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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  December 1, 2023 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] look, what's the matter, she's sexy, nena, what are you doing, what are you doing, she's your class teacher , not your girlfriend, yeah, mom, and we're at school, not in jail, security, camera, so go to class, galina petrovna , i’m already there, i was carrying biowaste, bi, where are you talking from, sorry. you found time to be late, we have an emergency, schoolchildren went kayaking on a lake, one boat capsized, nine injured , the water is icy, where are you going, no, it’s late, let’s go, we’re using long-term hypothermia, we won’t have time for experiments time, now they will bring nine people all
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for. body temperature 24, brodycardia, wet clothes were removed, there is glucose inside the vein, and where are the rest? we caught them 30 km from the city,
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scattered them around the nearest one, that’s all you need. it turns out that the children's section of kayaking, who came up with the idea of ​​sending children on such a trip in such cold weather at night, and it saved four of them, rowed them to the shore, and so on four times, one was so scared, she almost drowned her savior, nonsense , someone else’s daughter, to warm my head you can’t, i didn’t ask you, what an idiot to warm your head, what are you doing, put it away? if you want to make a baked trouser out of it, the body temperature has risen by 6° , thank god, quickly, quickly, quickly, very quickly, the vessels in the limbs have expanded, and if the color of the heart has not yet warmed up, the heart stops,
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half a cube of adrenaline, defibrillation. shock 200 shock, shock, maybe we’ll try a cold infusion, we’ll make do somehow , it won’t last long, the tepon is on your tongue, ivan karlov, you yourself say, the heart doesn’t have time, grimace, cardiac arrest, 250, shock, everyone here is so brave, and you are a coward, you once lost a child on the table, now you blow on the water, you think that you are so special here and you won’t kill anyone, instead of warming you up, you need to cool it down as much as possible,
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create . anabiosis, we inject cold saline into the aorta, cool the body to 22°, so we get complete control over elevated body temperature, without stress on the heart, cool, cold saline, half a liter. congratulations, the temperature is lower than upon admission, the heart is stable, this is more important, well, let's revive our sleeping
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beauty, an interesting method i’ll have to read, i missed it, i can send you a link , the journal intensive care, a person is overweight, then there’s definitely no need to run anywhere, when there are a lot, very, very many vegetables, herbs, and so on and so on, then this stretches the stomach, chew every... bite, hard piece of food 33 times and you will make a fundamental discovery, if you choose between porridge and cake, then the soul is closer to the cake, eating strawberries in december is not very wise, if you overeat anything, then and water is possible kill a person, there should be breakfast, lunch, dinner, don’t eat fruit in the evening, we don’t even understand what we ate, how much we ate, whether it was tasty, lab podcast, on saturday: on the first, season premiere, binge star,
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on sunday on the first, do you really think intensive care, i read everything, surgical news, radiology and practice,, urology today, well, pumping out the girl, intensive care, parents didn’t show up, yes, yeah, that’s how it is? the girl was either pulled out, but the mother was not, but yes, i understood you, thank you, this is from the ministry of emergency situations, there is only one missing person on the list, a coach, they checked the lists from this sports group and those children who are in hospitals, and what is the name of our heroine? masha makarova, masha makarova? oh, hello, young hero, my name is myaki, myaki is a first name, myaki is
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a surname, and my name is ivan karlovich, and what’s your name, do you remember what your name is, think brain. memory loss, it's just memory loss, you , masha, masha, makarova, oh, well done, well done, please, just don't call my parents, they're on vacation now, in turkey, i think that the ministry of emergency situations notified them a long time ago, don’t be afraid, they won’t be angry, they will be happy that you ’re alive, rest. you are our hero, a real
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hero, arkady semyonovich, forgive me. you are not a coward, that’s not what i wanted to say, but no, a coward, it ’s his, i found it in my pocket, well then, it’s a waste of you to slander yourself, you won’t save everyone, but you
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try. what are you doing here? ah, galina petrovna asked me to find this pocket game console so that i could know what it looks like. oh, thank you, moscow doctors of science are probably so old. doesn't use it anymore, right? perhaps, but what does that have to do with it? i just can’t
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understand how a cool metropolitan resuscitator ended up in our hole, while still a nurse, this will also do. tom, do you want to go to the toilet? yes, no one goes to our intensive care unit. come on, sit down, right here, well, here , i don’t want to, and i didn’t like the pancakes, which are not tasty, but come on, what are you, my dear mother, leave me alone, i have another one for you. there is a surprise, look
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, it’s an ancient console, but it’s not owned by anyone, i’ve never had anything like this, lara croft, well, you’ll pass the time while your parents are driving, they they're going, well, look, i have to tell you what? okay, nothing, then, okay, then, i’ll leave it, that’s it, let’s get out of here , get out, don’t film, but, comment on what happened , what actions the doctors took, how masha makarova’s condition is, well, wait, what are you doing in the intensive care unit, strictly here ? here it is forbidden to everyone except relatives
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, here is the head of the department, all the question is, let's go, let's go, let's go, hello, good afternoon, you misunderstood me, i'm not going to ask you. valeria anatolyevna, i am with you i admire. middle name. i have read all your articles. working with a pro like you , in general, don’t worry, i won’t tell anyone who? and why?
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because i dream of being like you, you know why i chose medical school, when i was 16, my mother went to a monastery, accepted orders, said that she wanted to save people, i understand, but my father, yes, he never existed, i hated her so much because she didn’t care about me. but don’t give a damn about other people, how was she going to save them with prayers, that’s why i chose medicine, at least everything here is for real, valeria anatolyevna, you are cooler than any doctor in this hospital, even cooler than the softies. you
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are hiding from someone, if i tell you now, your career will be in jeopardy, excuse me, it’s time for me to go, fulfill my duties, sisters. wait for me here, i have a heart of gold with her, yes, you know, i was always dragging home stray dogs, kittens, once i even brought a hedgehog, you know, we spent so much money on the veterinarian, i’ll put your things
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here, thank you. thank you, my girl, how much she saved the children, four, and four, it’s good that you were lucky with your flight , you know, in third class we sent her to the swimming section, but she herself wanted to go to the baidar section, her husband said that it was necessary, we’re all -we live next to the water, but what are you saying, what’s wrong with the flight? she said that you were vacationing in turkey, she said so, yes, and this, well, of course, this is so that we don’t... my girl. carefully, carefully, doctor, doctor, where is our daughter, doctor, where is our daughter, you said
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where is our daughter, i say, let's figure it out, that's it now, let's go through, let's sort it out, everything's fine. everything is fine, yeah, everything, so, now, everything will be fine, yeah, that 's it, well, like that, okay, i called the hospital where they brought the children, masha to languish, they fished out the teacher's body, so it turns out, masha - how will i tell my parents about this? the strangest thing is that there is an exact list of last names, all of these were counted, missing ones, no, there were none, where is she , where is my daughter, where is my daughter, what did you
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do with her, say insert, say where is my daughter, yes, where are you, speak, speak, move away
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from her, where she is. hello, hello! listen, the thing is that i, in principle, i’m not in st. petersburg, nikit, well, i’m not a natural person, nikit, you have nothing to do with it at all,
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nikita, nikit, my boyfriend left me, it happens that you’re all wildly sympathetic here , like this, why did you dial, you knew what a shock it would be for masha’s parents, do you understand that we will have to inform the guardianship authorities, the police? what is your last name? komarova, name, lena
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, you are from the sports section, i ran away from home, my mother got drunk again, there is an abandoned bathhouse on the lake, and... i spend the night in them, when, in general, with the waters were screaming, and i went out to see what was there, i saw kayaks, people were in the water , i figured i had to swim, there was panic, and not everyone knew how to swim, i had to come back several times, but... one girl was very
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scared, probably , grabbed me by the hair, started drinking, i fell out weakly, i, i didn’t want to lie, i just wanted to try a little more, here, it’s good, quiet, you’re not discharging me yet, no, it’s still early, there, i need another heart watch yours, you’ll still lie with us, they gave it to petrovno, i’ll wait for you, how good it is for me to live my life. only
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the first 100 years, you are waiting for someone , yes, a brother, whom, unknown in a coma, tamara gave the name to, now the brother will come and tell us what her real name is? i don’t understand anything, where did the brother come from, did the police find him? no, i, i printed out the photo and posted it around the district, how interesting, come on, the delegation of greeters, hello, mikhail, let’s go, wait. are you sure this is your sister? well, well, how long ago is she, she disappeared, a year and a half
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ago, in may, we immediately put her on the wanted list, but everything is pointless, well, according to our file index there is no coincidence, well, take off your clothes, yes, of course not, anything can happen in a year and a half, anything, i used to have such a butt, but now, you see. polikarpovna, come on, she likes him, please don’t let him go, let’s come
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here, well, she seems to have changed. just a little, this is a completely different woman, no, no, no, this is sonya, i’m sure, now i’m 100% sure, this is salt, hush, hush, i understand, you want to find your sister, please don’t scream, you see, like this forehead, chin, chest, nothing, she’s always because of her i was worried, i had complexes, my hands, where did the ring come from, where did the ring come from, she couldn’t be admitted to the intensive care unit with her, with jewelry, we couldn’t take it off, we had to leave it, it’s not your
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sister, you made a mistake, let’s go. that’s it, the post is given, the post is accepted, hello, hello , how are you, everything is fine, that means everything is fine, nin, it’s hard to put this in the closet, but it ’s hard to buy a closet. i'm very tired and i have no time for
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searching for hidden meanings. is it really in the closet? yes. kiril vladimirov, good morning, good morning, a bold thought with a cold transfusion, yes, and i’m generally a brave girl, yes, just be careful there, don’t fall, brave girl, kiril vladimirovich, today there’s a concert in the shelter,
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a group from st. petersburg, do you want to go? if there are no emergencies, let's go, great, komarova, moderate severity, normal temperature, no complaints, ready for transfer. ivanovich, have a baby. they never found them, but the real ones, i feel sorry for the girl, let her stay with us for a while, the surgical department asked for two beds today, we don’t have any places, transfer her to pediatrics, and by the way, about the places, the head doctor asked me to hurry up with the choice full-time resident, place like you
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you know one? there is fierce competition in medicine, get used to it, the thieves' pies are already there , you can't argue against him, i have a secret weapon, and what kind, then be kind, keep secrecy, remember our agreement, let's go to the activator, and what will happen to me for this? someone learned to bargain, if dimka stays in the hospital on the ward, someone won’t be kicked out of work, it suits you, in the basement i saw a discarded wardrobe there, can i borrow it for a while, i’ll return it, yes, wait, yes wait,
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listen, figure it out yourself, what’s here happens, our delicate toma announced that the rescuer was caught, well, off we go, no, she was the fifth, too heavy, i couldn’t save her, let her go, listen, who appointed you in the first place, and now she ’ll get lost, i know, no pressure , i’m hungry, i ’m hungry, why, in a stressful situation, her sugar dropped. her body is exhausted, she hasn’t really eaten anything, well, doctor, what are the next instructions, hypoglycemia, glucose 40, intravenous, you and i are front-line soldiers,
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you should go from here, to hell, nowhere else. the region, on saturday, on the first, and you said, 50 will not do, we are in kazan, this is where you can have fun and play at a wedding, this is a family heirloom, a bone plate made of silver, called a chulpa, they say this ringing drives away evil spirits. you can’t marry a girl without a goose, why are there two geese, two pillows so that the soft ones sleep, don’t quarrel, and we prepare the dough for chakchak, put these noodle-like pieces of ours in hot oil, french fries, chakchak, look, look what you like the girl more, choose her, both of you, yes, this is ours
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saida, farid, this is yours. well, how do you like it, beauty, imar, our premiere, we are getting married on sunday at the first one. and what did you bring here, he needs it, oh my, what kind of ambrosia is this, he hit his head, they brought him unconscious, the cat needs it urgently, i don’t understand, will anyone work today, what am i doing, he went for two , i say, i need a cat urgently. here we go? there is no need for surgery;
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the small hematoma will resolve itself. well, you didn’t manage to shake him off? actually, i'm here, but you'll miss this, there's no bleeding, bones intact. there is no work, well, yes, where is he, stop, pies, take on the new guy, i made an excuse, and or your ex, dmitry sergeevich, is an excellent specialist, you are in good hands, his head is clean, but he has a fever, do a general examination, and you , where are you going, and i’m here, i’ll call the new girl. can you tell me
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your name? of course, of course, william? sigezmundovich, vzezhinsky, brzezhinsky, wow, well, let's undress you, and i want it... she, herself, that's it, herself, hands up, ah, this is rotten meat with a hint of vomit, sepsis, sister, yeah, in- wow, and a leg at the same time
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look at mine, otherwise she’s already tired of it, kiril vladimirov, there are jobs for you, well , that’s another matter, then kate, how do you like it, father? velimir sigezmundovich, pyotr ivanovich, why did the kid show up? what did you think, i won’t take the disdain? but in vain all the intensive care units in the country exist thanks to homeless people and alcoholics, they are our main ones. contingent, we are your pavlov’s dogs, af-af, yes, that’s it, thanks to you, pyotr ivanovich, we have such a wealth of medical experience, i hope, i only have
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two legs, this is temporary, let’s go, so don’t worry, everything will be fine, all the indicators are new, you can do it tomorrow, i put on the engagement ring, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, calm, that's it, everything is fine, let's come here, yeah, nothing, nothing, let's go, well, let's go. that's it, everything is fine
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, female, please see me out, i understand, aler, you wanted the best, but take down your ad, there is no benefit, no harm through the roof. the mother appeared only a day later, after she learned that her daughter was in intensive care.
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maybe she was better off without such a mother. we're looking for the girl who almost died saving your daughter, well, yes, we would like to, we would like to i would like to apologize and thank her, i, i told her so many things, maybe she won’t want to talk to me, could you tell her, she was discharged,
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wait, let me give you her address, thank you, thank you, well, how do you feel, ivan petrovich, nikolai ilyevich, nikolai ilych, really, doctor, you work for thank you, well, yes, so, thank you very much, well , we amputated your foot, saved your life,
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disability won’t hurt either. you just thanked me from a patient, for the first time in my life, take this, you can take your closet, yeah, uh, thanks. well, if you are because of your son, i have nothing to do with it, he could make an excellent doctor, you need the closet, yes, take it, listen, maybe he can take it apart, now, call
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the toys, let them take it apart, or a hearse. this is how i see the problem. katerina, is it you, hello, haven’t i seen it, but isn’t his shift already over , that is, he’s not here, kiril vladimirovich was loading your new wardrobe machine, valeria,
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it seems like someone is urgent, call him. so let's bet twice, bet that hand, leg, back, leg, leg, let me take a look, no need, everything is fine, everything is fine, and that ’s it kiril, would you like coffee, with pleasure, now, but i only have instant, it’s my favorite,
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right. vadim, lera, it’s unpleasant for me to contact your lovers, i mean, some guy asked you, he introduced himself, what he looked like, why are you yelling at me, i stopped by today and your neighbor said that you are not in moscow, why you took your daughter away without my... i think, but you care, valeria, everything is fine, everything, i have to go, sorry, husband,
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ex, you ran away from him to us, yes, you can leave, valery, i just understand everything, starting from scratch is always difficult, please, yes? ivan karlovich, we have problems.
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lala, mom, you don’t have to take everything so literally, what happened, nikita. that means everything will work out for us, we’ll go to st. petersburg, give me the phone, yeah, just a second, yes, i’m aware of your incognito and the topic of your doctoral dissertation, well, you understand that with this lie you put not only me at risk, but our entire department, so what?
