impossible, it’s so cool there, this steep slope is so incredible, well , this is the first impression, and of course, this open space, which is probably exactly there he gave birth to the lines of sergei alexandrovich, goy, you are my dear russia, huts in the robes of the image, there is no end in sight, only the blue sucks the eyes, well, there you go.
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we went there many times later, once there was a wonderful incident , we went there with andrei geogyevich bitov, and he sat down near the church, a well-known pebble, he sits, meditates, too, yes, 5 minutes pass, 10, he still sits, passes 40 minutes, we say, something happened , we approach him, we touch him so carefully, and he looks up and says, this is how you wake up as an elementary school teacher in konstantinov, he says, right? then we went drink tea in the house of the landowner kashnoy, which has now become the literary museum of anna snegin - this is one of the first museums of literary characters in russia and we met the main curator of konstantinov lidia alekseevna arkhipova, so we sat on the balcony in the museum, which means this
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just... uh, the anna snegina museum, the former estate of kashina, so we sat and talked, and there were also our friends, actors, and there weren’t enough stools to read poetry, because everyone wanted to, so to speak, climb in and what something like this having understood prorussia here, well, here we are talking, it means, over a cup of tea, and lydia alekseevna suddenly tells us: do you remember this story, that there was some kind of ring that the empress gave to sergei alexandrovich. we say, well, yes, we remember, memories of rings with an emerald, it means, well, like, so what, no one saw it, no one heard, she says, this is reality, the legend becomes reality, there is a ring, we say, how can this not happen , in great amazement, well, in fact , the history of this ring is that, so to speak, let's start the seizeleds, yes, the first world war began in the fourteenth year, everyone began to be called up to the front in the sixteenth year yesenin was called up, but by... so to speak,
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with the help of defenders, assistants and so on, he did not get to the front line, thanks to rasputin , well, thanks to various well-wishers, so to speak, mainly rasputin. he served as an orderly in tsarsko-selo military sanitary train 143, her imperial majesty empress alexandra fedonna. in the same sixteenth year it is known that he traveled to morphmarine monastery, which is to elizaveta feodorovna, and there i also received dear gifts from her, the gospel from the library, the icon of sergius of radanish, which these memorials are now kept in the museum. we know, yes, and we saw them when we visited there, so to speak, this icon and here in 16, on the name day of maria fedovna, the dowager empress and grand duchess maria nikolaevna, a concert was organized in the fedorovsky town, where the infirmary
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where yesenin was assigned, so to speak, and yesenin was invited there, among others famous people to perform at this concert. so he read poetry, read his russia, maybe some fragment: sergei petrovich, you will remember from the repertoire that sergei alexandrovich read then, well , he could have read probably the same poems that he read to the bloc, for example , start playing tolyanochka, raspberry fur, come out to meet kokolitsa, beautiful groom. the heart glows with cornflowers, the birch tree burns in it, i play the tagyanochka about blue eyes, you see, and this, or it smells loose, jerking off, there is kvass at the doorstep, two lines, and it’s already clear what wonderful
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food the peasants had, wanking is a very tasty food, i often visited the village as a child, every morning, this is lard, potatoes, onions and many, many broken eggs, not eggs, but an omelet with milk, mixed eggs were poured, this was masturbated, also with kvass, yes, what are you talking about, well, but sergei alexandrovich’s memories relate to the poem rus, and he noticed that the empress after reading these poems, told him that they were sad poems, very beautiful, but sad, i answered her, that this is what our whole russia is like. and for this performance, which made a strong impression, yesenin was granted a gold watch by the empress, alexandra feodorovna, but the gold watch did not reach him, according to the version, it remained in the pocket of a certain colonel loman, who was then the commandant of the infirmary in the fedorsky
