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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  November 22, 2023 10:50am-11:57am MSK

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point of view it is inhumane. my deep conviction is that the father should tell this young man that this problem exists, that he feels sorry for his daughter, the daughter may not believe in this diagnostician, she may have a different attitude towards this, and he wants to share his life story with him experience, and i think he should tell him, if you decide to stay, know that i will always be there. that i will help in everything, but there are also chances to give birth to a healthy child, after all, schizophrenia appears in those families where both parents are healthy, when a child is born, in principle, we are not guaranteed to get a super hero or heroine, there are no guarantees, and even if everyone is healthy, so it seems to me that this should be an honest man’s conversation, the second thing he should say if you if you decide to leave, i will treat you like a man.
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then you and i together must decide how to do this so that she does not get hurt, i think so, but we have two points of view, globally, she must say, the father must say, so in general, only one thing, we all think that say it is necessary that you decide, you can tell us right now , thank you for the advice, there will be a joint conversation, first with your daughter , then with her boyfriend, together, so that he knows everything, well, everyone makes their own decision, this is the nightmare of life, or maybe her happiness, who knows, you and i had a good life, may you live a healthy life too.
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hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live, time will tell this program, in the studio ruslan astashka, alesya losyeva, an unexpected turn in the palestinian-israeli conflict, israel and hamas previously talked about a four-day humanitarian truce with the cessation of all attacks by israel, 50 israeli hostages should be released in exchange for 150 palestinian prisoners, humanitarian aid should be allowed into all areas of the gaza strip, and in the meantime, the united states is trying to influence the ukrainian conflict, it became known that washington is convincing zelsky to urgently go on the defensive, how firm they are in their decision will be shown by today's... ramshtein meeting, and
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it is clear that zelsky himself is worried exclusively money, ukrainian insider telegram channels reported sensational news, it turns out that zelsky has to give bribes to american congressmen so that they don’t forget about him, zelsky understands that bribes need to be given to those who have trump cards, that’s what ’s happening, who’s behind it it’s worth it, we’ll sort it out with our experts, right after a short advertisement, don’t switch. cherkasov wants to interrogate savin’s mother, he ’s retired, no, no, i’m not like that, like that, like that, we’re all like that, if you don’t come to understand him, you’ll never catch him, brains, cherkasov’s last case, i know you, cherkasov, you found him. or you will die, watch
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the time on the first after the program. gin snob, a product of the stellar group. how to get off that foot? modern medicine has created a whole schedule for proper awakening. is cholesterol from food dangerous? or not. herpas, cold. the main pandemic of the 21st century. the program to live healthy, answers all questions. tomorrow, on the first day. pavel andreevich koltsov, adjutant commander. yuri solomin, a legend, a star of our cinema, artistic director of almost the most classic small theater in the country. i don’t consider myself a great artist, just an old one, one of the old artists.
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small theater, he just said that he is not a great actor, he is a great russian actor , for the last few years, he almost did not appear on television, all these years we were waiting for him... for an interview, what a miracle, we waited for an invitation to theater square, everything was rearranged, we agreed for 30 minutes, but the people’s artist did not let us go for 3 hours, the conversation turned out to be confessional, i don’t have enemies, i have not done anyone any harm, the favorite of all women of the soviet union, and such a person, very simple, sweet, charming, our exclusive, unique footage taken a few days before the emergency hospitalization of yuri solomin exclusive with dmitry borisov premiere on saturday at the first why such torment for 3 hours already under the spotlights, here plus 40 no less, how it itches, there was no need to put it on a naked body, we are royal or
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imperial, attention is a question, don’t act out, colleagues, motor, camera, the crowd went, more fun, keep the penguin gait . attention to the praguns, they got ready, they started, they finally drove, but our life is to play, the extraordinary adventures of experts in the winter series of games, from november 26, on the first, the new nurse's name is valeria, vanka syndrome , the guy is spinning on the bed all the time, this is the right one a sign inside, bleeding, oh, did we have a nugget diagnosis, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, now i’m an ordinary obedient nurse, the doctor knows more, end of shift home, well , hello, petrozavodsk, mom, this personal, you wrote where we are, delete the post immediately, s
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have you lost your mind or something, nina, you shouldn’t write to anyone where we are, to anyone, ask the nurse, from monday, on the first day, here. if i tell you now, your career will be in jeopardy, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, i'm leaving to look for you, serial killers are divided into four different types, according to their motivations, one way or another, they kill because of love . you are probably a writer. did you send a request to him? they do not have such an employee. do you know igor well? you don't drink coffee, girls, no,
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are you scaring me? i love you. me, me hurt. don't come here anymore, what? do i like it? the territory will soon be on the first, maybe the tail will hang behind him? let's wait, he... but now my head is full of others, the information channel on the first continues, we are working live, the main news of this day is the sudden
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establishment of a temporary truce between israel and hamas, last night israel held an emergency government meeting, that's what benjamin netanyahu said . we have a difficult decision to make this evening, but it is the right decision, all services security fully support this decision, based on their professional assessments. according to these estimates, our troops will remain safe during the ceasefire, and our combat capabilities will be improved during these days of silence. well, the israeli truce must be noted to have its own connotation, its own benefit, its own fuel. a few hours later it became known that the government. the deal was approved, and already in the morning the details appeared and these are what they are. according to the agreements reached, a ceasefire is in effect in the gas sector on both sides.
