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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  November 27, 2023 12:15pm-2:59pm MSK

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before the start of filming the challenge, he was next to the team, like his hero, he supported the crew before the start at the baykanur and was one of the first to meet when the capsule landed in the kazakhstan steppe, it was all filmed in real time, when i ran up and saw this burnt ship in the porthole i saw someone’s shoulder and my thoughts were that they were just alive, all the last days, from morning to night, moshkov is in the theater, watching the rehearsals of a new show about the birth of talent, the atom of the sun, births are not prepared, he says festive evenings are always some kind of result, but he doesn’t sum it up. the main event in your life, like bulgakov’s, is ahead. olga pautova, tatyana bodrova and enesa mezhevalova, channel one. for the birthday of the national artist, watch today on channel one the documentary film moshkov at 23:50, on saturday at 13:50 podcast club with his participation, immediately after at 14:30 we will show a picture of alexey the teacher. region with
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vladimir mashkov and yulia peresilt, a piercing drama about fortitude and love, don’t miss it. and that's all for now, we're keeping an eye on developments of events, and the information channel on the first will continue the program “time will tell.” the information channel on the first continues, time will tell this program, we are working live. in kiev they bitterly acknowledge the fact that the armed forces are losing the initiative at the front, so they decided. to do something suddenly, of course, the best, proven option is to blame russia; former deputy minister of defense anna malyarov said that the russians deliberately depleted the ukrainian army. their task, their task - to pull us out completely and prepare for some next actions. the military knows about this, we must understand that we are being deliberately exhausted absolutely along the entire front line in order to further implement tasks in other ways. russians simply physically
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have more people, we have a smaller army, it won’t be bigger, and we shouldn’t be afraid to talk about it, i frankly don’t understand why mobilization for society is such a terrible topic, war in general is terrible, and during the war there will be mobilization , and in kiev they decided to urgently legitimize forced mobilization, that is, now people will be taken to the front directly from the street, military commissars can do this completely legally, that’s what the committee says... by the end of the year , the verkhovna rada, with the participation of the ministry of defense, plans to develop a comprehensive document on the mobilization procedure. now there are many questions from the military commissars and from those citizens who are trying to mobilize. in fact, now no one has the right to stop a person, give him a summons and demand documents from him. and with the adoption of the law, military registration and enlistment office employees they will even be able to enter audio and video recordings of their communications with citizens. well, remembering
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the maidan and the anniversary , which is celebrated so ostentatiously with western guests, this week in kiev, you know, i want to point out that you don’t have to join the herd, one day they will be taken to slaughter , sociologists from the ukrainian institute of the future, it turns out there is one in in the sense not of the future, but of the institution, they recently calculated that in 2 years the population of ukraine decreased by more than 8.5 million people, against this, against this background, such optimistic news is not naturally, she doesn’t want to go to war for ukraine, or to work, now women in ukraine are forced to go to the mines, they talked about this in the stream of the popular front. they are already talking about the mobilization of women, let's look at the report on the mines. for the first time at a ukrainian mining enterprise , women are allowed to work underground. this mine in eastern ukraine faced a labor shortage as more than a thousand of its workers left to fight russia. women
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accepted the offer to work in the mines, i think that in the future more will work here more women, we work as electricians, even underage girls work, women are likely to remain a key part of the mines even after the war is over. we understand that the west is there , constantly sponsoring with money, but the main thing is that people still remain on the battlefield, the human resource, and it is already very depleted, there is no one to work, so i, i have one friend, lives in odessa, he says: i'm afraid to go outside, i only walk after 7:00 in the evening or in the morning before 7:00 in the morning, and not in all places, because these patrols go there all the time there, whoever they don’t like can be taken away and taken away, respectively, who who who will work then? we talked with the head of zelsky’s office, ermak with the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, kuleba, they told us that they were running out of money. everything is very bad and if they don’t
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take out a new imf loan, then they wo n’t have anything to pay their salaries with, the situation is very bad, but we saw what they have there and what we heard, again... well, not so much a long time ago, from henry kessinger, who told us that he also met with ermak, and ermak to him, told his thoughts about ending the conflict, he said that irmak wants to freeze the conflict, the americans consider it one of the options, one of the options, without signing any agreements, if suddenly the stream of the popular front missed some important news. from ukraine, be sure to write in the comments of the telegram channel of the popular front stream, the qr code is on your screen, be sure to subscribe, and we will try to notice all the news that you send, andrey fransaevich, we often talk about endless waves of mobilization in ukraine, and western
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analysts and journalists notice that the human resource in ukraine is being depleted, but nevertheless, we see that it has not yet been completely depleted, how many people will there be in ukraine? you know, it is very difficult to imagine numerically in years or in people, the zelsky regime, he turned out to be a hostage, let me remind you, they extorted humanitarian aid based on 50 dollars per person, so they inflated the number, now they are giving figures through the mouths of their institutions of the future , there are 29 million, but the real calculation for bread, independent analytical agencies for electricity, says that there have long been less than twenty there in the area... we see now that the male population either hid, ran away or died at the front or is there, and women are beginning to replace professions both in civilian life, conditionally speaking, so at the front, and an active mobilization campaign associated with the conscription of women not only to front
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positions, but to units that are on the front line, attack aircraft, are already declaring that they would be bad if women were also commanders, this indicates that , what the situation is really difficult, that is , in fact, they now have to take together... their future generation of youth, students and women, that is, they cross out the possible development of the country. in this regard, they are fulfilling the task of the west, we understand perfectly well, but uh, the people who are now being recruited, they are not motivated to go forward, so probably for the first time in military history, assault units that go forward often surrender entirely with their military equipment and weapons , this is only now manifesting itself at the front, not only are they giving up still come over to our side, of course, the question is, how effective is the fighter who is forcibly broken, dragged to the front, and what result can we expect then? here you need to understand that ukrainian society is now in a state - you know, to accept the stages of accepting the inevitability, now it seems to me that this is already the stage, probably somewhere around the third or fourth, yes,
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they have probably already gone through the story about denial, about anger , most likely they will soon come to acceptance, here ’s an example, quite recently, either by mistake, or on purpose, on one of the channels... it would seem that in ukraine they believed in this figure, these are catastrophic figures, but note, no speeches, no social activists, no matter, everyone has already accepted their fate, well, frankly speaking , they have come to terms with what’s next, look, because now everyone is raising the issue of peace negotiations, for the united states, it is clear that on the eve of the elections they would like to freeze the conflict, but they do not want to sign any documents and want to force... peace without signing documents, that peace in ukraine is for the united states, for ukraine, the most important thing is that peace for ukraine for us, peace for ukraine in the united states of america is not meant; they will use ukraine as a toran indeed until the last ukrainian, to the last piece of land - that’s 100%. the second story is about documents, listen, how
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effective were the documents signed with the nazi regime? minsk-1, minsk-2, we all understand perfectly well that these are the very same letters, so of course, for the west it is now extremely profitable to try to send the signaling potential of the nato countries, that is, in other words, we reach 2 million shells a year, they can somehow scrape together 1 million, you know, but in these conditions, of course , yes, of course, they very much want this - our movement, which we have gained, so that it was stopped , so really, now the story will begin about, let’s freeze, and let ’s run some regimes without any obligations, for us... any preservation of the existing regime led by zelsky is an inherent threat, because we all understand perfectly well that they they can really take advantage of this respite to move their infrastructure, which can pose even more threat risks to us , to ukraine, so as long as zelsky
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is in power there, i am sure that there will be no freeze, regarding signals and signs in kiev , this is a sign of nature , a strong wind tore the ukrainian flag near the motherland monument. the poverty was literally divided into two parts and here you know this coincidence: exactly a month ago, in the same place, near the motherland monument, the flag was torn into two parts in exactly the same way, we remember what they did with the motherland monument, the boomerang will always find its target, so ukraine shared it with you , the motherland demands that a righteous flag be hung for us, well, meanwhile, in the west , some voices are still occasionally heard about that , that it is necessary to support the kiev regime, but zelsky, one way or another, will soon obviously have to admit that the west has lost interest in ukraine, this is how western journalists explain it. the long-awaited counter-offensive of ukraine did not bring any
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victories, becoming destructive for its troops. lack of support from the west led to a halt in the war against russia. many ukrainians are afraid of a hard winter, but the greater fear is that the west might turn its back on them once and for all. zelsky is desperately trying to do everything possible to get involved. the usa is back in the war, because he knows that he is about to be abandoned, he knows that the money will stop coming, the weapons have already stopped, there is no ammunition, everything is gone, zelsky is on the edge of the abyss and is ready to do or say anything to beg though any help, so he continues to try to demonize russia in order to regain the attention of the west. and ukraine is now at the back of the queue, with israel in the first row.
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zelsky constantly complains that the supply of artillery shells has decreased because everything is going to the middle east, no one wants to give up their equipment anymore, and it’s too late. the ssu has exhausted all its human resources. i can hardly find words to describe this crazy attack that they launched right into the jaws of the russian defense. it broke them. at first conflict, we were constantly bombarded with propaganda. that zelensky is the leader of democracy, look how strong he is, and now that ukraine is losing, he is received as coldly as possible, the west no longer feels this fuse, it’s like when a loaf starts to mold and you think that you can just get one piece everything will be fine, but it turns out that mold is already everywhere, this is exactly what happened to europe, they thought that they were at the top, that everything they did with russia as part of this conflict worked, well, it looks like mold is everywhere, everything rotten. andrey, interest is being lost, but not yet
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lost, what will happen when it dries up completely, can something interfere with the process? in fact, the zelsky regime is already dead , he just doesn’t know it, this is a delayed story, of course, he will flounder, of course, he will resist, and i think that in the near future he will go out to blackmail europe, he will begin to blackmail them so that they provided assistance, but we see that the allies have long ago turned their backs, let me remind you, the polish-ukrainian... the border has been completely closed for almost a month now they are switching to a round-the-clock blockade of food and military aid and a whole bunch of other things, slovakia is joining this, the military-industrial complex of europe has long turned its back on ukraine, even those orders for shells that were for ukraine are already leaving for other countries, you just think about it, lithuanian president nausėda proposes to ban the sale of military cargo for export to other countries so that only ukraine goes, this cannot be done, the companies are private, work in the national interests, and even presidents, who want to do it, cannot stop
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this process, the west is now trying with all its might to come up with a design when it will abandon ukraine and say, sorry, we did everything we could, but the ukrainians are to blame for the fact that they didn’t succeed, and we we see everywhere, we see this against the backdrop of the fact that it turns out there is corruption in ukraine, we see , it turns out that the naming resource is not endless, we see that the best weapon, according to western experts, which was given does not work, is the preparation of western public opinion to the one, that the west no longer needs ukraine, it is not needed at all, not just not needed at all, they will of course try to prolong this process, but of course it should click in people’s heads that we are finished with ukraine, a short advertisement and we will return. elections were held in poland, and now tusk is again climbing onto the political scene, guided by the judas principle. i was a murderer, i was a traitor, i was a thief. having unionized, when people were burned, donald tusk, he manipulated this whole story, without tusk
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not a single penny came and a treasury, klitschko and even more so poroshenko, who actually poured the biggest money into him, barack obama, tusk was still recruited at that time, he barks at russia, but barks on command, he doesn’t care about poland, the main thing is to get another chair in brussels, tusk fulfills a certain government order from washington regional committee, the process of deindustrialization of europe is going through, donald tusk - who is carrying out the orders that he is given to increase the polish army to 3000 people, to make it the largest army in europe, the ambitious goal of destruction. as such, the task is to become a battering ram. donald, the dim sun of solidarity, tutti's heir dolls, is on first today. premiere, i love my country, on saturday, on the first. gin сnop, product of the stellar group, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, i'm off
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to look for you. serial killers are divided into four different types, according to their motivations, one way or another they kill because of love, you are probably a writer, you sent a request to him, they don’t have such an employee, but do you know igor well? don't drink coffee, girls, no, you're scaring me, i love you, let me in, it hurts, don't come here more, what do i like doc?
