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tv   Anti Feik  1TV  November 23, 2023 9:20am-10:00am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] for our descendants, his brush created images of a great man, a genius, i really like the russian school, i myself am studying to be an oil painter and i know reppin’s technique, i came to the exhibition to see his works live, visitors specially come from different cities of china to get involved to two great russians. natalya lyublinskaya, sergey aksenov, tatyana bodrova ilya maryin, first channel udzhen china. and that’s all for now, the anti-fake program will continue to air. how and why kiev propaganda turned ukraine into an oil and gas power. is it a joke that they knew how to mine and process black gold there? imagine, already in the third century. and our lancets hurt tsypsoshnikov. what fakes are being written about one
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of the most effective kamika drones, as well as the skill of teleportation, how an entire reserve was moved 100 km with the help of one fake, details in the program today. this program is anti-fake and here we are waging our fight against fakes and disinformation. let’s start our program today with historical investigations: ukrainian historians said that ukraine has learned to extract more oil supposedly in the third century ad. for a long time, on the territory of modern ukraine , the extraction and use of carbohydrate raw materials, oil and gas was carried out. according to the chronicles, back in the third century ad , oil was extracted on the crimean peninsula and used for economic needs. according to the evidence of the chronicle, can you show me the chronicle that generally, in general, in principle, talks about some kind of history of the third, fourth,
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even fifth. 6-7 centuries, a list of truly temporary years, it starts with what? 9th century, 860, the calling of the thieves, yes, what third century, in what chronicles, here it is written according to the testimony of the chronicle, what kind of chronicles are these? in fact, all these stories that we are analyzing, they were created for only one task: to legitimize the modern ukrainian state, to give it some kind of explanation, because in principle, until recently , there was no independent history of ukraine, ukraine as a state didn't exist. the candidate of historical sciences, honorary oil worker alexander anatovich matveychuk is in touch with us. hello, we are now talking about oil and gas production on the crimean peninsula. tell me, please, exactly in what century did industrial oil production begin? here is this note, it leads to galicia.
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indeed, there in the 16th century. it’s called the rungur settlement, it’s not far from the present town of kolomyia, while deepening a salt well, they suddenly discovered oil, then they scooped up this oil with scoops, this is artisanal mining, typical, industrial mining more or less in this area since 1875, when they drilled a well by hand, machine there has not been any drilling in this area yet. what happens next? and then the following happens: after the collapse of the austro-hungarian empire and the russian empire, the territory of galicia was transferred to poland. accordingly, it means that we now clearly understand that the ukrainian oil industry simply could not exist during this period. when
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did the ukrainian oil industry emerge? i answer, in the fall of 1939, when during the liberation campaign of the red army, western ukraine came under the structure of the ukrainian soviet socialist republic, therefore, there can be no talk about any two-hundred-year history of the oil industry of ukraine, but what was the volume of production in this galicia, i will say, it means that in 1902 galicia, this is borislav, this is drohobych, in sloboda there were already meager volumes of oil production , only 536,000 tons of oil were produced there, in total, and if we look at the volumes that the united states of america produced, it’s 12 million, and the russian empire is almost 11 million, well, please compare, the difference is
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significant. let's go back to the soviet one, soviet period, that means what happened there, that means the volume of production of the ukrainian soviet socialist republic in 190... was only 7.5 million tons, and how much was produced in the soviet union 680 million tons, that is, practically ukraine produced a little slightly more than 1%. therefore, in this note , when it is said that the ukrainian industry for many years occupied the first place in the world, this is generally speaking nonsense, this does not happen, thank you very much, all the same. hello, attention of our viewers, i would like to draw your attention to one more article, which i will now read. so, point by point, oil was used in ukraine back in the 13th century. the second point is that mining began almost 100 years earlier than in russia. borislav is one of the largest oil centers in europe, the end