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to sort it out, there will be a question about dismissal, what happened, they call you back to work again, it seems i don’t have a job anymore, pooh, la, we wish everyone a good morning and sincerely congratulate you on the first day of winter, friday came on december 1, olga ushakova is with you and sergey babaev, good morning everyone, well, as for winter, it is already with us, as sergey noted, there is exactly a month left until the new year, and today we will continue to intensively prepare for it, for example, we will open children’s sweet sets, we’ll see , what kind of sweets are there inside, i always do this, let’s admire new year trees, the russian forum is at the exhibition and we will restore new year's toys if they suddenly need it, yes, but we will also take care of ourselves, select... winter body cream , we will stop by the chryzontem ball, we will prepare, as always, some culinary masterpiece, like we can do all this and much more very soon, well, right now we’re going for a swim, and morning exercises under the guidance of fitness trainer
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margarita kuznetsova. good morning, i love you. combine business with pleasure, i teach my daughters this, we went down the hill we had fun, and now we’ll take care of our health and do gymnastics in the water, and you can join in, the exercises can be done at home, we spread our arms to the sides, it’s easier to balance, we sharply raise our straight right leg and stretch out our toes, now the left one, it’s like we ’re kicking in the water , and if you are practicing at home, then imagine that you are pushing a ball. now let’s increase the load a little, raise both legs at once, if you are training on... you need to sit in a chair. oops! attention,
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it is not advisable for children under 12 years of age to overload the abdominal muscles. therefore, my youngest daughter emilia will do the initial version of the exercise. this workout strengthens all muscles at once, helps relieve stress and recharge with energy. exercise with your children. and be healthy. there is only a month left before our favorite holiday, and something tells me that it will fly by in a flash and melt like a snowflake in the palm of your hand, how poetic, but this means that everything needs to be clearly planned, even if it is not so ethical, so that everything be on time and never forget about anything, until the next one a whole month of the year, or just a month, and this depends on your level of preparation; according to surveys, every third person starts planning a holiday and shopping just a month in advance. we are already seeing a 2 and a half times increase
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in orders for all new year categories, such as artificial snow, christmas tree decorations. according to marketplace statistics , during the pre-new year season, overall sales increase by 30%. women start shopping for the new year already at the end of november, men start buying gifts only in december. at the same time, there is a peak in online orders. all it also falls on the last week before the new year, but what are we going to give, according to the same surveys, sweet drinks? perfumery is in second place, cosmetics are in third place - various souvenirs. this year's new year's budget is about 37,000 rubles. this is for gifts, feasts and entertainment, and we will most likely spend a smaller portion on food, approximately 9,000. this suggests that people began to pay more attention to each other and give gifts, on the one hand. on the other hand, people, our fellow citizens we wanted to somehow make the boards
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more diverse. by the way, we begin to switch to rest mode gradually, a couple of weeks before the holiday, but before that we need to work hard. the first week of december we can observe high activity, as contracts for the next year are concluded, and then it begins to fall sharply. interest in other vacancies too, not everyone is ready to change jobs in december, because they are expecting final annual bonuses, and are also generally busy preparing for the new year, for example, they need to install in the house christmas tree, just at the beginning of december, forestry enterprises cut down trees for sale. we grow various types of spruce, sucker and fir, these are the three main new year trees. and the most popular size is 1.5-2 m. traditionally, siberian regions use more live spruce trees, that is , here are large metropolises, there is moscow, st. petersburg, there is nizhny novgorod, this. is already switching to artificial so, there is only a month until the new year, of course you
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try to do everything in time, but it’s time to go by the end of may or may 31st, i bet that have to. yuri nesterov, ilya ridkozubov, channel one. we hasten to inform you that winter has finally arrived, today is friday, december 1st, since winter has come, it means spring will soon be here, summer will be very good, but since we have this wonderful season, of course, it was snowy. and the end of november , but what’s already stopping you from doing all these winter fun, skis, skates, snowballs, snowmen , everything else is a sled, quickly sliding along the icy surface, so it’s breathtaking, what could be better on a good frosty day, only first you need to prepare the skates, it’s time to get the skates from the mezzanine, we’re not in a hurry to get on the ice right away, we check the blades, they still get damp anyway , corrosion appears on them, even... if rust hasn’t appeared, before the season they need sharpening,
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the blade needs to be changed even outwardly, but he has a little bump here in the form of a shape, when it is completely erased , it just becomes even, that is , it no longer clings to the fly, if we inspect the skates for rental, there are no breaks, cracks and it must be the right size, the leg should tightly fix it to avoid injury, look at the sharpening of the skates, for example, here we have sharpening, well, not very good, then you can ask for a change, then clothes, we don’t wrap ourselves up too much, but we also don’t undress, if we dress very warmly, we will sweat , this will bring us great discomfort, and we will still freeze, so it is very important to dress in layers and use certain materials for clothing. fleece, wool, ideal thermal underwear, also a hat, scarf and mittens are suitable, everything should be comfortable for safety, i just have jeans on my bare legs, a sweater, okay, well, basically okay, short... the jacket won’t interfere with skating, but jeans are a little wide, because we can
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get confused in them, we can start the ice season at an indoor skating rink with an instructor, our knees are bent, we spring back... yes, but is it much more pleasant in the fresh air? it is better to choose morning sessions, because there will be fewer people, it will be more free, the main thing is not to disturb the trajectory of movement, for beginners stay at the edge, for speed lovers closer to the center, for maintaining balance, straight back, don’t bend your lower back, not only the motor muscles that move us work, we stand on a small support, all the stabilizer muscles that fix our joints, our spine, our legs are activated. anyway, well, yes, it’s like riding a bicycle, if you learn it once, then these skills remain for the rest of your life, for shifting, while riding , almost all muscles are involved in work, moreover, about 300 calories are burned during such activity, i walk here every tuesday, i feel like it's a thrill 60 years ago to me
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my parents put me in figure skating, now i’m 66, i can show you everything that they teach their children in childhood, it remains for... the rest of their lives, we have company, we drink tea here, that’s it, we eat pancakes and pies, we , the circle is increasing, will increase, i think, cool, as they say, yes, friends are dark, everyone knows us, everyone loves us, to also recharge with endorphins, the whole winter is ahead , ligia belyanskaya, konstantin struchkov, evgenia smirnov and yulia kubabina, first channel, we are in kazan, this is where you can have fun and enthusiasm to play a wedding. this is a family heirloom, on a bone made of silver, called chulpa, they say this ringing drives up evil spirits , a girl without a goose cannot be married off, why two geese, two pillows so that the soft ones sleep, do not swear, and we are preparing the dough for chakchak, put it here
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these pieces of ours that look like noodles in hot oil, french fries, chakchakowski, look, look, which girl... you like the most, choose her, oops, yes, this is our saida, farid, this is your bride, how do you like it , beauty, imature, our premiere, we're playing a wedding, on sunday at the first, what do you expect from kaluga, find some interesting local recipe, try to cook it, let's go, let's find something new for ourselves? what is kalush dough? boiled soft gingerbread, the most important dessert in kaluga, the great-grandfather of all gingerbreads, including tula gingerbread, a very bright aroma of cloves. it’s impossible to imagine kaluga without astronautics, now we’ll try the french fries, and i’ll try the moscow cake, so how do you like space products? very unusual sensation, quite tasty that's it, i can make such a dessert, a link to
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space, planets, stars, such a small chocolate planet, or is there a healing path? this is the healing path with... premiere: chefs on wheels. on sunday on the first. our good, cheerful morning continues, right now, let's look on the internet and see what's new there. we have found for you the coolest, most popular and touching funny videos. we start, according to tradition, with cats. meet moon, he has an unusual profession, he is a librarian. one has only to take one of the people book from the shelf, kitten. he comes out and seems to ask: do you have a library card, it’s no wonder that the video became a hit on the internet, a good library doesn’t give books, well, naturally, dogs also have something to answer to this, meet me, this is a dog named quincy, he’s apparently secretly is in the service of the traffic police, only the owner takes out a mobile phone while driving, he immediately hits her with his paw, forbids her, says,
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following the rules, you know, and everyone should take note, in kanha national park, india, the elephants went on vacation, they need to rest at some point, every day the elephants are cleaned and washed , they are given vaccinations, the program also includes tusk care, a relaxing massage with special oil, and of course, no one canceled some tasty treats elephant spa, well, finally, let us remind you that tomorrow the pandas from the moscow zoo will turn exactly 100 days old, how quickly other people’s children grow, and this is a very important date, since the baby will finally get a name, everyone is looking forward to what it will be, what name, what nickname will they give her, well while we are reporting that she is growing beautifully, she will charmingly soon begin to walk, a russian hit twenty years ago has burst into the top of the world hit parade, the world wide web is singing maxim fadeev’s song, my marmalade, remember that try, but i’m
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wrong or, my marmalade, not you’re right, that’s exactly what you remembered, people sing about the very essence, but in general such a trend has appeared, as the meme says, try, try jaga, jaga, i’ll try, i need it, i need it, again not... it seems that katya is dizzy, the whole world is dizzy lel, the song my marmalade soared to third place in the world charts, overtaking the singer taylor swift, my daughter told me, my mother on social networks, every second post is marmalade, i said what are you saying, how is this possible, and people started calling me from different places in the world, from different countries, that the song is incredibly popular, for me it was just incredible news, this sudden popularity of the song, the great success of domestic culture, almost 70 million
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mentions of hundreds of thousands of videos on social networks, under my marmalade, foreigners put on fur hats, long fur coats and black glasses, and the trend was nicknamed slavic aesthetics, the image of a russian beauty, that’s what will be in fashion this winter.
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katya lel herself joined the marmalade trend, maxim fodeev wrote the hit 19 years ago, this is already the sixth song of his authorship, which became known throughout the world. when my marmalade came out, the reaction was mixed, some people really didn’t like the song, some were annoyed by it, but one thing was clear, that it was a megahit that was settling in your head is already drunk forever, then it’s time to get your mother’s hat and fur coat out of the wardrobe, on the first day of winter after all, asya ratkevich, maria bronzovaya, joseph kobrin, channel one. let us remind you that today is december 1, friday, it’s time to find out what ’s new in the country and in the world. we briefly give up the floor to our colleagues from the information
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service of channel one. this is news on the first one, studio maria vasilyeva, hello. every question is important, not a single one will be left unattended, less than 3 hours before the start of collecting an appeal for the upcoming big press conferences and direct lines from this year they will be combined into one format - results of the year by sladimir putin. questions will begin to be accepted at 80 am. you can ask questions by phone or send sms. you see the numbers on your screens or through the form on the moscow putin website. you can also send an appeal through the social networks vkontakte and odnoklassniki. the address itself on december 14 will take place in a specially built studio. russian journalists will gather there, as well as foreign ones who are accredited in moscow. novation of this year, the all-russian popular front joined the project, its employees will also collect and process issues, debug them, we know that now the situation
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in the zone of their own, the crew of su-25 attack aircraft of the russian aerospace forces struck military targets and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces unit in the southern donetsk direction, the planes took off in pairs at an extremely low altitude and approached the line for launching unguided aircraft missiles. after using the weapons, the pilot executes. maneuver to evade enemy air defense by releasing heat traps and safely returned to departure airfield. already on the ground, the pilot spoke about an unusual talisman that he always takes on missions, one day a child asked for a ride, but i explained that we have a single-seater plane, then he asked for a ride with his favorite toy, now this toy has become my talisman... it’s used every day in flight, helps, helps to carry out tasks, our pilots, like ground
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units, are helped by the stages of the electronic warfare station, each such machine under the nickname senitsa is capable of covering the sky within a radius of several tens kilometers, the operator sets the frequency range in which unmanned aerial vehicles operate, all flying enemy drones are displayed on the monitor, the station allows you to suppress... the enemy’s navigation control systems, as a result , the drone loses contact with its operator in most cases simply falls to the ground. the russian president wins. british economists write about the conflict in ukraine and explain that our country managed to enlist support to unite the global south against america. the economy has stood the test sanctions, oil revenues continue to flow into the russian budget, while in ukraine, polls show, corruption scandals are eroding support for the kiev regime. in the west, there are fewer and fewer people who believe that ukraine will be able to emerge from the conflict as a european democratic country.
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the counteroffensive failed and this is a stalemate for kiev, if it... withdraws its troops, it will face growing discontent within the country in the west, where the voices of those who believe that military and financial support for ukraine are in vain are growing louder spending. the same sentiments , western sociology shows, there will be elections in the united states soon and europe will have to prepare for the fact that american support will slow down, given the scale of the crisis, the european union, the economist writes, lacks strategic vision. slovakia is seeking to improve its relations with russia, prime minister robert fitz reported this; according to him, the strategy of the european union and the united states in ukraine is ineffective, anti-russian sanctions are harming europe, the government, after coming to power, stopped military assistance to kiev, a turn in slovakia’s foreign policy robert fitso discussed at a meeting with the ambassadors of the united states and russia. the priority of the foreign policy that i intend to implement is the protection of the promotion
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of the slovak national state. which include support for peace initiatives rather than war in ukraine. i outlined to the ambassadors slovakia's national priorities and my view of the war in ukraine, where the eu and us strategy is clearly failing. slovakia must prepare for the period that will come after the end of the war in ukraine, as well as for the standardization of slovak-russian relationships. the national sports award was presented at the state kremlin palace. this year it was dedicated to the centenary of the relevant ministry. the president congratulated him in his welcoming telegram to the guests of the celebration. 11 nominations, 18 categories, experts and fans chose the best athletes and coaches, and also awarded awards to those who make the sport more popular. the athletes of the year were two-time world boxing champion muslim gadzhimagomedov and silver medalist of the planet championship swimmer evgenia chikunova in the category coach of the year vera shtelbaums, who trained a galaxy
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of champions in rhythmic gymnastics, won. at the ceremony, many more names were named that the country is proud of, and as the minister of sports noted, the achievements of the past century will only increase, we are rightfully a great sports country, olympic victories and global international projects that were implemented in the soviet union in russia, they are doing our country is a very reliable partner of all world sports, and today i feel responsible, like our entire generation, for the future of russian sports, among the award winners are legendary athletes, mentors, and also entire organizations, even regions that support large-scale government initiatives aimed at maintaining a healthy lifestyle for russians, that’s all for now, now a word to my colleagues , good morning, it’s a beautiful winter morning, friday, december 1 ,
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we meet you today, olga ushakova and sergey babaev. there is exactly a month left until the new year; today 18 russian santa clauses from different regions will meet at vdnkh in moscow. they'll get together on the main alley in ddnh to announce the start of the winter season and 360,000 new year's lights will flash at once, 89 christmas trees according to the number of regions of our country, and the total length of all these garlands is 36 km, there is also a certain sense of symbolism here, this is the length of the capital of russia and moscow. now they are elegant, 90 blue spruces on the main alley of vdnkh greet guests of the russia exhibition, 89 of them in unusual decorations from the regions. filimonovskaya whistle, symkovo toys, nesting dolls, korelian bird of happiness. each the tree is unique, it is decorated in its own style,
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in its own traditions, in its own national ones. to look at the five-meter-tall new year's beauties is like visiting every corner of the country, finding out what makes it famous and rich. the trans-bakalsky region is famous for its delicious pine nuts. we have a ceramic plant, the kungur ice cave, and here we have kizhi. this is a wooden church, which, according to legend , was made without a single visitor. on the tree of north ossetia there is black allandic ceramics, such as was found in skete burial mounds. the christmas tree of the tver region sparkles with famous gold threads. torzhok is the only old russian city where gold embroidery originated and developed. back in the 19th century. they supplied their products to the imperial court. a christmas tree from the krasnoyarsk territory in the style of a winter siberian forest, among spruce paws, a rowan branch, bullfinches on it. and these gingerbread samovars speak for themselves. i wanted
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to try the real ones. it's time to make a plan for where to visit next year. come to our city, geray tula, you won’t regret it, come to us in the kirov region, learn about the history of haze, come to us, you’ll see present. come to karelia, be it karelian birch, krasnodar sunflowers, vyadsk lace or baikal omul, for most of us this is a reason not only for pride, but also for nostalgia. i was born in the irkutsk region, i haven’t been there for 20 years, and looking now at this christmas tree, at these fish, i remember how in childhood we loved to go fishing with the whole family, friends of hedgehog’s parents brought it to our home, here we have at home... i was sitting so charming, i remember the grain fields, my childhood there, how i sent cows there, we miss, we adore our homeland, yes, this is just my soul, my love, you can admire the unique trees until
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february, after which everything will barely survive, they will be planted here not far from vdnkh, they will decorate our capital, serving as a kind of legacy of the exhibition, do you want a real fairy tale, already tonight? the festive lighting of the christmas tree lights will take place on the main alley of the exhibition. natalya kovaleva, denis ponomarev, stanislav khizhnyakov, channel one. there is only a month left until our favorite holiday, the new year, it’s time to think, of course, about gifts. yes, who cares? and what to give, there is something to puzzle over . the only thing with which everything is quite clear is a sweet gift from santa claus. well, how much? it’s clear, there are very, very many options, our correspondent, anastasia kremeshnaya, got hold of six different sets and treated the expert, while the expert, sweet new year’s sets are already in all
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stores, and which children like best, six gifts, from 300 to 2,000 rubles. five-year-old miroslava chose three. there is a wonderful dragon here, but before you eat it all, is it worth it now? to buy sweet gifts , the confectioner, polina tolkacheva and technologist anna basova, look into it to understand whether they are of good quality, first, we look at the composition, there should be one for each candy, second, the date on the packaging. the manufacturer must indicate both the date the kit was packaged and the date the candies were manufactured. factories have been producing and packaging sweets for new year's gifts since the end of october, so we look for at least this month on the packaging. summer is indicated. we have such a set. there are already candies that may have dried out, this set does not contain any information at all about expiration dates of the candies, who collected it and what was put there, let's check, the price of the set is 1500 rubles, prefabricated candies from different manufacturers,
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but all chocolate, the confectioner likes the appearance, candies with filling last up to four months, bird's milk too, and prunes with chocolate eight, judging by their appearance, the expiration dates have been met. there is no damage there, the chocolate also has not lost its tempering, another set that raised doubts, we remind you, was made in august, the price is 300 rubles. the confectioner approved the marshmallows, real chocolate made from cocoa, not confectionery glaze, as in many sets, it shines, this means that, in principle , there were no temperature changes, and the chocolate retained all its texture, but the confectioner is against such... there is citric acid, which causes these sensations in the mouth, the food technologist also does not approve, so this set is rather a minus, but what about the shelf life, marshmallows have up to a year, caramels have up to two. and finally, the last set for 2,000,
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the october one is the freshest of all, also prefabricated, the chocolates are cracked. due to the fact that they are all stored in such packaging, which is subject to various influences, may be dropped. instead of a detailed composition, the name of the candies, but visually the chocolate seemed fresh to the experts, they found waffles here, they have a shelf life of up to 6 months, and jelly candies up to a year, usually they are jelly - they dry out, that is, they become like elastic, rubber, here they are as if soft, which means fresh conclusion, you can buy sweet sets now, all fresh, preferably in hard packaging, so that before the new year they do not crack even where there are fewer caramels. anastasia kremeshina, andrey ivanov, channel one. we continue, in yalta, in the nekita botanical garden, the chryzonte ball ended, 40,000 plants.
