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tv   Vremya  1TV  December 2, 2023 9:00pm-9:27pm MSK

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i think that he, well, he probably , let him write for his father for his grandfather, there is no feeling that any of them can become a writer, it’s all wrong, not yet, not yet, but yes, somehow take care of the archives, and maybe something, yes, something else can be clarified, well, thank you for sharing part of the archive that we looked at and your memories, it was important and interesting, i think that now lena koravlev and ninochka us sees, knows, and 20 years ago, in 2001, when that very 65th anniversary, in veliky novgorod, and your dad said strength, we are united in life by many other things, exiled and truly, uh, strong, i offer for the children, for the best, for our best roles, for being ours, thank you
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very much, thank you very much, the opportunity to hear and be heard is equally important for all. vladimir putin will answer live on 800, 200. 40:40 via sms to number 04040 or through the moscow websites and moskwadefisputinu.rf. all details are on the websites. we will try to make sure that no question goes unnoticed. results year with vladimir putin: december 14, c.
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hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. direction of attack, specialization summary for the week, call sign grandfather, history teacher from dagestan educates students by example, is anyone now serving nearby? 24/7, summing up the year with vladimir putin, accepting requests, presented to the two millionth visitor, and what an exemplary tatar wedding it was. in the wake of the sea gull
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, documents about the feat of the crew of the soviet amphibian aircraft on a special mission have been declassified. so, our diplomats are checking information about the death of a russian as a result of israeli strikes on the gaza strip the day before. 2 days, according to the palestinian country, 200 people have already been killed. pyotr deryagin had collected everything important by this hour. no truce israel is hitting the gaza strip with renewed vigor at new targets; if earlier the tsakhal suggested that the civilian population should evacuate south to khan yunis, now the residential areas of this city are shelled day and night. multi-storey buildings that remained untouched before the humanitarian pause are now turning into ruins. it collapsed an entire building, under the rubble were women, children and an old man. we demand a truce, we want to live in peace, we do not have missiles or weapons. we were having lunch and suddenly a rocket fell on my house, at that moment all my... neighbors were
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at home, this is a residential area, children live here, there are a lot of children among the dead, they are in no way connected with the conflict. since the truce, the israeli army has hit more than 400 targets, and not even a full two days have passed. now in the khan yunis hospital in the city of rafah. we don't know where to go, we were told that it is safe in khan yunis, but now there is trouble here too, so they send us to rafah, where we have no shelter, my children and i will sleep on the street there. the checkpoint was closed yesterday, it was through it that it was possible to evacuate russian citizens, according to the foreign ministry , there are about 200 people left in the gas sector, today a message appeared that one of the residents of the enclave, who had russian citizenship and who worked as a doctor, died under netanyahu’s order to its doha negotiating team to return to israel, the terrorist organization hamas did not fulfilled its part of the agreement, which provided for the release of all children and women according to the list prepared by hamas. against the backdrop of a new escalation of the conflict , tsahal and hezbollah intensified on the border
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of israel and lebanon. fighting is intensifying on the west bank of the jordan river, and rockets are also being launched from palestine at israeli cities, including telyavi. this attack has already led to... describe their goals and what they are trying to achieve, what is the complete destruction of hamas, and does anyone think that this is possible, if this is the goal, then the war could last for 10 years, turkish president recep erdogan also spoke out, but in a much harsher form, this is an occupier, a death counter on one side and the other. the un children's fund published a frightening report for 48 days of conflict, this is before the interrupted truce, a total of 5,300 children died in gas. pyotr deryagin, dalyanova, kiril danilov, channel one. now, for a special operation, the ministry of defense reported that two ukrainian
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s200 anti-aircraft missiles were shot down and converted for ground purposes. our air defense systems were intercepted, they were not are decreasing. in 7 days there were 27 of them. all intended targets were the airfield. infrastructure, arsenals, fuel bases were hit, from other figures, eight ukrainian planes were shot down and more than 4,500 were destroyed; in the donetsk direction, a unit of the southern group of troops with the support of aviation and fire artillery continued to improve the situation along the front line and liberated the village of artyomovskaya of the donetsk people's republic. units of the vostok group of troops serving in the southern donetsk direction repelled three enemy attacks. losses the enemy in a week amounted to over 880 military personnel, a tank , six armored combat vehicles, 20 cars and five field artillery guns, air defense systems shot down eight aircraft of the ukrainian air force in a week, one helicopter, including 5 mik-29, two su-27,
