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tv   Test na beremennost  1TV  November 28, 2023 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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import substitution is more relevant than ever; this industrial press for manufacturing parts is a completely russian development. firstly, our press is much cheaper than foreign ones, and secondly, foreign ones are now unavailable, and we have it assembled from domestic components, there are already a lot of orders, yes, orders come and come, events in the world are dictated by the vector of scientific developments, young stul scientists came to the congress with their combat drone, it has already proven itself to be delivered to the front line... this is a cumulative fragmentation ammunition, which is designed to penetrate armor up to 400 mm. 500 participants on the site are foreign guests, representatives of 25 countries. some stands turned out to be very interesting, for example, those dedicated to wind energy and robotics. i'm sure there are many other good venues here and i plan to visit them all. there are more than 100 of them, in 3 days of the congress,
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it is simply impossible to be in time everywhere, more than 700 speakers and moderators will present their vision and development of domestic sciences, the focus is on nature-like technologies and resources planets are exhaustible, their consumption is only increasing, our country is the first in the world to develop alternatives to them, a completely new powerful direction is being developed that will actually lead to the creation. a fundamentally new technological order of nature, and the logic is very simple, just imagine the main thing, we know well that sustainable development today implies a sufficient amount of resources, well, first of all , energy, but people forget that wars will start globally because of drinking water water, much earlier than the oil runs out, the average age of participants in the congress of young scientists is about 30 years old; captivating and involving those interested is one of the priority tasks of the decade of science and technology.
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attracting young people to science in the modern world is necessary, first of all, with relevant content forms ; young people in particular perceive the world around them in the format of modern social networks, but if science corresponds to this format, then we are guaranteed to fall into the field of attention, the field of vision of young people. there are already such projects with state support more than thirty, they are gaining millions of views on the internet, science is not boring, for example, it is now growing with the help of gaming and interactive elements. gamification is the use of game mechanics in a non-game context, natremification there is a girl who developed a game with the city of rybensk in the form of a detective story, where she tells how you can study the architecture and history of the region through the game. and the state will help you to succeed and become successful in the scientific community. there are all the tools for this. for example, the competition leaders of russia
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a real professional lift, the profile track of this competition, science, has collected more than 28 applications for participation in 2 years; building a scientific career in large corporations is the dream of many young scientists, but how interesting such personnel are to the employer was also discussed at one of the sessions. this year we launched a separate professional development project, where we combine the demands of employers, the demand of students, talented students, so that they can get their dream job, but here... we can say that companies get already proven candidates. the third congress of young scientists, the key event of the decade of science and technology, will take place on the sirius sites for another 2 days. alena eftova, ivan pakhomov, ivan prozurov, natalya sidova, ekaterina koryaka, sergey filippov. channel one, federal territory sirius. the russian national youth symphony orchestra celebrates its fifth anniversary. vladimir putin noted the rich palette of the team in his congratulations. this evening in the tchaikovsky hall in honor. these 5 years
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is that there are already 70 youth graduates symphony orchestra became artists of the leading symphony orchestras of russia and this , of course, is a huge support in the development and preservation of the great russian traditions of orchestral performance. they received. an impulse of love for music, an impulse of inspiration, this is what we hope the quality will remain with them for the rest of their lives. valery gergiev also took part in the concert. the maestro has already performed with young musicians several times, and this evening he is again at the conductor’s stand.