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decorated a huge exhibition flower bed, 450 different varieties, well, what score is possible without a queen and without a princess, they were definitely chosen and will definitely be crowned, the largest-flowered variety will win the crown, and chrysanthemum with small flowers is a tiara, the results of the popular vote have already been summed up, we’ll find out right now, who won, yellow, red, even green in the shape of a ball or completely disheveled, and even those almost porcelain, curly inflorescences, the hermitage variety, hello to st. petersburg, all these are chrysanthemums, 452 varieties at the exhibition in the nikitsky botanical garden , a real score, according to tradition , the queen was also chosen, all our guests took part, that is, not only even those who came and looked at the score chryzontem personally live, but for those who saw this score only on the internet, on our website, it was difficult to choose, everyone is beautiful, take at least roses, and a gentle
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bear, or miss universe, you just want to give the title, at least for this causing immodesty, or classic yellow chrysanthemums, the voting lasted a month, and miss universe even entered the top five, in third place was the red banner, second place was astrid, the colors of the sun, but who won? a variety of selection from the nikitsky botanical garden, it is called symphony and is distinguished by a very unusual inflorescence structure, elongated, tubular flowers. here they are, lush, like velvet, it seems impossible to stop looking at them. dmitry kuzmin, anna gazhalo, channel one. winter is not only an ice skating rink, skiing and romantic walks in the snow, but unfortunately it also means dry, irritated hands. therefore, our correspondent yulia kozlova decided to find out what skin care products exist so that in the cold everything is in
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order and comfortable in a room where radiators radiate heat. we all have hand cream, but for the body, every day we wash off the natural protection from it. most shower gels destroy the hydrolipid mantle, hence the feeling of dryness, tightness, and irritation. especially in winter it is very dry, the skin dries out and peeling begins, unpleasant sensations, in order to neutralize them, so that they do not exist, in mostly i use. body cream, but not everyone will benefit; a low price with a large volume of product is a reason to be wary. often, when we buy a cream and apply it, we get the feeling that we want velvety skin, not knowing that it is actually a very cheap component, say silicone, that clogs the pores. the effect of instant moisturizing is also felt from inexpensive glycerin, but in large quantities it, on the contrary, dries out the skin. another thing is urea - hyaluronic acid. thanks
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to this, the protective properties are restored the skin's hydration increases and with constant use it is maintained and becomes elastic and firm. the base of the cream also includes oils; we don’t use cheap mineral oils; they create an impenetrable film under which the skin does not breathe. we are looking for natural ingredients - coconut, olive, shea butter, avocado, grape seed, wheat germ. they are identical to these... the fatty acids of our skin, like the key to a lock , penetrate the surface of the skin, moisturize the top layer, and even some can reach the middle layers of the skin. additionally, the cream may contain plant extracts and vitamins a, e, f, but in addition to the composition, consistency is also important. in winter we want, that’s how we dress in warmer clothes, i really want to put on my body something warmer, more comfortable, that is, it has a thicker texture, but here... dermatologists advise to navigate not by season, but by skin type , for normal
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people prone to oiliness, a light consistency like milk, for dry people it’s thicker, denser, for older people, by the way, too, since over the years the sebaceous glands work less and less actively. yulia kozlova, nikolay krysanov, vasily yurov, channel one. the thing is that i don’t choose the songs myself, inside this modest it specialist, a fierce mathematician, i left early in the morning while you were still sleeping, all these are gorgeous, it
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was just something with something. the most human avatar, pretty. you don’t want to kiss, i haven’t learned what that is yet. at a best friends party, you danced with my friend, fantastic, the next level after the program , time on the first, whiskey mancher, a product of the stellar group. you accept malingerers, and you simulam, i feel good, i’m not asking for anything, well, you gave me clients, i fought for 6 hours, katyusha, what do you think, the heroic surgeon deserves a cup of coffee, he has a new nurse in our surgery, so he won’t miss his chance, mood to zero, hello strong alcohol, a lot of
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nurses have passed through me, well, i noticed, what else did you notice? there is tough competition in medicine, get used to it, are there a lot of women here? in batches, you like me, and i like you too, i don’t want to see you next to him anymore, it’s unpleasant for me contact with your lovers, i mean, some guy asked you what he looked like, why are you yelling at me, ask the nurse, from monday, on the first, why are you acting like a stupid nurse, i... act according to your position, what happened yesterday, where did you go? well, since it’s time for breakfast, let’s talk about the idea of ​​pearl barley, many people don’t mess with this cereal, but it takes too long to cook , now it’s actually in bags, but it ’s amazingly tasty, such a consistency, it has such an aroma, taste, i love soup with
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barley with pickled cucumbers, culinary specialist evgenia seleverstova is sure that pearl barley porridge is a real pearl of our table, especially if it is deliciously prepared, for example, with rosemary... mushrooms, boiled barley is a tasty healthy side dish, and if you add mushrooms, you get an original arzot dish , or barley in italian, heat butter in a frying pan, fry chopped garlic and mushrooms, i have champignons, when the mushrooms give up their juice, they are slightly browned, add rosemary for aroma, after another minute i put the boiled pan in barley, warm it up thoroughly, pour in the cream in a thin stream, pay attention, they must be at room temperature, otherwise they will curdle, wait for the cream to thicken a little, remove the pan from the stove, look what an appetizing
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dish it turned out, with mushrooms the barley became more aromatic, and thanks to the addition of cream more gently, please come to the table. let us remind you that today is december 1, a significant date, exactly 80 years ago, the famous conference of the leaders of the three countries allies of the anti-hitler coalition took place in tehran: joseph stalin, franklin roosevelt and winston churchill. this meeting went down in history as the tehran conference. natalya leonova will help you and me turn the pages of history right now. the fact that there is an armored capsule inside this carriage is only given away by the wheels. there are 12 of them, not eight, to support the weight. stalin rode in such a carriage to the first ever meeting of the leaders of the big three in 1943. and one of the armoring elements of this car was this door weighing 750 kg, which was closed using a clinker system, like on submarines . about secrecy even higher than on even
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the accompanying and high-ranking officials did not know where the submarine was going. they didn’t tell me the route, they went to the railway on some military platform unfamiliar to me, together we agreed as leaders in personal correspondence only on november 8, the iranian government was warned a week in advance, they were afraid of a leak, but why tigiran, but really, someone wanted in neighboring iraq, basra, baghdad, someone wanted in egypt, in cairo, someone in africa even suggested eritrea, they explained in the victory museum, stalin insisted, by this time in iran there were already 2 years, soviet and british troops stood, on the eve of october 43, they transferred 131 border regiments, of course, a secret under the guise of motorized rifles. when corresponding with relatives, we indicated the return address, the city of baku, and the field mail number; it was recommended to write mainly about how beautiful the city of baku is. all this time, intelligence and counterintelligence agents, british, american and ours, have been working in tigeran, among them
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nineteen-year-old soviet intelligence agent gegor vartanyan. his team was jokingly nicknamed the light cavalry and rode bicycles. they figured it out german agents-radio operators who. in tehran, radio communications around tehran were blocked, all telephone communications between tehran and the provinces were blocked , that is, there was... in fact, a regime of radio silence, it was the safest place in the world, but what about the operation long jump, an assassination attempt on top officials, which was being prepared by otto skarzene, there are only mysteries here, because isesovets himself writes in his memoirs, there was no operation, this project had to be recognized as a utopia, i presented my opinion to hitler and scheilenberg, hitler agreed with me, historians have an opinion, a long jump, successful misinformation of our intelligence services for the allies, they just needed a reason for roosevelt to remain in the soviet union.
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churchill, because they were aware that the british empire was already losing its weight, it was losing its status as a great power, the most important question was the opening of a second front, the soviet union was waiting for it, it was not just that the stew that was supplied according to lend-lease, the soldiers jokingly called it the second front. we have been waiting for this front for a long time, in 1942, but they didn’t open it, citing if we read the correspondence of our leader with churchy, then the lack of ships, then people , etc., and the leaders of the three countries came to an agreement, in forty-four they will open a second front on french territory, less than a year will remain until victory. natalya leonova, denis ponovaryov, konstantin leonov, ilona tikhonova, channel one. we never tire of reminding you that december 1st is on the calendar. today, by the way, they come into force. our correspondent,
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yulia molostova, has already found out what important changes await us all. what's new from december 1st? perhaps the main intrigue is whether they will be fined for summer tires, on the one hand, the law has been adopted, the fine is 500 rubles. the national automobile union is confident that it is right to punish everyone who endangers not only themselves, but also others. you will most likely receive a citation, meaning you will have to eliminate this one. your car within 10 days and then provide the corrected one to the traffic police. on the other hand, the traffic police recently promised that they will not fine you. however, no one excluded summer tires from the list of technical faults in winter, as did other items. if on the display will light up some kind of red icon, for example, the abs icon, first of all, then the traffic police officer has the right to draw up a protocol and issue an order to eliminate these malfunctions. if you get into an accident on summer tires, it’s clear that you’ll most likely have to blame yourself. mandatory labeling of non-alcoholic drinks in polymer
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glass containers will begin on december 1. this is the sign we now look for on juice, soda, kvass, if produced after the first of december. you've probably already seen it on dairy products, like here? on each package has this date matrix, this is a kind of product passport, for buyers there is such a convenient application, an honest sign. and in this qr code application, we can see everything about this product, it will be easier to control what is happening in the fishing industry, thanks to electronic reporting. the law on the issuance of digital fishing permits also came into force, affecting mainly industrial companies. now it will be more convenient and faster for fishermen to exchange information with the federal fisheries agency. the main task is to ensure control over development of aquatic biological resources, this control is. environmental, so that the population of one or another aquatic biological resource does not decrease to critical limits
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, in addition, in order to counter illegal fishing, the innovation will not affect amateur fishermen, yulia kuvabina, denis panmarev, dmitry roshkov, vasily yurov, channel one. a charming young man invites a girl on a first date, how romantic is this, and what could be the catch in this? but maybe, by the way, girls, be careful. a gentleman who is pleasant in all respects may turn out to be a banal swindler. i often make appointments with clients in cafes, and sometimes i see a rather unpleasant story here. the other day, for example, a couple was having lunch at the next table, the man ordered almost half the menu, had a hearty lunch, then went out to smoke and disappeared, and the girl was left alone, alone with a rather large bill, apparently she met this alphonse on the internet in a cafe she saw his
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first time. i am a lawyer and know how to search for information, so i decided to tell you, girl, how going on a first date with an online acquaintance. to avoid such disappointments, learn as much as possible about the virtual money man. if there is no name on the dating site, then copy the photo and paste it into the search engine. for this. there is a button that looks like a camera, please read: the name of the new friend must be the same on all sites, open social networks, one after another. here there is always more information on the pages , look who is your boyfriend’s friends, if you don’t find anything, it’s suspicious, then you need to check the sites where they communicate victims of alfons, they willingly post pictures of their offenders, and most importantly, on the first date, tell the waiter that you will pay for yourself, then he will have to keep an eye on your boyfriend, not you. be
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careful. the opportunity to hear and be heard is equally important for everyone. vladimir putin will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. you can ask your question now by calling 800-20040-40 via sms to number 040-40 and through the websites and moskvadefisputinu.rf. all details are on the websites. we will try to make sure that no question goes unnoticed. results of the year with vladimir putin
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on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. this is news at the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, today at 8:00 am, we will begin accepting requests for the upcoming big press conference of the direct line with the president, this year they will be combined into one format, the results of the year with vladimir putin. the head of state will let them down on december 14. everything is ready at the request processing center; every question must be clearly formulated, you can ask it by phone or sms, you see the numbers on your screens, or through a form. on the moscow to putin website. you can also send an appeal through social networks, vkontakte and odnoklassniki. the address itself on december 14 will take place in a specially built studio, where russian journalists will gather, as well as foreign ones who are accredited in moscow. this year's innovation included the all-russian popular front joining the project. its staff will also collect and process questions. well, important moment: not a single appeal will go unattended, even those that will not be heard on
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air. to others. to topics: crews of t-62m tanks, groupings of our vostok troops ensured the advancement of motorized rifles in the special operation zone, tank crews from buryatia in modernized combat vehicles equipped with new thermal imagers and guidance systems from a distance of 2 km, destroyed enemy armored vehicles and artillery, then fired on on the move, with special trawls, they made passages through mine barriers, which ensured the successful actions of assault groups to capture enemy strong points, we go in first with the trawls, the infantry goes, follows us, then jumps off and comes in, we turn around, move the gun to the side , we continue to fire to the right, we worked with landmines, where the target was already clearly visible , the opornik fired with cumulative fire, in the artyomovsk direction, the calculation of self-propelled gas guns of the gvozdil airborne forces unit razed the strongholds of the podidaar armed forces to the ground, the
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fortification chain was discovered in a forest plantation using a drone. how the coordinates were quickly transferred to the artillery paratroopers, the enemy was destroyed by accurate fire and high-explosive fragmentation ammunition. the latest modifications of the russian lancet drone successfully hit the ukrainian sud-25 attack aircraft at the dolgintsevo airfield. in the dnepropetrovsk region, footage taken from a reconnaissance drone appeared online, which clearly shows how loitering ammunition hits an aircraft protected by concrete blocks. a powerful explosion leaves him no chance, and this is not the first time. at the beginning of autumn , two ukrainian mik-29 fighters were destroyed at the same airfield. american tanks abrams seems to be causing more trouble for the ukrainian forces than it is doing them any good. it's all about complex maintenance, forbes writes, since the risk of equipment failure increases significantly if the tank crew does not clean the engine filters twice a day, for this it is necessary to drive it at high speeds. if you skip
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the procedures several times and serious damage is inevitable, the tank will have to be repaired. send for long-term repairs to poland. another disadvantage is high fuel consumption. it is no coincidence that the americans themselves they call abrams fuel eaters. another country has joined the transport blockade of ukraine. from december 1, the only checkpoint for trucks on the borders of slovakia and ukraine will be closed. activists are planning to let only four trucks through per day. the day before , 500 cars had already lined up; 3,700 were waiting at the border with poland, where four checkpoints were blocked. for several weeks now, 30 cars have been allowed through, farmers are also taking part in the protests, farmers in poland, slovakia, and hungary have the same complaints, as drivers, they believe that ukraine has gained an unfair competitive advantage. and ruins them, slovakia, from january 1, extends the embargo on the supply of ukrainian grain, corn, beets, sunflower seeds and adds flour, sugar, soybeans and honey to this list. slovakia will also seek the abolition of benefits for ukrainian
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drivers at the eu transport council meeting on december 4. the political publication writes that this crisis has highlighted tensions over the issue of ukraine’s integration into the eu. poland believes that it has done everything possible, sheltering a million ukrainian refugees, helped supply kiev with weapons, supported the european one. but is not ready to act to the detriment of herself. now ukraine may lose up to a fifth of its imports due to the border blockade by carriers. negotiations are underway in the middle east to extend the truce between israel and hamas. today the seventh stage of the exchange took place. 30 palestinian prisoners arrived in ramala, they were waited for a long time and the situation got out of control. riots broke out on the west bank, with protesters burning tires. israeli soldiers used tear gas. the israeli hostages were released yesterday. eight people, they were captured by hamas on october 7, including two israeli citizens of arab origin, a sister and a brother, an exception was made for him, since hamas does not release male hostages, those who are capable of fighting with weapons in their hands, according to
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their terms liberation, there are fierce disputes, meanwhile, the respite allowed the delivery of another shipment of fuel and 56 trucks with humanitarian aid to gas, despite the tense situation and the risk that the ceasefire could be interrupted at any moment in the gas. refugees began to return to the west coast. in rostov, donna spent the entire night fighting a large fire at the local temernik clothing market. extinguishing is complicated by dense buildings. over 110 people work on site. more than thirty pieces of equipment were involved. the fire broke out in the shopping pavilions, spread rapidly, and covered an area of ​​4,000 km. eyewitnesses say that at some point the flames reached several meters in height and were visible in other areas of the city. all surrounding streets were blocked by squads. ppp, as reported rescued, at the moment the open burning has been eliminated, the cause of the fire is still unknown. that's all for now. and now a word to my colleagues, good morning. and again you
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are watching good morning on channel one. it's not just friday. winter has come. today , december 1st, olga ushakova and sergey babaev are with you. of course, we are celebrating this significant event, winter, how we were waiting for it, such a snowy one, like we have in our studio, and i have a whole plan for the community. what needs to be done, first we need to buy this machine, which makes snowballs, as it is called, a snow maker, yes, then we need to make a snowman, then we must go sledding, well, make a snow angel, this is a program for at least tomorrow, but there are those who do not like winter, sincerely envy the bears who fall into hibernation, that's it, make sure that winter is fun, tasty, beautiful and wonderful. an hour and a half from the forest, eco-trails and houses for solitude, entrance to moscow and we are in the veretyevo park of 6 hectares is free. the perfect place to make
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a checklist for the winter, what you need to do this in winter, go on skis, go to the bathhouse and after the bathhouse jump into the snow, ice skating, but we go skiing every year , photographer victor vodola will definitely tell you how to take beautiful pictures from all your plans. what is special about winter photographs? beauty is always in the mood and emotions of people. here the most important thing for a photographer is to capture all the cheerful, joyful ugliness that is happening around him. the task is to catch emotions. and of course, dress warmly so that red noses don’t
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interfere with the photo shoot, remember, when you were a child you wore mittens elastic bands, now these are also sold, only the elastic does not go through the sleeves, it is put right on the hand, it’s convenient and most importantly, only memories immediately of how they made a snowman, caught snowflakes with a kirt, rode on their postures, add it to the checklist, and by the way, at least once you are in the cold we... blew bubbles, if it’s even below zero outside, that’s what happens to them, we photographed the beauty of immediately warming up, an evening by a live fire, another important winter point, what is the secret of these cozy photographs that we so often see in social networks, and how to repeat yourself, you can offer some favorite hot drink, by the way, what do you prefer by the fireplace? cocoa with marshmallows, pour hot milk over the cocoa bombs, the chocolate ball melts and those same marshmallows float up, another option for the advanced, take
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half an egg. and we soak it, well, well, that’s how it’s done, then i bite it, i like it, lipotage, well, in winter even baked goods seem tastier, not to mention tangerines, which in december create that very mood when you want snowflakes cut and put up a tree and write a real letter, and the most important thing is to just get some sleep, especially in winter under a warm blanket, when there is snow outside... sleep is perhaps the most comfortable thing to do. maria kuskova, mikhail karasov, evgeny marinkov, olga andreeva channel one. the main character of the most children's, most magical holiday is, of course, the christmas tree, take out a centimeter of salt and open a box of christmas tree toys, it's like opening a treasure chest and even a piece of time, one might even say so, because there are a lot of memories in this chest
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a lot, but unfortunately, nothing in our life is spared, and toys too, well, if something is broken, then what can we do, but if it ’s just the paint, let’s say it’s worn out, and some decor has crumbled, because nevertheless, this can be corrected, which is what the heroes of our next story are doing, 2,000 new year's toys, imagine how many christmas trees can be decorated, oksana gubinskaya from the arkhanel region will definitely hang some on the branches, others. waiting for restoration, like such a chick from the fifties, he lacks foam comb. for some reason, factories used ordinary foam rubber in the design of toys, they tinted it, so you see that here we have a lot of such toys, all of them, they all had elements, for example, a bee, the lyres were made of this parlo. yes, from such a collection you can see the history of the country, here are post-war toys, completely without paint , covered with a lead solution, or here are watches with
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a difference of... 10 years, this is milk glass, the first watches of the fifties, you can even see that the glass is thick, lost paints, here you can to say one hundred percent, but later, it’s also a kremlin pear, it also comes with phosphorus and the paint is very strong , of course you can repaint such decorations, but then they will cease to be collectible, explains a professional restorer of new year’s toys from yaroslavl, most often she restores cotton toys if they are asked to be cleaned, refusal... like wrinkles, for example, and age-related changes on a person’s face, just like with a cotton toy, this patina of time gives nobility, and just in terms of collection it testifies to the collectible value of the toy, the task of the restorer is to preserve the toy, give it strength, and try not to introduce anything new and modern. elena says it’s important, even if you’re not a collector, to preserve your family’s history.