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one su-25, as well as a mikiki helicopter, like on the front line, where they also listen to him, they obey him, he is a highlander, i am a historian and i don’t... i want history to be written without a historian, but here are these guys who are here at the moment, they write history, they write a new page in our history, in his company he is the only one whom the soldiers address not by his nickname, but by his patronymic name murat kamillovich, a history teacher, the conditions and we live in mansions, well , it couldn’t be better, the hotel is five stars, when i left, he tells me.. .why do you need this old man? knowing what nazism could lead to, i considered that i had no right to sit at home, sitting at home, he talks about lessons in courage when you have the full opportunity to participate yourself, here
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they serve in neighboring units, but they are no good for the first time, everyone has many combat missions, when i they said that's the director i went to school voluntarily, i was shocked , of course, but in fact, with this... he showed the other generations that there were some, when mobilization took place, who hid, and with this he showed his courage, after each arrival and after all, it’s not for oneself that one is scared, probably from the heights of one’s life, it’s also , as they say, scary, part-time work, we don’t need this meso-filthy thing to come beyond our border, the border of russia, especially since they don’t need it, they don’t have children yet , they need to create seven, the third grandson was born while i was here, i was leaving, there were two people with me. there will be a third , leaving for the front, he didn’t say anything to anyone except his wife and children, of course, we are waiting for him, with a message to hurry home, this is my father’s office, everyone can see him here, collecting parcels for the front, here many fathers also voluntarily left to fight, parcels from children
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that they bring along with humanitarian aid, where it is written , come back in a child’s handwriting, you are our hero, this is completely different, i’m here... what brutal men we have here, i haven’t seen a single one with no tears came from my eyes after reading these letters. murat kamillovich says he will definitely write a book about our fighters, like homeland and mother, the word homeland and mother, as i have always said and tell my students, they are inseparable, mother and homeland, you love your mother, protect her, in the same way you must love your homeland, her we also need to be protected, they are protected. and we will protect. valentina solovyova, ilya repnin, islan ustarkhanov, ramzan kirimov, grigory emelyanov. first channel orekhovskoe direction. captain evgeny volodin distinguished himself not in battle, but the system he organized for patrolling military facilities, made it possible to prevent a single case of infiltration by saboteurs. circular events:
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the quality of roads, the state of housing and communal services and medicine, some of the main topics of the direct line with the president. this year it will be held together with. new format results of the year with vladimir putin. twice as much time is allocated for collecting calls and messages. this is how all information is received and systematized, anatoly lazarev saw. hello, you have called the editorial office of the program year in review with vladimir putin. your call is free, operator nikita. please name yours last name every call here starts the same way, so each caller has his own story. people from all over the country are asking questions related to housing and communal services, healthcare, and social benefits. there are appeals from our new regions, mostly about pensions, about the problems faced by people who have lost their documents or lost their housing, their property. quantity. in short, if the first day of receiving questions to the president yesterday took the russians to
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build up, then today the pace has sharply increased, today is our second day, requests are flowing like a river, we pass through the history of each person, but this is really necessary, because in this way vladimir vladimirovich learns 400 characters, this is enough, sometimes not, but the main thing is the essence, so some things are possible. the call center operates around the clock, with operators taking calls in several shifts. it all depends on what question a person is asking about, it can take about 5 minutes, it can take about an hour, the main areas are education, housing and communal services, which are also affected topic concerning yours. based on how the person formulated his question, we will give it the necessary attention, and we will definitely get to the bottom of the problem, and if necessary, we will make one more clarification. this year, not 7 days, but 2 weeks were allocated to receive the appeal, in order to give
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more people the opportunity to speak out, and , accordingly, to hear from as many russians as possible, a lot of people contacted the previous direct line with requests to the president, there is no heating in the house, no running water, no sewerage, residents wrote complaint during one of the previous direct lines, this topic was not aired then, but it became known not only to local officials, because even those questions that before ... were addressed to our president, the popular front helped us, thank you very much , that you have done such a great job, and now we are on this phone number 800-20040 or send an sms to the number 0.4040, another option is through the form on the website, you can also contact through social networks, vkontakte or odnoklassniki. by the way, there is a video survey on the website special form, everything is very simple, just
