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tv   Vremya  1TV  November 27, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm MSK

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mafia with a claim to direct the development of humanity, if necessary, to reduce the number of people on earth. there is only one goal - mastery of the world, not the bohemian slave justice, the dolls of the heir tutti, tomorrow comes first. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. the storm of the century, crimea and kuban, hurricane winds, giant waves, there are deaths in the central regions, snowfall unprecedented in decades. hitting the enemy, our
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tank pilots destroy ukrainian fortifications and equipment and from the counter-attack into captivity - a revelation of the enemy. not a money store and the economic sector about banks, loans and development and shipbuilding, a conversation between vladimir putin and the head of vtb. protect help from medicine to the online environment. russia has developed a child safety strategy. details. tried by the government. diagnostics of the world, why the west itself is destroying its own model of world dominance. answers at the primakov readings in moscow. flight of talent 60 years of vladimir moshkov’s iconic film roles on stage. what is the secret of unconditional audience sympathy? the strongest storm on the black sea is subsiding, but what was...
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forecasters called it a hurricane unprecedented in the region in the entire history of weather observations. the main blow fell on crimea and kuban, destroying infrastructure and houses even hundreds of meters from the coast. how could this happen? it’s not a tsunami, although the waves are up to 8 m high. each subsequent one pushes the previous one, and if the coast is not high, then the spills become catastrophic. many resorts have long provided protection against this. these are the walls on... the lower tier of the beaches, they are 3-5 m high, plus a meter and a half from sea level, the current waves through such fortifications overwhelmed, breaking in the spray at the level of the embankment lamps. vladimir putin has the situation in southern russia under control. in the morning, he listened to reports from the field and gave instructions to provide assistance and eliminate the consequences of the disaster, which claimed the lives of at least four people. vitaly kachenko is monitoring the situation. just... the day before, due to hurricane winds and
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eight-meter waves, this pier was not visible, now the storm at sea has subsided, but the wind is still up to 30 m per second, the entire beach infrastructure has been destroyed, now the rain gave way to snow, by the evening the temperature will drop to minus values, and there is a danger that on the roads, in flooded areas, all this will be covered with an ice crust, the western coast of the peninsula was the first to receive the blow of the elements, the waves hit right from here four and there i don’t know how long now we will get out of here as many as we can, local residents will be evacuated on military trucks and boats , more than 300 people, many with children and pets, water like that, well, in short, there is no house left, alexander is trying to get to my car, which was stuck during a hurricane storm, but so far without success, we drove along the coast, there was practically no way and
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jumped into a rainstorm and the car stalled there all night, but we somehow got out in waist-deep water, got out of there, but the car remained , so it needs to be pulled out somehow, traffic along the flooded simferopol-evpatoria highway was restored during the day, the day before it was impossible to drive near the coastal village, there were logs under water , debris, floating road signs, those houses that we see on the horizon, they were about 100 m from the edge of the sea, now the water has come out, the roadway is flooded for about 300 m , almost half a million crimeans are still without electricity, 236 emergency teams are working around the clock, due to the stoppage of pumping stations there is no water, in several areas lack centralized heating. today is a holiday in the republic, classes in all educational institutions were canceled, interruptions in cellular communications were recorded, and during the evacuation people had to signal a rescuer. the flashlight was shining on us all the time. ministry of emergency situations
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they discovered that we have a high base, a meter high, and water is already in the house, no electricity, no gas, nothing, now everything is turned off, huge poplars are uprooted, road signs. constipations, everything was blown away, literally, collapsed by a hurricane wind, in some places fences were completely destroyed , trees were simply knocked down on the roadway and it was simply impossible to pass, you need to be very careful, because there are wires on top, the damage from the elements that raged on the crimean peninsula has yet to be seen, a regional emergency has been declared in sevastopol, hundreds fell. several hundred tropical animals; the basements of several high-rise buildings are flooded. entrance meter of water is already at the entrance.