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of the 21st, beginning of the 20th century. 100 years ago, ukraine produced 5% of all oil produced in the world. the ukrainians taught the world how to produce kerosene from oil, we already discussed this in our program. at the beginning of the 20th century. ukraine produced the same amount of oil as russia; in 1972, ukraine produced twice as much oil than is imported today, since the mid-seventies, production has been constantly declining, and the ninth point, during the years of independence, not a single large or medium-sized field has been discovered in ukraine. the oil industry in ukraine and oil production are not growing either, as we can see from even this article. but nevertheless, ukraine does not stop coming up with fakes about our lancets, including the equipment of the lancet. supposedly insufficient to damage critical targets, ukrainian telegram channels write with reference to the institute for the study of war, there is they have one, russian troops are using a new version of the lancet drone, this uav supposedly has an automatic guidance system that allows you to distinguish between types of targets to increase the chances of a successful strike,
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however, analysts believe that the equipment of the new uav called product 53 is not sufficient to significantly damage critical military targets , there is no warhead in the lancet, but there is a place where it can be placed, with uh, let’s say, the presence of a cumulative warhead, it will be plus or minus, and similarly there is a grenade launcher there rp7 and so on, that is, when working in the right places, they completely ensure that the tank is disabled, and there won’t be any special problems there, so the landset is generally a weapon of victory, and of course the lancet is... i don’t know, what would we do without it, in recent weeks a video has appeared of how they even act as anti-aircraft missiles , well, really on the ground, destroying ukrainian fighters and attack aircraft at jump airfields, but well, of course, i’m joking about
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anti-aircraft missiles, but the point is, that they are already destroying air defense systems and counter-battery the fight is being waged, and anti-tank weapons, versions of lancets are increasing, their range is increasing, it was 30 km 50, 70, we remember yes, this growth, yes, now it’s even greater, and the most important thing is that lancets are produced easily, quickly and in large quantities, their well there will be thousands, thousands, and there is nothing to resist, which is its big advantage, well, firstly, the x-wing, purely from the point of view of aerodynamics, this gives very good controllability in an e -dive, that is, it is possible to aim much more accurately in altitude, this is the first thing interesting, in the third, by the way, unlike the others, you will pay attention to the wings , this is actually a form factor that also repeats the development of rheinmetal and the israelis, this is the hero line, there is only one thing, but the hero 120 flies 40 km, and
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the third lancet, as i understand it, has already gone to 70, that is, it’s even more , but we won’t say, yes, yes, this is important, again, well, this is actually all the technical capabilities of the batteries, what kind of warhead battery will be installed there, then there are actually questions that are all very secondary air temperature, there many things. these are all the little things in life, let’s return to the important thing that is in this ad, and this uav supposedly has an automatic guidance system, well, in fact, this is so, many current drones have not only a machine vision system, that is what is machine vision, that is, if let’s say i was a machine there, a terminator, and now i see a man sitting in a chair in front of me, this is machine vision, that is, i have defined it with a frame, then there is machine perception, that is, i begin to perceive due to individual some pictures space. that is, i see a person in a chair, i see a screen, i see cameras around , i see the platform on which we are sitting, that is, i perceive this space, in principle , due to the displacement, i will perceive it, let’s say
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stereoscopically, and after that, uh there is, well, how to say, machine analysis, that is, when i already start to understand on the basis of this that i am in a studio, that is , this is very important, that is, this is already training, that is, there is machine learning based on an algorithm. the next step is a deep training based on, in fact, self-training, based on neural networks, we are now taking one of the first steps, yes, we are catching up with the west, that is, the lancet is not exceeding... western models for now, but we are closing this huge gap at a very fast pace , which we formed after the collapse of the soviet union, because then we also had some kind of drones, we actually had the best drones in the world, the most important thing in this announcement is that we now have the software that allows these systems to work autonomously, that is, in the future this is a step of complete autonomy, and this is the next step, again to
