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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  November 24, 2023 6:00pm-6:40pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] 50 years ago, not even 100 years ago, trains in america did not derail as quickly as they do now, which means that in reality the american economy is bursting at the seams, like the european economy, like, unfortunately, the argentinean one, but ours the cause is just, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, all the best, goodbye, see you next week, take care of yourself. hello, there is evening news on channel one, in the studio of maxim sharafuddinov, here are the main topics of the episode. man among machines. where are the boundaries of the development of artificial intelligence and what are the latest achievements in the field of
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artificial intelligence. the questions that the participants of the international conference in moscow are looking for answers to, today the president addressed them, how to make our country more efficient, all the people happy, this is what they asked, 31 group strikes on enemy targets, more than one and a half hundred neutralized drones and a more advantageous position on different frontline sectors, our ministry of defense summed up the work of our fighters for the week, how the middle east truce is being observed, it has begun today, within the framework of the agreements, hamas promises to release the first group of hostages. the beginning of the reorganization of the perinatal care system in moscow. in the west of the capital , a medical center with super equipment was built to provide emergency care to newborns and their mothers. on one territory everything from a neonatal clinic and maternity hospital to a
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women's health center. cold outside. hot inside surprises from the tyumen region at the russia exhibition and an exposition of domestic electric vehicles in the spotlight at vdnkh, we’ll tell you what you can’t miss. moscow is bound by snowfall, rain and wind in crimea and +22 in sochi, all about the weather for the weekend. artificial intelligence will open a new chapter in human history, vladimir putin said. the president spoke today. at the plenary session of the international conference, which is dedicated to the latest advances in the field of neural networks. the technological world in the future should be multipolar, the head of state emphasized. our country is one of the few that has its own developments in the field of artificial intelligence, and this competitive advantage needs to be strengthened. technologies are our future, but they need to be developed wisely. how far progress has come, in which areas robots will never replace humans, and what the president asked
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... artificial intelligence, we learn from anton vernitsky’s report. it would seem that artificial intelligence is something from the future, but when you realize that the conferences organized by sber have been taking place for the eighth year in a row, he has already literally surrounded his journey into the world of artificial intelligence, and such the conference does not have a name; vladimir putin began by visiting a kind of exhibition of achievements; artificial intelligence already has many of them. now in the era of artificial intelligence, there are two impenetrable fortresses, two rights that man reserved for himself. this is creativity, emergence, these fortresses have collapsed. if the concept of creativity is more or less clear, artificial intelligence can already compose music and develop vaccines, then emergence is the presence of properties in a system that are not inherent in its components separately. if we compare it with the human brain, then each of its cells individually cannot solve large problems, but together they turn into a powerful human computing machine. how this happens in the world of artificial intelligence is of great interest to scientists; they
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prefer to talk about what is scary. a logical question arises: can artificial intelligence replace a manager? not yet, artificial intelligence will not replace it, but it will multiply the speed of information processing and free up time for things that only humans can do. immediately the president was asked to communicate with artificial intelligence, should he contact him somehow or just, no, just ask a question: come up with a new year's fairy tale, the main thing? come up with a new year's fairy tale, two friends lived in a distant country, father frost and snow maiden, one day, when they had almost finished preparing for the new year, a misfortune happened, their hut caught fire, but then a miracle happened, a kind wizard appeared and helped them put out the fire, ministry of emergency situations the president did not listen to the happy ending of the new year's story, firstly, german gref said that there was a few more presentations, and secondly, a plenary session, opening which vladimir putin formulated
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a question for artificial intelligence, a more complicated one, the simplest question applicable to today’s agenda, how to make our country more efficient, all people happy, this is a question for artificial intelligence, so that to achieve all this, in the near future, as one of the first steps, a presidential decree will be signed to approve a new edition of the national strategy for the development of artificial intelligence. i ask the government, the alliance, the russian academy sciences, to propose a mechanism that will provide domestic scientists with access to existing supercomputers being created in russia. the current capacity of russian supercomputers should, of course, be increased no less than the staff. it is necessary to put before the leader of the first ranking of universities in terms of the quality of training of specialists in the field
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of artificial intelligence, these are the higher school of economics, mfi, itmo, moscow and st. petersburg state universities, as well as skoltech. we are ready to think about making a change. send science funding additional funds for research and development in the application of generative artificial intelligence and large language models. the introduction of artificial intelligence in russia has already radically changed the face of many areas that directly affect every citizen. first of all, this is the urban environment, public transport, public service systems, ecology, education, and healthcare. artificial intelligence will not replace a medical professional or teacher. however, he can serve as their faithful, effective assistant, provide the teacher has more time to raise children, help the doctor prevent, detect diseases at an early stage, and use them for remote monitoring of people’s health.
