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tv   PODKAST  1TV  December 5, 2023 2:15am-3:01am MSK

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but since i have a safety margin of 5-10 years over this horizon, i believe that stocks are an excellent option, because on average in the history of stocks over 10 years they give positive returns, do you take a dividend based on history or look exclusively at stocks , or dividends are also taken into account, in fact, i am not a supporter of dividends during the period of accumulation of capital, because you have to pay taxes on dividends, and this is a loss, and why would i still lose something if during the period of accumulation i... i'm investing back, then it’s easier for me to buy a bond fund that doesn’t pay taxes, and also some kind of profitability, an excellent approach, let’s go back to stocks, that is, stocks, that ’s how many one, two, three, how diversified is your portfolio in stocks, stocks - this is now about a third of my portfolio, before it was more, but i had to reduce the share, i sold, despite the fact that i am a qualified investor and i have... well
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, for about a year now, probably, and that is, you passed the exam or by the fact of having 6 million in the account, i received it by the fact of turnover, here i am i used to actively invest in american stocks, but after the twenty-second year, partly for ideological reasons, and partly because of infrastructure risks, i decided that it was better to get rid of them, fortunately i did the right thing, because literally a week or two ago they banned . for russians to trade these shares in general, instead i started buying chinese shares, unfortunately they were frozen, but after unfreezing i plan to continue to buy more of them, because chinese shares are now generally at historical day, especially chinese high-tech, taking into account the signals that, and if it is not capitalism that wins in china, well , state capitalism would even say so, or rather , let’s say that state capitalism will win completely and i will say that you know, we prohibit all non-chinese from buying shares, everyone who already... we forgive
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everyone, anything can happen, in the end, the people who held shares in the russian empire in 177 also lost everything, again, now foreign investors have either left the russian market or are limited, thank them very much, i can buy russian ones cheaply shares, and in 5-10 years, when the world has changed a little, i believe that russia will play a more serious geopolitical role, our shares will grow, i believe in this future. in terms of life, you allow the birth of children during these 5 years, and i also admit that my wife still has an apartment, well, you are probably in yours, when the situation in the world becomes calmer, if this ever happens, then... it will be that children
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are born according to plan, well , it seems to me that among supporters, yes, they plan, well, love is present, well, when they coincide and love. and the economic situation, then you can already think about children, well, that is, wouldn’t you consider the option that your wife, but in some, what’s her name? olga, olga , olga comes to you and says: “lyosha, you know, i thought that i want a child, i want it right now, and i don’t care, all your fires, not fires, i want children, here you are.” agree to this, and i think yes, you will rush to make adjustments to the plan in form."
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the situation, well, you probably understood from the questions, and all my life experience says about the opposite, in fact, i really like the kind of discussion we had, our audience will be able to choose for themselves which plan, which action is closer to them, well, can i then ask you, don’t you essentially adhere to the same ideologies, only you just probably don’t hang around, but you created your own business, you also invested, saved, saved, it’s unlikely that you spent more than... 50% of your income, when your income is already at such a level that you can relax there and enjoy life, then for sure there 80-90% of the money is easily spent, you invest it all and live on dividends, and i’ll tell you a terrible thing now, in 2000, at the very beginning of the 2000s, i was before,
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my wife was very wise and perspicacious, i don’t know how it worked out for her, she foresaw this growth in real estate, explosive in 2003-4, i even took out loans, we took out loans, well, naturally we tried to minimize this, i borrow from friends almost interest-free in order to buy apartments in the future, a loan is an integral part in the life of any successful person, even here the guests were sitting and talking absolutely beautifully about a loan, because it is just a tool, so sometimes it is more profitable to take a short one. a loan with a normal interest rate and not crazy there with collateral with everything there at 10 to 15 per annum having invested this money and received some benefits , you always know what a loan is, but do you evaluate it for yourself here now if i have a car there, an apartment, anything, a trip, yes what
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do i buy and what will it cost me? interest rates and so on , so for me, that is, for me, of course, when children began to be born, i and we... began to raise them, then of course every soviet person had this goal, to buy an apartment for a child, although no one bought me an apartment , that is, i was involved , among other things, in investing, i was engaged in hired work at a fairly high level, and i never thought about what part of my salary i put aside, especially not in the context of a pension, another word bothers me here pension, because just like that's the name of the person, and that's the most.
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it’s written right here in the observatory, i’m very afraid that you’re starting to think like a pensioner , you’re starting to go, you’re running, that is , it’s such a rat race, on the contrary, that is, you ’ll die when you get there, well, in my opinion, because i don’t see for the sake of why are you living now, yes, because now you are 30 years old, how many countries have you visited, well, probably 10-15, 10-15, yes, this already goes against the ideology of the amateurs there.
