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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  November 28, 2023 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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attempts to advance in the rabotin area, despite the complete lack of success, the command still continues to send its soldiers into attack after attack. we learn about what is happening now under work from war correspondent artie, vladislav andritsa comes to us directly. vladislav, hello, over to you. yes, hello, hello, it’s true that the enemy has become more active here in this hellish triangle, as it turned out for them, the work of the novoprokopovka recruiting force. yesterday. information appeared, closer to lunch it was confirmed that 40 people, 40 people, surrendered near verbovoe, ours, our airborne troops, pinned them down, negotiated, and accordingly, a company , in fact a company of army soldiers came out, laid down their arms and surrendered, yesterday, yesterday afternoon this information was confirmed by vladislav, as often this happens, well, it ’s not often that there’s a company of 40 people at once, that’s it.
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a large number of people is a failure, in fact, this is an admission of powerlessness on their part, absolute, of course, such a number of people give up rarely, we recently worked in the donetsk direction, there two people, having been surrounded, fired back to the last, one was destroyed, the second eventually surrendered , that is, to convince such a group of people to lay down their arms and leave - this is a failure on their part and , of course, a local, absolutely local victory on the part of our fighters, who, in fact, brought them into such a situation , they negotiated, in the end everyone turned out to be winners, those guys remained alive thanks to our fighters, they gave them such an opportunity and, accordingly, they gave up their positions. vladislav, and i i heard this story about surrender, they don’t really like it when it’s called surrender, because when they are asked to surrender, they shout back from the ukrainian side, the russians don’t surrender, then they are told: well then go over to the right side
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to the russians, the russians are here and this... is already working, and as i understand it, in this direction there are many of those fighters in the ssu who come over to us, not only surrender, but also come over to our side, you know such cases, and ruslan, i don’t know of such cases, there is usually a lot of, so to speak, slang vocabulary that we cannot use on the air, but during the negotiations on the surrender, yes, i’m like yes, yes, yes, like you, yes, we heard these negotiations on the surrender, but the words that you just reproduced are not in such words they agree russian i have cultivated a little very much you have cultivated very much and there are no such words russian you don’t know there usually completely different completely different non-normative shout out well the main thing is that there is a result and the form of communication i think on the battlefield it will be acceptable see you and me we are with you they've been talking for quite a long time, now in zaporozhye there is this change in weather, firstly due to the fact that the storm, as they write now from
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the stormy season, we have very strong winds here in zaporozhye, just yesterday it rained quite heavily for two or three hours, it froze at night and accordingly due to this , equipment loses its mobility, wheeled equipment, especially large boxes, so we just arrived to the guys at the headquarters, and this morning - there were again two attacks, somewhere in platoons, they throw out even before the gray zone, up to the work of the guys who they are taking them for rotation and they are already... there are 10-15 people there in waves, they are already moving to the side, respectively, towards our our fighters, they have become more active, and the thirty -third mechanized brigade, here is a plus, as i understand it, they have some other... then the rotation, the eighty-second brigade of the dshb remains here, they have this brigade , which was preparing, was a reserve, it was somewhat battered, and abrams tanks were already seen here, moreover, and tanks were spotted, i saw already from uh, the channel in i read that the armed forces of ukraine means that
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tanks are coming, new ones, some of them came here in this direction they compared with the tanks that they had at the parade and back in the spring, these are the same tanks, directly painted, they are nothing like that, that is, it is clear that this is the same tank, they just drew an additional cross on it, that is, this suggests that they have a lack of equipment in this direction, thank you very much vladislava was in direct contact with us, war correspondent artie, ukraine received a truly royal... gift from the netherlands: not weapons, but skiev gold, which means the dutch handed over skip gold stolen from crimean museums to the ukrainian nazis, the collection met the reunification of russia with crimea, being in amsterdam, where it arrived for a temporary exhibition in 2014, for almost 10 years in the netherlands they were thinking about what to do with this collection, where to send it, here decided to give gifts to the ukrainian nazis, and it is characteristic that when ukrainian
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officials announced the arrival of all these treasures in kiev, they did not bother themselves with a description of these items at all, but simply counted how many kilograms of gold they did not it is possible that their thoughts are now completely different, perhaps they will decide to buy weapons for him, because weapons are the most sacred, this is the main god who is now worshiped in ukraine, well, perhaps this royal gift , of course, will turn out to be comforting for the ukrainian authorities some kind of prize, because the zelsky regime should not expect military assistance before next year, it will be very difficult to accept an aid package for ukraine and israel before the end of the year, this is the policy of the white house, but western journalists over time they are preparing their viewers for the fact that they should not expect good news from ukraine.
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ammunition shortages and insufficient western assistance are hampering ukrainian efforts. many ukrainians. they are afraid of the onset of a difficult winter and the bombing of infrastructure, but the greater fear is that the west may turn away from them at their most difficult hour; the threat of defeat now hangs over ukraine. 20 months on from the start of the conflict, the west's relations with kiev, which relies heavily on its military allies, have deteriorated. economic and humanitarian assistance. according to reports, washington and... are deliberately limiting arms supplies to make it clear to zelsky that the conflict must now be frozen. kiev has been preparing for weeks for moscow's expected campaign against ukraine's energy system, but has failed to cope with the task. the other day, the head of the office of the president of ukraine, andriy ermak, said that over the past
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2 months the kremlin has activated a network of sleeping spies in ukraine. these spies are constantly trying to destabilize ukrainian society in the face of a military stalemate. except moreover, i am afraid that the attention of the world community has turned to the conflict between israel and hamas. ukraine is calling on the west to supply it with more weapons to counter russia as winter approaches. even before october 7 , the subsequent disasters in the middle east, ukraine was in a terrible, disadvantageous position, all because of a bunch of mistakes made by the united states. the ukrainians blindly followed washington, although his adventure was doomed to failure. usa. this has happened more than once, including with vietnam and afghanistan, and now the same thing awaits ukraine. the white house operates according to a single standard; if three boxes are promised, the conflict will be a fiasco. this is exactly what is happening now. we are running out of time, patience, funding and shells, and ukraine is running out of
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soldiers. the promise of fighting to the last ukrainian is being realized in a tragic way , literally before our eyes. but. as they say, the golden american standards can fade over time, and we can see this very well, how the image of zelsky, for which there is now an active struggle, for such pr, is dimming a whole big one, in order to replenish it somehow, there the battle unfolds completely fatal, sometimes even absurd, in kiev the theater completely changed the surname of the negative character in the new production of the classic play, the owner of 1900, all because the villain’s surname was zelensky, that’s what the ukrainians report journalists. the kiev academic drama theater permanently changed the surname of one of the characters in the play based on the play by owner ivan karpenko karov due to the similarity with the surname of the president of ukraine
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vladimir zelensky. there's not much in comedy a clever housekeeper with the surname zelsky, the work he complains about the slaves subordinate to him, who have power and is afraid that they may say too much in the new production , as they say, if you don’t have a stain, they won’t wash you or erase you, no, but the main thing is that such plays are staged, and there was zelsky, and now he has become zaluzsky , it doesn’t cause any associations for you, there is zaluzny, zaluzsky, but he was with zelensky, such a negative character who did not really like his people, most likely this change is not at all accidental , specifically on zelsky, more precisely on zaluzhny. trying, his office, trying to blame all the failures for all the recent failures. there were rumors in kulary that the president's office wanted to make the commander-in-chief of zaluzhny a scapegoat for all the failures. they will blame the failure and loss of kherson on him, they will blame him on the failure of the defense of bakhmut, although it was the head of the office
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of the president of ukraine ermak and the commander of the ground forces of ukraine syrsky who failed. they will blame the failure of the prize offensive on him, although this was zelsky’s idea, and zaluzhny was against it. all telegram channels are about this. they wrote that they would blame him for failure mobilization, corruption in the army and so on. in short, ermak believes that the redneck people will believe that the zaluzhny is to blame for everything, and not zelensky, this political swing is organized. all the showdowns between zaluzhny, zaluzsky, zelensky, what’s the point of them at all, because in principle, probably, the west would benefit from a more weakened zelsky, it’s easier to control him, and zelsky tries to be strong, he tries, but it doesn’t work, yes, you know, i i wouldn’t be surprised if another 2-3 months pass by this wonderful theater, which changed the names of the negative character, will bring zelensky back, so the situation is developing, the internal political situation in ukraine, that the mantras of zelensky and his office
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are having less and less impact on the elite, on society, on the west, you know, you can talk as much as you like about porymog, but less and less people, including those who, strictly speaking, form the information agenda , those who... analyze this and are able to take it all seriously, so when we say that zelensky is trying to blame it on zaluzhny, all these failures, right away the question arises: who will believe this? will the west believe this? i’m not sure whether society will believe in this, i’m not sure, because , well, zaluzhny, at least he is, so to speak , the commander in chief, he enjoys some kind of authority in the troops, of course, but will they believe in it? the elite that hates russia, but at the same time believes, the ukrainian elite, but
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at the same time considers zaluzhny to be a weak president, i ’m also not sure, so a situation arises when all these, zelsky’s mantras about the fact that zaluzhny is to blame, they are in many ways they sound into emptiness, who will perceive all this, what audience is the target audience, it is completely unclear here, and indeed the situation is developing this way. what about ukraine, well, it received skivian gold, a beautiful story, yes, you can gather a dozen, two dozen historians there who will dive, let’s say, into some kind of historical sea, they will tell stories there, so to speak, about how ukraine, so to speak, there, so to speak, many centuries ago was generally the center of a huge space, which now they call it eurasia, but what ukraine needs today is not skiev’s gold, what ukraine needs, again. the same zaluzhny said: we need some new gunpowder, we need some kind of miracle
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weapon, and not that there is no new gunpowder, and there is not enough old ammunition, judging by the dynamics of all these deliveries, so i’ll go back to that , where i started to say , the situation is changing in such a way that maybe they were in a hurry to change the character in this theater, maybe quite, well, quite quickly we’ll have to return it all again, so to speak, because the negative character should still be zelsky, not zaluzhny, let's see your forecast, maybe in a week they will actually return and invite a director from russia, now an interesting story may begin around this performance, but fewer weapons are being supplied to ukraine now, supplies are declining , but there were a lot of them supplied, we need to study these western weapons, find their weaknesses and look for ways to counter them. they talked about this on the popular front stream. i saw a fragment of the representative's speech
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ural-vagon-zavod and in which he said that we already had documentation with the technical characteristics of american abramsov tanks in the soviet union. kbtr received a complete technical description of the abrams tank, with all its advantages and disadvantages, at ural-vagonzada six months before adoption. the american army, and this technical description, i say again, is very complete, detailed, was published in russian, well, naturally, classified as secret, intelligence worked well, how much this data helps us, it is clear that our the listeners were interested in access to technology, but abrams had dozens of modifications, a lot of them changed, we don’t fully understand until we capture it ourselves, and how it was modified, which was delivered to ukraine, but this tank is very
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heavy, it has a huge number of disadvantages, well, the only advantage of these tanks is that the front part of the frontal armor and mantlet, that is , what is located next to the barrel, was made of multi-layer armor, including a layer of combined uranium, on on this basis, the abrams were considered impenetrable, but we have everything, we present it perfectly. and what any modern nato tank is, we have prepared a special unit that is trained and knows how to hit these nato tanks in what places and everything on the front line. have posters, knowing where to go, yes, they were trained and showed excellent results on leopards, the same results will be on abrams, the west is not limited to supplying tanks to ukraine, kiril lysogorsky, deputy minister industry and trade of russia, reported that the west supplied
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toxic chemicals to ukraine for use against us. we have it at our disposal. evidence of the participation of the united states and its euro-atlantic allies in the supply of toxic chemicals to ukraine, as well as the means for their delivery. such toxic chemicals are transferred to the ssu and foreign mercenaries fighting on the side of the kiev regime. there is also information about the use of toxic chemicals and psychotropic substances by intelligence agents of the kiev regime against the leadership of the new entities included in the russian federation. well, this is not the first time we have encountered such, so to speak, vile vision, we have already talked before about the supply of shells with combined uranium, which already caused a surge in cancer in iraq and yugoslavia, the united states used these shells, but they said that we will send to russia , so to speak, the safest shells with combined uranium, this is the wording, ruslan and i looked at it from