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for example, there is a set of chepolin, it was produced in, which means your relatives once went to leningrad, and why did they go, why did they buy, for example, these toys, that is, you can promote these, purely specifically for one family, relating to the threads, but inside big country, here's a small one the secret of collecting: to collect toys not only by series, but by some image, in this elena’s chest there are only markings, but they are made of cotton wool, glass and even wood. and for lyudmila from nizhny novgorod and broken toys treasures, i bought a whole box, where there is not enough glass, she makes something new from a light mass for modeling, i came up with the idea to mold some character on an ordinary mushroom, and after painting these are completely different toys, not collectible, but very valuable for lyudmila herself. victoria dinova, elena kashigina, anatoly kvaskov, channel one. let us remind you
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that today is december 1, exactly 110 years ago, on this day victor dragunsky, an amazing children’s writer, appeared in the world. yes, i love his deniska’s stories, they have become classics of our literature, i think millions have read his name, and even now millions of boys and girls love and read dragunsky. and now victor dragunsky will be remembered by his son, journalist and writer, denis dragunsky. denis viktorovich, that you really didn’t pour out the semolina porridge from the window? i really didn’t pour the semolina porridge out of the window, because we lived in the basement, the window sill was at this level, how do you throw the porridge there? korablev is a real russian surname, my dad just thought she was beautiful, so romantic , by the way, he had boats, sailing ships, and model kits at home, he talked to
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me a lot, he spent a lot of time with me, he was very caring, kind man, in deniska’s stories, there is not a single character who is not...’ a real prototype, everything is true in them, except for the plots, the characters are true, my character, mishka’s character, alyonka’s character, some phrases said, the general mood, this is not just a description of everyday life, not just a story, about poppies, sippy cups, teachers, no, this is a story about disappointments, charms, about love and anger, about friendship and betrayal, about deception and truth. in general, about what happens in a person’s soul, little denis influenced the image of denis korablev, and denis korablev already influenced the adult denis dragonsky, for example, it would never
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have occurred to me to fall in love with the girl on the ball, but when i read this story, i began to think something similar, feel, look at some artists in the theater. he himself worked in the circus for some time, in my opinion, for two seasons he was just a clown , we still have his red wig at home , his red nose, and in general many of his stories, they have such church dramaturgy, even in this story about porridge , that deniska pours out the porridge, and then, literally a minute later, a policeman comes with an uncle who has porridge on... on his hat, be careful, material evidence, this it’s a typical circus story, there’s a clown, for example, eating tomatoes, throwing them into the hall, into the darkness, so boom, and a second later the sound of plates is heard, there’s a baby, and the spotlight highlights some bald guy who
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throws tomatoes from his head cleanses me out, i’ve had enough, i’m already at home, he always dreamed of writing thick, serious adult books, how high are you now? i didn’t fully believe that a children’s writer was a good thing, there were such serious writers all around, and here next to him was such a merry fellow, you know, who writes about deniska, all my father’s works are included in one not too thick volume, well, thank god, but they are remembered and reread. good morning, i like to combine business with pleasure, i teach my daughters this, we went down the slide and had fun, and now
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we’ll take care of our health and do gymnastics in the water, and you join in, the exercises can be done at home, we spread our arms to the sides, it’s easier to balance , sharply raise the straight right... we stretch out the leg and toe, now the left one, it’s as if we’re kicking through the water, and if you are training at home, then imagine that you are pushing a ball, and now let’s increase the load a little, raise both legs at once, if you are training on sushi, you need to sit on a chair, oops, attention, abdominal muscles are not recommended for children under 12 years old, that’s why my youngest daughter emilia will do the initial version of the exercise. this workout strengthens all
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muscles at once, helping to relieve stress and recharge with energy. exercise with your children and stay healthy. immune patches, will they help during cold and flu season? liver test, buy liver for market, if you have blood pressure, be sure to check your kidneys, the main lever of hypertension, the program to live healthy, answers all questions, today on the first, cognac: old barrel is a product of stetel group. citizen stepanov was detained for following citizen ivanova for two blocks and obscenely admiring her figure. woman, what can you say about love? oh, i don’t know, i’ve never cheated on my husband. i saw two american women,
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recently on a trip, one asked the other a brilliant question: what do you think is the correct way to say iran or iraq? premiere, michael. zadornov: all my life, tomorrow comes first. well, just in time, he left, having spoken out. the audience adored him, he got great roles, each was a masterpiece, but by the end of his life he was tired of attention and did not want to see even those who were seemingly closest to him, he was squeezed, he was a very private person, he did not let him into his world just like that, so when there's a crowd, it always scares me a little. he spent his last days in a hospice, and before that he lived for many months in a boarding house for the elderly, which everyone learned about only after his hospitalization. dad was a contradictory person, dad had mood swings, it’s already hard to remember. our exclusive home archive of the people's artist and son of the legendary actor vasily
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kuravlev breaks the silence. he is ready to answer all questions. why did the father end up in a boarding house, did he want to date his daughter, and was seclusion a conscious choice of his. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere, tomorrow on the first. but they didn’t flog. find out your fate, yes, we highly recommend it before you leave the house, it won’t hurt, a very interesting month has begun, bright, talented, inventive, best friend, assistant to creative and enthusiastic people, he will add inspiration about life with new colors, help us see beauty in everyday life, and give some people a new look at the world, this month is very good for everything that requires out-of-the-box thinking , writers, journalists, bloggers and everyone in general will not be offended... who need to express their thoughts sharply and clearly, and in december we will probably have some discoveries, the other
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side of this coin is sensitivity and vulnerability, some may suddenly become jealous, suspicious, will begin to see all sorts of tricks where there are none, especially in the second half of the month, however, all this will not be very serious with a sort of touch of theatricality, but the end of december, as ordered, is an excellent period to finish all current affairs in earnest start preparing for the new year. aries can do something today, for example, take care of gifts, otherwise everything is always at the last moment , and the day is very good for shopping, about work, here you are in complete order, you are on the rise today, very businesslike and generally well done , like taurus, they themselves do not sit idle, and help others , for this today will add confidence to you and help you learn something, gain new useful experience, and the evening is clearly preparing something romantic, something like a date is promised by the stars for gemini too evening. during the day you will have to roll up your sleeves, but here everything is quite normal, familiar, understandable, the main thing
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is not to be late and not to forget anything, be careful with your equipment. cancers can be convinced today that money tends to run away somewhere if you don’t look after it; in general, you got the hint and drive more carefully, and someone else may fall in love with you, this day may give leos food for thought, it looks like it will be connected with someone you know, after lunch, there may be some kind of confusion, most likely... funny, but just in case, don't relax. someone, like an old friend or relative, may drop by to visit the girls , it will be a pleasant meeting, although it will distract from something important, but in the end, what could be more important than friendship ? be careful with street food? libra will have a chance to correct some mistakes, settle the old dispute, repay a debt, make peace with someone or agree on something. the libra ladies will decide to show off a little, the luminaries don’t mind at all. the stars say scorpio. if you move forward boldly , everything will work out, work, finances, career, household chores, good luck with you in everything, the main thing
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is not to be arrogant. sagittarius has a smooth working friday, a little routine, when everything goes according to the circle of usual worries, but the evening seems to have something in store, something unique, unplanned, so be careful with new acquaintances, capricorns will want something new, and you know, the stars are all for it, dare, change , create, invent, try, this is your day, just with more serious money and don’t abuse alcohol, okay? aquarians today are charming, artistic, witty, it is not surprising that their person arouses interest, including among the opposite sex, so to speak, a side effect of this is envy, gossip, what do you care about them, pisces may try to spoil the mood, some everyday trifle , well, who pays attention to the little things, but in pleasant things, perhaps a small profit or a gift, be careful on the stairs and escalators. good luck. this evening on channel one, just don’t miss the musical show
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, the reincarnation of a fantasy, incredible completely computer graphics, but the emotions are not virtual, they are quite alive. what will surprise us today are the fantastic participants and jury members. we will find out very soon whether there will be any surprises for the audience. troubadour continues to amaze the jury and audience of the show: fantasy pop, rock opera arias, better. troubodour and his cheerful team are ready to perform for a day and night, we have concerts where i sing my serenades, so you can open your windows and hear my voice,
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of course, like all the participants in the show, he hopes for victory, the troubadour does not need tempting palace vaults, he knows for sure. what will the winnings be spent on? someday we will all come out of the fairy tale into the real world, in the real world there are many animals that need real houses, but if we win and receive a cash prize, we will give it to an animal shelter. while the participants dream of victory and make plans, the jury does not give up hope of unraveling who is hiding behind the bright ones. left the show last week mikhalych, the revelation of the character came as a complete surprise to alexandra rebenok. i absolutely didn’t guess marshal alexander, so my version didn’t add up either. here, more than half of the characters confuse me as much as possible, despite the fact that if the girls live there in some kind of their own fairy-tale world, they don’t understand anything at all and just
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enjoy the picture that appears to them, then in my head it’s very tim, sorry, what you? i say: you enjoy the picture that our beautiful characters and avatars, the authors of the show, provide you science fiction, the next level, they are preparing many more magical transformations, this colossal work of various workshops, and in the production of this program, this whole symbiosis, all that is real and all that is not real, it creates a wow effect. so be it, bright performances, incredible transformations , inspiring music, choose a miracle, watch the new episode of the fantasy show, the next level, who will become the leader and who
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will leave the project forever, we will find out tonight on channel one, maria bronzova and winter is not only an ice skating rink, skiing and romantic walks in the snow, it unfortunately also means dry, irritated hands, so our correspondent yulia kozlova decided to find out what skin care products exist to keep everything fine and comfortable in the cold in a room where radiators are radiating with heat, everyone has hand cream, and for... every day we wash off the natural protection from it. most shower gels destroy the hydrolipid mantle, hence the feeling of dryness, tightness, and irritation. especially in winter it is very dry, the skin begins to dry out peeling, unpleasant sensations , in order to level them out, so that they don’t exist, i mainly use body cream, but not everyone will benefit, a low price with a large volume
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of product is a reason to be wary. often, when we apply a cream, we feel like we need velvety skin, not knowing that in fact it is a very cheap component, say silicone, that clogs the pores. the effect of instant moisturizing is also felt from inexpensive glycerin, but in large quantities it, on the contrary, dries out the skin. another thing is urea, hyaluronic acid panthenol. thanks to this, the protective properties are restored, skin hydration increases, and with constant use it is maintained. it becomes elastic, elastic, the base of the cream also includes oils, we don’t use cheap mineral oils, they create an impenetrable film under which the skin does not breathe, we look for natural ingredients, coconut, olive, shea butter, avocado, grape seeds, wheat germ, they are identical to these fatty acids of our skin, they, like a key to a lock, penetrate the surface of the skin,
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moisturizing the top layer and even some can reach the middle layers of the skin, additionally... the cream may contain plant extracts and vitamins a, e, f, but in addition to the composition, consistency is also important. in winter, you want, this is how we dress in warmer clothes, so you want to put on your body something warmer, more comfortable, that is, it has a thicker texture, but here dermatologists advise to navigate not by season, but by skin type, for normal prone to fat content light consistency like milk, for dry thicker dense, for age, by the way, too, since over the years the sebaceous glands work less and less actively. yulia kozlova, nikolay krysanov, vasily yurov, channel one. let us remind you that today is december 1, friday, it’s time to find out what new has happened in the country and in the world by this hour? we briefly give up the floor to our colleagues from
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the information service of channel one. this is the news from the first studio maria vasilyeva, hello, every question is important, not a single one will be left unattended, less than two hours before the start of collecting an appeal for the upcoming one. small press conference direct line with president, this year they will be combined into one format, the results of the year with vladimir putin. questions will begin to be accepted at 8:00 am. you can ask them by phone or send an sms. you see the numbers on your screens, or through the form on the moscow putin website. you can also send an appeal through social networks, vkontakte, odnoklassniki. the communication itself on december 14 will take place in a specially built studio. russian journalists will gather there, as well as foreign ones who are accredited in moscow. the innovation of this year was joined by the all-russian the people's front and its staff will also collect and process issues. now to the situation in the area. crews of s-25 attack
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aircraft of the russian aerospace forces attacked military facilities and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces unit in the southern donetsk direction. the planes took off in pairs at an extremely low altitude and approached the line for launching unguided aircraft missiles. after using the weapons, the pilots performed an evasive maneuver from enemy air defense, releasing heat traps and making it safely. already on the ground the pilot spoke about something unusual a talisman who always takes me on a mission, one day a child asked for a ride, but i explained that we have a single-seat plane, then he asked for a ride with his favorite toy, now this toy has become my talisman, i take it every day on a flight, it helps, helps me complete tasks , our pilot units are assisted by the stages of the electronic warfare station, each such vehicle , code-named sinitsa, is capable of covering the sky within a radius of several tens of kilometers, the operator sets the frequency
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range in which unmanned aerial vehicles operate aircraft, all flying enemy drones are displayed on the monitor, the station allows you to suppress the enemy’s navigation control system, as a result the drone loses contact with its operator, in most cases it simply falls to the ground, even about those who are professional and courageous. senior sergeant vladimir sozonov is fighting on the front line of the guard and his unit entered into a fierce battle with the militants, two colleagues were wounded, vladimir evacuated them to a safe place, provided first aid, thereby saving their lives. the unit under the command of major alexander droshenko, after conducting reconnaissance, identified camouflaged enemy targets. the coordinates were transferred to the artillerymen, who dealt a crushing blow to the enemy. the russian president is winning the conflict in ukraine - writes the british economist, can you explain? that our country managed to gain support to unite the global south against america. the economy has withstood the test of sanctions, oil revenues continue to flow into the russian budget, while in ukraine, as polls show,
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corruption scandals are eroding support for the kiev regime. there are fewer and fewer people in the west who believe in the european future of ukraine. the counteroffensive failed, and this is a stalemate for kiev. if he withdraws vska, he will face growing discontent within the country in the west, where the voices of those who believe that. financial support for ukraine is a waste. western sociology shows the same sentiments: elections are coming soon in the united states, europe will have to prepare for the fact that american support will slow down. given the scale of the crisis the european union, writes the economist, lacks a strategic vision. slovakia seeks to bring its relations with russia to a standard, prime minister robert fitz announced this. according to him, the strategy of the european union and the united states in ukraine is ineffective, anti-russian sanctions harm europe. meeting with the ambassadors
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of the united states and russia. the priority of the foreign policy that i intend to implement is the protection and promotion of slovak national-state interests, which include support for peace initiatives, rather than war in ukraine. i outlined ambassadors national priorities of slovakia, their view on the war in ukraine, where is the strategy. the us is clearly failing. slovakia must prepare for the period that will come after the end of the war in ukraine, as well as for the standardization of slovak-russian relations. the national sports award was presented at the state kremlin palace. this year it was dedicated to the centenary of the relevant ministry. the president congratulated him on his anniversary in his welcoming telegram to the guests of the celebration. 11 nominations, 18 categories, chosen by experts and fans best athletes and coaches, awards were given to those who make sports more popular. the athletes of the year were two-time world boxing champion muslim gadzhimagomedov and silver medalist of the planet championship swimmer evgenia chikunova. in
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nomination. vera shtelbaums, who trained a galaxy of champions in rhythmic gymnastics, won coach of the year. at the ceremony , many more names were named that the country is proud of, and as the minister of sports noted, the achievements of the past century will only increase. we are rightfully a great sports country, olympic victories, and global international projects that were implemented in the soviet union in russia, they make our country a very reliable partner of all world sports, and i... feel today the responsibility, like our entire generation, for the future of russian sports, among award winners, legendary athletes, mentors, and entire organizations, even regions, that support large-scale government initiatives aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle. that's all, now good morning to my colleagues.
