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tv   Slovo pastirya  1TV  December 2, 2023 9:45am-10:01am MSK

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lord, god of hosts, god of our salvation , look upon your humble servants in mercy , hear and have mercy on us, all those who want to protect the holy russia, who want to divide and destroy the one people, i, the uprising god, to help your people, give us victory by your strength . to your faithful children of the unity of the russian
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churches, zealous, hasten in the spirit of brotherly love at their stronghold and deliver them from troubles, forbid your robe to those who tear apart the hardness of their hearts in the darkness of their minds, i am the church of the living god, overthrow their plans. by the grace of your power, those who hold every good, instruction and wisdom... establish our fatherland in your commandments, they did not save the strength of the spirit, save the wounds of captivity from death, save those deprived of blood into exile , bring those who exist into their homes, feed the hungry, the sick, strengthen the suffering, heal, in the confusion of present sadness, good hope
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, consolation, grant, to all those killed in these days , to those who died from wounds and illness, grant forgiveness of sins, and create blessed rest , fill us with faith, hope and love, renew love for each other in people your berries, with one mouth, with one heart, let us confess to you the only god, glorified in the trinity , you, for you are the intercession and victory of salvation for those who hope, and we send up glory to you, the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen, lord himself, rest the soul of your departed servants, everyone in every
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sin committed by them in word or deed in thought, as a good lover of mankind, god forgives, for there is no man who will live and not sin, you are alive except for sin, your truth is righteousness forever, the truth, as you are the resurrection and life peace, your departed servants, all in road transport incidents of the lost, christ our god, and we send glory to you, your co-eternal father, with your most holy and good and life-giving spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages,
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in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit, today is a special event, my dear lords , fathers, brothers and sisters. in front of us in the center of the temple there is a great shrine of our land, called the godin cross, because it was found in gadnovo, they say that somewhere in the swamps this cross was found, it is unknown how long it lay there, and was found completely intact, here today it is in front of us, this is a great shrine , of course, the popular veneration of the goden cross began in time much earlier than any official church worship, this is always the case, because the canonization of saints does not occur from above on orders from the patriarch and the synod, from below,
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when miracles happen, when people pray to this or that saint, how holy places are designated in the same way, how people come to these places, truly drawing grace, touching the shrines of those places, and if the source is dry, then no one will go with to collect water with a jug, only where the spring flows, they go there to collect water or to a good deep well, that’s how it is in spiritual life, where there is shrine, where there is grace, where there are obvious, not mystical miracles, when something... it seemed like a dream, but when an event inexplicable from the point of view of human laws occurs, a dying person recovers when all the doctors refused to treat him, when
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human destinies are united, which it would seem can never be united again, when people’s life paths are corrected, of course, again, a person who is far from god is trying to find an explanation, but after all , explanations can be found for everything, but not everything can be understood through these explanations, and so it is impossible to understand gaden’s miracle in the cross, unless you say, the manifestation of the grace and power of god, so we believe so and know so, and therefore this cross is here today in the center of our capital, i sincerely thank mikhail mikhailovich ivanov, who heads the orthodox movement, all his comrades-in-arms, all those who participated in the bringing of all the shrine to the city of moscow, it is known that
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the cross is expected to visit other places, from north to south, from east to west , a lot has been done, and god grant that every place where the godin cross will come will be accompanied by a gathering of many, many people thirsting for a miracle, in the good sense of this words, not a trick in your life, but a miracle, that is, the manifestation of god's grace in your life, how important this is for the sick, for those who are already difficult to save. using conventional medical means, how important this is for breaking families, when there is still hope for reunification, how important this is for young people, who cannot always critically assess the trajectory of her future life path,
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how important it is for them at the very beginning of this path to find god’s help, that’s why people flock to everyone has their own request, has their own prayer, has their own sorrow or even their own joy that they want or it is necessary, in the opinion of a believer, to be poured out in front of a shrine, such a special shrine for all of us today is the gaden cross, which by the grace of god remains in the center. moscow is in the center of our russian state. once again i express my gratitude to all those who helped us pray in front of this shrine today. well, we hope that it is not by chance that precisely at this difficult time, when many
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are taking up arms against holy russia, hoping to destroy me, it is at this time that we have an opportunity in the capital city. let us pray before this shrine and we will offer our prayers for our people, for our church, for our country, for our orthodox president, for our army. on whom especially lies the responsibility to protect the fatherland, against which many, many have taken up arms. always in difficult moments of history, our people resorted to prayer before the shrines. what do the kremlin cathedrals mean? the concentration of shrines, relics, to which kings, great princes and people came. and of course, especially in difficult moments of history, which is what many of our
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shrines in cities and villages mean, when both noble and ignorant people come to pour out their prayer in front of these shrines, prayer is poured out because there is faith, an unshakable faith in the fact that grace god’s emanation from holy things is capable of overcoming our sin, untruth, and some dangerous development in life that can cause spiritual or physical damage to us, our loved ones, relatives or the whole fatherland, and may the lord help us, in these wonderful days of the stay of the goden cross in moscow, in front of this holy, great tree, to offer a prayer for our people, for our church, for the authorities and the army, for each of us, so that the grace of god
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, touching us all, would give us the strength, ability and opportunity to resist truth, sin, evil intentions from evil people coming from evil people, to follow that gracious, peaceful saving path that is shown to us by the cross of the lord itself. making the sign of the cross, saying prayers and chants, as they say in one ancient byzantine verse, fencing ourselves with a cross, we will lift up chants, so let us pray, everything that has been said, and now, especially, having such an opportunity, to bow the knees of our hearts and souls, before the life-giving one,
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more since my dear masters, fathers and brothers, mother hegumens, monastics , brothers and sisters, i congratulate all of you on this wonderful day and having prayed at this miraculous cross, let us follow our life paths, hoping that god, which we draw through prayer, through the holy sacraments, through touching shrines, the lord will protect us from all evil, guide us both to the right goals in life and to his kingdom, amen, happy holiday, once again i congratulate you, gentlemen.
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10:00 am
all details are on the websites. results of the year vladimir putin. december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. this is news first. hello, in valery koravlev’s studio in otmubsk. thousands of questions and each one is important. medicine, roads, utilities, what are the hottest topics. results of the year with vladimir putin. reception of requests. and again iron swords, night airstrikes on the seko.


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