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an american journalist or expert, it just stuck in my memory, yes, safe shells with combined urano, these are them... mikhailovich, but about toxic chemicals, does this mean that they either cannot or do not want to fight fairly, and what is a fair fight, they are fighting, in order to win, so it is precisely on the part of the west that this means that everything that is possible is used, no, but the west, among other things, took part in the development of all these conventions that regulate the use of this or that type of weapon in battlefield, well, here it’s like legally, chemicals are not weapons, they’re kind of is it possible to equate the supply of such toxic chemicals to the supply of chemical weapons, well, depending on how it is used, and just like, for example, white phosphorus can officially be used to create smoke barriers there, and if it
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falls on the enemy, but it becomes a weapon in at the same time, it’s all very narrow, a gray line, well, in the west they never really followed any conventions when it’s not profitable, and also like, well, from the first day when i became a cadet, when we were taught infantry tactics they started, we have an old one there there was a sergeant who came out of gru, he immediately taught us all, while the battle is going on everyone, if you don’t need language, there are two prisoners of all, we don’t take prisoners, just two shots in the head of everyone, that’s the standard, the convention that is signed doesn’t matter , dead dead, no one will check there, it’s interesting how they are not afraid to supply this type of weapon, and the idea, understanding perfectly well that it could end up as this weapon in other countries and be used against the americans themselves on the black market, well it's me ukraine
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has already been noticed, this is of course a problem, i think that american officials also have their hands in this arms trade that goes with ukraine, i don’t think that they are some naive boys who just give away oh, how it is didn’t get on the battlefield, they know there, money laundering there is also very good, and the same thing, and when it’s time to dump zelsky, they’ll just say, oh, he’s so corrupt, we didn’t know, after we collected our money from this in total, of course, this is also not the first time, such the scheme worked, this scheme worked in vietnam, this scheme worked in the philippines, it was the same everywhere, they did the same thing, in afghanistan it’s the same thing, so it’s nothing else, but the fact that chemicals can be against one’s own people, of course, let’s say here is daytime uranus, just from the nato side, after the war in iraq, here is the american state, the british state does not recognize this as a poisonous substance at all, because they did not look at it at all, we ignore it, it cannot be, the only nato country ,
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which recognized this is italy, which paid compensation to 300-odd soldiers who died of lung cancer. yeah, those who inhaled this very thing, this dust, uranium diacide, and received oncology, italy indirectly , well, admitted it, but they don’t admit anything, so there is nothing, so with iraq in syria, vietnam, sergei ladanovich, and it’s true for them anything is possible, you understand, but let’s say, call a spade a spade and we live in an era. in fact, what was created, at the cost of considerable effort, after the second world war, when the treaty legal framework was developed, at least somehow regulated all this, and look, the reverse process began, they began to say that international law, so to speak
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, is no longer working, we need rules, if there are rules, then this already creates the possibility of arbitrarily interpreting them, in fact firstly, because no one saw these rules , no one read them, yes, secondly, you can always say that you know, there is a higher expediency, and we are like responsible powers, western in the sense? carrying a special mission, in some situations we can do what can be someone won’t like it, yes, someone will ask questions like the ones you’re asking now, is it possible, they’ll tell you, actually it’s not possible, but if it’s really necessary, then it’s possible, and for whom, we can , that’s all, but it’s possible, because they are sure that russia behaves decently, observing all the rules of war and combat, russia does not allow itself this, which the west allows now, and that is not why this is so unleashed, the deceit and the downside is that , that all this is being done against
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the backdrop of attempts to declare that, strictly speaking, russia is on the other side of the story, that russia is the focus of evil, it is, so to speak, the main sinister force, in fact, this whole war of sanctions, everything that happens in ukraine, has as its goal, so to speak, this is all so to speak, from the highest motives, so to speak, that russia, we must crush this evil empire at any cost, because it poses a threat not only to ukraine, but to the entire free world, this one all the rhetoric under which these huge funds, which explain why they go to the slaughter of war, men and women die, and civilians die... civilians, all this is determined by this higher historical mission, which is actually diabolical, missionaries, we are
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all tired from them, a short advertisement and we’ll come back, but where is your work book? i don’t have it, is it a scam? yes, we are leaving moscow, i mean, what happened, mom, there is no desire to have time to teach her, hello, hello, what happened, the girl has a woman’s consciousness open fracture, one, two, three, did you buy your diploma or something , you were asked to bring something, well, in an accident , damage to the spinal cord is possible, the indicators are normal, well, it’s not the nurse’s competence to make such conclusions, but what are you do it, save your life, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, at least you lift your people one by one, and not all of them en masse, this is not mine,
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your sister says, hello, ask the nurse, today is the first one, mom, what are you doing here , what are you, are you a nurse, montechoca cognac, product of the stellar group, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, i'm leaving to look for you, serial killers are divided into four different types, according to their. one way or another they kill because of love, you are probably a writer
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, i sent a request to him, they don’t have such an employee, and you know igor well, you don’t drink coffee, girls, no, you’re scaring me, i love you . me, it hurts, don’t come here again, what do you like honey? territory. soon on the first one, maybe the tail will hang behind him? wait, his head is full of other things right now. veda vodka product stellar
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group, welcome to tajikistan, thank you, mom, you drew this, yes, look how many cakes you make a day? 2, 2. i was told that it is officially prohibited. marriage, but not officially, it exists, it happens, but if they find out, then for a man it is punishable by law, and in the event of a divorce, the second wife receives nothing at all, everyone who is involved in wrestling must seriously monitor their diet, of course, a strict diet and a prescribed diet, but if you invite a girl to a restaurant, are you going to sit and nibble on a cucumber, or what? no, i just don't invite girls to restaurants,
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life? under no circumstances should it be clenched into a fist. the only place where there could be a gun is in the left hand under the napkin. we can avoid the opening of a second front only if we decapitate the leadership of countries hostile to us with one blow. it became known that the germans were preparing a large-scale operation in tigeran. which you ordered for your father's confectionery are ready, six umbrellas - that meant six paratroopers, you are in charge, you must be the smartest, the most careful, whether they are germans or not, then i saw an army boot, in iran they don’t wear them like that, i wanted to shoot, but i hope we won’t shoot, i’ve been working for four years now, during this time i didn’t ask you for anything, we found these six german
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radio operators, and the brothers will be someone else. the germans we found, cheers for the eightieth anniversary of the tehran conference on sunday on the first. the team of the myzhivy and aleksandovo project returned from... a trip to the front-line territories, where they met a volunteer from bashkiria, ramil khakovov, who saw information on our tv channel that soldiers and civilians in the donbass there is not enough logs and lumber, and he brought it all to them, details in the story.
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what you see now is the result of one call to our program , ramil from distant bashkartastan, who has his own small sawmill business near ufa, contacted the myzhiva project, accordingly, he said that he was ready to personally... deliver lumber for both the military and residents , so he really traveled more than two thousand kilometers and here in donetsk, ramil, good afternoon, we are glad to welcome you to donetsk soil, very, very nice, we got there, unloaded, no matter how hard it was to get there, well, the regions are far away, we already have snow , the first frosts have arrived, there was already ice, well, from afar
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for three days, you yourself were driving all this time, you yourself driving, here's the son to help, navigator, he's the most, and where, where is the son, where is the son, aidele, show yourself, that you decided to do this with your father, no matter what, how old are you, you're 17, 17 years old, well, you you know what is happening here, yes, you are generally aware of what is happening here. will go to serve, his father served and he let me, by the way, serve as a gunner operator, bmpp2, so he will serve as someone, ready to give to the war, yes, not ready to send to death, but he will go to fight for his homeland.
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as it appears. are these dugouts you will now have from the ufa forest? that’s right, not only dugouts, but also trenches will be lined, by the way, i invite you, if you have time , we’ll go through, i’ll show you where all this is used, timber, especially ready-made boards, this is a huge help to us, despite the fact that now there is an increased supply from the ministry of defense, this is always for this thank you always. so, guys, now, listen carefully to my command, the car remains here, further movement by freight transport is unsafe, even though the weather today
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is anti-drone, well, be that as it may, it means that it is mandatory, without any want, i don’t want, this is mandatory body armor helmet, in the future we serve as teams... i understand everything, cut the scissors if something happens, this is the main thing. this is what you were talking about, yes, everything is neatly covered with boards , the material has already been prepared, you can see where they will go, this is now, you can see what the weather is like
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you see, there is no dirt, you can move around easily, you can carry the ammo, everything is convenient, quickly, everything is definitely convenient, the overlap is going on, these are the same drops that are dropped by wogs, as a rule, these are against infantry grenades, well, if they explode at the top, that is, people here are no longer will suffer, so what ramilil brought is very timely , and you yourself see that it is going to a very necessary matter, so again you see, there is wood everywhere, everywhere there is wood, beams, this is here, uh, a place for extra the train has rested, warmed up, and there’s a stove here it’s standing, you see, it’s warm, it’s very warm here, again it’s all boards, boards, boards, boards, you know, i actually noticed that
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so many people, here’s a living example, it seems, people from so, so far away, geographically bashkiria, far from us, we became much... than those people with whom we lived side by side for a long time, well, i think time put everything in its place, air, air, they came in, they came in, they came in, just completely. that the copter and the drone, they are looking for artillery for the most part, if the artillerymen hit, at once a minimum appears
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a couple of coopkers above our positions, it seems in the place where i’ve already been 100 times , these are hailstorms, they generally happen at night, well, i don’t know what i’d call murderous beauty, but at night it’s beautiful , well, listen, it’s so extreme, as i understand it for you, including the situation with blood keep everything in order, well, okay , yes, okay, so the guys are working, to each their own, shooting, in general, it’s hot here, well, it happens. sometimes it’s hot, sometimes it’s quiet, but this is rare, and how long have you been afraid, i’ve been since the twenty-second, i’m at the beginning of an operation
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lost brother, they cleared mariupol and were transferred to maryanka and there, in short, my heart broke, he has been fighting since the fourteenth year, as soon as... the barricades began when we built them on the sands, i am from the sand myself, from a family, there is father, mother, someone left. i moved my father and mother here, they sat for six months in peski in the basement, waited, then they sat for a year in pervomaisky, well, in general, there were three houses, and three houses, in short, in the trash, well, one of them, my older brother, of course, i directed the artillery myself, there was the right sector, my grandfather’s house,
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a war veteran, so as not to give away and not... disgrace the place, they decided to go there, they fooled the spies, in short, they destroyed it, they also covered it back in 14, everyone was completely, and there is no house and everything was vomited down to the basement, so we sacrifice what we can , the main thing for us is to wait for victory, and the rest somehow we have our hands, we have health. we were told that you were a part-time student because you didn’t finish your studies or you’re studying because you’re young, only because of this, only because of this, but you didn’t have time to enroll anywhere, you enrolled, you studied, then you left, who you studied to be, a cook, cook, yes exactly, there’s also a cook here, no way, well, sometimes i cook for myself , let’s say, for the boys, i’ve already managed to have a family with children,
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my wife, no children, for now, she’s waiting, she’s worried, of course, like everyone else, i think, wives, you from here, local, yes, from petrovka, but how did you get here, since everyone was a volunteer, from the eighteenth year he went to serve under a contract, uh, he just continued, special operation, well, i think so, for you a special operation, it didn’t start came as a surprise, no, there was a feeling that it was natural time, let’s say, and thank you
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brothers, russians for help, i wish you, alexander, program, channel one, you can despise, of course, mobilization or , contract, contract, for what, for whom, why are you fighting, children, family, grew up here, i’m not fighting, they we started, and we stand for our own, that is , the meaning of children, about family, of course, two daughters, what else? well, one daughter is 12, whatever, she understands it, and she’s a little four-year-old, like i’m on business trips, working, the question is simple, when will your dad come home from work, soon, soon, it’s wednesday, in the family, that the children let them grow, the main thing is for mom, don’t make me nervous, everything’s fine, they’ll be there soon.
