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tv   Anti Feik  1TV  December 5, 2023 9:20am-10:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] government hospitals and a refugee camp were also attacked. meanwhile, the american newspaper woll street journal, citing sources in the white house administration, reports: israel is considering the possibility of flooding the underground network of hamas tunnels in gas. the final decision has not yet been made, but pumps for pumping water from the mediterranean sea are already ready. they were installed near a refugee camp in gaza. and news from our ministry of emergency situations in russia, another 120 russian citizens and members of their families were evacuated by a special flight, 30 of them children. landed this night at damodedo airport, this is already the ninth export flight; in total , almost 900 people have been transported to russia since the beginning of the humanitarian rescue mission. helping others is the meaning of life for them, and they do it because they cannot do otherwise. in russia , today is volunteer day, another reason to celebrate the kindness, responsiveness, and sometimes fearlessness of such people, of course, to say thank you to them. the date was established relatively recently in the seventeenth year, but in fact the volunteer movement in our country has a long history.
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now there are more volunteers in russia. there are especially many people who now want to support our defenders who are courageously fighting on the front line. there are no days off at the front , so we don’t have them either, we follow the guys , they go ahead, and we follow them, you don’t get tired, it’s not time for us, it’s not time for us, it’s too early for us to get tired, that’s all for now, it’s on air now antifake. a scientific discovery on a global scale against arrogant ukrainian lies about the most mysterious queen of egypt, exclusive, we will find out the results of nifertite’s dna, and also get rid of information garbage of chicks and tell the story of a woman who forgot her homeland and the story
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of a blogger who confused the two rostovs. exposure of lg's stupidity is on the program today. this is an anti-fake program and here we are waging our fight against fakes and disinformation. we will now discuss the amazing discoveries of some bloggers, well, even i was surprised, to be honest, but we’ll see. there is a russian-speaking blogger living in the usa who, of course, loves our country very much, but loves a very different country. let's look and listen to her statement, shano ukrainians, maybe here it’s not visible, but in general, this is a yellow-black color, think about it, it’s red at the bottom, this is the flag of the rostov region, you think about it, rostov, rostov is a hell of a lot old there, 1740, in rostov it turns out,
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the young prince yaroslav the wise, 989 to 1010 , he lived in rostov, once again, admire it, let's start with the fact that this is not the flag of the rostov region, on the flag of the rostov region there is also a vertical white line one-fifth the size of what we see on the screen, and of course, there is no connection with ukraine here, the flag of the rostov region can be read, actually the heraldic description there, its blue is the traditional color of the cossacks, the cossacks in general, yellow, in general, the color of the steppe, since the civil war they said kalmykov, and now they say in general of various nationalities, well, steppe people, those who are on the territory of the don army there have always been, here is the steppe, the cossacks, yes, we remember, well , red, in general, courage, dignity,
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the russian traditional color... and this white line is just vertical, it means the unity of all the peoples of this territory, so of course, this is complete nonsense , it’s even funny to comment on yaroslav the wise here, because yaroslav the wise lived several centuries before the appearance of even rostov, not to mention the cossacks on the territory of the don, she was even mistaken, he ruled, in rostov there was . rostov prince not from 989, from 987 to 1010, and of course has nothing to do with ukraine, or the don, or rostov, this is generally rostov the great, rostov the great in north-eastern russia, victoria razumova or razumova, famous figure on the internet , the video itself even speaks about this, she seems to have a few
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subscribers, 68, thousand subscribers, but 517 comments under this video, there, i tried to read, smiled, wrote out the most censored ones. an appeal to her based on the results of this video, again this toilet reviewer , by the way, i wanted to remember her, i saw her somewhere on the internet that’s what they call her, a woman with a strange look, yes, there are laconic comments, she’s a fool, forget this zombie, she there’s something there, i always see it in the eyes, that look that goes into the distance somewhere else, i might add, i tried to search the internet for information about her, i found a petition dated february 17, 2023, there is a petition on the changeorg website, there is a fairly detailed story about her dubious acts, there is a mention that she was undergoing inpatient treatment in the mental clinic that she has a certificate of mental disorder.