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sorry, with coal, great, someone's in a good mood, yeah, and mega fast wi-fi, i changed the tariff, you see, you can. you want, uh-huh, well, hello petrovodsk, mom, this is personal, nina, you wrote where we are, delete the post, immediately, have you gone crazy, or what? nina, i’m serious, you shouldn’t write to anyone where we are, to anyone, mom, don’t panic, delete it now
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so i can see. can’t you hear, hello, turn down the noise, we don’t live in the forest, yes, sorry for the noise, teenagers are so uncontrollable , i’m raising my daughter alone, my name is valeria , i’m a single mother, i let my daughter go, everyone should suffer for what
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you’re worth, let’s go turn it down taractelka mine, actually, i share my daughter’s musical preferences, so i ’ll call the hostess, she’s come in large numbers. i rented an apartment for you, what the hell are they doing, our house is such a wild one, i’ll call the landlady now, i’m crazy about this apartment , dim, listen, i have a patient here with voltaire rubanovsky syndrome, so i don’t understand whether it’s autoimmune or not , this, and this or this is psychiatry, there is no such syndrome,
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dmitry alekseevich, well, that’s how it is, even nurses know that i hope it’s fun on a professional topic. i haven't seen you for a long time i’ll hold you, lera, lera, come here, today belov is undergoing a liver transplant, the one found is getting ready for the appointment, you’re taking these two , and the moment, well, that’s right, kazantsev, yesterday’s mass road accident, spinal shock, what’s wrong with him, in the morning a bygone technician, perhaps, miraculously, there is a discrepancy, its indicators do not correspond to the entries in the chart, you were the first to identify the signs of spinal shock, you yourself did nothing, but no, i keep an eye
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on her all the time, she is not a step away from me, from today, she will be in the department strict control is maintained. all appointment appointments: duty officer doctor and dear, you, at the end of the shift they will endorse all the records, the appointment is over, okay, but the old maniac control freak doesn’t even part with his warlock , damn it, warlock, and most importantly, who did they all want to blame, on a simple nurse, whatever , an ambulance i was scared of help, but it’s not just an ambulance. they said he was a criminal in the zone.
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attempted suicide, swallowed quicklime, burned the esophagus and stomach, who did it worse, is quicklime in the public domain? no, of course, under lock and key. we kept carps there to clean the pond we grow, this is a service, they don’t even allow us to have aquarium fish, they say there is no budget, but they grow carto in the zone , they gave me the chaff, i’m unlucky for you, that well, it’s obvious, you and arkady semyonovich, two large men, capable if something happens, zzek can be controlled, well, he is handcuffed and in critical condition. or is this all just part of a cunning escape plan?
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yes, this only happens in movies, and you think, criminals don’t watch movies, well, everything turned out to be not so critical, you probably weren’t counting on this, well, i mean, i don’t know what you were counting, since alkali is more insidious than acids, there is a danger... the occurrence of hepatic renal failure, we will give you lavage and infusion therapy , but we will put you on a drip to avoid perforation of the stomach, we will do an x-ray and endoscopy, we will introduce a small camera through your mouth to make audit, look at your stomach. valeria, promidol 2, cuba, prednisolone 50, don’t be afraid of anything. the guard is nearby, i'll leave the door open, but don't be afraid
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of me, maybe i'm not a murderer and a rapist, you know what i was imprisoned for the last time, i don't care, for i'm just a patient, i'm a zhurik, not very lucky? well, why, the last time i rose well, with a companion, i really made a mistake, but overall the scheme was ingenious, a company for supplying gas to the region, without gas and without a license, they sold it to order, collected money, people, they are idiots. gullible idiots, after the iv you will be taken to
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an endoscopy, little sister, i wish i could breathe some air for at least a couple of minutes, people, gullible idiots? lera, there are disposable plates in the closet, there ’s cake again, it would be better not to thank them with money, tom, so what, i don’t have time to change my diet from these offerings, let him give up the new one, otherwise he’d been sitting at home for 17 years, obviously not bothering him. cut her a piece, we have self-service.
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chikhomirov, they brought the certificate, definitely a certificate, i felt like i forgot, i’ll bring it tomorrow, would you like a cake? listen, i'm doing you a favor. it’s not you, but the appointment orders haven’t been signed, you’re dragging your feet, i’ll bring it, i promise, it ’s a popular topic.
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yes, yeah, and how much does it cost, how much, and are you kidding me? so, does that mean you’re giving me a 20% discount on your hands? great, but my next steps, yeah, where is this? i'm not very good i know the city, but yes, dmitry alekseevich, but no, no, no, no, i, i can only after 9:00
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, yeah, we agreed, the room is ready, the father and son are being released from the surgery after the transplant, ready, who saved whom? my father's son, my dad will probably also show up when his liver pisses, but why do you doubt it, kiril vladimirovich , both have excellent results, a brilliant operation, yes, so far so good, but it’s too early to judge, keep an eye on the drains, if anything causes me , so my father is in a separate place next to the post, oh, and did we have a diagnosis of a nugget?