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it would seem that delivering planks of logs there to the front sounds somehow very easy, but from the plot it becomes clear that this is an extremely difficult task, to get these planks there, the same ones in the steppes in the fields, it is very very difficult, for our soldiers it is associated with great risk, but the delivery of these very boards is associated with risk, how much risk, danger, and most importantly kind and sympathetic hearts are behind this, and this is the component of our victory. news on channel one. this is the news on the first,
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hello, in the studio of valery koravlev. strong explosions occurred at night at military installations in ukraine, a powerful blow in the krivoy rog area of ​​the dnepropetrovsk region. this was confirmed by the authorities. it is reported that there is a military airfield with air force fighters and attack aircraft, as well as bases with weapons. and news from the front line in the donetsk direction : mi-2 helicopters. 28 destroyed the enemy’s control center and armored vehicles, the ministry of defense reports. in the same area , two ukrainian brigades came under attack. kupa direction, troop rotation disrupted enemy, and how the tumpan self-propelled mortar works. two strongholds were destroyed: the south donetsk sector, the russian military, with the help of artillery and heavy flamethrower systems, hit the military bases, from the ground from drone attacks, our fighters were covered by
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the marine corps, igla gun crews were operating under the carbon. state award. three students from the north caucasus federal university, who took academic leave, were now fighting in their zone on the front line. medal for bravery and insignia of the order of st. george, st. george cross, fourth degree, for heroism and courage in repelling attacks of the ukrainian armed forces in the zaporozhye direction in the rabotin area. they were presented during a teleconference with relatives, classmates and representatives of the stavropol territory. our ministry of defense holds such online meetings regularly so that fighters can... we valiantly carry out our service, trying to ensure that our relatives and loved ones sleep peacefully. i am proud of you and love you, everyone says hello to your grandmother,
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grandfather, brother, and sister, we want to say to the rest of the guys who are participating there we have. bsvo, we are waiting for everyone and praying for everyone, come back to us. equipment, ammunition - everything that is so necessary on the front line. our military correspondent dmitry kulko brought parcels for russian fighters to the lpr. another batch is coming. irina kuksenkova recently closed her collection, which means that the guys from a particular brigade will receive what they need right now. all within the framework of the popular front project, everything for victory. in a year and a half, we managed to collect 10 billion rubles, which were used to purchase new cars, boats, copters and much more. and the work goes on constantly. right now you can take part in alexey kruchinin’s training camp. at the bottom of the screen, qr code. point your phone, all the information is there. and he himself will tell you what has already been done and what more is needed. from moscow to
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the lnpr, channel one military correspondent dmitry kulko reached in less than a day. dima was in a hurry, his gifts will help the guys on the front line today. the drones will be delivered immediately from the warehouse. in the position of the fourth brigade of the guards, lugansk, severo-donetsk corps. the brigade has created a powerful unmanned aircraft service , which is constantly recruiting young initiative guys, everyone is learning how to adjust fire, how to adjust the fire of tanks, other guns, mortars, control kamikaze drones, and this is the modern military art that today, with the help of these quadcopters, the guys will use at the front. copters with day and especially night cameras are not cheap; at the front they are consumables and new birds are constantly needed. this batch was purchased thanks to a collection that dima announced jointly with the all-russian popular front. the arsenal of the fourth brigade was replenished whole country. almost 17 million rubles were transferred to the account within a month. impressive result. what was
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a hard-to-find exotic for most military personnel just a couple of years ago is now included in the mandatory kit of any unit. without this equipment, neither modern reconnaissance nor actual combat operations are possible. yes, and we military correspondents use a picture from a copter or, in other words, objective control in almost every story. in addition to copters, there are also thermal imagers for night work of infantrymen. head of the uav service of the fourth brigade with the call sign yosh says there will be no success at the front now without round-the-clock surveillance. the infantry will have a thermal lens so they can observe advance routes and the enemy. and we are already observing the battlefield from above, we can adjust the artillery, well, in general, all the fire weapons. that's what, well, we also tell our assault group where to move, in what direction the enemy is, where they are, in the fourth brigade, dmitry kulko, as the guys joke, registered, day and night they worked in the hottest places, toshkovka, severodonetsk, with porn kleshcheevka, we had heart-to-heart conversations, got into terrible troubles together, dima knows very well what
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the soldiers need, he’s like a fighting brother, something already helps us, he’s with us, he eats with us from the same bowl , as if... it’s expensive, i thank him very much for organizing this gathering, well, thanks to this gathering and these copters, we will save a lot of lives of our fighters, recently the popular front summed up the results of the action everything for victory in a year and a half, with with the help of military officers, as well as stars pop, cinema, television and sports, we have already managed to collect more than 10 billion rubles. our fighters received new cars, boats, copters, anti-drone guns, ammunition and much more. all purchases are transparent, everything goes to those for whom the collection was announced. the bulk of translations is... on average 100 rubles, that is, these are ordinary citizens of the russian federation who donate every month to help the front, to help our guys achieve victory. collaborating with the popular front, channel one is especially actively supporting intelligence officers who travel hundreds of kilometers through thick
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black soil and impassable forest thickets, and will receive new truck tires. and now i am training for the guards motorized rifle brigade of the northern fleet, the guys need birds and modern electronic warfare equipment to jam enemy drones. if you want to help, point your smartphone camera at the qr code in the lower right corner of the screen. alexey kruchinin, roman khralenko, roman sidorov and. lugansk people's republic. the headache of the ukrainian security forces is how to replenish the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces when front, colossal losses, and no new people willing to go to slaughter. the usual methods, when men are caught in the most unexpected places, are no longer enough. ukraine is changing the rules of conscription, several western publications are writing about it. the british guardian newspaper reports that kiev intends to attract professional bounty hunters who will search. draft dodgers with certain skills useful on the front line. this was also confirmed by the secretary of the national security council of ukraine danilov. he
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admitted that there are problems with recruiting soldiers, but after all, only at the beginning of the year he tried to convince that military registration and enlistment offices were literally stormed by crowds of volunteers. the financial times writes: ukrainian military personnel are on average 30-40 years old, which is a lot; now they want to conscript much younger men. however, the lack of soldiers is not the only problem. armies, more weapons, shortages, and supplies from the west are melting before our eyes. the czech republic, by the way, is far from the first eu country to admit that the kiev regime is running out of weapons. and more news from the czech republic: it turned out that more than half of the required gas the country buys from russia, local news publications write about this, although there have been loud statements about the refusal of our resources. russian blue fuel is not under sanctions, but there are calls to introduce restrictions. in hungary, one of the few countries... in the eu where sanity is maintained, we are confident that the sanctions policy has failed. these
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punitive measures do not work, they are absolutely pointless, and increasing their number will not bring us any closer to achieving our initially set goals. we have to ask ourselves what would happen if we agreed to sanctions that could jeopardize the energy supply of european union member countries. and who will suffer more from these sanctions, russia or us? and here is the answer, unfortunately, we europeans live with sanctions much worse than the russians. middle east, this morning there were reports that the gaza strip was again under fire. the day before, the truce was announced and extended for another 2 days, but according to al-arabiya tv channel, israeli tanks opened fire on the southern regions of the enclave, east of the cities of rafah and khanyunis. according to the same data, the tsakhal used stun grenades in the gas. the day before, late in the evening , another group was brought to israel. there are 11 released hostages , all of them have dual citizenship, in particular argentina, france and germany. tel aviv, in turn, released palestinian
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prisoners, three women and 30 minors. when the bus was met on the west bank, the crowd began to become disorderly. israeli units fired tear gas, then the situation returned to normal. the head of the israeli ministry of defense previously stated that after the end of the silence regime, the fighting will be even more intense throughout the enclave. the head of european diplomacy, jose barel, spoke out about the need to stop the bombing of gas; he seemed to be calling for peace, but it turned out to be very cynical. 240, we must alleviate the suffering of the civilian population, and for this it is necessary to increase the volume of humanitarian assistance, but it is pointless to give food to someone who will be killed the next day, we must stop the bombings, avoid new ones. these words were commented on by the official representative of our foreign ministry, based on from this logic, writes maria zakharova, it turns out that treating, caring for and loving
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those who will soon die is also pointless, such is western humanism. large-scale restoration work in the southern regions affected by the severe storm. in the krasnodar territory, streets are being cleared, fallen trees are being removed, damaged buildings are being restored and electrical wiring is being repaired. in lazarev. they are repairing a section of the railway, the embankment has been severely washed away, trains are still running on only one track, in all settlements of kuban they are already it was possible to restore the electricity supply; work in crimea is still ongoing. 93,000 subscribers are still without electricity, 245 villages have a water supply interruption, of the boiler houses, 125 boiler houses that were de-energized yesterday, respectively , heating has been restored to 52, work continues, most importantly , teams have been formed, all almost without exception, the pace that... we have gained allows to say that electricity will be restored to 100% by the end of the day today. and all the houses on the peninsula have heat again. the ministry of emergency situations showed new footage,
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how people were evacuated from flooded areas. where the water has receded, residents are gradually returning. the situation in the rostov region is improving, and more than six hundred rescuers are subsequently eliminated. meanwhile, tsyklon reached the leningrad region. st. petersburg was covered in snow. dozens of flights have been delayed at pulkovo airport. a yellow weather alert is in effect. city authorities recommended transferring employees to remote work whenever possible. it's snowing in moscow, of course, not like the day before, but road clearing is carried out around the clock . the agro-industrial complex reliably ensures the food security of our country. this was stated by the head of amenselkhoz dmitry patrushev. the results of the work for the year are summed up at the government coordination center on vedenkha, where the grandiose russia exhibition is taking place. according to the minister, the harvest of rice, buckwheat and many vegetables has increased significantly. total volumes are close to record levels. grain exports,
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for example, this year will exceed 65 million tons. russian agro-industrial complex has formed a reliable basis security of our country. high agricultural production rates, in turn, contribute to maintaining a generally stable price situation in the market. the dynamics of selling prices for most socially significant products this year are below inflation. in particular, these are grain and dairy groups, sunflower oil, cereals, pasta and potatoes. at the same time, for... categories where, due to fairly objective reasons, there is an outstripping increase in cost, i’m talking about products such as meat, chickens, eggs, the government has developed a special set of measures aimed at supporting producers to increase supply in the domestic market. this will stabilize the situation and maintain
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product availability for consumers. at the exhibition. russia has a lot of new products with surprises, today is the day of the perm region, an opportunity to immerse yourself in the culture, history and traditions of the region, learn about the latest achievements of perm scientists, and this is footage from ratmanov island in the berring strait, the exhibition flag is now developing there, the easternmost point our country, from there to the usa, total about 4 km. there was a big talk about the future of science in sirius, a congress of young scientists opened there, 5,000 students. russia is the first country in the world to develop them; they are based on the principles of nature, do not harm the environment and exist in harmony with it. carbon dioxide. in this sense , the presidential decree today is a fixation, for the first time in the world, of the fact that
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a completely new powerful direction is developing, which will actually lead to the creation of a fundamentally new technological structure similar to nature. and the logic is very simple. here just imagine the main thing, we know well that sustainable development today implies a sufficient amount of resources, well , primarily energy, but people forget that wars will start globally over drinking water, much earlier than the oil runs out, one thing, it will fill young scientists, one of the key events of the decade of science and technology, it is carried out by presidential decree. that's all for now, we are monitoring the development of the event, and the information channel is on the first, the program will continue, time will tell. the information channel on the first continues, we are working live. now our army is conducting a whole series of tactical offensive operations along the entire front, one of such areas remains the kupinsky direction, the fighting
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there does not subside, despite the mud and cold. we have a special correspondent of the union tv channel, dmitry ermakov, in direct contact; he has just returned from the kupinsky direction and is ready to share with us all the latest information. dmitry, hello, over to you. yes, good afternoon, as already noted, the situation in the theater of operations in the kupinsky direction remains a hot, stretched front line, from kharkov to kherson allows you to work effectively in the kupinsky direction, because the enemy does not know where the next one will be struck... the army command has to juggle troops and move them from one place to another positions to others, between which there may be up to 100 km, and naturally, this does not lead to anything good, here again we take the example of kubinsk, our troops manage to advance there, this is the direction of senkovka, this petropavlovka, progress at the front can be said to be up to a kilometer, and here it is important not
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only to advance, but to gain a foothold, which our soldiers did. as far as i know, up to five enemy strongholds have been taken, several counterattacks have already been repelled, that is, the enemy is not abandoning attempts to somehow restrain our fighters, to somehow gain a foothold on this: the direction, it is really very important, and the fighters also report that additional forces are being deployed near kupinsk, this is the 123rd territorial defense battalion, here you can find these this is not the first time, not the first day, that we have had bald spots at the very front, because we are working effectively not only on the front line, but also in the rear areas, just a few minutes ago it became known that we managed to disrupt the enemy’s rotation, this situation has been going on for quite some time now ... for a long time, the loss of kupinsk itself is an extremely serious blow for the enemy, it is a blow that can throw him off balance in this sector, and we can already say that for
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the enemy the loss of kupinsk is the closest the future, or is it too early? at the moment it’s too early, i’ll return a little later to those factors that influence the situation, here again, there’s kupinsk, its loss is a very... blow, as i already noted, and the enemy understands this, or whatever - to explain then the appearance of american equipment in the serebryansky forest, the soldiers note that american heavyweights have been spotted - these are m1 abrams, the scenario for their use is always the same, we have already seen this in the zaporozhye, ugledar, avdeevsky directions, they work in isolation from the infantry from open and closed positions, now the situation at the front is not the most favorable for them, it is raining, it is hardly possible. generally use such heavy equipment, and abrams himself, he is large, one might say, 55.5 tons, this is such a colossus, and in general it was developed in order to work in conjunction with other branches of the military, this is air defense, this is
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rap, this is infantry, these are other armored vehicles, aviation, all this, the enemy has serious problems with all this, for example, the same planes, there’s nothing to talk about here at all there are practically none, domes, rap pvu do not reach, because thank you, dmitry ermakov was in direct contact with us with the latest news from the kupinsky direction. what is the situation at the international forum-exhibition russia in the cosmos pavilion, in the popular front studio, we will find out right now from anatoly kuzichev and ekaterin shugaeva. anatoly alexandrovich, we give you the floor. thank you, alesa alexandrovna, we accept it with gratitude. i read what we are going to talk about now and remembered davlatova. condition. invented there a congress of some conductors and the conductor means he speaks at this congress and speaks with offense , you know, he says, i can forgive a person everything, but so that he sleeps, and we drive by, this is what he says, i will never forget him, they passed, i why
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i remembered this, because in kiev, while you were sleeping, russian sleeping agents woke up, and we drove past them, which means, firstly, they not only woke up, they are wreaking havoc on the ukrainian elite, well, at least the secretary of the national security and defense council nsdc of ukraine, i’m already talking about this i said, i repeat once again, listen, in what reality is it still possible, one can imagine that danilov, alexey, known to us , yes, gave an interview to the times, well, in our reality, nevertheless, paradoxically , this happened, listen to what he says moscow has activated a network of sleeper spies in ukraine over the past 2 months, russia is trying to further destabilize society in the face of a military stalemate, a sleeping russian agent infiltrated into government agencies, including the sbu, ordered to undermine the unity of the country. russian agents want to exploit the so-called tension between zelsky and zaluzhny by spreading false narratives to drive a wedge between political and military leaders.