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town, but the ring with the emerald, which was also granted, still reached him, he received it, it’s interesting that there was actually such a thing. history of the russian state, gnedich for translating the iliad, which means zhukovsky for all the merits and upbringing of tsysarevich, yes, these rings, by the way, they were entered into the official’s form, they were considered a separate reward, and the empresses gave them more simply. not with diamonds, but with simpler stones, a simple stone, yes, but in any case, so to speak, one way or another, yusei had a ring, but no one had ever seen him, and he somehow didn’t talk about it , maybe in soviet times there was no need to advertise, so
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to speak, imperial gifts, maybe so, but i have a feeling that he didn’t loved it very much, jewelry, at least not in any of the photographs... no, rings, yes , he has a bow tie, a top hat, he has a pipe, he has a cigarette, and such things, they are usually, if you love, yes, then you are somehow trying to show, here you should say a few words, but on july 17, 1916, when yesen was serving in the hospital as a nurse, this commandant loman called him and said:
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they will be brutally killed in the basement of the house in the city of yekaterinburg , here they arrived, four slender, thin ones in white clothes, well, birch trees birches, and he... greets with a welcoming poem: in the crimson glow, the sunset is effervescent, white birches are burning in their crowns, my poem greets the young princesses, young meekness in their tender hearts, where those not pale and sorrowful torments, they are to, who went to suffer for us, stretch out their royal hands, bless their future hour of life, on a white bed, in the bright brilliance of light, the one
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whose life they want to return is sobbing, the walls of the infirmary tremble with pity, which is constricting their chest, pulling them closer and closer with an irresistible hand , there, where death puts its seal on the forehead, oh, pray, magdalene, for their fate.
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hot ice, live broadcasts, on the weekend on the first, love figure skating, appreciate figure skating, adore figure skating. sheaf, a product of the stellar group, you are watching the podcast precious stories, i am its host, ekaterina varkan, i am supported today by the people's artist, sergei petrovich nikanenko, and we are talking about sergei senin, interesting things that accompanied his life. we continue our conversation about the ring, here is ledia alekseevna, we are still sitting, drinking tea. on balcony and so she says, can you imagine, a few years ago, well
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, when this museum of anna snegina was already being organized, news suddenly appeared that not far from konstantinov there was, so to speak, this ring, this ring was brought second cousin, maria konotopova, yesenin’s second cousin, and said that in the twenty-fourth year yesenin arrived in konstantinovo, went for a walk in the rivets, introduced himself, so to speak, in full glory, and passed by the village of kobylinko, where she lived as since maria, it turned out that maria was getting married, he didn’t have a gift, and he gave her this ring as a gift, he didn’t know how to be generous, but on the other hand, he could get rid of it, because it’s impossible to wear, it’s impossible to show, you see, yes, from the royal right hand, we took a photograph of this ring, that is, this is practically the first photograph, an amateur one, not very good
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quality, but it’s just on those pianos, and that means an examination was carried out there, naturally, there is the coat of arms of the royal family , crown, here is royal, well, imperial master, but unfortunately, the emerald turned out to be chrysoprase, but for us this is a ring, so to speak, well, okay, yes, well, not such an expensive stone. yes, but for us this doesn’t matter at all, because what matters is the fact that this amazing thing was found from a memorial in yesenin’s hands, yes, so maybe he carried it in his pocket along with kukish, you know, god my, my, my god, in fact, this cabochon cut, round, is usually done on not very high-quality stones in order to hide cracks, so maybe they weren’t immediately identified, so to speak.