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the territory will soon be on the first, maybe the tail will hang behind him, let's wait, his head is now full of others, montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group. where is your work book? i don’t have it, is it a scam? yes, we are leaving moscow, what do you mean? what happened, mom , well, there’s absolutely no desire, no time to teach her, hello, hello, what happened,
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the girl is conscious, the woman has an open fracture, one, two, three, did you buy your diploma or what? what did they ask you to bring? in an accident , damage to the spinal cord is possible, the indicators are normal , well, it’s not the nurse’s competence to make such conclusions , what are you doing, save your life, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, at least you ’re lifting your people one by one, not everyone en masse, this is not mine, here’s your sister speaking, hello, ask the nurse, today is the first one, mom, what are you doing here, what’s wrong, you could have called, you’re a nurse, on the occasion of vladimir moshkov’s sixtieth birthday,
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please help yourself. what kind of events is this there? so the holiday is just around the corner, he’s one of those an artist about whom we can say that he had no passable roles, it is impossible to play feelings, such an alphason with a colossal amount of masculine energy, which of course rushes out of him, i have accumulated, let me realize myself once, when he announced the distribution of roles, i was stunned , i’ve probably never been so scared in my life, but he can stand up for himself, he has a strong fist. did you really think that you would really leave me? he always goes to the last, he does not leave himself a compromise until the end, just sit, i gotsma, david markovich, david markovich, david markovich, we exist, we must get to know the world, by getting to know the world, we get to know ourselves, today on the first. military personnel of the
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dnepr group of troops continue to destroy the enemy in the kherson direction. our fighters hit positions in the ssu in the area of ​​​​the settlement of krynka, as well as in the tyaginka area of ​​the kherson region. enemy losses, up to 50 enemy troops. from the kherson direction, the head of the vargonza project, semyon pegov, comes to us directly, which means we have the opportunity to get an exclusive information. semyon, hello, how is the situation in the kherson direction? and colleagues, i greet you, of course, everyone is closely following the battles around donetsk, you have heard about the massive attack on energy. dpr, now there is a hurricane, weather conditions have added to this, complicating the situation, but today we have for you an absolutely exclusive and festive report,
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because in russia today they celebrate the day with the marines, they went to the central donetsk temple, lit a candle congratulating all the soldiers, marines, in memory of those who laid down their heads in pain in the fields, boch, the waterman, the fighters of the legendary sparta, who made a huge contribution, the first months of the russian spring in the donbass, when new, when motorolo, arsen pavlov himself was a marine infantry and god, with honor, these traditions, he himself observed became the first hero of russia, a success from the donbass, a native of the donbass, a donbass commander, we have prepared for you an absolutely, truly multi-faceted report, with
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my friend ruslan khockeyev, who, by the way, also martsekh participated for mariupol, we visited different fronts, from donetsk, zaporozhye to kherson, congratulated the guys or detailed why they chose such a fate for themselves, to be a marplekh, because . i can’t help but interrupt, we also join in the congratulations, we also join in the congratulations of ruslan khokkiev , congratulations to all our legendary murpekhs, but i wanted to ask about the weather, we see the weather in the frame now, it’s windy, we can’t hear anything , how is the weather in the kherson direction? everywhere the weather is very good now tough, a hurricane really creates a lot of problems, because lifting into the sky and it’s really a storm, it’s absolutely from donetsk to the northern borders of svo and , naturally, to the kherson direction
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, the weather is absolutely harsh, but the heroic boys are fighting, i suggest you watch our special report and everything will be in detail there narrated, let's watch the report. hello everyone, this is vargonza’s project, and today we have an extremely unusual, partly even maritime, special report dedicated to marine corps day, which is celebrated in russia on the 27th november, our marines made a significant contribution to great victories in the north, thanks to the marines , including the liberation of mariupol, berdyansk, melitopol, now the marines are actively fighting in the kherson direction and here they have extremely
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non-trivial tasks, in addition to the fact that they knock the enemy out of the tanks , they still need to hold the coastline here, we know that the enemy does not abandon insidious attempts to land and carry out various kinds of sabotage, together with my brother, ruslan khakiev, who himself served as a marine and liberated mariupol, we set off directly to the front line, and today we dedicate this issue to the legendary black berets, we cannot exclude landings from the sea, enemy landings, also sabotage groups that periodically
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climb local spits, the kinburg spit, others, such cases have been repeatedly recorded, so the entire coastal the line is literally dotted with our firing points, here, by the way, the specifics of the soil are extremely difficult, oh, the locals ran, mice, water in these fields, they are called mullet fields, local residents, come regularly, sometimes completely flooded, so the guys sometimes have to literally, i don’t know, knee-deep in water to serve, here our brother is right at the point from the sixty-first brigade, call sign beer, not because he likes beer, because his last name corresponding brewers, as i understand it, you are now in... you are in the so-called glass. the position is one of the main firing points of our group, and it is necessary in order to, in the event of an enemy attack, repel his attacks, use all the firepower we have.
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listen, tell me, well... is it at least dry in your glass? well, periodically dry , periodically dry, mostly, mostly water, mostly you can listen to a little bit of dry stuff, but nothing, everything is tolerable, not a single serious direction in the venue area. a special military operation is not complete, of course, without the participation of the heroic marines, the black sea soldiers, the 810th marine brigade , which is stationed in sevastopol, in which i once had the honor of serving and fighting, together with the guys, now here under the krynki, where they are trying with all their might to prevent the advance of the ukrainian troops, by the way, the same marines with whom we fought in
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mariupol, this is... the thirty-sixth brigade , newly formed after their last defeat, are trying in every possible way to prevent them from expanding their bridgehead they are trying to knock us out, at the moment my boys and my brothers are going there towards the krynki with us, here’s the call sign shaman, we are now going to help our brothers, they are now storming the streets, it’s hard for them there now and they need fire support, we are now flying there , working it out, returning, reloading again, going to work again, we will help to completely knock it out of there, just like that, they are constantly flying in the air - quadcopters, fpv drones, kamika drones, causing enormous harm to our guys , so now, when it gets dark, this is the only time, one and a half to two hours, when you can get directly to the
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battle site. due to concern in honor of marine corps day, zalto 333, naturally, could not. not to congratulate you on the day marine corps, my native sparta unit, we move to the boys directly to the position at night, they move and storm here too near donetsk, towards orlovka with us the legendary sailor, who, despite the fact that a long time ago, joined the club of petal lovers , still continues
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to be regularly on the front line, in fact lives there. that's why we go to pesk at night, brother? well, somehow it seems to you that you are so safe, in fact it’s an illusion, you can drive day and night, but fight day and night, well, congratulate me on marine corps day, say two or three words, i want to say hello to my beloved wife, son, you have them here in donetsk, no, he is not in donetsk, they are in the moscow region, obligatory barbecue in honor of marine corps day, we usually grilled it on the grill, but now... evpivishki, all other things on the front line don’t allow us to do this, so we brought ready-made barbecue from the city, we are now visiting a separate grenade platoon of the 810th brigade, my old ones comrades, especially koval, with whom we worked back in mariupol , and volkodav, and here we’ll sit with them for a while at their working tools, and the guys will talk in principle about the situation on the markets, and in general, in principle, about the prospects of ukrainians on the left
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bank of the dnieper, on ours.. . sector of the front , the enemy is constantly showing active actions, storming, trying to storm, we are standing in positions, well, in principle , they don’t have much progress, we are working from the ages, covering our assault groups , the command comes, there, when the ukrainian birds are watching, we immediately aim at this point, work on it, the ukrainians immediately run away, the run-up has been repulsed, on your part, what do we lack here in order to push it to the end: to the right bank? uh, i think that we don’t have enough drones, we don’t have enough drones, that is, wouldn’t it be that the ukrainians still have air superiority here in this area, yes, yes, they have a lot of birds here, constantly hanging over their heads , and one flew away, another immediately flew in to replace it, they are constantly on duty in the sky, i never tire of saying that the guys are not here only super-masculine and heroic
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, but also very modest, for example, wolfhound, in a personal conversation, mentioned that it was casual, that he would soon defend his ph.d. in mathematics, to be honest, i am a person very far from mathematics - but i wonder how a person who is writing a phd thesis, is at war at the same time, generally finds free time for himself to think about something other than what is happening right here now, i’ll be honest, before that he served in the northern fleet, then in the black sea navy, was transferred to the reserve, after which he entered graduate school in physics and mathematics, taught, taught, svo began, and since my younger brothers ended up in svo, i myself could not stay away. our marines are the friendliest marines in the world, what is the name of your pet here at the front, the pet’s name is chernysh, is it a boy
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or a girl, a boy, but in general a black cat is not always a good omen, but i see you stroked him like that before a combat mission , held him in his arms, this is a sign on the contrary, a good one, he’s just my good friend... a friend since childhood, already, as it were, together with by us already, that is, you took him as a kitten , yes, yes, that’s all, and he lives with you in dugouts in the trenches, and since then he catches mice himself and knows how to catch them too, that is, he is not just cute, but also a useful black cat that brings happiness to our northernmost marines the absolutely legendary first brigade, known to everyone as a satellite , performs extremely multidisciplinary tasks on our southernmost borders, many of them, of course, are practically secret, brother with the call sign skive, now i hope
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he will be happy to tell us why he chose this particular unit, brother, why satellite? well, i’m a northerner myself, i studied in childhood and dreamed of serving in the army. accordingly, when the age approached, i had no doubts about where i would serve, i had no doubts, i knew that i wanted to be a marine, that i wanted to serve in a satellite, i have been serving for the good of my homeland in the ranks of the marines for 10 years, listen , well, they call you polar bears, and now you are on the southernmost borders, it’s not hot for you here, well, now it’s already a cool month, we’re feeling good now, but the enemy cold, brothers, success with the holiday to you, where we are, there is victory, hurray, hurray, hurray, victory,
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ah, armored personnel carriers for the marines, this is one of the main types of transport, on which, among other things, they land, parachute directly from sea, sometimes, as far as i know, you are from bashkiria, why did you want to be a satellite? because this is a legendary brigade, it even began with the great patriotic war, like the first formations were, right? and then this is the terrible year of ninety-five, this is the same vest that i remember, well, for this reason, and in general, further the second company, and so on, tatashvili is the hero of russia among us. served, we remember and are proud of such people, we rush on with them to carry out their immediate combat missions, i see
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guys, everyone here in the sixty-first brigade is already in our new uniform, in the pack 3:0, but some have trophy boots, i i know how to tell, bro, where did you get it from? the azov berets, the berets from podavdeevka, were given to me by a friend, he was a fan of me, he died here near the dnieper, this is the same fan, yes, who was remembered by the whole country when he i read poetry behind a machine gun, but in the shervod forest, that’s right, i died here on the dnieper itself, or at sea, but i got it, it turns out, i was traveling from the islands and came across this mine, a mine in the water and the kingdom of heaven, we ’ll put it too, listen without comment, let’s remember the guys of the marines who fell in battles, in battles, including during the war , the guys here are very bright, one of them is a fan, he purposefully went to the satellite immediately when
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the fighting began here in the donbass in other new regions of russia, he's so cool i read the poem, so i propose to listen, to pay tribute to his memory to everyone who... i found out that i have this huge path and a small forest in the field, every spikelet is a river. the sky is blue, this is all mine , dear, this is my homeland, i love everyone, while the neo-nazis are hitting the locations with hummers, naturally, the guys live in the fields, in the plantings, a real full-fledged camping life, well, what’s a hike without a guitar, bro, why have you stopped? play, well, about... and the marines have something easy,
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come on, we understood from the alarm, in the night the landing party leaves in the night, the first board runs along the take-off, and all of russia is below us, why is life beautiful, the wind under the wing, the atom is singing. black berets will echo across distances and centuries, because we are marines, which means god is with us and luck awaits us, there is nothing stronger than an airborne assault. after the end of this
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small field concert, many of these guys will go back to the krynki, to defend the honor of the black berets, we sincerely congratulate the guys on the holiday, wish them good luck at the front, semyon pegov, pavel chuprino were with you, ruslan khakiev and gleb drogaytsev, as well as our legendary seamen. pikhotins especially for the first channel, especially for you, subscribers of the bargonza project. we , of course, join in congratulating all the marines on the holiday, of course, we are amazed at their courage, their perseverance, but before them is a wonderful example, a heroic example, an example of their ancestors, and how can we not remember on this day the legendary feat of the marines from
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the death landing, landing konstantin alshansky, from the 384th battalion, marines, who in the forty-fourth year at the cost nikolaev was liberated from their own lives, the guys were faced with a very difficult task , all 55 soldiers knew that none of them would return alive from this mission, they burned alive, they drew fire on themselves for 3 days, but they liberated nikolaev, which hitler... considered an impenetrable fortress , opened the way for the liberation of odessa, everyone was posthumously awarded the title of hero of the soviet union , they wrote to me from nikolaev, they once said that they remember, honor and bring flowers, i would like to hope, and i sincerely believe in it, that today, despite the bad weather in nikolaev people will bring flowers to the monument to the heroes of the great patriotic war, and this is a very big sign, the russian city of nikolaev, the russian city of odessa. news on channel one. this is
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the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev. a state of emergency was introduced in several regions of crimea due to a powerful storm, which is already being called the storm of the century. one death is known, and 10 more people, according to the ministry of emergency situations, were injured. hurricane winds uprooted trees, heavy rains on the sea, multi-meter waves that covered the beaches and... from here there are four and there are still i don’t know how many people we will take out of here now , as many as we can will be taken away by the terrible situation, terrible, well i was saved by a room full of water , we evacuated about 280. three people, of which 41 people
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are children, which means we have set up four temporary accommodation centers in in the city of ivpotoria, people are housed in temporary temporary accommodation centers, there are no problematic issues, major highways are flooded , public transport has stopped, communication problems and power outages, half a million residents are left without electricity, in the sevastopol museum in the aquarium, sea water rushed into the room, and 800 freshwater fish and animals died, the elements... do not recede in schools and social institutions, today is a forced day off, bad weather is raging in the krasnodar territory, this is what the sochi coast looks like now, under the pressure of wind and water. .. luckily there was no one inside. near anapa, due to a storm , a dry cargo ship with a crew on board sank. meanwhile, the cyclone that covered the black sea coast is shifting, flooding is already being reported in the rostov region, the weather is worsening in the stavropol region, in ostrakhan and volgograd regions areas. weather anomalies and in central