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they also tried to stir up anti-government sentiment among the population and tried to organize anti-war rallies. we made a big mistake in the ninety-first year when we did not close the kgb, but simply changed its name to the sbu and the metastas of the kgb remained. wow. the sbu is just the kgb, and the metastasis of the kgb, but it turns out, listen, well, if, if i i understand correctly, no one ever says anything just like that from a politician, but danilov, how can i not relate, after all , he is a politician, and of a high level, high rank, as you understand, respected, and by the way we did not introduce our dear guests, please forgive me, well, so to speak, we got carried away with the conversation, look, today we have dmitry nikolaevich makhonin, governor. so, gentlemen , what does this mean, well, these words, so to speak, danilov, why danilov, as usual,
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everything is in russian, in terrible, well, as it were, in in ukraine, the narrative is simple, so that everything , everything that bad happens, is always presented as number one, look for russia, the trace of russia, but as if we skip the first point, the second some serious things begin. that is, the first point is that everything that is not happening in ukraine is bad and is being sold to ukraine and the world as undoubtedly the machinations of russia, a cheap, weak second good that no longer works, but so to speak, that’s what else to sell, to say that the ukrainian government is weak. to say that we ourselves are all confused there; we no longer know what goes where to ukraine lead, in which direction, after all, they didn’t come up with this, remember, the british always sell approximately the same narrative, well, my god, well , remember the skripals, anyone, the british are much more sophisticated, but here pay attention, by the way, if if sergei’s formula nikolaevich, we have no reason, so to speak, to doubt the correctness of this formula, so if it is correct, then look, he no longer says anything about the problems, he only says that they have been activated, thus hinting at the fact that well or
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makes us understand that the big ones are who is to blame, what they are doing, that is, the answer to the question of who is to blame, and what do you think, well , i have another version of the theory, a discussion about whether it is necessary to hold elections in ukraine, presidential elections and it is possible to sum it up in such a way that there is an external threat, russia is to blame for everything, but this is not accurate, yes it is understandable, but nevertheless, this is the basis for starting a discussion, is it necessary to conduct it when here we have everything sleeping, of course, is an internal enemy, fueled by an external enemy, and so on, listen, it’s interesting, so they tell me, we have a call now, thank you friends for listening to our
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prayers, so to speak, and call us regularly and write, so, alexey, yes, alexey, you have connections with us, where are you from, alexey, kind day, yes, good afternoon, i’m in yekaterinburg now, but dmitry, our governor is a champion, great, so, and i just wanted to ask a question about the topic of what you are discussing, because there are so many things that are being rewarded that we can do there, that we want to do it, not get used to it, because we are like trump in the sixteenth year or whatever they chose, it turns out, yes, they chose, okay, the main thing, the main thing is that you chose him, you and i chose him, so, but on the other hand, recently i watched an interview there with one charming ukrainian journalist, who has now come over to our side, that what kind of chaos there was there near kiev in the first days of the war, how many of their own cars they shot there, that it seems to me that it is not we who are causing all the chaos for them, but they themselves are coping just fine without our help, but if you... the country that they
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are making real mistakes here, that is, they, recently in samara, there a woman was detained at the sbu, she worked for tsarev, there was an assassination attempt on dasha dugina, that is, they really do all this, alexey, you mean that they are looking for some mythical agents of ours, but they have we have real ones here who really do evil, well, yes, whoever shouts the loudest, hold the gate, it’s clear, well , the only thing that offends me a little is if katya says that we only have a mythical agent there. i still feel this way, you know, it offends me, i hope that it’s not only mythical, but also, i also wanted to ask, in the context of all this then is, alexey orestovich - our agent, incriminating evidence on him there in moscow at one time was taken in hotels in order to recruit, uh-huh, well, listen, we, i, thank you very much for the call, thank you for the question, but we don’t know about arrestovich, whether he is our agent or not, no, and you are putting us in a difficult position if he is our agent.
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well, why am i going to tell you that he is our agent, you know what’s the matter, and if he is not our agent, the permians will immediately see to the root, let’s ask the head of the private intelligence agency company, fsb reserves officer, roman vladimirovich romachev, he will tell us exactly, he will tell us who he works for, that of course the intelligence services are working, russian intelligence is working and the ukrainian bottling is working, of course, there is no need to hide this, we must understand that , what kiev is now declaring is a kind of information operation of the target audience, which is the citizens of ukraine themselves, that is, this is an attempt to write off failures, an attempt to blame all the problems at the front on some kind of agents, yes, who have now flooded kiev, flooded the authorities, then there is an attempt to shift that very responsibility, the agents, of course, will not say who is an employee, or rather an agent , yes, of this or that special service, of course, this is a certain secret, but the recruiters work, ukrainian recruiters... quite
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sophisticated, just remember their operation , which was called raif, yes , it was a kind of computer game, that is, our children and teenagers really like to play computer games, they simply decided to work with this audience, what kind of audience are they? is? and you, in the role of some hero, as before, if you remember, hunted for pokemon , everyone walked around, took pictures, tried to find them, that is, in this game it’s the same, you try to photograph some object and and it provides those or other photographs are pictures, simple, banal pictures, yes, some kind of object, photograph a house, residential, store, and in this way you earn your karma there, yes, that is, you become a magician of some twenty- fifth level, for that to go to the next level, you need to do it again take a photograph of some object, well, for example, it’s clear, either, or, yes , either there is a police station, or a military registration and enlistment office, and remember, now roman vladimirov, i’ll interrupt you for a second, i’m just remembering how many years there are, eight on, remember
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, there was such a game, some kind of pokemon, you had to catch them, where to go, yes, you describe it, no, no, the same, the same, but i just remember, i just remember how all our liberal intelligentsia, how they laughed at those who tried to say in a weak voice, well, in general, it was as if there are elements of this, like violations, well, of safety rules and so on, like yes you just mean paranoid, cretins, morons, you don’t understand modern arman vladimirov, and you know, i have another question, but then it’s good, that’s if they recruit so successfully in our country, apparently there are also teenagers and adults here, is it just that the ukrainian special services are such great guys, or is there always a customer? well, first of all , you need to understand that ukraine has been a dependent state for the last 10 years, it does not have an independent intelligence service and tsypsokh, which works in the structures of the armed forces of ukraine, this is also a non-independent structure, and over the last 8-9 years, the west has helped shape the very system that is now working, including overthrows that are also working
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against us in the information front, yes, then you and i see hundreds of thousands of fakes every day, this is all the work of the tspso, the tspso was created with the support of the west, the tspso is in charge. with the support of the west, technological assistance is from the west, and methodological assistance is all from the west, that is, everything there is hands, hands west, roman vladimirovich, but how, and how to distinguish tsypso from not tsypso, well, briefly , just teach us, well, if, yes, if we are now talking specifically about attempts at manipulation, that is, tsypso is still a manipulation for that so that we take certain actions, yes, that is, this is a structure that is engaged in information warfare, but the first thing they try to hook on is emotions. as soon as you see some news that evokes emotions in you, as soon as you have a desire to do something, yes, they start to like or dislike there, or go out into the street with some kind of poster, that such and such, such and such power is a corrupt government, yes, that is, accordingly, they are manipulating you,
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that is, they are trying to hook you up these are the most emotional ones, so that you do what and what the enemy needs, then the russian agents in kiev are just an information operation chick, which... is absolutely true, and the target audience is the citizens of the ukraine, these are citizens of the country who are not they understand what is happening, they see that there are problems at the front, now they are once again trying to find an excuse, this justification is it really a whole big information operation to simply reassure their population, or so that what, what the ukrainian population should do, when he finds out that there are russian agents everywhere, well, sort of, but you know, the ukrainian population won’t find out, because they are cut off from the alternative ones. that is, our media don’t broadcast there , so they won’t find out in any way, and similar information operations, the kiev authorities carry out weekly, that is, they are trying to disrupt supplies to some russian imaginary intelligence officers, now again there are agents inside ukraine itself in kiev, that is, these
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operations are carried out constantly, yes, that is, citizens are constantly asking questions , what is happening, and it is necessary to find some kind of justification, some kind of scapegoat, thank you very much. thank you, thank you very much , yes, uh, listen, well, in general, it’s interesting, don’t you think that this is what this scapegoat is all about, then they will start to tell us in fact, to take revenge, that is, there were no russian spies, but they will begin to take revenge on us for real, constantly repeating, i hope that there is a russian spy, but what is it, is it really that bad, well, of course there is, but i hope, we just can’t reveal their names, except for aristovich , no one, but i gave it away and the agent, okay, look, it’s just interesting what else they write... about it, it’s good that the conversation started not only so to speak, about our spies, from them, and as if we were so humorous about all this, yes, so to speak, it’s clear, no, it’s clear that it’s necessary for someone it’s understandable to lay the blame, and it’s good that we remembered, by the way, these same skripals, it was an ideal operation, and an informational one, simply ideal, which means that they planted something there, we began
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to verbosely justify, there we are, that’s it , smeared, smeared, but they imposed sanctions, the same thing here, they didn’t find russians, but i’m imposing sanctions, they’re definitely imposing sanctions, look what he writes? the president is a ukrainian telegram channel, interesting, take a look, just so you can be as vigilant as possible, so to speak, please. our sources in the intelligence services said that the sbu and gur continue to actively use ukrainian women for intelligence throughout the world, but most of all they pay attention to work in russia. the code name of operation hazel, which bears a symbolic name in honor of one of the most effective agents who was able to gain the trust of top officials and kremlin politicians. what the hey? well, yes, well, it’s a nut in any case, but i don’t remember which one , yes, listen, some kind, well, in short, in short, friends, here really is. they are really teeming and quite a few
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of them and women will be saved by traditional family values, in theory the program could end here, that this is ideal ideal universal advice for everything, it’s true to work for some woman, apparently you’ll have to check her, she’s a hazelnut not hazelnuts, no , seriously, if they’re here, i really said, come on friends, look, keep looking, it’s clear that they exist. cry wolf wolf all the time, hire a special boy there, remember how in this very, as in the famous parable, yes, here you hire him, so that he screams wolves, wolves, so that then the whole village, she doesn’t know that the boy is not from this village, that he was hired, so to speak, from a neighbor, so that they, like once again, he will scream, so that they give up, lord, that's enough, what the hell are the wolves, look how interesting it is, yes, the wolves will actually appear at that very moment , pay attention to what he writes there, they are no longer shy, firstly, this is very interesting, they are already don't be shy. and look at what the sunday telegraph, british edition, writes, listen, read, look
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carefully please. since the russians still accuse the west of interfering in their affairs, we could use this opportunity to destabilize russia, during the cold war, the united states undermined the soviet union with soft power influence operations, elections provide an opportunity to provoke unrest, it is time for washington to take care so that ethnic minorities inside russia put pressure on moscow. it is perfectly reasonable for the west to identify deepening problems within russia; there is no reason why ukraine should not they must use this to their advantage, they realized that they wrote to you, or rather they wrote to us about us, yes, that means it is completely reasonable to identify deepening problems within russia, which means that the russians are still accusing us of interfering in their affairs, we could be used for destabilization, destabilization of russia, here is another piquant detail, i’m looking at one of the cars in this article, this is ivana stradner, she is an employee of the foundation for the defense of democracy, the foundation
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for the defense of democracy to deepen the problems of introducing destabilization in those countries, in those regimes that we don’t like are madness, but guys, this is such a reality , i don’t know, but the most important thing is, look what they are doing, they already remember the headlines, that they were squeaky, trump, our agents are in kiev , even if all this didn’t happen, but it doesn’t matter, you can take revenge on russia, and you can interfere in its elections, so you’re like a governor. in fact, you understand that they will interfere, in your region too. yes, absolutely, we understand what awaits us, the political cycle and provocations must be expected, but we are ready for this, we we understand, that means, how consolidated our society is, we understand that, by the way, about 120 nationalities live in the perm region, in addition to the russians, these are 1000 tatars, 4000 comedians, bashkirs, germans, quite a large number. lives, but we are all united, we all understand that our key task, as
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permians, is to ensure the industrial stability of the country, in general, to do what we have always done, and we have always forged weapons of victory, that’s what we called our exhibition in the summer , opening it in perm, this is an exhibition of samples of all weapons, which for 300 years, before turning 300 years old this year, it was ever produced in the perm region in perye and is still being produced in fairly large quantities. we’re working, yes, well, here they are, that’s all i wanted, look, i understand that i have no doubts about our people there, about us in general, we are we there, we have a team, a crew, i just have to put it this way, this naval imagery is close, well, but nevertheless, but nevertheless, we will probably also be required to take some, some measures, counter, well because look, the west writes that they are going to interfere in the elections, which means that they will destabilize
