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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  December 5, 2023 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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the mummy of nefertiti's daughter, who was married to tutankhamun. and this project is very important because we have found mummies dating back to the eighteenth dynasty from which dna samples have been taken, including mummies of unnamed queens. in 3 months i will be able to announce to the whole world that i have found the queen’s mummy. we are now making a lot of important discoveries. we are looking for what is underneath the labyrinth we have discovered. which have not yet been found by aminkhateb the third and ramses. thank you very much, we will wait for the results. but i'm glad we're here as spectators. we found out that you can’t fertilize a mummy, so we found out earlier than he said, in 3 months the whole world will know, and we already found out, so i congratulate us all. the main thing is historical truth.
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triumphed, read, learn history from trusted sources , thank you very much for coming, to all our viewers, i will remind you that all the news that you have doubts, send to our program, reasons for pride, of course, all the same to you hello, channel one presents, world handwashing week, what a simple water? why red fish are getting cheaper, our expertise, a ray of light in the dark kingdom, a laser against blindness, a program to live healthy, helps and enlightens. so, friends, i
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have soap and water on my table, today marks the start of world handwashing week. i want to say this amazing statistic: over the 2 years of the pandemic, diarrhea in russia, diarrhea as a disease, diarrhea, decreased six times, this is due to the fact that people washed their hands frantically, they were afraid of covid, you can imagine, without any advances in medicine, without any great medicine, just washing my hands reduced the number of diarrhea by six times , why are we talking about this with such shock, because children die from diarrhea, this is the main cause of death for children, and diarrhea, friends, is a disease of dirty hands, it ’s just that washing hands reduced diarrhea six times, i just don’t know, you can point it out
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directly, after the pandemic the fear went away, before they washed their hands, just in my opinion, up to the armpits, everyone was so afraid of the coronavirus, now, as they say, the fear has passed, but in vain, today our first topic is hand washing, i want invite our little guests, because their lives are in danger with dirty hands, come to me, what is your name? mitya, mitya , what do you live with, what do you do, i have a bicycle, i ride it, and i look for friends everywhere, you wash your hands, mine, well done, and why do you wash your rocks, you know, because otherwise it might your tummy hurts, you are my berry , you know everything, now mitya and i will conduct such an experiment, look, this is water, this is this, this is me pouring pepper, as if it were microbes, this is how you and i sprinkled pepper, now come on hands. let's lather, lather well, like
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this, like this, like this, even submergedly, like this, a little more subtly, and now what is the power of washing hands, you see microbes, so i see, wait, let go of your hands, put the handle like this, make a handle like this , this one, like this, this is how we put it, and, you see, the microbes ran away, uh-huh, can you imagine what it is... you see, they got scared of us and ran away, we decided to start with this children’s experiment, because in general, of course, our program is dedicated to adults, but children are the best source of information for adults, because when the child says, mom, wash your hands, mom will definitely go wash it, come back to mom, now they will give you a napkin, and we will continue our conversation, please give us the next layout, dirty hands,
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what diseases arise from well, if we start from the top, first - this is a conjunct, we all understand, if you lose your eyes with dirty hands, then we will get a conjunct, this is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, which occurs very often in people, especially with dirty hands. secondly, these are all diseases of the upper respiratory tract, viral diseases, we we all understand why we wash our hands, not just to wash away the dirt, but in order to destroy viruses too, infections, absolutely, and the third question is all intestinal gastrointestinal diseases, including helminths too, so so to speak, then, what you said, the number of diseases
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of the intestinal tract has decreased by six, six times, these diseases have decreased almost to zero during covid, and this suggests that hand washing prevents the problem of power, hand washing is a terrible power, i want to draw again adults' attention to the fate of children, so we specially brought this model here, diarrhea is dangerous, why is it dangerous, mikhail, especially for children, because with diarrhea, fluid loss occurs, for an adult it’s not so bad, so to speak, he can wriggle out, he can still drink, that’s for child... loss of 10% of fluid is death , and imagine, here a person loses fluid, and imagine, only 10%, for example, a newborn weighed 3.5 kg, lost 300 g, died, so diarrhea is dangerous for children,
