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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  December 5, 2023 6:30pm-7:50pm MSK

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and also celebrated 15 years since the formation of the russian rural youth union. in honor of the holiday, a regional fashion show was organized. regional activists demonstrated national costumes in a modern interpretation. representatives of youth movements today taught everyone how to make camouflage nets for svo fighters. my parents sent me to moscow to study as an artist. it seems like such a calm profession. and i joined a patriotic organization. we recently went to a humanitarian study. in rostov-nadon, as well as on the liberated territories where they provided targeted assistance, now they said that they are very proud of me, the movement of the first on the day of the volunteer at the exhibition russia raised the russian tricalor, these children not only manage to study perfectly well, but to help their neighbors, without this daily support from someone millions of little russians no longer imagine their lives, maria saushkina, yuri sholmov, veronika ilvuchenova, igor alekseev, channel. that's all for now,
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thank you for being with us, right now time will tell the program. hello, live on channel one, program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, today, as always, we will talk about very important geopolitical, financial, economic, ideological. and the information aspects of our clash with the nato bloc, and not just the nato bloc, but the american-centric west, i’m not afraid of this word, for a new world order, we have said many times that this struggle is going on at many levels, but of course within the framework of this struggle, everyone does their job, i visited today and there is one in the moscow region, it’s called a settlement in valor, well
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so, yes, here is cuba , a settlement of military valor, it’s interesting, and absolutely justified, as they say, justified with a large margin, so i met there, with people who gave me, as part of this great struggle, it seems to me, a very important tool, which is nevertheless very important for us, this is a bullet, such a very bullet... it is not a single copy and it is not a souvenir, it is a working tool and for the fight against those who prevent the establishment of a fair world order in the world, with devils, demons in all evil spirits, that’s why, not only that’s why, but that’s why i also like to think about it, this bullet has a silver tip, and i think that among other important geopolitical, financial, economic and so on, moments that prevent
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the establishment of a just world order, i i think that when each such bullet finds someone who deserves this bullet, when all the evil spirits with these silver tips are eliminated where the people who make these bullets work, i think that we will be able to talk about something much more beautiful, sublime within the framework of our program, but while e bullets are still being twisted and done, while those people are still walking, remember, as in the song, something is taking a long time to cast my bullet, something is taking my bullet, and so on, in in general, while we have to talk about what we should do next with those who deserved each such bullet, now after the advertisement we will continue, it didn’t take long to start it, now it’s stopped again, the condition is stable , serious, in these conditions, it won’t get any worse ,
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this is her last chance to go to sleep or already, is he drunk, tom, take him away , this is already a crime, what are you doing, come on, what are you doing, tom, i came to this city to correct a mistake, instead i made new ones, ask the nurse, watch the time after the program . maybe spit on the past, you are alive, your arms are intact, your legs are intact, but your memory, why do you care, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group, a new exclusive from prank journalists vavan and lexus, we have the prime minister of norway who is interested it is in military support for ukraine that will change the supply of fighter jets f-16
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premiere, tomorrow on the first, everything that i have in life, everything that is the joy of every day, everything that i will control my destiny is connected, connected, only with you. i love my country , premiere, to know the culture, geography, history, this is impossible, hello everyone, my name is nastya zadorzhnaya, and i love dogs very much, come here,
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come here, i decided to change my life, instead of being an actress, i chose volunteering , she is incredibly helpful in raising my kids. what we had without dogs and what we have now are two different life, since i have a dog, i feel more strongly that i am a person, well, this is a wonderful dog, which has already saved two human lives, this is not just a pet, this is the creature that accompanies you everywhere, dogs love us, dogs change us. dogs teach us, dogs save us, dogs are a whole world, a world in which there is one important rule, always be there, premiere, be there, on sunday on
