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tv   Anti Feik  1TV  November 27, 2023 9:20am-10:01am MSK

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the huge corruption scandal in ukraine, what lies yermak tried to cover up for zelsky, and klitschko also boasted about. carriages in the metro, but the whole truth turned out to be written on his face, and why ukrainian propaganda compared donetsk with mariupol and artyomovsk, about this and much more in the program today, this is an anti-fake program, and here we are waging our fight against fakes and disinformation, interesting we will discuss the news, the head of the office of the ukrainian president said that...
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supposedly one of the least corrupt countries in the world, and vladimir zelensky is the best at fighting dishonest officials. it sounds funny. it seems to me, yes, let’s listen to this video and appeal. firstly, it is very important when the main person in the country is not corrupt, therefore, if he is not corrupt, all steps and attitude towards his environment is very important. believe me, for the president today there is no person who would be allowed to do anything that would not coincide with the principles of the president. intolerance to corruption, it is excused, justified, for a reason, any topic is raised, because he asked for his help, and where did it all go , remember, the scandal named after the deputy head of the office of the president of ukraine kiril tymoshenko, whose man it was, zelsky personally, they pinned everything on him, the other guys resisted, four were removed.
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just in the regions bordering the front, why for theft in september who is reznikov being removed from the minister of defense, that is, again naturally for corruption, in america the guys directly said, stop stealing, we are sending you such colossal money, where is it going, what in general happens, and after that ermak says that vzelensky is the most honest, corruption is in europe. it’s quite a real phenomenon, there in america it’s generally legalized, it’s called weakening , there are a lot of all sorts of interesting words, they also pay taxes, yes they pay taxes, taxes on bribes, but rightly, ukraine is unlucky here, it’s stuck between two systems, between the corruption that is built, let’s say, into the state of this western progressive model, where there is corruption, yes,
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they have two corruptions, we all understand that ukraine steals a lot, and thanks, by the way, to this, and here at the front the situation is much better, a lot of things are sold there, information is leaked to our special services, there are a lot of ukrainian, let’s say, local residents, even at this level, at the grassroots, they it seems like maybe they don’t like russia, but they say, i have information about the columns, about the placement, yes, we love money, so i’m a person of principle, i’m principled. who pays have you ever heard of ukrenergo dmitry? yes, of course, i heard, i had a stage in my life when i i worked in service departments - our energy sector, so i kind of understood a little bit what a cell is, what ru, zero are, in general how generation works, how energy transport works and the like, well, ukrenergo is part of the great soviet system, nowhere in the world such a system has never been built, that is, so powerful so universal
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, well, so that it would be... understand, we have a huge country, many time zones, the sun runs across the country, the level of energy consumption changes accordingly, and generation like this you don’t transfer it, then there are, let’s say, there is a hydroelectric power station in an area of, say, aluminum production or somewhere else, that is, where industrial facilities are located, and the electricity produced is very redundant, and this system made it possible to transfer energy from one region to another, ukrenergo - it was actually really yes, the energy operator is state-owned. but under zelensky, poroshenko did not even do this, yes, under zelensky at the very beginning of his political term, in the nineteenth year, in the fall, what happens, ukrenergo becomes a private joint stock company society, i propose now to discuss the issues of ukrenergo, because in one interesting telegram channel a good article was recently published about ukrenergo, the author of this article, we will now talk, is in contact with the deputy chairman of the state duma committee on economic policy, mikhail.