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russia snowfall in the capital region, which happens once every 40 years. more fell in the region. half of the monthly normal precipitation, in moscow , within a few hours, the snowfall continues, it was sweeping all night and morning, snowdrifts under 20 cm, this is the norm for january, it’s difficult on foot , even more difficult by car, not only drifts, plus freezing rain, but during the day the temperature will rise slightly above zero, holoflight is guaranteed, now the middle east, today is the fourth and last day of the regime... combat activities have been suspended. during the night, tel aviv received a list of eleven more hostages who are scheduled to be released today. the truce may be extended. this was confirmed by israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it was previously stated that if new agreements are reached, hamas must transfer 10 hostages for each additional day of silence. the day before
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, 17 people were released from the gas sector. in return, israel, let me remind you, releases convicted women and minors from prisons. former hamas prisoners now. in hospitals, many need the help of doctors, including a four-year-old girl , and the day before the red cross was handed over to the red cross an israeli who also has a russian passport; he worked as a sound engineer at the very music festival that was attacked by terrorists on october 7. our foreign ministry was informed that the young man was not on the exchange lists, we are talking about direct agreements between russian diplomats and representatives of hamas, contacts aimed at freeing people will continue, the official representative of the latter said data on the progress of the special operation, su-34 fighters destroyed dugouts and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in the kherson direction, this was reported, in kupinsky, our reconnaissance officers attacked bases with the help of kamik drones, and more footage from the same area, under attack from
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enemy b-artillery crews. in the artyomovsk direction, our paratroopers surrounded the vsu stronghold and four ukrainian soldiers. and this is the coal deposit area, our marines are working, two enemy strongholds have been captured. i'm holding it. marines are the elite of the armed forces, always where it is more difficult everything, and today on their professional holiday they are smashing the enemy in key areas of specialization. artillery duels, clear and coordinated actions of assault units. black berets are a real military brotherhood and these are not just words. alexey ivanov was once again convinced. marine corps, navy, where we are, there is victory. under the st. andrew's flag, far from the seas of the oceans, they are ready to carry out a combat mission at any time of the day or night. marines are
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the elite of the armed forces, they have in their arsenal. modern armored vehicles and powerful artillery: under coaldar, as part of the vostok group, the enemy is being crushed by black berets from two famous fleets at once. tikhooksky is the 155th brigade and baltic 336th brigade. this crew calls the combat vehicle katyusha. the successor to the famous installations works flawlessly in the most dangerous areas. there have been targets, we go straight as close as possible, close to the front , because we need to engage the enemy further behind... further away, these are usually the most interesting targets, the most exciting, the most difficult, the most terrible, one might even say, but that makes it more interesting, you already start working faster, more actively , minimum mistakes, maximum work, ready, gun, shot, and this artillery duel
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howitzer destroyed another target, a nato artillery mount, with a sniper shot. sample, zamasskirov gun on glasses with the call sign bear, explains why he serves in these particular troops. the marine corps has everything you need in the army, parachute jumping, tactical exercises, everything is in the spirit, it’s fascinating and very powerful attracts, and i want to continue to serve and work. the assault units of the marines terrify the enemy, their call sign is mozart, this machine gunner. received for masterful use of weapons, it was he who was among those twenty fighters who, near the village of novodonetskoye, not only held our positions, but also destroyed 103 marines. together with armored vehicles, it was they who stormed us, they thought that everything would work out so easily for them, but it didn’t work out, we recaptured a company with two squads of marines
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, reinforced by five armored personnel carriers and tank, without losses on our part. u-155 of the separate guards brigade of the marine corps, the pacific fleet has been replenished by volunteers, experienced attack aircraft are now training young ones, due to a special military operation. the assault five cover their comrades, who occupy the forest belt. fire contact occurs immediately. at this time, the armored personnel carrier rolls back, because on the battlefield the armored vehicle is a priority target. everything is very very fast, it’s literally seconds, you ’re still driving forward, but you’ve already got the reverse gear. they immediately jump, and you quickly leave too. not everyone will survive because here. all the same, somehow the stress is greater, both physical and moral, somehow like the elite. do you miss the sea, the ocean? not yet,
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it’s not bad on earth either. and also, black berets are a real military brotherhood. to all the brothers from the marine corps, i want to wish them nerves of steel and the restraint that they are now showing on the line of combat contact, so that they also successfully complete their tasks. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanok. first channel, donbass. ukraine will not receive new aid from the united states until the end of this year, said republican congressman mike turner. in an interview with nbc news, he said that accepting the new package would be very difficult. america, turner believes, has other internal problems that need to be solved. but how effectively the head of the united states can do this is a pressing question, especially now. joe biden. 81 years old, he is going to participate in the upcoming elections, here is the opinion of the personal doctor of the american presidents, who worked in the white house from
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2013 to 2018. i monitored the health of three presidents, being the supreme commander and head of state is an exhausting job, mentally and physically, this man cannot do it, he proves it every day, it will be worse, it's incredible how he has deteriorated, his physical and cognitive abilities are no longer suitable for his position, someone in his inner circle needs to tell him this. the government will allocate more than a billion rubles to the regions for treatment children with diabetes, support will increase to 4 billion next year. mikhail mishustin stated this at a meeting with deputy prime ministers. the funds will also be used to purchase continuous glucose monitoring systems. the cabinet of ministers also focuses on financing the circle of good foundation; it was created on behalf of the president. its priority tasks
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are the organization of treatment and rehabilitation, the purchase of expensive medical products, drugs, including foreign ones not yet registered in russia; over 3 years, more than 23,000 people have received support patients, today we will allocate over 33 billion rubles to expand the list of severe pathologies according to the profile itself and to purchase the necessary medications; new unique methods of therapy will also be added. we hope that thanks to the measures taken, more of our children will be able to receive timely treatment and the opportunity to recover from illness. a big premiere on channel one, a new season of the film, which became a popular hit, a pregnancy test, the end of the story of an obstetrician, brilliantly played by svetlana ivanova. medical drama and love triangle, whether the main character can still find her happiness, our correspondent jana podzeban will reveal some secrets. in one beautiful, beautiful city
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there lives a super doctor. found the time to give up, you will destroy her. every day she saves children. here she is your yanochka, and the princes are fighting for her kind heart. she's fine, right? seven, pubga. a fairy tale in which everything is like in life, miracles are nearby. i don’t have enough nerves, i’ll quit the damn mother, i’d rather go to work, by nature, action-packed, what could be more important than the birth of a child, around detective stories , love stories and medical ones are tightly strung together, i am 51 years old, and the baby is 28 weeks old, the director of the film has a special relationship with doctors, the mother is a pediatrician , an exceptional diagnostician, there was a queue to see her, i took my son with me to... but he always i wanted to show something else, we look from the inside, as if from the position of doctors who
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work there every day and how their personal lives develop, that what we don’t know, what... usually remains behind the scenes, marry me, i seriously, let's get married, strong woman, common story, look at that the tv movie offers from an angle, and the main character has to answer all the questions, what it’s like, try to control everything , take on endless responsibility, keep up with everything, what is it worth, is the price justified , all by herself, all by herself, aren’t you tired yet, you know that i i think that in my opinion you have a lot of time, do you have anything to write about? yes, write, in the fourth season i like the character the most, because he is somehow easily written. during the filming of the series, the artists had their own children born and raised and gained experience the view on the topic changed, just as the topic changed life, medical terms became firmly established in everyday life. happy birthday to svetka, i always write to her, she always looks 8-10
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abgar, she understands, in order to understand, svetlana ivanova, the leading actress, went even further into the operating room. i went at one time before the third season, the people were scolding, they let me in, you are lucky if no one has died before, removed, the clash of characters, the interweaving of storylines, as it should be in a fairy tale, about a miracle that is so easy meet in life, and it’s impossible to get used to it, most importantly, yana podzeban, elena shtokolova, alexey klyuchnikov, channel one. so, pregnancy test, new season. the first episode is today immediately after the program time. well, right now, the information channel is on the first, the program will continue, time will tell. the information channel on the first continues, we are working live. our
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fighters managed to take new positions in the ticker. on the northeastern outskirts near the railway line, as well as near andreevka, this is reported by the media information, in addition, fierce battles for the so-called tactical heights continue not far from kleshcheevka, military correspondent pavel kukushkin is contacting us directly pavel, hello, regarding klishcheevka, tell us what is happening, which settlements were liberated, how is the situation there in general , well, there really are, as olesya correctly said, quite a lot going on. at the moment we are putting pressure in the area of ​​​​kleshcheevka and andreevka, there are battles for the dominant heights, the settlements themselves are located, communication is a little slow, i think everyone understands everything perfectly well, and the bad weather makes itself felt, and just being in the vicinity of a combat zone, pavel, you disappeared there for
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a few seconds, yes, yes, yes, let’s continue, the fighting, yes, the fighting is hard, but our fighters are heroes , well, communication, everyone understands everything, now we’ll try to redial pavel kukushkina, because there’s a lot of information, again, we wanted to ask about weather conditions, now many are discussing the situation on the fronts, including this directly affects us , and they saw how direct communication was made by semyon pegov that is happening in the same donetsk, what a wind it is, it’s snowing, and of course i would like to know how this... everything affects the course of hostilities. pavel kukushkin returns to us for direct communication. yes, pavel, let's continue. yes, i wanted to tell you more about my work. the work on the verbovo line is already a zaporozhye direction, we are switching to work on the verbovo line, but as i understand it, the connection may prevent us from doing this. let 's try to dial pavel kukushkina again,
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because there is news from the zaporozhye direction, our guys are also reaching there. certain successes, both under rabotin and under verbovoy, the enemy was stopped, and moreover, we are now beginning to select oporniks one by one, literally, pavel had information on this topic and now we will try to call him again, it is important to note that the weather conditions, as war correspondents from the field told us today , have practically no effect on the course of the battle by our guys, so we wish them good luck, great, great luck, well done, now we ’ll see how the weather in moscow affects us to connect the stream of the popular front , anatoly kuzichev, ekaterina shugaeva, and apparently, the weather is fine with them, because this is an international exhibition, the russian forum and the space pavilion, guys, the floor is yours, but not to say that the weather is fine with us everything is fine, we have already started, yes, thank you very much , we accept your word, we started with the fact that i said that my slightly ironic post that i was going to work in wallinki, when i
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looked, so to speak, what is happening in general in the southern regions our country, i realized that iroeniya. inappropriate, because it’s really a disaster that really hit our cities, we were just talking, with a girl who works in sirius, what’s interesting is that there are five-meter waves, the streets are flooded there, like some cars, some things , some logs, some pillars, and so on, and lilya tells us that he calmly says, well, here i am , this video, this is her video, by the way, yes, her street says, well, here i am anyway arrived at work, i'm working now, here, wait a minute, she she says, well, what should we do, and moreover, let’s just say what amazing people live here, she says, well, we woke up from the fact that we live on the second floor, our beds were shaking from the waves, well, we got up, let's go to work, well, where to go , listen, well, this is shocking, of course. there is another very important topic, we need to discuss it, of course, tonight, tonight there was another such attack, a drone attack on a
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number of russian regions, they write that a drone was neutralized in the oryol region, launched from the territory of ukraine, fell in the prime zone, there were no casualties; before that, it means that at least 24 drones were destroyed, as the ministry of defense reports, over moscow and tula. kaluga and bryansk regions. in the tula region, a uav crashed into an apartment building, damaging the glazing and not only the glazing, by the way, and injuring a local resident. and so, if i understand correctly, we were now able, yes, to get through to this very local resident. yes, this is victor, right? yes, yes, absolutely right, yours a drone flew into the apartment, i understand correctly. yes, yes, absolutely right, he flew to us at night. what time was it and how? you know, like in the song, at exactly 4:00 in the morning it happened , i woke up with pain in my leg, i didn’t hear the explosion, wow, victor, wait, and the drone, where is it, it
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crashed into the wall, and this is a blast wave, or he flew into the window, i’m just not very good, but no , he’s just, he’s just right, he hit our window frame, and just because of this he was blown off the balcony, it’s the only one we have completely destroyed your there is no balcony anymore, victor, and you said there was an explosion, it was just from the impact, the impact itself, the impact on the house, or something in the drone exploded, there was some kind of explosive in it, you know, there was an explosion anyway, there was a huge explosion, the explosion blew out a bunch of windows, damaged balconies, then some parts of the drone, which were then collected, investigators came, and they all ended up in our hall. and a large piece is just either a blast wave, where the concrete column, where they were just showing it, had the main impact only later the fragments flew into our room, just before me, the door was broken through, the furniture was destroyed,
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so you said, you woke up, you woke up with pain in your leg, to you it’s just glass fragments, i understand correctly, they dug into your leg, no, no, when i was examined, i have two small fragments, well, about 2 mm, no more. yes, yes, yes, there is nothing serious there, victor, and you and your wife were only at home, or were there children there, but what about the neighbors? no, no, my youngest son was with me, an eleven-year-old boy, and where are you now, right in the room with me, he was where you helped us now, we are now in the hotel, you are in the hotel, and in general the administration is now helping with the house, with the restoration, they will do something, you know how yesterday i was completely day there, just when i arrived from the hospital, i came more precisely from all this, how they helped, there was just a lot of help, they urged people on, they helped to clean everything up, they raked it all, old furniture, they took everything out, they all helped, at the same time there was a surveyor , measured other windows,