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pumping up that very little inner self from which we draw resources, you don’t look like such a stubborn stubborn person, to the followers of this movement, i think that with your help... we, together with our audience, figured out today what it is, and people, i think, will be able to independently choose to what extent they should to be adherents of this ideology , thank you very much for sharing how it works, what’s in your head, how you live and how you plan to live, good luck, thank you very much, thank you for inviting me, this was the easy money podcast, i its presenter is mikhail khanov, today we looked at what the fai movement is, what... such financial independence and early retirement,
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hello everyone, this is a free program podcast, i’m maxim tronkov, our guest is the legendary tamara nikolaevna moskvina, good afternoon, hello tamara nikolaevna , very... glad to see you, thank you for finding time in your busy schedule and coming to our studio, i watched some programs, i thought it was actually interesting for fans, and i would also be in my place if i wish i could take part in this show finally my dream has come true, i ’m here with you today, i want to start our conversation, i want to start with your sports career, because you were first a singles skater, then you paired up with... professor mishin, then just alexey mishin, then just lesha
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mishin, yes, where was it more difficult for you in pair skating or in singles, but i didn’t evaluate the difficulty, it was interesting in singles, in pairs, in singles that i was then a five-time champion of the ussr, and what’s interesting is that the girls who competed with me, they were years old five younger, and it was interesting for me to compete with them, because i... knew how to control myself, i sat in the locker rooms, watched how they were worried before going to the start, and i thought: well, now i’ll do you, well, i don’t like it word, but i will perform my program, and it was interesting on the one hand, on the other hand it was sad, because the leadership of the federation at that time believed that if other athletes, younger than me, were champions by 5 years, then in 5 years...
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why not , this is knowledge, it doesn’t last, while lyosha mishin was also finishing his career in single skating, igor borirovich moskvin invited him to skate with me in pairs. igor borisevich moskvin taught me how not to contradict igor borisovich moskvin and not to contradict alexei nikolaevich mishin, because i... no, no, no, well, i actually said that, well, i know the best, well
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, look, here i will show you this approach to such and such an element, i deliberately did this approach, and since it was not very interesting or uncomfortable, i fell, then silently stepped aside and did what was suggested to me men, that is, lyosha and igor varievich moskvit, and alexey said: “listen, tamar, let the coach, let’s listen, let him tell his nonsense, we’ll listen, we’ll do it once, if it’s cool, we ’ll agree to do it ourselves, well, if it’s inconvenient, well, the coach himself, our coach is the same one who trains olympic champions, he himself will say, guys, well, it’s unfortunate, so , to be honest, alexey and i are very prompt and businesslike.”
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there was nothing so complicated here, but first of all, igor boris looked after me, probably 7 years at first.
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a pleasure, because it was so, such a perfect action that you couldn’t take your eyes off, but figure skating is a sport, and alexey and i were a sports couple who also competed at the ussr, european and world championships, and we trained with one
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the same coach igor mariyevich moskvin, therefore surpass. with oleg it was almost impossible, but we already knew then, as they know now, that there are two sides to our sport, this is technical and artistic, then - so to speak, ours - the creative union of alexei, igor and mine decided to think about how we could still beat them in sports, but by that time it was sweet. and oleg , uh, they could no longer perform complex elements, well, in particular, throws or complex jumps, alexey and i, since we came from single skating, then we, for example, could already do a double lutz. it’s funny to talk about it now, but for single skating
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it was, well, quite difficult, because i was the first single skater. mily and oleg held the russian ussr championship only due to the fact that we had a more difficult technical component. an example of the fact that
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you cannot give someone an advantage in advance, that is, give up. you can’t raise your hands, you should always, even if you see that your competitor is much stronger than you to some extent, or has great talent, has musicality or more complex elements, if you are in sports, you must still think in what way you can beat this competitor. search, this is what it is, this search should go not only in sports, but also in any other business, here why we came up with such a technique, but to some extent giving birth to a tendency towards complicating pair skating towards singles, yes, yes, but preserving, preserving
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what mila and oleg brought, this is musicality, this is artistry, this is the involvement of choreographers for work with figure skaters, soviet athletes, and now russian ones, of course, use more artistic techniques, artistic design of programs, this includes musical accompaniment, this includes choreographic design, these include costumes, although partially foreign judges talk about excessive theatricality. we worked together in the same group, together with mila and oleg, we trained on the same
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ice, tried some exercises that il borievich suggested, we had such a close, friendly atmosphere that contributed to them, their prolongation of their life in sports, ours, how to say , we had on the petrograd side, it was an hour on the tram at that time, but if you go with a transfer jumping from one route to