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, deepen the problems and so on, obviously, only by the consciousness that we are a single country and so on, yes, well, i don’t i know, maybe we can get by with this, but probably some kind of countermeasures are also needed, i’m not talking about our special services, who of course know their job, and of course, i hope, they will stop this threat as much as possible, but also some other... then, i don’t know, the solutions, you remember that in the states it was, i’m not calling simply by analogy, remember what happened in the states after september 11, right? the so-called patriotic act, when citizens were, so to speak , asked to abandon a number of democratic gains for the sake of security, and the citizens agreed to this, having weighed the pros and cons, so to speak, i don’t know, i repeat, i’m not suggesting, i’m just asking, probably we we will also have to somehow adapt to this threat, somehow change something in our internal structure in order to generally meet the challenges of the time, or not, or not such a need? listen, well, we understand with you, but here in terms...' to understand , it seems to me, is very important, in the note that you just cited, there was a term, the key word is soft power, why is
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soft power used, and not rude, yes, that is, because rude is so to speak, it’s rational, it’s hitting in the... as if with an ax on the head and saying this, in russia it’s bad there, i don’t know, these are direct actions, but it’s clear that now it’s not direct, it doesn’t work, sorry, the world is more complicated , so we need complications in response on a complex world, complicated ways of influencing people, and one of the most powerful, by far, is the impact , which is why they say multinational russia has many nationalities, and because nationality is the key point that, when stuck there like a chinese needle, can always be pushed into a person this, that you are more important, you are small, they are pressing you, so to speak , this is more, this is less, the russian is here, and so to speak, and the kalmyk is here and so on, we will definitely be according to nationality to tell the sign, of course, that is, of course, this is the same, this is the same as the point of collapse of any multinational country, this is a quarrel between all nationalities within this country, starting to show,
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one has more career advantages, the other has more loyalty to the country, someone has more. they forgive more, they punish more, they punish less, and this begins to upset people, that’s why they say, all our people are saying what they say on the first channel, anatoli, you say in the program, and how our politicians say, they say that the problem today is not, not rude work with russia, but the problem today is when they try to form a quiet, quiet rebellion in russia, you know, not rude, not going out into the streets, that’s a question for no one , where are our countermeasures, what are we going to do, listen, well, we have countermeasures, well, first of all, so to speak , excuse me, the same exhibition that we are at now, today is the day of the pern region, and accordingly i looked at the program , the program of the pern region today, there is practically nothing an event where this multinationality of the pern region is not involved, where the region is nationally turbulent, where everything is there from the kitchen to theatres, to presentations to social programs, there is like the pern region, this consolidation, this force
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that , we are doing a good deed together, it is clear that it seems that it seems like, well, what a tool, together, in fact, you understand, it’s people who come, they look, that is, there is an illustrative example, like in perm region and somewhere some person who arrived from the caucasus, having been to the bottom of the perm region, he’s damn it, that’s how it is with them, they have everything twisted there , a muslim, not a muslim, a christian, not a christian, they all sat down together, perm cuisine, they sat down together, permian there some kind of cultural traditions, this all works, it seems to me that this is a strong thing, from the point of view of special events, of course, i think that the very idea of ​​our president, which is a constant constant hint to people , a hint to people that this is the centripetal forces, constantly any event, let's get together, any event, different generations, intergenerational projects, cultural and so on, this is all unconditional, that is, in other words, you and i do not live in an isolated world, we live in a world where someone wants us disconnect, in response we
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must also systemically pump chronically someone’s connections, it seems to me that the connections, yes, of course, then in an amazing way on purpose. a military operation seems to promote unity, no, this is a powerful driver, not to mention globalism, which the president launched as an anti-colonial trend, and the global south finally began to speak its mind, there, so to speak, the global east, which suddenly not only became china a big lion, all the countries among themselves, today it’s great, no matter how we treat this is great news, full contact cultural , economic, financial, concluded between vietnam and japan, it would seem a small story, but there was no such thing until today, complete interaction across all economies of the countries, this is the first time such a contract has been signed, but let’s not now, this is very cool, thanks to russia, thanks to russia, glory to russia, in fact, but you know, let’s still return to this, to this showdown, although if you mentioned vladimir vladivich putin,
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but of course we need to let him listen, so to speak, from the horse’s mouth, and then we’ll still try to go down. let’s try to understand from such global generalizations, but still, all these showdowns inside the ukrainian political terrarium, for some reason, because of something, anticipation in the feeling of the inevitable coming end, that’s where it’s coming from, let’s see, i repeat, immediately after vladimirovich putin’s speech, about the new model of globalization. it is obvious that the model of globalization, which was formed largely with western states, naturally in their own interests, has outlived its usefulness and is in a deep crisis. a new, fairer and democratic system of international relations is emerging, meeting the needs of the world majority. however, a well-known group of countries, accustomed to dominating the world, stops at nothing to maintain their waning influence, practicing outright blackmail and forceful pressure, replacing
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the system of international law with a certain rules-based order. this is a destabilizing line for the crisis situation around ukraine and the tragic escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict. well, this concerns yes, regarding the globalization model. globalization and it is quite true that a certain group of countries accustomed to dominating the world, trump-pump-pump-pump, stops at nothing, but the same well-known group of countries, which is not used to stopping at nothing and is accustomed to dominating, suddenly writes verbose publications, why does it mean that negotiations would be good in ukraine now and so on, it is clear that this is also largely a trick to allow rearmament, i probably don’t have any illusions and so on, but they started writing this? it’s just that in all languages ​​there is a german bill, in english there can be a whole list there and so on further and so on, yet suddenly they are talking about this, this
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very group of countries, accustomed to dominating, suddenly begins to write and has chosen some new tonality for itself, maybe they are us, maybe they are really relaxing us, well, again, in my opinion, here nothing new has been invented as an economic basis and a political superstructure, if you study now how our entrepreneurs trade with whom, how goods are transported by sea, by rail, you will understand that in fact we are now increasing all basic goods by production from rut fertilizers, petroleum raw materials, mechanical engineering products, and but - we went through overcoming this, but our so-called earlier partners still had overcoming , and these relationships did not remain, only for this we need to deal with a bunch of issues of conversion, changes of more complex logistics chains, well, everything is simple, i think about it, we’re tired, we’re just tired, we get, relatively speaking, we sell - that means our product, our respected colleagues, including in the west , and they only buy it at a more expensive price
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price, with long delivery times, that’s all that has changed, who is bigger, them or us, in fact, maybe we also want to return it, but we never closed, we said that we want equal relationships and normal open trade, we weren’t the ones who introduced sanctions, we weren’t the ones who pushed through and knocked ourselves up... second, remember how many years it was, we talked about the fact that we want equality and normal relationships, we want our goods not to be tampered with, some- then we want there to be no discrimination some protective duties were introduced, and so on, well, all this was introduced in relation to us, i just communicate with my industrialists very often about this, i understand how they overcame all this, and i understand that everything is not they say that there are people on the other side who want to cooperate with us, who are simply not allowed to do this for political reasons, dmitry nikolaevich, you want to say that we believe, well, honestly, in your industries, okay, they’ll sit down, let’s talk to each other , and come on, we'll trade again, here we go, this is how price barriers for crude oil, for hydrocarbons were overcome
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, when we were told, you will sell oil no higher than such and such a level, now we sell higher, higher, this is a question of skill our industrialists and our entrepreneurs have successfully learned to do everything to sell our goods, being able to prove that they are right, and no sanctions actually apply. now it was difficult, it was difficult, it was unpleasant, yes, it was unpleasant, surmountable, 100% surmountable, then why should we go back, you know, to that model, where they will start deceiving us again, let’s stay in this complex model and should not return to that model, we should already now use the achievements that we have, what achievements, this is trading in national currencies, these are price indicators not formed on some stock exchange in new york or in chicago, these are the indicators that we form at home and we... that product at the price that is acceptable and profitable for us, that’s the whole story , we
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we have to move further on the world order in terms of economic trade, well, yes, here you understand, you say, we are supposedly offended by them, more and more we have nothing to do with you there, they are friends in such a very cunning way, what’s the matter, well , as if this contradicts what putin says, i ’m not trying to set you up, but putin is simply talking about a new system, as it were, of the world , well, as it were, and about a new system of coordinates. system of relations, it’s just that now the relations are exactly why they are here, these are the same ones they are terrible, against whom we are offended and so to speak, so we will take revenge, not terrible , but hypocritical, hypocritical, vile and so on , yes, well, in the new one, if we assume, yes, god willing, the new one will be established as a world one, so to speak , some kind of world order, yes, then these they will cease to be these them, they will be one of the parts of an equal , so to speak, some differently structured world, we will trade, live by our rules and there will be lessons, will there be lessons? if if we say, we proceed from the fact that if the world changes, then they cannot but be ignored, because they will also
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change very much, scholz will leave, he will come, it is very important, again, to be in a competitive environment when we are growing somewhere and we allow everything into our markets, where we cannot supply our own goods to our own enterprise, a large holding company, well, of course, this is no good, but now we understand that it’s not enough. i constantly understand that, well, trading is nothing personal, as they say, you just need to produce the best and at the same price and quality, you really have it implement, well, you see, you can continue the thought, look at what this current situation has revealed, including the quote, the quote from the president, what it states, well, firstly, firstly, it’s like there’s competition now, before all this
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situations were hiding and saying, we only have competition in economics in politics , our own... competition in economics is our own, that is, now we obviously see that competition between economics and politics, that is, in other words, that famous course of the soviet soviet higher education, where which was called political economy and which has been criticized by the whole world, it is absolutely clear, everything fundamentally remains, that is, in other words, these are all the basic stuff that the capitalists said, we are not capitalists, we are only interested in maximum profit, we are, so to speak, the exploitation of man and so on, it turns out there is no situation. this showed that we are not interested, but we are ready to make allowances for the wind, because we listen to politicians, and german entrepreneurs would rather quietly cross themselves for profit production in the usa, but at the same time, how to get involved with these german politicians, the gas was good, so to speak, the russian gas was good, now the gas is not good, the american gas, so to speak, is worse, well, let’s be patient, yes, that is, you understand, that is in other words, the main thing is this opening of this abscess, this is what capitalism was proud of before, this is not propaganda now, it’s really objectivity,
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which... was said before, super, super, the more profit, the less costs, by the way, more exhaust , it's a great story for business, now, okay, it’s not a big blow, well, the politicians are gone , well, now we’re all politicians, now everything in the world is unstable, but before that it was sort of stable, that is, you know, yes, that is, let’s go, a new one has started it’s like a reboot of economic rules, political rules, all this whole mess, in the end everyone loses, of course, politicians all lose their ratings around the world, so to speak, we know, yes, everyone, and systemic economic players also lose profits systematically, they get out of everything, then there is bad everywhere, too, i'm just funny cases i remember when in march last year, while on a visit to work in india, i met with our entrepreneurs with an entrepreneur from germany named bence, that’s what we’re talking about bence, yes, yes, such a rare german surname, so we discussed
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what supplies. equipment, but already produced at the site in india, since he transferred everything to india so that the relationship with our perm enterprises would not cease, here you are, by the way, and you implemented this, that is, now this gasoline is supplied through india in the perm region, produces in india, he was forced to transfer the site to india and they still supply you with everything, this is an indian product, this is an indian product, this is an indian product, an indian product under the bents brand, and by the way, the perm region surprises, tell me, well, here’s the perm region, i can talk about it until the morning. and we are now moving on to our stand, which is demonstrated at the russia exhibition, of course, our pride is aircraft engines, i spoke about perm engineering, which creates these engines, rocket engines, of course, these are dual-use products, these are products related to multiple launch rocket systems, which now protect our sovereignty in the zone of a special military operation, we
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have advanced to the simplest, to light industry this time, sports equipment, what does it involve, for example, with metalworking, high-tech, uh, there’s a lot that can be said, but the most important thing is that we feel cheerful, that’s the only way we have confidence in the future, and the most important thing is that i’m not ashamed when i demonstrate the production of perm enterprises at international exhibitions, for example, the last adiek exhibition in abu dhabi, where our foreign competitors stood with our stands. here is our product, it is competitive and, moreover, we are an example of 12 enterprises in the pernom region that are now suppliers to the state oil and gas company abu dhabi or the united arab emirates, and this means that we compete with schlumbegertny and other oil service companies, and we will one day be able to oust them , well, this is our task, i told you about competition, we you just have to be, really use your brains and produce the best power of power.