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everything else, well, in general, everything, work was in full swing, they didn’t leave us for a minute, well, thank god , victor, and i’m also sorry, please, but i just didn’t have time to count and see what floor it was, the twelfth, twelfth floor, and in the middle there’s a house right there, yes, how many floors are there in the house? no, a house, a house of seventeen floors, it’s closer to the top, it’s this bandurina itself, the core itself, it was big, well, about what size - two meters, what is it, you don’t know, unfortunately i can’t answer this question , with us it’s just like already, when the specialists arrived, they were leftovers, well, apparently, leftovers, well apparently from the engine or from this there, they know, no more than half a palm, what do you personally think, why do they beat the elderly? houses, ordinary ones, well, it’s elementary, so that intimidation, the practice of terror at all times , really doesn’t work, it only makes us stronger, but they won’t scare you, in my opinion, victor, no, not one bit, you have no
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idea how many neighbors there are arrived, within 10 minutes, straight away, yes, they rushed in, if they saw blood in my leg, they treated me , it immediately took me to the hospital in an ambulance, that is , they didn’t leave me for a second, on the contrary, just no one had any panic or horror, on the contrary, everyone came with help, it turned out that there are a lot of doctors working around me, so i thank them all very much, i didn’t have time to tell them , they beat us, and you are getting stronger, here’s a low bow to your wife too, thank god that everything is fine with her too, thank you, victor, thank you very much , keep it up, well, actually, what’s going on, you ’re holding on anyway, without these platitudes from me , like hold on, and so on, you’re doing great, we’re doing great, thank you very much, thank you, and viktor panfilov was with us, goodbye, happily, viktor panfilov, was in direct communication with us, that same tula guy, in the window of whose apartment this damn drone flew into his apartment, that’s why he flew in, as if katya asked victor this question, and i address it to our experts , respect , there is some kind of... well, i don’t know,
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there’s some other intent, maybe it went astray, or it was purposefully so that people, so that people would not relax, so that they would understand, like, no, well, anatolia, of course, there is, of course, something that arrived, most likely this is 22, with kz-6, the so-called, judging by the description, ig22, aircraft-type drone, straight-wing, large, actually an airplane, unmanned, range, maybe 800 km, maybe 100, but confirmed 600-800 , but it carries, well, yes, a very serious kaz6 charge, this is a tandem shaped charge in the event of a defeat inside, that is, whose production is this, initially soviet of course, it was intended to break through a wall for destruction, kz6, yes, it can naturally break through a concrete wall of a certain thickness , guys, find a picture, let's take a look factors, of course, these are small concrete fragments, crushing, a drop of metal, initially it
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was intended to destroy nuclear weapons in soviet times, when they thought that there would be such a kind of total war, for infantry it is less dangerous for people sitting in shelter, apartments, in principle, shelter is by definition dangerous, because there remains a cumulative effect from the fact that an explosion occurs in a confined space, well , secondary damage, so to speak, from fragments, furniture, wood chips, as i said, drops of metal, fragments of the working fluid of the ammunition itself, that is, in principle, this is a very good thing , here’s why... why are they doing this? answer to the question, yes katyusha is to blame, just a quick question, he flew into a big house, he didn’t break through the wall, if it was a private sector, small house, it would have folded up just like a cardboard one, well, i think, of course, there wouldn’t have been any, such charges could even destroy two floors , there’s nothing surprising here , it’s trivial for such ammunition, and it could fly out the window, then there would be an explosion for several floors and was even lucky that there was a balcony and that it was the balcony that bore the brunt of the impact and the blast wave, because
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otherwise, if the ceiling is not, say, monolithic, not concrete, then there could be a collapse of the floors inside the house, that is , why is this being done, the criminal zelsky said to everyone, and back in november, december last year, creating a special fleet of drones and the like, he actually said that he was going to wage a war against russia and destroy, since budanov said this , russians wherever they are, well, in fact , they are destroying russians wherever they are . this has the opposite effect, the people who do this, in addition to being criminals, are ignorant, a classic example is dresden, when our allies, so to speak, destroyed the druznes during the war, this only caused an increase in german resistance, because the population simply understood , that there is nothing to expect mercy from those who organize such things, the anglo-saxons organized the same thing in kaliningrad, by the way, then the city of köniksberg was destroyed, contrary to generally accepted opinion, not by us, not by soviet aviation, but anglo anglo-franca is less american. aviation, just like
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that, the americans demolished gavor in the same way, therefore, who taught them, i understand why they are doing this, well , the americans have a concept that then we will start swaying in different directions, wobbling and say that we i’m not happy with our government, which can’t protect its population, all that stuff, unfortunately, similar drones flew around moscow, i ’d rather say that i’m not happy with the government in kiev than i’m not happy with my government, andrey here alexandrovich, i can’t understand, but they are not fools, they understand that this only embitters them, they have kalinin destroyed dresdon, as alexander correctly says, but they see that this only makes the people even stronger, which means that war is like war, there is such a saying, it works, and there is such a certain state of russian society that really somewhere out there, like brodsky’s there, we are still fighting, there is a war going on somewhere, i understand, that there are central channels that... but in general society
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is outside this state of war, in fact there is a war, it affects many very regions, including the central regions, including moscow, tula, others, well, as if due to the fact that there is such a technology that achieves, then this is the feeling, unfortunately, even for you, how is it, this is how, why, yes, this is how it happens, it is important that it seems to me that society, well, how it was. permeated with this feeling that yes, yes, somehow to be mobilized, not like we would say that people, they endured it steadfastly, thank you, god, a miracle, a miracle, but at the same time, it’s also important when we live our normal lives, thank god now, without reacting to some kind of hysterical challenges, not to stock up on food somewhere, nevertheless, that nevertheless , look, here one interesting story happened, and there is a feeling, not only for
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me, that the world is preparing, generally preparing, pushing, for negotiations on the ukrainian conflict, here is a conversation about what this necessary sounding in the west more and more... more often already it’s just hard to find a day when one of the prominent western publications doesn’t publish some kind of programmatic article containing the word peace, negotiations, conditions, and so on, but what’s most striking is that until recently , well, there i heard some fellow there, and the same zelsky, they said something that seemed unnaturally cheerful in response to all these considerations and so on, and then look what he said david arakhamia, head of the party, servant of the people, a man, let me remind you once again, remember, at the negotiations in istanbul he kept wearing a cap, he was so fashionable , it’s simply amazing that he says, let’s listen, well, wonder, putin showed the documents, putin showed the african delegation a document with the results of
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the belarusian negotiations, where , as he claims, a draft peace agreement with ukraine was written down, and that it was signed in istanbul, the purpose of the ukrainian delegation was to delay the process, what? russia’s goal was to crush us, they hoped to the last that they would crush us so that we would sign the agreement took neutrality , this was the main thing for them, they were ready to end the war if we apply neutrality, like finland, someday and give an obligation that we will not join, we will not join before nato, just one point, well, actually, well this was actually the key point, but what position does our military-political leadership adhere to?
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bad, but what does it mean that it can get better, i assure you, it will be worse, as sergeyovich llavrov said, how many there, almost 2 years ago, every time, that is every subsequent proposal from russia will be worse and worse for you, well, what, isn’t it coming true, it’s coming true, and so it will continue, this is
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the first, second, look, i don’t know why everyone doesn’t run around with bulging eyes, although maybe rushing around, maybe i just, maybe i didn’t see it because of the bad weather, but look , it means we’ll make sure that we won’t... that is, all we had to say was that we don’t want to join nato, and all these hundreds of thousands of people, ukrainian guys, would be alive, so what? seriously? well, what do you mean seriously, anatoly, their constitution has been introduced, that they must join nato, the constitution of ukraine, so with all due respect, so to speak, i have nothing to do with it, i understand, well, listen, well, from this. the one who wrote the constitution, they didn’t write it themselves, they have the task of destroying the slavic super-ethnic group, russian belarusians, ukrainians, although i generally consider ukrainians to be part of the russian nation, but this is my personal, i don’t impose it on anyone, just like vladimirov is in this position, not only him, but in any case, i would say that arahami of course
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he’s a very cunning scoundrel, and besides everything else, he’s also a member of the defense council, security council , intelligence council, that’s intelligence. there is a very complex name, so the fact that all the leaders of the kiev junta have now gone to great lengths, then budanov declares, that russia has enough missiles for everyone in ukraine, said, then this is intelligence data, which means it is their own intelligence, which he says , that everything will be bad for them, everything will be bad for them and, accordingly, it will be even worse, but they have a goal, let’s say, let’s take a settlement that says, bye i don’t want to, but they have it fortified like the dividing line between north and south korea, we are now , so to speak, making efforts, in fact, soon we will completely clear it. but so there, provided that all 3/4 of the control has already been established, they continue to be driven in by a herd of ukrainian troops, who do not have time to enter there, come under direct fire from our guns, and there it’s just already... just a meat field, i mean, then there is this and there is a plan, it turns out, a plan to destroy the slavic ethnic group, lord, because it is necessary
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liberate the territories, and part of the slovenian ethnic group, are they stupid, no, that they understand well, i say, and parts of this very ethnic group that is being destroyed, why they are going to humiliation, are still standing behind the detachment with a flag, arahami, one of those who is involved in this, from this point of view, wait for the person who from the very beginning, roughly speaking, was with them, of course, he had not actually shone before... before the negotiations, well, now he has somehow reached i would say, so to speak, yes the first one, then i have a question, aleksandrovich, why is he specifically now began to reveal the whole truth , what was in the negotiations, there was one point, why now , an excellent question, no, a certain destruction, it is present there, we notice this, the west is hesitating, the west, the west believes that probably this party should already to be completed most likely, representatives of the ukrainian authorities, the elite are reacting, they are also calculating something there now, another thing is that we must understand that zelsky,
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his group, his team, they were, as it were , being prepared here, even this series, servant of the people, arahami is from zelsky’s team, of course, just a second, now clarify, katya asked, in my opinion, a brilliant question, the main one , which means why is he saying this now, well , as i imagine, as i imagine, a ukrainian or a ukrainian should look at this interview and say, so wait a minute, that is, that is, you just didn’t want to accept a neutral status. because of this, all these people died, why should they ask this question, and why did you take it and throw it out now for inspiration, it seems to me that it doesn’t work like that, no, maybe these are not politicians at all, perhaps zelensky is not a politician, just in general, that is , you see, this group, that is, this is not a calculation, but stupidity, most likely, it means, well, because this is a colossal scandal, a colossal scandal, and well it would be absurd when they admit that some shaggy-haired boris johnson, a retired politician , is going to die
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. what they are admitting to is not that someone wrote to them to admit, but that they are just fools that this is even the series that brought zelsky to power, it was done by not just three colleagues in ukraine, this is a whole mega-project, which, this team, it went there, started up, like a group that would push ukraine into a war, which... that he would die zelensky he didn’t think, but now he thinks that he will die personally, the question is different, that zelensky was being prepared as a president of the war, maybe he himself didn’t know about it, maybe he himself didn’t know about it, but one way or another, as president war , he will exist as soon as the necessity of war according to the west or those groups that brought in zelsky in the west, created this situation, if zelsky disappears, then there will be no zelsky,
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this team will fight until the last ukrainian, everything is clear, they will then install new ones who will fight, i wanted, in my opinion, there are two positions here, one is the position of a subject of the english crown, whose name is zelensky, he has a passport, yes, of course, he has a passport, great britain, on the other hand . this is the position of the americans, who are professed by the white house national security adviser, burns, in fact openly the head of the cia, mark milley, christian kavole, the commander-in-chief of nato forces in europe, they have already written everything to the theses, which does not follow here, because he follows the british line, if this... follows these theses, they will conduct underground negotiations, as then in germany, there will be
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separate negotiations, and since the convoy, i don’t call security, i call zelensky’s convoy consists of employees of sas, the british intelligence service, then naturally the moment it goes along the american line, they may be there they will quietly strangle you if the owners don’t they will agree among themselves, because zelsky does not speak for himself, he speaks for the british crown, the british are actually waging a terrorist war with russia, they are desperate. from the wrong installation, that now we can be poked at all, some unrest will begin, as in the ninety-first, they will let us in, we’ll talk a little later, so don’t think that there is a good devil, and there is a good one, the americans are now trying to negotiate with us position, centuries, they say, guys, we have already fought enough, 80% of the territory of ukraine, in fact more is under our control, we will now pour concrete in 10 years, put a line there, like the dnz between the koreas, that’s it, forever this will be our territory with everyone. it’s clear, now, i wanted you, now let’s continue , i just wanted to give, just understand, that you can
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assume that it can be arahami, you never know what happens to people, you’re crazy, you ate something there, well, it happens, if not... more than one nuance is that these kinds of statements have recently been heard quite regularly from a variety of, excuse me, lips, here aleksandrovich quoted budanov, we tell you they let rahamia listen, you remember there was such a woman molar, that means a woman molar, she is the former deputy minister of defense of ukraine, look how, what she says now, her rhetoric has also changed amazingly, listen, their task, their task is to extricate us completely and prepare for some next actions, the military... know about this, we must understand that we are deliberately being exhausted absolutely along the entire front line, in order to further implement tasks in other ways, the russians simply physically have more people, we have a smaller army she won't more, and we should not be afraid to talk about it, i frankly don’t understand why mobilization for society is such a terrible topic, war in general is terrible, and during the war
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there will be mobilization, why a year and a half ago , look at this, they are definitely depleting along the entire line front, will implement their tasks. where with all this means the installation of the shama of these orcs, that means even yes and so on, hello , where did the old anna go, where did she go, alexander, she has a smaller army, which means that the further this happens, there will be destruction, the more surprising the statement will sound, since they have a tongue without bones, now they will say all sorts of absurd things and come up, you should not pay attention to this, i see, for example, a factor that is blocking , blocking the negotiation process, a possible, hypothetical, or a step towards , this is the same notorious ukrainian nazism , about which, therefore, it is customary to say that it seems to exist, it seems to not exist, and so on , in fact, after all, what is nazism, nazism is not that, there are these tattoos with swastikas, this -