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it is emerald or chorisoprase, but the examination determined, everything was confirmed, so in fact, maria ivanna lived a long life, in ninety-three she came to the museum and offered this ring to the museum, and some collectors found out and offered money, but she said that she wants this thing to be in the museum, she sold it for some ridiculous money, as they told me then, 2 kilograms more expensive, but in principle it would be enough for you and me pocketbooks, here... technical progress has also preserved for us another such miracle, but besides, so to speak, some things that are convenient for us, whoever dared made recordings of his voice at the beginning of the 20th century, who dared in the middle of the 20th century century, took a photograph, yes, but in fact, yesenin still made
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several recordings, we all know, yes, my favorite recording is the flapper tax from pugachev’s poem and we now have the opportunity to listen to sergei alexandrovich perform it, it produces the strongest impression, i i warn viewers who haven’t heard, frenzied, bloody murk, that you, uh, or the healing of the rings, die. those, take me to him, i want to see this man, i have been looking for your skill for three days and three nights, the clouds of the north have fallen like a stone pile, thank him, he is even
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a bear, the mob loves you, the riotousness will be removed. i wandered along the paths for three days and three nights, i was lucky with my eyes, the wind rattled my hair like straw, and the rain flailed me, but an embittered heart will never get lost, it’s not easy to shake this head of neck, be it. red-haired camel, the unsung milk, the unbroken milk, cold, clumsy, through the darkness i clutched it like bread with an exhausted eyelid, lead me, lead me to
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him, i want to see this man. it’s absolutely amazing, it’s so dissonant with his appearance, so angelic, yes, when i first heard his voice, i even had his voice , well, somehow i imagined something a little different, but it’s an absolutely amazing impression, so i noticed about myself, maybe you will agree with me that when you meet the greats, yes, you somehow get closer to them, it’s very contagious, and you fall into some kind of addiction , then suddenly you notice that you’re already... rolling up your sleeves , pulling up your pants, working for your idol, tirelessly and can’t stop, what i mean is that you starred in the film, played yesenin, and after that, it means there was no end to your work, you decided to organize a museum, you did it, and you are still doing it all, tirelessly, that is, this is
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some kind of contagious disease, sergevich , tell me, it means that on the old arbat the museum... is located in the house, in the apartment where it lived with his first, actual civil wife, as we say, anna izryadnova, tell me a few words, uh, the apartment where i lived in a communal apartment, house 44 posivashka, in apartment 14, the whole house was given to an employee of sytin’s printing house, and there in all the apartments and even in... the first apartment, as i found out, lived a friend of yesenin, to whom he came, i should say there, i was already familiar with these descendants, when i arrived, he said, yes, here is the table at which yesenin i was sitting with my dad, this is the table i have today, you immediately
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they took him under my arm, of course, i could step away from this table, i have it here in my room, this table is worth a fair amount of money, well, this is it, but i probably wouldn’t have taken on the creation of a museum, ekaterina yuryevna, because but i spurred by another idea that alexander pushkin lived in this courtyard at different times, andrei bely was born there , when he came to moscow he stayed, alexander blok barbat lived on duty in 51 houses, vladimir solovyov also lived in this courtyard, such a mystic poet, here i am took it, although i was warned, says: health you will lose, but nothing will come out of the funds, yes i. i didn’t lose it, everything worked out, in my opinion, sergevich, i know that you brought us an interesting thing, an incredible, precious relic, this is a postcard, which, this is a copy,
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a photocopy of that postcard, because i gave the original as a gift a year ago, uh yesenensky nature reserve in the village of konstantinovo, this is the fifteenth year and it was sent from the village... kuzminskaya, and kuzminskaya is just a continuation of the village of konstantinovo, it ’s one long, big village, from there, here kuzminskaya stamp, he sends it to the volunteer sasha, who worked in a magazine for everyone, it was called a magazine for everyone, that’s what it says here, it’s written here, dear sasha, i would flog you by your hair. yes, you won’t get it, what are you doing, i promised to write a letter, but i hid myself , it’s not good, brother, every day i go to the meadows in the ravine
