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tv   PODKAST  1TV  November 23, 2023 1:40am-2:25am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] who has not yet given birth, just girls, i know, dear ladies, in some other case, we would offer our regular column cooking a hit, a ready-made product, but since we have absolutely two, two female energy flows here, who create without ceasing, and this process of creation occurs permanently, i suggest that we really live now. and give birth to beautiful music, we have arkady at our service, and or the absence of arkady, that is , for you to sit down at this beautiful foreign seagull, well, either or maybe i thought about the drums, yes, we can easily remove anton and anton, forgive me, come on, of course, no , yes, it’s possible, of course, it’s necessary, but what will we do, we’ll do whatever we want, we want
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, you know, something about joy, i’m this declared the year a year of joy, look for it everywhere, and something like that, i stand knee-deep in water and head in the clouds and think, i want to experience joy, but for now i feel fear, but i stand knee-deep in water and think how it’s good, how well birds fly, they don’t owe anyone anything, we go in a circle, our music sounds in me, i want to stay, only this is impossible. nowhere we go in a circle, our music sounds in me, i want to stay but it’s impossible, we go in a circle, my music sounds like a wave, i want to stay, i will stay, i
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feel joy, people join me, we sing together, in a circle my music sounds in me, i want to stay here, i like it because these are my people, my music sounds. they are the most talented, let's create creativity more and more, in a circle, in a circle, in a circle , in me, in a circle, in a circle, all my best music is in me, playing in a circle, in a circle, in a circle in a circle, in a circle, in a circle, we can’t
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stop, e, tosya chaikina, katya ayovan, valya kardaval, karina cross, bend, look no format, listen to good music, bye! today is the best day not to sleep, we danced in the dark, we forget about our
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bed, opening each other, we became , we don’t know anything, we modestly kissed, the melted roof is under us, the sun burns our face, the trams are asleep, no one is watching behind us, i feel, i need more, i need and... more, i need more, i need more,
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you don't need anything, you don't need anything else. today is the best day. to fall asleep, it’s not scary with you, in the dark, without you in it , i could drown, for the first time i turn off the light in my bedroom, now we’ll know everything, they united indistinctly inside us, and the oceans sounded so overwhelming. i bite the shoulder, you kissed the leg, i became quiet for a while, i’ll tell
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you, i don’t need more, i need more, i need more, what do i need more, more, more, more, i need, more, more, more, more, i need, more, more, more, more, i need, more.
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hello, this is the podcast burn with fire and i will presenter denis gorelov with a story about the most current news in domestic cinema and tv series production of the current season, and as usual, sometimes a series... i will call it a film, because the long-running santa barbara is not in our unit, 200-300 episodes is not our format , and films of eight series, twelve episodes are still simply films extended in time, it is still inappropriate to repeat the word series too often. we’ll start , of course, with the series lada gold, because where else to start. picture about all-gold bandit zhiguli, which are waiting in the wings for their lucky one in the outskirts of the city's garages. our car... in its madness is similar to the story about the diamond hand, which is smuggled across our border in order to launder money for a quarter of the cost under the guise of treasure. if all
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this is told in a serious manner, it all smacks, of course, of the purest 999 samples of idiocy, and of course, the authors need to be warned in advance that everything they talk about is an utter blizzard, a mistake people who write annotations for this... i mean, they do, they don’t warn about it, scaring away more or less serious viewers from the picture, who more or less imagine what the nineties looked like, and at the same time they don’t have a greedy light in their eyes , because for those who have any nonsense, and the nineties have clearly already become the territory of fairy tales of 100 one nights, in which , with a certain tuning , you can still even believe that the times were crazy, and therefore the film is e flowing stories into each other, car mechanics, tire workers, parking lot security guards, some drinking aunts, the city of the hero talati, the city, of course, the hero is not of military glory, but the hero of gang wars,
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the case of gold assets, in general, our domestic klandike, which clearly corresponds to the title of the picture, according to the plot , the main bandit of the city, misha dasygin, the name is important because it is shortened to the gangster nickname midos, telling those who missed history lessons at school that king midos turned everything in the world into gold. dosygin must collect the thieves' common fund for a bribe to the central authorities in moscow, and so that these bodies finally remove the terminator vanka ogurtsov from the city, who is not taken by any weapons and can only be removed by promotion, however, nature takes its toll, midos melts down the entire common fund that he got it in gold, builds an all-gold fret gold out of it, after which the heroic cop gold wrings it out , repaints it in patrol colors