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the swarm. that is, a swarm of these drones with detection, identification and distribution of targets, the topic is also old for us, because in general, we developed this back in soviet times, our anti-ship missiles work exactly like that in conjunction with each other, yes , that is, they define targets, they rank them and decide how to attack automatically, this is the forum factor that is used plus the rudiments of artificial intelligence, but the forum factor is the possibility of a massive launch, many at once... and this makes this weapon the fact that it becomes generally unclear how to fight them, reviews about auto-guidance are indescribable on television, i now propose to include in our conversation our beloved alexander sergeevich, the head of the coordination center for assistance in novorossi , we are glad to welcome you, on drones this is always for you, yes, good afternoon, about lancets, about their successes and successes, maybe some new data has now appeared, the next stage of development of the complex is perhaps not a stage as much technical as... organizational, because if we say so, do not spread units
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armed with lancets in an even layer along the front or even in a separate area, but create, well, i don’t know, separate companies there, divisions there, maybe even regiments, brigades , where, in essence, such a unit could become, for example, an instrument in the hands of the corps commander or army commander, which would allow conditionally in some front line, to some depth, to provide very large problems to enemy artillery in the decisive moment, the massive use - for example, of similar guided munitions, and even more so with artificial intelligence on board with a neural network, would probably be very useful. thank you very much, as always, all the very best, but the fact that our landscape is really good is recognized even by western publications, the video in which... the russian lontset drone strikes an american bmpredli shows that this
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weapon was adapted to bypass ukrainian defenses. next edition, goal achieved, notorious russian the kamika lance drone can now independently hunt targets. another headline: deadly lancets. people also wonder where this dangerous weapon came from in russia and whether it is so effective, but we see the effectiveness of our lancets. a cheap russian drone poses a threat to ukrainian troops and equipment. and in a few minutes we will talk about the scandal that happened with irina farion, who is very famous in ukraine, how old she is for some statements, we will look at it right after the advertisement, and also in our studio lawyer, kiril fedorov, how to get off the wrong foot, modern medicine has created a whole schedule for proper awakening, is cholesterol from food dangerous or not?
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herpas, colds, the main pandemic of the 21st century, the program to live healthy , answers all questions, today on the first, bourbon btirman, a product of the stellar group, i look at him, i understand, i’m lost. if you want to stay, stay just like that, i won’t forget you, never, here some snow melted, by the way, it melted, i’m
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now absolutely free, i’m not even knocking, i flew to you, as if to confession, i love you, imochka, i missed you, call me, i’ll come , i wonder what he came in today, fantastic, next level, tomorrow on the first. in a sense, my films are a battle with myself, sometimes i start screaming at myself, and sometimes i talk to god. it happens in different ways, stone became famous at the age of 40, later than other directors of stars of his generation. in my opinion, cinema is, first of all , a direct, immediate experience, it is a kind of autobiography, it is always about to you, even when you try to get rid of yourself in order to convey the experience of others. and is
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it strange that a person with a biography who provides plots for films ends up becoming a film director? probably exists. there is a certain law of attraction that unites all my films; in my opinion, they all talk about heroes, a hero who seeks to find his soul. matador, olive stone, on first tomorrow. when you address yourself, i hope you are addressing all of humanity. pavel andreevich koltsov, adjutant to the commander. solomin, a legendary man, our star. cinema, artistic director of almost the most classic small theater in the country. i don’t consider myself a great artist, just an old one, one of the old artists of the small theater. now he said that he is not a great actor, he is a great russian actor. for the last few years, he almost didn’t appear on television, all
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these years we were waiting for him for an interview, and then miraculously we got an invitation to the theater square, everything was rearranged, everything was finalized. for 30 minutes, but the people's artist did not let us go 3 hours. the conversation turned out to be confessional. i have no enemies, i did no harm to anyone, the favorite of all women of the soviet union, and such a person, very simple, sweet, charming, our exclusive, unique footage taken a few days before the emergency hospitalization of yuri solomin. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday. first, where is your work record? i don’t have it, is it a scam? yes, we are leaving moscow, i mean, what happened, mom, well, i have absolutely no desire, no time to train her, hello,