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contribute to the fact that our enterprises could create and sell their best products on international markets, international markets are waiting for them, and you help industry, well, they probably just have difficulties now, but with this closedness of scientific bases, sanctions, but in fact we , once again, i don’t have any doubts, there is certainly a lot that needs to be done, but in fact everyone has restructured, we have sufficient growth in domestic regional product serious during the war you have the growth of domestic regional product, of course, of course, and this is not only our traditional markets there are ruts, not only oil and gas markets, this is mechanical engineering, this is primarily mechanical engineering, and civil engineering, so if i say that here to the perm plant. which is 287 years old, and a plant with such a history now produces all multiple launch rocket systems, but this plant is still dying to produce non-magnetic steel, which is used for offshore oil and gas production, you understand, yes,
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this has not been done in russia before, such a saying, there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped, this also applies to industry, production, and you also know that now it’s just time for the first channel to pass, unfortunately, i just want to say, really, maybe it will sound a little fluffy naive, but listen, we don’t understand at all, we don’t know what country we live in, well , at least i, only thanks to this exhibition, yes, i understand how many places there are, as they listed, we realized that we’ll have to live very for a long time, because this is amazing, and somehow i didn’t know before, everyone is friends , thank you very much for your attention, thank you for the company, see you soon, there are some things that are not customary to look at, that are not customary to discuss, and my the job is to get people to look at these things. advertising is only needed
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to make a person think, understand, laugh, cry, united colors. end of the century according to godfrey regio. metaphysically, we are from different worlds, but we feel much the same. i want to say our world is turning into one big disneyland, into something artificial, we need more crazy people who could reflect this more clearly, convincingly, clearly. matador, on friday, on the first. old barrel productlar group 3 4 5 i'm leaving to look for you serial killers
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are divided into four different types according to their motivations, one way or another they kill because of love, you are probably a writer. i sent a request to him, they don’t have such an employee, and you know igor well, you don’t drink coffee, there’s no girlfriend, you’re scaring me, i i love you, me, it hurts me, don’t come here anymore, what do you like midok?
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the territory will soon be on the first one, maybe the tail will hang behind him, let's wait, his head is now full of others. whiskey menketcher, a product of the stetellar group, well, it was just in time, he left, having spoken out, leonid kuravlev was adored by the audience, he got great roles, each was a masterpiece, but by the end of his life he was tired of attention, he didn’t want to see even the seemingly closest ones, he he was tight, he was very closed. when the crowd always scares me a little, my last he spent his days in a hospice, and before that he spent many months in a boarding house for the elderly, which everyone found out about only after his hospitalization. dad was a contradictory
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person, dad had mood swings, and it’s already hard for me to remember. our exclusive home archive of the people's artist and the son of the legendary actor vasily kuravlev breaks the silence, he is ready to answer all the questions about why the father ended up in a boarding house, whether he wanted to date his daughter and whether seclusion was his conscious choice, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, in saturday on the first, welcome to tajikistan, thank you, moms, you drew this, yes, look how many flatbreads you have per day 2,000, 2,000 they told me that there is, it happens, but if they find out, then polygamy is prohibited for a man, but not officially, it is punishable by law, and in the event of a divorce, the second wife does not receive... nothing at all , everyone who is involved in wrestling must seriously
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monitor their diet, of course, strictly the diet and the prescribed diet, and if you invite a girl to a restaurant, are you going to sit and nibble on a cucumber, or what? no, i just don’t invite girls to restaurants, the lives of others , the premiere, on sunday at the first, the palm is open, under no circumstances should it be clenched into a fist, where there may be a gun in the left hand under a napkin. we can avoid opening a second front only if we decapitate the leadership of countries hostile to us with one blow. it became known that the germans were preparing a large-scale operation in tigiran. dear gevorg, all six umbrellas that you ordered for your father’s pastry shop are ready. six umbrellas meant six paratroopers. you're in charge, after all. you have to be the smartest, the most careful. is this or not? and then i saw an army
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boot, they don’t wear those in iran, i wanted to shoot, right? i hope we won’t shoot. i have been working for four years now, during which time i have not asked you for anything. we found these six german radio operators, but someone else will take it. drink some water! comrade stalin grinned and the six germans we found were brought into the hall. hooray. tenth anniversary of the tehran conference on sunday at the first. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukhaev is with you. and let's start with footage from petersburg, where today
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the newest submarine mozhaisk was accepted into the navy. today the st. andrew's flag was solemnly raised on board. the ceremony took place at the admiralty shipyards plant. a large diesel submarine will serve in the pacific fleet. its main advantage is its versatility and striking power. submarines of this project are capable of detecting targets at long distances while remaining invisible to the enemy. for this feature, nato gave them the name “on board the mazhaisk grozny” weapons including the latest torpedoes and high-precision cruise missiles caliber. representatives of the navy command, shipbuilders, and the crew of the submarine attended the ceremony for accepting the submarine and raising the flag. the ships of this project have shown their reliability and combat stability, which is why it is like a continuation of the so-called warsawians. only in improved quality, these ships
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are primarily carriers of long-range precision weapons, missiles, like the ship, are reliable long range and destructive firepower. the black sea fleet conducted large-scale exercises; the crews of bastion coastal missile systems practiced practical strike skills. they are widely used during a special military operation, and for successful work regular training is needed, but this time it’s like singing. starting battery for battle, accept starting readiness number one, ready for battle, then going to firing positions, preparing for a strike and launching missiles, as reported, rocketeers train in interaction. with ships from the black sea fleet aviation, and
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the bastion complexes themselves have fully confirmed their reliability and have been used more than once to strike enemy positions. well, just tonight our army launched a new massive attack on military targets on the territory of ukraine, explosions were reported in krivoy rog, in particular, the enemy confirmed the defeat of a large industrial facility, which one there is no information yet, but it has long been known that the territory of factories ukrainian militants use it to repair their armored vehicles. as well as to accumulate supplies of western weapons. and more news from the ministry of defense in the donetsk direction, our artillery and aviation successfully worked in places where manpower accumulated, in the forest, eliminating more than 100 militants; several large-caliber mines were destroyed in the area of ​​​​kleshcheevka and verkhne kamyansky. in the kupinsky direction, russian units repelled two enemy attacks. the enemy lost dozens of people, as well as several armored vehicles. our artillery is also not gave. the supply of fresh forces to the front line was
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disrupted; fighters of the akhmat unit were constantly in the forests under the flint. they are pushing out the enemy, taking up new positions, the enemy is trying to snap back using drones, but our fighters have found control over them, a film crew from channel one is working on the front line, a report by gusein huseynov, let’s just say there is at least a chance to repel him rather than give him he has the opportunity to work directly, the shooter controls the sky above the car while we make our way along the roads washed out after the first snow, not so long ago this particular tiger four kamikaze drones attacked at once. three were shot down, the fourth still hit, well, again, thanks to the armor, everyone remained unharmed , this is the kremensk forest, the akhmat special forces positions are dispersed here in all directions, infantry, armored vehicles and light artillery, now we are following this landmark, there are red stripes, route so as not to go astray, because
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there could be mines everywhere, unexploded shells, we got here in an armored car, but it’s not safe to drive further because it’s too... a tasty target for fpv drones, so we walk through the forest to the mortar position. in cooperation with other units of the ministry of defense , the akhmatovites are actively defending themselves, and there is progress in some sections of the front line. strong bandages, ribbons, or rather, relatively recently tied, indicate that not so long ago there were fsu positions here, and now they control this territory. our units, we try to work on rotation, we don’t let the enemy score, we don’t let the enemy raise his head, and so the enemy’s human resource can be said to be almost exhausted. artillery battery mortars are located 3 km from the front line, this is support for our infantry. ready, focused,
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we can work. now the mortar crew is preparing for work, the guys who are there, further in the front positions, are observing the enemy. they asked a crew of 120 mortars to work 120 if they hit, no one would come out anywhere, the target at which the mortar was pointed at is one of the dugouts, the hit was 100% , oh, right there in the dugout , fighters from one of the most desperate and effective detachments are watching the work and adjusting the artillery fire. special forces akhmat amur is the call sign of their commander, dozens of broken trenches of destroyed militants, and this is only with the help of drones. if there are two or three enemy forces there, then we work it out ourselves; if there is a large concentration there, we go out to the artillery, to the artillery column, to the allies, they help us. here is footage of amur’s group working,
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hovering directly above enemy positions, the drone operator drops ammunition directly into the dugout. the enemy is also trying to drop drones to observe from the air, sending his own in the direction of our positions copters, but not all of them return, we hold on, we hold on, but we can’t fly anywhere and won’t be able to fly, it will be fine. akhmat’s fighters caught this reconnaissance drone half an hour before we arrived at the position, intercepting the signal with an anti-drone gun, they landed the copter. it doesn't matter, it will be nearby. not nearby, it doesn’t matter to us, the result is always important to us, so they found it, it turns out, dropped it, took it away, during the day of such a hunt our fighters intercept several drones, and this captured enemy bird will very soon be used against them, farid muslimov, alexander napalkov and tatyana shilina, channel one lugansk people's
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republic. and more news related to the progress of the special operation on the front line rewarded the soldiers who showed courage. repelling enemy attacks in the area of ​​​​the village of rabotina. all three awarded students are students of the north caucasus federal university, they took academic leave to volunteer in the svo zone, completed a full course of training and are now performing tasks in different sectors of the front. awards, medal for bravery and insignia of the order of st. george, they were awarded the st. george cross, fourth degree, during a teleconference. a video communication session was organized with our units in the dnpr, kherson and zaporozhye regions. relatives of military personnel were also invited to stavropol so that the soldiers could communicate with their families. after being wounded, he could have remained in civilian life and continued studying, but since he had already become attached to his comrades in arms, he did not want to leave them, and decided to return
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to his comrades in arms. and we perform our service valiantly. trying to, on ours, relatives and friends, slept peacefully, i am proud of you and love you. everyone says hello to grandma, grandpa, brother, and sister, and i want to say to the rest of the guys who are participating with us, bwo, we are waiting for everyone and praying for everyone, come back to us, the court in donetsk has passed a verdict ukrainian militants who shot civilians in mariupol, four members of the armed forces of ukraine are in the dock, the investigation established that from february... to march last year, senior group vladimir emelyanov gave orders to his subordinates open fire on people, while the kiev security forces admitted that they understood that
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they were shooting at unarmed civilians, who did not pose any danger. the defendants received long prison sentences ranging from 25 to 27 years, and the gang leader received life imprisonment. emelyanovich. it was established that emelyanov and his subordinates isaykin, terkhanov and babich from february to may 2022 were at a combat position in mariupol, where they committed the murder of eight civilians, while they realized the criminality of their actions, since all the victims were dressed in civilian clothes, did not carry weapons and did not pose any threat. russia has removed most of its citizens from the gas sector, but several hundred of our compatriots still remain in the enclave on egyptian territory. the official representative of our foreign ministry, maria zakharova, announced this today. stressed that evacuation work will continue and not a single russian will be left without help. meanwhile, this morning the countdown began on
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the additional truce agreed upon by israel and hamas. palestinian late in the evening, the group handed over another group of hostages to tel aviv, 11 people. israel, in turn, released more than thirty prisoners and approved a list of another fifty palestinians who will return home in the event of new agreements. the humanitarian pause, as agreed, will continue. for 2 days to the question: what then? the head of the israeli ministry of defense has already responded. he stated that the idf will continue the military operation in gaza, it will be larger and will spread to the entire enclave. the situation in the region was commented by the head european diplomacy josep barel. he spoke in the spirit that the bombing should be stopped, but he formulated everything rather cynically. we must alleviate the suffering of civilians. and for this. it is necessary to increase the volume of humanitarian aid, but there is no point in giving food to someone who will be killed the next day, we must stop
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the bombing, avoid new deaths. slava barel was commented on by a representative of our foreign ministry, based on this logic, writes maria zakharova, it turns out that treating, caring for and loving those who will soon die too senseless, this is western humanism. the weather is still one of the most discussed topics in today... moscow has begun to snow with renewed vigor; according to forecasts, the capital will be swept all day with short breaks, however, not as much as, for example, the north-west of russia at the airport of st. petersburg some flights were delayed due to bad weather. meanwhile, the south of russia is recovering from the storm of the century, debris is being cleared in coastal areas, the weather is already allowing harvesting equipment to work, and infrastructure is being put in order. continues in anapa cleaning up fallen trees. railroad traffic is being restored near sochi; the track was heavily washed out. waves, at this moment the power supply to kuban has been completely restored, but in the crimea some settlements are still without electricity.