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and hides it somewhere on the outskirts in some mossy, distant garages of the city of tolyati. when converting gold, services are used criminal khaan kasym from nearby kazakhstan, which is from the city of tolyati. 3 hours by car and 5 hours on horseback, respectively, at some point , on the same day, the main characters die, all the burden, all the golden, crazy weight, the inheritance falls on... their senseless grandchildren, who, like many young people today dream of huge gold falling on them from the sky, now their dreams are coming true, the grandson of the bandit arthur, played by roman ivdakimov, is swelling somewhere in all sorts of resorts in the netherlands, but not at all has money, the cop’s grandson pasha, sits here, sells his grandfather’s awards, and, in general, also survives from bread to kvass, but he really wants money. and at the same time, the bandit’s mother was
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the daughter of midos, and the father, accordingly, the mentavi son was killed in kazakhstan. as for the police grandson, his mother once abandoned him to his grandfather, and the police son’s father was killed in kazakhstan. as the viewer understands, the police son killed in kazakhstan was the same person, thus the two heroes are relatives to each other, although stepbrothers and must join forces in pursuit of gold, which they don’t know about until the couple... time, but there are always grandmothers to tell. the cop grandmothers, as it happens, have merged into the fog, and the gangster grandmother occupies the post of chief of the criminal police in the city of taglyat, in every possible way hides her long-standing relationship with the head thief of the city, comrade midos, and also the daughter who received from this case, but what is important, and producers, first of all, the fathers
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of the film company wednesday, alexander... tsekal and ivan samokhvalov, as well as the new troika of producers who have joined them, sokolovsky burets balashov, understand perfectly well that you can’t stay with indian cinema for a long time, you can’t last eight episodes on this, we don’t have many fans of indian cinema in absolute terms, so they start quoting in his film, everything is trash cinema , as their great predecessor and godfather quendin tarantino does. accordingly, skirmishes in the sands of kazakhstan with a house on the alatau spur, of course, go back to the spag western of sergio leone with shootouts in kanyo a small dog, with views of the rocky mountains, black and white flashbacks to the youth of fathers, this very lada gold, are shrouded in such cigarette smoke, and of course, hint at a classic noir, and moreover, the eternal theme of noir is the fatal blonde who knocks down the beautiful trousers.
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demobilization forces him to do bad things, in the role of the fatal blonde, she , in fact, is the grandmother of the main character, the head of the criminal police of the city, played by linda lapensh, the most fatal of our modern actresses, and, moreover, since she also wears colonel's shoulder straps, the charm of a fatal criminal blonde is especially beautiful, well, finally, the main russian task is to take all the national wealth, melt them into something very shiny and very expensive, and then sell the money received to the west use it for national welfare and development, and not give it to any villains who would like to appropriate it. there was a film on this topic by the great russian director , oscar winner vladimir valentinovich shirley, as everyone remembers, he revolved around a huge diamond the size of a horse's head, which later became
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national. and in exactly the same way, the great director and also an oscar winner , nikita sergegeevich mikhalkov, spoke on the same topic back in soviet times, we are talking about a film, one among strangers, a stranger among one’s own, where the whole plot revolved around a golden suitcase, and which also had to be used for needs of the nation, and so vlad gold’s film very seriously goes back to national demand, for which we and we are all very grateful to him the film has a good rating, at the same time, since the main kazakh bandit kasym has a son, also, in general, the heir of everything in his role, oscar ilyasov , the patient zero that thundered in the film, as well as the daughter mentioned stasya miloslavskaya, and midos, in turn , has his heirs and uh, henchmen bandits performed by the most important bandits of our cinema, igor chernevich, danil varabyov and roman polukhin. ah, then
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it will take some time to figure out whose money, who, whose grandchildren, who is related to each other in what way the whole picture, but you can’t fully figure it out, as often happens in indian cinema, the centaurs of bandit-cops and mento-bandits are always ready to remember the voice of the second blood and go over to the opposite side, which adds intrigue to the plot, and also love to start a relationship with someone else's young lady, if only not the sister, a dozen screenwriters who we usually have... in the picture, would not have drawn this picture at all, because they would be categorically confused about the question of who is related to each other, therefore, the script was written by the one and only yegor chichkanov, known to everyone as the screenwriter and director of the hello again franchise, a very serious and wonderful film, and the film was also directed by nikita vlasov, who directed the tv series in borenki, something is missing, also a very serious thing, and - producers , let me remind you, these are the same cycals and self-praisers who for a long time fed