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let me emphasize, for the citizen, the daily implementation of the advanced generation of artificial intelligence is a modern human-centric social sphere, this is... quality of life and new opportunities for professional activity. a breakthrough in medicine, education and the construction of fundamentally new management schemes, according to german gref, will be achieved already in soon. we see that in the next 5 years everything will change very much, humanity will receive, and each person will receive their own personal assistant, whose abilities will exceed all technologies that have existed. until now, he will be an assistant to a person both in office work, work, and in heavy industries. at the same time, vladimir putin emphasized that it is necessary to ensure the safety and reasonableness of the creation of artificial intelligence technologies, but the future does not lie in
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prohibitions. it's simply impossible to ban impossible, it will still develop. if we ban something, it will develop elsewhere, and we will only fall behind, that’s all. and that's how everyone talks. who has the ability to develop artificial intelligence. back in 2019, the president set the task of taking a leading position in the field of future technology. agreements were signed with leading state-owned companies on areas of research in the field of advanced technologies. so sber became responsible for artificial intelligence, russian railways for the creation of quantum computers, rosatom for new materials. rostec - development in the field of wireless communications and the internet of things. and since today's conference began with a question. which putin asked the supercomputer ended with the same question, but not of artificial intelligence, but of hermann gref. let me ask you a question, what is your dream? my dream is that everything we talked about will come true. it is clear that a revolution
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is some kind of sharp breakdown of old norms, rules, orders, a transition, as they now say, to completely new platforms to new laws for life, society as a whole and the specific people, we, of course, do not need any sudden changes, we don’t need changes here, we need evolution, but it must be organized quickly, efficiently, effectively, at all levels, at the business level, at the municipal level, federal subjects, federal authorities in all spheres of life, only by concentrating intellectual, administrative and financial resources, according to vladimir putin, can the future of the country be ensured. anton vernitsky, svetlana barkova, alexander anonichev, channel one. now data on the progress of the special operation from our ministry of defense. over the course of a week, russian units carried out 31 group strikes with precision weapons and drones on airfields, weapons and ammunition depots,
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military equipment and fuel bases. in addition, the locations of the armed forces of ukraine, the national formation of the prohibited azov, as well as a foreign region were hit. since last saturday , almost six dozen attacks have been repelled, air defense systems have destroyed 12 unmanned boats in the black sea during the week that were en route to the crimea, and troops have improved in the kupinsky direction position on individual. there are over 400 militants in all directions. in the donetsk direction, the southern group of troops repelled 22 enemy attacks and inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment in the areas of the settlements of marinkov, kurdyumovka, vasyukovka, artyomovsk, andreevka klescheevka of the donetsk people's republic. over the past week, enemy losses in this
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direction amounted to more than 1.68 military personnel killed and wounded, four tanks, 10 armored combat vehicles, 18 vehicles and 14 field artillery pieces. in the kherson direction, the opponents made unsuccessful attempts to land combat groups on the islands and the left bank of the dnieper. as a result of the preemptive actions of the russian troops and artillery fire raids, the losses of the ukrainian armed forces in this direction in a week amounted to 405 military personnel, 11 field artillery guns, 12 boats and 26 vehicles. our military personnel struck at the location of the ukrainian national battalion kraken, which is banned in russia. the data was reported by a captured militant, a direct participant in the punitive a detachment known for its reprisals and terror. the city's nationalists called themselves the elite meat of budanov, the head of the main department.