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hello, what happened, the girl is conscious, the woman has an open fracture, one, two, three, are you getting your diploma? did you buy something, they asked you to bring something, well, in an accident, the spinal cord may be damaged, the indicators are normal , well, it’s not the nurse’s competence to make such conclusions , but what are you doing, save a life, but quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, be quiet, at least you lift your people one by one, and not all of them en masse, this is not mine, your sister says, hello, ask the nurse from monday, on the first, mom, why are you here? what are you doing, you could have called, are you
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a nurse? this program is anti-fake and we continue to read interesting statements from the lips of some characters in ukraine, here is one of them, i will read. so, whether you wanted it or not , the fact remains that the russian-speaking ukrainians, in particular, bear part of the responsibility for this war, not the nationalists; in the regions where there were strong nationalist sentiments, a full-fledged war did not come until the rest of the russified ukrainians will understand the relationship between language and war. until and the war will continue, in which those who speak russian suffer first of all, so in the newspaper ukrainskaya pravda , here in this case there is an attempt to once again destroy the russians, because the russians are russian-speaking and orthodox,
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they destroyed the church, they took away the russian media in russian, cinema, music, and literally took away the school... 2 years ago, in my opinion , the last opportunity to study in russian ended, that is, and now they want to take away the russian language in everyday life, as soon as they among russian people, and the majority of the population of ukraine are russians, and if they take away the russian language in everyday life, they will turn them into ukrainians, this is an ideal goal, but situationally, there are russophobes in ukraine, both russian-speaking and even absurdly misunderstanding ones. because we also see our former fellow citizens in ukraine, yes , who are louder there than some banderaites, which means that in general the original project... of ukraine is a project of radical westernism, naturally, it is anti-russian, since it is on our territory, and
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as for this dmitro sinchik, he is in in general, he probably didn’t study geography, so he says, well, you see, the regions where there were strong nationalist sentiments, there is no war going on, well, naturally, they are in western ukraine, they are closer to europe, where they are striving, than to russia, well , simply, that is, what does it have to do with it. the choice of language, if it’s just geography, naturally, the further from russia, the more bandera there is, the stronger, and so, of course, ukraine is systemic, its goal is to kill everything russian around it, let’s listen to the statement irina farion, well, the military, for example, the azov regiment, with whom i am friends, and the third assault, some of them communicate in russian, including in battle. i cannot call them ukrainians.
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it is in the ukrainian language, if they are such great patriots, then let them show their patriotism, learn the language of taras grigorievich shevchenko, who practically lived his entire life outside of ukraine, but created a monument to our life from the ukrainian language. it is she who speaks out about azov, as it is in azov, they say, until recently she was generally there weren’t even any administrative fines, she also blamed the taxi driver there, who spoke russian and dropped him off when they started to insult him, everything got away with it, the answer of the azov people, attention, the first post in russian, on this channel, especially for ... it’s high time for law enforcement agencies to pay attention to the activities of this character, which is splitting ukrainian society according to fsb
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manuals. by the way , students even protested against her in lvov, let’s just watch the video from there. this is not connected, it is not entirely connected, or rather with her statements, it is also connected with the fact that one of her subscribers, a sympathizer in the crimea, well, there was a scandal recently, he wrote to her directly in the telegram channel that i respect you, you are right, but what about me, if these russians come... from the all-union forces, how will i meet them in the crimea, this waiter has already been caught by our ciuvik law enforcement officers, taken
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to explain to him, maybe some other thing, that is, to her even, you see, she doesn’t observe information hygiene at all, they wrote to her in channel, what are you doing, you’re shooting, you’re shooting, you’re actually handing over this waiter, yes, what did she answer with the azov man, let’s read, the people of the cattle massa have with me the truth about the evaders and moscow bulls, defaming the ssu. citizens still have not learned that the language is ukrainian, article 29. thanks to all the haters, you are garbage that we will inevitably rake out of the country, otherwise the war will be eternal. the creatures continue to serve russia. he applauds you rednecks, let us do our own thing. by the way, at this university, she studies philology teaches philology, a person teaching philology writes. well, i really wouldn’t draw conclusions here based on some words , the point here is that she is a typical ideologist, and