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one button. it’s better to formulate the text in advance; it asks you to do it in one minute. anatoly lazaev, alexey labushkin, zulfiya khakimova, kirillo at exactly noon moscow time. the verdict in the case of the storming of the capitol, a world- famous athlete. in america, two-time olympic swimming champion clete keller has been put on ice. in january 2021, he was spotted in a crowd of trump supporters who disagreed about the victory. in the presidential election they gave it to biden, his face is not hidden by a mask, the olympic team jacket noticeable, but behaved calmly , did not get into fights with the police, still 3 years probation, was not in washington at all at the time of the assault, another topic in the states is the legacy of henry kissinger, secretary of state and assistant for national security, presidents nixon and ford, died in thursday. mikhail leont with the author's commentary, then we will return with news. however, hello, henry
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kissenger, jewish refugee from nazi germany, who managed to fight in wardenach, who caught the gestapo in american counterintelligence, harvard professor, adviser in the democratic kennedy administration, national security adviser and the most powerful secretary of state in the nixon and ford administrations. "winner of the nobel peace prize for the paris agreements of 1973 , the failed war in syria, which in the same year prevented the escalation of the yom kippur war into a clash between the ussr and the usa. one of the architects of détente and the strategic arms limitation system, which, before his eyes, died for a long time , played a prominent role in the rapprochement between the united states and communist china, which became one of the basic prerequisites for us victory in the cold. until his last days, one of the most respected influencers in the world from chile and argentina to
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cambodia, laos and pakistan. kissinger is about politics, about the essence of politics, such as it is, they say, kissinger was an enemy of russia, the soviet union, an enemy, a friend, such concepts did not exist in the world of kissinger, there were american interests, an understanding of the unattainability and meaninglessness of the polar hegemony, his world is a game, we must always be ready to defend our vital interests, as they appear to us, we must clearly understand what our vital ones are. and not to go beyond their framework, not to go beyond their framework, in this picture of the world, russia and even the soviet union were necessary and interesting for kissinger, just like china, europe, india, i believe that the collapse of the soviet union was not predetermined, complete a pragmatist and a cynic, and kisinger is a good example showing that
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the alternative to cynicism in politics is, as a rule, not idealism, but hypocrisy, when political goals are so base that they are forced to hide behind moralizing demagoguery; in our country this is called the policy of double standards. the most fundamental problem of politics is not the control of evil, but the limitation of righteousness. and by the way, he worked extensively on the problem of leadership, wrote books about outstanding leaders, and considered one of the main problems of america to be an acute shortage of such leadership. without leadership, institutions drift to the point of becoming increasingly irrelevant, ultimately leading to disaster. we've already been through this. perhaps kissinger was lucky that he escaped in time. farewell, old man, neither friend nor foe. its two corners. christmas trees decorated in the traditions of each region and bright illumination set the new year's mood from the very first steps. on weekends there is a
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santa claus festival. each time they are different, today from tatarstan. it’s a big day at the exhibition - at the exhibition they talk about russia every day, the regions show what they live and are proud of, tatarstan - centuries-old friendship of religion on one land, next to the temple there is a mosque, we can see the old believer temple and the catholic church and this will not surprise anyone, for tatarstan this is natural and normal. for people to find collaboration, cooperation, look for more common ground, communicate, one of the main guests at the day of tatarstan is the newlyweds, twenty-year-old samat and syumbel, we are from large families, we have five children, there are three of us, let’s introduce us, here is dad, my sister , my sister’s husband, my younger brother, my other relatives came, they
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live in moscow, they came to see our wedding, their large family, which in 2020 was awarded the order of parents. glory today on stage, observing all the ancient customs, the dance of the bride and groom, ancient jewelry that the mother gives to her daughter and honey and butter for the newlyweds, from the baltosinsky district. the newlyweds will celebrate their wedding in their native village at the end of december, but they could try at least some of the festive treats today, from honey chakchak to rich shurpa; in total, 4,000 servings were prepared for the exhibition guests today. wow pan. we cooked the largest pot of goose shurpa in the world. very tasty, very tasty, thank you, thank you to tatarstan , thank you, real tatar tea, the smell is gorgeous , there are still dry herbs over there, dry herbs, tatarstan is not only the most delicious cuisine, but also the most modern technologies, advanced projects, international fidgetal games will be held in kazan in february, where two worlds will intersect, virtual and real, and in december the new m12 highway will open, this is