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the mountain river belbeg overflowed its banks and flooded dozens of houses in the village of lyubimovka. the water did not have time to go into the sea, the water level was rising. in the ministry of emergency situations and the hydrological center, but the old-timers don’t remember that rainfall, snowfall and thunderstorms hit the peninsula at the same time; such gusts of wind have not been recorded in the crimea in the entire history of meteorological observations. giant waves off the coast of sochi washed away everything on its way, palm trees, benches, playgrounds, the first floors of the hotel complex were flooded, everything, the first floor, goodbye, the foundation of the three-story building could not withstand the floating soil, fortunately people were able to be evacuated in advance, and this is the view from the window of the moscow adler train lazarevsky, one branch of the railway track was destroyed, fifty trains were delayed. look, look, the path, the path has been washed away beneath us. the waves reached the contact lines so
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that the wires sparkled. ferry traffic in the kerch strait has been stopped due to bad weather. near the village of vitevo in the krasnodar territory , a dry cargo ship with a crew on board ran aground. that’s how he was thrown here, look at the shenanigans there, roofs were torn off on land, trucks were toppled on their sides, in sochi they started clearing the streets, even the elements didn’t force some tourists to give up risky walks around the countryside, i’m from oh, i came here from kaliningrad visiting for a week, i arrived with a bicycle , i’m very pleased with everything, oh, what’s going on there, it’s absolutely terrible, i’m on my way... to take pictures, take pictures, go nuts, it’s reported that at least four killed due to bad weather in kuban in crimea, a fifty-year-old man was washed away by a wave, his body was found in the morning, but it seems that not everyone realizes the danger, in sevastopol, two men, despite the storm,
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decided to try their luck, test the southern region and according to forecasts, the elements will continue for a couple of more days, by thursday, the wind will subside, the air on the peninsula will warm up during the day . everything you just saw is the consequences of the cyclone, which since sunday evening has covered not only crimea and kuban, black blizzard, as weather forecasters call a rare type of snowfall with large flakes, a record in moscow, almost half of the monthly norm fell in just 24 hours, 22 cm of snowdrifts, like in january. pavilny vdnkh. drivers were asked not to drive in the morning. many kilometers of traffic jams. by evening there was an accident due to ice. shifting to the northwest, the cyclone will bring there not only a blizzard, but also freezing rain. in st. petersburg, traffic jams are 10 points. pulkovo airport operates intermittently,
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flight delays and cancellations. two aeroflot airliners returned to the capital's sheremetyevo due to bad weather in the northern capital and the lack of a favorable forecast. and underneath this is a cyclone. influence we have 2 more days. now there is news about the progress of the special operation in the krasno-liman direction, our troops , through joint actions from the ground and air , repelled attacks by the ukrainian armed forces assault groups, and also struck at the location of one of the brigades of the ukrainian formations. the enemy's losses were two infantry fighting vehicles, three transport vehicles, about 300 militants. in total, the report contains 107 areas of districts with concentrations of manpower and equipment, in which the aerospace forces, drones, and missile forces have precisely worked out and artillery. significant losses among the militants in the zaporozhye direction in the rabotin area, the result of the so-called counter-offensive taught them nothing, they continue to climb to the fullest, prisoners tell how they were sent to slaughter, a report from the front line by valentina solovyova, in this interval,
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hold on, we need to go faster get through, well, yes, we need to get through a little faster, this is the most heavily shot section of the road to rabotina, the fighter presses the gas pedal to the floor. using night vision devices we are moving towards positions of the army special forces group osman. she holds the defense in the area that the enemy has chosen as the main one for the breakthrough attempt. during the so-called counter-offensive. now we can see old burnt equipment that has recently cooled down, well, most likely, the enemy may still be regrouping, gaining strength and resources. results of the last sortie of the enemy armored vehicles tried to bring up and disembark the infantry, one infantry fighting vehicle is burning out, from the second the militants immediately rushed into the loose, our shell is catching up with them. ukryitsa in the area work, there are some fields that resemble a lunar landscape, almost all the forest belts have been planted, but you... persistently send equipment there, in these frames, our first shell lands next to
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an armored vehicle, after adjustment it hit the target exactly, they walked in large columns, they were burned in large columns , we thought this would be a lesson for them, but they didn’t learn a lesson, well, for themselves from this whole situation, from a summer company, also a rod, four or five cars get out, a maximum of two or three leave, volcano, volcano mitisu reception, at the reception , volcano, we opened our warm eyes, then work, visibility good, how the reception was received, now in enemy positions, our reconnaissance noticed a movement, they are working on anti-tank missiles , for us this is a piece of our land, we are defending it, we will defend it, the land itself, the soldiers say , is for us, they had their own tactics, has changed the weather, they already have their own equipment, already another foreign one, which is particularly impassable in our places, the equipment is crazy, it immediately gets them prisoners, well, one of them, i ask what where to go, what supposedly they
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were told that they were here their troops, we were taken out on an armored troop carrier, dropped off, told to go, they would meet you there along the landing, i thought that maybe they were figuring out where they were shooting at us from, like a living target, like well, like meat, honestly, that is, it could be intentional, do you think that calculate positions? perhaps, yes, these are prisoners of war who went to storm osman’s position in the rabotin area, they walked, knowing what losses they were suffering there, bogdan kumansky said, he was sent to storm through a minefield, i see a sokop, two heads peeking out, they say, come here, you don't go there, it's like a minefield showed the way, how it would be safer to approach their position, he approached the guys , they immediately told me, bro, you’re lucky, i said, what’s wrong, you crossed the entire minefield and at least once