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, i play livinka, the other day they beat me, great, they almost hit my head, i put it together, you know, to the headman, an awesome little bastard, and one of them sang and hummed it at night, the sotskis grabbed me and well... i’ll get them all anyway, i’ll catch you, they’ve broken my shower, now hold on, there’s a recruit for me , and the men are afraid of us, dear sashka, write quickly, and bow to anna karlovna, anna karlovna was the editor of this magazine for everyone, try my detractors, we won’t get half-pay for poetry , or not, they wouldn’t walk around and fight like heifers, this is very small here, small, small. attributed to me, of course, i treasured it very much , this postcard, but i couldn’t keep it , because it still had to
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return to where it was sent from, so here i am not only do i not regret it, i am very glad that it will now be preserved there, sergei petrov , well, after all, you also have family things there, as the museum workers say, that is, things that belonged to the hero, so i know that there is a razor, yes? device, but there was also a soap dish, there was also a few items there, i found out, it was the nineties, that in st. petersburg there is a yasen razor, i don’t know anything else, how to find it, the city is not small, i i ask the artists, he says, he heard, he didn’t hear, no one heard, one artist, says: you know, i think they showed it on tv, the circle
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is already narrowing, i’m on st. petersburg television, and they say, yes , it happened, they showed who it is, he says, boris nikifor kravchenko came and brought it, this one showed it on tv this shaving device, they gave me a phone number, i called boris, he says, but he has already passed away, he is no longer there, whoever speaks, says, this is his son, stanislav borisovich, borivich, you saved the razor with which your dad appeared on television , says, yes, well, let's get acquainted, come, and i came with performance, come to the performance, he watched the performance, the next day we met, and when i came to their home, already to stanislav borisovich kravchenko, i found out that, firstly, anatoly yar kravchenchenko, people’s artist of the ussr, was there, even
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with whom nikolai alekseevich klyuev was very well acquainted, and in general this living room reminded me of a room that was dedicated to the poet klyuev, nikolai alekseevich, here he is depicted on the right, with whom he became friends, one of the first, at first there was a block by block passed on yesenin to gorodetsky, and yasenin, and gorodetsky had already met klyuev, him, they even performed together, but then their paths quickly diverged, although klyuev believed that he raised yesenin, no, this is not true, yasenya, in his own individual way, as but among these buddhists, like a rhinoceros, he went his own way, did not replace anyone, he had him, if necessary. to take something better, he, he took it and quite quickly, like a sponge, absorbed it, from these same imagists, who, in general, were not very good for him, a single genius, a single glory,
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such and... such, well, it’s no coincidence that the block when he says: today i have a guy from ryazan, the poems are fresh, vociferous , verbose, he put a full stop and wrote the most precious word for a poet: language, that’s it, the poet is accomplished, he has his own language , his own world, his own figurative system, if you want, that’s how gay alexandrovich was. yesenin, well, actually, as far as i understand, he gave this device to klyuev, yes, already in the twenty -fourth year, we met, talk, what are you saying, you’re playing the fool, kolya, what a city kitizh, russia is bleeding, and you’re still are you looking for some, you know, there you should have completely different tasks, what are you writing about, give up your old believers, your choice.
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handed it to him, and at the same time handed it to him, since this is written in their newspaper, they printed it, and what i saw is that in this family they respect the beaks very much, and even on the suitcase with which they packed this razor for me, yesenin klyuev, it is written, on copper plates, not tablets, they are, of course, metal plates, and also a very beautiful crystal glass. it was a gift to me, a woman brought a crystal glass, she came to my museum, she looked, i gave a tour, showed her everything, so she says, but i didn’t come to you empty-handed, you know, ilya ilychneider gave my father this glass, such a box from cookies, well, laid in a cloth, she brought this glass, on which on the lid of this
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box of cookies, a pasted sheet of paper and the hand of ilya ilvich schneider, the director of the school , asidora duncan, from twenty he writes there in his fortieth year, i think that the school existed for 28 years and even during the war, can you imagine, they drank from these glasses with isidora duncan, no, he says, he writes there, he just describes it, he says, i brought this crystal glass from home for cleaning, it stood in a glass slide in asidora duncan’s room, he says: “i loved isidora.” glass and always drank from it, and even the years, the years were marked, and that he was , and i knew him, ilya ilvich, schneider, he was already, this was the tenth year, he passed away in the seventy-eighth, so he gave this glass was then given to a friend, and his friend’s daughter brought it to me, with this, with this description, such a primitive question, but the amount of liquid there, how much does the side hold?