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gennadyvich delyagin, we are glad to welcome you. they had a program for the construction of underground substations, that is, substations that now exist and stand on the surface, they intended to deepen the underground so that make... quietly inaccessible to our attacks. the idea is not bad, so at the beginning of the year they announced it and decided that they would build 19 substations. the first two substations were supposed to be ready by september. by october , it turned out that the two substations that were supposed to be built were at the kotlavovan stage and no one seriously moved, they just dug two holes, the cost. the deepening of one substation increased there, depending on the capacity, it was 45-100 million, it became 110-250 million, that is , the cost also more than doubled the program itself grew by $1.7 billion, but that’s not what struck me, i was struck by the nature of the discussion - in the ukrainian
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media, because no one there even seriously considered the topic that there is such a program, it is needed, it is not needed, how is it will do? they taught estimates, they didn’t teach estimates, no, they proceeded from the fact that this whole program was originally made, roughly speaking, for cutting money, that the only meaning of this program is not to achieve some creative goals, but initially it’s just cutting money, and only one topic was discussed, between whom and with whom, how this money will be divided, everything, that is, the thought of any creative activity, is absolutely alien to modern, so to speak, ukrainian society. they, in principle, cannot imagine that something is actually supposed to be done, and real life is, as i understand in their minds, from this discussion, just an excuse for theft and nothing more, thank you very much all the best, what problems
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will ukrenergo have corruption scandals in the near future? the thing is that they spent money on restoring their substations, switchgears, they spent the money, but they didn’t restore it, that is, everything is connected by a living thread, the calculation was that now autumn will come, and russia will begin to strike, they now have a reasonable question, and where did you spend the money, that is, you spent hundreds of millions there on repairs, where did they, if you didn’t repair anything, that is, you thought that the russians would bomb it all, that is, this is exactly the third scandal that will turn out, and i’m proposing now more to understand sukorenergo in more detail, military expert and lieutenant colonel andrei marochko are in touch with us, we are glad to welcome you. surely you can say a few words to the management of ukrenergo, first of all i want to say that burying substations underground is pointless, since my colleagues can confirm that the armed forces of the russian federation have a huge amount of penetrating
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ammunition, that is, concrete-piercing, so -called in any case, the target will be hit, now almost 80%, thermal electricity, electricity generation, under children's company, this is renata akhmetova, the company is managed by maxim timchenko, and his company is very closely connected with the so-called western partners, these western partners have more than once, say, been involved in such corruption scandals, and we remember green energy, it worked out zilch, absolutely nothing came of it , all the money that was allocated was simply stolen, akhmetov was doing this even before the events of 1914, since the company arose almost out of nowhere, and in terms of corruption components, he was for pennies
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he bought up absolutely all the power plants that we had on the territory of the donetsk region at that time, which was formerly part of the ussr, and then he simply profited from this enormous amount , amassing fabulous money, let me remind you that he is the richest man in europe, akhmetov, this is this adventure with substations, this is nothing more than a scam. thank you very much, all the best, let ’s watch another video, the head of ukrenergo kudritsky does not have funds for high-quality protection of electrical substations from missile attacks, but he found money for tourist trips. employee expenses in the amount of 37,200,000 hryvnia. for these funds, the state company must buy 2,000 railway tickets.
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2,000 is where they all go, as well as 8,710 for nights in five-star hotels. eh. you cannot forbid living beautifully, even during war. this mr. kudristsky, who heads ukrenergo , has a typical biography, completed various courses, of course, received grants, interned abroad, that is , such a typical little guy, let’s see another confession of a ukrainian armed forces fighter, then we’ll discuss this topic, they are carrying grenade launchers, they are carrying grenades, we even had a situation where one military man was selling a t-80 tank for 35,000 dollars, but who can sell the tank to, only the ukrainian security services, who else will buy from us, all the dudes, you know, this is how they bring something back from the front.
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left the unit with weapons and so on, he is already dangerous, god forbid he killed someone and so on, and all this enters the traffic zone, well, conventionally, these weapons and ammunition enter, they will then be used against civilians or law enforcement officers or something else someone, explosions and so on, let’s listen to this statement now, then let’s turn on the video, we can confirm it, if... according to my information , commanders extorted 30-50,000 uah from the military for not going to combat missions, 2,000 for a ten-day leave home to go to to relatives, 10,000 hryvnia - evacuation from the battlefield, if you want to live, pay, so they are told , 750,000 hryvnia for one horn for a machine gun, just think about it, we know that many times humanitarian aid was sent there, but the military and relatives did not see it , our guys