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dunning kruger syndrome, yes, that is, when a person compensates for knowledge, education, some kind of adequacy to his own education, upbringing, arrogance, that is, of course, some kind of a historian, a scientist, but he would be ashamed to even say something like that, but she sculpt whatever you want, the main thing in general is for the audience, impudently, to say it all, it’s sad that she is also a teacher in boston, she called on children to run away to ukraine, at the beginning of a special military operation, steal money from your parents and transfer it to the ssu, and then flee across the border to ukraine, because they should meet ukrainian volunteers there and provide them with how long they will look for you after 3 hours, if depending on what time time i will to leave, for example, i’m leaving in the morning, they will
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look for you, you need to go there at night, as if the checkpoints won’t see you, you, your own people can catch you, well then at night, right, right as soon as they wake up from me... or since i have a business across the border , call them. seryozha , subscribe to me, please, i subscribed to you, and if you really decide to do this, you can contact me, come to my stream, talk to me, we’ll talk, if you need my help, well at all help from ukrainians, we will help you, understand? i also subscribed to you, you can write to me, that is, we. we will support you, understand? yes, i understand, this is such a crazy city girl, we hope that everything is okay with this sergei, well, let's watch another video, you can help yourself, you can help the ukrainians, you can help ukraine if you
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know where the money is from your parents , take this money and send it to the zsu, that is , steal this money so that the parents don’t know, but best of all, you take out half of the pack, the parents won’t count it there anyway... they count this money, then you take it, buy bitcoins, top up your account and send the bitcoins to wallets, to your wallets, probably, but we started this with something funny like, yes, how dangerous, this man here, who is there, judging by what he says zso, not vso - he’s ukrainian, or there’s an employee of the tsipso, or maybe the main intelligence department, but maybe it’s the professional work of the special services, well, here even in ukraine... they were outraged by this fact, by the way, we can look again one video, i’ll explain it again for them, who do not understand, alyonka sister, then victoria, this is evil, i will explain once again for those who do not understand, alyonka sister, that is , victoria, is a criminal who commits
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illegal actions on the internet against children, by the way, not only against russian children, as she herself says, she also persuaded ukrainian children to flee russia, through minefields, through some maniacs, according to the laws of the country in which she lives, the worst thing is that she does this under the ukrainian flag, on behalf of person that supports, we now have petitions in the states - this is of course good, we need to throw it in red to them on their social networks so that they know that they have such a neighbor down the street, in the house. that such a person teaches children , many of us already really know who she is, only information hygiene, only parents, ask who your children’s public opinion leaders are, we come to the conclusion that there must be an ideology, again, there must be a system
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of work with children, that is, long live the octobrists, pioneers, komsomol or something another in a new form, but again , social organizations are correctly constructed ideologically, uniting children, explaining to children and yaroslav the wise was, of course, the rostov prince 987 of rostov the great and the ancient city. which appears in the tale of bygone years, one of the first 862, right there at the beginning of the tale of bygone years, the next chronicler writes that there was kiev, polotsk, rostov the great, beloozero, izborsk , lyubech, uh, novgorod, of course, here , these are the first cities, where young yaroslav the wise ruled, who later became kiev grand duke and ruled in the rostov land
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, he was from 987 to 1010, in fact, he, of course, has nothing to do with khorosovo nadano, he doesn’t, yes, we dealt with this fake, now we have a short advertisement, immediately after there are even more fakes and most importantly, even more revelations, global handwashing week, what plain water will protect you from, why? red fish sings, our expertise. a ray of light in a dark kingdom, lazar against blindness. the living program helps a lot and enlightens. today is the first one. if you told me that this is my day the last one, what would i do? i would go, take a walk, go to church and sit down and read a prayer, repent, apologize to those whom i offended. you can’t support people who are suffering and
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stand on the sidelines somewhere, it was generally, of course, her choice, her will, her desire, we went down into the catacombs and responded, they saw that she was an attractive, charming girl who could take off, who maybe they knocked her out at the start, this is martyrdom, you know, this is martyrdom, because in principle she didn’t fight, she didn’t cursed, turning to her, we see the light, we see happiness, we see victory, we see that ideality. which she embodied, but at the same time the tragedy remains and the pain remains, on the day of heroes of the fatherland, on saturday on the first, i wanted to say, simply that it may not be enough, and not as often as it should be, but i have to i was telling her: dashenka, i love you very much, everything that i have in life, everything.