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the first, i apologize for my appearance, here, but i would like to make some clarity who exactly is this? and i, actually viktor vladimovich maoryony, am really retired? volodya, i killed a man. sometimes women with high social responsibility are much worse than women with low social responsibility. nothing? nothing, it was from this point that the fatal blow was struck. like this? is this how it is? if i had known that you were coming to poison cockroaches, i would have come in a limousine. you know, they have. how, the child belongs to the father’s family, dad, and what your real wife did in the car with her first husband, you know, well, that’s exactly what’s coming
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to establish the investigation, but in our yard the season was interrupted, on sunday on the first. season premiere, you have the wrong address, if you don’t leave now, i’ll call the police, the police are already here, colonel alexandra ivanovna, you can’t even imagine how attractive you are when you’re investigating two cases at once, and you have some, some a beautiful suit for social occasions, run, run to your work, i forgot to put on a skirt, oh, with pleasure, chu, what have you got, dear, corpse, dear, get out of the way, lady, as i understand it, offended alpha males are our only version, yes, the bloodhound, a new episode from december 11 on the first, i think i’ll go and dress up for such an occasion, time will tell the program,
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we continue to work live, now we’ll just discuss those most important current ones. .. events from which the whole picture is formed, the whole palette, on the basis of which we can judge the trends and prospects of how the struggle for a new , fairer world order is developing, our opposition to the nato bloc is already a davor, but in fact i’m trying to it concerned each of our programs, well, in general , it seems to me that the people who come here are also trying, i started the program with the words that today i visited the city, in the settlement of military valor, in addition to a bullet with a silver tip, i brought from there, here is another important observation for my work, well, since the city, well , the settlement of military valor, well, there you walk between houses, and there are such well, like signs, as it is called one, whose words were spoken by him not for but the workers
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television, not for television guests talk show, but in my opinion they were just said strictly for us. so, our intelligence officer should. first of all, honesty, accuracy, truthfulness, one must have the courage to report both favorable and unfavorable data, not trust. if he lost it, he has no place in intelligence, but it seems to me that army general ivashutin, who said this about intelligence, and the man who for 24 years headed the main intelligence department, ours, said this about intelligence officers, but today , it seems to me that this absolutely concerns those who describes the situation on the front line, military, economic, financial, and so on. because of course there is , news comes from there that, well, gives some kind of,
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some kind of reason to say, like a turning point has begun, well, for example, here’s the ukrafuter, the ukroreich, and well, apparently, he’s already come to terms with the fact that the counterattack is all about, that’s what stated, held a meeting on the construction of fortifications, discussed the construction of fortifications on the main defensive lines, these are avdeevskaya, maryinskaya, kupyansko-limanskaya, direction, as well as the border regions bordering russia and belarus, everything is absolutely detailed, our state will definitely have enough mines and concrete, that is, from the need for tanks, armored vehicles in order to develop an offensive, break into crimea , and so on, we have already moved on to talking about that there should be enough mines and concrete, but yes , of course, on the one hand, this is an interesting and important turning point in the course of the military campaign, especially since he... said on november 30, almost a week ago, well, on the ground, well, he
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knows how to talk, what can you say, he a professional in speaking, but on the ground it doesn’t always look like it’s like a hole and concrete, on the ground, for example, it sometimes looks like this, this is what they call it, here are the signals from the field, lads, lads, that’s how it is too are switching to military defense, but since it took a long time to develop... the construction of the line of active defense did not work out, i said, and of course i could add here in the spirit of what is called, well, a feeling of deep complete creation, which is not the first warriors. who are building there this kind of impenetrable defensive wall, before them, those who tried to occupy
