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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  November 27, 2023 10:55pm-11:56pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] cleansing and success is also being developed - in the western direction, the enemy is trying to gain a foothold there in the private sector, but the most positive thing is the dominant height, and now the enemy, no matter where he tries to gain a foothold in the avdeevka area, he is already under constant control - by ours artillery spotters, last night in avdiivka, our artillery is working concentratedly and our aviation is working, traces of the work of our aviation are constantly visible in the sky, which launches guided bombs and , accordingly, missiles, hitting manpower the enemy, and the whole world has already gone around the cadres of ukrainians, officers leaving their positions and what is interesting is that today their artillery and their
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armed forces did not even try , this suggests that now on the front line, namely avdeevsky, the enemy suffered not only physical losses, but loss of morale, this greatly affects the combat capabilities of those military personnel who are fighting today on the ukrainian side, also our guys, in order for such a positive result to be secured by the army, attack the enemy in the area, that is, in the area marinka, in the ugledar novo-mikhalovka area there are certain successes, even with such bad weather conditions , our reconnaissance and artillery are constantly working, our aviation is also working in this direction, if we take the zaporozhye direction, then
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everything is quite stable there now , the front line has already taken on some clear outlines, our guys are now strengthening themselves there, well, in kherson i contacted our comrades, in the kherson direction our guys are doing everything to knock out the enemy as much as possible and those reserves that the enemy is pulling into the area of ​​the krynoks, that is, there are quite small channels there, our military personnel and artillery are especially successful in those watercraft on which the enemy is trying to move ammunition and personnel to these remaining small bridgeheads, literally yesterday and today quite a large number of watercraft were hit and there were colossal losses, when compared with the losses our units suffer,
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we actually no longer have, in this area there is such a thing as 200 and this is also very serious i’m glad, if we take it briefly from what is happening today on the front line and what i saw directly with my own eyes, i want to emphasize once again that if the weather had been a little more favorable, then i think that even today there were there would be very serious tactical successes and northern avdeevka, in ugledarsky... these bridgeheads on the left bank of the dnieper that you talked about, do they pose some kind of real threat to a further ukrainian offensive, or is this purely local? dmitry, this does not
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pose any threat to our armed forces, this time, i think that they are used to a greater extent - by ukrainian propaganda for their listener and viewer, in order to show that they have some successes, they suffer colossal losses there and develop the success without the guidance of engineering communications, that is, bridges, it is impossible to attack there, and the fact that they are held, today, let’s say, ours are advancing as much as possible, saving personnel ... and work against the enemy mainly with guided missiles, guided bombs and work out these areas with the help of artillery and fpv drones. and the last question, tell us about donetsk, i know that there were very strong attacks by drones, other ukrainian means of attack, there was some kind
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of lull or all this... now the weather conditions are such that the enemy is using massive amounts of drones and missiles. quite difficult due to weather conditions, because yesterday it rained, there were snowstorms in the morning, the enemy is attacking, attacking and attacking, mainly civilian infrastructure, that is , our military facilities are not actually suffering today, they are trying to damage as much as possible damage by 155 rounds of ammunition, although these days, specifically in donetsk, as soon as the serious augean operation began, the number of... shelling in donetsk is decreasing, and even the fact that they are achieving some, you know, such vulgar successes, shelling our
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civil infrastructure, this morning i was also driving around donetsk, everything around donetsk is as smooth as possible, but due to weather conditions due to shelling, we had a disruption in communications, there were certain problems with... with electricity, but today, in fact, these remain only local centers where our guys are still working on these tasks, that is, they are finalizing these tasks, coping with, say, restoring cellular communications and electricity, and the head of the donetsk people ’s republic addressed our citizens and said: remain calm, well, in principle, we always we are ready for the enemy to attack civilian infrastructure, and he personally... personally monitors the progress of restoration work on power grids and cellular communications. thank you very much, thank you for your very important work, for your courage and of course for
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found time for us. i hope you'll be on the air again soon, goodbye, thank you, all the best. general, general buzhinsky, professor of the higher school of economics, lieutenant general, with a large military... in this, well, you heard the report from the front line, do you have any additional comments, and your assessment of the general situation? the general situation, it is generally clear, well , active defense, there is active defense , we don’t have any positions, but what is active defense, when it is, when the defending troops not only, so to speak, repel attacks, but they themselves go into counterattacks, solve some local problems, this is of course not an offensive operation, but nevertheless, that is, to put it very simply, that is, that is, the troops do not sit in the trenches and do not shoot back, what about avdiivka
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, i think that there is something more active there, no, avdeevka is more active there, of course, but the estimates are different, there is only a small section left there, so to speak, the number of kilometers there is not very much - sometimes 6, sometimes 5 , then 4, but the most important thing is that there are still two roads left, which still allow us to supply the avdeevka group, but i think that in the end this pincer movement will close, then there will be such a good cauldron, with a very decent garrison, which is located in ovdeevka, now regarding kherson, you asked a question about that bridgehead on ... on the left bank, you understand, the point of seizing a bridgehead, a small one, is to wait for the main forces to approach, expand, gain a foothold and then carry out a crossing of the water barrier,