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we hasten to inform you that winter has finally come, today is friday, december 1st, since winter has come, it means spring will soon be here, and then everything will be very good for summer, but since we have this wonderful season, of course, the end of november was snowy too, but what’s stopping you from doing all these winter fun now, skis, skates, snowballs, snowmen, everything else is a sled, quickly sliding along the icy surface, so breathtaking, what could be better on a good frosty day, but first you need skates prepare, time to take out the skates from the entrisols. we’re not in a hurry to fly right away, we check the blades. in any case, they become damp and corrosion appears on them. even if rust has not appeared, sharpening is needed before the season. the blade even changes in appearance. she has a vein here, such a bed in the form of a shape. when it is completely erased, it simply becomes even, that is, it no longer clings to the fly. if we inspect rental skates, there are no breaks or cracks and
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they are always the right size. the leg should be strong. be fixed to avoid injury, look at the sharpening of skates, for example, here we have sharpening, well, not very good , then you can ask for a change, then clothes, we don’t wrap ourselves up too much, but we also don’t undress, if we dress very warmly, we will sweat, this will bring us more great discomfort, and we will still freeze, so it is very important to dress in layers and use certain materials for clothing, fleece, wool, ideally thermal underwear, also a hat, scarf and mittens. everything should be comfortable for safety, i just have jeans on my bare legs, a sweater, okay, well, basically okay, a short jacket, it won’t interfere with skating, but the jeans are a little too wide, because we can get confused in them , you can start the ice season on a closed skating rink with an instructor, your knees are bent, we’re springy, once or twice, but in the fresh air it’s much more pleasant, it’s better to choose morning sessions, because there will be fewer people,
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it will be more free, the main thing is not to disturb the river. beginners should stay near the edge, speed lovers should stay closer to the center, to maintain balance, keep a straight back, do not bend your lower back. working not only the motor muscles that move us, we stand on a small support, all the stabilizer muscles that fix our joints, our spine, legs are activated anyway, well, yes, it’s like riding a bicycle, if you’ve learned it once, then these skills remain for the rest of your life, for transfers, while skating, including... almost all muscles, moreover, about 300 calories are burned during such activity. i come here every tuesday, i want a buzz. 60 years ago my parents sent me to figure skating, now i’m 66, i can show you everything that is given to children in childhood, it remains for the rest of their lives, we have company, we drink tea here, we eat all the pancakes and pies, we really
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like it. yes, my friend darkness, everyone knows us, everyone loves us, to also recharge with endorphins, the whole winter is ahead. ligia belyanskaya, konstantin struchkov, evgenia smirnov and yulia kubabina, channel one. the russian hit twenty years ago burst into the top of the world hit parade. the world wide web is singing the song of maxim fadeev, my marmalade, remember that try, i don’t right, or, the very essence, but in general such a trend has appeared, as they say, a meme, try, try, the whole world was turned by katya lel, the song my marmalade soared to third place in the world hit parade, overtaking
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the singer. my daughter told me: mom, on social networks every second post is marmalade, i said what are you saying, how is this possible, and people from different places in the world started calling me, from... different countries, that the song is insanely popular, for me it was simply incredible news that fell from the sky. it is fantastic. even mit official maria zakharova noted this sudden popularity of the song, the great success of domestic culture, almost 70 million mentions of hundreds of thousands of videos on social networks. under my marmalade, foreigners actually wear fur hats, long fur coats and black glasses. and the trend was nicknamed slavic aesthetics. with a russian beauty, that's what will be in fashion this winter! those who do not have fur hats try on pets
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. someone dancing with their parents? someone is simply nostalgic for the 2000s. many wanted to learn russian, which means they understood right away that translation difficulties arose from jaga-jaga, haven’t they heard musi-pusi yet? katya lel herself joined the marmalade trend, maxim fodeev wrote the hit 19 years ago, this is already the sixth song of his authorship, which became known throughout the world. when my marmalade came out, the reaction was ambiguous, some people really didn’t like the song, some were annoyed by it, but one thing was clear, that this was a megahit that stayed in
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your head forever, you’re already drunk, then it ’s time to take your mother’s hat out of the wardrobe and a fur coat, the first day of winter, after all, asya ratkevich, maria bronzov, joseph kobrin, the first channel. our good, cheerful morning continues, right now, let's look on the internet and see what's new there, we have found for you the coolest, most popular and touching, funny videos. we start, according to tradition, with cats, meet, this is moon , he has an unusual profession, he is a librarian , as soon as one of the people takes a book from the shelf, the kitten immediately crawls out and seems to ask, do you have a library card, no wonder the video became an internet hit, nice one. that he doesn’t give a book, well, naturally, dogs also have something to answer to this, meet him, this is a dog named quincy, he apparently secretly works for the traffic police, only the owner takes out a mobile phone while driving, he immediately hits her with his paw
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, prohibits, he says, following the rules, you know, and note to everyone, in the kanha national park in central india , the elephants went on vacation, they need to rest sometime, every day the elephants are cleaned and washed, they do... the program also includes tusk care, a relaxing massage with special oil, and of course, no one canceled the delicious treats, some kind of elephant spa, and finally , let us remind you that tomorrow the pandas from the moscow zoo will turn exactly 100 days old, they are growing quickly other people's children, and this is a very important date, since the baby will finally get a name, everyone is looking forward to what it will be, what name, what nickname they will give her, but for now we report that she is growing up beautifully. the fact is that i don’t choose the songs myself, this is
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a collective decision, it won’t turn out golden rain, inside this humble it specialist. fierce mathematician, i left early in the morning, when you were still sleeping, all these gorgeous dance moves of yours, this is love, was it just something with something? the most human avatar, pretty, don’t want to kiss, i haven’t yet learned what a human kiss is, i haven’t, married, best friends at a party. fantastic, the next level
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after the program time on the first. bourbon birman, a product of the stellar group. we really hope that you had a good night's sleep today, that you have already woken up, are invigorated, full energy and desire to live it. it’s the last working day of this week, but if your morning is still not cheerful enough, viktor zakomaldin knows how to fix it, and at the same time strengthen the immune system. to get sick less often, you can harden yourself, but it is better to accustom yourself to contrasting procedures in a gentle manner, for example, in a hot steam room, this way you will be protected from colds and exacerbations of chronic diseases. on our first visit, we lie down on the shelves, rest, relax, and get used to the warmth. on the second pass we go over the body with oak brooms. we need to warm up before
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hardening. now let's put two buckets. pour water at a temperature of 10° into one. other 40°. dip the broom into cold water, spray the body from the heels to the neck from bottom to top, in the direction of the lymph. we repeat the procedure with hot water. we take turns setting ourselves up for a cool one. then hot rain, and now we dip it in both buckets, a broom and at the same time splash warm and cold water on the body, the sensations are incredible and the benefits too, contrasting procedures strengthen the immune system, train blood vessels, rejuvenate the body and are taught to easily tolerate sudden
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changes in temperature. we warm up the body again with hot brooms. finally, pour the remaining cool water over yourself, and then warm. and let's go drink hot tea with honey. go to the bathhouse more often and stay healthy. we continue. in yalta, in the nikitsky botanical garden , the chryzonte ball ended. 40,000 plants decorated the huge exhibition flower bed - 450 different varieties. well, what score is possible without a queen and without a princess. they were definitely chosen and would definitely be crowned. the largest-flowered variety will win the crown. well and chryzonanthemums with small flowers, tiaras.
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the results of the popular vote have already been summed up; right now we will find out who won. yellow, red, even green in the shape of a ball or completely disheveled and even such, almost porcelain, curly inflorescences. hermitage variety, hello to st. petersburg. all these are chrysanthemums, 452 varieties for exhibition in the nikitsky botanical garden, a real ball. according to tradition , the queen was also chosen. all our guests took part, that is, not only even those who came and watched the chryzontem ball in person, but also those who saw this score only on the internet, on our website, it was difficult to choose, everyone is beautiful, take at least the pink and tender bear, or miss universe, you just want to give the title, at least for such defiant immodesty, or the classic yellow ones
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chrysanthemums, voting for... second place - astrit the color of the sun, but who won? a variety selected by the nikitsky botanical garden, it is called symphony and is distinguished by a very unusual inflorescence structure, elongated, tubular flowers. here they are, lush, like velvet, it seems impossible to stop admiring it. anna gozhala, channel one. well , since it’s breakfast time, let’s talk about barley food. many people don’t mess with this grain, but it takes too long to cook. now the truth is in bags, but it is amazingly tasty, it has such a consistency, such an aroma and taste. sadika i love barley soup with pickled cucumbers. culinary expert evgenia selverstova is sure that pearl barley porridge is a real pearl of our table, especially if it is deliciously prepared, for example, with rosemary and mushrooms. boiled
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pearl. tasty healthy side dish, and if add mushrooms, you get an original arzota dish or italian barley, heat butter in a frying pan, fry chopped garlic and mushrooms, i have champignons , when the mushrooms give their juice they are slightly browned, add rosemary for flavor, after another minute add boiled pearl barley to the pan, heat it up, thin i pour in the cream in a stream, pay attention, it must be at room temperature, otherwise it will curdle, wait for the cream... to thicken a little, remove the pan from the stove. look what an appetizing dish it turned out to be, pearl barley with mushrooms more flavorful, and thanks to the addition of cream, even more tender. please come to the table. let us remind you that today is december 1, a significant date, exactly 80
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years ago, the famous conference of the leaders of the three countries allies of the anti-hitler coalition, joseph stalin, franklin roosevelt, took place in tehran. this meeting went down in history as the tehran conference. natalya leonova will help you and me right now cross the pages of history. the fact that inside this car the armored capsule is revealed only by the wheels, there are 12 of them, not eight, in order to withstand the weight. i was traveling in such a carriage stalin at the first ever meeting of the leaders of the big three in 1943. and one of the armoring elements of this car was this door weighing 750 kg, which was closed using a clinker system. like on submarines , even the accompanying and high-ranking officials did not know about the secrecy even higher than on the submarine where they were going, they did not tell me the route, they went to the railway on some military platform unfamiliar to me, the leaders agreed on the meeting place in private correspondence only on november 8, the iranian government was warned
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in general for a week, they were afraid of a leak, but why tehran, and in fact someone wanted in neighboring iraq, there basra, baghdad, someone wanted - in egypt in cairo, someone in africa even offered eritrea. the victory museum explained that stalin insisted. by this time , soviet and british troops had been stationed in iran for 2 years; on the eve of october 1943 , the 131st nkvd border regiment was transferred to tehran, of course, secretly under the guise of motorized riflemen. when corresponding with relatives, we indicated the return address, the city of baku, and the field post office number. it was recommended to write mainly about how the city of baku is beautiful. all this time, intelligence and counterintelligence officers, british, american and ours, have been working in tigeran, among them nineteen-year-old soviet intelligence agent gegor vartanyan, his team was jokingly nicknamed the light cavalry, they moved on bicycles, they identified the german agents-radio operators who were trying to establish contact with berlin. in tehran , radio communications around tehran were blocked, all
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telephone communications between tehran and the provinces were blocked, that is, there was actually a regime of radio silence, this was the safest thing. place in the world. but what about the operation long jump, an assassination attempt on top officials, which was prepared by otto skarzeny? there are only mysteries here, because the isis officer himself writes in his memoirs that there was no operation. this project had to be recognized as a utopia. i presented my opinion to hitler and schellenberg. hitler agreed with me. historians have an opinion, a long jump, successful disinformation by our intelligence services for the allies. they just needed a reason for roosevelt to stay at the soviet embassy. so that they have the opportunity to talk one-on-one. without the participation of churchill, because, uh, they were aware that the british empire was already losing its weight, it was losing its status as a great power, the most important question was the opening of a second front, the soviet union was waiting for it, not just like that, stew , which was supplied by land-lease, the soldiers
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jokingly called it the second front. we have been waiting for this front for a long time, in forty-two, in forty -third, but they didn’t open it, referring, if we read... the correspondence of our leader with churchy, either to the lack of ships, then people and other. and the leaders of the three countries came to an agreement, in forty-four they would open a second front on french territory, with less than a year left until victory. natalya leonova, denis ponomarev, konstantin leonov, ilona tikhonov channel one. we ask the attention of passionate football fans, the quarterfinal matches of the russian cup have begun. the results of the first games are in our material. colleagues of channel one sports journalist dmitry terikhov. the playoff stage has started on the rpl route for the russian football cup. the current winner of the cska trophy met away with rostov. the start of the match was left to the hosts; already in the eighth minute they opened the scoring. after iranian mohammad mohibi's cross, kiril nababkin cut the ball into his own goal.
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the army team leveled the situation shortly before the break. abuzbek faizullaev, who has received a lot of praise lately, crossed from the penalty area and anton struck with a header. the most notable event of the second half was the red card to moises, who touched the ball with his hand and disrupted a one-on-one with nikolai komlichen. chief judge nikolay levnikov sent the army man to the locker room after the video review. however, cska survived in the minority 1:1. the deletion took place in the moscow game between dynamo and the country's champion zenit. at the 688th minute, pavel cucuyan left the blue and white with ten men, presenting a second yellow card to jorge carascal for a violation against wilson isidore. however, the dynamo team was not embarrassed by this turn, they soon organized an effective attack, the only one who stood out was his replacement fedor smolov, who scored a goal for his daughter, who was born on november 15, 1:00 we note that zenit did not score a single one shot on target by anton. having spent 358 games for dynamo and having caught up with the legendary lvoyashin in this indicator, the club’s record holder remains alexander
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novikov, who has 37 matches more. the trend towards removal was also observed in the orenburg-sartak meeting. this was preceded by the hosts' goal in the ninth minute, alexey sukhoi awarded a one-meter penalty to the red-and-whites for nikita chernov's hit on the leg of yuri kovalev in his own penalty area. nikolai titkov did not miss from the point. at the end of the first half, spartak was let down by oleg repchuk, who received a red card card for half the last hope, a series of substitutions did not save the muscovites 1:0. in only one case did the teams spend all 90 minutes in the 11:11 format, and even scored four goals between them , this happened in kaliningrad, where baltika hosted the locomotive, timur suleymanov responded to maxim ninakhov’s serve, and sent the ball into the hosts’ net from close range . baltika turned things around in the second half, scoring twice within 5 minutes, tigran avanesyan aimed a shot into the far corner, and nathan gassama crossed with corner, the locomotive got it back.
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the return quarterfinal matches will be played in march, there is only a month left before our favorite holiday, and something tells me that it will fly by like one tick and melt like a snowflake in the palm of your hand, how poetic, but this means everything needs to be clearly planned, let it not be so poetic that you have time to do everything and never forget about anything. there is a whole month until the new year, or just a month, and it depends on. level of preparation, according to surveys, plan a holiday and make purchases every the third starts just in a month, we are already seeing a 2 and a half times increase in orders for all new year categories, such as artificial snow, christmas tree decorations. according to marketplace statistics, during the pre-new year season, overall sales increase by 30%. women start shopping for the new year already at the end of november, men start buying gifts only in december , while the peak of online orders still falls on the last week before the new year, and what are we going to give, if you believe the same
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surveys, drinks? sweets. in second place perfumes and cosmetics in third place, various souvenirs. this year's new year's budget is about 37,000 rubles, this is for gifts, feasts and entertainment, and we will most likely spend a smaller part on food, about 9,000. this suggests that people have become...' on the one hand, on the other hand, people, our fellow citizens, wanted, in some way, to become more diverse. by the way, we begin to switch to rest mode gradually, a couple of weeks before the holiday, but before that we need to work hard. first week of december we can observe high activity as contracts are concluded next year, and then it begins to fall sharply. interest in other vacancies too. everyone is ready to change jobs in december, because they are expecting final annual bonuses, and are also generally busy preparing for the new year. for example, you need
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to put a christmas tree in your house; just at the beginning of december, forestry enterprises cut down trees for sale. we grow various types of spruce, pine and fir, these are the three main new year trees. and the most popular size - one and a half to two meters. traditionally, siberian regions use more live spruce trees, that is, here. large metropolises are moscow, st. petersburg, nizhny novgorod, this is already moving to artificial. so, there is only a month until the new year, of course, try to do everything, but go for peas or mayonnaise on the thirty-first, i bet you will have to, yuri nesterov, ilya ridkozubov, channel one, dialogue with the whole country, dialogue with everyone. results of the year. with vladimir putin on
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december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. this news at the first studio maria vasilyeva. hello. today at 8:00 am the reception of an address to the upcoming big press conference and a direct line with the president will begin. this year they will be combined into one format. results of the year with vladimir putin. the head of state will let them down on december 14, everything is already ready at the appeal processing center, each question must be clearly formulated, you can ask it by phone or sms, you see the numbers on your screens, or through a form on the moscow putin website. you can also send your appeal through social media. networks, vkontakte and odnoklassniki. the communication itself on december 14 will take place in a specially built studio; russian journalists will gather there, as well as foreign ones who are accredited in moscow. this year’s innovation includes the inclusion of the all-russian popular front in the project, its employees will also collect and process questions, well, an important point,
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not a single appeal will go unattended, even one that will not be heard on air. you will collect, that is, all the questions. to other topics, crews of t-62m tanks, groups our vostok troops ensured the advancement of motorized rifles in the special operation zone, tankers from buryatia in modernized combat vehicles equipped with new thermal imagers and guidance systems from a distance of 2 km, destroyed enemy armored vehicles and artillery. then, introducing fire on the move, special trawls made passages in the minefields, this allowed the assault groups to capture enemy strong points. we go in first with the trawls, the infantry comes, follows us, then jumps off and comes in, we turn around, move the gun to the side, we are already continuing to fire to the right, we were working with landmines, where the opornik target was already clearly visible, we were shooting with cumulative fire, in the artyomovsk direction, crews of self -propelled howubs of the gvozdeysky airborne forces unit leveled the asu
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strongholds near solidaram to the ground, a chain of fortifications was discovered in a forest clearing. with the help of a drone, the coordinates were quickly transmitted to the artillery paratroopers. the enemy was destroyed with accurate fire and high-explosive fragmentation ammunition. the russian lancet drone, the latest modification , successfully hit the ukrainian su-25 attack aircraft dolnitsevo airfield. in the dnepropetrovsk region, footage taken from a reconnaissance drone appeared on the internet, which clearly shows how loitering ammunition hits an aircraft protected by concrete blocks. a powerful explosion leaves him no chance, and this is not the first time. such a strike in early autumn at the same airfield destroyed two ukrainian mik-29 fighters. american abrams tanks seem to cause more trouble for ukrainian forces than they do any good. it's all about complex maintenance, writes forbes. so risky equipment failure increases significantly if the tank crew does not clean the engine filters twice a day; to do this, it is necessary to drive it at high
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speeds. if you skip the procedure several times, there will be serious damage. inevitably, the tank will have to be sent for lengthy repairs to poland. another disadvantage: high fuel consumption. it is no coincidence that the americans themselves call abrams fuel hogs. another country has joined the transport blockade of ukraine: from december 1, the only checkpoint for trucks on the border of slovakia and ukraine will be blocked, activists are going to let through only four trucks a day. the day before , 500 cars were already lined up and 3,700 were waiting at the border with poland. where four checkpoints are blocked. for several weeks now, 30 cars have been allowed through, farmers are also taking part in the protests, farmers in poland, slovakia, and hungary have the same complaints as drivers, they believe that ukraine has received an undeserved competitive advantage and is ruining them. slovakia extends the embargo on supplies of ukrainian grain, corn, beets, and seeds from january 1 sunflower and adds flour, sugar, soy and honey to this list. slovakia will also
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seek the abolition of benefits for ukrainian drivers at the eu transport council meeting on december 4. the political publication writes that this crisis has highlighted tensions over the issue of ukraine’s integration into the eu. poland believes that it has done everything possible, sheltered a million ukrainian refugees, helped supply kiev with weapons, supported european aspirations, but is not ready to act to its detriment. now ukraine may lose up to a fifth of its imports due to the border blockade by carriers. in the middle east, negotiations are underway to extend the truce between israel and ha , the seventh stage of the exchange took place today. 30 palestinian prisoners arrived in ramala, they were waited for a long time and the situation got out of control. riots broke out on the west bank, protesters burned tires, and israeli soldiers fired tear gas. the israeli hostages were released yesterday, eight people, they were captured by hamas on october 7, including two israeli citizens of arab origin, a sister and