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a typical ideologist of the regime that is trying to make ukraine the main goal, the meaning of ukraine’s existence is anti-russia, now the ombudsman there has come down on her already the obbudsman lobunets, and the so-called, so-called representative, of the president of ukraine in crimea, in the virtual, apparently in some kind of crimea. tashev has already attacked her and is even asking the sbu to open a criminal case, the man deftly changes his shoes, here we are now seeing just a post in unian, yes, by the way, irina farionon was an exemplary member of the communist party of the ussr, she received thanks for encouraging foreigners to learn russian, this is not a typo and your eyesight does not deceive you, this is a screenshot of a document from the lviv archives received by the publication, one of them back in 2013. why is it now that forion, who at a certain point was very pleasing to the current ukrainian government, yes, is now somehow out of the loop, why are criminal cases being opened,
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or is this some kind of ostentatious process, it’s all about her it was fine until she... she leaked this waiter, that is, because of some waiter in the crimea, well, she screwed up, of course, she should be in prison, that’s all, and not this, that i do you think that we can end this, i agree, we know that a huge number of soldiers in the ssu speak russian, let’s watch another video, but no one there speaks, mova or this language, well, moreover , almost everywhere, well, where i was, i can’t talk about all the units, but everywhere we were, it was... basically, either the predominance of the russian language or some kind of surge, at best, here in our unit we probably have it all the time, not just when there is a report needed from a person in ukrainian, all the other russian-speaking people , it’s interesting that they speak language, not all russian-speaking people there probably don’t understand what they’re talking about it is said in the ranks that it is correct that they first of all mobilize and throw into the war precisely
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people from the southeastern regions of the russians. in order to turn them into the very best, to bring them closer to this level of knowledgeable banderaites, like pharaoh, but how to do this, if they die, if people are wounded on the front line, then, accordingly , imagine how many around them, relatives, friends, colleagues, immediately become russophobes, this is specially done technologically, but just westerners these are all a long time ago...' there are no russian-speaking people there in ukraine, there are russians, that's all, we need to accept this, accept this, it was our most important mistake that since the nineties we called our compatriots russian-speaking, this is a very important story, in the same baltic states russian-speaking latvians actively say,
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in fact there are russian people, if a ukrainian speaks russian, he is russian. that's it, period, there can be no other opinions on this matter, we figured it out, now we have a short advertisement, immediately after even more fakes and, most importantly, even more revelations, the premiere of the season, there were two killers, one of them is still is free, and the case cannot be closed, you killed my son, and now i have another doll, just as obedient as you, and what are we looking for? we're looking for the second killer. mosgaz, the last thing cherkassova. final episode. who came? vikhrov. watch the time after the program. on the first. in a sense, my films are a battle with myself. at times i start yelling at myself, and at times i
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talk to god. it's not always the same. stone became famous at the age of 40, later than other star directors of his generation. in my opinion, cinema is, first of all, a direct, immediate experience. it's a kind of autobiography, it's always about you, even when you try to get rid of yourself in order to convey the experience of others. and is it strange that a person with a background who provides plots for films ends up becoming a film director. there must be some kind of law. the gravity that unites all my films, in my opinion, they are all about heroes, a hero who strives to find his soul. matador, olive stone, tomorrow, on the first day, addressing yourself, i hope you are addressing all of humanity. yes,
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friends, we have landed in the south of kamchatka. please for. we are in the natural habitat of the kamchatka brown bear, here they are, look, guys, i have this i feel like i’m now watching some kind of traveler channel, but everything here is big, big bears, big crabs, volcanoes, it’s just hot, oh, a small island, it ’s called the island of old men, and the island is named after a bird, an ordinary old man, old , a star, and also a super old man, he’s my good one. this is maria sadnik, this is evgeny pokrovsky, and here
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we go, the premiere is on saturday, on the first. hot ice, broadcasts, on the weekend on the first. love figure skating, appreciate figure skating, adore figure skating. give him a brief description, professional quality. smart, so, good reactions, brilliant command of the german language. i was born in a ural village.