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it looks very solid, it’s like this, but i tried it on, it’s not, i wouldn’t be a museum worker, 50 g, in total, oh, modestly, you could drink vodka straight from this glass, i’ll tell you even longer, seryozha without arms, when he was getting ready to play, already on the eve of playing yesenin in a movie, came to me and said: petrovich, let me drink this glass, everyone would ask. yes, i asked, and drank, took communion, i do, i like to do a museum, not in the sense of drinking, touching, some things, wonderful, you also have a wonderful, remarkable thing that i would like to talk about, and we will show it, this is a spoon, yes, a silver spoon, which idilia zinovievna gave to me, she was the widow of the great-grandson of lev nikolaevitch tolstoy,
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nephew ... her husband was the nephew of sofia andreevna, tolstoy’s granddaughter, who was her nephew, the nephew passed away, she was left behind, they saw zinovo, she called me and told me to let her find me herself, i’ll come to her, then she came to the museum to see me, so i looked, then i decided to give this silver spoon, this silverware, clear... the already widowed wife of ilva nikolaevich tolstoy, sofia andreevna, distributed it to her grandchildren among the grandchildren of her granddaughters. sofia andreevna was the granddaughter, she was the daughter of andrei lvovich, there was this spoon that fell , she could feed ilv nikolaevich and sergei aleksanovich jam with the premiere of the season: binge the star, on
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sunday on the first. you accept malingerers, and you are a malingerer, i feel good, i have nothing, well, you slipped me a client, 6 hours. fought back, katyusha, do you think the heroic surgeon deserves a cup of coffee, he has a new nurse in our surgery, so he won’t miss his, the mood is zero, hello, strong alcohol, many nurses have passed through me, well, i noticed, but what you also noticed that there is fierce competition in medicine, get used to it, i brought a lot of women here, in batches, you like me, and you like me too, i don’t want to see you next to him anymore, it’s unpleasant to contact your lovers, i mean? some guy asked you what he looked like, why did you yell at me, ask the nurse, from monday, on the first. why are you
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acting like a stupid nurse? am i acting in accordance with my position? yes, what happened yesterday, where did you go? we continue our conversation about sergei yesenin. our guest today is people's artist petrovich nikonenko and i am presenter ekaterina varkan. we move on to the next page of our story, sofia andreevna is the last official wife of sergei alexandrovich. she tells such a story, well, not their acquaintance, and them so to say, here are some developing relationships. this story, as far as i... understood, she handed over to the literary museum , along with a certain thing that we will talk about now, she says that in june 25 , she and yesenin were walking around moscow, who forgot, then
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in moscow there were a lot of wandering musicians, puppeteers, organ grinders, fortune tellers, well , sofya andreevna says that some fortune teller came up to them, a parrot pulled out of a hat for yesenin... a ring, a bronze, small ring, and that means, here this ring was given to sergei alexandrovich, this is like a sign of two young people walking, this means that a parrot is pulling out a ring for a man, we have photographs of this ring, and she told everyone about this when she handed over this ring to the literary museum, according to i also wrote poems about this, as you just called sharmanka, i remembered this poem, yes, yes, and on september 18, yesenin married sofya tolstoy, maybe we’ll listen to a poem about a parrot, read it, of course, because sergei alexandrovich is about this plot dedicated
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poem, and in fact, i immediately remembered this poem, when you said the word sharmanka, yes, there is a reference to just yes, yes, yes, apparently, it ’s been like this forever, for thirty years i’ve lost my temper, the ruts are getting stronger and stronger, with life we keep in touch. darling, i will soon turn 30, and the earth becomes dearer to me every day , that’s why my heart began to dream that i was burning with pink fire, if i burn, then i burn, burning, and it’s not for nothing that flowers get stuck, i took out the ring... then parrot, a sign that we would burn together, then the gypsy put the ring on me, taking it off my hand, i i gave it to you, and now, when the barrel organ is sad, i can’t help but think, not be shy
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, there’s a swampy feeling in my head, there’s frost and darkness in my heart, maybe you gave it to someone else with a laugh. maybe, kissing until dawn, he asks you himself, like a funny, stupid poet, you led him to sensual poems, well, well , this too will pass early, it’s only bitter to see the edge of life, for the first time, such a hooligan was deceived by the damned. .. parrot, thank you, well, this is a description of that moment in the life, uh, life period of sergei alexandrovich, summer is the beginning of autumn, you know, somehow he already felt that he had experienced so much