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the most terrible horrors of our crime, and now with this picture they admit that everyone was deceived by four fists by all the damn gangsters... stories known to them because stories of car mechanics from some car wash in kazakhstan, where they washed the dirt from their solid-gold eared zaporozhets, received from the proceeds of the divorce of the same eared fraters. picture: 10 out of 10 - absolutely beautiful thing. you are still watching the podcast burn with fire, where i and the host denis gorelov talk about the most current premieres of the series. and theatrical production of the current season. the next issue of our program is the film centaur, and this is a film about a taxi driver, and director kirill kemnitz has a rather rare and memorable surname, he clearly has a great future, but
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the producer of the film, ilyan aishuller, has an even rarer and even more memorable surname. of course, everyone who wrote about this picture remembered him, because today schuller is. the only director from russia who was successful in hollywood, konchalovsky doesn’t count, after all, he didn’t have any particular success there, more talk. nai schuller, in turn, due to the fact that he studied in an american school as a child, knows the language very well, he released a film, of course, about the russian mafia, what else can they give to a director from russia to make a movie in hollywood, and for several weeks this picture occupied the top spot in the all-american film, that is, the very top line, despite this, a man who had all the possibilities and full of prospects in hollywood, he turned to russia, to stage a film here, that is, to produce, kemnets staged it, primarily because our market is the most promising today, in fact, the return
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of naishuller is evidence of this, the money is here, the effective demand is here, the lack of competition from hollywood is here and you need to secure as soon as possible... a platform for future possible successes, in my opinion, the first step has been taken, especially since hollywood is, after all, inclining russian directors, naishulerov to work with the russian mafia, and here you can make a movie about what your soul lies in, and our soul lies in the following: and the crippled taxi driver virtuos, played by yura borisov, agrees only to night shifts, because he doesn’t really like people, at night there are quite a few of them, and they hang around the city, gets acquainted with the city's underbelly, gives rides to various victims at night, and reads them like an open book, it is clear that there is nothing special to read, at some point a doll in war paint sits down next to him, in a wonderful performance by anastasia talyzin, he understands quite quickly her profession, but
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she doesn’t really hide it, but it’s clear that she has clients, he has clients, they understand each other, by and large, a little bit like a film by tritopolin ivy. only at night, and of course, all film fans already realized that the plot goes back to the great film by martin scarcez, his best film taxi driver, nye schuller films taxi driver in russian with some deviations, and it is clear to everyone that it sounds in russian, at least the rumor is even better, compare taxi driver and taxi drive , there is nothing even to compare, it should in turn be noted that in the seventy-seventh year... the most outstanding film of one of the very first american directors, scarcez, lost an oscar to the film lessons, a film written by sylvester staloni and starring him, such a powerful, psychopathological, by and large thriller, the taxi driver lost to the first film in the sweaty meat category, this
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is an epic failure of the american film academy comparable to the failure of the fifty-second year, when the main prize was given to the film... a streetcar named desire, the prize for the leading female actor was won by vyvyan whether for the film a streetcar named desire, awards for supporting roles went to karl moldan and kim hunter, for the film a streetcar named desire, the only person who did not receive anything for a streetcar named desire was marlon brondo, who actually speaking and holding on to the film a streetcar named desire, such a comparable epic failure happened in 1977, it was a turning point year for american cinema and all world cinema, because that year the film was released. it was also nominated for an oscar only for special effects, to all producers, to all film makers world , it has become absolutely clear that it is much more profitable to invest money in making films for stupid teenagers than for intelligent adults; today films for stupid teenagers occupy approximately 95-97% of the world screen, and
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that apparently this situation is irreversible, the great russian philosopher sanyev said a month before his death in 2006 that gadgetized humanity is irreversibly becoming stupid. scarzesa would probably agree with this; in the nineties, he made a documentary film traveling with martin from corzese through american cinema. therefore, he knows very well where american cinema began and where it has now ended, perhaps that’s why he works in cinema until today, 80 years old, because there are more adults, seventy-year-old american robert deniro, absolutely such an senile landscape, in the film there is a play for two voices in one room in one taxi, of course the dialogues and some plot twists are of great importance, well... suppose, in the same irony of fate, there is also a picture for two voices.