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an epoch-making event when moscow, kazan, yekaterinburg, tyumen and the highway to vladivostok will connect our entire built in, well , at least twice as fast as planned period, so we are proud that such federal projects are being implemented on the territory of our republic, about 7 hours from kazania 7.5 hours, travel around russia not only by plane, but by car, see for yourself the ancient bulgarians or the island town of sviyazhk, in tatarstan there are four a unesco heritage site, at the russian exhibition... and we drive along lake kaban and look around at the beautiful summer city, and here you can also feel like a real queen of the kazan khanate and try on an ancient costume. advanced technologies for tatarstan lifestyle. in the republic is testing unmanned taxis and
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heavy trucks; very soon new domestic tu-214 airliners, which are assembled in kazan, will transport passengers. republican clinics. where the winners of the all-russian competition for doctors with higher non-medical education were awarded, the russia exhibition is an opportunity for them to get acquainted with the practice of their leading colleagues. many stands present the latest medical technologies, which makes it possible to recognize their latest innovations, because we understand that medicine is the fastest growing this is a developing area of ​​activity, and accordingly we must constantly learn new technologies and this is very wonderful. the russian exhibition is not just a presentation of the country, it was the russian energy industry that congratulated. the two millionth visitor, it was morat sabitov from kazan, he was given the opportunity to see the most powerful power plant in the country, sayana shushinskaya ges. i graduated from the energy university and this is my topic, i was probably just dreaming. about it, i just heard a lot about it. marat sabitov came to the exhibition with his wife to explore his native lands with the whole family, it has already become a tradition here, the volosatov family from ryazan has many children, the eldest is
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17, the youngest is four. today they won a year's supply of bashkir, with famous people an integral part of the exhibition program, a conversation with roman kostamarov is complex and at the same time inspiring, there is not a single empty seat in the hall, people ask their favorite athlete how to live on when it seems that it is impossible, and how to believe into yourself when you think that everything is lost? i feel the ice the way i felt it, and little else it works out for me, but in any case i understand that from training to training, of course, something will work out, that i can feel the glide a little and feel the speed, this cold wind in my face, i can still skate even in my situation is difficult, i can overcome this barrier if i motivate someone and am an example for someone, there is some kind of development, don’t give up, go forward, continue to study, in the conditions in which you can now to do, at the closing of
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the film knowledge festival, announced today winning films; 20 documentaries that tell about the multifaceted russian culture took part in the competition. the program is really very strong, it seems to me, and it is very important that the festival develops and that these films are seen by as many people as possible, because this is a huge... continent, russian documentary cinema, today, which is not yet open to many, there are a lot of talented people, and meanwhile the alleys of dnh are also turning into the scenery from the film new year's mood and santa claus, on an automatic sleigh. i came from solnechny tatarstan, my name is kyshbay, i came here to visit you, and today we celebrate my birthday, the birthday of santa claus. guests of the exhibition receive gifts as a reminder that russia is huge and diverse, which means miracles in each region are timed to coincide with the professional holiday of industry workers, which is celebrated on december 3.
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vladimir putin sent congratulations to legal experts. the highest legal award was established by presidential decree 14 years ago and is awarded in several categories. among the laureates is sergei sobyanin. mayor of moscow worthy of an award for his contribution to the protection of social and labor rights. dear dmitry antolyevich, dear ones, i have never in my life. i have never in my life regretted that i was faced with a rather complex legal conflict, which in our state has a huge number of regulations, any of your movements, any of your decisions must comply with the rules of law, and of course, here is a legal specialty, it is also not superfluous, i from all i sincerely congratulate the laureates of this prestigious award, representatives of our profession, who are always guided in everything with their own sense of law, justice, while practicing their profession, in politics, in
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business, in law enforcement agencies, in the social sphere, well, in almost all sectors, they achieve fair resolution of disputes, conflicts, and protect the interests of millions of people. the ministry of defense, on the day of the unknown soldier, will declassify the remains of the mbr-2 amphibian aircraft, it was also called the sea gull, which in 1941 carried out a special task, 82 years later it was discovered by searchers in the novgorod region. and now the names of the crew members have been established, who were listed as missing, and their further fate, an example of courage and bravery. valery kuznetsov. 82 years old, she knew practically nothing about her father’s fate; a harmful photograph of her father, samuel, went missing. golberg, taken in the polish camp of captured pilots, a few hours before his death, as he smiles in the eyes of death, he already knew that he was going from there and would not
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return. samuel golberg was the chief of staff of the air squadron on the island of saarima, from where our planes made their first raids on berlin back in august '41. the work of the bombers was provided by the mbr-2 amphibious aircraft, deep in the rear of the germans, but heroic...
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