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fatal, and hospitalization is required, if there is diarrhea, absolute indications for hospitalization, dirty hands are the cause. a huge number of diseases, and above all, this is diarrhea, this is a disease of the conjunctiva of the eyes and of course, this is a disease of the respiratory system, because through the nose, through growth, we transfer all this to our respiratory system, once again, we are shocked by the numbers, what a great benefit in simple hand washing, but now bring us the next layout into the studio. here we have microbes, we will return to them a little later, but for now i will send dr. gandelman to the screen, because it is on the screen that we will talk about how
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to wash your hands correctly, washing your hands is a process , we start by moistening them with plain water, secondly, we take... a liquid soap, we begin to wash our palms in circular movements, then we wash the spaces between the fingers, germ6 surgeon, change sides, then we wash the nails and phalanges, the phalanges of the hands begin, then we separately wash the thumbs thoroughly, this is not done, almost no one again returns in a circular motion - to the mother of the hands, then we wash off everything with running water
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, dry our hands with a disposable towel, then using this towel... we just turn off the tap and throw away the towels and our hands are clean, the number of germs has decreased three times, i want to say that during the pandemic, my my grandson, who was 5 years old at the time, even made a video on how to wash your hands correctly, he said how to wash your hands correctly, it was touching to the point of losing consciousness, andrey petrovich, i want to invite you, soap, what kind of soap to wash with, simple bar soap, soap liquid or antibacterial soap , what science says, science says that washing with liquid soap is better than bar soap, why, because with bar soap, when we wash with bar soap,
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germs, unfortunately, remain on this bar soap from our hands when we take it and therefore, the effect of washing with liquid soap... where we do not come into contact with liquid soap, it is better, of course, microbes multiply on bar soap, this is how it happened, because the soap itself does not have, it is not an antibiotic, said three times less germs after which this is just when they compared washing without soap or just what is called just running water with soap, but with soap it is three times more effective, we have a whole picture on this topic, this is essentially a mycelium molecule, it helps us remove particles of dirt and bacteria by attaching the hydrophilic end to a particle of dirt, removing it with soap better than
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without soap, liquid soap is better than solid soap , and it’s antibacterial and simple, in principle , let’s do an experiment right away , it means here we have antibacterial here , just let me be, it destroys me, yes in general, i also have all kinds of soap. which is better, antibacterial or plain? i would say that research has been conducted on this topic, antibacterial soap has a problem when used regularly. in this case, we cultivate strains of bacteria that are not sensitive to these antibacterial agents, that is, the bacteria are essentially educated, trained and become more evil, therefore antibacterial. in rare cases, when you have some specific danger of becoming infected, it means
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the situation is simple, just like in general antibiotic-resistant bacteria are super-strong bacteria, they are formed and live in medical institutions, in the same way, if you use antibacterial soap constantly, it means whether you want it or not, you will grow superbugs insensitive to antibiotics in your home houses. therefore, globally, from a medical point of view , we believe that antibacterial soap is no different from ordinary soap in terms of its effect, because we do not have exposure, we did not put our hands in antibacterial soap, that’s right, we lathered and washed off, so there is no additional antibacterial effect, but the risk that a resistant bacteria will grow increases many times, so you need to use regular soap, liquid soap. and you will be happy, that’s what we wanted to tell you, at the beginning of the world hand washing week, wash your hands,
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friends, it prevents a huge number of diseases, and it costs practically nothing , we’ll pause for a while and then continue, watch the market, this year , amount of catch pink salmon has increased almost fivefold , prices for red fish in russia have been creeping down, a great time to take advantage of the situation, everything about the benefits of fish from the northern seas, a ray in the dark kingdom, similar to spot welding, that is, high temperature welds, welds this mesh, blindness you can defeat it, just as a detached cuticle of the eye is welded with a laser, there is such a profession: helping. my help, as a volunteer, not yet