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i killed a colonel and a mayor, now i’ll kill a colonel every day, my character is rather weak, it seems to me that i really want to and women, gentlemen, what’s the matter, the elimination of kokh is of great political... significance, is it worth risking such a valuable agent for the sake of eliminating kokh ? based on real events. a true intelligence officer must be ready for anything. on the razor's edge, the premiere of the serial film, coming soon first. he is the enemy, you fell in love with him like a cat, you get pleasure. this is an anti-fake program and we continue, as stated in the next fake, the administration is stealing animals from the kherson askania
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nova nature reserve and transporting them to the krasnodar safari park. the theft occurs as part of a cooperation agreement. the corresponding agreement is invalid, because from the ukrainian reserve it is signed by a russian protege who is not the head. in fact, the enemy is simply stealing animals and destroying a unique reserve. previously , russian military personnel were also spotted on the territory of the reserve. the kherson region is part of the russian federation, well, de yuri de facto, by the way, why is askania new, new askania, a native of germany, which then remember, the new light of europe, was called novorossi, all such skillful, dashing people, enterprising people came there in order to serve the russian empress, well , under catherine, then as emperor. and one of these german dukes, he came to this territory and created an estate there, which he named
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after his native land askani, he was ascanian, so the new askania, and then there really was such a reserve and just you know, you can meet bison there, zebras, that is, they are real, we can find out who is now left in the reserve , since we have all the animals in the reserve , which are african, asian, we have everything due to cooling weather conditions, then all the heat-loving ones are in our premises, those that we keep in semi-free confinement groups of animals, they they are also in pens, where they feel great, they have enough food supply, in antelope forests, they are heat-loving animals. they will spend the winter well, that is, food, they receive proper nutrition here, that is, care and, accordingly, maintenance, until next spring they will
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feel great, what can i tell you about you, that you were seen off with us, yes, i’m without gingerbread. yes , no, this will not work, we are trying to preserve and not exterminate, about the export of animals - this is complete nonsense, because this is unrealistic, these are huge herds, they are all wild animals and this is not a sheep, nor a cow, nor a domestic animal, which can simply be taken and taken out, that is, in order to take them out from here, here... it is very necessary to go through a series of events, so this is all not true,
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the director of the state government is in contact with us biosphere reserve scania novaya dmitry meshcheryakov, we are glad to welcome you, good afternoon, i was just reading this fake, tell me, is the ukrainian side somehow helping now, well, they consider this their reserve, and it’s like i’m at the reserve i understand there is some even a leader - from the ukrainian side, there is some kind of help, they bring you something, transfer money, well , of course there is no help from the ukrainian side, no help at all, what situation would you find yourself in if it were not for now there was no help, well, you know, i... took part in the dokuchay conference, an environmental one, and gave a report, so one of the parts of my report was, there was a description of the situation with the askania nova reserve, which happened - during the great patriotic war war, during occupation by german troops, and during the civil war, 1917-1920,
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so this is the situation... that was then and the one that could be now in conditions of complete oblivion of the reserve would be approximately the same, that is, it is devastation and complete destruction reserve. now agreements are being signed between russian nature reserves, what kind of agreements are they, and what kind of assistance is expected in the near future. look, the main purpose of signing the agreements that we are currently concluding. i’ll just read you a couple of points from the agreement, that is, the main subject of the agreement is the conservation of the biodiversity of the european steppes, that is, we enter into an agreement with those organizations and institutions that are located at approximately the same latitude geographically, have approximately the same steppe terrain, and accordingly, we have approximately the same conditions of detention... animals, so the main
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thing is to conduct joint research work, there is no talk of any kind of sale of animals, in any case, we are not talking about these agreements, and one of the clauses of the agreement, which i will also quote to you now in order to remove all questions altogether, this agreement is not a transaction within the meaning of article 153 of the civil code of the russian federation and is not the basis for the emergence of property rights and obligations of the parties, that is , we are saying that according to these agreements, we do not have the right to transfer rights in relation to anyone, to anyone, what kind of livestock are currently in animal reserves? current livestock, 3,293 individuals us, we currently have 37 species of ungulates and 70 species of birds
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, of which... these are ratites, african ostrich, rhea and emu, and which of these animals is now the most difficult, maybe someone needs special care , special conditions that were difficult to provide in the current situation, the most difficult thing are exotic species of animals that require special care, especially in winter, since they are introduced into our area, and for them this is not their usual condition of existence, due with in winter time yes these animals require transfer to special conditions, they are moved to special premises prepared in advance for this purpose, they are provided with an appropriate food system, for example, someone was transported to the krasnodar safari park temporarily, but no, you might fall, you already have enough of that, yes, to calm down our viewers, please tell me, is the reserve this year ready for winter, the reserve this year is ready for winter,
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100%, i want to reassure the audience. and here i would also like, of course, to wish you a speedy opening, so i would like to ask, i so i understand that right now the reserve is closed to the public, yes, but do you have, are you making any plans for its immediate opening, and when is it planned, if it is planned, approximately the opening of the reserve, visits to excursion routes are planned - closer to 1 may twenty-four, wonderful, it’s already very, very... very soon, thank you very much to all the workers of the reserve , a huge ardent greeting, thank you, beautiful word antelope, i somehow haven’t heard it before, i have another ratite bird, straight, how many more interesting things do we


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