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they were thrown to zero without support, without equipment, without weapons, when kirill timoshenko was made a scapegoat, then this odessa military commissar, now reznikovo, a campaign began publicly to identify these corrupt officials in the ranks, commanders, in the ranks of military commissars, and so on, and here are these videos and the interview of this waiyaki, they just fall on this company, which needs to be shown to its own. and most importantly, to those who allocate funds, that we are fighting, we are fighting, that’s what this is for within the company, of course, this has not happened before it was, in ukraine, not only the head of the president’s office ermak, but also mayor klitschko lied, about the new metro cars that were transferred to kiev from warsaw, we’ll talk right after the advertisement, massage, treatment or entertainment, native of brazil feijo, berry of the energy of life, how
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to escape from amputations, a breakthrough in atherosclerosis treatments, the program to live healthy, helps everyone, today on the first. veda vodka, a product of stelar group. a series of brutal murders continues in the city, the fourth victim was found today on the outskirts of the city, we remain here alone, well, how did people find out what happened here, many of the children were taken away, the victims knew each other, here in this little place everyone is tied up, so they don’t show anything here, what do you want from me, they came here to catch the freak, here you go, stop messing around, savchenko, you just... arrived, you leave marks like a tractor, i came to do business, and i will see this matter
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through to the end, well, how do you like it, i don’t want to be with this scumbag anymore work, they throw him around the districts, complicated cases, very conflicted comrade, you work in the police, but here the city is small, you can’t hide anything, i need to know everything, every step, understand? our territory is large, there are many cities, so take a look. the territory is soon on the first, turn around, the premiere of the season, binge the star, on sunday on the first, why such torment, already 3 hours under the spotlights, here plus 40, no less, it itches, there was no need to put it on a naked body,
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it means it’s headed to us repair foreman. how many locomotives do you have? that’s it, stepan, give me the position, now i’m a trusted person here, what are you looking at, there will be a date? what about you what's your name? ignat! sophie, why do you need it? trophy, not even a steam locomotive, i’ll move on. there's a dead man living there on the island, you kill him again. and we got here. where is your ignat? he left,
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he will come. why did you hide about the german woman? are there really german women like that? the german woman is not a woman against you. listen to her heart. vladimir moshkov, yulia peresilt. you need. the edge, on saturday, on the first. combined colors by olivier toscani, there are some things that are not customary to look at, that are not customary to discuss, and my job is to make people look at such things, advertising is
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only needed to make a person think, understand, laugh, cry, united. the end of the century according to gotfrey reggio, metaphysically we are from different worlds, but we feel in many ways the same. i want to say, our world is turning into one big disneyland. in something artificial, we need more crazy people who could reflect it more clearly, convincingly, clearly. matador, on friday, on the first. this is an anti-fake program and we continue. the mayor of kiev boasted of the new metro cars transferred from warsaw. klitschko rode in one of the new metro cars received by kiev from warsaw. the
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kiev metro plans to renew 220 cars and buy 95 new ones whose service life is about to expire. the authorities will carry out this effort. with a european investment bank , somewhere i saw these cars, the nemytishchi or carriage plant made them, trains are an expensive story, these are not buses, not trolleybuses, they are heavy industry, and really, that’s how they are, and you just can’t get them, this can be ruined very quickly, as they did by the way in latvia, where they produced trams and passenger trains and wagons in some incredible quantities, i think 500 people worked, and what they just sent to kiev, god forbid, that’s no better than me, here everything is all clear , in general, everything that is supplied to ukraine, as a rule, is far from new equipment , you must admit, the cars have been washed, the seat has been reupholstered, the colors are like the polish flag, they are specially shown, it ’s written in polish, i picked up the numbers here from
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827 cars, at the moment , currently 800 cars are in operation, in kiev metro. 732, that is, almost 90% in russian factories, the rest, there are a little less than a hundred, polish, there are others, but which are also actually from soviet factories, they were just stuck there, painted, how they were modernized, as they say, i propose to connect them now metro specialist, historian of the moscow metro, alexander popov, with connections with us, we are glad to welcome you, and in the kiev metro, we are now talking about those cars that warsaw transferred to kiev, yes, what kind of cars are these, these cars... were delivered to poland, the warsaw metro, starting in the nineties, it turned out to be a very interesting story there , since the metro in warsaw was planned to open by the nineties, the first delivery of cars was at that time from the smith carriage works, still a soviet plant, but the opening was postponed
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for 1995, and accordingly, the cars were simply mothballed in poland for 5 years, after that both the mytichensk plant and wagon mash , a plant in st. petersburg, made several more deliveries until 2009, in principle at first, the warsaw metro traveled only on soviet and russian cars, then they bought more almstoms, but to ukraine, to kiev they delivered such a variety of old supplies, both from the cars of the very first production of the eighty- ninth-ninety year, and from 2007, so well, for kiev, of course. these will be new cars, but we can all clearly see in the photographs, on the interior, that this is the most ordinary numbered car 817, its various modifications that were produced in our country, for the warsaw metro, here we are now we’ve just touched upon the kiev metro, whether it has developed over the last 30 years, i was once on a business trip a long time ago in 2004, two stations