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everything that is the joy of every day, everything that i call my destiny is connected, connected, only with you, i love my country, premiere, in saturday on the first, you cannot love your homeland and not know the culture, geography, history, this is impossible, this is his real passport. his name is arnold deich. he used this passport to travel to the uk. an operative of the highest class, he attracted a number of disinterested assistants, sources, and invaluable secret information to cooperate with soviet foreign intelligence. kim philby recommended donald maclean as a friend whom he knew shared communist ideology. 17 or 20 agents are achievements, but most importantly -
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this is the cambridge five. kalin dalis estimates that the cambridge five are the most effective, most powerful group of intelligence officers of the second world war. recruitment is the intelligence officer's sharpest weapon, but it is double-edged and can be cut on any person. for the first time, the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation has declassified documents. we have a map in front of us. in which the exact place of death is noted, and icha was no longer alive, but as they say, his work, it lived and won, premiere, names of illegal intelligence, arnold deitch, on sunday at the first, why such mogs, already 3 hours under the spotlights, here plus 40, no less, it itches, there was no need to put it on a naked body, we are royal or imperial, attention is a question. colleagues motor
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, camera, the crowd went, more fun, we keep the penguin gait, attention to the proguns , they got ready, they started, they finally drove, but our life is a game, the extraordinary adventures of experts in the winter series of games, on sunday on the first. this is an anti-fake program and we continue to talk about the liberated territories, as always, a huge number of all kinds this time, stuffing about lugansk from such a character as sergei gaidai was captured to make a trash heap, he writes. the russians are turning the lugansk region into a landfill, and not just transporting garbage from the russian federation to the lugansk region, using the territory as a garbage dump. russia is already planning to build three landfills for storing garbage waste , including from the rostov region, reports the center of national resistance. we are talking specifically
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about landfills, not waste processing plants, or rather simply chaotically littered garbage fields. in the luhansk region no one protests, because such a stern character immediately goes to the basement, of course, our people read our vkontakte groups, our media, and see the real picture, and a lot of videos on youtube, for me this fake served as another motive to see how there are things on social networks, you can open some video hosting yourself, where you can watch videos write lugansk, for example, lugansk today, i’ll finish it: we’re looking at lugansk, i didn’t see a single piece of paper in the video, what a beautiful lugansk, the city, if to expose this particular thing, then the picture in this fake does not correspond to reality, the photograph of the twelfth year from severo-donetsk, by the way, this is exactly the place where ukraine once was, well
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, look, here is a control of the kiev terminology , so to speak, dispersal of the fake - this is the sowing point, that is, some kind of verification, that is, if journalists need to throw in some... they cannot refer to themselves, they write on the statement of sergei gaidai, and he no longer has to refer to anyone, he takes picture from google images or wherever he can , almost anyone writes text, and his comments are closed, i propose now to connect us with another expert on a video link with the studio, deputy chairman of the public council under the ministry of natural resources of russia, ruslan gabaidulin, we are glad to welcome you, we have full information we have information about lugansk about what is happening there now. from the point of view of waste management, in fact, on the territory of the lpr , 36 facilities are currently used for the disposal of msw, which to one degree or another do not satisfy the requirements of the legislation of the russian federation , that is, the waste management system that was in ukraine does not completely satisfy the authorities , that is, they had facilities there from the sixties, due to the lack of other
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facilities, the operation of such facilities continues, their capacity is coming to an end , no sorting... there was no, so now russia is harmonizing legislation and is starting to deal with waste management systems there in the territories, in the near future three modern ones will be built complex, and not a landfill, as this comrade writes, for waste processing, these are kpo lugansk, kpo anthracite, kpo severo-donetsk, three waste loading stations of the ministry of railways belokurik and pervomaiskaya, how they will look different from the picture, i’m just there now just, i’ll even show you through the window what it looks like... modern waste processing, look, at 500,000 tons, this is a landfill, which, as they used to say, is for waste processing, where 30% goes to composting, 15- 20 goes to secondary fractions, also produced fuel, the so-called rdfliva, that is, 70% of the waste is processed and goes into further