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93,000 subscribers are still without electricity, 245 villages have a water supply interruption, of the boiler houses, 125 boiler houses that were de-energized yesterday, accordingly, heating has been restored to 52 , work continues, most importantly , teams have been formed, everything is practically without interruption, the pace that we have gained allows us to say that electricity will be restored to 100% by the end of the day today. due to bad weather conditions, the movement of heavy trucks along the military-georgian kutru road from the russian country was stopped, 2,750 trucks accumulated, rescuers deployed heating points in the upper lars area, where drivers can charge their phones, warm up, and drink hot tea. at the grand exhibition russia at vodnkh, today there is a busy program, hockey week starts, a film festival opens in pavilion number 75, perm territory, and they also summed up results of the work of the agro-industrial complex for this year, at a meeting of the operational headquarters of the ministry of agriculture.
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the indicators are better than in the previous period, the harvest of rice, buckwheat, and vegetables has increased , as the head of the department dmitry patrushev emphasized , 98% of the area is cultivated with grain crops, over 150 million tons of milk, almost 99 million is wheat. the russian agro-industrial complex has formed a reliable basis for the food security of our country. tall. agricultural production indicators, in turn, contribute to maintaining a generally stable price market situation. the dynamics of selling prices are for the most part socially significant. this year, below inflation, in particular, this is the grain and dairy group, sunflower oil, cereals, pasta and potatoes, while in certain categories where, due to fairly objective reasons, there is an accelerated increase in cost, i’m talking about products such as meat, chickens, eggs, the government has developed a special peace complex, it is
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aimed at supporting producers and increasing supply on the domestic market, this will stabilize the situation and maintain product availability for consumers. starting today, russians can receive free visas to travel to sri lanka. you must submit your application electronically before arriving in the country. the visa is issued for a period of up to 30 days from the moment of crossing the border. previously, let me remind you, registration cost $60. the island in the indian ocean is one of the popular holiday destinations among russians. since the beginning of this year, more than 100.40,000 of our compatriots have visited there, twice as many as in the previous period. to attract tourists, the sri lankan authorities previously lifted other restrictions, and recently in october direct flights between our countries were launched. that’s all for now, we are monitoring the development of the event, and the information channel on the first will continue with the big game program.
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good afternoon, there is a big game on air. today vladimir putin will take part. in the format of a videoconference in the plenary session of the world russian people's council. the topic is extremely important; it is the present and future of the russian world. let me remind you that russia officially positions itself as an original state-civilization. so the essence of our civilization is the russian world as a cultural and civilizational entity that unites many peoples. and this is exactly what the west would like to destroy, and what we are also fighting for in ukraine. and we will certainly win. the president signed russia's budget for 2024, it is a victory budget that increases the share of national defense spending to 29.5% of all spending, and russia can fully afford this because this share is only 6% of gross domestic product country, which actually speaks to the stability of the economic and military situation of our country. today is also a very important historical anniversary. exactly 80 years
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ago, on november 28, 1943. the famous tehran conference: the first meeting of the big three stalin, roosevelt and churchill. it was in tehran that the general strategy for the defeat of nazi germany was adopted, the timing of the opening of a second front by western countries was agreed upon, and the future borders of poland, the future cradles of german militarism in east prussia and the city were discussed there. könecksberg, the prospects for the soviet union to enter the war against japan, against the defeat of germany, and so on, and also tehran. the conference, of course, is famous for the fact that, thanks to soviet intelligence officers, it was possible to thwart the assassination attempt planned by berlin on the leaders of the big three. then we fought together against nazism, today russia is again fighting against nazism, but alas, washington and london are still on the other side of the barricades, but of course we will certainly win. and about how we win, let's talk to anastasia mikhailovskaya, and a military correspondent
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for the russian spring news agency. she is in direct contact with us. anastasia leonidovna, good afternoon, i know that you will show us a plot from the battle room named after khmelnitsky , which, let me remind you, consists of captured bolts in full, yes, hello, we were visiting the battle room bogdan khmelnitsky, he is now a member of the ubtf cascade , the guys came over to our side, they were in prisons, in colonies, they made the decision to fight for their loved ones, who find... all the guys from the former, occupied, now liberated territory of donbass and the lugansk people's republic, please look at the material where we communicate with them, after their first combat exit, with great interest, i was in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, a contract soldier, then svo began, i
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left my military unit, well, then i came, roughly speaking, to the dpr checkpoint, i came voluntarily, explained the situation, said, i’m not from a position, i didn’t fight anything, i was generally in communications support, and so the journey to the training center began , gave concepts, gave the basics, how everything happens, namely the infantry, how work works in the trenches, work directly in the city, in urban conditions, the private sector, are you okay? somehow your first appearance in the ranks of the obtf, how it’s somehow different from the all-union forces, the attitude towards everyone is very good, everyone doesn’t understand that we ’ve had a hard, hard year, even a little more, they give us tasks, we carry them out, no one doesn’t look at us askance, somehow crookedly, that we were there all the time and so on, i agree with you, the guys came
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from their first assignment, they’re generally like that in high spirits, here is the second one - a young man who was also with me, now he is also a soldier of the obt. and he works in an evacuation group and he talked about how they rescued guys from drops that were brought by birds, that is, enemy helicopters, and once again i want to remind you that we need rap, and we are now again continuing to collect yulia checherina, folk front on rep for our army in support of our army, that’s why please help us, collect, we are very grateful to all those who respond to our fees, thank you very much, now you see a qr code by which you can help us, thank you very much, anastasia leonidovna, i really fully join your call, help, radio electronic warfare is one of the most
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important facts of the present, of the current war in new conditions, and thank you very much for the report, which shows that in fact we are not fighting against the ukrainian people, we are fighting against the nazis and their sponsors from the west. thank you very much again leonidovna, now let's talk about what is generally happening on the fronts of the special operation, our traditional military observer boris aleksandrovich rozhin, who is in direct contact with us, will tell us about this, boris aleksand aleksandrovich, good afternoon, everyone is writing that we managed to liberate the avdeevka industrial zone, and what this very important, in fact, the progress achieved on the battlefields in this sector of the front, the floor is yours, and good afternoon, yes, indeed, ovdeevskaya was liberated over the weekend, our troops continue to gain a foothold there, enemy counterattacks with the aim of repelling there are not passed, moreover, we are now, at the expense of the control industrial zone, gradually expanding the control zone to the north and south of it, which will allow for a significant increase
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in territory in the near future. over the last 24 hours, our troops there have advanced somewhere up to 400 m already close to the industrial zone itself, this says that the enemy there will slowly pull back directly into the city itself, so here the initiative is on our side and the situation for the enemy is getting worse, but if we talk about the situation in... in general, then in almost all areas the enemy has already lost the initiative, in in the zaporozhye direction of the enemy’s attack in the orekho area, this work on the recruiting ground is sporadic, there has been no progress here for a long time, the front is stable, in the pyatikhatki area everything is stable, on the vremya ledge the situation is also stable on the front, on the contrary, our troops are trying to cross counterattacks here and to take away previously occupied positions by the enemy, here in the ugledar area, our troops are also active south of the ugledarskie dachas, advancing in the same way as we are pressing at novo-mikhailovka in the marinke area without changes, i already said about vdeevka above, which means that in the mari, artyomovskaya area , our troops also have the initiative, our troops are advancing in the kleshcheevka area,
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today the defense confirmed this to me, and the enemy here has completely lost the initiative and has now gone on the defensive, north of artiomovskoe the situation is stable, our troops confidently ensured all enemy attacks, on the northern ledge the situation is now unchanged, there are positional battles, well, in the svatovo kupyansk direction, our troops also have the initiative and are conducting attacks in the area makeyevka - and generally on the eastern bank of oskol, as well as northeast of kupyansk in the area of ​​ivanovka, senkovka and kislovka, here our troops are consolidated in recently occupied positions that the enemy was unable to recapture. thank you very much, very much. a serious change in the narrative in the west, and no one there is talking about the defeat of russia at all, they are talking, at a minimum, about a dead end, but in fact they are increasingly talking about the prospect of the defeat
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of ukraine and the west standing behind it, today a meeting of nato foreign ministers is opening in brussels, this is the statement secretary general naoltenberg made on the eve of this meeting. we see that even with all the significant help. this only confirms the fact that russia cannot be underestimated, their industry has been transferred to military mode, they are able to supply the army with ammunition and equipment, well, this is a diplomatic statement by jens stolteng , listen to what the wall street journal writes, analyzing the situation at the fronts. as the third year of the war in ukraine approaches, moscow has an advantage in the military, in the political, in russia has many more people to replenish its battered army than the ukrainians, who lack well- trained infantry. president vladimir putin is militarizing the russian economy, funneling high oil revenues into
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growing arms production. meanwhile, political paralysis in the united states and europe threatens the military supplies and funding on which ukraine depends for its survival. the inconsistency of the west and the growing ability of russia to use its human industrial resources in the war indicate that ukraine faces a bitter year of difficult defense. some european officials even fear that ukraine's battlefield position could worsen this winter. the ukrainian army is short of infantry after a summer counter-offensive and the bloody defense of bakhmut last winter. during which she suffered heavy losses. due to a dysfunctional and corrupt conscription system, many conscripts are men over 40 and are often sent into the trenches without proper training. ammunition shortage it is also unlikely to allow ukraine to carry out another major offensive in the near future. well, the famous american military expert michael kofman, who now works at the carnage foundation for international peace, an undesirable organization in russia, is in an interview.