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a medical student, just a schoolchild, was needed, i helped arrange the solutions, i i helped the nurses change bandages, i felt needed. voluntarily and free of charge, today is world volunteer day. in western ukraine, the sbu and the national police conducted top-secret training. according to the plan, ukrainians will be infected with tik flu. and then they will blame russia for everything, philippa lences, the snake of death, has been appointed curator of the provocation. i will begin by considering the likelihood of russia using biological weapons in ukraine. this is what it sounds like between the lines, that if you go to liberate ukraine, we will launch biological weapons that will destroy everyone there indiscriminately. we are talking not only about the impact on humans, but also about the impact on agriculture. the ukrainian military is the main source of research into 70% of the mortality rate, they unexpectedly became victims
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of an incomprehensible disease in which internal organs melt, public opinion is preparing for more serious military action against russia, philippa lentzes, a woman drawing death, dolls of the heir tutti, today on first. montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group. it is our softest. without everyone in the family, this is when i need to turn on the commander ’s command, don’t run back, there will be an order to retreat, we are not going to kill everyone, we need you, the bullet entered and hit my head, sometimes it hurts, but we live with it, i agree, whistle, i’m proud that my
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pupil is the most a young company commander in the lpr, the main secret of it all, of everything, is when you... watch intermittently, sat at home, played on the computer, was not preoccupied with anything, and then, when the boys from the area from our yard, who - someone died, someone was injured, a lot of guys went to the service, so we also went, along the gap, south 20, south 20 along the gap, right next to each other, in fact, for the day of heroes of the fatherland, men's work. on saturday on the first, if they told me that my day was the last , what would i do, i would go, take a walk, go to church and sit down, read a prayer, repent, apologize to those whom i offended, you cannot support people who suffer and are somewhere on the sidelines, it
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was generally of course, her choice, her will, her desire, we went down into the otsu catacombs and stood up, they saw that it was... an attractive, charming girl who can take off, who can, they knocked her out at the start, this is martyrdom, you know, this is martyrdom, because in principle, she didn’t fight, she didn’t curse, turning to her, we see the light, we see happiness, we see victory, we see the ideality that she embodied, but at the same time the tragedy remains and the pain remains, on the day of heroes of the fatherland, on saturday on the first, and i wanted to say, simply... what can be and not enough, and not as often as it should be, i had to tell her: dashenka, i love you very much, everything that i have in life, everything that is the joy of every day, everything that i call my destiny is connected
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only with you. i love my country, premieres on saturday, on the first. you cannot love your homeland and not know the culture, geography, history, this is impossible. svetlogorsk is a resort for retirees. oh, these are not just pensioners, these are those who came here at 20 and still don’t want to leave. oleg, is the earth really beautiful from above? what do you have aren't you asking me? voicing kiwin music festival on saturday on the first. i ’ll tell you a secret, when the season ends, this city is put into a box, kaliningrad is put away under a hill. here is his real passport, his name is arnold deitch. he used this passport to travel to the uk. an operative
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of the highest class, he attracted a whole number of people to cooperate with soviet foreign intelligence. selfless helpers, sources of invaluable, secret information. whom philby recommended donald makhlin as his friend, whom he knew was shares communist ideology. 17 or 20 agents is a remarkable achievement, but the most important thing is the cambridge five. kalin dalis estimates that the cambridge five are the most effective, most powerful group of intelligence officers of the second world war. recruitment is the intelligence officer's sharpest weapon, but it is double-edged and can be cut on any person. for the first time, the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation has declassified documents. before us is a map on which the exact place of death is marked. yes, even was no longer alive, but as they say, his
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work, it lived, won. premiere, names of illegal intelligence. on sunday on the first. right now the newspaper headlines in our program are that prices for red fish have begun to decline in russia, salmon has begun to become cheaper in russia, what will happen to prices in stores after they are reduced by fishermen. so, a massive reduction in prices for red fish. red fish is an excellent product. for health, what is this connected with, the fact that the red fish is infected with something, is it now dangerous for life, for health, or with something else, in this matter we examined it specifically, and today we have an examination dedicated to red fish. so, dear friends, today we have red fish and we have already prepared to take it out, but before