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parties, as well as the cessation of military operations of the occupying army in all areas of the gaza strip, the movement of israeli military equipment in the gaza strip will cease, and 50 detained women and children under the age of 19 will be released, in exchange for the release of 150 women and children of our people from occupation prisons, all aviation flights will be suspended in the south of the country for 4 days and daily in the north from 10:00 am to 16:00 pm, and free movement of people from north to south will be ensured. interestingly, just a few hours later after this statement, the israeli ministry of justice published a list of 300 palestinian prisoners, that is, twice as many , who are planned to be released within the framework of agreements with hamas, we learn all the details of what is happening from arianovosti correspondent vyacheslav tortakovsky, who comes to us directly from tel aviv. vyacheslav, hello, tell me what’s happening
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, we agreed on a truce, the deal provides for a maximum of 10 days of ceasefire, within which, in the first stage , 50 hostages must be released, in the second stage, up to 50 hostages should be released by the minister regarding 300 people? this means that this list, which the ministry of justice actually published this morning, contains 300 palestinians, and 13 women and, accordingly, 287 teenagers, this is under 18 years old, among them there are both members of hamas and members of the islamic jihad group, various articles of accusation, according to with which they were arrested, including... grievous bodily harm, preparation of terrorist attacks, attacks on security forces, etc. so, at the first
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stage, from this list of 300 palestinians must release 150, if both sides comply with the agreements reached, then at the second stage, when the second group of 50 israelis are released, another 150 palestinians from this list will be released, a total of 300, for a total of three palestinians in exchange for one israeli hostage. vyacheslav, you said that a truce would come... does that mean there is a minimum and what does it depend on? every day the truce is considered as a separate stage, as a separate phase, this is spelled out in the document of the israeli government, which was adopted in connection with with the deal, every day they must release approximately at least 10 hostages, 10-12 people, if they are released, then israel... accordingly, there are 30-odd palestinians there, and this will
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mean that the deal is being respected, the ceasefire is being respected, the parties are fulfilling their obligations, that is, there will be a gradual release of hostages from prisoners on both sides, first hamas releases up to ten hostages, after which the israeli country releases up to thirty from prison. did we hear you correctly? yes, as far as we are we understand, this is roughly the scheme, the only thing is, we don’t know in what order they should be released, who should be released first, such data is not disclosed, but in general, the proportion is like this, three palestinian, three palestinian prisoners in exchange for one released living israeli hostage, it is known that the israeli hostages who are subject to release are also women and persons under
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the age of eighteen, in general it is interesting, it turns out that the men are not talking yet, it turns out that the hostages become collateral preserving that very truce, an interesting scheme, vyacheslav, and you focused on living hostages, as i understand it, based on experience, because there were precedents in previous conflicts such that dead hostages were exchanged as if they were alive, i also understood this correctly, yes, because it is important to explain to our viewers that in this situation, any surprises, any unforeseen circumstances are possible, because this is a very fragile, i would say, scheme, something can break at any moment, and that we will end up we'll see at the end, no one knows yet, in words, so far everything looks the way i described.
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but so far there are no reasons, so far there have been no reasons to think that the hostages are not alive, we expect that the living hostages will be released, the last question is why and to whom this agreement became possible in the first place, because there is information that initially the initiative came from qatar , many parties are involved in this process, of course, one of... the roles is played by kater, the american side was also involved at all stages, prime minister netanyahu himself announced yesterday, that thanks to... within the framework of this deal, which ones he did not say, but about the very fact of this, he said, it is known that officials, the israeli intelligence chief massad, repeatedly visited qatar and
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negotiated there about this and it was very tense, until recently, israeli officials... literally until saturday, israeli officials , including the prime minister, stated that there were no agreements, that there were no agreements on any of the issues, but just yesterday, the first reports already appeared that deal is close to the conclusion, in general we must give credit that everything that the media reported with references to sources turned out to be true in many respects, this is what both sides eventually officially announced, thank you very much, tortakovsky, trionovosti special correspondent from tel aviv with the latest news about this agreement, but there is one more nuance: humanitarian aid should be allowed into all areas of the gaza strip, and palestinians will be provided with freedom of movement along the road between the north and south of the enclave, while hamas, despite the truce, promised
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remain in a state of combat readiness to protect the palestinian people, although we announce that a peace agreement has been reached, we confirm that our hands will remain on the trigger, our battle victors will remain on the alert to protect our people to defeat the occupation, aggression, we promise our to the people that we will remain faithful to their sacrifices and desire for liberation, restoration of rights to the creation of an independent palestinian state with its capital in jerusalem. andrey frantsevich, what is this so -called truce, why do i say this? called because for us a truce is a desire... to find compromise and achievements , here it is clear that both sides are taking a break to concentrate forces in order to continue to fight even more intensively, well, in our terminology we did not call such things a truce a humanitarian pause, when it is possible to create humanitarian corridors and exits, but there are a number of political prerequisites for the occurrence of these events: first,
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for israel, netanyahu is under very serious domestic political pressure from families hostages who practically... hold demonstrations and say: the main goal that israel and the israeli army had in going there was the release of the hostages, where is the result? that's why they go for these things. the internal political bloc of the elite, netanyahu recalls his last term, 2011, when, in order to increase his rating, he exchanged 1021 palestinian militants, of which 400 were convicted of murder, for one soldier gilad shalit, and, most interestingly, some of those. .. released then are the leaders of hamas now loud history, the result would have been obtained, so now, when he made his statement, he said: it’s a difficult decision, but all the services supported me, that is, he dilutes the responsibility, that it’s not me doing it, it’s our common decision. the next fact, now, they have already taken into account past experience, they only release children and women under 19 years old, and on both sides
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, which is up to 17, even in my opinion, well, somewhere the number sounded up to 19, which is not not... let 's just say , were not, at least the palestinians were convicted of murder, for something else, that is , some such not serious articles but accordingly, the palestinians also release women, children and mothers, and for gaza, for hamas, this is also a very important political component, the people are putting pressure on them and saying, look what’s happening, we have nothing to eat, and they need a pause to get humanitarian aid, well, in fact, there is a whole series of military prerequisites; why do this is also very important here. look what hamas demanded, a no-fly zone, because israel has set itself the goal, when they release the hostages, to fix the exits from tunnels, to fix these places, so that later, perhaps with a second assault, to release the remaining hostages, so hamas dragged on for a very long time because of this, they said there should be no drones, nothing, in