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were opened there, and maybe after that one or two stations could to open, there is this famous unfinished building, a line to the hem with a huge bridge, with an overpass, but as far as i remember, it’s being built and built, money goes there, goes in general... thank you very much, they’ll buy it, alexander, all the best to you, buy 95 new cars, the service life of which it’s expiring, it seems to me that this can just be left with these guys, we take them away, let’s sell them, the shares, the last day, the expiration date, here they are, just the last one, with the same buses for a million each, yes, if we say, still regarding european assistance to ukraine, then recently the head of the presidential office of international policy of poland, martin przydoch, made the following statement, let’s see. it is ukraine that should take care of supporting poland, but the poles are fine without friendship with ukraine, yes, if ukraine does not want to be friends with poland and will not strive for this friendship, then of course everything will be fine with us, said the head of the presidential
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directorate of international affairs. so, i was in warsaw for the last time in january of twenty-three, that is, literally, recently, yes, everything is fine in warsaw, and the poles are actively supporting their own, unlike most countries of the european union, they have removed the excise tax on fuel, one of... of course, more expensive than in russia, but not three times, two, roughly speaking, i think there’s probably nothing to add here, let’s move on, let’s move on to the next one, it turns out that supposedly for russia is not doing anything in the liberated territories, we will now analyze andryushchenko, the character states that after the fourteenth year life in donetsk stopped , there is some truth in his words, but not about that, he says: donetsk, now for the most part we see it through the eyes of russians , purely subjective, but as it was in 1914, nothing has changed , and this is bad news, 9 years of war for the sake of no change, all ukrainian cities have become better and more modern since then, you know, they brought the old metro to kiev , a
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here life seems to have stopped, on the other hand, you compare it with mariupol, pakhmut and ovdeevka, where they were bombed for 8 years, it’s unclear, well, now we are accused of not doing anything for donetsk for 9 years, yes, donetsk became our city in the wrong way a long time ago, as we remember, yes, no, well, look, donetsk became part of the russian federation quite recently. of course , it is very difficult to completely restore a city of this scale, especially since there was enormous destruction, the airport alone is worth it. regarding public services, then the problem here is much deeper, because in order to completely restore the water supply, that is, this entire system, you really need to push the enemy back another kilometer, probably, well, 100, no less, only then will it be possible to restore this system. because otherwise it or reformat it, as they are trying to do, it is very technically difficult, i will read out this good information that i have, in donetsk
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the perinatal center named after professor chaika has almost been completed, and specialists from the far eastern regions restored and built more than 350 facilities in the dpr, including schools, kindergartens, hospitals, roads and communications, with the help of colleagues from moscow, again, employees of the voda donbass enterprise repaired over 8,000 m of networks, in addition, partially relieved them throughout the republic. and the problems of water supply after the launch of the don-donbass water pipeline, a lot of things are being done, it’s just that when constant arrivals are difficult, it’s probably difficult to restore something completely, so it’s important to remove these arrivals, as then it will be possible to turn around, contact us, valery vladimirovich leonov, deputy minister of construction and housing and communal services of the russian federation, we are glad to welcome you, good afternoon, hello, and please tell me how in your opinion the life of the liberated territories has changed, i am responsible for all four subjects. already a year and a half, which have passed, even a little more, since the very beginning of the special military operation, practically our
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ministry, on behalf of the government, has introduced the coordination of all this work, naturally 82 constituent entities of the russian federation are working and leading with us, we have over 8,500 in the work of facilities, 157 new facilities built , that is, from scratch, restored... 3,400 apartment buildings, some of the houses of individual housing construction, almost 650 units, 1,235 facilities, which are the so-called social and cultural facilities, these include issues related to healthcare, higher education, preschool institutions, schools, technical schools, kindergartens, healthcare facilities - these are hospitals, clinics and health centers, and... a lot of hospitals are equipped with subjects, regions, bosses, equipment, that is they shared with them and their colleagues that according to federal programs, several new facilities are now under construction and
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will be completed. this year, these are cultural objects, these are also individual issues related to landscaping, that is, park areas, landscaping sites that were in , well, let’s say, sorry, in a poor state, greenery was planted, people are walking in the same mariupol, you can come , walk around even at night, the lighting is well organized, yes, that is, these are places of rest, where people can, well, let’s say, start take a break from the war, and production is restored, equipped, modernized in about 20.5-30 facilities, we will introduce this work, and today, having already created this free economic zone, a huge number of residents plan to move part of their production there. next year we plan to have 1,820 km of networks and 159 transformer substations. here is the restoration of infrastructure. our colleagues in the gas industry have done a tremendous amount of work; these are issues related to the restoration of 162 km of main