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they bring out the red fish for us, what is the secret why the price has dropped so much? the general secret is that this year the number of pink salmon catches has increased almost fivefold, why did this happen? she began to live well, the pink salmon population increased. in kamchatka, the catch of pink salmon became almost 200 thousand tons, almost 50 thousand, but there were 48-50 thousand tons there last year, this year 250, very interesting fish, a small fact, just when we studied this problem, initially all pink salmon fry are born female, and when it gets very cold, the fry turns out to be female... only some of them are better adapted then it is converted into male fry, which are smaller, it turned out that conditions were such that all
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the fry, firstly, and b survived, were mostly female fry, which could give offspring to the next, the next generation, but we understand, bring us red fish into the studio. here is our beautiful pink salmon, which means that there are different types of red fish, salmon, trout, salmon, coho salmon and so on, so today we decided to compare the red fish within ourselves. so, there is a lot of fish, the fish is healthy, super healthy, it is getting cheaper, which fish is the best among them. let's compare pink salmon, senga and trout, each has its own advantage, pink salmon has an advantage, it is
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the champion of these three fish in terms of the amount of vitamin d, how much is in pink salmon, approximately the daily norm is 100 g of pink salmon, to be exact 106%, oh, don’t offend our friend , the next fish is salmon, as andrei petrovich did not say, perhaps it is the most delicious, because it is the fattest, and if it is fatty, then it contains a greater amount of omega-3 unsaturated acids, about two and a half days of vitamin d, a third less than in pink salmon, and oh well, there is still a lot of sea trout left, which is the champion in vitamin b12 content. what are these substances for? let's go to our layouts, because what is the best way to explain why these substances are needed, for example, this is a nerve, omega-3
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and b12 play a huge role in the functioning of our nervous system, if there is no vitamin b12, no myinae, no impulse conduction, polyneuropathy and dimension develop, since now let's move on, we have vessels. this is a healthy vessel, this is a vessel with atherosclerosis, what substances help, you see, unsaturated fatty acids reduce cholesterol levels and prevent the development of atherosclerosis, helps us preserve blood vessels, vitamin d helps regulate immunity and prevents excess inflammation from developing, and therefore does not occur. necessary for the production of sex hormones, germanshavich wanted to note this specifically, sex hormones,
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testosterone, he learned this word, necessary, for both men and women, three questions, how to choose, how to store and how to eat correctly, the first question is how to choose, of course but, exclusively visually, fresh by smell... the fish should be soft, but when you press it should be, according to external signs, fish to your taste, like red is it correct to store fish? like this, that’s right , frozen, yes, frozen can be stored for up to six months, there are no problems with that, they often do shock freezing in places of production, and after that the delivery is prohibited from freezing and thawing, so you need to freeze it in pieces, a piece is frozen, defrosted
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ate, because when you... defrosted, microbial contamination and proliferation of microbes immediately begins, then you froze, but you saved all the microbes in the conglomerate, so don’t do that, pack them in pieces portions that you can immediately, and if we still defrost it, store it for no more than a day on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, from where it will not leak and will not drip and contaminate other products, the last question is how to eat red fish correctly? our cook, alexey kovba, lyusha , come to us, whether we want it or not, red fish is healthy, raw, in our case these are salted versions of fish, all kinds, there is lightly salted trout, this is the healthiest thing, don’t overdo the dose , because there is salt, lesh, i have pink salmon, that is, pink salmon such a dryish fish is considered among chefs, because it is more active,
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in fact, if we now call it correctly, it is... black salmon, that is, we soak it together with brussels sprouts in such a salt vinegar solution, more of course vinegar than salt , it turns out, that is, the protein coagulates, it is all done, boiled, you can call it that, that is, but it is not thermally treated, it is not thermally treated, the only thing is that i just put it in to put it in the oven preheated to 50°, so that she it was, accordingly, warm, and not some kind of cold appetizer, which is why it is important to understand that complete heat treatment will still deteriorate the quality. fish, because omega-3 will decrease, so vitamin d is also in large quantities, well, we won’t get it like that anymore, but i must say, i personally like to bake it with vegetables, just in foil, in general, in short, we ’re going here , we’re enjoying it, but that’s all about food, we’re going to talk about medicine, and today we even called the topic engineer
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garin’s hyperboloid. laser against blindness, lasers you you see in laser shows, we’ll start with a laser show, and then we’ll show what great things laser does in medicine, saving people from blindness.
