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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  November 25, 2023 6:00pm-6:21pm MSK

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artyom, stop humiliating yourself, it is very important that when the main person in the country is not corrupt, intolerance to corruption is one of his priorities. a huge corruption scandal in ukraine. ermak in this interview, he actually makes excuses, in america they directly said, guys, stop stealing. ukraine steals a lot and thanks to this, by the way, from us. hello, the evening news is on air, ekaterina berezovskaya is in the studio, here are the main topics, so early, so unfair, in moscow they said goodbye to the military correspondent of the tv channel russia-24 by boris maksudov, he died from an enemy drone strike, two ukrainian planes were shot down, over 100 militants were killed, the main thing... reports from our
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ministry of defense. successes on several fronts at once. a fragile truce and the first results. everyone is waiting for the second exchange of hostages between israel and hamas. we take our family and friends and go on a trip all over russia to vdnkh. a grandiose exhibition, the main center of attraction. today is the day of the sverlovsk region. in moscow today they forgiven. with the military correspondent of the russia-24 tv channel boris maksudov. he was killed during filming by an enemy drone strike. 38 years old, a reporter by vocation, in love with his work, was in the northern military district zone from the first days, worked bravely and professionally. by presidential decree, our colleague was awarded the order of courage. hundreds of colleagues and friends came to the television center on shabolovka to say goodbye to the military correspondent of the russia-24 tv channel, boris maksudov. they carried flowers, with difficulty, infinitely difficult, to say goodbye to
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colleagues, friends, those who completed their professional journalistic duties to the end duty, the most tragic thing is that our guys, and boris, and before him igor kornelyuk and anton voloshin, targeted them, they tried to kill them precisely for the truth that they carried, it doesn’t matter if they were mines, it was a drone in this case, but the man who calmly controlled the destinies of people, seeing that they were unarmed, we will definitely find them all, that section of the front where...
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boris maksudov filmed his last report in the range of enemy drone artillery. ukrainian militants were tracking the film crew and could not help but see that they were striking not for the military, but for an unarmed person. they call journalists the same targets as military personnel. at the farewell ceremony, first deputy head of the presidential administration, alexey gromov, read out the decree of the head of state, and the awarding of the order of courage to boris maksudov was posthumous. we lost. a friend of a comrade, a colleague, a brave, very kind person who enjoyed authority in the community of absolutely heroic people, front-line, war correspondents, people thanks to whom the country and the world know the truth, the president the award decree was signed. boris
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bogtirovich maksudov with the order of courage for the courage and courage shown in the performance of professional duty. boris maksudov dreamed of becoming a journalist since childhood; after he graduated from the pedagogical institute, he went to television, began working in kuban, and in recent years was a special correspondent for the russia-24 tv channel. november is a special month for boris, he was born in november, left in november, in november he changed, left the news reel, became special reports with him, big films, this week we we were waiting for another one from him, he shot it, shot most of it, but didn’t have time to complete it, we as the russia 24 team must finish his movie, and i’m sure that as a team we’ll finish it, as a member of the team, he will forever remain with us, and his a place in the editorial office of russia 24 will forever be unoccupied and will be accompanied by a portrait. condolences on behalf of all of russia
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24. boris maksudov worked in the special military operation zone from the first days, he spent many business trips in donetsk, this one was in the zaporozhye direction, here are the shots. filmed on helmet-mounted camera of the military, boris interviews a soldier, takes a picture for a report , which was never completed, at the performance there is a front line and front line smoke, something where they shoot forever, where it’s cold, dirty, and look, you have tea here, yes , after the shooting, boris maksudov’s group comes out with a position across the field in the direction of the rear, at this moment the enemy is already aiming at them, this is a frame taken a few minutes before the strike by a ukrainian drone, colleagues remember that boris maksudov always came to the rescue, in last business trip, in parallel with him, the reporter of russia 24, margarta semenyuk, worked, after the news of the injury, she immediately went to takmak, where the wounded boris was brought and accompanied him until the last moment, he always told me, leave the guns and shells for
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the military, you’re a girl, tell me about the stories of the fighters, about their lives, about people, before one trip, he told me: do an experiment, don’t go near the guns, just talk to people, ask everyone one question, why did you choose that particular call sign, and after that, after this question, soldiers they told their stories and the plots turned out different, different, he always looked and said, this is already... better, this is already good, this is already interesting, i see you in these stories, and not the war. the channel one team expresses deep condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of boris maksudov. the military correspondent was buried in moscow at the troekurovsky cemetery. irina