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here, a huge responsibility falls on the screenwriters of mikhail zubko and he copes with it brilliantly, despite the fact that in ordinary life he does not shy away from working with either alexander tsypkin, the director of a film about sex on the patriarch’s ponds, or with anna boginskaya with stories about how anna boginskaya achieved success in the city of moscow. such an indiscriminate all-rounder. but in the film centaur he... shows everything he is capable of. after 20 minutes of talking and driving around the city, it suddenly turns out that some maniac is killing prostitutes in the city , and the main suspect is the main character of the film himself, performed by borisov, because he has already appeared more than once in the very places where the murders took place, and at this moment he is being led by serious people, and the escort girl is just a decoy, but not a police plant, but a bandit. decoy pimps are also concerned about losses among
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prostitutes. it’s impossible to retell the events further, because it’s a spoiler, but i haven’t even retold half of it, there will be at least 100 more 180° turns. and as for the actor borisov, he is ideal for the main role, because he combines his radiant charm with with the same very dangerous protruding fangs, i once upon a time acted exactly the same way and looked like the already mentioned marlon brondo, and even many years after people don’t understand his death, whether he’s crazy or not, i think that borisov will have the same wonderful fate, there is a concept, cultural cinema, which means something completely different from the tv channel culture, it’s cinema in which the producers know their predecessors very well, very they competently quote them very implicitly, complement them in some ways, a movie
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in which all the pauses are full, all the lines are in place, all the actors are doing their job , there are no random characters, perhaps in the film there is only one random passenger who turns up, so that the viewer, feeling that all the guns were firing, did not calculate all the people who appeared in the frame and what they had to do with the further intrigue. very well designed, targeting a variety of categories of viewers, while the film at the initial viewing looks like just a film about a simple taxi driver who cuts through moscow at night in a yellow premium car. as often happens in such cases, you even want to rewatch the film more than once in search of inconsistencies, some kind of seams, and so on, but in general, you can’t find these there are inconsistencies simply because both the director and the producer clearly looked at
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this picture 20 times for the same purpose and if there was anything , they still touched it up and brought everything back to divine form. there are six producers in the film, but naish shuler is clearly the most serious figure, especially since his wife, daria chirusha, wrote the music for the film, and this clearly speaks of his priority participation in the project. if we 're already on the automotive topic, then our next story will be the very recent alfa romeo series, which really has nothing to do with cars no relation, that's a great title, a series about an alpha male who falls in love with a feminist, she steals him, and accordingly they become romeo and juliet from opposing clans, masculinists and feminists. the film belongs to the youth genre, on the internet it was immediately said that the youth genre means complete crap , this in general should be listened to, but the fact is that if today we try
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to entertain young people, then they focus exclusively on the most feeble-minded, if they take... educates, on the contrary, for the sake of tolerance, he draws such a complex, such a diverse, such an incomprehensible world, which is completely impossible for even a nobel laureate to understand, and thus, in the film, as a sign of the diversity and diversity of the world, there are even two names at once, it has a good name is alfa romeo and a good name is tsitsgen, but the authors haven’t decided which of them is better, so the film goes under two at once, don’t push them, it promotes such narratives as they say today: first, feminism is stupid in nature, full of all sorts anglicisms, from abuse to body shaming, but in cases of domestic violence you cannot do without feminists, you just need to tell them the magic word abuse, then the hair on the back of their necks stands on end and saliva begins
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to drip from their fangs. secondly, police dads who squat on their children’s ears, they are of course terribly suffocating, but in cases where you need to get a child out of an article or give someone a damn, you can’t go anywhere without police dads, and they also send money, and if you collect everything these diverse counter fires, then as a result what happens is this: the mixed style fighter anton travels from the city of zhigulevsk to moscow to beat everyone and raise some money from this, and the feminist dasha travels from the city of zhigulevsk to moscow to shame everyone, the blog has a huge number of subscribers to raise a little money. they have a snack in their own reserved seat, after which anton beats everyone, and dasha beats him off, but still they end up in the same rented living space. dasha is a complete freak, but the playing actress kristina kucherenko looks so