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ukraine, however, during the interrogation the prisoner abruptly changed his rhetoric, talking in detail about western weapons, commanders who did not care about the fate of their subordinates, and about why he surrendered, alexey kruchinin listened to confessions of people like him, strong, dexterous, hardy, according to the prisoner of war andrei prikhodka, we were always glad to see in the krakin national battalion, in a special unit of ukrainian intelligence, comes as well as excellent sports training. i've been doing it for 12 years, yeah. i passed boxing, roughly speaking, i liked it myself, after the first training, this is a fragment of the morning broadcast of mariupol television seven years ago, andrei prikhodko is the pride of the local boxing school, the champion of ukraine, but a long happy life in boxing did not work out, in the twentieth the guy changed his sports uniform to military, my career was winding down, but i wanted to go to the professionals, with a coach and a long conversation, they realized that i wouldn’t
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be able to get there, i didn’t see myself in the factory there or some kind of loader, the only way where it was possible to more or less work, career growth, and status, and so on, i chose the security service of ukraine, so to get there, i have a complete higher education, i needed service, i passed on the contract. when the special operation began, he served in an anti-sabotage detachment, then in the marine corps. the militants who fought in kraken called themselves the elite meat of budanov, the head of the main intelligence department of ukraine. there was more careful preparation more narrowly focused, there krakin is considered as assault unit, there were some certain moments that went into more depth, our weapons are yunatov, weapons, everyone has the same caliber, everyone works with mainly rifles . or scar l, machine gunners
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generally have at least 249. in june , krakin militants appeared on belgorod soil. the ex-boxer’s detachment supported the radical’s sabotage raid into the new tavalzhanka. already in july, under berkhovka , andrei prikhodka’s group was defeated. he, the wounded one, was abandoned near our positions. two once the connection came out, he said that i was alive, that i was still here. basically, i just needed light cover so that i could get out of there. well, as i understand it, the commander gave the order for everyone to leave and leave me behind. a few hours later, the parish was captured by russian paratroopers. how they treated you in captivity, well, not as described in principle, that is, no one beat me, they treated me, they rewound my wounds, that is, in a humane way. but as described, it’s exactly the opposite, that is, they beat and torture. and so on, and this is where
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it is described on television in the press or in internet resource. beating and torturing are exactly the methods of krakin, whose backbone initially consisted of militants from the kharkov wing of the azov regiment banned in russia. one of the commanders of the kraknovites was sergei velichko with the call sign chile, a native of football ultras and a neo-nazi with a biography that includes outrages on the maidan and racketeering in prison. and then work in azov, where he already gave his full vent. sadism, savagely torturing russian prisoners of war. greatly involved in the mass bullying of our guys in malaya rogan, kharkov region, when the bound men were shot in the legs. what did you know about the reputation of this. when you got there, you knew that at the beginning krakin’s warriors tortured prisoners of war, when exactly i got there , i didn’t ask myself this question, so i didn’t know anything about it, i didn’t hear about it, if you knew about such facts, they continued would serve, but no, rather nothing, of course, it is difficult to admit that he was an ally of war
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criminals and sadists, even velichko once tried to give back, confusingly making excuses for atrocity near kharkov, our unit shot through the legs... of russian prisoners, people are prisoners, they surrendered, they have their hands tied, but i don’t think that’s right, i don’t know where this video came from, but i don’t think that’s right , but those who violate all the public and unspoken laws of war are not forgiven, they are searched for until the end of their inglorious life and, as a rule, they find, our special services have information that the great social network page, which has not been updated for a month, could have died in early november in kharkov , when russian troops... the russian federation, in cooperation with units of the ministry of defense, carried out missile attacks on permanent deployment points, headquarters, hostels converted into barracks, as well as