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nothing happens, no approach of the main forces, no, there are just personnel there, which is located on this plazhead is simply regularly destroyed by ours, ours, first of all, by the vks. well, and artillery fire, as for what else can be said about the general situation, of course, the morale of the ukrainian, ukrainian troops is falling, and why is it falling, because this feeling of uncertainty is being created, what will happen next, will it be the same the flow of weapons from the western allies, everyone knows very well, the americans have problems there, uh, in congress, everyone knows the problems the europeans have, those promises, which the europeans gave there to deliver a million 155mm caliber shells by march, they were clearly already then clear
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that they were overestimated, it turned out that 300,000 is the limit that they can handle, then they talk about increasing capacity. their industry, but uh, here we need to talk about not, not about increasing capacity , you can increase capacity if something is mothballed, in fact, what happened in our country is to re-mothball it, increase production, but in the nineties they had a very many factories, the military-industrial complex was closed, reoriented to completely different products, now very decent investments are needed in order to revive all this, but given that all this is private, decent investments require guarantees, so alexander mikhailovich, as an economist, he will say that not a single private owner will invest money unless he is given a guarantee that in the next 10-15 years this enterprise will be provided with very decent
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orders; no one can give such guarantees, so the europeans are now in a certain to a degree, in this, you know, in an ambivalent position , plus, there are a lot of articles, on our last broadcast, in which i participated, you mentioned the article foreign affairs, which was written by haas and kupchin, which is called rethinking rethinking success, everything is correct, i read this article very carefully, everything is written there correctly, and the fact that the state of the ukrainian army, the fact that the offensive is futile, uh, interest in the west is falling, there is not much money anymore, there is also not enough military equipment to supply so much, morale is falling, we need to change tactics, we need to go on the defensive, but going to the defensive, of course, for a reason
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, but, yes, and at the same time, to encourage zelsky to propose a truce, but he did not just offer a truce so, and so that the russians refuse, so that this serves as a reason for the west, so that they strengthen sanctions, again portray putin as some kind of terrible aggressor, and so on, but rethinking... i really liked the success there , i really liked it, this is not the first article, especially in foring affair, that success is this is not a defeat for russia, but a success - these are prosperous, economic, democratically organized parts of ukraine that will remain in the hands of zelensky, then everyone will be jealous, so to speak, putin and russia will burst with envy and naturally fall
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on their own, in general , interesting, the article is interesting, significant, in this article, i know both of them well, especially richard has, and this is a person, from my point of view, who is actually very competent and reasonable, precisely because he is so competent and reasonable, it seemed to me significant, not only and not so much, what is in this article, and what is not in this article? there is not even a hint in this article that, having abandoned unjustified hopes in ukraine , we need to look for some kind of compromise with russia, that we need to get away from the current situation, extreme hostility, that maybe russia is still an important country, that it is better with it have a normal attitude than a hostile one, which for such people, well, if you like, erudite in
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geopolitics, it’s strange that they didn’t say that by the way, the main enemy, after all, is china, so it’s somehow strange to push russia away like this all the time and try to punish it all the time, especially when you admit that the previous punishments didn’t really work, and today the minister of foreign affairs lavrov even said in general, speaking at the primakov conference, that there is nothing to hope for, some kind of serious, well, if you want, reconciliation with the european union, let ’s listen to what the minister of foreign affairs said, i’ll tell you this, the sanctions have not disappeared anywhere, i have a feeling they're talking about this, that when it’s all over, they want to end it quietly, in a cunning way, to freeze it, to gain time, as was the case with the minsk agreements, to arm the nazi regime in kiev again and to continue their hybrid and non-hybrid aggression against
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the russian federation when the clearing up comes, and if it comes, they will offer us something, we will think 10 times, we will weigh all these proposals, to what extent they meet our interests, how reliable and negotiable are these european colleagues, they have undermined their negotiability, their reputation very very strongly, well, maybe not completely yet. alexander bakov, deputy chairman of the state duma, well, what do you think when you hear such an assessment, in general, you know, for sure, not... probably better than me, that there are many people in the russian foreign policy elite, who would like not only for the ukrainian offensive to end, but for some kind of reconciliation to take place, and for us to somehow return to normal relations, when visas appear,
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conferences are organized, sanctions with someone will be removed, and even in some not very distant future of the western grant. it will be possible to receive again, somehow i have the feeling that neither president putin , who also appealed to pribakov’s ideas and gave a rather pessimistic assessment of western plans regarding russia, and sergei lavrov, that they somehow have no such expectation approaching harmony, your opinion, what should we expect, well, agreeing with you, i would slightly correct the assessments, probably not pessimistic assessments... in the mouths of both the president and sergei viktorovich lavrov, rather realistic assessments, understanding, realistic, pessimistic, well, uh, i won’t even comment on the fact that there are, naturally, certain layers, not only political, political, diplomatic , others and ordinary people