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a mature and experienced young lady who, for the sake of general stupidity, has to dye her hair purple, but still nothing... as for anton, he is played by anton artemyev, he fixes all of dasha’s mistakes, but she gets absolutely no help from the alpha male is not needed, but you need to put him on the blog as an absolute macaque king kong, in order to, of course, lie down with millions of subscribers and set them all on bad toxic and mesogynistic men, i even learned the words, they share the same apartment with them, artist mark performed by the eternal nerd of our youth cinema by denis vlasenko, and mitor datel katya. mark draws only naked men, but at the same time he is not gay, but at the same time it is no one’s business, although it looks very suspicious, especially for the father of the police adviser of justice, who suspects something bad, for
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which we all unanimously and tolerantly condemn him. as for katya, she is certainly not a whore, but if she is offered an open credit card with an unlimited account, then of course she will not refuse, but only for ordinary traditional sex, which the owner of the credit card demands, these are not completely gay, not entirely fools and not entirely women of low social responsibility begin to tell us how complex the world is, that we, in general , know without them, because we live in the world a little longer than their stuffy parents, it just so happens that i am a little older than the artist fyodor lavrov and artist alexey. who play stuffy police dads, all this together is organized by fifteen three exclamation marks producers, i once thought that i would set a record for a film of passion, where there were 10 producers, here there are 15, and you can imagine what they can produce if they all get together as a platoon, create a hubbub and begin giving mutually inclusive instructions to one single director, radik
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rakhimov, and one single screenwriter, damir miftakhov. and despite the fact that there is only one director, and only one screenwriter, it still seems that the resulting product is an old soviet game of nonsense, where 10 people take turns completing the same text, as they said in the famous cartoon, the paws ache and the tail falls off , first this one a picture about how a fool rehabilitates a redneck, and the redneck in return shows her what the real world looks like, everything hee hee, it all brings us together terribly, but because... they try to get closer to all the other characters, and then they post all this is put into the network to get hype. towards the end, everyone unites against the sadist acting in the film in order to more clearly indicate its main moral, that feminism is good, but at the same time, the giggling movie turns into some kind of political thriller with beheaded
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cats, a creepy moment, though his camera quickly... in the middle , some irrepressible joker comes into the picture on the darkest topics, who wants to give a shit, but no one knows who, because there are 15 producers, all of them are holding a perimeter defense. the fact is that in our country there has been some completely inappropriate democratization of the concepts of bullshit, all the young donkeys have learned the words zashkvar, presenting and answering for the bazaar and pouring them from right to left, completely without delving into the meaning, and believing that they will never in life they will not find themselves in places not so remote, where the meaning can generally be explained to them in a popular manner. as a result, in the film, first the hero is an alpha male who has a closed criminal sentence for serious bodily injuries, for which even a mixed style fighter can be imprisoned, they begin to convince him and tell him that kuni is not a trash, while such beliefs can in places not
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so distant lead directly to a bunk , which i wouldn’t wish on anyone, and as for the next episode, there again the same hero is drugged by femme activists, abandoned in the area in a woman’s dress and in women’s makeup, for such..." in some places of our homeland it is necessary to put a fork in the eye, but you won’t be able to wash it off. as a result, the film turns out to be very funny, but on the other hand, in places , mean-spirited, on the third hand, fascinating, on the fourth hand, sometimes stupid. what happens in it three sexes and three , drawing nudity, but there is not a single naked body, because children are not allowed . there is a lot of swearing in the film, but everything beeps, because children are also not allowed. as a result , it turns out that you can engage and discuss, because we have freedom. but at the same time nothing should be heard and nothing seen, because we have decency, in the end one person on the network says that the film is absolutely wonderful, it’s all funny, and another says that he turned it off in the fourth episode, both
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are right, they are responsible for everything this is a matter, producers, well-known ilayan shlipot ratsuk, zhallinsky, but with the obligatory intervention of irina sosnova, but sometimes andrei tereshok gets into the topic somewhere, and somewhere producers bondreev and tkachenko and only eight out of fifteen people mentioned this , because the rest of the executives may not have interfered much, although this is not a fact. while watching the film, i was very tired of all of them, although i laughed twice. this is the same podcast, mount by fire, where i and its host denis gorelov talk about the most relevant domestic tv series and cinema premieres of the current season. the next issue of our program will be the film 1993. a film by alexander veledinsky based on the novel by sergei shurgunov. the film, of course, is about