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processing, these are the standards that the russian federation now maintains, which will be implemented in the lugansk people's republic in all new territories. and that is, six new facilities by the year thirtieth, our president has set a specific task throughout the russian federation to reduce landfill storage by half by the year thirtieth and so that all waste undergoes 100% processing. a dual collection system will be introduced in lugansk waste, this is a gray blue tank , dry mixed waste, that is, in dry - these are useful secondary components, this is metal, glass, paper-cardboard, mixed - these are food, vegetable expenses, etc., they will be processed differently, secondary waste will be collected seriously, it will be grown on compost - that means it will be used for refilling landfills, landscaping, that is , a new modern waste management system will be there, a territorial scheme has been made in luganzki, which provides for all this in an open form, with all this you can find out, the russian federation sends new modern garbage bins here to lugansk, donetsk, zaporozhye to kherson, tell me, you were just recently in
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the lugansk people’s republic, you saw the legacy of what ukraine left, with your own eyes, how is it going there? turned into garbage... modern complexes were not built, there was no separation, no composting, no sampling of fractions, no processing in the form that we have, so my colleagues take these photographs and try to show that these are real money, as you think , just why do they spread such fakes, well, i don’t know what’s in their heads, they’re probably rubbish in their heads, thank you very much, all the best, let’s just look at a few... articles about how things were affairs with landfills, for example, a landfill in ukraine has reached the territory of montenegro in area, the country needs novorov, waste processing plants, but let’s return to the personality of the garbage character, this is gaidaev, many are interested in how he even became the head of the lugansk administration,
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well, the part that ukraine controlled , he became the head of the luganda administration, he in the fall of 2019, when zelsky had just recently become president in the spring of 1919, suddenly, having left the post of head of mukachevo, this is, in general, the second largest city in transcarpathia region , although it was possible to make money there, because it’s a border city, smuggling, a tourist city, by the way, a city, industry is there, that’s how they put him at the head of the administration from such a local leader, but here you need to remember how he started his political hyde’s career, he began it in 2008 , far away, he began as her assistant, alexei reznikov, former minister of defense, and reznikov
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in the fall of 2019, became a member of the trilateral contact group, well, that very minsk negotiation process from ukraine, and a month later he his former assistant, his friend, is pulling him up, pulling him up just to the donbass, in fact, this bunch, gaidai was dismissed from march of this year. remember, then heads rolled for corruption, that in general they were stealing aid and humanitarian, technical, construction ukraine, and then the main scapegoat was the deputy head of the president’s office, kiril tymoshenko, zelsky’s friend, and they said that well , reznikova, the chub will fly, but reznikov then resisted, because they said that it was not the minister of defense who was to blame, but the one to blame.. .in general, the governors of the border regions, then they removed the heads of their lugansk administration,
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their donetsk administration, there zaporozhye, kharkov, chernigov, sumtsova, so they were all removed, but reznikov stayed for another six months, lingered, now in general following gaidai, friendly dear, these godfathers went to telegram, went to telegram, and to give out fakes, he has some kind of criminal... the past, when he had power in his hands, he sold off places, political places, it was possible to buy ladders for myself, i’ll just read a little from his biography, how much it cost, for the chair of the head of the department, gaidai demanded from 30 to 100,000 dollars, assistance in the appointment of heads of district administrations from 50 to 120, the position of head of the district staircase cost 45,000 and just then, illegal deforestation was taking place, which was covered up allegedly by forest fires, such an interesting character, but a person who has appeared many times in our program, andrei vitalievich marochko, a military expert and lieutenant colonel, knows more about him. hello, we are glad
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to welcome you, uh, i wish you good health, i observed gaidai’s activities when part of the territory of the lugansk people’s republic was occupied. truly a virtuoso of corruption schemes, by the way, this is the highest paid head of administration in the entire history of ukraine. he received two, three times more than his colleagues throughout ukraine. during the minsk agreements there was a problem, the crossing point was the village of luganskaya, there was a destroyed part of the bridge of only 10 m, a pedestrian bridge, so for the restoration of this bridge, you know how much they asked for, more than one million euros. indeed, almost all the forests in the villages were cut down. previously there were large coniferous plantations, now there is nothing but steppe and sand all around, we are already
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seeing its consequences, unfortunately work, moreover, he himself is a native of the city of severo-donetsk, he is well versed in all issues related to the lugansk region, he knows very well all the pain points that lugansk residents have, when the special began... he became the most important fake, he is so i settled down, let’s say, we work in tsipso, thank you very much all the best to you, it turns out that there are no hospitals in melitopol now, there are only military hospitals, that’s all, we’ll expose it right after the advertisement.