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brother, an exception was made for him, since hamas does not allow men, hostages, those who are capable of fighting with weapons in their hands, and there are fierce disputes over the terms of their release. meanwhile, the respite allowed the delivery of another shipment of fuel and 56 trucks with humanitarian aid to gaza. the wall street journal, citing egyptian officials, reports that the parties agreed to extend the truce for another day. this information has not yet been officially confirmed. in rostov on donna they fought all night against a large fire at a local clothing store. temernik market. the extinguishing was complicated by the dense buildings on the site. over 110 people worked, more than 30 pieces of equipment were involved, the fire broke out in the shopping pavilions, spread rapidly and covered an area of ​​4,000 m. now the fire has been extinguished, the cause of its occurrence is still unknown, that’s all,
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it’s already a beautiful winter morning, friday, december 1st. and today we meet with you, olga ushakova and sergey babaev. exactly one month left until the new year. today in moscow, 18 russian santa clauses from different regions will meet at the vdd. they they will gather on the main alley in ddnh to announce the start of the winter season and 36,000 new year's lights will flash at once, 89 christmas trees according to the number of regions of our country, and the total length of all these garlands is 36 km, there is also a certain sense of symbolism here, this is the length of the capital of russia and moscow from the southern to the northern border. now they are elegant, 90 blue spruces on the main one. vdnkh welcomes guests of the russia exhibition, 89 of them wearing unusual decorations from the regions. filimonovskaya whistle, symkovo toys, nesting dolls, karelian bird of happiness. each
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the tree is unique, it is decorated in its own style, in its own traditions, in its own national artistic crafts of each region. looking at the five-meter-tall new year's beauties is like visiting every corner of the country. find out why he is famous and rich. the trans-bakalsky region is famous for its delicious pine nuts. we have a ceramic plant, the kungur ice cave. here we have kizhi, this is a wooden church, which, according to legend , was made without a single guest. on the tree of north ossetia there is black allandic ceramics. this was also found in monastery mounds. christmas tree the tver region sparkles with the famous golden threads. torzhok is the only old russian city where it originated. and gold embroidery is developing, back in the 19th century they supplied their products to the imperial court, a christmas tree from the krasnoyarsk region in the style of a winter siberian forest, among the silt
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paws there is a branch of a reberry, on it are bullfinches, and these gingerbread samovars speak for themselves, i wanted to try the real ones, it's time to make a plan for where to visit next year, come to our city geray tula, you won't regret it, region, learn about the history of the haze, come to us, you will see a real hedgehog cat, come to the garden, be it karelian birch, krasnodar sunflowers, vyad lace or baikal omul, for most of us this is a reason not only for pride, but also for nostalgia. i was born in the irkutsk region, i haven’t been there for 20 years, and looking now at this tree, at these fish, i remember how in childhood we loved to go fishing with the whole family, just before friends of hedgehog’s parents brought it to us, here we have i was sitting at home, so charming, i remember
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the grain fields, my childhood there, how i was there i grazed the cows, we miss you, we adore our homeland, yes, this is just my soul, my love , you can admire the unique trees until february, after which everything will barely survive, they will be planted here not far from vdnkh, they will decorate our capital, serving their own. do you want a real fairy tale? this evening the festive lighting of the christmas tree lights will take place on the main alley of the exhibition. natalya kovaleva, denis ponomarev, stanislav khizhnyakov. first channel. there is only a month left until our favorite new year holiday, it’s time to think about gifts, of course. yes, to whom and what to give. there is something to puzzle over here, the only thing with which everything... is quite clear, it is with a sweet gift from santa claus, well, as far as is clear, there are very, very many options, our correspondent anastasia koremesnaya got hold of
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six different sets and treated the expert, so far , the expert, sweet new year's sets are already in all stores, and which children like best, six gifts from 300 to 2,000 rubles. five-year-old miroslava chose three. there's a dragon here. wonderful, but before we eat it all, let’s find out whether it’s worth it now to buy sweet gifts , confectioner polina tolkacheva and technologist anna basova look into it to understand whether they are of good quality, first, we look at the composition, there should be one for each candy, second, the date on the packaging. the manufacturer must indicate both the date the kit was packaged and the date the candies were manufactured. factories have been producing and packaging sweets for new year's gifts since the end of october , so on the packaging we look for at least this month, summer is indicated, we also have such a set, the sweets could have dried out, this set does not contain any information about
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let's check the expiration dates of the candies, who collected it and what was put there, the price of the set is 1,500 rubles. prefabricated candies from different manufacturers , but all chocolate, the vidditer likes the appearance, candies with filling last up to four months, bird's milk too, and prunes in chocolate eight, judging by the outside. the expiration dates have been met, there are no signs of spoilage, the chocolate has also not lost its tempering, another set that raised doubts, we remind you, was made in august, the price is 300 rubles. the confectioner approved the marshmallows, real chocolate made from cocoa, not confectionery glaze, as in many sets, it shines, this means that, in principle , there were no temperature changes, and the chocolate retained all its texture, but the confectioner is against such explosive caramels, there is citric acid, which causes these sensations in the mouth, the food technologist doesn’t approve either, so... the set is rather a minus, but
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what about the shelf life, marshmallows have up to a year, caramels have up to two. and finally, the last set for 2,000, the october one is the freshest of all, also prefabricated, the chocolates are cracked. due to the fact that they are all stored in a package that is exposed to various influences and may be dropped. instead of a detailed composition of the name of the chocolates, but visually the chocolate seemed fresh to the experts. we also found waffles here, they have an expiration date. 6 months and jelly candies up to a year. usually the jelly ones dry out, that is, they become elastic and rubbery, here they are kind of soft, which means they are fresh. conclusion, you can buy sweet sets now, all fresh, preferably in hard packaging, so that before the new year they don’t crack even where there are fewer caramel. anastasia kremeshina, andrey ivanov, channel one. good morning, dear
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friends, let's start today. good film news the other day a new trailer appeared on the network for one of the most ambitious projects of the first channel directed by alexei german younger, the film air leningrad in the siege, girls pilots and girls technicians must show training, courage and self-sacrifice, not only breams but also equipment must be born, their braids must be braided, and why are they here? not a killer, well, i can’t live. seventeenth, what do you dream about i’m dancing, as i’m leaving the stage alone, zhenya , you need love, you could fall in love with me, everything’s fine, we’re attacking, attacking, but to love your homeland is
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to go to your death. what is more important, the product or the person? proden, isn’t that right with you? and at the end of today’s edition of the column, this is cinema, we congratulate one of the most talented directors of world cinema on the anniversary, winner of the palme d’or at the cannes film festival, terence malick, he is 80. keith swore that he would never leave me and would not allow us to be separated. he wrote a slander on the clutch. air launched everything into the box ball found in the trash. i remember the day when you and i met, i remember that motorcycle, my dress, i will fear no evil, i will not be afraid, because you are with me, what have you achieved, do not move away from me for sorrow
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is close, but... no , i thought we would just have fun, live, song by song , kiss by kiss, she asked to convey a peaceful but strong people, they don’t allow... you are my love, my hope, you are my life, a bottomless source, an endless river .
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formless as a cloud, the mother of all, and dear friends, i wish you a pleasant weekend, watch a good movie on the first and in cinemas, well, we will discuss all the film news on wednesday morning in the section this movie on the first, combined colors, oliviera toscani, there are some things that are not customary to look at, that are not customary to discuss , and my job is to make people look at such things, advertising is only needed to make a person think, understand, laugh, cry, united colors, the end of the century according to gotfrey regio, metaphysically, we are from different
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worlds, but we feel a lot the same, i i want to say, our world is turning into one big disneyland, into something artificial, we need more crazy people, motador is first today. veda vodka, a product of the stellar group. one shell fire. modern combat is like a game of chess, you can never lose your sanity. two tanks. five armored vehicles, and we have one alyosha there, there’s a lie behind this forest clearing, our guys went to about that area, get out, get out, let’s quickly , quickly, faster, quickly hitch up, hitch up, we’ll take the equipment now, restore it, rum, let’s
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installation, a little up, let's do more, more, more, more, just look at what a huge unit, the heart of the tank, so guys, it's ready, that's it, let's start it for testing, let's go. time has chosen us, here it shouldn’t be every man for himself, here it’s one for all, all for one, i’m charging, premiere, special report, the living heart of the tank, sunday on the first, we never tire of reminding that on the calendar december 1st, today by the way, they are joining due to a number of new laws. what important changes await us all? our correspondent has already found out, yulia molstogo. what's new from december 1st? perhaps the main intrigue is whether you will be fined for summer tires. on the one hand, the law
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adopted a fine of 500 rubles. the national automobile union is confident that it is right to punish those who endanger not only themselves, but also others. most likely you will receive a prescription, meaning you will have to. eliminate this defect in your car within 10 days and then submit the correction to the traffic police. on the other hand, the traffic police recently promised that they will not fine you. however, no one has summer tires i did not exclude from the list of technical malfunctions in winter, as well as other items. if some red icon lights up on the board, for example, the abs icon in the first place, then the traffic police officer has the right to draw up a protocol, write out an order to arrange for these not... if you get into an accident, on summer tires, of course, you will most likely have to blame yourself . mandatory labeling of non-alcoholic drinks in polymer glass containers will begin on december 1. this is the sign we are now looking for on juice, soda, kvass, if produced after december 1st.
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you've probably already seen it on dairy products, like here? each package has this date matrix, this is a kind of product passport. there is such a convenient application for buyers, an honest sign. and by scanning the qr code in this application, we can see everything about this product, it will be easier to control what is happening in the fishing industry, thanks to electronic reporting. the law on the issuance of digital fishing permits has also come into force; it concerns mainly industrial companies; now fishermen will be able to it is more convenient and faster to exchange information with the federal fisheries agency. the main task is to ensure control over the development of aquatic biological resources, this control is environmental so that the population of a particular aquatic biological resource does not decrease to critical limits, in addition, in order to counter illegal fishing, the innovation will not affect amateur fishermen, yulia kuvabina, denis panmarev,
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dmitry roshkov, vasily yurov, channel one. a charming young man invites a girl on a first date, how is it romantic, and what could be the catch in this? but maybe, by the way, girls. be careful, please, a gentleman who is pleasant in all respects may turn out to be a banal swindler. i often make appointments with clients in cafes, and sometimes i see some pretty unpleasant stories here. the other day, for example, a couple was having lunch at the next table, the man ordered almost half the menu, had a hearty lunch, then went out to smoke and disappeared, and the girl was left alone with a rather large bill, obviously she had met i saw him for the first time with alphonse on the internet in a cafe. i am a lawyer and i know how to search. information, so i decided to tell you girls how to get ready for a first date with an online acquaintance. to
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avoid such disappointments, find out as much as you can about the virtual money man. if there is no name on the dating site, then copy the photo and paste it into the search engine. to do this, there is a button that looks like a camera. and please read: the name of a new friend must be the same on all sites. let's open social networks. one after another, here there is always more information on the pages, look who your gentleman’s friends are, if you don’t find anything, it’s suspicious, then you need to check the sites where alphonse’s victims communicate, they willingly post pictures of their offenders, and most importantly, on the first date, tell the waiter , that you will pay for yourself, then he will have to look after your suitors, and not you, be careful, as a reminder, today is december 1st. exactly 110 years ago on this day
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, viktor dragunsky, amazing in every way, appeared in the world relationship, a children's writer, yes, i adore him. deniska's stories, they have become classics of our literature, i think millions read his name, and even now millions of boys and girls love and read dragunsky, and now his son, journalist and writer, denis, will remember victor dragunsky dragunsky, denis viktorich. that you really didn’t pour semolina from the window? i really didn’t pour semolina porridge out of the window, because we lived in the basement, the window sill was at the same level as you would throw porridge from there. korablev - this is a real russian surname. dad just thought she was beautiful, so romantic , by the way, he had model sailing ships at home, he talked to me a lot, he was a child, very much, he generally spent a lot of time with me, he was a very caring and kind person
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, in deniska’s stories there is not a single character who does not have a real prototype, everything is true in them, except for the plots, the characters are truthful and my character, mishkin’s character, alyonka’s character, some phrases said, general mood, this is not just a description of everyday life, not just a story about blotters, sippy cups, teachers, no, a story, first of all , about disappointments and charms, about love and anger, about friendship and betrayal, about deceptions about the truth, in general about what happens in the soul person, little deniska influenced the image of denis korablev, and denis korablev already influenced the adult denis dragonsky, for example, it would never have occurred to me to fall in love with a girl. on the ball, and when i read this story, i began
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to think, feel, look something similar on some artists in the theater, he himself worked in the circus for some time , in my opinion he was just a clown for two seasons, we still have his red wig at home, his red nose, and in general his many stories, they have this church dramaturgy, even in this story about porridge, the fact that deniska pours out the porridge, and then, literally a minute later , a policeman comes with a guy who has porridge on his hat, be careful, material evidence, this is a typical circus story, there is a clown, for example , eats tomatoes, throws them into the hall, in darkness, boom, and a second later the sound of cymbals is heard, there is bebemts, and the spotlight highlights some bald guy who is scraping tomatoes.
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clears his head, i’ve had enough, i’m already at home, he always dreamed of writing thick, serious adult books, how highly you now didn’t fully believe that a children’s writer was good, there were such serious writers all around, but here next to him is such a funny guy, you know, who writes about deniska, my father’s entire essay is included in one not too thick one there. well, thank god, but they are remembered and re-read, this evening on channel one, just don’t miss the musical show reincarnation of fantasy, incredible completely computer graphics, but the emotions are not virtual, quite alive, what the fantastic participants and jury members will surprise us with today, whether there will be surprises for the audience, we will find out very
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soon. five judges and spectators of the show fantastic, poprock, opera arias, better clap your hands in a good way, girl, dark nights, i love you, girl, very much, troubadour and his cheerful team are ready to perform for a day, at night we have concerts where i sing my serenades, so you can open your windows and hear my voice, of course, like all the participants. he hopes to win, the troubadour does not need tempting palace vaults, he knows exactly what he will spend the winnings on. someday we will all come out of the fairy tale into the real world, in the real world there are many animals that need real houses, but if we win and receive a cash prize, we will give it
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to an animal shelter. announce victory and make plans, the jury does not give up hope of unraveling who is hiding behind the bright avatars, on mikhalych left the show last week; the character’s revelation came as a complete surprise to alexandra’s child. i absolutely didn’t guess marshal alexander , so my version didn’t agree either, here more than half of the characters confuse me as much as possible, despite the fact that if the girls live there in some kind of fairy-tale world of their own, they don’t understand anything at all and just enjoy how ... which appears to them, is very dima in my head, forgive me for what you said, i say, you enjoy the picture that you provided by our wonderful characters and avatars, the authors of the next level fantasy show are preparing many more magical transformations, this colossal work of various workshops, and in the production of this
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program, this whole symbiosis, of all that is real and all that is not real, it creates , so be it, bright numbers - incredible transformation , inspiring music, choose a miracle, watch the new episode of the fantasy show, the next level, who will become the leader, leave the project, we will find out tonight on channel one. maria bronzova, iosifrin, andrey tsarev, sergey myakin, channel one. let us remind you that today is december 1, friday, it’s time to find out what’s new in the country and in the world by this hour. we briefly give the floor to our colleagues from the information
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service of channel one. this is news on the first , studio maria vasilyeva, hello, every question is important, not a single one will be left unattended, a few minutes remain before the start of collecting requests for the upcoming big press conference of the direct line with the president, this year they will be combined into one format, results of the year with vladimir putin, questions will begin to be accepted at 8 am, you can ask them by phone or send an sms, you see the numbers on your screens, through the form on the moscow putin website. you can also send an appeal through the social networks vkontakte and odnoklassniki. the communication itself on december 14 will take place in a specially built studio; russian journalists will gather there, as well as foreign ones who are accredited in moscow. this year’s navation saw the all-russian popular front join the project. his employees will also collect and process questions.
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to the situation in the zone. the crews of su-25 attack aircraft of the russian aerospace forces attacked military targets. and the equipment of the ukrainian armed forces unit in the south donetsk direction, the planes took off in pairs at an extremely low altitude and approached the line for launching unguided aircraft missiles. after using the weapons, the pilots performed an evasive maneuver from enemy air defense, releasing heat traps and returned safely to the departure airfield. already on the ground, the pilot spoke about something unusual. a talisman that always takes you on a mission. one day a child asked for a ride. but i explained that we have a single-seat plane, then he asked for a ride with his favorite toy, now this toy has become my talisman, i take it every day on a flight, it helps, helps to carry out tasks, great support for our pilots, just as the crew of the radio-electronic station provides ground units fight, each such machine,
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nicknamed sinitsa, is capable of blocking the sky within a radius of several tens of kilometers, all flying enemy drones displayed on the monitor, the station allows you to suppress the enemy’s navigation control systems, as a result of which the drone loses contact with its operator, in most cases it simply falls to the ground. as for the territories liberated during the special operation, soldiers of the russian military police are performing no less important tasks there; today they have a professional holiday, in the zaporozhye region alone, since the beginning of the year they have identified more than 200 accomplices of the fsu, discovered 50 caches of weapons and ammunition, as well as conducted 2,000 targeted checks in populated areas points. in addition, military police daily ensure law and order, clear the area of ​​mines from explosive objects, and suppress terrorist activities. the russian president is winning the conflict in ukraine, writes the british conomist and explains that our country has managed to gain support to unite
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the global south against america. the economy has withstood the test of sanctions, oil revenues continue to flow into the russian budget, while in ukraine, as polls show, there are corruption scandals undermine support for the kyiv regime. there are fewer and fewer people in the west who believe in the european future of ukraine. counter-offensive. where those who believe that military and financial support for ukraine are a waste of money are increasingly vocal. western sociology shows the same sentiments; elections are coming soon in the united states and europe will have to prepare for the fact that american support will slow down. considering the scale of the crisis in the european union, the economist writes, there is a lack of strategic vision. slovakia strives to bring it to the standard. their relations with russia, prime minister robert fitz announced this; according to him, the strategy of the european union and the united states in ukraine is ineffective, anti-russian sanctions are harming europe, and the government, after coming to power,
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stopped military assistance to kiev. robert fitz discussed the turn in slovakia's foreign policy at a meeting with the ambassadors of the united states and russia. the priority of the foreign policy that i intend to implement is the protection and promotion of slovak national state interests, which i will include. support for peaceful people, not war in ukraine. i outlined to the ambassadors slovakia's national priorities and my view of the war in ukraine, where the eu and us strategy is clearly failing. slovakia must prepare for the period that will come after the end of the war in ukraine, as well as for the standardization of slovak-russian relations. the national sports award was presented at the state kremlin palace. this year it was dedicated to the centenary of the relevant ministry. the president congratulated him on his anniversary. his welcome telegram to the guests of the celebration. 11 nominations 18 categories, experts and fans chose the best athletes and coaches, and also awarded awards to those who make the sport more popular.