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hit something, you were born shirts, everyone understands, well, the previous ones didn’t come back either, they understand that this road, one end, i ’m very lucky, how they treat you , it’s normal, everything is fine, i smoke three times a day, they all immediately provided first aid there when taken prisoner. they are making bandages, they took out the fragments, maxim perkalo, in front of sent to the front line, managed to complete a training course in the uk with western instructors, his group surrendered 10 minutes after they tried to take our position, what do you think about your command, rare, they just send young guys to meat, they sit there themselves in dugouts, somewhere in schools. and the birds just look, we are dying, how old are you? 19, did you kill russians? no, i wasn’t even
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aiming towards the russians, you’re saying that because you’re in the middle of nowhere now, no, because i myself was born on the territory russia, murmansk region, in the polar city, all my family are russian, bogdan kumansky, whom our soldiers helped to cross the minefield, was more talkative, but what other tasks did he perform? well, i didn’t do anything else, well, just like they bought it, everyone says that the first exit, the first exit, i didn’t do anything, while it is so, you killed russians, no, it hasn’t happened yet, not yet, no, well i’ve never had the opportunity to kill, i’m not going to kill, now about our heroes,
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the commander of a detachment of volunteers, mikhail litvinenko, during an attempt to break through our positions, retained control of his subordinates, despite the lost connection, restored its attack at the first opportunity, the militants were repulsed without losses, guard junior sergeant viktor ignatiev took an advantageous position for his self-propelled howitzer during the shelling, after which the crew destroyed three units of equipment and a large number of personnel strength. enemy. and about the elite of the armed forces. today is a professional holiday for the marine corps. black berets perform any task. alexey ivanov was once again convinced of this. marine corps, fleet washing, where we are, there victory, under the st. andrew's flag, far from the seas of the oceans, they are ready to carry out a combat mission at any time of the day or night. the marines are the elite of the armed forces, in their arsenal they have modern armored vehicles
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and powerful artillery, under the coaldar as part of the vostok group, the enemy is being crushed by the black ones... from two famous fleets at once: the pacific - this is the 155th brigade and the baltic 336th brigade. this crew calls the combat vehicle katyusha, the heiress of the famous installations works flawlessly in the most dangerous areas. there have been destinations, we leave straight as close as possible, close to the front, because you need to throw it further, to catch the enemy further, these are usually the most interesting targets, the most exciting, the most difficult... the most terrible, one might even say, but that makes it more interesting, it’s already there you start working faster, more actively, minimum mistakes, maximum work. marine assault units terrify the enemy. this machine gunner received his call sign mozart for his masterful use of weapons. it was he who was among those twenty fighters who were under
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village of novodonetsk, not only held our positions, but also destroyed 103 naval ones. infantry father along with armored vehicles, they stormed us, they thought that everything would work out so easily for them, but it didn’t work out, we , with two squads of marines, repulsed a company reinforced by five armored personnel carriers and a tank, without losses on our part. u-155 of the separate guards brigade of the marine corps, the pacific fleet is replenishing, experienced attack aircraft volunteers have come now, they are training the young ones, taking into account a special military operation. the assault five covers their own comrades who occupy the forest belt. fire contact occurs immediately. at this time , the armored personnel carrier rolls back, because on the battlefield the armored vehicle is a priority target. everything is very, very fast, there are literally seconds, you can still see ahead, but you
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have reverse gear on, they also jump, you also quickly leave. not everyone can handle it. yes, because here, somehow , the stress is greater, both physical and moral, somehow, as an elite, you miss the sea, the ocean, not yet, on land it’s also not bad, and also black berets are a real military brotherhood, to all the brothers from the marine corps, i want to wish them nerves of steel, the restraint that they are now showing on the line of combat contact, so that they also successfully fulfill their tasks, alexey ivanov, stukanok ilya podkidyshev, channel one, donbass. the regional governor , andrei vorobyov, met with the mothers of participants in the military special operation in alabino, moscow region. i thanked them for their sons and reminded them how they are waiting for support from home on the front lines. now i was talking with the guys, well, there were officers, and mostly
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officers, they say, the volunteers who come are very important. with letters, with postcards, with whatever is necessary, letters can also be written in different ways, the guys write them absolutely sincerely, with such childish or teenage spontaneity, my son, now after being wounded he is undergoing treatment and rehabilitation, all our strength aimed at ensuring that he really wants to join the ranks, he will continue to serve, he is a professional military man, he is a professional military man, yes, a captain, he was awarded the order of courage for his participation in his own, now the most important task is to put him into operation, we are seriously working on this, he has a good, fighting mood , vladimir putin signed the country’s budget for the next year for a planned two-year period, the document provides for all funds for social payments, defense expenses and
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security in 24 will double, while funding for education and medicine will significantly increase, budget salaries... will be indexed based on the increased minimum wage. according to the law signed today by the president new year it will be 19,242 rubles. the west's attempts to destroy our financial system through sanctions have failed. the situation in the domestic banking sector was discussed at a meeting between vladimir putin and the head of vtb, andrei kostin. one of the largest russian banks finances projects that are important for the country. and more recently. august, at this very table, vladimir putin instructed andrei kostin to take the troubled united shipbuilding corporation into trust management, since then, in 3 and a half months, kostin visited all the main shipyards in the country. in general,
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it seems to me that work in a state defense procurement corporation can be recognized. well, what about the civil order after the introduction of sanctions for new ships of all classes, except from oska in russia there is practically nowhere to order, unfortunately , today we are not able to fully satisfy this order, there is not enough capacity, there is not enough technology, we will need in my opinion, serious modernization of the industry, and even in my opinion, the construction of new enterprises, new shipyards, we see at least two new shipyards, one in the northwestern region, somewhere in the st. petersburg region, leningrad region, the second in the far east, with kostiny’s arrival at oska , changes in management have already begun, new corporate management bodies have been created, you said that that there are certain questions, problems , including those related to technology, after all, you have already visited teams, worked, talked to people, met people, i see that in many very industries we are acquiring new competencies, so