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already completely abandon offensive operations, go on the defensive, on everything, along the entire front line, begin to strengthen defensive lines, improve the situation with mobilization, your reality, but this is impossible, because what is happening, stoltenberg spoke when he said that we cannot defeat the russians, and a number of other politicians , they are confused, they understand that they will be asked questions, and the wall street journal developed this topic, they said, everything on the fronts was not completely justified, it’s you gentlemen , the leaders are to blame, it was you who brought ukraine to this state, and now everyone is thinking, what is it? are not able
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to compete with us, there is a non-linear analysis here, here we need to proceed from what powers and forces we are sending to the front, and not relative to the year 21, we they supplied so much, it is necessary to play this race with us efficiently, it is impossible , we have already spun this flywheel to full capacity, now, when we are really sorting things out on the battlefield, barel, who then said, there is no need for any negotiations, we are with the russians . we will find out everything, now everyone is sitting and waiting for an answer, come on, you wanted, now try to prove, what is happening at the front at this moment, not only is the initiative lost, zelsky to show his some kind of image, some other... then the things he creates for himself the second berezina, as for the french, he simply loses the army, in the direction orekhova takmak has already completely lost its combat effectiveness , an entire association of a group of maroon berets, now the same thing is happening on the dnieper, i
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completely agree with you, and indeed, i wanted to emphasize, in this situation, it’s not worth comparing, you know, the total gdp of western countries and the total gdp of russia in dollar terms, the most important thing is determined by how much both sides can put both manpower and equipment on the field battle, and here russia has a colossal advantage, the west is not capable, it lags behind us. in the production of weapons and military equipment, the entire west , so they are really moving towards defeat, how to act in this situation, what strategies, what discussions are being held in the west from a political point of view, we will talk about this after a little advertising, where is your work book, i don’t have it, is it a scam? yes, we are respected...
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moscow, you mean? what's happened? mom, well , i have absolutely no desire or time to teach her. hello, hello, what happened, the girl is conscious, the woman has an open fracture. one, two, three, did you buy your diploma or what? what have you been asked to bring? in an accident, spinal cord damage may occur. the indicators are normal; it is not within the nurse’s competence to make such conclusions. ah... well, what are you doing, save your life, but quietly , quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, at least raise your people one by one, and not all of them en masse, this is not mine, your sister says, hello, ask the nurse, today is first, what are you doing here? what is it?
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could you call? are you a nurse? burban steersman, a product of stetellar group. 1 2 3 4 5 i'm leaving to look for you. serial killers are divided into four different types, according to their motivations. one way or another they kill for love. you are probably a writer, you sent a request to him, they don’t have such an employee, but you know igor well, you don’t drink coffee, girls, no, you’re scaring me, i
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love you, it hurts me, don’t come here again, what? do you like something? the territory will soon be on the first, maybe the tail will hang behind him? let's wait, he... and now his head is filled with others, a good russian is a dead russian, this is nargiz zakirova, with whom we had the chance to talk, such an immodest question, but how did you even get to moscow ?
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i’m there from left to right of all these orcs, she always had russophobia, she just hid it , well, in short, they started to cover my oxygen, she tried to hype, but she was hyped, so she was banned from weight for 50 years, i think she needs more 50 years old, i'm going to get another tattoo, but if you tattoo me, i'll give you ukrainian citizenship, on the forehead, on the forehead, come on, we raised 7 million dollars for weapons, finances the murder of russian soldiers, and america has not rewarded it in any way, i didn’t give her citizenship, that she wasn’t needed there, she was needed here, so that she would do dirty tricks here, organize dances in churches, i had the idea to get rid of russian citizenship, ask for ukrainian, today we see the betrayal of our country, the bb show. under no circumstances you can’t clench it into a fist, the only place where there can be a pistol is in your left hand under a napkin, we can avoid opening a second front only if we decapitate
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the leadership of countries hostile to us with one blow. it became known that the germans are preparing a large-scale attack in tigeran. are they germans or not? and then i saw an army boot; they don’t wear those kind of boots anymore. you wanted to shoot, right? i hope we won't shoot. i have been working for four years now, during this time i have not asked you for anything, we found these six german relatives, and the brothers will be someone else. drink some water! comrade stalin grinned at the six germans we found! hurray for the eightieth anniversary of the tehran conference, on sunday on the first.
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there's a big game on the air about what's happening in kiev. the regime may be defeated, write not only military observers in the united states, but the most influential representatives of the american foreign policy mainstream and the elite. for example, listen to the opinion of the former united states ambassador to nato, and now the head of the chicago council on global affairs, ivo daalder. for now it is important to recognize that the current impasse could result in a crushing defeat for kiev. ukraine's ability to contain russia depends primarily on continued , stable support. the usa and its european allies. the question is: will the united states and its european allies be able to provide this support for the kiev regime? there are very serious doubts here. the european union still cannot approve the next aid packages for ukraine and the same in the united states. the senate, as the head of the democratic
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majority in the senate, chuck schumer, is going to vote next week on new aid packages for ukraine and israel, and in conjunction, but this week there will be a secret briefing for members, which will be held by administration representatives to justify that the catastrophe, yes, that is the briefing will obviously be part of the series, the disaster chief takes off the cast, the client leaves, right? means, but in any case, schumer promises a vote next week, another thing is that the republicans in the senate strictly link the provision of money to ukraine with financing the us-mexico border, and apparently, the republicans in the house of representatives adhere to the same position, a very important statement was just made by the new speaker of the house of representatives jordan, who went to see donald trump in marolalaga, so to speak, kissed his
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hand, made a statement that the house of representatives, most likely before christmas, before the christmas holidays, that is, before the twenty -fifth of december according to western standards, is going to vote and pass these new packages, but again with a very strict link to the us-mexico border, this is how the political publication assesses the situation. speaker mike johnson said he is optimistic that congress will be able to pass additional aid money to both israel and ukraine before the holidays, as long as lawmakers can come to a common position on the border security issue championed by republicans. johnson said there was a sense of urgency to provide aid to both israel and ukraine, adding that among members of congress are continuously engaged in detailed negotiations. of course, we can't let vladimir putin march through europe, and we recognize the need for help, we just said that in order to approve additional aid to ukraine, which most members of congress consider important,
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we also need to work on changing our own border policy, johnson said. sergei sergeevich, well, on the one hand, we see some changes in rhetoric on the part of the republicans in the house of representatives, they are already in favor of them indicate some specific deadlines, on the other hand, linking with the us-mexico border, it seems to me that this is bad news for the biden administration, a significant part of whose electorate consists of migrants, dmitry vyacheslovich, we have said many times that the republicans like the democrats, they are in favor of giving money to ukraine, but on their own terms, this is the principled position of the republicans, they do not want to give money on the democrats’ terms and do not want to give the money they are asking for president, because there is no report, no one understands what this money is used for, this is the border, the border is something that concerns every white, excuse me, american, who is very dissatisfied with the fact that his jobs are taken by newly arrived immigrants.
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they tell us that america is not a russian country, but everyone who has been to america knows how russian it is to this day, it ’s true, it’s one thing on the sidelines to talk about how they hate people of color on the podium to talk about how they fight for their rights . don't forget one simple thing: everything non-traditional minorities, all people of color, always vote democrat and never republican. so now, when it will be lined up. border, this means that no relatives of those who are already in the united states of america will be able to become new migrants, this is a very serious blow to the democratic party. i completely agree with you, but at the same time, it seems to me personally that congress will still approve some amount for ukraine, another thing is that this will be a compromise amount on both sides and not at all the same which the biden administration is counting on and which kiev is counting on. wherein. you need to understand that many representatives, including the congress
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and the administration, have already spoken about this, after the package that they could, maybe allocate to ukraine now until the end of this year, that’s all, then during the year of the presidential elections, in the twenty-fourth year, it is extremely unlikely that congress will return to this issue at all, which is why biden requested more than 60 billion dollars, realizing that this is until the end. with the mobilization there and so on and so forth, the age of the military personnel, in general , so many say that if current trends continue, even if the united states throws something in, ukraine is still moving towards collapse, in this regard, they are indeed discussing in the west, and what to do, some people suggest in this regard. just stop the war, freeze the conflict and, so to speak, try to give russia the liberated
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territories in exchange for peace, such prominent representatives of the american mainstream, like richard has and charles kapchen, from the council on foreign relations, we discussed this at this table, but as bilt writes with reference to officials, this is what they think, according to the sources of the build, not only experts of the united states, but also officials in the white house in the office of the federal chancellor in germany, listen, zelsky must himself, without any prompting from the outside , realize that this cannot continue like this, he must. own will to appeal to his people to declare the need for negotiations - said one of the sources in government. the essence of the german-american plan is as follows: it is necessary to supply kiev with just enough weapons so that the ukrainian armed forces can maintain the current status quo at the front, but are not strong enough to repel the loss of territory in ukraine. well, it must be said that washington in berlin denied, of course,
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that they were allegedly putting pressure on kiev, in this way, in favor of negotiations. yes , simply reducing supplies and putting kiev in a kind of hopeless defeat, yes, either capitulation, or negotiations and some kind of peaceful settlement, here again is territory in exchange, in exchange for peace, but it must be said that many leading experts in the united states, such as walter russell mead from the hudson institute, took this publication in bilt quite seriously. another thing is that they believe that even the beginning of peace negotiations, if suddenly, this is serious, kiev is persuaded to do this, yes, this is still a path to disaster, but because walter meath is asking a very correct question, and they did not forget to ask russia , and russia generally needs this, what is being proposed, listen to what he writes in the wall street journal today, when it became clear that anti-russian sanctions would not stop the war in ukraine, and attempts to force the kremlin to retreat failed,
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the biden team developed a plan for a dead end: the west will provide assistance to ukraine, enough to survive, but not enough. but also in order to win. in the end, the ukrainians will lose hope of victory and will offer putin a compromise peace. the white house will present this as a glorious triumph for democracy and the rule of law. some will criticize this strategy for being cynical, but the real problem is that it is naive. the white house believes that if ukraine offers reasonable conditions, russia will gladly accept them. what if several thousand square kilometers of ukrainian territory are not as important for putin as the desire to inflict a humiliating defeat on the white house and demonstrate the weakness of the west. why should putin agree to a deal that will give biden the opportunity not to lose face, why should he withdraw from a war in which biden, as he himself believes he cannot win. elena vladimirovna, well, it seems to me that they have finally started asking the right questions, yes , why do we need to save biden, yes, but if you believe walter russell, it turns out that the west has no unwinnable options at all,
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any option is a defeat for the west . absolutely right, the west is now in a dead end, they are trying to find a strategy, they did not have a plan ab, as some are now saying, on the contrary, they had one plan, they were counting on real military success for ukraine and counting on the fact that sanctions take effect, they failed and after they failed, they are frantically trying to find a new, if not strategy , then at least tactics, and here what prevents them from developing both is the fact that they are already entering the election race, the mood there is very there are different views among the republicans in the democratic party, and there are absolutely categorical views regarding assistance to ukraine, well, a striking example is the same rama with you, if you listen to what he says, then this is definitely not rama with you, with us, because he clearly
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says that ukraine does not need help at all, and this no longer depends on any events on the fronts, and these sentiments are beginning to prevail more and more, and in a very interesting situation, now zelsky, from the point of view of american commentators and a number of european ones, has put connection with your own elections. americans are now among those who already dislike zelensky and want to get rid of him politically, saying that if zelensky suddenly changes his previous opinion and announces elections, then he will not democratic president because... how to hold elections in such conditions when hostilities continue, and if he does not, and if he does not announce elections, then he is also not a democratic president, because he wants to remain in power, and moreover, with hints, judging by the source in the biden administration, he linked the fact of holding elections with the provision of additional material and military assistance
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from the united states of america, but they didn’t give it, which means the elections will not take place. and so and so. he found himself in an awkward position, but most importantly, that they already perceive him as a loser and want to move aside, and this applies to both democrats and republicans , well, indeed, the west has demonstrated, it seems to me, firstly, once again, ignorance of history, because if they knew the history of russia, they would remembered that we very often start wars not very successfully, but then , when we concentrate and mobilize, it is impossible to defeat us, and secondly, they really poorly understand the trends in international relations that prevail today, namely the formation of a multipolar, polycentric world, but because, to a large extent , therefore, and also because of. internal mobilization of russia's concentration on us failed to tear us to shreds economically, that's why our military-industrial complex works, that's why we have growth of 3% of gdp, and so on and
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so forth, i completely agree, the west made a mistaken bet on ours, both military and political and foreign policy and even domestic political defeat, remember all the talk after prigozhinsky mechezh about how everything is falling apart, yes, that is, really.
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