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kuksenkova, dmitry matyushin, artyom tikhonov and alexander kovalev, channel one. now about the work of our military in the special operation zone , two ukrainians were shot down by air defense means. mik-29 dnepropetrovsk region. in addition, about two dozen enemy drones were destroyed. in the kupinsky direction , western units, with the support of aviation and artillery, repelled two attacks by the ukrainian armed forces assault groups. during the day, the enemy suffered major losses in manpower, up to 110 militants. ukrainian equipment was also destroyed. in the southern donetsk sector, russian military personnel inflicted fire on a concentration of militants near the village of nikolskaya. this is in the dnnr. our sappers are now armed with special drones that use for remote demining. drones detect enemy ammunition littering field roads and then use a charge to detonate it. report from the front line by alexey
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ivanov. our sappers are literally mastering new heights. now they are also drone operators, using drones like these. military engineers call this method simple and effective; we try to protect our work, save the lives of our comrades so that they do not get blown up by enemy mines. this is the real work of a sapper, drone operator with call sign easy. the drone's camera carefully recorded all his actions. cleared mines in a couple of directions. these are not even isolated mines, these are even directions. yes, we remove entire barriers, directly behind enemy lines, even fly beyond the end of our direction and destroy the mines there. donetsk direction, during aerial reconnaissance, a drone notices the same barrier of mines, standing in two rows, the enemy installed 10 anti-tank
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tm-62s at once, some of them are camouflaged, the militants wanted to use them against our armored vehicles the sapper neutralized this entire arsenal in half a day. during training in the rear area , the lung demonstrates this still new method of demining: a tnt block with an incendiary tube is attached to a drone, being at a safe distance, the sapper carefully lowers the charge directly onto the mine, and a release occurs. in a similar way , grenades are dropped from drones into enemy trenches; when demining remotely, the accuracy of the charge placement is also important. 5 minutes while the cord is burning is enough for the drone to fly to a safe distance and detect the explosion. the detonator went off, the mine was apparently neutralized. the same method, but
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using a grenade, has already been demonstrated; the filming was carried out at a training ground, then the mines were without fuses. the enemy has recently begun to use a new generation of weapons, so our savvy military men have mines that are installed on seismic sensors, also laser ones, they have target sensors, nato model, nato model. the sapper cannot approach them, the so-called fpividron, operator, is sent to clear the mines puts on virtual reality glasses as if he is inside a drone, and this particular specimen also flies at high speeds, try in such a situation , they tried to shoot it down many times, but due to its maneuverability and speed, that is , the drone accelerates to 100 km, flies calmly and how to do this is very difficult, even at a short distance, that is, flying directly
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around the enemy’s support positions. this is the same case, the sappers helped our attack aircraft to take the militants’ stronghold, the sushniks were hiding in the basement of a destroyed house, and they periodically fired at our soldiers with a machine gun. the drone spotted the shooter, so he fires a burst at the drone. the operator adjusts the operation of the mortar. the shells hit exactly. having made sure that the firing point has been suppressed, the attack aircraft throw a control grenade into the basement and calmly move on. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanok, ilya podkidyshev, khristina ivanova, donbass channel one. following the failed counteroffensive, ukrainian officials began to acknowledge other failures of the zelsky regime. the country does not have a clear plan for mobilization and this could lead to big problems, the deputy said. according to him, the conflict in
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ukraine could have ended last spring, but kiev refused dialogue with moscow at the behest of the west. they were ready to end the war, the russians were ready to end the war if we took neutrality, like finland, and made a commitment that we would not join nato. moreover, when we returned from istanbul, boris johnson came to kiev and said: “we won’t sign anything with them at all and let’s just fight.” let's just fight. in the zone of the palestinian-israeli conflict, as expected, the second exchange of prisoners is about to begin, and 13 more people will leave the gaza strip. the jewish state will release more than 40 palestinians. today is the second day of the truce. one of the conditions for the regime of silence is to hand over people. holds one and the other side. the day before, as part of the agreement , more than ten israelis returned home,
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in addition to them also immigrants from thailand and a filipino. it is reported that those released were taken to hospital. the media spread touching footage of a family reunion. my dearest girl, my beautiful girl, did you miss me? and vivi, have you thought about dad? you had good thoughts about me, right, what did mom tell you about me? i didn’t dream that we were going home, you dreamed that you were going home, now the dream has come true, we are home , that’s all, we are going to our home soon, israel , in turn, freed 39 palestinians, they will be taken to the west bank of the jordan river, the first to go home 24 women and 15 teenagers returned, the romans greeted them with jubilation on the streets, a warm welcome awaited them at home,