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the south there should be a complete cessation in the north with a certain regime, well, the second an important thing for hamas, a number of battles... remained blocked in the tunnels, now they have been cut down there, something else, it is important for them, as part of the humanitarian pause, that they crawl out of the ground somewhere, throw away their machine guns in civilian clothes and go through corridors to the south and there are none must touch, that is, this is actually a reorganization of personnel and everything else , so each of the parties understands that in 4 days the fighting will continue even more actively, they are setting some points for themselves, the situation is really fragile, i am sure that israel will take attempts to fix. from the mediterranean sea further away, as is happening with the crimea, we have american drones flying at a distance and so on, well, we’ll monitor the situation. alexey alekseevich, here, of course, very interesting i touched on the point, andrey frantsevich, regarding what will happen in 4 days, what
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assumptions are there, i’m afraid to voice mine, but i’m interested in what you think about this, in 4-10 days, yes, it all depends on how it will be a process has been imposed, and what is really confusing is that both sides understand a truce, or a humanitarian pause, as something that they can use, so yes, at any moment it can... it will fall apart, especially since israel clearly said, one day, what is called one, one pause, it frees the hands of both sides, but i i completely agree with my colleague regarding the fact that hamas is using here, will use this situation for its own purposes, then israel will use it to argue, well , for action without interruption, because they are now making all these movements , all these things, then as a quality, when the americans or someone else from qatar are there, demanding humanitarian pauses, they will say, well, look, we provided you with humanitarian pauses, but
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this happened, this, this, that is in fact, on netanyahu’s part, this is quite a cunning move in order to turn the situation in his direction, here i wonder who benefits from this pause now: hamas, israel or the united states, absolutely israel, because now israel is already developing... the fact is that no, we are not violating, we are negotiable, we are quite ready for dialogue. but the united states is trying to earn certain points on this truce, because biden, they say, allegedly personally took an active part in achieving this truce, in the release of hostages, too he made an agreement, here are the details provided by a white house representative. us president joe biden was directly and personally involved in the process of releasing hostages from the gas sector throughout its entire length, literally hourly.
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biden spoke 14 times about the hostages with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, including during a visit to tel aviv. the united states was delegated to participate in the negotiations, which took place in an atmosphere of heightened secrecy. two senior representatives of the council national security. later , cia chief william burns joined them; it was the united states who managed to dissuade israel from the initial idea of ​​a complete blockade of the gas sector and gradually increased the supply of vital supplies; the united states was counting on a complete cessation of hostilities. in fact, for some reason , it’s the conciliators who are most alarmed in this story? by the way, this is about the conciliator and biden, including yesterday, on the eve of these agreements being announced, biden, when he was asked the question about a possible truce, behaved, well let's just say it's extremely mysterious.
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there’s still plenty of time to talk about the hostages, not now, i’m not going to tell you, that smile isn’t going to tell you that it couldn’t have happened without the united states, they confirm in israel netanyahu said that it was joseph biden who helped israel achieve an improvement in the deal in addition, according to some media reports , anthony blinken plans to visit israel again next week to discuss the gaza operation with israeli palestinian officials. the united states has the fastest and largest courier service for delivering troubles, this service is headed by anthony blinken, andrei fransovich, it’s interesting here, blinken’s visit, the participation of the united states is so active, especially in this humanitarian deal. pause, i don’t want to call it a truce, because we have our own connotation of a truce, we have, they have theirs. i’m wondering, is this work for biden’s rating now? first of all, that is
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, the american president, not even him, i think he is not even aware of all the processes, which are happening as planned , judging by how he does it with the chinese and how he shakes blinkin’s head, because there is a violation of the planned situation, but the deep state, the so-called deep state, which is implementing this entire program. of course, they are now working to re-elect biden, their task is to raise his ratings , internationally, to show that this is a leader who can do, we do not fully know how deep or key the us role is in these negotiations, but it really is , because the main actors who were able to agree to put pressure on hamas are qatar and egypt, it is the americans who have influence on these two regions, and economic and political sanctions in qatar and a military base... so of course they will use this and say that they the main ones, but most importantly, the whole world is wondering what's next, and what will happen next with this enormous
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military power that the americans. in general, two aircraft carriers with escort ships were formed in this region, this did not happen even when there was an invasion of libya, and the second story is what will happen to the gas sector, who will restore it, how people will live there, when everything is demolished, when non -military installations of the parliament of the gas sector simply explode on camera, but erdogan said, he says, if anything we are ready, turkey is also great, and generally remembers its influence in this region, that once these lands also belonged to them, well, the first world war changed many processes, many empires ceased to exist, so the question is very complex, first of all concerns money, who will pay for it all, where people will live, so there are still a lot of questions left, and most importantly, the goals of the task of each of the parties are not completely clear, therefore, as alexey alekseevich said, we will see every day, and not will it fail, since everyone sets military goals, it can stop in the middle when each of the parties, or one of the parties
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, sees that it has achieved... its goals, the same israel, for example, saw the exit points, will say, that’s it, i don’t need any more, it’s not for nothing that i said that they are very alarming in in this situation, the conciliators, because blinken is not going to discuss the end of the conflict, but he is going to discuss the operation in the gas sector, this means that even more will be possible in the future, well, god forbid it gets worse, alexander vladimirovich, here is an example of ukraine and negotiations, we have parallels right in our heads, the minsk agreements are all the same, but here the current situation is also interesting , when zelsky is being pushed to negotiate, but cannot be pushed, but here biden has reached an agreement with hamas, reached an agreement with israel, and hegemongen, it turns out, is this really so, how will it really affect us , well, of course, if something is achieved in ukraine, of course, biden will record this victory for himself, yes, because the usa is, first of all, a global power , and for them there are some kind of internal political victories.