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like, uh, shipbuilding, well, i think these processes are also going on, it’s just that the level of enterprises here is very different under the enterprises , i’m traveling, there are enterprises with modern equipment, with technologies, and there are enterprises where they are really outdated, the most striking example of outdated equipment, andrei kostin brought back in september to germany exported for reparations, accordingly, yes , and there people proudly say that we have a machine, it’s 90 years old, i say, this is not a historical monument, that’s right, right here we are undergoing a structural restructuring, at the very beginning, only the admiralty shipyards have already purchased 60 new machines, all these machines are made in russia, the manufacturer is the tbs company, which means the ulyanovsk machine-building plant, two grinding machines, this is the lipetsk revival plant, the shipyards' stocks are loaded
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for years to come , for example, in st. petersburg they are producing a series of ten rabolovech trawlers of a new type; these will essentially be full-fledged floating enterprises for catching and processing tens of tons of fish per day. on at the entrance we get mentha and selt, at the exit we get suremi - this is the minced meat that goes into... crab sticks, this mentha fillet is a finished product that can be immediately transferred to customers, and we also get fish meal and fish meal from waste fat. russia also needs its new dry cargo ships and tankers, passenger ships, and especially the more river class. and all this will have to be developed and produced by dozens of enterprises that are part of the united shipbuilding corporation. i am sure that in 5-7 years we will have - modern, efficient... construction industry, great, i see that you have plunged into it, i know about your movements around the factories , this, this is very good, but still, first
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of all, andrei kostin is known as a banker and the head of votb, as bank, bank well, a very successful year, not only for vtb, but for the entire banking sector, in 2022 sanctions left vtbft, western assets and divisions, but by the end of 2023 the bank plans to report a record annual profit, the sources of which... its activities, well of course reflects the positive development of russian-chinese trade and economic relations, you see, our ill-wishers apparently did not expect that the russian banking sector would go through all the difficulties that are created from the outside in this way , they did not take into account the seemingly elementary thing that a bank is not just a jar. where the money is, and this is part of the economy, and the banking sector reflects the state of the economy as a whole,
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at the same time, already in 2024, andrey kostins will reduce the decline in bank profits in order to curb inflation, the regulator, that is the central bank raised the key rate to a protective 15%, and also introduced restrictions on lending, we expect that as soon as the economy reaches the target inflation figures, its monetary policy will make its monetary policy less tight, and maybe even better more soft. well, here too you need to be very careful with this softness, but we will understand, we understand. this is generally decided by the central bank, but here we are talking about vtb. well, you yourself are satisfied with the work, the bank for yes, yes, we worked well this year, and now we are implementing a new strategy we are preparing it at the beginning of next year; it will, of course, take into account the colossal changes that have occurred. banking sector, but i think that today we are looking forward with great optimism, konstantin panyushkin, anna zayakina koryak and kiril loginov,
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work. the government today approved a comprehensive child safety strategy. the main goal is to help parents protect their child when there is a threat to his life and health. today we talked about measures to support children diagnosed with rare chronic diseases. yuri lipatov will continue the topic. mikhail mishustya began an operational meeting with deputy prime ministers by discussing the topic of supporting children with serious illnesses. over the past 3 years , more than 23,000 patients have received support. the government is pursuing a systemic approach. work to help children with chronic and rare illnesses, on behalf of the head of state, the circle of good foundation was created, among its priority tasks are the organization of treatment and rehabilitation and the purchase of expensive medical products, drugs, including foreign ones, not yet registered in russia. today we will allocate over 33 billion rubles to expand the list of severe pathologies in a variety of profiles and
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the necessary medications, and new unique methods of therapy will also be added. the circle of good foundation is one of the state funds that was created almost 3 years ago by presidential decree to provide assistance to children with severe life-threatening and chronic diseases, including rare ones, that is, orphan diseases. without government support , it is very difficult to treat such diseases, and the point is not only the cost of drugs, the point is that you also need put in a lot of effort just to get them. so far, issues of import substitution are being systematically resolved. the availability of many vital imported medicines is also under the special control of cabinet members. another decision concerning the health of children with diabetes was discussed in detail at a meeting with the president about measures for the prevention and treatment of this disease. the government will support the regions so that they can purchase a sufficient number of continuous glucose monitoring systems and provide them to children with diabetes mellitus
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type. more than 5 billion rubles will be allocated for these purposes in the coming year. everyone knows about the demand for targeted state support for families where children have diabetes, but diving into the problem of complex adaptation to the disease can be dramatic. viktor vasenkov’s wife recently passed away due to cancer, and then his daughter alisa also fell ill. when the diagnosis happened, it was a shock, because i didn’t know how or anything to deal with. doctors and the most modern equipment in the children's clinical hospital helped. victor is no longer haunted by constant ponic attacks due to such a continuous monitoring sensor. fears for my daughter's health. alice is wearing this . information on your blood sugar status can be seen simply by holding your smartphone to your hand. instead of ten finger pricks, a dacha is installed that continuously determines the glucose level every 3-5 minutes, and transmits this information to a cloud server, yes, protected, the doctor is, in fact, ours:
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the unit here can analyze the information in real time , we had a project, a road together, a joint charity fund, we were together, we won presidential grant, the government developed a strategy for comprehensive child safety, which involves a lot , from information security measures to crime prevention, and in order to put everything into practice, a special seven-year plan was formulated, for which the prime minister asked deputy prime minister tatyana golikova. tatyana alekseevna, please tell us in more detail about how this work will be carried out. one of the priority areas of the plan is the formation of safe behavior habits and a healthy lifestyle in parents and children. life, support for traditional russian spiritual and moral values ​​and, above all , family values. we pay special attention to the issues of the children's goods industry,
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we are talking about the quality of games, books, films, everything that forms value guidelines and a culture of safe behavior. thank you, tatyana alekseevna, it is very important to closely monitor the implementation of this plan, all events, because in fact every event is aimed at protecting the health and interests of our children, their intellectual, creative, physical, overall harmonious development. by presidential decree, 2024 has been declared the year... russia will not put up with the west’s attempts to build its well-being at the expense of others. the dominance of the so-called golden billion is a thing of the past, said chief lavrov at the primakov readings. delegations from
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26 countries gathered in moscow today. for a great conversation about new horizons. pavel pchelkin listened. reading is an international forum of experts named after evgeniy maksimovich primakov. it was he who put forward the concept of multipolarity. mida slowly but surely is replacing the model of globalization, which until recently was so actively promoted by the west, led by the united states. in fact, washington himself put an end to this model, realizing that by playing by its rules, he began to lose. such fundamental legal foundations of world economic relations as free competition and inviolability of property have been destroyed. dollar. has long been used as a weapon, the goal of western colleagues is simple and at the same time cynical, to continue skimming the cream from global politics, economics, trade, to ensure their own
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well-being at the expense of others, the desire of the west to single-handedly decide the fate of the world, as it has been for the last 500 years, is destructive, everyone sees this now with their own eyes, if only through the example of the newly flared middle east conflict, which the united states undertook to resolve, pushing everyone aside with their elbows. there was a quartet, these are russia, the usa, the european union and the un, and this quartet, i must say, worked well, it did not, did not achieve a breakthrough, but there was progress, in the end it resulted in the fact that the americans said no, nothing is working out, no bother us, we'll try themselves, when everything collapsed, the united states actually took one of the sides in the conflict, experts are sure that a palestinian-israeli settlement is possible only if the parties return to a direct one. looks at the whole world as if it only exists, the whole world is not people , he once said that this west should
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take its hands off this issue, because the peoples of this region themselves, they can negotiate among themselves, they can live together , speaking about the importance of principles, the head of the russian foreign ministry emphasized the peace of the new world order, we do not need to start from scratch leaf. there is a foundation for a sustainable, just world; this is the charter of the united nations. but its provision should not be implemented selectively, as our colleagues in the west do, trying to pull out from the principles of the charter what is beneficial to them at this particular moment. in fact, prototypes of a model of the future world order, for example, brix, are created on these principles. no one imposes anything on anyone, no one blackmails anyone, they are not forced to choose either us or them, either with us or against us, and it is not surprising that
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dozens of states want to get closer to brix, stavrov was asked the question: is it possible to compare current relations with the west with the cold war period? according to him, everything is definitely no better; in ukraine there is a fight against the puppet regime of the west, which has set as its goal the physical destruction of everything russian, including actually... citizens, lining up countries in a line in the fight against russia, the eu is even ready to sacrifice the unshakable principle of consensus. recently , discussions have begun within the european union about abolishing the consensus rules so that it would be possible the majority of the countries of the european union to impose certain decisions, their will, on the minority of the same countries of the european union, that is, this is absolutely such a shameless and arrogant, i would say, suppression of national sovereignty, while the united states does not have an alliance. only satellites, which you can always sacrifice, or even better, get rich at their expense. europe, well, i hope, maybe, except for scholz and habik , it has realized where it finds itself, deindustrialization is happening,
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businesses thinking about their future are moving to the united states, and i am convinced that this is not easy a coincidence of circumstances, this is a conscious policy of washington, because europe is also a competitor, answering the question whether there is a chance of restoring relations with the eu in the future, lavrov noted: to think about how we can restore relations with europe, i think, at this stage we don’t need it at all, we now need to think about how we can not depend on those twists and turns in european policy, primarily in trade, economic and investment policy, that europe makes under the influence of washington. russia, according to the minister, will do everything to protect itself in all key sectors of the economy on which the future of the country depends. and when cutoff comes to european politicians, if it comes, we will think 10 times and weigh how reliable these colleagues are, they have greatly undermined their ability to negotiate,” lavrov noted. pavel pcholkin, anastasia slobodenyuk, kiril danilov, 2 hours ago
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it was announced that israel and the palestinian hamas movement are extending the truce that has been in force since friday for 2 days for a phased exchange of hostages and prisoners. and today there is a family in moscow. russian, released together with others in the gas sector, thanked our diplomats for this. the twenty-five-year-old man was captured on october 7, the same day the current crisis began. bring him home. succeeded thanks to direct agreements with hamas. grigory emelyanov, more details. this footage is published by hamas sources, israelis, former hostages being escorted home. the camera captures the emphatically correct smile on their faces. in conditions where opponents accuse each other of excessive cruelty. it is important for palestinians to show such recordings. into the frame a young man gets caught, this is ron krivoy , an israeli with a russian passport, who worked as a sound engineer at the ill-fated music festival during the attack on the seventh. october, was not initially included in the exchange lists,