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the most dramatic october events ninety-three, and the complete, somewhat stupid, because of its abundance of symbolism, the fact is that the premiere of the film about the hot october took place in the october cinema, a five-minute walk from the epicenter of events in the white house, and it was not even necessary to walk, because that that night, and the entire next day, along the entire kalinensky prospekt they were shooting just along the perimeter, starting from the novoarbatsky grocery store and ending with the globe on glussadovaya, and a little higher along the boulevard ring at midnight the military fought among themselves, also in in general, there was a lot of shooting near the station, although it was short, the supplies were loaded, but the entire dnh metro was visible. the technical building was burning, on the one hand, on the creative side, the machine gunner was hitting with tethers in the direction of malievnaya grove, it was at midnight, what happened there 3 hours before, it’s better just not to remember, although the film remembers exactly this, and if anyone there is not enough symbolism, there was also such a novel, victor hugo
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, 1993, very consonant, about how dark forces, and for some light, 4 years after the great french revolution, rebelled against the great french revolution so that the devils would eat it, and as others would say, even 200-odd years later. shargunov, as a person... due to his youth, was unprepared for events, but adheres to patriotic convictions, completely on the side of the rebels, like many of his peers, in particular zakhar prilepin, and mitya alshansky, about 10 years ago, then still very young sergei, asked me with other adult comrades, how could one be in this quarrel on yeltsin’s side, and their senior comrades wearily explained to them how they could be on the presidential side, sergei feron. with his own people, but director veledinsky slightly altered the novel, made the hero more complex, more looking around and choosing a side, like, in
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fact, the majority of people living in russia at that time. the hero of the film is former space engineer viktor bryantsev, who once left his traces on the dusty paths of distant planets by dipping his finger in red paint and pointing a dot at the word ussr on board the lunakhod flying straight there. in he spent the nineties downshifting, like many in those years, and became a master of communications. with the one driving around the city in a yellow van with a red stripe, a yellow van with a red stripe , 10 years later, after ninety-three, will become a symbol of the forces of good in the famous franchise of sergei lukyanenko and timur bikmambetov , night watch and day watch, which is very important. victor began to respond to the name vitek, to help his friends solve difficult crossfords, his friends began to pour him drinks much more often, on the one hand, zaumishche, on the other hand, the other... for being such a serious person,
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he breaks in with us as hard workers, like everyone else. playing the main role, evgeny tsyganov, is ideal for the role, because his melancholy frostbite , which sometimes bothered the audience in other roles, here fully corresponds to the character of the main character, and my colleague friend, mikhail drofimenkov, even said that this is tsyganov’s best role, exactly so the same as the role of his wife, the best role is ekaterina velkova, lena’s wife. works in the same service as a dispatcher, adheres to democratic views, in his own way moods and opinions best fit the definition of demoshiza, like many in those years, including me. and their sixteen-year-old daughter - like all children at this age, suffers that the family is poor and that she has never been with anyone, so she loves a bandit who is already so young, foolbreaker, like herself, who decided to die young, like many in those years, and victor travels
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by train home to the moscow region, smokes a lot in a jar, worries a lot about the world around him, and sometimes fights with the cops, sometimes something such inarticulate torments in the glasnost booth, absolute bullshit is happening around, everyone remembers this, when in fact in our country at that time there was a great great depression, which surpassed the american one in so many indicators, if - in the usa the drop in production was 45%, then we have 54%. this means that more than half of the people were left without work, without any possibility of finding it, plus, money became candy wrappers from inflation, plus, unemployed young people became bandits and gangsters. the groups simply surrounded moscow in a complete combat ring, which can also be seen in the film. alexander veledinsky, the director of the film today, is
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perhaps the best. russian prose, i say with all responsibility, not so long ago in the house of rostov, where the writers ' union headed by the same sergei shergunov lives, we held a round table on film adaptations and spent a long time finding out who is really the most productive and accurate film adaptation today, we suddenly actually discovered that this person is alexander alekseevich velyadinsky, he has already directed limonov’s film russkaya, alexei ivanov and the film geographus drank away, zakhara prilepin’s series abode, and now sergei shargunov, whose novel was very much rewritten, it seems to me, for the better. valedinsky is a strong family man, therefore , against the backdrop of popular thought, he promotes family thought with all his might. it has been noticed that people of libertarian beliefs always publicly swear their love for their wives, but at the same time actively