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they must demonstrate that they influence all world processes, conflicts can both start and extinguish geopolitics , of course, you were right about the minsk agreements, this morning i watched the videos of those in ukraine, and how servants of the people, deputies say: we must now engage in, as they call it, political intelligence, well, they say, to feel out what compromises russia is ready to make, yes, well , if so, on television in ukrainian, deputies, servant of the people, this is zelsky’s party, which ones are possible to go to, because they call them the point of success, yes, when we are now at the point of success, then well, you can ask for better conditions for yourself, then there is a decline, and so, accordingly, but i don’t understand what they are at point of success, that's when were the minsk agreements on zelsky’s table, then it’s just ukraine without crimea, yes, when istanbul happened in march, it’s ukraine without crimea, without the lpr and dpr, then in the fall ukraine is still minus the zaporozhye and kherson regions, zelsky clearly fixed his point so to speak, success is drinking beer on
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the yalta embankment, that is, ukraine is further away. it’s farther from this embankment than to the moon, but what point of success are we talking about? well, at least success in degradation, absolutely true, but at least these discussions are already underway, as far as i understand, that is, zelensky for today is, well, as you remember, akelo missed and became a dead wolf, although in fact he was still alive, his political opponents are already starting to tear this skin, they understand perfectly well that the united states is giving back, for example, zelensky he says that the united states does not supply us with weapons, well, some, but the united states does. but the difference here is that zelsky needs the types and volumes of weapons, the nomenclature that he needs in order to drink beer, for example, somewhere in yalta, but the americans have a different vision, that is, they are they are waging a war, they are supplying weapons, which they consider necessary for those purposes, if they are talking about a freeze, yes , that ukraine should become, dig in and go on the defensive there, that is, they want to record losses, well, at least least for biden's election campaign, and so that there are no surprises that biden is starting
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the campaign on this. sections, and will finish when kiev, for example, becomes russia, that is, everything can happen, so for them, of course, they provide weapons for in order to survive, at least in those areas, let’s move to the zone of our special military operation, the situation in the kherson direction continues to remain tense, the ssu continues to try to land on the left bank of the dnieper, the militants selected the village of krynke, kherson region, as targets every day the command of the armed forces of ukraine is driving more and more groups of militants to the left bank about what is happening... the uk-market, we find out right now from the war correspondent, dmitry guts, is getting in direct contact with us. dmitry, hello, to you word, what's with the jars? yes, good afternoon, the situation is steadily tense in the war zones, which means there are oncoming assault battles , well, let’s say, there was a moment when our aviation was not working due to bad weather, it was difficult for the artillery to work, the enemy regrouped, thereby, let’s say
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, a little, their positions and have advanced a little into the forest, but at the moment the soldiers of the 810th brigade, that is, they are working closely, are now knocking out the enemy from... the strip there are a number of ssso groups that have entered under cover, let’s say, and the thirty-fifth, thirty sixth, coastal, well, ukrainian marines, how many are the enemy now on our bank of the dnieper, in the area of ​​the krynki and the krynki themselves are now under their control, is this a gray zone, or are we already there, you know, it is impossible to say absolutely what they have created there is a one hundred percent bridgehead there, that the zone is under their control, no, it is really correct , you say, it is a gray zone, because it begins , let’s say, when they go, now there is actually a cannonade going on there, very serious, because our artillery is working , artillery is working
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enemy, during some periods of stagnation or at night, these groups begin to redeploy, but one cannot talk about how full the ukrainian sources are now, that they have gained a foothold, have fully created a bridgehead, and are planning to block it. alyoshka's route novaya kokhovka, in principle, at the moment this is, well, impossible, how many enemy personnel are currently on our shore? this means, according to the development data, a little behind the right bank, a group has been created there, more precisely the thirtieth corps, the thirtieth corps of four brigades marine coast guard, well, marines, at the moment we know, it’s impossible to say for sure, but confident. in fact, it’s obvious, because quadcopters are working, we get the same footage , for publication and so on, that is, well, the coast is actually strewn with enemy corpses, but the group, you know, i’m not ready to answer yet, i think that’s all- the ministry of defense and some specialized ones, but
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they said the figures there on our shore are up to 300 people, that is, this is relatively little, but also a lot, well, about that according to you sensations, yes, but again, i attach them to numbers; it’s impossible to say for sure, because they constantly destroy. new ones are constantly being added, thank you very much, dmitry guts, he was in direct contact with us, war correspondent, thank you. ukrainians of conscription age found one and only way out for themselves, this way out was desertion, a video appeared online that openly shows the emotions of conscripts who literally escaped ukrainian military service through the forest, that’s the joy one of them experienced when crossing the carpathians.
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we'll end there, sometimes escape is really the only way out, but not for everyone it always ends successfully , ukrainian border guards found an exhausted man who wandered in the mountains for more than 3 days, trying to escape from the military commissars in romania, his legs were very frostbitten, that's what they reported ukrainian border service. he barely spoke, the only thing he said was that he had been wandering in the mountains for more than three days and had not eaten anything. the man had with him a passport of a citizen of ukraine, as well as a residence permit for receiving money payments in romania, since he could not move independently, the border guards called an ambulance. doctors diagnosed hypothermia, exhaustion and frostbite of the lower extremities and hospitalized
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the man. those who wanted to move mountains for so long, rode for it on the maidan, now they don’t know which cave to hide in, there’s no way to jump in the caves, meanwhile... the sabbath in honor of the anniversary of the jumps on the maidan was actually in kiev yesterday in terms of dear guests of honor it was, to put it mildly, sparse. moldovan president maia sandu in accompanied by the zelsky couple with a lompad in their hands, she honored the memory of the victims of euromaidan. and the chairman of the european council, charles michel , once again discussed with zelsky the vague prospects for ukraine’s accession to the eu. the only one who promised anything to ukraine on this day. this is german defense minister boris pistorius, who granted independence following the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin. i have the honor and pleasure to announce a new aid package for ukraine in connection with my visit
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here, this package, of course, includes four more povost systems, 155mm artillery ammunition and mines, this is a package worth 1.3 billion euros, and i am quite sure that this fifth package... the help from last winter will help you in the fight against russia, which is not visible on the face of pistorius, because there is generosity by calling, and there is generosity under duress, but judging by the expression... pistorius’s face, well , they probably expect that the americans will sooner or later compensate for their dissatisfaction with something, but they are again cunning here, he did not say for how long the time frame for this military aid package to be delivered is it is known that in this military company it means a lot, while, please note, the long-range taurus missiles, which zelsky so dreams of, will not be given to ukraine again, according to the journalists of the publication , pistorius only irritably waved off the question about the missiles. the head of the czech republic is also irritated peter pavel.