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another, 50 minutes, well, here i am, if i had a good book, or rather a textbook that i needed to learn, then i spent an hour on the tram choosing a seat, i knew one place on the tram where there was such a special stove, so i waited for this seat to become free, quickly jumped up, sat in the warmth and read , this desire to get into this atmosphere, to feel not only, then these are open skating rinks, not only the frost on your cheeks, but also the desire to enjoy communicating with the coach, with the guys, this probably invited you to these trainings , and uh there was... the desire to continue to study as much as possible, well, and then i was cunning about how to stay on the ice for 3 hours, because
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it was on an open skating rink, but not all the time i ran into the heated car where there was a stove, but now i’m telling such stories , where the stove was, which was heated with wood, and we warmed ourselves up and ran onto the ice again, maybe now i’m thinking about this atmosphere. in the workplace, this is exactly your way, yes, and you talk about it so deliciously that i can just imagine how a young girl in
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on a tram in winter st. petersburg and hurries onto this open ice, you have to love your job so much to do all this, and you and alexei nikolaevich, when you skated together, you were friends, you could spend time there together after training, but with us then were very... since there were few skating rinks in st. petersburg, we often went to training camps, we had some conversations together, went to cinemas, then we lived in st. petersburg quite close to each other, and oleg and mila, we we visited them, of course, they were guests, of course, discussing programs, discussion of skating, what - what - what we watched in the theater, went to ballet performances, it was some kind of friendlier activity, let's say so,
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activity and communication not only at the skating rink, and not only about figure skating, but about life in that including, mila and oleg were our friends, we had a good coach, we had a good team, a good coach, we had a genius. there was a good coach, and uh, so we decided, well, i mean, we skated, we skated, we took such places, we were twice champions of the ussr in pairs skating, in my opinion, twice second in europe, second in the world, and we only finished skating because then i was...
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married, his plans also included continuing his studies at the university, igor borisevich moskvin always welcomed and supported all the guys, so that they study, go to, well, go to school, to college, to college, so we all had education, everyone, we continue our conversation for.
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many, or rather there were several, very few, one or two rinks with artificial ice, but for single skating you needed ice more, because - then there were these mandatory exercises, and for difficult - jumps you needed good quality - ice, for 3 months or 4 months a year, as long as there was ice. natural, it was impossible to teach these exercises, complex jumps, but pair skating and ice dancing were quite possible, because for pairs, pairs and dances you could do a lot - in the hall, inventing elements, learning elements, lifts, figures, dancers could practice
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ballroom dancing in the hall. and invent or compile programs, it was possible to prepare all this outside the winter time, when you, when the winter period began and winter skating rinks were open, then this is all, all the pairs programs and dances, you could prepare everything quickly, that’s when they appeared in our country, well, now in almost every city... years old, we all have singles skaters, well, everything has changed, because now dances need more ice, couples need a little less and singles skaters need the least of all, single skaters, my last question is about the past and we’ll move on to yours coaching activities, and this is my personal one, i wondered about it for a very long time, because you once told me a story about how you came up with such an element that is known throughout the world as bielmann, that the first one,
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it turns out, was not made by denis bielmann from... switzerland and tamara bratus is from the soviet union, well, this is also already a well-known story, but my question is not about whether this is true or not, i have a question about what it was called at the time moskvina invented it , the way it is it was simply called a slope, what is it, well, now in my opinion there is, well there is there is a tilt, there is a tilt, but it was simply called a leg tilt. and since then it was not necessary for the judges to write the contents of the program in advance, but what the judge saw during the performance, during the competition, well , he assessed the judge, that’s why we call it the leg bend, where did this leg come from, i was a student at the institute of physical education, we didn’t just have to come to the teacher with a record book so that they could give us a test, we had to go to everything
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tamara baratus it’s written, and there’s a photo of this, this is this rotation, but who remembers who draws attention to the skater. he said, i remember one russian girl who did this kind of bend, come on, and since she started doing it, she became the first. champion, well, of course , everyone paid attention to the european champion, that’s how this element became known as biellman, i have no regrets, because you never know what elements we came up with, and let it be
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the property of the whole world, thank you for this element in any case, i think that every single skater is now ready to thank you for it was we who restored justice, historical, historical, what was... more difficult to skate yourself or to be a coach? and these are completely different things, absolutely, these are two different, two different actions: when you skate on your own, you collect from all sources everything that helps you skate, and when you become a coach, you need to go down.