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who may be expecting something different from a special military operation, i think that most of the population today has rallied around our president around the events that are developing and understand perfectly well that what sergei viktorovich said, the west not only discredited itself, it revealed itself that it can afford to lie, deceive, in relation to everyone, even its allies, uh, a position when not only the word is not kept, but when this veiled lie is realized practical actions, we discussed this recently, this was connected with the politicians who were negotiating back in the fact that the ukrainians were speaking, supposedly in istanbul, that is, they themselves are hiding those facts that demonstrate that the west today is not only a partner negotiations, and in general
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a subject, a subject of any negotiation processes, look at what sergei viktorovich said, because in fact, he had almost yet uttered the following words, that russia in general... they are discussing everything for us, let us let’s offer, let’s put pressure on ukraine, let’s wait until ukraine offers something, they are speculating, and what will zelsky offer, listen, if only they would think once about what our president informed ours in a letter on the eve of a special military operation former partners, west, he told them, if you come to your senses and stop bringing your armed forces, including towards russia, then some kind of negotiation processes are possible, but since you ignore this, we will draw the appropriate conclusions, they continue, they don’t they still haven’t drawn conclusions from this, they argue that they are stronger and can punish russia militarily, and economically, nothing works out,
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they don’t want to draw far-reaching conclusions from these events, but are discussing where russia is not present at all, that is... will we accept these conditions? we, we won’t even sit down to negotiate with them, that’s how a real diplomat is, he said, very softly , we’ll think about it, but i can afford a harsher statement, we’ll probably even think about it, but we definitely won’t sit down to discuss them offers. i am sure that the events that are now developing create the preconditions that we will dictate these conditions, or at least formulate them if it is more correct, and then we will look at their reaction, we will think, yes, accordingly. this is their reaction to a real assessment of the situation, allowing us to formulate these conditions in addition to the foreign affairs article that you just now , general, were talking about, an article by the woll street journal also appeared in the same direction
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by two leading employees of another organization of the american establishment, the carnegie endowment for international peace. in russia, in my opinion, it is now recognized as an unfriendly, undesirable, undesirable organization, and so, these are two leading employees who at one time were in democratic republican administrations, one was in the national security council, the other in the national intelligence council , so let's listen to how they assess the situation, but i am especially interested in your opinion, how they assess what will need to be done next with russia after ukrainian offensive. let's listen, now is the time to move on to a long-term strategy that will increase and maintain pressure on the now rogue kremlin regime;
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we must not be under the illusion that some combination of short-term steps will be able to force putin give up hostilities, what western leaders clearly have not done is communicate to the public the continuing nature of the threat posed by a defiant and releaseist russia, today a policy of containment will mean continued western sanctions, diplomatic isolation of russia, keeping the kremlin out of our own domestic politics, strengthening nato's defense deterrent capabilities, including sustained us-european investment in our defense industrial base? see, this is not something we are selectively quoting, there is no hint at least some interest in reaching an agreement with russia in order to find some common interests, so i want to ask you, irina zvigelskaya, corresponding member of the academy of sciences, and you are the head of the center laboratory of middle eastern studies at
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the institute of world economics and international relations , exactly, so you know what is happening in the middle east, i don’t know what to call it, let’s say, the theater, well, yes, the theater, and the theater, in the literal sense of the word, and of course the theater of military operations. so that's what i want ask you president putin said that when he judges with great concern about the intentions of the west, he looks not only at what is happening in ukraine, but looks at what is happening between israel and hamas. do you see any signs that the united states and the broader collective west are ready for this? why work together with russia and give russia at least some kind of diplomatic role to resolve
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this crisis, or at least keep it under control? well, directly from the united states, i have no such desire to work together i see. moreover, you know very well that, so to speak, in political science circles there was a concept of compartmentalization, division , that is, you have one conflict here, this is one thing, but here it is another, here we are, so to speak, enemies, but here maybe, given the joint interests or parallel interests, we could act together. it seems to me that what is happening now, unfortunately, makes us forget about this formula, no matter how flimsy it really is, forget, because i personally do not see any desire on the part of united states, to act together with russia to resolve the palestinian problem. if we look at the arab states, here we see this desire, by the way, sergei lavrov also spoke about this at
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the primakov readings, that delegations come to russia, to china, discuss what can be done, they naturally visit united states, but they just understand, they are pragmatists, that here we really need to create some kind of international, an international format without this the settlement will not work, but this is good, but they do not receive such support, their initiative did not receive such support in the west, when it was possible to say, well, come on, that’s it, we agreed, move on, this is not the case, well, i read in the new york times who, from the point of view of the american authorities, were mediators to achieve these agreements on a pause.