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kiril, vladimirovich, how is my husband, when can i see him? soon, yaroslav is still under anesthesia, but all the indicators are already normal, you can be proud of him, he still saved his father, and my husband’s name is alexander, yaroslav is my dog, but it turns out that he’s still a young wife, what are you talking about, hello, hello, and my husband is already scourge, oh, there’s a reservation, all this is denied to dependents, transplants, here they allowed it, can you imagine, same. i persuaded my husband to stop drinking the bottle and share my little cookie, just don’t tell me what it is love, oh, of course, that means a 20 year difference for the liver, that’s nothing, but for love it ’s already straight forward, and hello, oh, dmitry aleksevich, what do we have here, a pie with potatoes, cats, in the refrigerator, for
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whom are they lying? there is a balcony here, if you want, we can wrap it up before the x-ray, thank you, no wearable. tired, vlasov's rise, sleeping pills, something is wrong, no, the indicators are within the normal range, i took liver tests, ok,
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well done, go, lech, now, now, this is some kind of mockery, not music, well, assure me, that’s it, everyone’s on edge, that’s it, the protest rally self-destructed, hey! you're like, what's going to happen to me,
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my mom is a great doctor, she works in intensive care, she'll quickly pinch you. no need, i want to live, but quickly get ready, where you hear the russian language, the first reaction is a shot, kiev politicians decided to get rid of all russian-speaking ukrainians, we see obvious methods of indoctrination, this citizen is trying to put out a fire with gasoline, they answered themselves ukrainians, odessa peacock, we didn’t pull your tongue, it turns out that we are all russians here in the center of mariupol... supposedly not crowded, dirty, public transport works poorly. dirty, disturbing, disgusting, an attempt to evoke strong emotions. i hear anglyushchenko’s word, and immediately the entire verbal component turns off for me. anti-fay premiere, tomorrow on the first. whiskey
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mancatcher, a product of the stellar group. a good russian is a dead russian. this is nargiz zakirova with whom we had a chance to talk. such an immodest question, but how did you end up in moscow, nargiz fell for it and told she's a lot of interesting things. i'm flogging there, i'm there to the left, to the right of all these orcs. she always had it, she just hid it, well, in short, they started to cover my oxygen , she tried to hype me up, but she was hyped up, so i was banned from weight for 50 years, i think i should ask for another 50 years, i’m going to get myself another tattoo, but if you hit me, i’ll give you ukrainian citizenship, right on the head, right on the head, come on, we collected 7 million dollars for weapons, finances the murder of russian soldiers, and america didn’t reward it in any way, didn’t give her citizenship, she’s not needed there. i need her here so that she can play dirty tricks here, organize dances in churches, i had the idea to get rid of russian citizenship, ask for ukrainian, today we see betrayal, the vavan and lexus show, tomorrow
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on the first, one shell fire, shot, modern battle - it’s like a chess game, you can never lose your mind here, two tanks, five armored vehicles, and we have one alyosha there , behind this forest clearing is located in approximately that area, our guys went, let's hurry, faster, faster, faster, let's catch on, let's hook it up, we'll take the equipment now, restore it, rum, let's do the installation, a little up, yes , more, more, more, more, just look at what a huge unit, the heart of the tank, so guys, it's ready, that's it, let's run it for testing, go. time has chosen us, here it shouldn’t be every man for himself, here it’s one for all, all for one, charging, premiere, special
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report, the living heart of the tank, on sunday on the first, here’s a frisky goat, from the head of the department. the doctor got a separate ward, i join stanislavsky, i don’t believe it, well so that a young beauty, and an alcoholic twice her age, says that everything is bad at home, well, it will turn out, you quit, you thought so too , it only got worse, before, even on horseback, everything could be blamed, now there’s nothing to hide behind, you have a character i turned out to be disgusting, what do you think, is it something or an angel? you 're running, well, if i start to bend over, maybe mine will come running too, well, we don't separate, just so that there's someone behind the wall to clean up. i read on the map that