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the athletes of the year were two-time world boxing champion muslim gadzhimedov and silver medalist of the planetary championship swimmer evgenia chikunova. vera shtelbaums, who trained a galaxy of rhythmic gymnastics champions, won the coach of the year nomination. at the ceremony, many more names were named that we are proud of. and as the minister of sports noted, the achievements of the past century will only increase. we are rightfully great a sports country, olympic victories, and global international projects that were implemented in the soviet union in russia, they make our country a very reliable partner of all world sports, and today i feel responsible, like our entire generation, for the future of russian sports. among the prize winners. legendary athletes are mentors, as well as entire organizations, even regions that support large-scale government initiatives aimed at promoting
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a healthy lifestyle. and again you look good morning on channel one, it’s not just friday, it’s winter, today , december 1st, olga ushakova and sergey babaev are with you , of course, we’re celebrating this significant event, winter, how we’ve been waiting for it, so snowy like... us in the planning studio in the community, my children have made a whole list of what needs to be done, first we need to buy this machine that makes snowballs, as it is called, a snow maker, yes, then we need to make a snowman, then we definitely need to ride a sled , well , make a snow angel, this is a program for at least tomorrow, but there are those who do not like winter, sincerely envy the bears that hibernate, so no, make sure that winter is fun, tasty, beautifully wonderful. an hour and a half from moscow and we are in veretyevo park, 6 hectares of forest, eco-trails and houses for solitude,
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admission is free, an ideal place to make a checklist for the winter, what to do this winter, go on skis, go to the bathhouse and after the bathhouse we go jumping into the snow, ice skating, and trampolining every year. be sure to feed the birds, photographer victor vodolasky will tell you how to take beautiful pictures from all your plans, what is special about winter photographs? beauty, it is always in the mood and emotions of people, here the most important thing for a photographer is to capture all the fun , joyful ugliness that is happening around him, the task is to catch emotions and, of course, dress warmly so that red noses
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do not interfere with the photo shoot, in childhood there were mittens on elastic bands, now these are also sold, only the elastic does not go through the sleeves, it is put directly on the hand, convenient and most importantly, only memories immediately as they were sculpted snowman, snowflakes with your mouth, caught in your posture, rolled around, added to the checklist, and by the way, have you ever blown soap bubbles in the cold, if it’s even minus outside, that’s what happens to them, we captured the beauty of... warm up the evening with a living person fire, another important winter point, what is the secret of these cozy photos that we so often see on social networks, and how to repeat them yourself? can you offer me your favorite hot drink? by the way, what do you prefer by the fireplace? cocoa with marshmallows, pour
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hot milk over cocoa bombs, chocolate ball melts, those same marshmallows float up, take half an egg and dip it in, well, well, that’s how it’s done, then i bite it, i like it, repost, well, in winter even baked goods seem tastier, not to mention tangerines, which in december creates that very mood when you want to cut out snowflakes, and put up a christmas tree, and write a real letter, and most importantly one more point, just mikhail karasev, evgeny morenkov, olga andreeva, channel one. the main character of the most children's, most magical holiday is, of course, the christmas tree, get a centimeter of salt and opening a box of christmas tree decorations is like opening a treasure chest, or even a
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time machine, one might even say so, because. there is a huge amount in this chest, but unfortunately, time does not spare anything in our life, toys too, well, if something is broken , then something can be done, but if it’s just paint, let’s say it’s worn out, yes, something has crumbled, some kind of decor, after all, this can still be corrected, which is what our heroes are doing next story, 2000 new year's toys, imagine how many christmas trees you can decorate, oksana gubinskaya from arkhanel region. some will definitely be hung on branches, others are waiting for restoration, like this chicken from the fifties, it lacks a foam comb, for some reason the factories used foam rubber in the design of toys, ordinary, they tinted it and now you will see that here we have a lot of such toys , to all of them, they all had elements, here is a bee, for example, the lyres were made of foam rubber, and from such a collection you can see the history of the country, here are post-war toys,
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without paint at all. covered with lead solution or watches with a difference of 10 years, this is milk glass, the first watches of the fifties, you can even see that the glass is thick, the loss of paint can be said to be one hundred percent, but later it is also a kremlin toy, the watch is also made of phosphorus and the paint is extremely strong. of course, you can repaint such decorations, but then they will cease to be collectible, explains a professional restorer of new year's toys from yaroslavl. like wrinkles, for example, age-related changes on a person’s face, just like with a cotton toy, this patina of time, it gives nobility, and just in terms of collection it testifies to the collectible value of the toy, the task of the restorer is to preserve the toy, give it strength , and try not to introduce anything new and modern. elena says it’s important, even if you’re not a collector, to preserve
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your family’s history. for example, there is a set of chipolin , it was produced in leningrad, which means your relatives once went to leningrad, and why did they go, why did they buy, for example, these toys, that is, you can promote these in a purely concrete way one family touching threads, yes, within a large country. but here’s a little secret of collecting: collect toys not only according to series, but according to some image. in this chest of elena there are only carrots, but some are made from cotton wool... and from glass and even from wood, and for lyudmila from nizhny novgorod and broken toys are treasures, she bought a whole box, where there is not enough glass, she makes something new from a light mass. for modeling, i came up with the idea of ​​molding some kind of character on an ordinary mushroom, and after painting these are completely different toys, not collectible, but very valuable for lyudmila herself. victoria dinova, elena kashigina,
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anatoly kvaskov, channel one. isn't it time for us to find out our destiny? yes, we highly recommend it, before you leave the house, it won’t hurt. a very interesting month. began, bright , talented, inventive, best friend, assistant to creative and enthusiastic people, he will add inspiration to us, new colors about life, help us see beauty in everyday life, and give some people a new look at the world. this month is very good for everything that requires out-of-the-box thinking, will not remain writers, journalists, bloggers and in general everyone who needs to express their thoughts sharply and clearly are offended, and in december some discoveries are probably waiting for us, the other side of this coin is vulnerability, some may suddenly become jealous, suspicious, begin to see all sorts of tricks where there are none, especially in the second half of the month, however, all this will not be very serious and with a hundred shades of theatricality, but the end of december, as if by order, is an excellent period to finish all
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current affairs and begin to seriously prepare for new year. aries can do something today, for example, take care of gifts, otherwise everything is always at the last moment, and the day is not bad for shopping. about work, here you are in complete order, you are on the rise today, very businesslike and generally great, like taurus, they themselves do not sit idle, and help others, for this today will add confidence to you and help you learn something, gain new useful experience, and the evening is clearly preparing something romantic, something like a date is promised by the stars for gemini too in the evening, during the day you will have to roll up your sleeves, but here everything is quite normal, familiar, understandable, the main thing is not to be late and not to forget anything, one of those... more careful. cancers can see today that money tends to run away somewhere if you don’t look after it. in general, you got the hint and drive more carefully, and someone else might fall in love with you. for leos, this day may give food for thought; it seems that it will be
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connected with someone you know. after lunch, there may be some confusion, most likely funny, but just in case relax. someone, like an old friend or relative, may visit the virgins, this will be pleasant. a meeting, however, it will distract from something important, but in the end, what could be more important than friendship, be careful with street food, libra will have a chance to correct some mistakes, settle an old dispute, repay a debt, make peace with someone or agree on something, the libra ladies will decide to show off a little, the luminaries don’t mind at all. scorpio stars speak boldly forward, everything will work out, work, finances, career, home business, good luck in everything, the main thing is not to be arrogant. sagittarius has a smooth working friday, a little routine, when everything goes according to the circle of usual worries, but the evening seems to have in store something unplanned, so be careful with new acquaintances, capricorns will want something new, and you know,
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the stars are only for, dare, change , create, invent, try, this is your day, just with more serious money and don’t abuse alcohol, okay, aquarians today are charming, artistic, witty, don’t be surprised. that their person is of interest, including among the opposite sex, so to speak, a side effect of this is envy, gossip, well, what do you care about them, pisces may try to spoil the mood, some everyday trifle, well , who pays attention to the little things, but in a pleasant situation, perhaps a small profit or a gift, be careful on stairs and escalators, good luck . vanka syndrome stands up, the guy spins around all the time. this is a sure sign of internal bleeding, oh, and did we have a diagnosis of nugget? everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, now i’m an ordinary, obedient nurse, ask the nurse, from monday, on
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the first, snob gin, a product of the stellar group. winter is not only an ice skating rink , skiing and romantic walks in the snow, it, unfortunately, also means dry, irritated hands, so our correspondent yulia kozlova decided to find out what skin care products exist so that everything is fine in the cold, and comfortably in a room where radiators glow with heat. everyone has hand cream, but for the body, every day we wash off the natural protection from it, most shower gels destroy the hydro... visible mantle, hence a feeling of dryness, tightness, irritation, especially in winter it is very dry, the skin dries out, peeling begins, unpleasant sensations , in order to neutralize them, so that they do not exist for the most part... i use body cream, but not everyone will benefit, low price with
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a large the volume of the product is a reason to be wary, often when we buy a cream, when we apply it, we get this feeling that we want velvety skin, not knowing that it is actually a very cheap component, say silicone, which clogs the pores, the effect of instant moisturizing is felt from glycerin is inexpensive, but in large quantities , on the contrary, it dries out the skin, urea is another matter, thanks to this , the protective properties are restored , the skin's hydration increases and with constant use it is maintained, it becomes elastic and elastic. the base of the cream also includes oils , we don’t use cheap mineral oils, they create an impenetrable film under which the skin does not breathe, we look for natural oils, coconut, olive, shea butter, avocado, grape seed, wheat germ. these fatty acids in our skin are like the key to a lock.
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penetrate through the surface of the skin, namely moisturize the top layer and even some can reach the middle layers of the skin. additionally, the cream may contain plant extracts and vitamins a, e, f. but in addition to the composition, consistency is also important. in winter, i want, that’s how we dress in warmer clothes, so i want to put on my body something warmer, more comfortable, that is, it has a thicker texture. but here dermatogs advise you to navigate not by season, but by skin type; for normal skin prone to oiliness, a light consistency like milk, for dry skin it is thicker and denser, for older people too, by the way, since over the years the sebaceous glands work less and less actively. yulia kozlova, nikolay krysanov, vasily yurov, channel one. let us remind you that today is december 1, a significant date: exactly 80 years ago the famous conference
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of leaders... joseph stalin, franklin roosevelt and winston churchel took place in tehran. this meeting went down in history as the tehran conference. natalya leonova will help you and me right now turn over the pages of history. what inside this car, the armored capsule is only given out by the wheels, there are 12 of them, not eight, to support the weight. stalin rode in such a carriage to the first ever meeting of the leaders of the big three in 1943. and one of the elements. the shoulder strap was just such a door weighing 750 kg, which was closed using a clinker system, like on submarines, and the secrecy was even higher than on a submarine, where even the accompanying and high-ranking officials did not know, they did not tell me the route, they went to the railway on some kind of military platform unfamiliar to me, the leaders agreed on the meeting place in personal correspondence only on november 8 , the iranian government was warned a week in advance, they were afraid of a leak, but why tehran, after all , someone really wanted neighboring iraq, basra,
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baghdad, someone... i wanted something in egypt, in cairo, someone in africa even suggested eritrea. they explained at the victory museum, stalin insisted. by this time , soviet and british troops had been stationed in iran for 2 years; on the eve of october 43, 131 border guards were transferred to tehran nkvd regiment, of course, secretly, under the guise of motorized riflemen. when corresponding with relatives, we indicated the return address, the city of baku, and the field post office number. write mainly about how beautiful the city of baku is. all this time , intelligence and counterintelligence officers, british, american and ours, have been working in tehran, among them a soviet intelligence agent, nineteen-year-old gevorg vartanyan. his team was jokingly nicknamed the light cavalry and rode bicycles. they identified german agents-radio operators who were trying to establish contact with berlin. in tehran, around tehran's radio communications were cut off. all telephone communications between tehran and
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the province have been blocked. that is, there was actually a regime of radio silence, it was the safest place in the world , but what about the operation long jump, the assassination attempt on the top officials, which otto skarzene was preparing, there are only mysteries here, because the ss man himself writes in his memoirs, there was no operation, this project is necessary was to be recognized as a utopia, i presented my opinion to hitler and schelleng, hitler agreed with me, historians have an opinion, a long jump is the successful disinformation of our intelligence services for allies, they just needed a reason, roosevelt stayed in the soviet embassy so that they had the opportunity to talk tetat without churchill’s participation, because they were aware that the british empire was already losing its weight, it was losing its status as a great power. the most important question is the opening of a second front, the soviet union has been waiting for it , it’s not for nothing that the soldiers jokingly called the stew that was supplied under lend-lease the second front. we have been waiting for this front for a long time. in forty-two, forty-three, but he wasn’t
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opened, referring, if we read the correspondence of our leader with churchill, then to the lack of ships, then people, etc., and the leaders of the three countries came to open a second front on french territory, less than a year left until victory. natalya leonova, denis ponovaryov, konstantin leonov, ilona tikhonova, channel one. we ask the attention of passionate football fans, the quarterfinal matches of the russian cup have begun. the results of the first games are in the material of our colleague, sports journalist of channel one dmitry terikhov. the rpl russian football cup is on its way. the playoff stage has started. the current trophy winner cska met away with rostov. the start of the match was left to the hosts already in the eighth minute, they opened the scoring, after a cross from iranian mohammad mohibi, kiril nababkin cut the ball into his own goal. the army team leveled the situation not long before the break; obsbek feyzullaev, who has been much praised lately, crossed from a free kick
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and anton zabolotny hit the target with his head. the most notable event of the second half was the red card for moises, who touched the ball hand and disrupted the exit 1:1. nikolay komlichenko. the chief referee, nikolai levnikov , sent army man to the locker room after the video review. however, cska survived in the minority 1:1. the deletion took place in the moscow game between dynamo and the country's champion zenit. at the 688th minute, pavel cucuyan left the blue and white with ten men, presenting a second yellow card to jorge carascal for a violation against wilson isidore. however, dynamo were not embarrassed by this turn and soon organized an effective attack. substitute fedor smolov barely distinguished himself, illuminated goal born. on november 15, 1:0, we note that zenit did not make a single shot on target anton shunin, who spent 358 games for dynamo and caught up with the legendary lev yashin in this indicator, the club record holder remains alexander novikov, who has 37 matches more. the trend towards removal was also observed in the orenburg-sartak meeting. this was preceded by a goal
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from the hosts. in the ninth minute, alexey sukhoi awarded a penalty to the red and white team for nikita chernov’s hit on the leg of yuri kovalev in his own penalty area. nikolai titkov is worth it. didn't miss. at the end of the first half, spartak was let down by oleg repchuk, who received a red card for a foul of the last hope; a series of substitutions did not save the muscovites, 1:0. in only one case did the teams spend all 90 minutes in the 11:11 format, and even scored four goals between them; this happened in kaliningrad, where baltika hosted the locomotive. timur suleymanov responded to maxim ninakhov's serve and sent the ball into the hosts' net from close range. baltika turned things around in the second half, scoring twice within 5 minutes. tigran aimed a shot into the far corner, and nathan gassama crossed from the corner, the locomotive came back in stoppage time, suleymanov scored a double, 2:2, the return quarter-final matches will be played in march. we hasten to inform you that winter has finally come, today is friday, december 1st, since winter has come, it means spring will soon be here, and
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then everything will be very good for summer, but since we have this wonderful season, of course, the end of november was snowy too, but what is already bothering the hare with all these winter fun, skiing, skates, snowballs, snowmen everything else, sleds, quickly slide across the ice surface, so it takes your breath away, what could be better on a good frosty day, but first you need to prepare the skates, time to get the skates from the mezzanine, we don’t rush onto the ice right away, check the blades , they still peel off in any case, corrosion appears on them, even if rust has not appeared , sharpening is needed before the season, the blade changes: even externally, it has a vein here , such a shaped bed, when it is completely erased, it is simply smooth becomes, that is, it no longer clings to the flight, if we inspect the skates for rental, there are no breaks, cracks and always in size, the leg must be firmly fixed to avoid injury, look at the sharpening
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of the skates, for example, here we have sharpening, well, not very good, then you can ask to change, then the clothes, don’t wrap yourself up too much, but don’t undress, if we dress very warmly, we will sweat, this will bring us great discomfort and we will still freeze, so it is very important to dress in layers and use certain materials for clothing. fleece, wool, thermal underwear are ideal, also a hat, scarf and mittens, everything should be comfortable for safety, i just have jeans for my bare legs, a sweater, okay, well, basically okay, a short jacket, it won’t interfere with skating, but jeans a little wide... you can start the ice season on an indoor skating rink with an instructor, your knees are bent, we spring once or twice, but is it much more pleasant in the fresh air? it is better to choose morning sessions, because fewer people will be freer. the main thing is not disrupt the trajectory of movement. for beginners , stay close to the edge, for speed lovers, stay closer to
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the center, to maintain balance, keep your back straight. do not arch your lower back. not only the motor muscles that move us work, we stand on... all the stabilizer muscles that fix our joints, our spine, our legs are activated anyway, well, yes, it’s like riding a bicycle, if? once she learns it, then she retains these skills all her life, for distillation? during skating, almost all muscles are involved in work; moreover, the activity often burns out about 300 calories. i go here every tuesday, i want to have a blast. 60 years ago my parents gave me figure skating, now i’m 66, i can show you everything that they teach their children in childhood, it remains for the rest of their lives. we have company, we drink tea here, and we eat pancakes and pies, we really like the circle, it increases, it increases, i think, cool, as
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they say, yes, my friend darkness, everyone knows us, everyone loves us, to also recharge with endorphins, the whole winter is ahead, ligia belyanskaya, konstantin struchkov, evgeniy smirnov and yulia kuvabina, channel one, there are questions that are not answered, but there are others that will be answered. accurate and direct answers, you can ask your question now by calling 800 200 4040 via sms to number 04040 or through the websites and moskvadefisputinu.rf. all details are on the websites. results of the year with vladimir putin. december 14 at 12:00
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moscow time. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. at these moments the reception of the address to the upcoming big press conference begins. lines with the president. on december 14, they will be combined into one year-end format with vladimir putin. in the center. processing the appeal has already begun work, each question must be clearly formulated, you can ask it by phone or sms, you can see the numbers on your screens, or through a form on the moscow putin website. you can also send an appeal through social networks, vkontakte and odnoklassniki. the communication itself on december 14 will take place in a specially built studio; russian journalists will gather there, as well as foreign ones who are accredited in moscow. this year’s innovation included the all-russian popular front and its employees joining the project. they will also collect and process questions, but an important point is that not a single appeal will be left unattended, even
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one that will not be aired. on other topics, the crews of t-62m tanks, groups of our vostok troops ensured the advancement of motorized rifles in the special operation zone, tankers from buryatia in modernized combat vehicles equipped with new thermal imagers and guidance systems from a distance of 2 km, destroyed armored vehicles and enemy artillery, then introducing fire on the move. special trawls made passages in minefields, this allowed assault groups to capture enemy strongholds. we go in first with the trawls, the infantry goes behind the nani, then jumps off and comes in, we turn around, move the gun to the side and continue to fire to the right. they worked with land mines, uh, where the opornik’s target was already clearly visible, they fired with cumulative fire. and in the artyomovsk direction... calculations of the self-propelled gaubs carnation of the tula airborne forces unit the strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces were razed to the ground. near solidara, a chain of fortifications was discovered in a forest plantation using
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a drone. the coordinates were promptly transferred to the artillery paratroopers. the enemy was destroyed with accurate fire and high-explosive fragmentation ammunition. the latest modification of the russian lancet drone successfully hit the ukrainian sud-25 attack aircraft at the dalgintsev airfield in the dnepropetrovsk region. footage taken from a reconnaissance drone appeared online, showing the report. you can see how the loitering ammunition hits the protected airplane with concrete blocks. the powerful explosion leaves him no chance, and this is not the first such blow. at the beginning of autumn , two ukrainian fighters, mik-29, were destroyed at the same airfield. american abrams tanks seem to cause more trouble for ukrainian formations than they bring benefit, it’s all about complex maintenance, forbes writes. thus, the risk of equipment failure increases significantly if the crew does not clean the engine filters twice a day; for this it is necessary to drive it at high speeds. rpm, if you skip the procedure several times, and serious damage is inevitable,
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the tank will have to be sent for lengthy repairs to poland. another disadvantage is high fuel consumption, it is no coincidence that the americans themselves call abrom residents fuel guzzlers. another country has joined the transport blockade of ukraine. from december 1, the only checkpoint for trucks will be on the border of slovakia and ukraine. blocked, activists plan to let only four trucks through per day. the day before , 500 cars were already lined up and 3,700 are waiting at the border with poland, where four checkpoints are blocked. for several weeks now, 30 cars have been allowed through, farmers are also taking part in the protests, farmers in poland, slovakia, hungary have the same complaints as drivers, they believe that ukraine has received an undeserved competitive advantage and is ruining them, slovakia is extending embargo on the supply of ukrainian grain, corn, beets, sunflower seeds and adds flour, sugar, soybeans and honey to this list. slovakia will also seek the abolition of benefits for ukrainian
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drivers at a meeting of the eu transport council december 4. politics publication. writes that this crisis has highlighted tensions over ukraine's integration into the eu. poland believes that it has done everything possible, sheltered a million ukrainian refugees, helped supply kiev with weapons, supported european aspirations, but is not ready to act to its detriment. now ukraine may lose up to a fifth of its imports due to the border blockade by carriers. the seventh stage of exchange between israel and hamas took place in the middle east. 30 palestinian prisoners arrived in ramala, they were waited for a long time and the situation got out of control, riots began in the west bank, protesters burned tires, israeli soldiers used lethal gas , israeli hostages were released the day before, these are eight people, they were captured by hamas on october 7, including two israeli citizens of arab origin, sister and brother, an exception was made for him, since hamas does not release men, hostages of those who are capable of fighting with weapons in their hands,
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there are fierce disputes over the terms of their release, meanwhile, the respite allowed to deliver another shipment of fuel and 56 trucks with humanitarian aid to gas , the wall street journal, citing egyptian officials, reported that the parties agreed to extend the truce for another day. this information has not yet been officially confirmed. and lastly, the tiger keeps the residents of two villages in the seaside in fear. the predator was spotted in the vicinity of elmakovka and serafimovka. he walks freely near residential buildings, there are traces of a lab, do not leave the house, now trapping service specialists are working in populated areas, but so far their efforts are even, so that’s all, there’s only a month left until
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our favorite holiday, and something tells me that it’s... like one make-up and will melt like a snowflake in the palm of your hand, how poetic, but that means we need to plan everything clearly , even if it’s not so poetic that you have time to do everything and never forget about anything. there is a whole month until the new year, or just a month, and it depends on your level of preparation. according to surveys, every third person starts planning a holiday and shopping just a month in advance. we are already seeing growth 2 and a half times orders for all new year categories, such as artificial snow, christmas tree decorations. according to marketplace statistics, during the pre-new year season, overall sales increase by 30%. women start shopping for the new year already at the end of november, men start buying gifts only in december. at the same time, the peak of online orders still falls on the last week before the new year, but what are we going to give, according to the same
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surveys, sweet drinks? in second place. cosmetics in third place various souvenirs. this year's new year's budget is about 37,000 rubles, this is for gifts, feasts and entertainment, and we will most likely spend a smaller part on food, about 9,000. this suggests that people began to pay more attention to each other and give gifts, on the one hand, on the other hand, people, our fellow citizens, wanted to somehow make the boards more diverse. by the way, in rest mode. we begin to transition gradually, a couple of weeks before the holiday, but before that we need to work hard. first week of december we can observe high activity as contracts are concluded next year, and then it begins to fall sharply. interest in other vacancies too. not everyone is ready to change jobs in december, because they are expecting final annual bonuses, and are also generally busy preparing for the new year.