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upon the return of the hostages, it mentions massad, of course, qatar , of course, and the cia, i was trying to understand where, what role the cia has in reaching this agreement, as if the cia does not, at least publicly great ties with hamas, this is understandable. as they say in relation to israel, like masad can represent israel well without outside help. what was true's role? i think that here in this case it was about the fact that both israel and the united states were in the negotiations, but they did not speak directly with hamas, you correctly said through qatar that, so to speak, both of them were not represented by the government, not officials, law enforcement agencies, in order... not to do it as some kind of official, you know, exchange, negotiations, contacts, i don’t know how
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to name it, neither one nor the other wants to talk to hamas, of course, to hamas , because the political leadership of hamas , if i’m right, is located right there in qatar, and there too, and there too, financial support from qatar, it has even more important for kamas, but nevertheless, after all, kator is a very small state, they like to play the role of a mediator and this is a very useful noble role from my point of view, yeah, but just a mediator, their influence is still limited , a hamas delegation visited moscow, the political leadership, and not those who struck israel, not a military organization, but nevertheless russia has connections with hamas, why, this is a rhetorical
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question, but i will ask it anyway, why - the united states would not consider it advisable to talk with the russian intelligence services, if necessary, the message is that the russian country also calls on hamas to be more constructive. i think i can tell you only one thing: after the visit of hamas representatives to moscow, i heard so much at various international meetings and conferences about the fact that we generally love them, necessary on these issues, you need to talk to anyone, you know, the most precious thing is human lives, so the united states, yes, they have no reason to use our channel, you know,
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a boat by and large will be enough for them, and attracting us is already, as it were, their point of view means that it would not have happened without russia, they say that they can play a role, they play it, and we can do it without them, in my opinion, this is the idea, it remains the main one, we can cope without you, 82-eighth third year, you know better me, what was the crisis in lebanon, around lebanon, plo, the organization for the liberation of palestine, and so on, and in the white house there was a president who was considered abusive, anti-soviet, and who called the soviet union an evil empire, nevertheless, he organized a channel , as i understand it, even more than one channel, with the soviet leadership, in order to prevent this very
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dangerous, explosive situation in beirut, around beirut, control, and this, in general, helped resolve the situation with relatively limited losses , when i speak relatively limited, the terrorists still killed almost 200 american marines, one-time, by blowing up the casino, but there was a danger of a big conflict, direct confrontation of the great powers, but the regen then, as i understand it, had doubts that it was necessary to look for some kind of negotiated methods , one of the people who was very helpful in this regard was jack matlock, yeah, who is well known in russia, he was the last american ambassador to the soviet union, knew the soviet union very well, was a very constructive person in american intelligence
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there was a man whom you probably know as a general, fritzers, uh-huh, and who ... back then he was less an intelligence officer, and more a senior analyst who gave briefings to the president, and fritz also, frankly speaking , did not like the soviet regime, well, how to put it delicately, didn’t complain, didn’t complain, but nevertheless he also believed that we need to look, we need to look for some common denominator, that’s why i’m asking you all these questions, because it seems to me that putin is absolutely right, that united... the united states is looking at this situation, through the prism of confrontation with russia, of course, general, you understand why now there is a lot of talk about, well, by the way , in the article by haas and kubchin there, cold war number two, why they compare the seventies, sixties, seventies,
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the eighties and the current situation, everyone agrees that it is worse now, that the current cold war, i must admit, it is much worse, because when we had an ideological confrontation, but we, well, of course, had indirect sanctions, there was kako. there were other restrictive mechanisms, but there were no such rabid economic sanctions, we traded, we were fine, we had normal diplomatic relations, no one there, well, there were periods when we expelled, we expelled, they limited us, we limited, but when we at one time forbade them to also hire personnel, they stayed there for 2 weeks, i think, after that, they handed it back, everything leveled out, unlike the general, i want to remind you, they have a very... strong motive, the ambassador had to personally wash your car, now, now, as far as i know, they are there, well, the only thing they haven’t gotten to is, but for some reason they are embarrassed to say that they don’t wash toilets,