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ukraine, they tried to build the same border, left, it was called, in general, in many respects it coincides with what you are apparently thinking about now and one could say here, and it would be correct to say that how it didn’t help in 1943, 1944, and now, and so on, but it wasn’t by chance that i started with the words of pyotr ivashutin. which are said not only for intelligence officers, but who understand that everything is much more complicated and that on earth, their transition to active defense for people who are on the front line, very often it doesn’t look exactly like their defense, and sometimes it happens, it’s their active defense, well, it doesn’t look like a defense at all, and at the same time we’ll add that in general we have to dig in even in this kind of weather, in general it’s the weather for... . everyone has the same and in general if you follow the recommendation with which i started, that everything
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is of course much more complicated, especially when you not only go there, like many, but when you carry out combat missions there, like you, i guess you recently returned , let's go, since i stopped in moscow for a while, fortunately the situation allows, well, what can i say, firstly, artyom, i want, after this given poetic trend, to answer the question a little, also quotes from one poet, here are the banners. and the war also violently mocks our wisdom, yeah, one russian intelligence officer said, rightly so, yes, sometimes we don’t work out with wisdom and sometimes we start clapping our hands too early, so i came to moscow and i can say that clap your hands, we are in a little hurry, in fact, those who clap, i’m just so you understand, because you there’s no time for tv, i’m here every broadcast already, but maybe i won’t do round dances for now, so we’re with you in this sense, i agree, here i also want to say that something
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is starting to be felt, a tendency is beginning to sparkle, flash, so yes, but as they say, i don’t want to jinx it, i don’t want to, it’s still too early, to be honest , yes, indeed, in most sections of the line of combat contact the enemy is trying to dig in and go on the defensive, sometimes to a fairly active defense, who forces us too rummage. god bless, beautiful, bad, disgusting weather now comes, well, at least not always, unfortunately, but from time to time. yeah, because when it's raining, snowing and muddy, that's it for us. now the weather is the best, because the birds, at least the enemy ones , of which the enemy simply has an extremely large number, we also have enough, we also have them, and in general the technical level of last year’s military company, yes, a special military operation, and the technical level - this year’s special military operation, it’s generally just heaven and earth, but at the same time you are
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they said, words are words, with us too, with us too, that is, we are still talking about a lot. it has become incomparably better than it was at the beginning of special operations, one might say, for us too, for us too, yes, because despite the fact that in general fpv, as far as i know , is a purely russian invention, initially in general, if you look at who is first came up with, yes, the name is imported first person of you, i agree, yes, but it was originally invented, yes, by russian masters, yes, this is the whole thing, but even if let’s say, this hypothesis, my version, wrong, it doesn’t matter, one way or another, yes, that’s it. the enemy is overtaking us, that is, we are still saturating ourselves there in fpv, with ordinary ones, seven-inch ones, well, even nine-inch ones, then they have a very long-range 10 or more inches, this is the spread between the mounting points of the screws, respectively, uh-huh, here they used, for example, the same fpvs with thermal imagers, respectively, they can work at night, well, many, many,
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for example, guys, that’s who i communicate with from the zaporozhye direction, and from the donetsk direction. but they write, for example, that if some time ago they spent fpv mainly on equipment and groups of military personnel , but now the enemy sometimes does not spare fp beer even for one or two separate fighters, unfortunately, yes, indeed, this is so, for example, we recently received a sample of the enemy fpv , i must say, they were envious , yes, of the quality of workmanship, the material of the body , the filling, simply because the purpose, well, it was hidden there, respectively, in the remains of the building , it just didn’t fly into the window, got tangled up in the branches of a tree, and so we have them in very many relations so far everything is not bad from a technical point of view, we are told that there is already a shortage of shells there, well , to be honest, it’s nice to say, but they really
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feel some savings in shells, some savings in shells, this does not mean that they don’t fire or they shoot a little, but still. i understand that we are now mainly talking about the artyomovskoye direction, where your unit is fighting, yes, yes, about vakhmovskoye, i would say, the city has returned, its glorious russian name, thanks to this whole story, it has returned the glorious russian name that ion vasilyevich the terrible gave this place, and i think that at least something should be good, so in this whole, so to speak, rather unpleasant situation, let’s say, yeah, this good is visible and here, yes , little by little we see that the enemy is running out of steam, and above all... he is running out of steam in terms of using infantry, because they did not spare their personnel all this time , they watered him, yes, they watered him stupidly, completely pointlessly in a constant such a meat grinder, well they created these masses of infantry, very brave, because excuse me, how can i put it politely, stoned , yes, let’s say, well, just on drugs, under the strongest, and there for two days, respectively, a person is in front, yes, and then