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cheat on them. in my district there are simply no exceptions, on the other hand, people are conservative views, on the contrary, they believe that this matter is wrong, not good, uh, i must say that well, in general, the question of loyalty to one’s faithful also affects political views, just like in the movies, uh, a girl of democratic beliefs, the wife of the main character lena , decides at some point to wave his liberal tail, but in the end... he eventually comes to the conclusion that this whole thing is wasted, unnecessary, and victor, in turn, pretends that he didn’t even notice anything, thus the world is in the family is restored, and peace in the country is also being restored in some incomprehensible way, after 30 years, finally, as in general and always happens , the opposite sides are in some way ready to understand each other, and it’s good that
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it took only 30 years, and not 50 years , as with the previous civil war, after all, for the first time, the reds began to talk about the whites without gnashing their teeth, somewhere in the sixty -eighth-sixty-ninth year, 50 years after the events, now everything, thank god, has changed, and many people from the opposite camps are now our closest friends, on the contrary, like-minded people of that time, enemies, foreign agents, life goes on, hello, the final credits are very much to the heart of all those who died in october, because frankly speaking, i was there too, i changed my fate, it ran down my ears, it didn’t hit me in the forehead , it was a podcast called mount by fire and i am its host, denis gorelov, with a story about the most current domestic premieres of serial and cinema
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production. hello, friends, this is the podcast life of the wonderful with you, me, its host, writer, alexey varlamov, and we are talking with today we will talk about the most mysterious, most unread russian writer of the 20th century about alexander greene. you all have probably read, you all remember the wonderful story of ala irus, this touching story about a girl who believed in a dream and was awarded for her faith, but in fact... ala and sails - from my point of view, this is far from the best, not the deepest, not the most interesting work of alexander greene, although paradoxically, it overshadowed everything else that he wrote, this is terrible, unfair, but in the history of literature such there are cases, so today
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we’ll try to talk a little about the fate of alexander green, and his work. at the very end of his life, alexander stepanovich wrote a story, which he called very simply, it is called autobiographical. in fact, this is such a confession, this repentance is a kind of attempt to answer the question of myself to my readers: why nothing came of me, why i lived my life completely differently than i wanted, why i became a loser, it is curious that they considered themselves a loser other people considered him michael bulgakov, but if in bulgakov’s case the cause of all the troubles, mihai... read his literary enemies, enemies, envious people, critics, then if we read alexander greene, we will see that he gives a very simple answer to this question, in it’s all my fault, so, was he right or wrong in this harsh judgment of himself, what do we
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even know about this writer? in 1880, in vyatka, in the family of a polish revolutionary who was exiled in siberia, and then... with a russian woman and moved from siberia to vyatka, a boy was born, who was named alexander, he was raised extremely poorly, green devotes quite a lot of attention in his story to how he was raised, it is, if you like, such a novel of anti-education, there was no consistency , he was either beaten or praised for nothing, he was not taught to to work, not to study, in general, such a worthless, absolutely incapable person grew up, but he also had this peculiarity, since childhood he loved to write poems, and one day he composed poems addressed to his teachers at the gymnasium where he i studied, they were so satirically offensive
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poems, these poems were read by the school authorities, they were terribly indignant and green was kicked out of the gymnasium, by the way, then in a sense he was already green, because this pseudonym, as it were, is a truncation of the name grinevskaya, all this appeared at school , where his friends called him green damn. which means that after he was expelled from the gymnasium, he entered a real school, where his education was a little weaker, he graduated with a shame, at that time a misfortune happened in the family, green’s mother died, his father married a second time and pasynko’s stepmother frankly did not fell in love with him and actually kicked him out of the house, and so the fifteen-year-old boy turns out to be, well, it’s not like they rented some kind of housing for him on the street in vyatka, they even still show the house where green lived. but nevertheless, the boy was left to


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