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well? dear friends, right now , after this laser show, after such a hyperboloid by engineer garin, right now professor kanovalov is using the same exact laser to weld the retina, mikhail egorovich, through a special lens that repeatedly magnifies the retina or fundus of the eye with a laser beam welds the detached retina, i have a question for our to viewers: so, retinal detachment is the very disease when a laser can change the situation for the better. the main symptom of retinal detachment is loss of visual fields. right now on the screen we will show you what loss of visual fields can be like, we will compare the norm and pathology when the retina is detached. on the one hand, the norm, on the other,
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just such a semicircle when. the retina has detached and sagged, or spots when fragments from the retinal layer, those who have had this situation at least once in their life, press the red screen, everyone else green, and a person with a red screen , of course we will invite you to our studio, everyone has green ones, except one, mikhail egorovich, your assistants will take the initiative with this patient, thank you, and we want you to come to us, of course, we will immediately go to our layouts. so this is the eye, where is the retina? inside, inside, mikhail egortov, where is the retina, is that the entire inner part of our eye is sent out by nervous tissue called the retina, but the retina is very tightly adjacent to the deeper lying tissue
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called the choroid, that is, they should be together, but for various reasons , it could be an injury, it could be a high degree of myopia, it could be diabetes, hypertonic dystrophy occurs first in the periphery, and then this entails the loss of the retina physically, what happened to you, what did you feel you, how was it for you? to be honest, i didn’t feel anything, just during a routine examination i was told that it was possible that the retina might begin to exfoliate, but it hadn’t happened yet, because when the retina is exfoliated locally, something like this, the patient doesn’t notice it absolutely, because it is on the extreme
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periphery, and the patient actually does not see this zone, but what zone he sees, the zone he sees is what is closer to the center, the macula is the central part of our retina, and accordingly. can i say one thing, look, this macula, this 1 mm spot, this is the biggest drama, if the retina is detached here, of course, then vision disappears, but at the stage when the retina is detached in this way, of course, the person already feels it what we said is a symptom of a curtain, with this or a curtain, blackness in the field of view will be imposed like this. show us again this beautiful picture of what detachment of the retina looks like, let’s see, you see, the curtain is hanging, it ’s physically fallen off like that, a piece of the retina has fallen off , in the literal sense, what does the doctor do, mikha,
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what does the doctor do, firstly, coagulates are applied to that part of the mesh that is locally exfoliated, this is actually similar to spot welding, welds this mesh to the deeper underlying tissue called the choroid, we see such spots, at first they white, then they become pigmented, when we see that this is pigment, they become brown, we say that our treatment worked in this place, it was welded, in this place there is a detachment. it will no longer be exactly how a person feels, he is told, you will have a retinal detachment, you understood that this was blindness, well, of course i didn’t understand, i just went to examine, the great power of prevention,
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that is, the person did not wait until the fields fell out vision or she will go blind, she walks prophylactically, they said we see pathology, now let’s weld, welding the retina, well , it sounds like electric welding, in fact, well, no, it’s not at all... painful, well, it can be unpleasant to just look at everything at one point, literally, but it doesn’t hurt, and even while sitting, in a calm atmosphere, hoping in the good hands of the doctor, therefore, therefore , right now we are going to the ophthalmological clinic of professor kanovalov, we will see the procedure for welding the retina, place your chin, forehead slightly forward, it’s so comfortable to sit, normal, normal, now we will launch the laser, in this during the procedure, the laser beam is the main tool of the surgeon, dr. kanavalov will operate the machine while sitting opposite the patient, through a microscope,
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the doctor sees the retina under enormous magnification and can control the accuracy of the laser targeting the desired area. our task is to coagulate, to put it roughly, to weld this part... the buds to the deeper tissues, to the choroid, like this, a laser beam works around the affected area. the white spots are those places where the mesh has welded, which means that our patient is no longer in danger of blindness, let’s see, we look into the light, into the light, okay, there’s still a little bit left, the welding procedure lasted only 2 minutes, look, we’ve coagulated. sechata and we now remove this contact lens to the top, look, everything is fine, everything is fine, how are you, aleksanovich, everything is fine, it didn’t hurt , no, of course, well, you see how good everything is, the procedure is over, now you