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the fleet of equipment available for the arsenal of this unit, with a high degree of probability we can say that the dead and up to a man wounded, including, with a high degree of probability, we are convinced that the commander of the unit krakin with the call sign chile was also destroyed. and former krakin andrei prikhodko, whose career in ukrainian the security forces obviously won’t work out anymore, he doesn’t want to fight anymore, no matter how his fate is decided, he says that he is rather satisfied with it, having surrendered, at least he remained alive. alexey kruchinin, roman khorolenko, roman sidorov, svetlana vidyashkina and sergey prokovev. channel one, donbass. our fighters on the front line are supported by the entire country. the everything for victory project has united millions of people who want to help the hero. in a year and a half, a colossal amount of 10 billion rubles was collected. drones, guns, scopes, tires, body armor, everything is important. following the folk front, training camps for our guys who
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risk their lives every day are organized by tv presenters, artists, politicians, and military officers. the next new year's eve has already started and everyone can join it. now. by the qr code that you see on the screen or on the website the new year's gathering is certainly warm, as we call it ourselves, because there will be heat guns to dry the trenches, there will be various warm things, gifts for the soldiers and much, much more that they are now asking for, so i encourage everyone to do this to join, i urge you to take part in this, and so that our guys are on the front line. were with new year's gifts, the guys are learning, well, by the way, in addition to the new year's, alexey kruchinin's collection for the soldiers of the northern fleet continues, our colleague will deliver copters, rap equipment, thermal imagers to the fighters, in addition, there is a collection for tires, which was opened by the military correspondent of the first channel irina kuksenkova, all you can find information on
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the popular front website. and now the middle east, the long-awaited regime of silence in both countries of the conflict. started working in the morning the humanitarian pause is expected to last. day, at these moments, according to agreements, an exchange of prisoners is taking place, the first israeli hostages have already been handed over to the red cross. the media reports that this is 25 people. now they are leaving the gas sector for egypt. in turn, the jewish state will release 150 palestinian prisoners, but not all at once, but in groups. in addition, during the truce, fuel and basic necessities for residents will be delivered to the enclave. however, tsakhal has already emphasized that all measures are temporary, the war is not yet completed. he is monitoring the situation. pavel pcholkin. at 7:00 am local time, trucks with food, medicine, water and fuel began moving through the rafah checkpoint between egypt and the gas sector. israel agreed to allow 200 to 300 trucks per day to enter the enclave. today, for the first time in 48 days, when the sun rose, an explosion
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of gunfire was not heard in the enclave. i think that these days, which they call a truce, are necessary to at least somewhat normalize the situation of people displaced from the north of the sector and the city of gaza. all of them are now experiencing something for which there is no name in the humanitarian dictionary. we see the truce as a way to breathe after 48 days of suffering. i am from gaza city and have been displaced to rafah, i hope that the truce will come into force throughout the gaza strip so that i can come and see what is left of my home. now we are prohibited from doing this. it is difficult to imagine what is happening in the southern part of gaza now. during a month and a half of bombing, they were moved here from the north. taking into account the blocking of the land, water and air sectors, humanitarian the catastrophe is not just approaching, it is already happening, almost everything that is required for people’s lives has run out, including food, clean water, fuel and medicine. a truce can only partially solve the problem. in this footage, ambulances arrived at
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the israeli lan base to meet the liberated israelis, at approximately 17:00 moscow time, in accordance with the agreements, the exchange of hostages was to begin. the first stage of the deal involves the release of thirteen israelis by the hamas movement, which captured 7 october during an attack by movement militants on the israeli border region. mostly women and children. after they talk to their family on the phone, they will be taken to five major medical centers throughout israel, depending on their health status, depending on the medical needs they have, in order to give them the best treatment as quickly as possible, there they will be able to see their loved ones. israel, in turn, releases 39 palestinians it held. as for the exchange, it was in tunuta when israel accepted. male and the females expected to be