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, how many roads had been traveled, how many mistakes had been made, these are lines from his own, so he already felt age, he was already wise. beyond my years, well, you know what i feel, i keep remembering that balcony from which we started, and there were a lot of photographs showing local residents, children, local village life. works, relatives, well, the people with whom yesenin lived, spent his childhood, i had some idea that he was some kind of alien, that is, he seemed to have been abandoned there from somewhere there, because he was different from them in everything, they are good, they are good, but he is completely different, you confirm it all the time, my thought, the atasinkas will still give birth to oranges, and sometimes, you know , the priest of the village of konstantinov, the priest of
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church of the kazan icon of the mother of god, father ivan, who yesenin’s mother tatyana fyodor did not say: “take care of the boy, but when he said, when yesenin was 5 years old, he says: “what is it, father ivan,” he says, you know, here four villages in a row don’t come to confession, i can’t talk to anyone compare your boy, he’s amazing, absolutely in confession, this is where it seems to me that there’s more poetry. jesus is incredibly confessional, he does not embellish himself , nor events, nor conflicts, nor joyful days of his life, everything about him , you know, is incredibly true, an alien, again there is another saying, apple from apple, here i have the feeling that some kind of apple came from this apple tree, it flew somewhere into space, and then fell, god, where? so he writes about this apple in his confession
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, hooligans, not everyone can sing, not everyone it was given to fall like an apple at the feet of others, not at his own family, but he had already rolled somewhere into world literature where, in fact, it turns out, look at the picture, but he is from the peasants, a peasant, yes, he married a countess, received the empress’s ring, but he died in december of the twenty-fifth year, a russian poet, you watched the podcast precious stories, i am the presenter ekaterina varkan , my guest is the people's artist of the rssr sergei petrovich nikanenko, together with sergei alexandrovich yesenin, a russian poet. thank you. the old joke is that science is a way
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satisfy your curiosity at the expense of the state. hello, today we have gathered our thoughts about science and how to get young people involved in science. nikita yuryevich anisimov, rector of the higher school of economics, yegor borisovich prokharchuk, dean of the medical and biological faculty of the russian national research medical university said this, hello, i’m vladimir, we ’re starting, dear friends, i want to ask you, as a warm-up story, a little - think a little about this very thing a joke, as far as the famous one is applicable to it, that in every joke there is a grain of truth or a grain of joke, i don’t know how to say it right now, because it’s possible anyway, that science is a way to satisfy one’s curiosity at the expense of the state, well a wonderful joke, i think that this is partly true, i think that in general any person should be interested, searching, and from
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a janitor to, well, let’s say, to scientists, another thing is that not everyone will follow this path, it’s very it’s a hard path, you don’t need to be a scientist for everyone, it’s like that a special way of life, on the one hand, on the other hand, fundamental science and applied science are also slightly different things, it’s one thing you open the curtain of the unknown, but above such a black abyss, you highlight with a projector beam, what’s in this abyss, uh, ah it’s another thing, you combine from what is known, well, some technologies , and create, also two different approaches to this, but of course, curiosity and interest in the world is the first driving force of a scientist, at the expense of the state, nikitai , and what about you? you know, firstly, one cannot but agree that the joke is probably old, it appeared around the same time when... the state began to appear, yeah, because, well,