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no, then doesn’t sleep, then later he gets terrified, panicky, well , we tried it on ourselves, they periodically... try to throw these parcels from drones with pills at the front lines, uh-huh, well there, because someone is sitting there, no opportunities to rotate, by the way, their rotations are frequent, fast, very often due to this very reason, they run out of charge from drugs, respectively , fighters, uh-huh, they need to be put back somewhere , instead of them, get new ones of the same kind, respectively, drug addicts, uh-huh, but sometimes, when there is no such opportunity, they dump them with anything, well, first of all, with the same bespla, they are reset accordingly. and of course, well, we have brave people who, at this moment, the course of the war somehow begins to deliver more, no, no, no, no, we don’t really use it, but i know one case, well, a couple of cases when people , who had already left the pvd, so to speak, finding themselves in comfortable conditions, and under the supervision of doctors, they decided to try
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what it was, well, that’s why there are very specific memories of people who went through this. that’s all for two days, that’s all, and then there’s just complete panic horror, well, these are all these stories that i heard when i visited and they constantly write to me that we ’re mowing them down, and they’re walking, and they’re stepping over two hundredths, not at all that they don’t react, that is, this is correct, and after three hundredths too, they don’t notice, and this is often visible from our drones, you can just see, you can see how the artillery group is fighting, for example, and the assault, so it is being carried away by the artillery, not only their two-hundredths are falling, they are falling three-hundredths that are moving. they walk past without paying any absolutely attention to them, and the fact that then most of them don’t even try to pull out their corpses is also a fact, it’s all this stupid meat grinder. from the enemy’s side, well, not everything is perfect here either, let’s say, yes in this regard, but in fact, what is happening on the enemy’s side is simply something, so to speak , absolutely incredibly monstrous, so they
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simply created colossal things for themselves, everything that they lost during this so to speak, well, let’s say summer-autumn counter- offensive or spring-summer-autumn there, depending on when it begins there at the end of may or at the beginning of june, how to count it, it’s not entirely clear, well, it doesn’t matter, everything that they lost during these months is extremely difficult for them to make up for the offensive, moreover , it feels of course, in them, including prisoners, there is some psychological breakdown, which is associated with the internal situation in particular, well, firstly, it is understandable, because it is a fact that it did not happen on the declared scale, although there are some more than local successes that are not worth such losses as theirs, now they are talking about some kind of active defense, well , there is a plaza on our bank of the dnieper, unfortunately, to this day, which has not yet been liquidated, yes, that also exists, and that’s what it’s about for you here? from even the point of view, let's say so, looking directly from the battlefield, this is a statement that we are going on the defensive, we are building a defensive defense, and
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so on, from the point of view of the battlefield, from the point of view of the broader context, this is in your opinion about what, what are they doing in this case, want to do, and firstly, they understand that our time has begun, yes, our climate time has begun, and we are slowly starting to move forward in different sectors of the front, i won’t say any specifics there- then, but it turns out that we are there, here and there, almost simultaneously and somewhere we put pressure, naturally, trying to find the point where we can seriously break through them, yeah, further on, here’s a simple forecast, as soon as we break through them once in earnest, that’s where they have serious problems will begin, because all this can easily turn into a total flight, this has happened more than once, especially in the conditions of the internal political instability that has arisen in their rear, and it has arrived... to a very significant extent, because legitimacy this accordingly, activist, activist, yes, okay, let it be an activist, this is active, well, we