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handed over to the red cross are 24 women and 15 juvenile prisoners from jerusalem's west bank. in total, the deal provides for the exchange of 50 israeli hostages for 150 palestinian prisoners, while israel pledged to extend the truce by a day for the release of every ten hostages beyond the agreement. khal publishes footage taken in the north of gaza. israeli military equipment with unfurled flags leaves the enclave, reportedly for rest and rotation of military personnel. the israeli foreign minister assured that the military will definitely return. we will continue after the pause for the safety of israel and call on the whole world to work with us to liberate the gaza strip from hamas. meanwhile, russia took out another group of our compatriots from the gas sector: the emercom board landed at night at domodedovo airport and brought another 103 people with russian passports, almost
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half were children, my aunt’s house was blown up, we all started crying, my mother’s brother died, i i'm glad to see my dad, i'm glad to see, i'm glad come to your homeland, people die from the city, die from illness, no medicine, no doctors. there is no hospital, very, very scary, in one minute he can drink 100, shots from planes and tanks, this is already the seventh group of russians taken out , thanks to the efforts of diplomats and employees of the ministry of emergency situations, about seven hundred have already left the conflict zone, as the ministry of emergency situations reported, now in cairo , another 100 people with russian passports are preparing for evacuation. pavel pchelkin, evgenia stefanchuk, sergei romanov, channel one. now there is a small advertisement, and then in we’ll tell you something else about the program. the beginning
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of the reorganization of the perinatal care system in moscow. in the west of the capital , a medical center with super equipment was built to provide emergency care to newborns and their mothers. on one territory everything from a neonatal clinic and maternity hospital to a women's health center. cold outside. hot inside surprises from the tyumen region at the russia exhibition and the exposition of domestic electric vehicles in the spotlight at vdnkh will tell you what you can’t miss. moscow bound by snowfall, rain and wind in crimea and +22 in sochi. all about the weather for the weekend. and we 'll be back in just a couple of minutes.
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stay on the first channel. hot ice. live broadcast, tomorrow on the first, love figure skating, appreciate figure skating, adore figure skating. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. 1 2 3 4 i'm leaving to look for you, the serine killer is divided into
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four different types, according to their motivations, right? otherwise they kill because of love, you probably sent a request to him, they don’t have such an employee, and you know igor well, there’s no coffee you drink, there is no girl, you scare me, i love you. go away, it hurts me, don’t come here again, what do i like, doc?
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territory, soon. on the first one, maybe the tail will hang behind him, let’s wait, his head is now full of others, cognac, old barrel, product of the stellar group, the best way to get to these places is by plane, because trains don’t go here from the mainland, i’m on an island sakhalin, friends, how much? now a kilogram of ton is in the cage, now there is a ton of 15, if a good big female, then a liter of caviar is already, the men came with i had more pleasure eating buckwheat than caviar, i can’t eat this caviar anymore, i got enough of this caviar, there is such an interesting mineral pyrite, they also call it fool’s gold, so
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let’s go look for fool’s gold, how dangerous is this entertainment, first of all, i... already 3 an hour under the spotlights, here it’s no less than +40 , it itches, there’s no need to put it on your naked body, we’re royal or imperial , attention is a question, don’t make fun of it, motor, camera, extras have started. let's keep our penguin gait more cheerful, attention to the praguns , we got ready, we started, we finally drove,
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but our life, the game, the extraordinary adventures of experts in the winter series of games, on sunday on the first, this is the evening news and we continue: a big event in moscow healthcare: today the mayor of the city sergei sobyanin visited the new perinatal center at the savelyeva hospital, where there is everything for expectant mothers and newborns. the medical institutions are located in the southwest, they built it from scratch and this is the starting point in the reorganization of the perinatal care system in the capital, about new healthcare standards, anna kurbatova. women's health center is so, very similar to a standard moscow clinic, just as spacious. large rooms, clear navigation, and of course, modern equipment, here are the latest ultrasound machines, expert class machines, mamographs, ct, mri, there is even a machine for performing cardiotography of the latest generation, you can see how the baby’s heart beats in the womb, even if the baby itself is sleeping, i have been working as an obstetrician for more than thirty years, and this is the first time i have seen such a device, there was another ctg device, but not so accurate, on the previous