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that’s why they are focused on the fact that they they don’t wash them, i don’t know who washes them, but they sweep the yard, so to speak, wipe the dust, so everything is fine, but they’ve been holding out for a year and a half, you know, then no one set themselves the task, that’s how... now to diplomatically isolate, crush, inflict a strategic defeat, you know, that’s how they are, they are unrealistic hopes, i i missed it a little, even the ukrainians were infected , so zelsky said, i will never go and sign a single document, so to speak, with russia about peace, until russia pays reparations, they caused us so much damage, but someone must pay for this, well, it seems like the vanquished pays reparations, but first then you need to defeat russia, and then demand reparations, i think ukraine must pay reparations to russia for the destruction of donbass, so this is
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the idefix, isolation, crushing, it does not give americans should even look for some, but it creates international instability, it creates international instability, and most importantly, but it is already clear to everyone that russia is not in diplomatic relations, but they have isolated themselves, this western world believes that if the western world set the task of isolation, that means that’s it, russia is isolated , there are certain laws of nature in the world that cannot be ignored, one of them is a television program from time to time to go out for advertising, we’ll be back in just a few minutes. what kind of dangerous disease is this supposedly is spreading in the zaporozhye region, bloggers are hired today in ukraine , who work off the money they are paid, the budget is falling, the quality of fakes is also falling, and
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what epidemic is actually threatening kiev, common people call it ordinary jaundice, what is special insurance, in the territories of zaporozhye , kherson, donetsk and lugansk regions, it is impossible for our residents to use medical services, zaporozhye region, insurance can be obtained and medical care can be received, as for the former ukrainian authorities, they the system was purposefully destroyed, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first. mencatcher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. on the russian river in the impenetrable tropical forests of sunny california, hidden from the curious. some mysterious camp, this place is called the bohemian grove, we will burn you again this night, we will read the ritual that will free us this summer, this is really a syndicate
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of various masonic structures, there are many decisions about who will be president, to start or not to start a war , in this place the issue of creating weapons is resolved supermass destruction, it was immediately used against japan, and if you want to someday rise to the presidency, you need to go through a certain... ritual, this is a human sacrifice, which is designed to destroy the chimeras of conscience and morality, the mafia with a claim to guide the development of humanity, if necessary, to reduce number of people on earth. there is only one goal - mastery of the world, not bohemian slave justice, dolls of the heir tutti, tomorrow on the first, well, on time, here he left. having spoken out, leonid kuravlev was adored by the audience, he received great roles, each was a masterpiece, but towards the end of his life he was tired of attention and did not want to see even those who were seemingly closest to him, he was squeezed,
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he was a very private person, he did not let him into his world just like that, that’s when the crowd, it’s a little bit me always frightens, he spent his last days in a hospice, and before that he spent many months in a boarding house for the elderly, which everyone found out about only after his hospitalization, it’s already hard for me to remember our exclusive home archive of a people’s artist, the son of the legendary actor vasily kuravlev breaks the silence , he's ready answer all the questions. exclusive with dmitry borisov premiere on saturday on the first. the palm is open; under no circumstances should it be clenched into a fist. the only place where there could be a gun is in the left hand under the napkin. we can avoid opening a second front only if we decapitate
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the leadership at one blow. which you ordered for your father’s pastry shop are ready, six umbrellas meant six paratroopers, you’re in charge, you have to be the smartest, the most careful, whether they’re germans or not, then i saw an army boot, they don’t wear those in iran, shoot you wanted it, right? we won’t, i’ve been working for four years now, during this time i haven’t asked you for anything, we found these six german radio operators, and someone else will take it, drink some water, comrade stalin grinned at the six germans who were found we, for the eightieth anniversary of the tehran conference, on
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sunday on the first. there is a big game on the air, we return to events in the middle east, where there seems to be some good news, a certain number of hostages are being released, there is some kind of pause in hostilities, but in general we hear from prime minister of israel, the statement, well, in general, is not very, let’s say, optimistic. from the point of view of peaceful resolution of the conflict. let's listen to what prime minister netanyahu said about his plans after the truce. i told president baydon that at the end of the truce, we will begin to implement our goals with full force, eliminate hamas, not allow the situation in the gaza strip to return to its previous course, and, of course, release all our hostages. so, what, what should we, what should we
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expect, professor? nothing good. we don't expect in the near future, that's for sure, it's a very long, unfortunately, and very tragic, i think, operation that will continue, because if you look at what various israeli political, military, so to speak, figures say, they in principle they are talking a little about different things, but the main thing is that we will retain control, the north will definitely be under our complete control, as i understand it, they are going to keep the armed forces there, we will deal with the south, some say that the population we will try to oust but these are also complete phantoms, they shouldn’t think about it, they think about it, but another thing is important, that no one in israel can tell you that they have an exit strategy, they have neither one nor the other, which means we will