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consistent demonization , dehumanization of certain peoples , for example, russians, and if russia is the source of madness, and the ukrainian media have been talking about this for ten years, you can’t negotiate with them, that’s it, otherwise i say, but their president is jewish, there is no such thing as nazism, here israel demonstrates nazism , demonstrates nazism, it has dehumanized the palestinians, israel , the animals speak, and also the ukrainians, but excuse me, now alexander, but, but, god, andrey aleksanovi, i apologize, the animals have dehumanized, that’s it, yes, but negotiations are underway by the way, these same hostages are being exchanged, pow, prisoners too, once again , alleksanovich, these will never be able to negotiate with us as long as they are nazis, no, we’re just talking about the fact that a huge amount of nazis like this was poured onto ukrainian society propaganda, and this wildly interferes with the possible negotiation process, there
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on terms of favorable, unfavorable, trade, there they are now bargaining, even zelensky said, there was a window where overton dug such an underground passage, he said there about negotiations, donbass, crimea, this everything was there, but ukraine stands at least, at least from three parts, there is a certain, well, excuse the word, there’s just no other one, specifically for ukraine, there is, so to speak, an elite, well, okay, leadership, yes, they have their own there their reasons, their considerations, their passports, their parachutes, their airplanes, which have their own plan for life, well, there is a certain part. ukrainian society's attention, this is the second part of ukraine, yes, which, well, which, so to speak, you say, was poured out there so many, that is, ushatts , of all this, all this propaganda, which is all there, now we will be ready to fight for square and ready to support, the second part, the third part is the most silent sad, because i understand, there are repressions and everything else, these are those , who categorically do not accept any
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of this, who believe that this is madness, delirium and suicide, well, i think, i assume, maybe i’m wrong, that they are the majority. but it is repeated by such a silent majority, but this is so, well, there is also a fourth category, ukraine flooded with mercenaries, you need to understand that now, and this has directly become a factor, this is actually an official fact, more than six, facts, okay, this is a factor in political life, this is a political factor for the reason that they resemble a certain episode of the caucasian wars, the point is the fact that now the ukrainians themselves often do not decide anything, provided that in the polish army, i collated data... with military experts among themselves, about 600 polish military personnel are already in the cemetery as a result of participation in the svo. 6.000, so we need to multiply, we can sodium how many 3 18. 186 24, it’s just statistics , that means there are at least 40-50,000 of them, and you know
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what kind of people these are, i discussed with dane birich, think about it for a second, a sniper who fights from the age of 16, he is 49 years old, 48, he finished his sniper work as a result of being wounded, so he says that he met such people, so to speak, there are generally people on the side who... they squeezed out the eyes of our prisoners of war with their fingers, we are with them gather for words of negotiations, these are the ones who are fighting there we are going to a separate topic, this is a separate topic , they are collecting, i’m not talking about this now, it’s not for me to decide, it’s not for me to decide, i’m sure that we are led by smart people, they will naturally do what needs to be done, but the conversation is about something else, the conversation is about that these people are now, well , terrorizing the ukrainian population, where you go out on the street, just 40,000 will poke your eyes out, so just imagine for a second what 40,000 mercenaries are, this is a fact. of course, this is not only a fact, but also a factor in political life, i agree, there is also a fourth category, let’s take that one the western press that we mentioned , let’s listen to two, two fragments of two publications,
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let’s listen to the publications of two publications, first read time, please, the united states and germany intend to force zelsky to begin negotiations with russia, supplying ukraine with the weapons in the quantities in which the ukrainian armed forces are able to hold only the current front line, arms supplies to kiev are being limited... to make it clear to zelsky that the conflict is frozen. so, this is the times, yes, and then, let's read the german edition of bilt. please. chancellor scholz and us president biden wants to end the ukrainian conflict as soon as possible. however, zelensky himself must come to the understanding that this cannot continue like this; he must, of his own free will, turn to his people and explain that negotiations are necessary. look. yes , it would seem that the publications are so different, but they write about the same thing, and in approximately the same, in the same terms, so now we have, i understand correctly, there is a call, judging by
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the call, yes , yulia called us, yes your name is, hello, yulia, yulia, hello, where did you get through to us, my name is yulichka, please, yes, i have repeatedly heard about the possibility of freezing the military conflict in ukraine, as the wife of a participant in a special military operation, i would be very happy about this outcome of events, because our men would all returned home to their families, to their wives, to their children, but on the other hand, if you think about what will freeze this conflict, then what were we going to then, why was the military operation created, why so many of our men died, and if...' what is the guarantee that in 5, 10, 15, 20 years, all this will not, will not happen, but your husband was at the front, yes julia, you say, yes, it turns out he fought, that’s what he
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says, he is currently at the front, they are ready to go to in the end, uh-huh, they see only victory, and july, thank you, in my opinion, these are very important, if not to say, key words, because well, on the one hand, of course, you need to be complete, i don’t know who, so that, in order to... so to speak, to advocate for a continuation, oh, if only it lasted longer, this is the war itself, well , it’s just true, but on the other hand, firstly, there is such an emotional moment, and then what was all this for, this is a good question, in fact, with a very non-obvious answer, yes, and the second question, what do you think, should we freeze it now, this is the most important thing, in fact, this is the most important thing, this is the key, and this is what we will put aside for our children, so to speak, like here is a gift for you from from from your parents, so what? therefore, what’s the matter, on the one hand, the word peace is the main word and our favorite word and the right one and we want it and truce is also a good word with the same root, but on the other hand, well, we want to leave such gifts for our descendants, look
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, yulia herself is like a perfect illustration, she ’s like a mother, like a wife, of course she says let’s just have peace, my husband will come back, but her husband says no, we’ll go to the end, here i want to listen well, the caretaker katya , look, we protected, liberated 10 million people , but if this is not the goal, if this is not the task, you know everything now 3 million people and is steadily declining, this is what it’s all about, what is it all for, look what it was for, but 10 million people have become free, they do not live and will not live under bombs, they are neutralized by these creatures that gouge out their eyes and castrate them, and so on, they live as normal people, speak their native language, believe as they want to believe, and so on, this is insanely much, this the population of a large european country, this is, firstly, and secondly, after all, we have moved away from the ancestral russian lands. all these are our ancestral lands, and the military threat has been pushed away from the core of russia, because otherwise all this will be in the kuban tomorrow, you understand the key question from yulia, this means everything needs to stop at these or go
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free the rest on the contrary, if we don’t want this to be a continuation, we need this somehow, there will definitely be a continuation, i feel that andrei aleksanovich is there too what can i say about this, i just see that barel once said that russia should. play on the battlefield, it’s absolutely certain that she didn’t come out, she came out, accordingly, they can’t say it out loud now, but they say in the kulaars, russia must lose at the table negotiations for me negotiations are a loss, no, no, negotiations are not always a loss, not always, there are negotiations, there is a victory for retulation, the question is that there is a minimum program that is associated with certain areas, for example, kharkov, for example, odessa, for example, dnepropetrov, for example, nikolaev, so to speak, this part, so to speak, the kharkov-transnistria corridor, this is what should be mandatory, and the rest.
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as they say, as god willing, but these guys want to freeze the conflict by, these guys, this those guys who write to become in time, and we can sit down at the negotiating table, the conflict is now on the battle line of a collision, in fact , this is an attempt, well, in essence, to arrange how the defeat of russia through the negotiations would be a defeat, so if we are now, if , well, look, formally, it means that there are four regions there, under the control, or rather, of ukraine, which means a lot of people who have returned to us, 20% of the territory, so to speak, is the former ukrainian ssr, these are ours, however, if we are now let's go to negotiations, it will mean defeat, loss, in my opinion, you, in my opinion , served in the pacific fleet, just like that, and you understand, i apologize, the red banner pacific fleet, of course, the pacific
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fleet, but the conversation is about what you remember, what. the russo-japanese war ended. it ended for us, let ’s not, as they say, go to the wounds, but the main thing was when the japanese no longer felt the strength to continue the conflict, i read the position of the negotiators directly in their diaries at the time of the negotiations, and unfortunately we agreed to this, if we had not gone, that well, given history has no direction , that is, the same russians now lie before us, look, you know how the first world war ended, which we called for a long time imperialist, because... the sovereign, in fact, made the right bet, we now we are busy continuing the lines, by the way, no one thinks about this, nicholas, we are doing what he wanted to do, we didn’t have enough strength, there was a terrible betrayal , including the interests of the sovereign emperor, he was talking about the southern russian lands, and the return civilization of ours, slavic civilization , russian to the southern part of our great plain , with the fact that kiev was supposed to become the center of the russian world, well, who will tell me now, let someone tell me that he was wrong
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, but did not have enough strength, it’s clear why, but if you look at the negotiations, we were brought to the negotiating table many times, as a result , the next war erased the bad results that were knocked out of us, because at the end of the first world war, of course, we lost an insane amount due to betrayal, because behind it’s clear, yes, and then as a result another one will be more difficult, and the same with the russian war, i understand, i understand, after negotiations that are unfavorable for us, the terrible next one will inevitably follow. just a formula: russia always wins against the west on the battlefield, but unfortunately they rarely lose at the table of negotiations, well, this is a formula, so bilt, whatever they write, and zelsky must come to an understanding, of his own free will, turn to the people, explain that negotiations are necessary, i appeal to editors and journalists, to editors, to the journalists of the times, but, so to speak , you have no plans to ask us, zelsky should still, to hell with him, let him agree to
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negotiations, these formulations are very amusing , they stayed, maybe don’t sit down yet, listen, ask about us at all as rastovich said before, by the way, he said, now his rhetoric has also changed, there are enough missiles for two or three salvos, 2 years have passed, anatol aleksanovich, maybe it’s good, normal, if according to the japanese scenario, i’m talking about japan, now, i'm sorry, i'll finish the sentence, the right word, but please, completely occupied status, in the sense of the word, that our troops control everything in ukraine, denazification. change in school curriculum, total disarmament, except for light small arms, rifles, well , here are the results of the negotiations, why can’t we sit down at the negotiating table, and we ourselves go further at the front, why can’t this be done, no, there is, there is one such interesting thing , that when this istanbul process, it’s already clear, is revealed, these shrouds fly away, it failed, and russia then was i’m ready to stop everything
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, attention to these words there are arakhs of generally high-ranking ukrainian officials, it turns out that all these hundreds of thousands of victims were because johnson said: no, no, no, no negotiations, we will fight, well, now live with this for a while. thank you to the viewers of channel one for your attention and patience , see you soon on air, friends, thank you, on the occasion of vladimir moshkov’s sixtieth birthday,
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please help yourself, what kind of events are these, so the holiday is upon us, he is one of those artists about whom you can say he has there were no passable roles , it’s impossible to play a feeling, such an alpha son with a colossal amount of... masculine energy, which of course rushes out of him, i have accumulated, let me realize myself at least once, when he voiced the distribution of roles, i was stunned, probably so i’ve never been scared again in my life, but he can stand up for himself, he has a strong fist, did you really think that the truth would get away from me, he always goes to the last, he doesn’t leave himself a compromise to the ground, just sit, i’m mr. , david markovich, david markovich, david markov. we exist we must know the world, by learning the world, we know ourselves, today on the first, here's a
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veta, a product of the stellar group, great stagnation, what do you need to know about lymphatic vessels? to please god. we are putting together a competent menu for the christmas fast, rheumatoid arthritis , why the immune system attacks our joints, a program to live healthy, will answer all questions, tomorrow on the first day, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group, which means it was sent to us foreman repairman, how many locomotives do you have? that's it, stepan, give me a position, now i’m a trusted person here, what are you looking at, dates, what’s your name? ignat , judging why you need a trophy, if you don’t give me a locomotive
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, i’ll go further, there’s a dead man living there, on an island, you kill him again, and... and we got here, where is your ignat, he left, he’ll come, why did he hide about the german woman? , are there really german women like that, a german woman is not a woman against you, listen to her heart, kiss me, a living person has a heart that exists, vladimirkov and... julia will overpower you, you need to run, the land is on saturday, on the first, beloved, knock , why are they like this already
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3 hours under the spotlights, here plus 40 , no less, it itches, there was no need to put it on a naked body, we are royal or imperial, attention, question, don’t be related to her, colleagues, mador, camera, the crowd has gone, it’s more fun to keep the penguin gait, attention to the proguns, they got ready , they started, they finally drove, but our life is to play, the extraordinary adventures of experts in the winter series of games, on sunday on the first, elections were held in poland, here tusk is again climbing onto the political scene, guided by the principle of judas, a murderer, i i was a traitor, i was a thief, in the house of the trade union, when people were burned, donald tusk, he was labyrinthine all this story, without tusk not a single penny came, itsenyuk, klitschko, and especially poroshenko, you actually poured the biggest money into him, barack obama, tusk back in was recruited at that
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time, he barks at russia, but barks on command, he doesn’t care about poland, the main thing is to get another chair in brussels, tusk carries out a certain government order from the washington regional committee, europe, donald tusk is a crazy russophobe, this is gauleiter who carries out those the orders he is given increase the polish army to 3000 people, make it the largest army in europe. the goal is ambitious - destruction as such. tusk's task is to become taran. donald is the dim sun of solidarity doll heir tutti, today on the first. the new nurse's name is valeria, vanka syndrome, the guy is spinning on the bed all the time, this is a sure sign of intra-abdominal bleeding, oh, what do we have? that's it, now i'm an ordinary, obedient
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nurse, she knows more, end of shift home, well, hello, factory, mom, this is personal, you wrote where we are, gave a post, immediately , went crazy or something, you shouldn’t write to anyone where we are, to anyone, ask the nurse, today is the first, you are hiding from someone, if i tell you now, your career will be under threat, hello, news on channel one, andrey ukhaev is with you. and at the beginning, about the situation in the south of the country, a storm is raging in the black sea, under the impact of the elements, our coastal regions