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she has been here for about two weeks, yes, on the street found without documents, yeah, stroke, since then. well, they didn’t contact the police, they look at the lists of missing people, but they did , but no one is looking, i’ll probably have enough of my daughter, but is there anyone to look for you? yes, also a daughter, sorry, young man, how are you feeling, i see you often spin, so the bed is too uncomfortable, hard, okay, right? hayti, tama, how to call bilov? the donor may have intra-bred bleeding, well , let the doctors do that, that’s their job, belova can
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only be caused by a doctor or a resident, and that’s take a breath younger, then set the heart in the hall. dmitry alekseevich, grozdol needs a second operation - loscopy, for which i will go to bilov, signs of intra-bred bleeding are pallor, anemia, drop in blood pressure, and he just lost a piece of his liver, i would be surprised if he were ruddy and cheerful and had high blood pressure there would be a lot of it, if the bleeding is small, then the pressure will not drop sharply, well, i don’t know, pankavstanka syndrome. the guy spins on the bed all the time, this is a sure sign that he has a heart attack bleeding, vankovka syndrome, that’s for sure, maybe it’s voltaire rubanovsky syndrome,
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dmitry alekseevich, i’m not kidding. we’ll find you, he sent it, well, let her call bilov , be careful, hello, so sit down, i ’ll get to my two, why don’t you get to me , sit down, oh, careless, oh, well, i came up with you, oh! oh, oh, i’m going to see my mother, hello, hello, please call doctor tikhomirova from the intensive care unit. tikhomi, tikhomirov, tikhomirov, and you know, we don’t have such a doctor, tikhomirov, but he can’t maybe, or no, maybe she’s only been working here for a couple of days, please call, hello, tom, hello, we have new doctors,
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it’s clear. yes, uh-huh, but no, you know, we don’t have dr. tikhomirova, yeah, uh-huh, okay, wait, we only had appointments, only relatives, this is your daughter, god forbid. what are you doing here
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? i can't work anymore doctor, why didn’t you tell me why you took it, i’m sorry, i just didn’t know what to do, but his daughter, i did everything i could. and that’s why we can’t write where we are. yes, i don’t know what else he’s capable of. conspiracy,
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i completely forgot. hello, you are a doctor, no, a nurse, i told you, that’s why you wasted my time, it’s all your daughter , let’s go, my mother is a cool doctor, she helped so many people, saved so many lives, maybe i’ll perform a cranial triponation, i don’t i have the right to do it, but it’s too early to process it, you can go, i can, why go here, get up, i need to take off my outerwear, oh, so oh. mina, help, oh, you can’t be with us, oh, oh, what is it, god, yeah, oh, thank you for promoting you, for being so kind to me, give me wardrobe, go home, well, let's sew it up, i won't give it under zero britz , but under half box, why, just kidding, how do you feel, tago, spinning, pain, no, no,
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let's somebody darn me already, finally. so why don't you think of me, i'm done, i'm busy, i had to go to further today, i’m all spoiled for this, ugh, over there we have a way out , goodbye, maria stepanovna, wait, wait, wait, go ahead, close your eyes, why are you so worried, not for the money, not for the money, do it , what am i saying, oh, oh, nothing, oh, oh well, i’m so depressed at the dacha, spend the day, what’s wrong with me, you may have a skull fracture or a brain hemorrhage, oh well, that’s enough already, what are you doing? , what, let’s sit in our cafe, our pastries are good. and i
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’ll agree on the mri, it won’t cost you anything, just sit here. hello, excuse me, natasha, can i talk to you for a minute? this is about your stepson. yarosl is suffering from internal bleeding, the symptoms are not very obvious yet, but the surgeon will notice them, you have belov’s phone number, he won’t refuse you, can you be quiet, you call biel. if everything is so serious, why don’t you talk about it, and not the doctor? i trust the doctors, and don’t bother bothering sasha’s head with this