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he was released as a result of direct negotiations between our diplomats and the palestinians. we positively assess the gesture of goodwill shown by the leadership of the hamas movement and its readiness for constructive interaction in solving humanitarian problems that are of particular importance to us. deputy head of the russian foreign ministry mikhail met with the family of the released man bogdanov. coincidentally, relatives came to moscow to find out how the negotiations to free ron were progressing, on the very day he was released. many thanks to the russian federation and the ministerial affairs lavrov, deputy bogdanov and zakharov from the whole country for helping to release my brother, we want to say that we should continue to do what we could to help, to release not only all russian citizens. and as we see what the russians can do, the meade continues the necessary contacts with the countries involved, and
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the israeli press publishes the story of another relative of ron; what he experienced might seem like a script for an adventure film if life were not at stake. elena mogit, the aunt of roni krivoy, who was freed from hamas captivity, said he managed to escape from his captors when the building in which he was being held collapsed after a bombing. according to the woman, ronnie hid for several days and tried to get to the border with the gas sector, until a local... residents captured him and handed him over to the terrorists. all it was like being in a movie, mogi described what her nephew went through. he tried to get to the border across an open field, but it seems to me that due to the fact that ronnie did not understand where he was and where he should run, he had problems. a helicopter delivers former hostages to the clinic under cover of darkness. the israelis greet their own as quietly and carefully as possible. this, of course, does not mean that they are not happy about the liberation of their fellow citizens. such is the local specificity - safety comes first . with all precautions, we placed them in the hospital, where they
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reunited with their loved ones, we examine those who have returned as delicately and sensitively as possible. and as if there were two different worlds, palestinians returning from israeli prisons are greeted on the west bank of jordan. the exchange took place, it seemed like a celebration, yes, but there was one subtlety. the israelis freed 117 palestinians. over the past 3 days, during the same time they detained 116 people in the occupied territories of the west bank. this is the arithmetic, these people are not returning from prison, from egypt. surprising but true recent refugees are trying to open the rafah checkpoint in the opposite direction towards the gaza strip. there are about 2,500 of us here. do you want to come back? yes, all of us. even under such circumstances. even under such circumstances.
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my whole family is there, but i have lost all contact with them, of course, i want to return as soon as possible, that these people were encouraged by the 4 days of the truce, the temptation is too great to believe that everything is over, but despite the fact that the ceasefire has been extended further for 2 days, depending on your strategic plans doesn't refuse. ultimately, we will return with all our strength to realize our goals, the elimination of hamas and... the liberation of all our citizens. i met our soldiers in gaza, these brave heroes with fire in their eyes, and i am convinced that we will complete this mission, we have no other choice. the fire in the eyes with which the tsakhal carries out the mission to clear the gas sector worries even joseppe barel. the head of european diplomacy insists that the truce must be used to find a political solution. and he is very surprised that israel, in the midst of war, continues to allocate money for the construction of new jewish settlements. this has nothing
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to do with self-defense and will not make israel safer, the construction of these settlements is a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law, they pose a major threat to israel's security. the israeli leadership prefers to communicate with ilan musk, the benefit is mutual, a businessman accused of anti-semitism proves that he is not an anti-semite, simultaneously agreeing to connect the staring system in the gas sector, nitan yahoo demonstrates to the influential owner of social network x the horrors of the october 7 attack and finally achieves his goal. during the conversation via audio chat, musk, who condemned israel's actions in the gaza strip, said: israel also kills civilians in the gaza strip, but it is worth noting that israel does everything possible to avoid killing civilians. here we just need to add that in october, 1,200 israelis became victims of a hamas attack, 500 were injured. the retaliatory bombings killed 16,000 palestinians and injured 36,000 in a month and a half.
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the majority are not hamas militants. grigory emelyanov, dalya serazheddinova, sergei komensky, channel one. now there is an advertisement in the second part of the program, biomaterials of the future, a conversation at the youth forum in sirius and vladimir moshkov on the day of his sixtieth birthday about the role of his whole life, don’t switch, vanka syndrome, the guy is spinning on the bed all the time, this is a sure sign of internal bleeding, oh, and we got a nugget diagnosis, everything , everything, everything, everything, now i’m an ordinary, obedient nurse, ask the nurse, today on the first, vodka is a product of the stellar group, what kind of dangerous disease
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is supposedly spreading in the zaporozhye region , today he is hiring bloggers in ukraine who work off the money they are paid, the budget is falling, fakes are also falling and what epidemic is really threatening kiev? common people call it ordinary jaundice. what is special insurance? in the territories of zaporozhye, kherson, donetsk and lugansk regions, it is impossible for our residents to use medical services. zaporozhye region policy can be obtained and medical assistance is available. as for the former ukrainian regions, they stirred up this system purposefully. antifake. premiere. tomorrow on. on the russian river, in the impenetrable tropical forests of sunny california, a mysterious camp is hidden from prying eyes; this place is called bohemian grove. we will burn you again this night, we will recite the ritual that will free us this summer. this is really a syndicate
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of various masonic structures, where many decide who will be president, whether or not to start a war. in this place the issue of creation is being resolved. it was immediately used against japan, and if you want to someday rise to the position of president, you need to go through a certain ritual. this is a human sacrifice, which is designed to destroy chimeras, conscience and morality, the mafia with a claim to guide the development of humanity, if necessary, to reduce the number of people on earth. the goal is one, mastery of the world. not bohemian slave-judgment. they somehow still live inside you, but it is important to really move them out at a certain moment, oleg pavlovich said that he never