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more than 700 finalists from almost all of russia are taking part in the final stage of the professional championship in st. petersburg; it is being held in our country for the first time on the initiative of vladimir putin. college and technical school students, as well as high school students, participate. the most sought-after specialties are in the military, industrial, transport and construction sectors. more than 12,000 people competed for the right to compete in the finals in the qualifying stages. the winners will have the opportunity to undergo an internship and get a job at partner enterprises championship. on a day off - a great reason to go to vdnh with your family, the russia exhibition is waiting. we receive these frames in real time. in the lens of our cameras is that same tunnel of achievements. it's already dark. but there are a lot of people, the program is very rich, you can walk all day,
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the exhibition of the ministry of transport in the eleventh pavilion deserves special attention, our correspondent pavel matveev studied everything. today in the seventy-fifth pavilion of vdnkh is the day of the sverdlovsk region, whoever lives or has been in the urals knows that they have everything as clear as possible to the point. the best solutions, as a rule, are the most obvious, here is the stand of the sverdlovsk region, europe and asia. in what other region is there a division into europe and asia, and here it is, i’ve just been there, i’m already here, and they’re also handing out stickers, go to the blast furnace and be constructive. they know what they are saying, the residents of ekaterinburg reacted to their exposition as constructively as possible. at the russia forum , the task of the regions, by and large, is to show all the best at once. and the sverdlovsk region succeeded like no one else. you press the touch button immediately begins to move out literally from under the table. the main buildings, the main factories, the main achievements of this
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region. the region was sung by the storyteller bozhov. remember, silver hooves, this is a ural tale, or here’s another character. straight from there, and i’m a jumping firefly, a mischievous girl , where she walks, a scattering of gold remains, this is where the fairy tales end , the pure truth begins, the governor only casually mentions gems and moves on to numbers. at one time, the ural factories of the demidov clan produced 2/3 of all the metal of the russian empire, we invite guests of the exhibition to get acquainted with our region, precisely through the prism of demidov’s heritage. ural words. backed by action, by the way, this is not just a floor for you, but 300 kg of ural copper, or a blast furnace simulator, this is of course not a blast furnace, but the feeling, as they say, as if you were standing next to it, the smells and most importantly, the heat is incredible , nearby in the fifteenth pavilion,
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nevertheless a significant event, the ministry of transport opened the exhibition russia in motion, here is the model the crimean bridge and models of sea and river vessels and information about the construction of a new airport in grozny and a 3d pyramid with visualization of the operation of the glanas system and the cabin of the swallow train, you can’t get around everything. you know, the impression is amazing, because in a generally very small area we were able to really gather an idea of ​​the work of the transport industry over the past 6-10 years. achievements, here they are, you can just touch them with your hands, as they say, and what is very important, of course, is that everything has been done, very a lot has been done in a playful way, in an interactive way, and of course there will be a queue of children standing here, absolutely , new exhibitions open at the vdh every day , so people come several times, to see all the regions, right at their fingertips, in this
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interactive way, this is great, look who is here yamal iri, the yamal father frost, according to legend he... the light appeared with the birth of the tundra of the polar urals, endowed with magical power, transmitted to him by the good spirits of the north, you can sing him a song, however, you don’t have to knowing the details. the sleigh is flying fast, the bells are ringing, i'm good with myself, our winter is winter. the new year is approaching, time flies by, it’s time to think about wishes to santa claus, whatever you call him, you can make your dreams come true and... perhaps this is the main thing that little guests of the forum should take away from a trip to the vdh, look what adults have achieved, believe in yourself, and you will achieve everything you want, if you really want it and work hard , pavel matveev, veronika ilvuchenova, boris leonov, ilya marin, nikolay moloshenko,
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svetlana borkova, yuri yarchenko, channel one. my land sleeps sweetly under the stars, cloudless today is not a pool of ruddy clusters. adorned the rushing spring, far away without earth , with a rudder, sweeping wild fugues, and prowls and believes in the good, when a foolish friend sings, but simply and recklessly, blowing the scope, from joy to
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joy, kalina. and in winter, elegant, from only sweet frost, and only sweet frost from berries, the melody is a little leisurely, they sewed up the light in the bright skies, you smile again, i ’m happy, and i see me immediately in my eyes, and he is beautiful, illuminated by the dawn, and so gentle in the dawn silence, sometimes our fate is bitter. i don’t just live in the harsh side, but the scope and will of the soul is endless. from joy to tears, viburnum and winter are elegant, and only the berries are sweeter than the frost,
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only the berries are sweeter.


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