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there is contact from december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. gin sheaf, product steler group. in western ukraine, the sbu and the national police conducted top-secret training. according to the plan, ukrainians will be infected with bird flu, and then russia will be blamed for everything. i will begin by considering the likelihood of russia using biological weapons in ukraine. this is what it sounds like between the lines, that if you go to liberate ukraine, we will launch bioweapons that will destroy everyone there indiscriminately . we are talking not only about the impact on humans, but also about the impact on
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agriculture. ukrainian military is the main source. 70% mortality rate, they unexpectedly became victims of an incomprehensible disease in which internal organs melt, public opinion is preparing for more serious military action against russia, philippa lentzes, a woman painting death, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. valeria , direct cardiac massage in these conditions, it can’t get any worse, this is her last chance, is she completely asleep or is he already drunk, tom, take him away, this is already a crime, what are you doing, come on, at home, i came to this city ​​to fix mistake, instead you made new
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ones, ask the nurse, look, after the program it’s time, maybe you can spit on the past, you’re alive, your arms are intact, your legs are intact, and your memory, why don’t you care about me, hello everyone, my name is nastya zadorozhnaya, and i love dogs very much, here, here, i decided to change my life, instead of being an actress, i chose volunteering, she incredibly helps me raise my kids. and what we had without dogs and what has happened now are two different lives, as long as i have a dog, i am stronger i feel that i am a person, well, this is a wonderful dog, about which two human lives have already been saved, this is not just a pet, this is the creature that accompanies you
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everywhere, dogs love us, dogs change us. dogs teach us, dogs save us, dogs are a whole world, a world in which there is one important rule, always be there, premiere, be there, on sunday on the first, this place is like a fairyland, the rivers are hot, the landscape resembles another planet , local residents have one bear each, yanarupa, friends, the largest island of the kuril ridge, smoker-style eggs, take a little one and the crusts, but now of course, i noticed that absolutely all tourists feed the leaf, this is very bad, it stops hunting, they no longer see any other food , here she is a beauty, you
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can smell it, well, crush a bug, the aroma will be all over ivanovskaya. it contains more vitamin c than oranges, finally what we had been waiting for so long happened, we saw a live bear, the kuril islands in all its glory, the life of our own, the premiere, in sunday on the first, this is an anti-fake program, and we continue, oh, this fedorov, again he’s making up something, this time... about the hospital, what happens in hospitals, are they accepting civilians, how does medicine work there? thank you, today we can say that civil medicine almost does not work throughout the zaporozhye region, but first of all, the enemy has captured almost all the hospitals and uses them purely as military hospitals. there are only a few medical institutions left that provide assistance to the civilian population, this is in
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melitopol and berdyansk, but due to the fact that a huge number of ours... most likely, the nature of their fakes is a problem in their territories, it can be the same as with others. with lugansk, with melitopol and with mariupol , open some social networks where ours are and see what they write, a huge number of reports, bloggers, and specifically on hospitals, i will say that, for example, mariupol greatly annoyed them a year ago, when the newest hospital was built, if anyone wants to see, dial ffmba mariupol clinic, you will see it video, this is a spaceship, it seems to me that they show some rooms, tomography, about military hospitals there are some special standards or any hospital can be equipped as a military hospital under a certain situation, in general the basis of army medicine is exactly
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it is mobility and efficiency, that is , it is very important to provide first aid and carry out the first operations as quickly as possible for a wounded soldier, that is, that is why army medicine, it is mobile, it is all-weather, it is around the clock, i suggest... now look a report that was filmed specifically for us to see whether it is a hospital or a military hospital, for example, all patients in the region and public medical institutions, including those patients who receive high-tech medical care, oncological, cardiovascular pathology, receive treatment and consumables and medical products are free. since the twenty-third year, drug provision has been carried out through centralized procurement of the ministry of health of the zaporozhye region, procurement takes place -
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there is no high-tech digital equipment in our region, there are mostly civilians here, mostly over 50, well, mycomisia, but this is in the morning, i’m a civilian, well , thank god i only go to one doctor so far, and so we have our own area , to the therapist, everything is fine, i’m happy, of course, because i often come here, well, what can i tell you, i’m happy with everything. i think we’ve sorted this out, let’s move on to the next historical fake, you know what the name of the most beautiful ukrainian woman was, don’t be a jerk,