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sit a little, i’ll watch you one more time , then i’ll let you go home, it was exactly the same with you, yes, exactly the same, the same sweet, kind voice, absolutely. true professionals never they are worried, they are definitely doing their job, look, mikhaila yegorevich, you looked at the patient, what is the reason for her detachment . this is peripheral degeneration of the retina, that is, dystrophy, they are different, age-related changes, these are age -related changes, they happen in young people, in myopic people, in children, by the way, too, why is it important to examine the retina of the fundus with a wide pupil, because we see those areas that a person with a narrow pupil cannot see, so when a person comes to the doctor, drops are instilled in him to dilate the pupil, the doctor examined the entire retina, the question: you didn’t
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ask the professor, but maybe it will detach in this place or in another? well, it’s a good question, i should probably ask, a very good question, why? because, that’s why we recommend periodic examinations, because dystrophy may appear in another place, and accordingly we must react to it, if we understand that this dystrophy leads to rupture to detachment, there are typical changes, absolutely, this does not affect on vision neither for the better nor for the worse, but the patient suffers from blindness, what should i say to the doctor? i love you, low bow and huge, huge thank you for your kindness and help, thank you, thank you mikhai yegorevich, and thank you for coming to us, let’s take a break for a while and then continue, at
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the call of the heart, there is such a profession: to help. my help, as a volunteer, not yet a medical student, just a schoolboy, was needed, i helped arrange solutions, i helped the nurses with dressings, i felt needed. voluntarily and free of charge, today world volunteer day, it didn’t take long for my heart to start, now it stops again. the condition is stable and serious. valeria, direct cardiac massage in these conditions can’t get any worse, this is her last chance, are they completely crazy? is he drunk? tom, take him away. yes, this is already a crime, what are you saying? come on, come on, what are you doing at home, i came to this city to correct a mistake, instead i made new ones. ask the nurse, see. after the program, maybe it’s time to spit on
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the past, you are alive, your arms are intact, your legs are intact, and memory, why don’t you care about me, romca, a product of the stellar group, listen, my conscience is pissing me off, i wanted to apologize for the way we broke up, have you already arrived? not yet, i , i’m holding on here, you’re an intelligence officer, the fortress brings a lot of russians, but they don’t live there for long, what task have you been thrown into bodober, finally, you’ll get to you yet.
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we need to capture the base and organize an escape, your operation, i won’t let you unleash the third world war, where is the group, i raised people to death, i need you, alive, for the day of heroes of the fatherland, badaber fortress, on saturday first. i can’t explain everything to you now, but the main thing is, i love you , you hear, you forgive me, hello everyone, my name is nastya zadorozhnaya, and i love dogs very much, i decided to change my life, instead of being an actress , i chose volunteering, she is incredible helps me raise kids, we had no dogs and what has happened now are two
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different lives, since i have a dog, i feel more strongly that i am a person, well, this is a wonderful dog, about which i already have two human lives saved, that's not just a pet, this is the creature that accompanies you everywhere. dogs love us, dogs change us, dogs teach us. dogs save us. dogs are a whole world, a world in which there is one important rule: to always be close. premiere, be there, on sunday on the first. this place looks like a fairyland, the rivers are hot, the landscape resembles another planet, there is one bear for every three local residents. i'm on eturup, friends,
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the largest island of the kuril islands. eggs a chicken at a time, take a little one and the crusts, well now it’s natural, just like that. i noticed that absolutely all tourists feed the foxes. this is very bad, she stops hunting , they no longer see any other food, she’s a beauty, you can smell the smell, well, crush a bug, the aroma will be all over ivanovskaya, how much more vitamin c is there in it than in oranges. finally, what we had been waiting for so long happened, we saw a live bear, smoking in all its glory, the life of our own, the premiere, on sunday, on the first, this program is to live well, friends, here we stand, four doctors, we are proud to tell you that now in our hall there are students, doctors, all of them are volunteers, doctors, they all
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help in hospitals for free, help in difficult situations, guys, first of all, we are happy that you are all such heroes and such wonderful people , and we congratulate you all on world volunteer day, we didn’t have a volunteer movement then, but there was timur’s movement, remember who read timur and his team? after all, there are readers among medical students, read it, because this is a story about how the boy timur, with all his i invited my friends to help people, they helped, however, they helped veterans and so on, today, along with this... these guys, we want to tell you what medical volunteers do, and how it changes people’s lives, please come to us, you are the very first among us, volodya, what year are you in, i am a fourth-year student, faculty,