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, any stress is harmful to him now, that is, you don’t give a damn about yaroslav’s condition, that he might die, so let’s go out, tell him, are you okay? out of your mind, what about you? for you, the little boy is not a living person, a means to save your husband, how can he be so cynical, cynical , yes, what have they accused me of, that’s what, what smokes here, doesn’t smoke, young, i wanted to gods, so i twisted it, three from rostov
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that sasha jazzman, a brilliant drummer, forgive me, i’m here recently in petrozavodsk, i... i love him for real, and i don’t care what others think, i don’t need anything from him, just for him to live, you don’t want him you know, him, he is thin, vulnerable, so he drank, yes, weak, but i... strong, i see, glory, hated
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me more than anyone else, tried to upset our wedding, called me a whore, he didn’t care about my father’s happiness, am i that you are taking revenge on him now, no, i’m not doing anything bad if...’ slava needs an operation, let the doctors decide, that’s theirs responsibility, not mine, valeria, they called me degenerate, take zack, the patient to x-ray, okay, and valeria, we don’t smoke here, we won’t, where you hear the russian language, the first reaction is a shot. kiev politicians decided to get rid of all russian-speaking ukrainians. we see obvious techniques of suggestion, a citizen tries to put out
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a fire with gasoline. the ukrainians themselves answered, the odessa public: we didn’t pull your tongue, it turns out that we are all russians here in the center of mariupol, supposedly not crowded, public transport dirty and poorly functioning. dirty, alarming, disgusting, an attempt to evoke a strong... i hear anglyushchenko’s word, and immediately the entire verbal component turns off for me. antifake premiere, tomorrow on the first. on the occasion of vladimir moshkov’s sixtieth birthday, certain characters are somehow inside you they still live, but it is important to really resettle them at a certain point. olek pavlovich said that he had never met such a prepared student in his life. that profession. who chose me like that, we may think that we chose her, but no, she chooses , i waited 3 years for tabakov to praise me, we can make a movie, on the phone, will there be
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any value in this, our viewer is incredulous , thoughtful, uh, need to take over, podcast lab, saturday premiere, i love my country. on saturday on the first. they've already taken vlasovo for an x-ray, vlasvo, i say, they took you for an x-ray, i mean they took you away, fuck you, you were going somewhere, no, only out of necessity, but i also reported to the eldest, sonya, and where are you looking for galina, she took a repeat offender for an x-ray.
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phew, so, the intensive care unit is worrying, vlas had an x-ray of your lungs, and there was no one, he said to get some air, was clearly looking for an opportunity to leave the ward, i refused, that is, you want to say that galina petrovna could turn out to be the weak link, i’m here. the second day i didn’t have time to notice that galina petrovna, she is a kind, sympathetic person, and
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if vlasov pressed for pity, she could suffer, and because of her kindness, yeah, yeah , security, excuse me, how is this possible, i say, i literally walked away, there was a nurse, well, she’s not in surgery? it’s not in therapy either, it’s actually my fault, vlasov is my patient, i knew how dangerous he was, i shouldn’t have, now is not the time to repent, i’m going to oncology, you’re going to the administration. garida petrovna, what and
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where is this seventh. can you imagine, he swallowed the lye on purpose to get to us and talk to his brother, he has another 2 years to serve, but this one is given 6 weeks at most the pancreas, you know, they could have warned, warned, the yak was stolen on a gurney from under the noses of the police, and then... i don’t know you well enough to take you on,