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are left without electricity, a total of about 2 million people, the ministry of energy reported this, the most difficult situation is in crimea, there is one person there died, there are injured, a state of emergency was introduced on the peninsula , the coastal regions of the krasnodar territory were also affected, there multi-meter waves near anapa threw a dry cargo ship aground, a sailor died in the kerch strait, about 40 ships cannot enter the port of novossiysko, evacuation began in the rostov region residents of flooded areas, vitaly kachenko is monitoring the situation. giant six-meter waves off the coast of sochi wash away everything in their path, palm trees, benches, playgrounds flood the first floors of the hotel complex. that's it, first floor, goodbye, due to the floating soil , the foundation of the three-story house cannot support it, it literally collapses before the eyes of the rescuer, some people managed to be taken out of the room in advance. part of the railway is washed out,
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fifty trains are delayed. sochi received the blow of the elements after the storm passed along the black sea coast of crimea; one person was already known to have died under pike perch; a fifty-year-old man was washed away by the wave. this is the road that leads from simferopol to yevpatoria. the black sea overflowed its shores, with on this side, the coastal sand strip in the area of ​​150 m is completely flooded and then rolls over the roadway for another 200 meters, the situation is complicated by gusty, crazy wind, rain that falls into the snow, up to 50 m/s. a hurricane wind blows away road signs and roofs in the surrounding villages, those houses that we see on the horizon, they were about 100 m from the edge of the sea, but now the water has come out to about 300 m. the roadway is flooded , the road part that connects simferopol with yevpatororii, organized an alternative bypass route, the western
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coast of the peninsula was the first to take the blow of the elements in the water of hundreds of houses, waves are hitting right on the windows, guys, there are four people there, there are four from here and i don’t know how many more, now we will get people out of here, let’s take as many people as we can , residents evacuated on boats , with only slippers in bags, everything they managed to collect , water like this, well, in short, in short, there was no house left,
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someone was going to the relatives of the flooded area, they first provided accommodation at the nearest hotel, a couple of hours later from there people also had to be evacuated. terrible situation, terrible, they saved me well, the room was full of water, we evacuated about 283 people, 41 of them were children, we deployed four temporary points. sheds, piers, as well as the beaches themselves, went under water, the waves off the black sea coast of crimea reach 8 meters, the wind even tore off a blade from a museum helicopter in the village of mirnoye, in sevastopol, trees on... parked cars and buses, basements are flooded, water stands on first floors,
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apartment, all the water has gone so there is a meter water. have already arrived. evacuation was announced in several areas of sevastopol. there were trolleybuses in the city, and even earlier sea transport. the damage from the disaster that raged on the crimean peninsula is yet to be seen. on the other side of the kerch strait in the krasnodar territory , a cargo ship with a crew on board ran aground near the village of vitezevo and washed ashore. here is such a bulk carrier. on land, hurricane winds blew the roof off a residential building. and a kindergarten located nearby. the gorgypia in the courtyards turned over the whole one because of the gazelle. they fell in sochi not only trees, power poles. some of the electric trains stopped halfway. several flights were delayed at the airport. in crimea and sevastopol, classes in all educational institutions have been canceled today. november 27
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was forced to be declared a day off on the peninsula. vitali katchenko, ruslan yusupov, pavel matveev, yuri sholmov, yulia khodorova and victor vasin. first channel. a storm warning is in effect for the capital region today. moscow and the region were covered with snow. the snowstorm continues these minutes, and in some places it is freezing rain. in one day, almost half of the monthly precipitation norm, and there are many kilometers of traffic jams in the capital. utilities are working hard, but the situation is difficult. drivers are asked not to drive today. trucks and buses are slipping, and there are many accidents on the roads. it’s also difficult for pedestrians; they have to make their way along snowy sidewalks. heavy snowfall from moscow will gradually shift towards st. petersburg, veliky novgorod and petrozavodsk. these are the images that came from tver today; the city has already been filled with hundreds of cars to clear the roads. vladimir putin today at the kremlin held a meeting with the head of vtb bray
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kostin. he also heads the board of directors of the united shipbuilding corporation, and discussed the development of this industry. we also talked about the situation in the russian banking sector, which, as the president noted, despite the sanctions pressure, is coping with all the difficulties, let's start with shipbuilding, of course, as you master the period , new management bodies , companies were formed, a board of directors was elected, a general director was appointed , his deputy, in accordance with your decree, is now on his way work with the government on the formation of a regulatory framework, the work of the company , as for... civil shipbuilding, here , in my opinion, very great prospects are opening up, in general, as a positive example, i can say about the program that is being implemented by the baltic plant on behalf of rosatom, this is the construction of nuclear icebreakers for the northern sea route, russia is the only country that produces this type of ships, i am sure that in 5-7 years we
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will have a modern, efficient construction industry. uh-huh, great, i see that you loaded. there, i know about your movements around the factories, this is very good, but as a bank, the bank is good, a very successful year, not only for vtb, but for the entire banking sector, and you know, i reported to you, last year the bank suffered greatly from the fact that, well, against us, i just don’t know , there was absolute chaos, foreign banks took us away, we are now liquidating them, we suffered, of course, serious losses, but this year we seriously compensated for this, we are restoring the capital base and reach a record profit of about 420 billion rubles. our ill-wishers apparently did not expect that the russian banking sector would go through all the difficulties that are created from the outside in this way; they did not teach the seemingly elementary thing that a bank is not
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just a little box where money lies, but is part of the economy and the banking sector reflects the state of the economy in yes, of course, of course, and the banking sector was preparing, of course, for different developments in the situation, but the economy turned out to be stable, so we see economic growth, and the bank functions, functions on this basis, israel and hamas are negotiating to extend the truce, which expires today, at night tel aviv received a new list of eleven hostages whom the palestinian group is ready to release during this day, the possibility of transferring another twenty of them is now being discussed. in this case, the truce could be extended by 2 day. let me remind you that israel in return releases convicted women and minors from prison. and the day before , 17 people were released from the gas sector, including former captives, a twenty-five-year-old russian. he worked as a sound engineer at a music festival whose participants were attacked by hamas militants on
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october 7. he was not included in the lists for exchange, our foreign ministry reported that his release was the result of direct agreements between diplomats and such contacts will continue, the department added. people's artist, whose bright roles ensured the success of many films and performances, today vladimir moshkov turns 60 years old. from the beginning of his career to this day he remains one of the most sought-after actors. in in a congratulatory telegram, vladimir putin noted the original talent that mashkov showed as a director. for several years now he has been heading the oleg tobakov theater and is rehearsing the premiere for his birthday. olga pautova talked with the birthday boy about cinema, stage and students. hello, dear friends, sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down, his best gift to himself is a meeting with. after
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expulsion from the first year of the mkhat studios school , he worked for six months in the art workshops of the theater. was so wonderful dodin's play judushka golovlev by snakkentiy mikhailovich with maktunovsky in the title role, i painted this fur coat that was going there. that expulsion became fateful, oleg tabakov took the course for a year, mashkov became his best student, it was to him, a twenty-year-old student, that he entrusted the role of old man schwartz in his legendary play sailor's silence. i later figured out the meaning of why oleg pavlovich entrusted this role to me, the fact is that in one year i lost my parents, first my mother, and then my father, and oleg pavlovich knew about this pain, and he understood the degree of my loneliness, but the most difficult thing was how to find this boundless love of my father in myself, and she was nearby, my father
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loved me also, then you will certainly remember about me, and you will tell these people, this is what my dad made of me that i am , it is unlikely that mashkov then imagined that abram schwartz would become the role of his whole life, literally, he still plays a modest storekeeper, whose only dream is for his son to become a famous stapler and make his way into the people, he jokes, now - then he fully understands of his character, and almost 40 years ago he deliberately put on boots several sizes larger in order to change his gait with cigarette ash, he drew bags under his eyes, yes, this is vaseline, in these shots moshkov is preparing to perform a stage in honor of the tenth anniversary of the play, now you show me , 33 will soon be, and you see in what condition, and he’s in a hurry to live and feel in a hurry, after another 8 years he transferred this story of alexander gallich to the screen, and the main reward... was that after the film, grown men took out their phones and called to their fathers, excuse me, this is for joy, cinema
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is a very dense interaction, where a small movement of the eyes is already a whole meen scene, there is a ruthless camera in front of you, because it sees everything, it is absolutely ruthless, if you are lying, it will record it, if you are telling the truth , she will see this , he came out of me, and this one wants to sit down, dishonest, flight is the natural state of a basketball player, and now they are frozen in the air, for the film the region that was nominated for an oscar, vladimir moshkov himself learned to drive a steam locomotive before revolutionary times, for the sake of the role as a print driver, he lost 15 kg, refused to use doubles, and this could have cost him his life; during filming in icy water, he almost drowned. an absolutely hollywood approach to work, he was convinced of this when he played a russian agent in the film mission impossible with
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tom cruise, we are not enemies with you, we will figure out who was framed, who is lying, they waste a lot of time until the very moment of filming, so , in order to distribute another person in yourself, yes, i’ll go to the military prosecutors and say that they ran in three legs, you don’t delay either, it’s zaglanda , david markovich gotsman is in himself, mashkov tried for weeks, listened to conversations in odessa markets for a long time, adopted the manner, accent, gestures, and the role in the series liquidation became one of the best in his career, but suddenly a problem arose. when filming ended, i arrived in moscow, and right then and there i realized that i couldn’t just say that, that my life as an artist was over, that is, david markovich, something... took everything. david markovich finally let go, and mashkov continued to dive deep in the role. are you ready to fly into space? long
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before the start of filming the challenge, he was next to the team. like his hero, he supported the crew before the launch at baikanur and was one of the first to meet when the capsule landed in the kazakhstan steppe. this was all filmed in real time. when i ran up and saw this burnt ship, through the porthole, i saw someone’s shoulder and my thoughts were that they were just there. despite the fact that he received people's love thanks to the cinema, and his name on the poster is already enough for many reason to watch the film, moshkov himself considers himself a man of the theater, and not only an actor; in the nineties, his production of the threepenny opera based on the boombarash became hits, and the comedy play number 13, about the unsuccessful adultery of the assistant to the british prime minister's secretary, remains one of the most commercially successful in the chekhov moscow art theater. what are we doing with you? we come back, all the last days, from morning to night, moshkov has been in the theater watching the rehearsals of a new show about the birth of talent: atom of the sun. they are not preparing for a birthday, he says
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festive evenings are always some kind of result, and this is the result. doesn’t let you down, the main event in your life, like bulgakov ’s, is ahead, olga pautova, tatyana bodrova ins mizhevalova, channel one, for the birthday of the national artist, watch the documentary film moshkov today on channel one, at 23:50, on saturday at 13 :50 paws podcast with his participation, immediately after at 14:30 we will show a picture by alexey teacher krai, with vladimir mashkov and yulia peresilt, don’t miss it. and that ’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue with the big game program. good afternoon, live broadcast, big game, me, vyacheslav nikonov. where we are, there is victory, this is the motto, everyone knows, whose? marines, marines who are celebrating their
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professional holiday today, and indeed, where they are, there. victory, we with all our hearts , from our first channel, from all our television viewers, congratulate the marines on their professional holiday, we wish that victory will always be with them, as it has always been, and so it will always be, indeed, thank you very much for the work you do on the fronts of a special military operation, and this professional holiday is certainly deserved, who are still achieving our common victory. victory is forged on many fronts and diplomatic too, today there is a big diplomatic event in moscow, these are the primakov readings, which have already opened, many of those who attend our program are taking part there, we see sergei viktorovich lavrov already speaking, but
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an appeal to the participants was from the country's president vladimir putin. let's listen what the president said. it is obvious that the model of globalization, which was formed largely by western states, has naturally outlived its usefulness in its own interests and is in a deep crisis. a new, fairer and more democratic system of international relations is emerging, meeting the needs of the world majority. however, a well-known group of countries, accustomed to dominating the world, will stop at nothing to preserve theirs. overwhelming influence, practices outright blackmail, forceful pressure, substituting the system international law with a certain rules-based order, such a destabilizing line provoked both the crisis situation around ukraine and the tragic escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict, and this is true, it cannot be diminished, it cannot be added, but today , of course, will be remembered, i think, by a lot of people and
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by natural disasters, storm, snowfall, we express our sympathy, first of all, to our crimeans, who have experienced the strongest blow of the elements in many decades, and who are now, through heroic efforts they are eliminating the consequences, but the disaster naturally affected the theater of operations too, our soldiers are now experiencing great difficulties, great difficulties of course on the other side, great difficulties for the civil infrastructure, in the odessa region, there is great infrastructure destruction there, except for the connection of electricity, that is, today is the weather makes a very serious contribution to what is happening on the svo fronts. well, in kiev the biggest trouble was that the actual flag that was going to be included in the book guinness records, he took and tore the ukrainian flag, this is the largest one, it really
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hangs here, but it hangs like a tricolor, mind you. yes, no, no, not yellow-bladed, there is still a white stripe in the middle. by the way, blue , white and yellow, these are the colors of the flag of buryatia, actually, well, or almost already a tricolor, there is a little left, in general, replace the yellow with red, and you look, and the correct tricolor will be, almost, just need to change the colors, in any case, yes, a serious, serious, symbolic event, there's nothing to be said here. and of course, what happened in recent days is the capture of the abdeevka industrial zone, this is truly the most important event of a special military operation, now we need to talk about what is happening there, and indeed on the entire front, boris aleksandrovich rozhin, our military expert, who is also located in a natural disaster zone. boris aleksandrovich, the floor is yours, and good afternoon, well, if the disaster is worth
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noting that the storm probably blew away a lot of ukrainian mines that were exposed off the coast in the odessa area, and izmail and rene, most likely we will see new explosions of ships in the black sea, and accordingly the mine threat in the black sea will probably increase after the storm. because we have already seen this more than once in past storms, which these mines carried everywhere, throughout the entire equator, and as for the front, indeed, a significant event happened over the weekend, our troops liberated the avgeevskaya industrial zone, battles have been going on for it since 2014 year, this was one of the most fortified sections of the enemy’s front, in general if we take the entire length of the front line, nevertheless our troops, first of all, with skill they were able to break through this defense, the enemy was gradually squeezed out of his key forces. in the end he just fled, first the command fled, then the remnants of the forces fled, which could no longer hold out there, attempts to return to the industrial zone were repulsed by our troops, now our troops have gained a foothold there, they are now expanding the zone of control in