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for example, you need to put up a christmas tree in your house, just at the beginning of december the forestry enterprises are stocking up... trees for sale, we grow various types of spruce, pine and fir, these are the three main ones such as a new year tree, and the most popular size is 2 meters , traditionally siberian regions use more of the living ones, that is, there are large megacities here, there are moscow , st. petersburg, nizhny novgorod, this is already moving to artificial ones, so, there is only a month until the new year, of course you try to catch up with everything, but for peas or mayonnaise... go from the first, i bet you have to, yuri nesterov, ilya ridkozubov, channel one. the russian hit twenty years ago burst into the top of the world hit parade. the world wide web. sings maxim fadeev’s song, my marmalade, remember that try, well, i don’t right or am i wrong, yes, that’s exactly what you remember, people sing about the very essence,
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but in general such a trend has appeared , as they say, meme, try, try jaga, jaga, try, i need it, i need it, again it seems to me that i was destroying it. katya lel turned the whole world's head. the song “my marmalade” soared to third place on the world charts, overtaking singer taylor swift. my daughter told me, mom, on social networks, every second post is marmalade. i said what are you saying, how is this possible? and people from different places in the world, from different countries, that the song is incredibly popular, for me it was simply incredible news that fell from the sky. it is fantastic. even. meat official maria zakharova noted this sudden popularity of the song. great success of national culture. almost 70 million mentions and hundreds of thousands of videos on social
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networks. under my marmalade, the foreigners put on fur hats, long fur coats and black glasses. and the trend was nicknamed slavic aesthetics. the image of a russian beauty, that's what will be in fashion this in winter. those who do not have fur hats try on their pets. someone is dancing with their parents. and some are simply nostalgic for the 2000s. many people wanted to learn russian, which means they understood it right away. difficulties in translation arise from jagajaga. they haven’t heard musi-pusi yet, katya lel herself joined the marmalade trend, maxim fodeev wrote the hit 19 years ago, this is already the sixth
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song of his authorship, which has become known throughout the world. some people really didn’t like the song, some were annoyed by it, but one thing was clear: it was a megahit that settled in head forever, you’re already singing along, then it’s time to get your mother’s hat and fur coat out of the wardrobe, the first day of winter after all, asya ratkevich, maria bronzovaya, joseph kobrin, channel one, we really hope that you slept well today, woke up already, cheered up full of energy and desire to live this wonderful life. working day this week , but if your morning is still not cheerful enough, viktor zakomaldin knows how to fix it, and at the same time strengthen the immune system,
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in order to get sick less often, you need to harden yourself, but it is better to accustom yourself to contrasting procedures in a gentle mode, for example, in a hot steam room, this way you will be protected from colds and exacerbations of chronic diseases. on the first run , we lie down on the shelves, rest, relax, get used to the warmth, on the second run we go over the body with oak brooms, we need to warm up before hardening, but now we put two buckets, pour water at a temperature of 10° into one, and 40° into the other. lower the broom into cold water, sprinkle the body from the heels to... the neck from bottom to top, in the direction of the lymph, repeat the procedure with hot water,
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we take turns giving ourselves either cool or hot rain, and now we dip a broom in both buckets and at the same time splash warm and cold water on the body, the sensations are incredible and the benefits too, contrasting procedures strengthen the immune system, train blood vessels, rejuvenate the body and teach you to easily endure sudden changes in temperature. we warm up the body again with hot brooms. finally, pour it out. remains of cool water,
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and then warm. and let's go drink hot tea with honey. go to the bathhouse more often and stay healthy. we continue. in yalta , the chryzonte ball ended in the nikitsky botanical garden. 40,000 plants decorated a huge exhibition flower bed. 450 different varieties. well, what score is possible without a queen and without a princess. they were definitely chosen and would definitely be crowned. the largest-flowered variety will win the crown. well, chryzonthema. tiaras with flowers, the results of the popular vote have already been summed up, right now we’ll find out who won, yellow, red, even green in the shape of a ball or completely disheveled and even such, almost porcelain, curly inflorescences, hermitage variety, hello petersburg, all these are chryzonthemes, 452 varieties at the exhibition in the nikitsky botanical garden , a real score, according to tradition, the queen was chosen, all our guests, that is, not
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only even those who came and watched the chryzontheme ball in person, but also those who saw this score is only on the internet, on our website, it was difficult to choose, everyone is beautiful, take at least the pink and tender bear, or miss universe, i just want to give the title, at least for such defiant immodesty, or here are the classic yellow chrysanthemums, voting lasted a month, and miss universe even entered the top five. in third place is the red banner. second place - astrid, the color of the sun. but who won? a variety selected by the nikitsky botanical garden, it is called symphony and is distinguished by a very unusual inflorescence structure, elongated, tubular flowers. here they are, lush, like velvet, it seems impossible to stop looking at them. dmitry kuzmin,
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anna gozhala. channel one premiere, i love my country, tomorrow on channel one. montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group. season premiere: binge the star. on sunday on first. good morning, dear friends, let's start today with good film news, the other day a new trailer appeared on the network for one of the most ambitious projects of the first channel directed by alexei german the younger, the film air, leningrad under siege, female pilots and female technicians must show training, courage and self-sacrifice , not only bream, but also
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equipment, it is necessary to imitate, why didn’t you kill the german? well, i can't really. seventeen, what are you dreaming about? how i dance, how i go out on stage alone. zhenya, you need love. you could into me fall in love? it's okay, let's attack! attack! but to love your homeland is to go to death, what is more important is whether a person has a homeland, a homeland, is it yours, isn’t it? at the end of today's edition of the column, this is cinema, we congratulate on the anniversary of one of the most talented directors of world cinema, winner of the palme d'or at the cannes film festival, terence malick, he is 80. keith swore that he would never leave me
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and would not allow us to be separated, he wrote a slander on piece of paper, put a piece of paper and a bunch of trinkets in a box, launched everything in a hot air balloon found in a trash heap, i remember that day when we met, i remember that motorcycle, my dress, i will fear no evil, i will not fear, because you are with me, what have you achieved, do not move away from me, for sorrow is close, but there is no helper, i thought, we'll just have fun, live song by song,
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kiss by kiss. she asked to convey to the peaceful but strong people that they would not allow their land to be taken away from them. you are my love, my hope, you are my life, a bottomless source, an endless river, shapeless as a cloud. mother of all, dear friends, i wish you a pleasant weekend, take a look good cinema on the first and in theatrical distribution, well, we will discuss all the cinema news
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on wednesday morning in the section this movie on the first, it’s a beautiful winter morning, friday the first of december, we, olga ushakova and sergey babaev, are meeting you today, exactly a month until the new year, today in moscow at vdnkh 18 father frosts of russia from different regions will meet, they will gather on the main alley in ddnh to announce the start of the winter season, and 360,000 new year's lights will flash at once, 89 christmas trees according to the number of regions of our country, well, the total length of all these garlands is 36 km, there is also a certain sense of symbolism here, this is the length of the capital of russia and moscow from the southern to the northern border, now they are elegant, 90 blue spruce trees on the main alley of vdnh greet guests of the russia exhibition, 89 of them in unusual decorations from regions. filimonovskaya whistle, symkovo toys,
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matryoshka dolls, karelian bird of happiness. each tree is unique, it is decorated in its own style, in its own traditions, in its own national artistic crafts. each region, to look at the five-meter-tall new year's beauties is like visiting every corner of the country, to find out why it is famous and rich , the transbakalsky region is famous for its delicious pine nuts , we have a ceramic factory, a kungur ice cave, here we have kizhi, this is a wooden church, which according to legend was made without a single gosya, on the tree of north ossetia there is black allandic ceramics, such as was found in the hermitage mounds, the tree of tversko, the region sparkles with the famous golden threads. torzhok is the only old russian city where gold mining was born and developed. sewing. back in the 19th century, they supplied their products to the imperial court. christmas tree from the krasnoyarsk region in the style of a winter
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siberian forest. among the spruce paws there is a branch of a reberry, on it are bullfinches. and these gingerbread samovars speak for themselves. i wanted to try the real ones. it's time to make a plan, where. next year to visit, come to our city geray tula, you won’t regret it, visit us in the kirov region, learn about the history of haze, come to us, see a real hedgehog cat, come to karelia, be it karelian birch, krasnodar sunflowers, vyad lace or baikal omul, for most of us this is a reason not only for pride, but also for nostalgia. i was born in the irkutsk region, i haven’t been there for 20 years, and looking... now at this christmas tree, at these fish, i remember how as a child our whole family loved to go fishing, to our home, just friends of my parents, they brought a hedgehog, here he was sitting in our house, so charming, i remember the grain fields, my childhood there, how
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i herded cows there, we miss him, we adore our homeland, i know this is just my soul, my love, you can admire the unique trees until february, after which everything will barely survive. they will be planted here not far from vdnkh, they will decorate our capital, and will serve as a kind of legacy of the exhibition. if you want a real fairy tale, this evening the festive lighting of the christmas tree lights will take place on the main alley of the exhibition. natalya kovaleva, denis ponomarev, stanislav khizhnyakov, channel one. there is only a month left until our favorite holiday of the new year, it’s time to think, of course, about gifts, yes, who and what to give, there is something to think about rack your brains, the only thing with which everything is quite clear is with a sweet gift from santa claus, well, as far as is clear, there are very, very many options, our correspondent anastasia kremeshnaya, got hold of
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six different sets of treats, an expert, for now an expert. sweet new year's sets are already in all stores, and which children like best, six gifts from 300 to 2,000 rubles. five-year-old miroslava chose three. here you can spot a dragon. but before we eat it all, let’s find out whether it’s worth... an hour to buy sweet gifts, the pastry chef, polina, is sorting it out tolkacheva and technologist anna basova, to understand whether they are of good quality, the first is to look at the composition, which should be for each candy, the second is the date on the packaging. the manufacturer must indicate both the date the kit was packaged and the date the candies were manufactured. factories have been producing and packaging sweets for new year's gifts since the end of october, so we look for at least this month on the packaging. summer is indicated. we also have such a set. candies. could have dried out, in this set there is no information at all about the expiration dates of the candies, who is this
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i collected it and what was put there, let’s check, the price of the set is 1,500 rubles. prefabricated candies from different manufacturers, but all chocolate, the confectioner likes the appearance, candies with filling last up to four months, bird's milk too, and prunes in chocolate eight, judging by the appearance, the expiration dates have been met, there are no signs of spoilage. the chocolate also did not lose its tempering. let us remind you that another set that raised doubts was made in august, the price is 300 rubles. the confectioner approved the marshmallows, the chocolate is real from cocoa, not confectionery icing, as in many sets. it shines, which means that, in principle, there were no temperature changes, and the chocolate retained all its texture, but the confectioner is against such explosive caramels. the food technologist also does not approve of citric acid, which causes these sensations in the mouth, so this set
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is rather a minus, but what about the shelf life of marshmallows up to a year, caramels up to two. and finally, the last set for 2,000, the freshest of all in october, also prefabricated, the chocolates were cracked. due to the fact that they are all stored in a package that is subject to different influences, they can drop it, instead of a detailed ... composition of the names of the candies, but visually the chocolate seemed fresh to the experts, they also found waffles here, they have a shelf life of up to 6 months and jelly candies up to a year old, usually jelly, they dry out, that is, they become elastic and rubbery, here they are kind of soft, which means they are fresh, conclusion, you can buy sweet sets now, they are all fresh, better in hard packaging, so that until the new year not cracked even where there is less caramel, anastasia kremesh. andrey ivanov, channel one. and with this our program
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has come to its end. thank you for spending this morning in our company. sergey babaev and olga ushakova were with you today. we wish everyone a wonderful day, good mood and good weather if possible. stay with us on channel one, see you soon. bye! we have made significant steps in the development of our relations in the world, this causes. fake interest, the neocolonial system has ceased to exist, thank you for coming, don’t forget, in the country has lasting interfaith peace. fundamental changes
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in terms of the goals that we set for ourselves at the beginning of the operation did not happen today, it is important to hear your opinion, we need to start getting to know each other better, we are praying for you, cool, by god, you probably know me. no, hello, my grandfather is a peasant, he lived in a village in the tver province, thank you, results of the year with vladimir putin on december 14 at
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12:00 moscow time. this is news on the first, hello, in valery koravlev's studio, in this issue, questions about most importantly, any topics, everything that worries the country, the people's front reception and appeal center has begun work, preparation for the results of the year with vladimir putin. the footage of the destruction of the ukrainian plane flew off, our lancet drone was in action, in the zaporozhye region there was an excursion for the ukrainian military who surrendered. how does a city that is part of the russian federation live, see and draw conclusions , i don’t want to fight anymore, i haven’t already fought, plus another 24 hours, israel and hamas have extended the truce, the american media report, for for six families, the end of a nightmare, the hostages are
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free. he saw the essence, not the shell. in the russian museum in st. petersburg, how masterpieces were created, a beggar, from three rubles, hand-75, immediately laid out and said, came to me. surikov’s great-grandson knows what the genius’s secret is, he could let blood into a sea, but he takes the last minutes before it


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