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continue to destroy hamas, so what... destroy all of it, this is not , not a strategy, this is tactics at best, and taking into account the characteristics of the south, gases, where will khabas be now, how will they destroy it there, this raise big questions, that is, i see here, frankly speaking, complete hopelessness, the only thing we can to say that yes, if they release in some batches, there are still hostages left, but at this time there will be more. your hopelessness is a little more mine, well, let's assume this relatively optimistic scenario from the point of view of the world, israel agrees that hamas will be completely removed from gaza, that gaza will be annexed to the west bank, as was originally the case, and that
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elections will be held in both places under international control. tell me, if such elections were held, you might imagine that a government would appear there that would be at least minimally acceptable to israel? i think not, why, i think not, because what kind of government can we talk about in this case? this could be about the palestinian authority. it’s true, she is the only legal representative of the palestinians in the palestinian territories, but israel treats mahmoud abaz and his colleagues, in general, with a certain degree of skepticism, they believe that there is a rather fragmented leadership there, that there are very limited opportunities to control the population, and you know what is happening now on the west bank, and mahmoud abbas is placed in an extremely difficult situation, what
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is happening in the west, clashes continue on the west bank, on the one hand, the army is involved there, but with on the one hand, this is a clash between such radical young palestinians. on the other hand, with no less radicals - these are israeli religious settlements, what are the losses of the palestinian population during these clashes, i’m afraid now the exact figure to name the numbers that i saw, not hundreds, but already tens, no tens, well, i’m just afraid to name the exact number, especially since if there were free elections , it’s very difficult for the local palestinian population of the west bank to imagine that they would vote for the people. who would like a big compromise with israel? well, first of all, you see, i don’t want to say anything bad about anyone, but the fact that mahmoud abbas has not been re-elected for many years plays against him, we all understand this,
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people want other people, other figures, more young, more confident, better able to represent the palestinians somewhat more radical. well, i wouldn’t say that radical pragmatists who can normally defend their position, more decisive, more decisive, this is certainly good, that is, there is nothing good here, but still, as you see, the next steps, i understand, that israel does not have a plan, i don’t know anyone who would have a real plan for a map of actions, but still , what could happen, what should we expect, you know, for now i think that on... wait here such a protracted military operation, yes, which may from time to time be interspersed with some kind of humanitarian pauses , not a ceasefire, just pauses, for several days, until the hostages are returned, until they are given the opportunity to get to some
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trucks with help, when someone - they’re evacuating, these are the kinds of things, but nothing more, that’s nothing more, that’s the whole horror of this situation, you know, general, well, you know, israel... got involved in a very similar situation, or rather, not that it got involved , and he proclaimed goals that, in principle, theoretically, maybe they are achievable, but practically they would be leveled to the ground, and not just leveled to the ground, what’s above, but also to destroy everything underground, all these tunnels there are hundreds of kilometers long, i watched these television pictures, this is such a very decent engineering structure, in concrete with good ceilings, electrified, the whole thing is, so to speak, to dig a huge hole, then build something anew, expel more than 2 million people, somewhere from north to south, with south to
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north, in general, i don’t know where they go they are going to expel them, taking into account that the neighboring countries are clearly not eager to accept the palestinians, not jordan, not egypt, and especially israel, so... i am very pessimistic, i think that this will be a very protracted conflict, despite all the pressure, even if the americans, i’ll tell you even more, even if netanyahu wants to stop, he simply won’t be able to stop this thing, otherwise he just needs to admit his complete powerlessness and come out and say, that’s it, i was wrong, i so to speak, no i had to start this business, execute me, that’s the only way he won’t be able to stop it. conflict, thank you, alexander mikhailovich, when we talk about the conflict around ukraine , i personally believe that the united states is a direct and immediate participant in this conflict, and that the united states
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bears responsibility for the actions of the zelsky regime, so what about what is happening around gas , here the role of the united states is somewhat more complex. with a lot of nuance, and the united states, among others, president biden, talked about although it would be nice for israel to exercise greater caution in the sense that their attacks do not cause such catastrophic harm to civilians, do you nevertheless think that since the united states provides assistance to israel without any conditions, and does not threaten this assistance, do you think the united states is responsible for israel's behavior? well, as the classics say, asking a question correctly or correctly is 50% of the answer. i even, i just have to continue your