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i have never met such a prepared student in my life, the profession that chose me, to think that we chose it, but no, it chooses, i waited for 3 years for tabakov to praise me, a movie can be made, on the phone, will it be this is the value, our viewer, distrustful, thoughtful, needs to be captured, podcast on saturday, for vladimir’s sixtieth birthday. please help yourself , what kind of events are there, the holiday is just around the corner, he is one of those artists about whom you can say he had no easy roles to play feelings are impossible, such an alpha male, with a colossal amount of male energy, which of course rushes out of him, i have accumulated , let me realize myself once, when he
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voiced the distribution of roles, i was stunned, probably, i have never been so scared in my life, well, he can stand up for... you, he has a strong fist, did you really think that the truth would leave me, he always goes to the last, he does not leave himself compromises to the ground, sit, i'm gotsman, david markovich, david markovich, david markovich, we exist, we must understand the world by experiencing world, we get to know ourselves, today on the first. this is the program time and we continue the relics of st. sergei radanichsky were brought to the church of the intercession of the blessed virgin mary in moscow, a church that was built almost 250 years ago at the butyrka prison, six months ago, when the russian orthodox church began to celebrate the six hundredth anniversary of the discovery of the relics
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of the wonderworker, the shrine went on a trip around the country, by the end of the week the ark will visit four more churches in correctional institutions, after which it will return to trinity sergegiev lavra. and today a molemen service was held in the moscow church. minister of justice konstantin chyuchinka took part in the ceremony. correction requires enormous internal work on oneself. disciplinary action alone is not enough. it is faith that helps people cope with the situation ; i am convinced that the bringing of the relics of st. sergei will encourage the parishioners of the church of the intercession of the most holy theotokos to pray from the heart, help them gain spiritual strength, and receive consolation to take the righteous path. in sirius opens. congress of young scientists, one of the key events of the decade of science and technology announced by the president, almost 5,000 participants, 25 countries, authors of unique
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projects, including students and schoolchildren, as well as representatives of large corporations, direct contact between theory and practice, ivan prozarov will tell you more. this is one of the devices that allows you to generate mrna vaccines. maxim nikitin can be called the embodiment of the idea that a talented person is talented in everything, a developer of complex instruments, the author of dozens of articles in leading scientific journals have discovered a new mechanism for storing genetic information in cells, in addition to the famous double helix of dna, this will help to take a fresh look at the aging process and the origin of life on earth. these interactions may contain information that we had no idea existed in our body, and accordingly, this work opens up a large number of different directions, and what to do next from the point of view of both genetics and neurodevelopment. sirius university graduate students
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they are just starting their journey into big science right away with the development of biomaterials of the future for our doctors, it took off, you can say it’s almost like a cobweb, thin, cobweb-like matter - this is artificial skin, it can be glued like a plaster, and the fibers can be filled with the necessary medicine. we don’t need to tear off this matrix, so it dissolved, released the medicine, we put a new one on top again, and so on until it heals, and that ’s what they do... pins for fusing bones after injuries, oh, i overdid it, ugh, here for this you need glasses, yes, better come on, you do it professionally, unlike metal retainers, these polymers do not need to be removed after restoration, they simply dissolve, gradually this place where the screw was, it is filled with bone tissue and connective tissue, you can under each injury, for each person to choose their own conditions, by young scientists, to create in our country about 270 new laboratories, regents, a tripod, which was produced in russia in mytishchi, glass, a wedge and mytishchi too,
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here we have such a chemical tree, 1, 2 , 3, christmas tree, measles, at last year's congress olga tarasova told the president of russia about the people's catalog of scientific equipment and consumables, our lab, it is used by scientists, universities, businesses, vladimir putin supported the project and now it is huge. industrial register translated into several languages. we now have a capacity of our portal of about 20,000 goods of russian and belarusian production and from 505 manufacturers are currently contacting us from different parts of the planet, and we even read requests for industrial cooperation every time. belarus, china, iran, and south africa are expecting participants from 25 countries at the congress. in 3 days in sochi they will cover literally everything, from arctic exploration to artificial intelligence training. this year , more than 100 thematic sessions will be held at the congress of young scientists, including food national security, personalized medicine, the opening
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of spaces and nature-like technologies. the congress of young scientists is held annually as part of the presidential decade of science and technology. leaders gather in sochi domestic science, representatives of business and state corporations, and the main promising researchers from all fields to take stock and outline plans for the future. the latest russian developments are presented, stands of the country's leading universities of domestic companies, where they will not just talk about the implementation of science-intensive technologies, but right here on the congress site they will select employees from among young and talented scientists, and it will not be easy to choose, thanks to the world of state support, they managed to stop reduction of scientific personnel is observed a gradual influx of young people who have the opportunity to realize their ideas and become, for example, like sergei adonin, a professor at the russian academy of sciences. at 36 years old, in recent years there has appeared a whole, i would say such a galaxy of guys, plus or minus my age, who defended their doctoral