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it seems to me that one of the missions of the state is generally satisfy its citizens, therefore, on the one hand, these are jokes, on the other hand , this is reality, because the state in relations with citizens uses them and the effectiveness of fundamental science, because no one has canceled its promaxes and its effectiveness of investments in fundamental science, but in the applied part of the state, ordering an applied result, of course... from this curiosity and the interests of citizens there is a very specific result, capitalizing them significantly, i really wanted to talk about how to attract, but again... it is known that to answer the question how, you need to answer the question why, yes, but how to a young man who is thinking about what he should do in life, so he is interested in this, and curious, and this is what to tell him about the world science, why, what is this world like, why should a person engage in science so that he, well, gets carried away, and at
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the same time understands whether it is his or not, this is what an approach can be here, what an approach, like a standard approach, when you try to do something in childhood, in your youth, maybe yes, the sooner you understand who you want to become, and what you can do, that the main thing brings you pleasure in life, the better, but i know there is such a singer of our state, a general statesman, aleksandrevich prokhanov , he finished mine, in my opinion, yes, he went to work in the box, really, it would seem that he is a statist, he feels the state, he works, and he left there, as i remember, because he simply turned out to be not his, he could not be in this one. sign up, leave at 6, sign out, it’s quite complicated, well, a different structure , that’s not what science is about, no, no, i’m talking about the fact that well, that’s his search, he needed freedom, of course, people need it in science freedom, this is number one, of course, you don’t need a lot of money and you need to understand that
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people definitely don’t go into science for the money, this is for sure, absolutely, and then you have to understand, does it give you interest to know this? yes, your soul resonates with the fact that you are doing something first, something new , that you are different from others , this is a very painful process, you don’t sleep at night, you think about it, well, basically around the clock, you don’t you can eat sometimes, you become for the family , if you are in love with science, yes, then this is a difficult test, well, yes, for relatives, for friends it is a test, you are kind of in it all. live, on the one hand, you can, you see, on the other hand, you are going there in some kind of wrecked car or on the subway, but at the same time, in retaliation for this, you are doing something that all 7 billion inhabitants of the earth have, that is , some kind of result, you you study something that all 7 billion have, and you find something that all 7 billion didn’t know yet, now you
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’ve known for 15 minutes, but they don’t and maybe won’t find out in the near future, this is a special kind of people, well that’s how i would say nikivich, in this case, the question for you is what is the cret? yes, that’s what yegor borivich just said, that’s it, well relatively speaking, philosophy, science, the life of a scientist and so on, here’s how to weave this, so to speak, into the educational process, into the fabric, how to convey this to students, this is only informal communication, well, that is, let’s say, to those students who think, go to graduate school, don’t go, start taking this path when you don’t sleep at night, don’t, that’s how it fits in with the tasks of the electorate there, for example, there is such a very good principle, precisely if... 'as a rector, you don't need to ask me, smart people don't need to interfere, this is our task, as managers, in universities, in academic institutes, during the formation of a young scientist, not to turn him away, realizing that perhaps he, it was during this period, started a family, he
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had a child, he needs additional funds, he received some kind of invitation to business, your humble servant also received an invitation to business, starting work - in the modest management system of one of the best universities in the nineties and therefore chose between business and mathematics between business and modest management in the rector's office this university, well, the choice has been made and today we are meeting, please tell me, after all, here’s how to weigh this , you both said that of course, let’s say, if a person decides to do science, then this is not about then, in order to earn money, yes, at the same time, well, naturally, he lives, he needs to eat something. there is family and so on, so it seems to me that the cultural environment as a whole, it today - well, very little stimulates this interest, because it says, well, you must be successful, you must to take place, and this is in many ways, this fashionable kpi, it is actually financial, yes, and the scientist really, his point of attraction, it
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is in a different area, but in culture, here is support for this position, well, even uh, i don’t want to idealize advice:


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