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thought regarding the fact that the american the authorities are, of course, responsible for what is happening if there were no support for israel from the americans, and not only public, supposedly cautious, but we know that there is also an informal side hidden from view, this is expressed not only in the armed forces , this is to escalate tension and the presence of american armed forces in the region, these are their far-reaching tasks and goals aimed at strengthening the bases that exist there, and so on and so forth. this all means that the americans have decided for themselves, they they are just avoiding direct participation as usual, but this is their manner of behavior, but if we are talking about israel, which , thanks to this support, explicit and implicit , behaves in a way that is already condemned today by the majority of humanity, in my opinion, then we can to say that this path, this path, not only to nowhere, this path to disaster for israel itself too, because the people who accepted responsibility for some reason formulated their own right to the fact that they can take the lives of
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others , solving problems even of protection their own country, these are people who have taken on a very heavy responsibility, and in this case i cannot support them in any way , they forget one simple thing, that today it is in the ukrainian conflict, the west managed to isolate these information events for some time, and there today what is happening is the information property of most countries, and today... the consolidation of understanding in many countries, today the events that are happening there mean that soon we will be faced with understanding, a real understanding of this problem, the depth of this problem, and it will not be so easy for israel and the americans to resolve their issues in gaizah, and the fact that they want to hold elections is only a half-measure, because they want to hold these elections according to their own rules, based on their own goals, no one thinks about the people who live there, they only think about how to impose their own views on the people who remain and live there, but this will not
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happen, because there are a lot of people there, our president said very correct words, if if there was a will, and i am sure that we will come to it through common, common efforts, then it would be necessary to hold elections taking into account the interests of both sides and return to that historical historical period when this implementation was possible, try to implement this today, thank you, about whom we can say that he had no passable roles, it is impossible to play feelings, no , with a colossal amount of male energy , which of course rushes out of him, i accumulated,
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let me realize myself once, when he announced the distribution of roles, i was stunned, i’ve probably never been so scared in my life, but he can stand up for himself , he has a strong fist, did you really think that the truth would get away from me, he always goes to the last, he doesn’t leave himself a compromise to the ground, rather than sit , i'm hotsma! david markovich, david markovich, david markovich , we exist, we must get to know the world, by getting to know the world, we get to know ourselves, today is the first, but where is your work book, i don’t have it, a scam? yes, we are leaving moscow, i mean, what happened, mom, well, not at all
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desire for time to train her. hello, hello, what happened, the girls are conscious, the woman has an open fracture, did you buy your diploma or something, you were asked to bring something, in an accident the spinal cord may be damaged, the indicators are normal, it is not within the competence of the nurse to make such conclusions, you you think, what are you doing, saving your life, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet. at least you lift your people one by one, and not all of them en masse, this is not mine, your little sister says, hello, ask the nurse, tomorrow is the first one, mom, you what are you doing here, what are you doing, could you have called, are you a nurse? united
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colors by olivier toscani, there are some things that are not commonly seen. advertising is only needed to make a person think, understand, laugh, cry, united colors. end of the century according to gotfrey, reggio. metaphysically, we are from different worlds, but we feel much the same. into something artificial, we need more crazy people who could reflect this more clearly, convincingly, clearly. matador, on friday, on the first. to the sixtieth birthday of vladimir mashkov,
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certain characters somehow still live inside you, but what matters is them. uh, really at a certain moment to resettle, oleg pavlovich said that he had never met such a prepared student in his life , the profession that chose me so much, we may think that we chose it, but no, it chooses, i waited for 3 years, for tabakov to praise me, a movie can be shot on a phone, will there be any value in it, our viewer, distrustful, thoughtful, uh, we need to get hold of the lab podcast on saturday, the big game is on air, they are still going on conversations about how and why the war began