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medical faculty, medical faculty, what do you do as a volunteer? i am a volunteer of the institute of emergency care, klifosovsky and i also coordinate: volunteers, doctors, students, medical universities and colleges, i help them adapt to medical organizations and actually direct them to help in the hospital, please tell me, when you work as a volunteer, this is what you feel, or is it just work, came, did, went home, you know, elina vasilievna, this is a very difficult question for me , once, while still a schoolboy, a schoolboy who ended up in a hospital, i didn’t know what the word pulse was. and when i realized that my help as a volunteer, not yet a medical student, just a schoolchild, was needed, i helped arrange the solutions, i helped nurses on dressings , i felt needed, i understood, and you came to work, yes, i came to help, in principle, to get acquainted with medicine, when i wanted to decide on my future specialty, it was only thanks to volunteering
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that i realized that this was really my direction, that i i want to help and to this day, as a fourth-year student, i continue to help in my free time from studying, as well as... a large number of volunteers, german shai, this is generally very interesting, good deeds, we did a whole program about kind things like kindness and volunteering influence attention on a person’s health, it’s like you ’re the first, the first to show that when a person volunteers or voluntarily helps people, this leads to a decrease in blood pressure, because the person is satisfied, because the person moves and works , look, this is our vessel, and when you help people, our vessels expand , accordingly, blood pressure decreases, i understand, this is a plus, but not only this, what else besides, it has been shown that people who voluntarily help people, they
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suffer less from depression , they have self-esteem... you understand, so your self-esteem is high, and you are doing good things, well done, sit down, please, i want to now ask our assistants to come out to us on stage to show you what the volume of blood loss happens in a variety of life situations, and you and i can find ourselves in these life situations, like this, we showed it in red... the volume of blood loss is now lined up, the red color is already visible, and now we have a big request to you , turn yours over signs, he... brain rupture, blood loss , unsuccessful jump, blood loss, fall , blood loss, anemia, blood loss, mikhail egorovich, continue from here, cesarean
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section, oncology, massive burn, complication during childbirth, surgery, sports injury, accident, car accident, in all cases huge blood loss, champions , of course, this is a complication during childbirth, massive burns, katya, katya, please come to us, katya dono, katyusha, how many times have you already donated blood? i donated blood 13 times, how many do you? years old, i'm 25, 25 years old, are you studying? yes, i'm studying, i'm in my sixth year. this medical person has already donated blood 13 times, we also donated blood at the medical institute, look
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how many people could have been saved, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, andrey petrovich , one person, how much he saves, one person, if he passes, once every 3 months, saves 12 lives, 12 people can be saved, this is a little... girl, student, sixth year student, what kind of doctor will you be, katya, hematologist , a hematologist, well, it’s just lovely, hematology and onology, of course, in this list is also there, and in oncology we transfuse in hematology and blood factors require plasma, so thank you very much, donors specialty is called hematology and blood transfusion, and i just want to say that donors usually do not know those they saved, yes katyusha, but these people... thanks to you, thank you, my dear , please sit down, and now
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please bring us a special mannequin into the studio, and i want to say that medical students, in addition to the fact that they serve in our profession, absolutely selflessly, they also... well, come on, how to save correctly, let's go, show us, uh-huh, in front of us is a person who is unconscious and without breathing, our main task is to unfasten. clothes first of all, then we need to check his consciousness, for this we must
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shake him slightly by the shoulders and ask: young man, can you hear me? if he does not hear us and does not answer us, then we conclude that most likely he is unconscious, then we need to check his breathing, for this we need to tilt his head back with one hand, and push back his chin with two fingers of the second hand, then we bend down and feel the warmth with the tragus of our ear, or we don’t feel it, but with our eyes we look at the abdominal wall, well, yes, we look at the abdominal wall excursions, we do this for 10 seconds, if within 10 seconds we did not feel warmth and did not see his excursion, which means we conclude that he has no breathing, breathing, which means it’s time to save vladislav, save. ambulance, we lock the handles and do compressions, our task is to do


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