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gas pipelines, 172 gas distribution networks, 631 gas distribution substations and, of course, this made it possible to improve gas supply to about 300,000 subscribers, normal work was naturally restored - the starobeshevo, zuevskaya, zaporozhye, lugansk, that is, we have heat, and therefore, naturally, staff returned, restored the operation of the equipment, accordingly, it has increased a large percentage of our reliability, as you know, this wrong continues... the attitude of that side towards the civilian population, civilians they are constantly being sent to objects, we have objects five or six times at a time, on which they arrive, well, sometimes it’s just offensive to the point of tears , it seems like we’re doing a generally good thing, restoring peaceful life, but here we have this, our enemy doesn’t allow us to do this normally , we will try to ensure that the entire infrastructure works like an hour. thank you very much and all the best. i propose now to look at a survey of donetsk residents, what do they think, has their
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city changed with the arrival of russia? but this has certainly changed, that is, our region has really now they are allocating money, it is developing and in a sense growing, our roof was leaking and a lot of other things, a security guard appeared, and they began to restore everything, because while we were not russia, we didn’t do this, but they started building the road, because that moscow still makes roads, in my opinion, they do it quickly, efficiently, very well, yes... you know, they made a road near my house, i live in makeevka, our main street lenin, they finally repaired it, now it’s just smooth as a skating rink, but sooner or later will reach all the other streets, well, first of all, this is urbanism, that is, khartsisk has been transformed incredibly, new squares, parks and updated streets, but now, as always, in my opinion, a very important and inspiring story about how the song at the front and build, and live to save lives.
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helps, more on this immediately after a short pause. elections were held in poland, and now tusk is again climbing onto the political scene, guided by the judas principle. i was a murderer, i was a traitor, i was a thief. at the trade union house, when people were burned, donald tusk, he did all this he manipulated history, without tusk not a single penny came to tsenyuk, klitschko and especially poroshenko, who actually poured the biggest money into him, barack obama. tusk was still recruited at that time, he barks at russia, but barks on command. he doesn’t care about poland, the main thing is to get another chair in brussels. tusk fulfills a certain government order from the washington regional committee. the process of deindustrialization of europe is underway. donald tusk is a crazy russophobe, he is a gaulleiter who carries out the orders that he is given. increase the polish army to 300,000 people, make it the largest army in europe. the goal is ambitious - the destruction of russia as
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such. task. dull become a battering ram donald dull sun of solidarity, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, and where is your work book? i don't have it, is it a scam? yes, we are leaving moscow, i mean, what happened, mom, well, there is absolutely no desire, no time to train her. hello. hello, what happened, girls , the woman has an open fracture in her consciousness. one, two, three, did you buy your diploma or something? what were you asked to bring, in an accident the spinal cord may be damaged, the indicators are normal, well, such conclusions are not within the competence of the nurse. what are you doing, saving your life? quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, at least you
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raise your own people one by one, and not everyone. cop, this is not mine, your sister says, hello, city nurse , today on the first, mom, what are you doing here, what is this, you could have called, you are a nurse, on the occasion of vladimir moshkov’s sixtieth birthday, please help yourself, this is what such events? a holiday is just around the corner, he is one of those artists about whom you can say, he had no passable roles , it is impossible to play feelings, such an alpha male, with a colossal amount of masculine energy, which of course rushes out of him, i have accumulated, let me realize myself at least once
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, when he announced the distribution of roles, i was stunned , probably, i have never been so scared in my life, well, he can stand up for himself, his flag is strong, did you really think that you would really leave me? he always goes to the last, he leaves no compromise to the ground, sit down, i'm gotsman, david markovich, david markovich, david markovich , we exist, we must get to know the world, getting to know the world, we get to know ourselves, today on the first, a good russian, this is a dead russian, this is nargiz zakirova with whom we i had a chance to talk, such an immodest question , but how did all this bring you to moscow... and she told us a lot of interesting things, i ’m worried there, i’m there to the left, to the right of all these orcs, she always had russophobia, she just hid it, well, in short they started to cover my oxygen, i tried to hype it up, yes
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i was hyped up, so she was banned from weight for 50 years, i think we need to ask for another 50 years, i’m going to get myself another tattoo, but if you get me, i’ll give you citizenship on the forehead, on the forehead, come on, we’ve raised 7 million dollars for service. finances the murder of russian soldiers, and america did not reward her in any way, did not give her citizenship , she is not needed there, she is needed here so that she can do dirty tricks here, organize dances in churches, i had the idea to get rid of russian citizenship, ask for ukrainian, we are today we see the betrayal of our country, the show of vavan and lexus, on wednesday at the first, why are such hands, under the spotlights for 3 hours already, here plus 40, no less, it itches, you shouldn’t have put them on your naked body, my royal? attention question, don’t act out, colleague, motor, camera, the crowd went, more fun , let’s keep the penguin gait, attention the praguns got ready, they finally started, but our
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life, the extraordinary adventures of experts in the winter series of games, on sunday on the first. this is an anti-fake program and we continue to talk about it how songs help both to live and to build , of course, and amazing, just bright words and music are written by protodeacon andrei gurov, the author and performer of songs, let's listen to a fragment. somewhere there was thunder, apparently due to bad weather.