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imagine, this is how it happened, let's figure it out now, oh, the voice of ukraine tells us some historical, supposedly details, nefertite from a family of priests, the city of koptos, as evidenced by egyptian chronicles, a kingdom whose unsurpassed image, along with the image... tutkhamun became a symbol of the ancient egypt, born in the ancient city of koptos. in egypt there is one city, koptos, in ukraine , probably donetsk region. koptevodka is from the zhytomyr region. kopticheskaya is the kiev region. koptiv is a poltava region. koptovka - kharkov region. copts or copts, chernihiv region, well, just imagine how many options there were when you were born as a university student. i would like
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to draw your attention to this one in general. it could not exist at all as an independent state until the year 9, and as part of the soviet union, until the early twenties. last century, but in this nation-building is necessary due to the lack of our own history, state history, and the history of almost all nations is the history of the state, and it is needed in order to distinguish ourselves as a separate people, because before that we everyone was russian, it was crowded intertwined, connected, now they are starting to make it stronger in every possible way, you understand what nonsense, they are based on a combination of some letters. yes, uh, they conclude that the egyptian koptos is somehow connected with the names, which, well , obviously, in the ukraine of the fathers, here is smoked, with this, there is koptevidovka, koptevichenskaya,
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koptyev, kopteva, and so on, here, and in completely different regions, there is eastern ukraine, western ukraine, but you understand what the main horror of this fake is, that the voice of ukraine is no... it’s a bloc some ukrainian idiot, this is not the yellow press, this is the official publication of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, why are they so happy? organ, i want to point out that this publication is from 2008, i tried to see if it caused any resonance, whether it was disseminated, that is, then we really didn’t have telegram channels, but everything was discussed on livejournal in those days, and i found, in lj, several people raised the issue of discussing this article, that is, some people were outraged, including in ukraine, and i found a certain voryak 2007 discussion
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here... that's all, a well-known social and political figure, miroslava bernik, he has 83 comments, that is , there is a lively discussion in two languages, in russian in ukrainian, on both sides, an incredible shock that this, in principle, can come to mind, i wrote down a few comments from there, because they are funny, piticanthropus, here is a true ukrainian, the progenitor of other nations, that is, it’s not herakalite who needs to cut right to the root with peticanthropus, well, naturally there are comments: what are you smoking, dear, here the person writes, i don’t know how anyone, but personally , i firmly believe in the ukrainian nazi historians, they were fantastic enchanting dreamers, and so they remain, what kind of power, such historians, that is, it’s already 2008, here is the nazi historian, history was already being rewritten then, we we really decided to dig deep into this issue;
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an expert, a man who served as minister of antiquities in egypt, zahihawas, is in contact with us right now. we are glad to welcome you, what do you think about this fake? i think that the statement made in the ukrainian media deceitful, how can neferti be ukrainian? there is not a single piece of evidence for this. we must understand that neferti lived 3,000 years ago, did the country of ukraine exist then, so that she could have. such a queen , many people make up stories about nefertite , but we already know that nefertite was an egyptian queen, and she was born in akhmim, and this is reliable information that exists today, and any theories that nefertite allegedly was not egyptian, an absolute fabrication. moreover, niferkiti, a presiding queen, she was the wife of akhenaten. she lived in the beer for about 4 years, where akhenaten brought her. and in fact we
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believe that the golden city that we discovered shows that nyuti lived in the city, and also after 4 years she and akhenaten decided to move to amarna. she lived in amarna, where she gave birth to six daughters from king akhenaten. and she, in my opinion, in the middle of akhenaten’s reign, became a co-ruler and gave orders to akhenaten, since since the middle of his reign we no longer hear the name of neferkitia. she changed her name to not i'm sure after her death akhenaten, nefertite began to rule as pharaoh, changing the name of seminkhara. the reason why i believe that the rules of karaon are not fertile is that there are artifacts with images of her striking the enemy, and this task is not the task of the queen, it is the concern of the king, not the concern of the queen. i'm currently working on finding ferkiti's mummy using dna. at the same time
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, i am looking for the mummy of nefertiti's daughter, who was married to tutankhamun, and this project is very important because we have found mummies dating back to the eighteenth dynasty, from which they were taken dna samples, including mummies of nameless queens. in 3 months i will be able to announce to the whole world that i have found the mummy of queen netherti. now we have a lot of important discoveries, we are looking for what is there. beneath the labyrinth we have discovered behind the great pyramid, we are also looking for what lies beyond the sacred doors of the pyramid. now i am excavating in the valley of the kings, the tombs of kings that have not yet been found, aminkhateb the third and ramza the second. thank you very much, we will wait for the results. well, i'm glad that we are here and the audience learned that mummy nefertite, we found out earlier than he said, in 3 months the whole world will know, but we already found out. i, so congratulate us.


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