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the area of ​​​​the avdeevka industrial zone, this is a very important aspect tactical success, on the other hand , a very symbolic success, since the enemy was broken in one of the key areas front line, if we talk about the front line as a whole, then of course the weather really affected the nature of the fighting in some areas. there was heavy rain and snowfall there , so of course there would have been no active hostilities there, well, let’s just say , there wouldn’t have been any, nevertheless, in the zaporozhye region , fighting continued on the orekhovsky ledge, where the enemy tried to attack in the area of ​​verbovoy and kopannik, our troops repulsed these troops, more in addition, in the verbovoy area our troops launched counterattacks and repulsed several the enemy’s strong points back, that is, here the enemy is also in the process of losing the initiative, on the temporary ledge the situation is unchanged on... in ledidar and marinka the situation is also unchanged , positional battles are going on, well, the trick has already been said above, which means that in the artyomovsk direction our troops continue offensive actions to the south of the city, moving
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north of kleshchevka, trying to bypass the key height, which is located to the west of the village, kleshcheevka itself is now in the gray zone, andreevka is also in the gray zone, kurdyumovka completely under our troops , the enemy here has completely lost the initiative, north of the city our troops are confident in the situation, the enemy here is suffering quite significant losses in the area of ​​bogdanovka and orekhovo-vasilievka, here the initiative also belongs to our troops now, on the northern ledge the situation is unchanged, well on svatovo kupyansky, our troops also continued offensive operations in the area of ​​​​senkovka, petropavlovka, ivanovka, here the enemy also suffered significant losses over the past couple of days, and our troops entered several enemy strongholds, and the enemy was forced to transfer additional reserves here to prevent further withdrawal. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhin, military expert, for your accurate analysis of the situation on the fronts, as always. well, of course, we are keeping an eye on avdeevka , our offensive is clearly continuing there, but what we managed to do, to break through this
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southern industrial gap, as they call it, is simply heroism, which is worthy of the highest marks, of course. well, let's take advantage of the fact that here is a great expert on our friends ukrainian internal problems that are happening in kiev, well, really, this was sensational news for us, in any case, i think for ukrainians too, a figure that suddenly flashed as a ticker on one of the leading tv channels that died, died and disappeared unknown 1,126,652 military personnel of the armed forces of ukraine, and - zelsky’s statement that he is preparing a new mobilization plan, let’s listen to him, as for the issue of mobilization, you know how complex and relevant it is, tck, vlk, mobilization, demobilization
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, a complex task has been set, the other day a comprehensive report was made on what our challenges are, how to solve these issues, what to do, what legislative changes to bring, who should do it, this whole plan will be developed, all the answers will be next week, i will see this entire plan, i will tell you: honestly, there are issues that we resolved immediately, but i would like people to understand the entire action plan, where we are going, what our challenges are, so that people can see, when mobilizing , it is very important to know how to get from point a to point b, so that it doesn’t happen that we only understand from point a we understand where we have gone, we need to know where we should come, when, with what forces, so a comprehensive plan on this issue will be next week, a comprehensive plan to continue the destruction of the ukrainian people, it can be called that, because the non-commander-in-chief, the supreme commander-in-chief, as we understand today, no longer has a plan of military action, there is simply an increase in mobilization, which
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already... simply does not exist in ukraine anymore, but they were knocked out, why, because that are in service today 50-60 year old men, this can be seen from photographs, this can be seen from those who surrender, who are lucky enough to surrender, so you know that now 62,000 women serve in the armed forces of ukraine, 62,000 women are trying to increase this figure, but this is not enough, old people and women cannot complete all those tasks, so really teenagers will be attracted, eighteen-twenty-year-olds, and they will definitely come for them, adopt the necessary norms of the law, and this will happen if, if, after all , society does not realize, before will never sober up and will not rise up, there is no other way of salvation in ukraine today, because exits are closed,
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locked, so in any case, ukrainians, you will have to rise up, or bury your children, along with you, what has been happening for a year and a half, look, but in fact, today we see how an anti-green front has formed, and washington itself is already playing along with the formation of a protest mood and uprising, remember, such a scandalous article by zaluzhny, when he said that everything was lost and there was no way out, this blew up society, some time passes , people have not yet recovered from this shock, suddenly, the head of the parliamentary faction, i apologize, this is the largest faction in parliament, a mono-majority, david arakhami, a citizen of the united states of america, like david brown, does more one scandalous interview on this same tv channel 1.1, and this is the biggest information: the resource today
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in ukraine, in prime time, he states that, in principle, ukraine was delaying negotiations only in order to deceive, to gain time, and then boris arrived johnson, the british prime minister, in principle, said that we will not sign anything and will fight, that is, what is happening, the head of the negotiating group admits that in the interests of a third country, they made a decision under orders, and this is called high treason by the highest political leadership of ukraine who actually destroyed the country with their actions, today i submitted, someone may perceive this as a frivolous action, look, today i submitted to the prosecutor general of ukraine, i am a citizen of ukraine, a citizen of ukraine, i... i am nobody
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i haven’t deprived him yet, therefore, as a citizen of ukraine, i filed a crime with the prosecutor general of ukraine with the highest political leadership of ukraine, and this is president zelsky, and this is the head of the nsdc secretary danilov , and this is yerma, the head of the president’s office, and this is directly zluzhny and directly. about their commission of high treason, which led to the destruction of the economy and my country as a whole, will register it, register it, will investigate it, no, but this is the stone that will form the basis of those future political processes, because sooner or later, here is the ethylene, all these bastards, if they remain alive, they will sit in the dock, and they will be judged,
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yes, the numbers must be said, impressive, yes, but as some experts estimate, they are quite realistic, these are the numbers of dead and missing innocence, that is, those who also died, imagine, we will continue the ukrainian topic after the advertisement, but where is your work record? i don’t have it, is it a scam? yes, we are leaving moscow, i mean, what happened, mom, well , i don’t really have the time to teach her, hello, hello, what happened, the girl is conscious, the woman has an open fracture, one, two, three, did you buy your diploma or something, they asked you to bring something, in an accident the spinal cord may be damaged, the indicators are normal, these are the conclusions.
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nurse's note, what are you doing, save your life, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, at least you lift your own people one by one, and not all the shackles. this is not mine, your sister says, hello, ask the nurse, today is the first one, mom, what are you doing here, what are you, could you call, are you a nurse? mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group, the combined colors of olivier toscani, there are some things that you don't
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look at, that you don't discuss, and my job is to make people look at those things. advertising is needed only for that. for a person to think, understand, laugh, cry, united colors. the end of the century according to godfrey reggio. metaphysically, we are from different worlds, but we feel much the same. i want to say that our world is turning into one big disneyland, into something artificial, we need more crazy people who could reflect this more clearly, convincingly, clearly. matador is at first on friday, which means the repair foremen have been sent to us, how many locomotives do you have? that’s it, stepan, give me a position, now i’ll be a trusted person here, what
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are you looking at, you don’t know the date, what ’s your name? ignat, sofia, why do you need it, a trophy, i won’t sell the locomotive any further. there's a dead man living on an island, you kill him again, and we got here, arbayta, where is your ignat, he left, he'll come, why did he hide about the german woman, are there really german women like that? a german woman is against you, aren’t you a puberty? listen to her heart, kiss me, a living person has a heart, it must beat, vladimir moshkov, yulia peresilt, you need to run, the land is on saturday on the first, beloved,
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knocking, premiere, i love my country, on saturday on... first premiere season: drink a star, on sunday on the first, extraordinary adventures of experts in the winter series of games, on sunday on the first, on the sixtieth birthday of vladimir moshkov, please help yourself, these are the kind of events, so the holiday is on us, he is one of those an artist about whom we can say that he had no passable roles , it is impossible to play feelings, such an alphasonian with a colossal amount of masculine energy, which of course rushes out of him, i have accumulated, but i can realize these at least once, when he voiced
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the distribution of roles, i i was stunned , i’ve probably never been so scared in my life, well, he can stand up for himself, he has a strong fist, did you really think so? that the truth will leave me, he always goes to the last, he does not leave himself a compromise to the ground, everyone sit down, i'm gotsman, david markovich, david markovich, david markovich, we exist, we must get to know the world, by getting to know the world, we get to know ourselves, today on the first. in direct communication with the big game vladislav andritsa, war correspondent arti, vladislav sergeevich, good afternoon, what news do you have from podklescheevka? yes, hello, i apologize in advance for the not very stable connection, if
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there is one, after yesterday’s weather conditions there were gusts, not very good communication, which means we spent quite a long time along kleshcheevka, along kleshcheevka. the attacks don’t stop there for a long time, the guys note that quite a lot of azov militants appeared in that direction, and before our eyes the fourth brigade from pesna sakhmat was working. specifically on this impregnable, as it turns out, as it turned out in fact for the enemy meridiana, kleshcheevka andreevka, kurdyumovka, azov drove up there, so i say, literally before our eyes the commander of the azov group was destroyed , our attack aircraft are working very clearly, big paybacks, hard , of course, rolls two or three times a a day, a platoon, about 10-15 people, march at once, there is artillery support, their artillery preparation lasts about 30-30 minutes. five and i say, before our eyes, the commander of the azov group was destroyed, and he was wounded, respectively
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, the accompanying guys accompanying him were destroyed, a rodey was taken, while the group commander was lying wounded, he called for help, our guys at that time had already heard, respectively , interceptions, who where does it come from, in what quantity, here are 12 people, we counted 12 corpses from the bird after, after, respectively, how many the roll was probably an hour and a half at that time. lasted, they really needed a road , a critical one, of course, now for them the direction is donetsk, and they cannot get onto the road, respectively to bakhmut, they have problems on the ovdeevsky front, in general, of course, now all the points, all sectors of the front are key , priority for them, and nowhere, as we can see, is there any success, and moreover, we are now confident that the cheerful people somehow feel the transfer of initiative from the side , they are in a very good mood, which needs to be said, already in view of that , what began to unravel, the equipment
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begins to get bogged down, accordingly, the rotation is carried out several kilometers directly before the line of combat contact and our well-equipped positions, of course, warm us perfectly, warm our souls, i smile, i really really like what is happening now in this section of the front , yes, thank you very much, vladislav andritsa, war correspondent arti, with good news, with a good mood from the front, where there really is already serious progress, thank you very much, we are waiting for your report and take care of yourself. well, we’ve already started talking about david araham and his, well, it was a television interview, let’s listen to what he said, we always knew about it, suspected it, even the president spoke about it, but from the mouth of the head of the faction, the ruling factions in the verkhovna rada, this was said for the first time, let’s listen, the goal
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of the ukrainian delegation was to delay the process, what was the goal of the russian delegation? the russian delegation, in my opinion, they really believed until the last that they could put pressure on us so that we would take neutrality, this was the main thing for them, they were ready to end the war if we accept neutrality, like finland, once and give an obligation that we will not join nato, only this point, in fact the key point was this, everything else is cosmetic political seasonings about denazification, the russian-speaking population blah-blah-blasiyskomovne population and blah-blah-blah. why did ukraine not fare well, why did ukraine not agree to this point, well, first of all, firstly, in order to agree to this point, it was necessary to change the constitution, our path to nato is fixed in the constitution , secondly, no, there was no trust in the russians that they would do this, this could only be done if there was a security guarantee, we couldn’t sign something, step away, exhale, suddenly they would come in later, but we are not ready for this , so this was only possible if
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we could be sure that this would not happen again, but there is no such confidence, moreover, when we returned from istanbul, he arrived boris johnson said in kiev that we will not sign anything with them at all, and let's just fight, well, yes, that is , boris johnson came and said, let's just fight, that's it, they are fighting because boris johnson said so, who in britain was considered a clown. mecheslav alekseevich , i think that now a very interesting history is being written before our eyes, when in the future students will examine some cases in diplomacy, how conflicts took place, how wars were started, very serious wars, it seems to me that this case , as it will later be called, the case of boris johnson, some boris johnson, who was disgustingly kicked out of his chair, he is not respected in his country, today, there is no reverence for him in the international environment, he comes to... eve's cap, and they discussed
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how difficult it was these negotiations, but we put forward very transparent conditions, understandable, transparent, these are conditions that were not impossible to fulfill, this is, first of all, neutrality, of course, but if a country accepts neutrality, that’s us. what is called polishing from the point of view of language, from the point of view promoting russian culture, we can do all this, but neutrality and not joining nato. there were no nato missiles with nuclear warheads, and we actually only asked them for this, it turns out, and jones said, no, fight, for us, it’s more profitable for us, and well, in return they gave weapons, but in my opinion, weapons
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start something end, it’s not that they won’t give, they will give, but listen. what turner, the head of the us house select committee on intelligence, said. president biden has asked for a major funding package that would include aid for ukraine and israel, as well as funds for the us southern border. do you think it will be possible to approve the package before the end of the year? i believe that it will be very difficult to agree on this before the end of the year. the main obstacle at the moment is the white house's policy towards the southern border. the white house included funding for the southern border in this package. thus, having created a package of measures on national security issues, and recognizing that the situation at the border poses a threat, funding was allocated, but for approval of such a package requires political changes, congress will require amendments to laws guaranteeing the preservation of the border with mexico, as well as other provisions ensuring the security of the southern border, that is, the border of mexico, with