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let us remember that quite recently he was a general and chairman of the nato military committee, in principle, we all understand, he is well versed in military affairs, that’s what, he directly stated that ukraine did not live up to the expectations of the west, and will continue to do so only worse. the ukrainian counteroffensive is not going as the ukrainians themselves expected. time allowed russia to prepare very well for the counter-offensive. supplies of weapons needed by ukraine are delayed. ukrainian soldiers not only feel tired, but increasingly disillusioned with western support and feel that we are abandoning them. of course, this is not the best starting point for surviving a harsh winter, and the winter will certainly not be easy for ukraine. but at the same time, the west understands that it has nowhere to retreat. ukraine has turned into a financial pyramid , which turned out to have no foundation at all, and the only way to recoup your investments is to get as much as possible, this is how
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western journalists persuade their viewers to spend money on ukraine. it was a symbolic gesture of solidarity. the us secretary of defense met with president vladimir zelsky in an attempt to reassure him that american support was unwavering. the visit took place due to the onset of winter, which will affect the battlefield. ukrainian. persistently undertakes attempts to move forward, but plans for a counteroffensive outlined in the summer remain elusive despite the influx of western tanks, artillery and money, and this has led to difficult questions in the us congress about how much more money and weapons ukraine should receive. some republicans are reluctant to commit more funds and next year's presidential election could threaten u.s. support if donald trump wins, with some people in washington prioritizing aid now. all this forces israel make zelsky and his entourage nervous.
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the surprise visit by united states secretary of defense floyd austin came as the pentagon announced another $100 million in military aid for ukraine. this new aid package is one of the smallest to date. how concerned are you that the united states is not doing enough to support ukraine? well, you have to understand that time. here is the decisive factor, it is definitely important to supply the necessary weapons and equipment to ukraine, but the most important thing is to supply it on time, if we delay deliveries, the ukrainians will lose, this is not in the interests of the american people, timely deliveries of weapons to ukraine will allow the united states to protect our 100,000 troops in europe. winter is gradually approaching, the authorities in kiev expect russia will again strike at the energy
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infrastructure. meanwhile, there is growing concern in kiev as the world's attention is now focused on the gas war and ukraine has disappeared from the world map. this can cause serious problems primarily with funding from western allies as winter begins. ukraine is now facing problems on two fronts at once. firstly, as supreme commander-in-chief vsu zaluzhny admitted, a stalemate has developed on the battlefield with russia. like in the first world war. secondly, in addition to failures at the front , support from the west is also weakening. despite president biden's passionate propaganda, people in the united states and europe are losing confidence in ukraine's victory and do not consider it necessary to pour funds into it. well, in the west they suddenly became understand that financing hope is generally useless, and the head of the pentagon, loy dosttin , is now thinking hard and most of all about josephan’s rating. than about ukrainians, in general, ukrainian telegram channels became aware of
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what order loydostin gave to zelensky. our source in the president's office said that us secretary of defense lloyd dostin suggested that zelsky change military strategy and move from an offensive war to a defensive one in order to save military aid. the us is trying to gently convince the president's office of the need temporary truce, which is necessary for the biden administration during the election campaign. andrei frantsivich, well, as a military man, explain to us, because for us this news caused a discussion, alesya and i directly discussed the fact that on the one hand it will be more difficult for us to move forward, because they are in circulation. not to defend in this context, if a particularly prepared defense is easier than to attack, on the other hand, if lloyd austin forces zelsky to go on the defensive, then politically zelsky does not want to defend, for him it is like death, such prospects open up for us and are the ukrainians ready to go on the defensive, in the military sense of the word, let
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’s start with lloyd austin and his ability to influence zelelensky, i remind you, december last year, lloyd osin on in the form of articles. newspapers and magazines said that it was necessary to leave artyomovsk and shoot bakhmut, otherwise there would be huge losses. did zelsky listen to this? no, he did as he did and he wanted. the situation is now repeating itself. and in our village we have exactly the same repetition, all the military say: we need to straighten out the front, it’s impossible, we will lose a huge number of people. no, from a political point of view, he wants to show the west that he himself is imposing the game, that he is going somewhere. now the question is related to military capabilities. let's start with the fact that the front line and the transition to the offensive, it always comes from the defense, not a counter battle, when they rode for a week and then immediately went on the attack, there are already defensive lines, the front is alive, it breathes, there is constant movement , transfer of resources, we pulled on one side, on the other hand defense, so of course we
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will go on the offensive, but this will be when optimal military conditions are created, not political necessity, not by some date, but when we see that they have weakened. that we have exhausted them in our defensive battles, when they come at us, therefore in some part, in which in certain sectors they will always try to go forward, in others to defend, it’s exactly the same with us, this big chess game of headquarters , it will continue, and here for zelsky the most important question is, what did they discuss with lloyd austin, what else will they be told? today is ramstein, today ramstein will be held in germany, and today they will talk about which countries will come after. they are ready to send something to germany. is this a formality of today’s ramshtein or not? well , on the one hand, this is like an in-person formal event, on the other hand, the americans seem to be meeting online, no? the americans want to force other countries to provide real aid packages, because the americans can no longer do this. they
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they say that they will give in real money, but these 100 million dollars are a presidential program for issuing surplus from us warehouses, the so -called 100 million dollars. well, of course, here one of the american speakers said that time is a key factor , but here is the expression: we don’t need good, we need it on thursday, conditionally, an aid package for ukraine in january, february, maybe it’s too late, they need it now, but time is a key factor for the americans too, so this one, i don’t know, the concept of transition to defense is in view lloyd austin, maybe as a kind of pause in order to build up his strength. and in french the stable expression is enfant tirible, a terrible child, that is, a child who is not used to control, he does what he wants and causes anxiety and inconvenience to everyone, here zelsky is now enfant tirible, typical, of course, of the usa now, maybe spanking it’s still better , without fail, by the way, regarding drinking beer in