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then you won’t like it, i raised all the security on their ears, now they are running around the hospital, they are still saving you, thank you, thank you, lera, okay, i need advice from an experienced woman, head injury, positive romberg test, i need an mri, she is not a patient of the department, well, that means now any whim for your money, so there’s no money, well, there’s no money, so it’s insolent take it, say that the documents will be urgently available later, the main thing is not to catch the eye of the authorities, i’m in the wards, seryoga, here , mom, come on, take it back, mom, what did you think, nothing, technical break? i'm from intensive care, mri of the head, urgently, the question
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is about surgery. directions, i’ll bring you some, calm down, ivan karlovich is waiting for you, don’t have a minute of peace, get ready, come on, get up, we’ll have to stop. come on, i undressed myself. ivan karlovich, at least you raise your own people one by one, and not everyone with the cop. this is not mine, this is my sister. yours, hello, you they violated the protocol, the rules of the hospital, the mms, and my personal order, which i spoke about this morning, strict recording of the appointments of all patients; instead, the nurse, on her personal initiative, prescribes expensive treatment
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to unaccounted for patients, sorry. or maybe you are the rule, again, lida, do an mri for the patient of the doctor, nurse, tikhomirova, thank you. why did you do this, i forbade you, he’s my father after all, father? what did he do for you? mom, mom,
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stop it, it hurts, right? why is he so pale? quiet, quiet, quiet if you're worried your son’s condition, contact his doctor, share your concerns, where is his father? he’s in a separate room, post-transplant patients are sensitive to any infection, we, he didn’t even show up for you, you have a heart, the boy went under the knife for you, irina, now is not the time or place, i didn’t ask you, be sure to be rude,
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he was drawn to you throughout his childhood, and you were drawn to the glass. and now, when you finally drank your soul away, your damned little liver, and because of whom did he drink? shut up, so i you, i haven’t called security yet, sasha, it’s your son, he’s not feeling well, you’ve been diagnosed with spinal shock, you’ve been patted on the head, now you’re scrambling to repeat your success, but it doesn’t work that way, i don’t care about success, take it laurels for yourself, laurels? what do you have? weakness, pallor, blood pressure at the lower limit of normal, what? he has a symptom of vanka standing up, spinning on the bed, he wants to tuck his legs. i'll watch.
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the name, the name is so stupid, i thought it was a joke, you came running with it me, come on, blow to the meat before this nimble one jumps ahead of you, ivanovich, the drozny donor may have a damaged nipple, and now he is slow... with blood, where does this conclusion come from? what about stinky leg syndrome, does anyone have restless leg syndrome? well, how can you check your version of internal blood loss? analysis of scientific floods of chromium, absolutely true, they are the most accurate, but the most expensive, we have
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budget overruns, what do you suggest waiting until it bleeds? well, since the pirogue is such an observant one, you yourself will keep an eye on your daughter. donor's condition, where previous druzov’s test results, can you hear me, where are drozdov’s previous test results, are you testing my patience, otsk, look at druzov, at the beginning of the mri, now the otsk results are gone, don’t worry, ivan karlovich, we’ll find it now, they were here, i looked for everything, i looked for everything, but maybe they were in the resident’s office, they just pasted it to another card, yes, let’s give your jamb to the residents now, repeat drozdov’s point. next time you're out of pay, take it away, don't worry, it can happen to anyone. citizen stepanov was detained for that he followed citizen ivanova for two blocks and obscenely admired her figure.
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woman, what can you say about love? oh, i don’t know, i’ve never cheated on my husband. i saw two american women, recently traveling, one asked the other a brilliant question, what do you think is the correct way to say iran or iraq? premiere, mikhail zadornov, all life, on saturday. you are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , i'm leaving to look for you, serial killers are divided into four different types, according to their motivations, one way or another they kill because of love, you probably a writer, is this a request for him?