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old bule machines, when the baby was sleeping, it comes to us... to redo it several times, to wake him up with sweet candies, and now, please, everything is removed more accurately and there is no such need. the women 's health center, the first of its kind in the capital, appeared on the basis of the thirty-first hospital in moscow, it was built from scratch, and everything was thought out to the smallest detail. on the first and second floors there is diagnostics, a higher hospital, intensive care, a department for nursing babies who were in a hurry to be born prematurely; you can get to the new departments from the old perinatal center through a transition. we will now care for the smallest patients from 22 weeks of gestation with a body weight of 500 gm and we will provide them with a full cycle of treatment. we did not have this before, we transferred these children to large multi-specialty children's hospitals, the mayor of the capital visited this department today, all our children are being nursed in
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modern conditions allows us to transport children in the most gentle brushing conditions , we also have replacement therapy, which you don’t have, what we don’t have, it seems to me that we don’t have everything, congratulations, and so, according to him, now should be everywhere, in moscow it is actively carrying out... modernization of the entire healthcare system, starting from polyclinics , ending with our largest multifunctional clinics, one of the areas, very important, in medicine, important for residents is antenatal clinics, in moscow there are about 90, they are located, unfortunately, not in the best premises, many of them are morally impaired. are already outdated, together with specialists and doctors , they have developed a new modern standard for providing assistance in antenatal clinics. the new standard is also the comfort of the mother with
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a child, this is what the wards look like here, for example, there are single and double rooms, and the baby is not separated from his mother, even if he has to be in an incubator. oxygen can be supplied here, it is maintained here using servo control, that is, double, double the number of sensors, yes, that is , temperature. here it’s like in mom’s tummy, yes, in principle. in general, conditions for pregnant women in moscow have been created in stages, for several years now, a network of obstetric hospitals has appeared, two new perinatal centers have been built, one of the largest in russia based on sixty-seventh hospital, opened last year, now they provide any help that a woman might need, polina yashina, who recently gave birth to her fifth, there will be some injections, there is very good equipment here and what i liked most is that i am here i didn’t meet a single, let’s say... so angry employee, at screenings, at examinations, at all the ones i was here, i really liked the maternity ward itself, you are alone there, and you don’t hear
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anyone around, well, that’s it , to the new standard assistance to women, according to the world, should be completely transferred to the capital in the next few years. anna kurbatova, ivan strukov, yulia khodorova, darya rybakova, dmitry tishchenko, channel one. let's go with the southwest. moscow will be transported to the north-east in the spotlight of vdnkh and the exhibition of russia , we see what is happening now in real time, thanks to our cameras installed, including the highest point, for example, a view from the ferris wheel of the moscow sun. today at the exhibition is a special day for the tyumen region, a region with not only powerful production potential, but also tourism from the siberian spa and thermal springs, to active recreation in a harsh climate. my colleague, dmitry kochitkov, discovered... a lot of new things, the tyumen region is not only oil, guests of the russian exhibition learned a lot of new things about this subject of the federation. cold outside, hot inside - this is the motto of the tyumen
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region, the region is famous for its thermal springs, which remain from the ancient west siberian sea, a sanatorium was built next to the springs, and here you can see carved platbands of ancient tyumen houses and decipher them, for example, a fish head symbolizes prosperity. as it turned out, the harsh climate does not affect the mood of the residents of tyumen. according to the results of a study by the all-russian center for public opinion research, nine out of ten tyumen residents surveyed say that they are happy. that is, yes, this tyumen region is a region of happy people; people actually have many reasons to love our region. in recent years, tyumen has also become a place of attraction for travelers. hot mineral water. this is a good form of recreation, this is an excellent resource for improving your health, especially since tyumen is much closer than many people think, only 2.5 hours flight from moscow, this is closer than sochi,