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yalta, the russian country is very easy for zelensky, this can be provided within the framework of his last wish, yes, no problem, that as for the americans, yes, when a certain project doesn’t work out for them, they, as they call it, hold it, they try to freeze it, in order to later understand whether they need it in the form of a thawed carcass, or can they bury it so in the backyard, ukraine is now in this situation, the issue of not providing financial military assistance is being resolved, the question is being resolved whether this frozen carcass is generally needed for later, most likely yes it is necessary, especially since it will be... most likely needed in order to dig it up later for some reason you know, and present it right away, i remember these useless bush legs that didn’t know where to shove them, bush legs, zelsky’s carcasses, everything from the category, in the category from one of one, from one batch of humanitarian aid, but no,
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to be serious, i think that zelsky, having found himself in this very difficult situation for himself, will begin to act extremely radically, disobeying in this regard. neither europe nor, i mentioned it in vain, because he is a capricious child, in principle, capable of any, including criminal actions, criminal in nature, in order to achieve its goal, and as i suspect, ukraine will now switch to, it will agree, of course, to so-called defensive tactics, but it will switch to sabotage and terrorist activity on the territory of the russian federation. unfortunately, this is a very likely prospect, almost one hundred percent. and he will be blackmailed. not only russia with this activity, but western countries with the goal, let’s reduce this activity, because it’s clear that you don’t like it, you have problems with russia in this regard, but you will present us with military financial assistance, in a larger volume , this is, in general, a simple scheme, it turns out that if they put the crown on the head of a dog, it is no longer possible to put him on a chain,
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yes, well, but they will try, alexander vladimirovich, do you agree that they will still switch to defensive tactics at the request of the west, because as i understand it, for zelsky defensive tactics have been officially announced, this is a political verdict, this is not, in fact, what he started all this with , of course, there are two options for the development of events, this is either... a catastrophe for ukraine or a catastrophe for zelsky, and of course, zelsky will do everything to put ukraine under the rink of this catastrophe, he, in principle, went to escalation in the same way before the beginning of svo, that is, if you remember the events that took place there in december of the nineteenth, when there was a meeting in the normandy format, he already began to sabotage, and he understood perfectly well that if he did not escalate, if he did not start a war, then then in donbass, in the spring, yes here is the twenty-second year, then in the fall of the twenty-second year there would have been a maidan, it would have been demolished. before the start of his ratings, which were sociological measurements, he already had less than 20%, that is, everyone understood perfectly well, they turned away from him, he betrayed the voters,
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everyone understood this perfectly well, and for him the war was extremely necessary, that is, he did not save ukraine with this war, he saved himself personally, his surroundings, of course, and now he understands perfectly well that if ukraine digs in and goes on the defensive, then people will remember the problems that exist inside states that he did not solve, which he promised to solve, this... all of this, of course , will lead against zelsky, he will simply be demolished, he, of course, says that russia is behind maidan 3, but why would russia give such a gift to biden, that is, to remove zelsky is to give a gift to the americans, and let them do it themselves, they have the poor, they have the military, let them drive zelsky themselves, this voice puts him in, for us, in fact, zelsky, he is beneficial, he just a fool, yes, this regime, these are stupid people who ready to sacrifice everything, make illogical moves, that’s how it was correctly said, yes, that russia is on the offensive, if there is... it will be guided exclusively by military goals, yes, if this is necessary, in ukraine politics replaces the military , that is, as zelsky
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wanted, so it is done. here is another news that concerns the transition to defense or not to defense, information has appeared that ukraine, on the eve of winter, is asking the united states for short-range radars in order to use them to protect weapons factories, about this writes the politician with reference to the source, and let's discuss all this with yuri ivanovich podalyakov, joins us in our conversation. ivanovich, hello, good afternoon, here is the demand for a transition to defense, the demand for these radars, this suggests that ukraine is preparing for a winter that is not very rosy for itself, or will zelinsky still try to pretend to attack, but he would be happy to pretend attacks, but he has nothing to depict attacks with, that is, where he tried to do something else, in the end everything died out, this is a clear example, the kherson direction, he has no other directions, he... recently had the artyomovsk direction, but here we have already launched a counter-offensive and quite successful. radars are needed because we now have a lot of drones, a huge
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number of drones, we have them , i’m watching them closely and i see how hard it is, for example, for ukrainian publics to collect 100-200 dollars there, money for 100-200 fpv drones for elite units, which should be supplied with such weapons as a priority. i won't open it. in those numbers, i will tell you that we are now producing daily drones in 10 times more, at least, and maybe more than ukraine, meaning, we use it at the front , precisely because this threat has become colossal for the enemy, for example, to take out one supporter , dozens, and sometimes more than a hundred drones are often used, and we don’t feel sorry for them, we saw the infantrymen, a drone was flying ahead, you know them here, he says? like dirt the enemy felt it now, they felt it on the front line, of course, they need radars, they need to protect themselves from this, they thought that they
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would always be there ahead of the rest, but they have already been left behind, according to their radars, again, i won’t reveal all the news , you know, i’m working closely in this, in fact, they are doomed in this direction, that is, our brains are working great, and our production is also working, there are already results, and then in winter it will be even better. the results are much better, understandably, we are worried, odessa , tonight there will be another strike on the infrastructure, this is being discussed in two contexts, the preparation of ukraine for winter, on our part, and the possible opening of a new front, which in was also announced at one time, in your opinion, what is it? well, i wouldn’t talk about the front yet, because well, these are still fairy tales , at this stage not yet... key defeats will be inflicted on the enemy’s manpower and the armed forces of ukraine on the left bank of the dnieper, leaving for the right bank, well, that’s