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sent, they don’t have such an employee, and you know igor well, you don’t drink coffee, girls, no, you’re scaring me, i love you, let me in, it hurts, don’t come here anymore, which i really like ? the territory will soon be on the first, maybe the tail will hang behind him, let’s wait, his head is now full of others, well, it’s just in time. so he left, having spoken out, leonid kuravlev was adored by the audience, he got great roles, each was a masterpiece, but by the end of his life
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he was tired of attention and did not even want to see it would seem that he was closest to him, he was squeezed, he was a very closed person, he didn’t let him into his world just like that, when the crowd, it always scares me a little, he spent his last days in a hospice, and before that he lived for many months in a boarding house for older people, which everyone found out about only after... hospitalization, dad was a contradictory person, dad had mood swings, and it’s already hard for me to remember. our exclusive home archive of the people's artist and son of the legendary actor vasily kuravlev breaks the silence, he is ready to answer everything questions about why the father ended up in a boarding house, did he want to date his daughter, and was seclusion his conscious choice? exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. rise to surgery. they are already waiting for him there, someone has died, no,
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they have taken him to an operation, you want to drink, come on, just don’t worry. you are yaroslav, they say some kind of vessel has ruptured, they will just sew it all up, if you are to blame, i didn’t need this transplant. do you have any idea what all this
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cost me, what are you like? maria stepan, conclusion, your mri is ready, you don’t have a fracture, well, that’s what i thought, why are you so sour, you have an aneurysm of the anterior cerebral artery of 3 cm, yes , this is bullshit, wait, this is not bullshit, this is an aneurysm, 3 cm
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is a lot, stepanovna, they offered you surgery? you urgently need an operation, oh, okay, urgently, what kind of operation , i have a dacha, close the dacha season, then i’ll think about it, marina stepanovna, an aneurysm is a very insidious thing, it can rupture at any second, oh, oh well , my grandfather also had a lump after the war, right here near his heart, they also said at any time second, nothing, i lived for 20 years, okay, i went, who are all the trains leaving , i spent half a day here on you, everyone has high blood pressure today , everyone is dying, i fell, i fell, new girl, you’re already relaxed, there’s still an hour left until the end of the shift, come on, go to drozdov's father, check the seams,
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did you scold him? alexander, do you hear me, what do you want from me? i wanted to live differently from everyone else, easy, beautiful, how much was allotted, but when the time came i ran to the doctors, with a blue flame, what are you doing, don’t touch the stitch, goiter and sedative , curl up, quickly, put it away hands, take your hands away, take your hands away, reassuringly urgently rush him to the surgery,
10:54 pm
how are they, everything is fine, the father asked to transfer yaroslav to his room, go, go. slavava! forgive me, please, i was so
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afraid for your father that i didn’t think about you at all. garina petrovna, today your son distinguished himself again, oh, ivan karlovich, he will fix everything, i promise you, he distinguished himself, he distinguished himself, he was the first to sound the alarm, drozdov and the youngest, he insisted on repeating the acc, in fact, i don’t suggest tests, katya, but to envy not
10:56 pm
good, mom, okay, okay, okay, what? ottsekan. kirila vladimirovich, excuse me, of course there are intensive care units here, no one leaves on their own, but let me still look at your leg, come on, come on, i think it’s glass, the other day the light bulb burned out, it just exploded, that’s it, i didn’t even
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felt it, right? planned, but i don’t understand, are you swearing to me like that, that you’re used to the gantry roller? that immediately there is a goat there, a bear in the marenika, a rooster in the chicken coop, well, i’m not blind, relax , you’re not my type, treat the wound yourself. hello, i'm there, but i don't see anyone, but
10:58 pm
enter the territory, yes, i see there is someone, hello, i’m talking about the certificate, be it teras, haven’t seen each other for a long time, yes, that means we’re not only with analysis, chemistry, oh, i felt that you were problematic, i just need a job , i’m a good nurse, you ’ve seen it yourself, well, let’s start with the fact that you’re not a nurse at all, if you needed a fake certificate, who? i’m a resuscitation doctor, let’s say, well, that means you can’t work with your sister, well, the specialist seems to be
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a good person and a bad person, how did you rush me to save me from zach, hold me back, no, don’t. at the expense of the company, thank you, thank you, free does not mean nothing, my dimka, he is a very good guy, just not as smart as ekaterin, you were the first to guess about the bastanka, so let’s move on, well, if anything, do you want me to tell him? well, yes, she suggested, there, looked after, advised, covered when necessary, remember, you’re on my hook, actually
11:00 pm
, i have it too, don’t put a finger in your mouth, well , welcome sister, thank you. the big game is on air, and today president vladimir putin spoke via videoconference at the plenary session of the world russian people's council, and he said there: a whole series of important and i’m not afraid to say bright things: firstly, president putin explained what russia is opposing, let’s listen.


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