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dissertations quite early, and accordingly, many of them have now already received a title. professor ran, including, is simply a generation that came to science after very difficult times, and, accordingly, remained in it. perhaps these examples best reflect the theme of the third congress - the space of opportunity and development. this space is open to everyone. ivan prozerov, vyacheslav chereshko, roman ivanov, larisa nikitina and denis lariin. channel one, federal territory sirius. new week at the russia exhibition at vdnkh. historical. speaker of the state duma vyacheslav volodin and leaders of duma factions also appreciated the spectacular installation today. parliamentarians got acquainted with the best domestic technical developments, scientific discoveries, achievements in industry and culture, guests also visited stands of different regions. one of the most beloved russian actors, the artistic director of the legendary snuffbox, vladimir mashkov, is 60 today. his
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contribution to russian culture is congratulatory. vladimir putin noted, dozens of memorable images and different roles, as the artist says, at the very forefront of feelings and emotions, loyalty to one’s rules and principles, creativity in tune with the times, olga pautova will confirm, hello, dear friends, sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down, his best gift to himself is a meeting with the audience , vladimir moshkov is always more frank there than in an interview, as if he was communicating with old friends, recalling stories that he had not shared before... for example, after being expelled from the first course of the mkhat studios school, he worked for six months in the art workshops of the theater. there was such a wonderful performance, dodina, judushka golovlev, with inakkenty mikhailovich and maktunovsky in the title role, i painted this fur coat that was going to be there. that deduction became fateful, because the next year oleg tabakov took the course. mashkov became his best
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student; he entrusted the role to him, a twenty-year-old student. old man schwartz in his legendary performance sailor's silence. i later figured out the meaning, why did oleg pavlovich entrust this role to me? the fact is that in one year i lost my parents, first my mother, and then my father. and oleg pavlovich knew about this pain and he understood the degree of my loneliness. but the most difficult thing was how to find this boundless father’s love in yourself, and it was there. next to me, my father loved me too, then you will certainly remember about me, and you will tell these people, it was my dad who made me what i am, it is unlikely that moshkov then imagined that abram schwartz would become the role of his whole life, literally, he still plays a modest storekeeper, whose only dream is for his son to become a famous stapler and make his way into the people, before this vaseline,
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in these shots moshkov is preparing to go on stage in honor of the tenth anniversary of the play. now you’ll see i’m 33 soon, you see in what condition, and he’s in a hurry to live and in a hurry to feel, in another 8 years, he transferred this story of alexander gallich to the screen, and the main reward was that after the film, grown men took out their phones and called their fathers, excuse me, this is for joy, the movie - and this one wants to sit down, dishonest, mashkova fell in love with her first popularity and the title of sex symbol was brought to him by the film limita. this image could have been used for many years, but that was not what tabakov taught. mashkov sometimes immerses himself in the role of not the most exemplary, but loving son in the film mom, so, i have grandchildren, mom, you have many grandchildren, all of whom bear our last name. in the role of a selflessly devoted father in the film , the american daughter and the best scenes with actress alison whitbeck are absolute improvisation.
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you know the kind of camel with a lip, this. and hunchbacked, and for the film the region, which was nominated for an oscar, vladimir moshkov himself learned to drive a steam locomotive before revolutionary times, for the sake of the role of a print driver, he lost 15 kg, refused understudies, and this could have cost him his life, during filming in the icy he almost drowned in the water. with such an uncompromising approach to film crew knows, for example, tom cruise, it is not surprising that these two easily found a common language on the set of the film mission: impossible. you and i are not enemies, i was set up. they spend a lot of time until the very moment of filming in order to distribute another person in themselves, and i will go to the military prosecutors and say that they ran in three legs, you also don’t delay, it’s about the tonsils, to distribute david markovich gotsman in yourself, mashkov tried for weeks, listened for a long time to conversations in odessa markets, adopted the manner, accent, gestures, and role in
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in the series, the elimination became one of the best in his career, but... when filming ended, i came to moscow and right there i realized that i couldn’t talk, just finish it all. let go, and mashkov continued to immerse himself deeply in the role, you are ready to fly into space, long before the start of filming the challenge, he was next to the team, like his hero he supported the crew before the launch on the baycon and was one of the first to meet when the capsule landed in kazakh steppe. it was all filmed in real time, when i ran up and saw this burnt ship, in the porthole. i saw someone’s shoulder and my thoughts were that they were only alive. despite the fact that he received people's love thanks to cinema, and his name on the poster is already a sufficient reason for many to watch the film,
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moshkov himself considers himself a theater person, and not only an actor. in the nineties, his productions of passion for the threepenny opera bumbarash became hits, and the comedy performance number 13, about the unsuccessful adultery of an assistant to the british prime minister with a secretary, remains one of the most commercially successful in the chekhov moscow art theater. what are we doing with you? let's return to plan a, after the departure of his beloved teacher, moshkov began to refuse to work in cinema altogether, devoting himself entirely to the tobakov theater, became its artistic director and headed the tobakov school, turned it from a college into the first higher theater educational institution, which is entered after the ninth class. my primary concern is student success. this is happiness, this was passed down from oleg palyvich, how he loved it when we were successful. and i know, when the guys do something well, you start to breathe differently, we begin to destroy it, crumble it, whatever you say, destroy it, destroy it, all
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the last days, from morning to night, moshkov is in the theater watching the rehearsals of a show play about the birth of talent , atom of the sun , he doesn’t prepare for his birthday, he says festive evenings, it ’s always some kind of result, but he doesn’t sum it up, the main event in your life, like bulgakov’s? ahead are olga pautova, tatyana bodrova and enesa mezhevalova, channel one. where is your work book? i have not it, what did you do for 17 years after graduating
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from college, did not work in your specialty, did not confirm the certificate, divorce? yes,


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