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damned thoughts, about our native people, and about how the falcons beat with the enemy's force, and there was a cruel , slaughtering the overgrown russia, the kulikovo pole, pure and dzikae , our share is visible, we forever grieve, muscovites and suzdal residents, tula apalchens, left different, and the russians returned. by the way, here are the muscovites, itulskys, militias, this year i was in the museum
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of the battle of kulyakov in the tula region, on the kulyakov field, and there, near the monastery settlement, there is a monument, in fact, to the knight who defeated the hordes, and on the way to this monument, stones, well, in my opinion , just in quantity. those lands that sent the militias, where the priest sings about, i’ll read out who is there, from whom, to whom these stones are dedicated, the knights of moscow, serpukhovich, ryazan, kostromech, golicans, you see the selapass land, this is what the chekhovs say now in the moscow region , oryol land, warriors pskov, polotsk, kurtsk, bryants, valagzhan, vladimirets, kolominsky and yeletsky warriors , rostovites, yaroslavl, kauga warriors, here they are walking along the road, these are the stones, gratitude to all these warriors who came.
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and you come to a single monument, which, that is, they have rallied, here is the russian army, what the priest actually sings about, connections with us, right now andrei gurov, we are glad to welcome you, hello, when did you start being creative, when did you become write songs? well, i started doing creative work a long time ago, i’m still studying at school, this is the latest manifestation of your creativity, a song on the theme of a special military operation, when did it start, it started from the moment the military operation was carried out, i know that you yourself... where did you go, where are you now, where have you been during all this time? well, we supervise the volunteer battle base 4, it’s located in the kherson region, we sometimes meet with the guys, help them as much as we can, both spiritually and financially, since we cooperate with volunteer groups that are located in tver, in moscow, in st. petersburg, they are already sending some piece of us from us in their own ways to the guys on the front line. and if we talk about creativity, what you wrote at school is probably
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very different from what you write now, right? where do you get themes for inspiration, to whom are your songs dedicated, well, the theme always comes with some questions that you try to answer yourself from the beginning, it ’s clear that being a priest, you’re already trying to answer these questions from a spiritual aspect, and if the answer it turns out, then you already include it in your creativity and, as it were, combine with music. from poetry and convey it to other people in this form, people perceive it, this is probably even my most important mission , an important goal to convey something important to people , to support them, strengthen them spiritually, morally, tell us about your family, i know that you have nine children, there are five of them, well, there were also four adopted ones, all of them have already grown up , now we have, let’s say, well, children are coming, yes... in the family we live together with a match, we
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just receive guests, how often by the way, you are visiting a special military zone operations, when your next trip is planned, our next trip is planned when the blessing is given, vladyka, because without his blessing we cannot make such trips, tell me, how much the parishioners are helping now, and how much humanitarian aid is bringing, do you even turn to them for help, well, this mostly happens at our charity concerts, so my children and i travel around the district, mainly in the tetersky region, and there the audience brings to these concerts everything that we in advance, in the announcement of a concert, we ask, we ask you to bring those things that are currently needed, then we give them these things to the volunteers and the volunteers then send them to the guys, tell me, what year did you start following what was happening in the donbass and in general, be closely interested in this, after these events began, because it was impossible not to notice, we worry about our brothers, as
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citizens of our country, we must always be aware, we must worry about everything, we must pray for these people, about what is happening there now , and ask god to have mercy on them, save them and finally give them peace, everything that they strive for, or maybe here’s the ending from your song, how are you doing? they said that now they were all russians, they left differently and returned. they left different, came back as russians, a wonderful phrase , thank you so much for doing this great job, lifting the spirits of our guys and writing great songs, all the best to you, thank you, goodbye, see you soon to our guys to return home with victory, that’s what i want to wish and wish for every program, thank you very much for coming, let me remind you that if you have any doubts about the news, send it to our editorial office, reasons to be proud are also all the best to you , first channel,


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