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in ukraine, around ukraine, why this war could not be ended, soon after it began, when there were negotiations between russia and ukraine. an interesting light on this issue was shed just the other day by the leader of the servant of the peoples faction of the zelsky faction in the verkhovna rada, david rahamia. let's listen to what he said about these negotiations. the goal of the ukrainian delegation was to delay the process; what was the goal of the russian delegation? the russian delegation, in my opinion, they really until the last moment i thought i could do it. crush us so that we take neutrality, this was the main thing for them, they were ready to end the war if we accept neutrality, like finland once did, and give an obligation that we will not join nato, only this point, in fact, the key point there was this, everything else was cosmetic political dressing about denazification, the russian-speaking population blah
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blah blah, blah blah blah, why ukraine didn’t agree, why didn’t ukraine agree to this point, well, first of all, first of all, to agree to this item it was necessary to change the constitution, our path to nato is fixed in the constitution, secondly, there was no and there was no trust in the russians to carry out this, this could only be done if there was a security guarantee, we could not sign anything , step away, breathe out, suddenly they would come in later, but we are not ready for this, so this was only possible if we could be sure that this would not happen again, but there is no such confidence, moreover, when we returned from istanbul, boris johnson arrived in kiev said that we will not be with him at all. let's think about what he said , firstly, he is not some kind of free political operator, he is not a person offended by zelensky and his regime, he is a person
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who heads their faction in the rada is considered to be quite close to the current owner of ukraine, as i understand it, he said that not only russia: we already know about this, has repeatedly offered to agree on the neutrality of ukraine before the war in order to avoid it, but already when the operation began, it was proposed to come to an agreement with the chief let's agree that ukraine will not join nato , to which, by the way, no one invited ukraine and still does not invite it, that was the answer, how contrary to common sense, general, why? why did they do this? you know, well, actually everything was going well, i have already said several times that at the beginning of the operation everything was going as it should have been going , we achieved significant successes, we liberated two regions, unblocked the water supply
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of crimea, we destroyed 75% of the ukrainian air defense, aviation at airfields, bases... a non-existent fleet, that is, they came to the conclusion that the ukrainians really asked for peace negotiations, they asked for peace negotiations, they asked, by the way, for arakhami. he headed this delegation in istanbul, therefore, that is, he knows this, of course, of course, he put his initials there on every sheet, and what he says blah blah blah is not blah blah blah, everything was there and putin showed this stack of sheets, first these 18 articles on one, on one page, and then a whole stack, which spelled out in detail how much ukraine can have what armed forces, what heavy weapons, where can they be deployed? that is, all aspects of ensuring russia’s security were spelled out there. another thing is that, of course, this was not at all part of the west’s plans, such a quick end
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to the conflict, especially on russia’s terms. that’s why johnson hastily flew in , of course, this was not his initiative, but although the british like to present themselves as such behind-the-scenes masters, unlike there, from the slightly stupid and... linear americans, but nevertheless, so to speak, he probably received direct instructions from the americans to explain all this to zelsky, and in order to find a reason, a riot happened, this provocation, by the way, everyone has forgotten a little, the same provocation was staged in july uh, the 4th year, when this mh17, a malaysian airliner, was shot down, just so that... the european union imposed sectoral sanctions, so all this was , so to speak, carried out
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quite transparently, so the americans and the british simply thwarted this process for in order to really draw russia into a long-term company with the aim of weakening it, you know, i’m not an expert on ukraine, there ’s a real specialist here, with international relations and negotiations, but i would like to say this, that any conflict, especially a protracted one, is different a mass of untapped opportunities, always, and if we are now talking about the palestinian problem , then the most effective, relatively recently unfolding negotiations were the oslo process, so what happened to it, by the year ninety-five the problem should have be decided, in accordance with... the signed agreements, nothing happened , well, rabin was killed, but in the end, it did not depend on one person, even on, so
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to speak, an authoritative one who occupied an important post, no, as soon as the opportunity arose to do nothing, they began to do nothing , it’s easier, and this way you will always get support, because a compromise - what is it, is something that is not beneficial to both parties, not that it is beneficial, it is wrong. therefore, i believe that ukraine is also an example of how they were not fully realized, maybe a positive opportunity, that's when i listen, arahamiu, i think that maybe a compromise could actually be beneficial for ukraine, if you don't go up in price, i'll rephrase it a little, as it seems to me, it's very close to the fact that you said, a compromise can be beneficial to both countries, compared to the alternatives, but
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a compromise very rarely brings laurels, it is


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