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a big deal it’s a gamble, i don’t think our command will agree to do this, let’s weaken it. and the port infrastructure is a rather serious asset, which allows them, among other things , to receive currency until the last moment, it is he who protects it, again he is on it leaves some air defense systems, by the way, yesterday there was another strike on air defense systems, and a successful strike, that is , every air defense system destroyed is a weakening of not only the front, but also the rear, where we can strike more and more more, by the way, the enemy has also noted several times that in recent weeks we have been striking exclusively with geraniums , onyxes, yes, no calibers, they are already thinking with horror, but the russians are up to something, they say that we are hoarding calibers in tom chi, what they say is correct, they, they are not fools, they they understand the plans for the winter campaign, that you don’t have to be a brilliant strategist to put 2 + 2 together, we are taking out air defense, accumulating calibers so that the winter passes sensitively, as i
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understand it, yes, and the odessa region in this context is a priority as a target. yes, everything is there, all the ports are there, both river and sea, there is the vast majority of the port infrastructure that remains under the control of ukraine, it is located precisely in the odessa region, with rare exceptions, of course, it will fly over odessa and will, well, it flew over tonight by port infrastructure, before this came on radar in the evening, well, everything is interconnected, the weather now greatly influences the course of military operations , the use of the same drones on both sides, how is the situation on the fronts, what has changed, is there progress? well, the day before there were advances in the south in the ugledar direction, but in the morning there is very encouraging information that our troops are taking advantage of the fact that the weather has finally improved right up to, well, probably arttemovsk, yes, that is, they are starting to very, well as if in front of serious attackers actions to carry out artillery air strikes, starting from ugledar and ending with the north of avdeevka, powerful
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aviation artillery works right from the strike there, they just built an add for the enemy, well, we are waiting for good news. thank you very much, yuri ivanovich podalyaka, he was in direct contact with us. well, in general , zelsky is trying to blame the responsibility for everything that is happening on commander-in-chief vsu zaluzhny, he openly criticized the ukrainian military commander to the western publication the sun. well, zelsky, of course, strives to be not the first guy on ukraine, and in general the only one, well, perhaps zelsky is partly right, because in general the structure of the ukrainian armed forces allows it. there is information that the armed formations of ukraine are still not, let’s say, a single whole, perhaps due to the fact that the election campaign, the race, yes, the presidential ambitions of the former minister of defense zaluzhny, and could it be that this there will be a private army,
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a private army there of kolomoisky, a private army of zelsky, a private army of the same zaluzhny , they are pursuing all the different interests of these groups influence, more and more information is being disseminated that we have, let’s say, different groups in the armed forces, two separate armies, they are called troops, i’m telling you the information from the sokops, there is an army of one general, there is an army of another general, of course, this is impossible let us assume that the army is strong because of its unity of command. it cannot be that or will still act as a united front to oppose our armed forces, to the extent that the unity of the armed formations of ukraine can threaten our future victory, if we are talking about oligarchs, the oligarchs, of course, today, at the direction of the united states of america, are choking, and we know the fate of kolomoisky, we know the fate of many others who either ran away or became quiet, so
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i would not talk about the armies of the oligarchs. dublas mcgregor also gives not very encouraging predictions for zelsky, let's listen. they tell him: “mr. zelsky, you are the face of the war, someone else should come to this place, meet with the russians and sign a document transferring the territory of whatever russia wants. with this the conflict must end because we can no longer support you. i would be surprised if he survived. even if he manages to get out of the country, i suspect someone will do the same to him. as with trotsky. in other words, he will pierce the skull with an ice pick. alexey alekseevich, with an ice pick to the skull, this is already the inevitable fate of zelsky, or in the political sense, at least. in our russian imperial tradition, it’s more like a snuffbox to the head. here. eh, let's do this, and regarding private armies, this is very interesting option, because ukraine has it and is ready
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for something like this. the external source of funding has disappeared, everything, everyone. otaman with a gold reserve will have his own army and will certainly, i’m not sure that it will be the oligarchs, the oligarchs, i think, will wait for the end of this, this situation, in order to get theirs, i think it will be the generals. generals offended by zelsky, generals offended by each other, they will interact for some time, as long as they have a resource, when, most likely, if the territory of ukraine is not divided into sectors control and with all the ensuing consequences, well, about the snuffbox, the snuffbox was killed, emperor paul i, and the british were seen involved there, that is, how they coordinated the operation, if we move it, it means to the plane today and take zelsky , and the british, who had already recruited him a long time ago, are great, there we already know the story of how he got into the situation, with his fate, when i mentioned the snuff box, i meant just them, because
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the only thing, actually , the country that is very interested in precisely this development of events, the makhnovshchina, i mean, this is great britain, it needs the territory of ukraine to remain a territory of discord, discord between the most for as long as possible. different countries, here they will fish in this troubled water, they will even try to outplay the americans, whose thinking is set on winning, and when zelsky screwed up, someone else screwed up there, when a lot of money is needed, it is unclear for what purposes, why and this project, they are now pushing it onto the european union, there there are the same cunning guys who don’t need this either, which is why we started talking about the fact that makhnovshchina awaits ukraine, but what about zelensky? there is no longer a good option for him, because if the americans manage to remove him, they will remove him, yes, if zelensky manages