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stand so low or so high that you can see what you need to do, somewhere to smile, somewhere to grin, somewhere, well, not to shout, and work, work, work, to make this person great, and to move away to see everything that he does, what is good, what is bad, what is needed so that...
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the strongest in the world at the olympics in two, when i think to myself, so it was me who trained these, well, it was an ordinary job, we went towards this, planned it and thought this pair with such programs, and this one with these can win, this pair with these elements can win, and this pair with such , these lack conditional endurance, and these lack... composure, that’s how it is to do, to prepare these in such a way, and to prepare these in such a way, at the same time on the same ice, in the same city or on the same ones, they participated, then there were competitions, practically they are on the same ones, here’s how to do this at the same time,
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so that it was friendly, it was convenient, it was interesting for me to work, and for them to work, and also to beat the whole world with. athletes, they each also have a feeling, feelings positive , negative, somewhere they are, and among themselves they must also... be friends in a couple, a couple is a partner with a partner, that is, there is a lot psychological work , when you do this, preparing athletes for competitions, you no longer think, significant, insignificant, you do ordinary work in all directions, with each pair separately, but all the time thinking about how this pair can win against this couples? against my own pair, which i train, but how
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can this pair win against this pair? and this is for music, for elements, for programs, for behavior, for costumes, for warm-ups before competitions, for rest, for new elements, that is, in your head in... there are two things in your head, two goals relating to different people, so a coach like this needs to be able to distract himself when you are preparing this pair, think only about how to make it strong, that pair is not there, you jumped to another pair, you think, how to make this pair , so that she wins over those... over that couple over those, he says, this
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is the most interesting game of the mind, honestly, each couple goes from zero to pedestal, to a medal, and after that, they go into other areas, where does the coach go, downstairs, work begins again with new students, which ones? programs, what elements, how to do it better , how to do it faster, how to bring it to the podium, they are at their best, performance indicators, tours, fame, television, and the coach, where, down again, well, not quite from scratch, but something new starts again climbing, sometimes it gets boring, i think, well... as long as you can, you seem to have already been at the top, but
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when you don’t have students, then the coach is just a coach, and if you have good students, then you are the coach of good students, so, unfortunately , we are nothing without students, this is your philosopher's stone, the secret of your such longevity, and very successful longevity, i so... i love it when i somehow have several several options, what is one stone, this and that and that, if it doesn’t work out, i have to do it, if this is the way to go , that is, to have a choice , you always have to look for it, look for different paths, because there is no one way to the top, it’s always, even if you prepare students, they still take different paths, based on the circumstances, from...
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to be ahead, to improve , and what now motivates the athletes, for whom more often parents decide that you will be a figure skater and they take you to training, sometimes they force them to train, but i don’t think that this wasn’t the case before, before, more people did what they loved anyway, no, they used to be there too, they were parents who wanted their children to study.
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saw russian figure skating, why alexey nikolaevich returned to singles, and you began to train pairs, very simple, and both achieved incredible results, very simple, alexey nikolaevich is a man, and he has a wife who cooks, who looks after the children, who
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keeps the house, yeah, in our family with igor borisovich, igor borisovich is a man, but forget me. so that we could have children, a family, a dacha, friends, going to the theater and so on, so i chose pair skating, because at that time in single skating you also had to do these mandatory exercises, which you had to go to by 6 in the morning to the skating rink, that is , exercises are required, then in single skating there are 150 students, in doubles there will be, well , two, three, four, five pairs, that’s it, work less, that’s a simple trick, pragmatism , not a trick, pragmatism, that’s all, so further , but the medals are the same, by the way, about medals, there are many, many disputes about team
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and individual medals at the olympics, how do you feel about this, team a medal, it’s still the same for you, just like a medal is for a coach. and i think that this also means that organizations that, well , the figure skating federations of each country work correctly so that they have all types developed, gold is gold, like yours the current champions, anastasia mishina,
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alexander galyamov, are generally experiencing this moment that, first of all, these gold medals were not awarded in the team tournament.
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prepare new programs , train them so that they skate them without mistakes, try to have demonstration performances, and the audience enjoys them, amateurs, so we make them stronger, more interesting, more complex, more varied, so that they perform well at competitions held in our country, there will be... the opportunity to perform at international competitions, they must be prepared for us to be stronger than those competitors. thank you very much, tamara nikolaevna, thank you for coming, it was a wonderful, interesting conversation, we will meet now at competitions, compete, press each other.


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