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mexico has been attached to money for ukraine, but this is a good decision, on credit cards from americans, can you imagine the millions of americans who cannot pay off their debts on credit cards and know that they never can now, yes, they are interested in hearing about how much the money still went to ukraine, how much money israel will receive is not interesting, but the news is that the border will be closed and a flow of migrants from latin america will be possible. doesn’t really believe that joe biden will seriously deal with this issue, he, in principle , should reassure the american man in the street, according to the democrats, because this is the problem that really worries them very much, since they have no money, they earn less and less, debts they have more and more, in this situation, if there is also a social catastrophe in latin countries
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america leads to the flooding of migrants into the united states itself, the american states, especially the central states, and ... the western states, then, well, in general, life becomes completely bleak, so they play quite competently, now, and in the white house , that is, they are trying to calm public discontent, yes, that they will somehow jump off the topic of ukraine, but i would not say that they are going to abandon ukraine, no, of course not, this is not the case yet, alas, yes, until they give up, but they will give less and - not then, when kiev would like, but naturally, now there is a big problem, an internal conflict, it is being inflated inside ukraine between zelensky and zaluzhny, who is inflating it, well, danilov, the head of the national security and defense council , has an answer, he shared his answer with the times newspaper, british, let's listen he said moscow has activated a network of sleeper
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spies in ukraine as putin tries to further destabilize society amid a military stalemate, national security and defense council alexey danilov said russian sleeper agents, infiltrated into government institutions, including the sbu, receive orders to undermine the unity of the country. russian agents wanted to exploit the so-called tension between zelensky and zaluzhny by spreading false information to drive a wedge between the political and military departments. they also tried to stir up anti-government sentiment among the population. these measures are aimed at creating a critically negative social background, sowing depression , increasing the number of those who are ready to compromise, reducing the number of those who are confident in victory, which will ultimately lead to a coup d'etat. we made a big mistake in 1991 when we did not close the kgb, we simply renamed it the sbu, but the kgb metastases remained. it turns out that who is muddying the waters there, the crazy one there, who,
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yes, that’s very interesting, too, is she from the kgb? well, probably not, she's just putin's agent. i want to tell you that today. in half of ukraine become not just agents, but aggressive, capable agents of the kremlin, why, because in this case society sobers up, sobers up, begins to realize the reality of who led them to this tragedy and the only thing he can say is, well, this dog lover, this veterinarian, who quite by chance became the secretary of the national security and defense council, and before that he worked in the lugansk region as a veterinarian, here he is today can blame the kremlin for everything, because today this is the narrative of the west: in europe the kremlin is blamed, in the united states the kremlin is blamed, and of course, in ukraine the kremlin is also blamed, but in fact, i said, the whole story of an internal conflict that is artificially formed washington aims to remove or
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stop forcing zelsky to either announce elections or resign . everything that we have seen before is just a preparation for this internal uprising, because suddenly objective things begin to be said on tv, and we always know that everything that is said on tv is the truth, that’s how we are accustomed society has been around since the soviet union, so in this case, when the bezuglya, and i apologize, note that this is the head of the national security committee, says that zaluzhny is bad , zaluzhny has no plan, and it needs to be changed , of course, doubt arises when , let’s say, half... of the president’s office is accused of zaluzhny’s failure of ovdievka, but zelensky needs a scapegoat, let’s so: today the story of scapegoats has begun, washington needs
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a scapegoat in the person of zelsky, zelsky needs a scapegoat in the person of zaluzhny, because everything is bad, bad at the front, bad in the economy, they don’t give money, and this negativity needs to be put somewhere , here they are each other they are starting to pour, i, i sincerely want to tell you, this moment will come, we are achieving this today, because sooner or later water wears away stones, people will rise, and if they don’t rise, we will help them rise, because they know that brothers are coming, brothers who will liberate them, liberate them and give them the opportunity to be reborn, yes, well, it really is a situation of spiders in a jar, it is typical for ukraine, they like to use this term politician, this is what they have, this is this when spiders are in a jar, this is it a politician, in fact, exists, and i am sure that indeed this internal split is
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absolutely inevitable, as is the fall of this regime, this man, who, in my opinion, has absolutely no control over not only the situation in ukraine, but also himself, as for the kremlin agents, the only thing i’m surprised about is why the kremlin agents and putin are not blamed for the crash of american trains, but about this after the advertisement, elections were held in poland, and now tusk is climbing onto the political stage again, guided by the principle judas. i was a killer i was a traitor, i was a thief, in the house of the trade union, when people were burned, donald tusk, he manipulated this whole story, without tusk he didn’t give a single penny, yaytsenik, klitschko and especially poroshenko, you actually poured the biggest money into him , barack obama, still dim. was recruited at that time, he barks at russia, but barks on command. he doesn’t care about poland, the main thing is to get another chair in brussels. tusk fulfills a certain
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government order from the washington regional committee. the process of deindustrialization of europe is underway. donald tusk is a crazy russophobe, he is a government writer who carries out the orders that are given to him. increase the polish army to 300,000 people, make it the largest army in europe. the goal is ambitious - the destruction of russia to such, the task of tusk to become a battering ram, donald, the dim sun of solidarity, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, bourbon stirsman, a product of the stellar group, times 2, 3, 4, 5, i’m leaving to look for you, serial killers are divided into four different types according to their motivations, one way or another they kill out of love, you are probably a writer,
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you sent this request to him, they don’t have such an employee, but do you know igor well? you don’t drink coffee, girls, no, you scare me, i love you, me, it hurts, don’t come here anymore, what do i like? the territory will soon be the first, maybe the tail
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will hang behind him? let's wait. his head is now filled with others, great stagnation, what do you need to know about lymphatic vessels? to please god, we are preparing a competent menu for the nativity fast, rheumatoid arthritis, why immunity attacks our joints. the program to live healthy will answer all your questions. behind. on the first, a good russian, this is a dead russian , this is nargiz zakirova, with whom we had a chance to talk, such an immodest question, but how did you end up in moscow ? she always had russophobia, she just hid it, well, in short, they started to cut off my oxygen, she tried to hoypan, but she boasted, so she was banned from weight for 50 years, i think it’s necessary
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also ask to add 50 years to her, on wednesday on the first. do you accept simulators? and you simulam? i feel good, i don’t need anything. well, you slipped me a client. i fought for 6 hours. katyusha, do you think the heroic surgeon deserves a cup of coffee? he has a new nurse in our surgery, so he won’t miss out. mood is zero. hello, strong alcohol. many nurses have passed through me, but i am noticeable. what
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else are you noticeable about? there is fierce competition in medicine, get used to it, i brought a lot of women here, in batches, you like me, and you don’t too, i don’t want to see you next to her anymore, it’s unpleasant for me to have contact with your lovers, i mean, some guy asked you what he looked like, why are you yelling at me, ask the nurse, today is the first one. why are you acting like a stupid nurse? i act in accordance with my position. yes, what happened yesterday, where did you go? big game live. last week we complained that there was no picture from lexington.
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the state of kentucky, where the train carrying liquid sulfur left the real world, well, in the vicinity it smells naturally, as it should smell in the underworld, of course, well , now we have this picture, it appeared for the first time, someone finally launched a corresponding device from above, which filmed what happened there, well, 16 cars are still lying there, it's already been a week, and they're trying. a disaster that in fact was essentially hidden in america because there was no picture, it just appeared, a week has passed, well , the trains are still lying there, well, other crashes in salt city, utah, six cars left the real estate at the railway station , in fact, this is the capital, the capital of the mormons
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, the united states, in the state of utah, homer , nebraska, one person was injured as a result of a collision with a semi-trailer train in northeast nebraska, everything stands there, of course, as usual, and in the state of illinois, freight a train hit a pedestrian in deerfield, and also the railroad, which is not functioning there, but all this is happening against the backdrop of the thanksgiving holiday, so... it's over, president biden continues to rest, which raises questions even among serious doctors, including the former chief white house doctor ronny jackson, let's listen, in your experience, how quickly president biden's condition is deteriorating, it is happening quite quickly, i have monitored the health of three presidents, being the supreme commander and head of state is an exhausting
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job, mentally... and physically this person cannot carry it out, he proves it every single day, and it will get even worse, i said this back when joe biden was just a candidate, i already made a diagnosis then, i told him something was wrong. at this man has cognitive problems associated with age, and it is getting worse and worse, it is simply incredible how much he has deteriorated, we cannot afford to keep this man in office for this term, let alone the next, he has already put us at serious risk , look what happened to our economy, what happened to our southern border, what is happening in foreign policy, what wars he got us into, this would not have happened if donald trump were in power, our enemies are no longer afraid of us, they are us no longer... respected, our rivals no longer trust us, all because we don't have the leader we need in the white house, and even if joe biden wanted it, he couldn't become that kind of leader, he's not suited for this positions neither mentally nor physically and someone from his inner circle should tell
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him about this? well, they won’t say, by the way, this is said by the chief physician of the white house under three presidents, jackson is a very understandable figure, the chief, he is now a congressman, today, and he was very involved in the campaign trump, when he literally explained on his fingers why biden should not be allowed to come, he talked about his cognitive problems, he said that this man is not able to interact with the leaders of other states, because it would be a shame for america, his key phrase is, it is necessary now remove him from the distance, because the further we pull, the greater the likelihood that it could lead us to a catastrophe, including even the third world war, and he says this absolutely consciously, he says that this is such a severe dementia that no one has ever had one president in history, stop this madman, otherwise it will be very, very bad,
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and most importantly, his own words were spoken about madam vice president, we understand that even if we remove biden from the distance, we will not get completely mentally healthy. president, well, it must be said that in general the ruling class of the united states , the intellectual elite, meets this definition less and less, yes, this is what nasim taleb once called intellectual ideas, intellectual idiots, this is precisely the ruling class, they can finish the most the best universities, but not knowing basic things, well, now there were very interesting pictures, like sunok, a graduate of stanford university, demonstrating his ability to use a hammer, he doesn’t know which end of this hammer to hit a nail, he just doesn’t know this, he doesn’t in the know, here are the best students of the university of georgia, let's listen to what
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a quarter of a century is, a quarter of a century, it's something like 250,000 years, i don't know, 10 years, no, i'm really stressing out, a quarter of a century, i agree with her answer, 10 years, and this is wrong, this winners of a university competition for intellectual abilities, well, i almost guessed, in fact, 10 years, that is , compared to 2500 years, 10 years is still closer to 25 years of a quarter of a century, well, american society should... prepare for the fact that no matter how significant financial investments there were in restoring industry under biden, they have ruins, not only where there should be real education, basic education, secondary education, but they
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have ruins and where there should be a mass of people, yes, which capable of your children explain what a quarter of a century is and what a quarter is in general, and how it differs from a third. and how to look at the time on a dial, how to distinguish inches from centimeters, that is, this is a catastrophe, this is a colossal catastrophe, for several decades american government policy was aimed at getting rid of, as it seemed to them, an over- educated part of young people, from excessive education youth as such, the mass drug addiction that we see in the united states, it... is actively being introduced with the support of the fbi and the cia back in the seventies of the 20th century, everything is being done to lower the level of society, because the united states, as it seems to its elite, has reached the pinnacle of its development,
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it has turned into such a global financial center, and yes, they rule globalization , but now they do not control globalization, they understand that they need to try to get out of this story, and what they have, they have layers of ignorant population, well - which are easy to control, they expect that the whole world is also the same, they impose their interests as their values, or universal human values. as viktor orbán, the president of hungary, said very well, let's listen, one of the strengths of the americans is their ability to present what is really an american interest as a universal value, it seems like a little trick, it has serious consequences intellectually, because if you build a foreign policy based on values, hiding your interests, then you deprive yourself of the opportunity to have a meaningful dialogue, in after all, a person does not try to reconcile interests, he has to choose values. you can't defend against what you
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know are really american interests because then you have to argue against those values, it happens all the time, we can't have meaningful discussions on major foreign policy issues because no one is willing to take the obligation to represent their own interests, this is impossible in nato, no one can represent their own interests, in ukraine they do everything, defend democracy. look , universal human value, value, and you noticed, this is what is happening in parallel with the vatican, come on, this, this is also a very good example, i’ll be very brief, look at what the pope is doing , accepting transgender people is actually a contradiction of the bible, talking about the fact that this is the norm of society, that is, in fact, the entire western policy of washington, the vatican is aimed at one thing, the destruction of morality, the erasure of personality, and yes, this happened today with my ukrainian... people in in
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reality, consciousness has been erased, morality has been destroyed, the foundation of the church , which was, it has been desecrated and destroyed, in its place, and in its place have come freaks who continue to help just destroy people, destroy the human form, from this we first of all need to save our orthodox brotherly people, who are part of russian civilization, this is true, but as for the americans, in fact, these are the kind of intellectual idiots, yes, who don’t know what a quarter of a century is and don’t even have a clue which side to hold hammer, they are sure that they know better than anyone in the world what values ​​are, how to promote them, and so on, and their value is just empty words, so they know the word democracy, what democracy is, they don’t know, ask them they won’t tell you what democracy is, democracy is what you have in america. and what is in the allied countries of america, and
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what is it? unknown, in fact there is no democracy, but from the point of view of any definition there simply is not there, and what they defend, they defend themselves, their national interests, the opportunity to rob other countries, calling their allies in this robbery democracies, this is actually what we are talking about, our cause is just and victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news and see you again at 17:00, this is the news on the first, hello, in valery korablev's studio. those affected by the storm in southern russia will be provided with all necessary assistance. vladimir putin gave this instruction today. reports.


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