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to bring ukraine to hell, then the british will remove him, well, well, to remove the witness, by and large, so that he does not tell about the crimes that the british committed with his hands, his head, his body, by and large, so here he has no a good script, that is, in essence... what was he being pushed towards? they pushed him to hold elections, and in ukraine the presidential elections are at the end of march, for this, that is, elections in ukraine zelensky cannot prohibit elections in ukraine, the verkhovna rada announces elections in ukraine, but in order for the verkhovna rada to announce them, it, in principle, can declare martial law, that is , well, essentially in ukraine, that is, the source of law, the source of power is washington, and not the constitution of ukraine, so zelsky was pushed so that he would not extend the military situation, it would help zelensky , by and large, they would take people out onto the streets, this would allow, but only the military can do his political competitors, zelensky , as far as, well, as i understand it, everyone understands perfectly well, the military are not the people who in the hands of aduana or daisies, and what is more profitable for the british and americans in this situation,
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regarding zelsky? you see, i would n’t even start here from a political or economic point of view, because the priorities there are always security, then economy, the americans long ago described this in the form of a corporation report, that they are dividing the continent... eurasia, which we want to make big, a large eurasian partnership together with china, everything else, they are building an almost insurmountable wall between old europe and the rest of the conditionally eurasian continent. ukraine is such a buffer, impenetrable, by the way , the poles have now blocked their border well, they are getting it from themselves , the poles, the baltic states, the northern countries, and romania from moldova, and we see what is being formed such a good long wall, which, in principle, cuts this continent in half, so the smoldering conflict here , weakening, maintaining sanctions for russia is their priority for many years, another question is that it is technically difficult to do, the british in this regard, they are narrow
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some elements are playing out, the instability of the black sea, the army of drones that zelsky made with the help of the british, direct benefit, the british are the main ones, lenders and insurers in maritime transport, they make good money on this, because the cost has doubled for passage in the black sea. as for british interests within the country, there are also a number of interests there, a transnational military-industrial corporation, the same black rock and a number of other companies that have already acquired assets for the black people of zelsky, who are prohibited from keeping their soldiers, this is the main resource, because everyone understands that food is important in the future, everyone wants to maintain this control over themselves, something immediately came to mind of markven’s phrase, buy land, they don’t produce it anymore, yes, apparently the americans are guided by this in pursuing their interests outside their country, in particular in ukraine, now there’s a short advertisement and we’ll come back, the premiere of the season, this is an honorary
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pension, cherkasov wants to interrogate savin’s mother, he’s retired, but don’t tell, murderers, you’re murderers, doctor, no, no, i’m not like that, like that, like that, we’re all like that, if you don’t... understand him, you’ll never catch him, brain - cherkasov’s last case, i know you cherkasov, you ’ll find him, or i’ll die first. montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group, well, friends, we have landed in the south of kamchatka, please follow me, we are in the natural habitat of the kamchatka drill bear, here they are, look, guys, i have a feeling that i’m now watching some kind of traveler channel, everything is big here, big bears, volcanoes, it’s just hot
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, oh, a small island, it’s called the island of old men, the island is named after a bird, an ordinary old man, old, star, also a super old man, here he is my good one, this is maria osadnik, this is evgeny pokrovsky, and here we go, the premiere, adjutant to the commander, yuri solomin, man, legend, star of our cinema, artistic director, not the most classic small theater in the country, i don’t consider myself a great artist, just an old one, one of the old artists of the small theater, he just said that he is not a great actor, he is a great russian actor, for the last few years he has hardly appeared on television, all these years we have been waiting for him for an interview, they rearranged everything, agreed for 30 minutes, but the people’s artist did not let us go for 3 hours, the conversation turned out to be confessional. i have no
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enemies, i have never done harm to anyone, i am everyone’s favorite women of the soviet union, and such a person , very simple, sweet, charming, our exclusive - unique footage taken a few days before the emergency hospitalization of yuri solomin, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, on saturday on the first, malingerer. accept, and you are a simulator, i feel good, i’m not asking for anything, well, you slipped me a client, i fought for 6 hours , katyusha, what do you think, the heroic surgeon deserves a cup of coffee, he has a new nurse in surgery, so he’s his won't miss it, mood is zero, hello strong, what else did you notice? there is tough competition in medicine, get used to it, i brought a lot of women here, um, in batches, you like me, and you like me too, what am i? next to me, i
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didn’t see you with him anymore, it’s unpleasant for me to contact your lovers, what do you mean? some guy asked you what he looked like, why are you yelling at me, ask the nurse from monday, on the first. why are you acting like a stupid nurse, i am acting in accordance with my position, yes, what happened yesterday, where did you go? give him brief description, professional qualities, good reaction, brilliant command of the german language, i was born in a ural village, i am from a christian family, i am very arrogant, i killed a colonel and a mayor, now i will kill a colonel every day.
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character is rather weak, it seems to me that he is very willing to dobab, gentlemen, what’s the matter , is it worth risking such a valuable agent for the sake of eliminating kokh, based on real events, a real intelligence officer must be ready for anything, on the razor’s edge, the premiere of a serial film. soon on the first, he enemy, and you fell in love with him like a cat, you get pleasure. drones, as we often say, have become the real discovery of this war, and objectively, despite the fact that on our side there are more and more of them, there will always be not enough of them, because they are used every day, as they said in the stream of the popular front about the design bureau from arkhangelsk, where... they produce what
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our guys on the front line need so much, let's see, now dmitry has connections with us, which means his design bureau has been making unmanned robotic systems for more than a year, producing them and sending them to a special military operation zone, dmitry, welcome, can you tell us in more detail.
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