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each region at this exhibition has its own image: stand of the altai republic, visitors are greeted by princess ukok, an ancient mummy found in the early nineties, the arkhangelsk region invites you to take a photo with mikhail, a native of the sea. number 16 nature city city professions of young visitors teaches you how to extinguish forest fires, here you can feel like pilots of a forest security aircraft. the main thing that we want to convey to both the children and, in principle, all the guests of this exhibition is the importance and necessity of strictly observing fire safety rules in forests, you should not touch a cigarette butt over a fire, it is easier to prevent any fire than to extinguish it later, in the parking lot in front of pavilion 75 there is a russian deputy prime minister alexey overchuk and members of the council of the eurasian economic
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commission got acquainted with the new products. we believe that in the very near future in the future, we will be able to meet the demand for electric vehicles through our own production. and in the pavilion of words there is now a museum of ancient writing, there are not only books, they are such things, this is our life, this is our correspondence in messengers, even on a weekday there are a lot of guests at the main exhibition of the year, for adults in general, to see what a multifaceted, huge country we are. you know, even i remembered all the regions, i didn’t even know some regions at all, to my shame, that’s why what each region is rich in is all the more so, it’s very interesting, you need to know russia, get to know it, you won’t be able to see all the diversity of the country in one day, many come
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here again during the new year holidays , the capital is swept away, this is clearly visible at the vdh, here it is snow-white moscow, the flapping covered sixteenth pavilion, which dmitry kochetkov just talked about, there you can , by the way, not only learn how to put out forest fires, but also learn the intricacies of preparing a weather forecast; there are weather stations nearby, where all the latest weather flows information about temperature, wind force and precipitation , not only in the capital, but throughout the country, the most accurate forecast for... the weekend is known to the specialists of the hydromedical center, among them lyudmila parshina, who goes live. good evening, lyudmila, over to you. maxim, hello, the atmospheric fronts of the cyclone that left povozhye left their mark in the south of russia. a new cyclone is approaching, which , together with a whirlwind from scandinavia, will be marked by bad weather. rain and sleet are expected over the weekend in the krasnodar territory, in the south of the region, rain with thunderstorms and very strong winds. republic of the north. the caucasus will also
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experience rain and sleet; in the mountains there will be snowfalls and gusty winds, especially strong in ingushetia, 28 m per second. on november 25 , heavy rainfall will occur again in the lugansk people's republic; heavy rains are expected in the donetsk people's republic, zaporozhye and kherson regions. in the lake region on sunday the wind will increase to 24 m/s. bad weather will not bypass crimea. it will even be flooded. southwest wind will reach the criteria in some places hurricane 35 m/s. but despite the stormy weather, the air temperature on the black sea coast is up to 22°. in the northern caucasus, of course , it is cooler up to +10. in ingushetia, the chechen republic and dagestan it is up to 21°. but in the center of russia and in its north-west , snowy and frosty weekends are planned. on november 26 , another mediterranean cyclone will worsen
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the weather. situation in the central black earth region, with it we expect heavy precipitation, accumulation of wet snow, ice and gusty winds. there will be light snow in st. petersburg on saturday -6-8°, on sunday up to -10°. in moscow, there will be light snow from time to time on the weekends. the frost is weaker than in st. petersburg. on saturday and sunday -1-3. on sunday the wind will increase with the approach of the southern cyclone, that's the strength. we are predicting this already on monday. thank you, it was lyudmila parshina with the latest information about the weather, well, that’s all for now ; good mood for the coming snowy weekend, and the information channel on the first will continue with the program man and the law. metallurg hockey players in the khl championship match in magnitogorsk, they accepted a chelyabinsk tractor. the hosts opened the scoring in the second.
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their swedish defender robin press scored in a minute. in the very middle of the first period , nineteen-year-old danilo yurov increased magnitka's advantage. in the second , alexander petunin scored two more goals against the tractor drivers; forwards from kazakhstan nikita mikhailis, who converted the majority, as a result of a combination with the participation of the same


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