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can’t call it with the words that should be used to call it on the air, so i immediately suggest an activist, otherwise you’ve just come from the front, i understand, yes, thank you, thank you, yes, i was just looking for the right word, i noticed, yes, well, his legitimacy is already, frankly speaking, very doubtful, it will end soon, elections are he i'm inclined to cancel after all. it seems that it has even been completely canceled, but everything is about legitimacy, which means that this is the short period that he remained, some kind of legitimacy is still retained, and after that there is no legitimacy , but there are competitors, the strongest competitor in the form of zaluzhny is a competitor, and in general everything is already clear, in fact, and then there are doubts about the ongoing assistance of the west , at least on the scale of this assistance, here is the question of what you are saying, and here is the last thing that we will now begin to discuss with you, then we will continue with our guests, since we started with you, so you described, what losses do they have there, what do they have with a lot worse, with worse ammunition, with uh
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, which means that legitimacy will also soon be, well, to put it mildly, not very good, and against this background there are also quite a lot of publications, like the one that, i’ll show you now, is the daily express, it doesn’t mean anything that this isn’t just some super reputable newspaper, i have dozens of super reputable ones for you... i can give you publications like this, it’s just that my guys love fresh publications, well , so to speak, that’s how professional they are inclination, here they are for me daily express done, listen, uk diplomats are preparing to put pressure on kiev to come to the negotiating table with russia in the hope that the war in ukraine can be ended, this comes as pressure increases on ukrainian president vladimir zelsky, the outline of the ukrainian offensive is largely underwhelming , while the fighting is in the east. continue. in addition, markieva vitali klitschko said that zelsky is paying for the mistakes he made and becoming an autocrat. jack blanchard of
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politician says: "the great counter-offensive ukraine has not looked like the success that people expected, and this raises big questions about ukraine's ability to win this war militarily. in diplomatic circles they are talking about putting pressure on kiev to force it to sit down at the negotiating table, it will be very interesting to hear." but i’ll tell you more that such publications in the western press are really a wagon and a small cart, but against this background, so to say, signals of a different kind are already sounding, for example, today the news is published, well citing one of its high-ranking sources that moscow is not against negotiations with kiev on the territory of a western country, including hungary, but the main thing is that the west and ukraine are ready for a constructive conversation. we are not going to run after anyone and so on, in your opinion, looking from here, what is this about? is this some kind of game, let's say? in
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a wink or was it actually some real conversation track that appeared? i think that the west, in principle, theoretically prepares first of all its audience, aka, aka the collective west, which has invested a lot in the propaganda of this whole yellow-bladed ugliness, is preparing its, its audience for the fact that at some point the korean version will be reached, the so-called notorious fifty-seventh parallel, for what will happen. a certain demarcation line has been drawn , where it will go, this is a very controversial issue, let’s say, yes, according to which everything that remains on our side will be ours, everything that will remain on the other side will be nato’s, in fact, no matter how it is it was called it’s clear that they are trying to reduce the situation to this option, to say that we have it, but it’s a necessity, and in general, in principle, from
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some point of view, this option is beneficial for us. i won’t say this, oh, oh, in this sense, why i bring the publication in the news, i ask this question, that when we, so to speak, from unnamed high-ranking sources, well, let’s just say, play along a little in this game, well, we probably, people who do this, if they do it, they know what they are doing, so, and this is an important question, because, it is clear that we cannot to get into all the ins and outs, yes, but the track or this trend, it’s obviously starting to take over, we were also going to talk about the information component, such an informational and ideological one, so alexander borodai says that it’s not a fact for him that for us it’s beneficial, and at the same time it is said that we do not refuse negotiations , including on the territory of a western country, i really did today, when i was sorting out this news material in my telegram, in my
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opinion, here... it’s like an important factor clarifications, so that the west and ukraine, that is, we make it clear that in general there is nothing and no need to negotiate with ukraine as such, but plus there is also the factor of fulfilling obligations, that is, yes, you sit down at the table, you agree on something, maybe be beneficial for you, because our situation now is really quite good for negotiations, it will fulfill it, it will not fulfill it further, and so on, but there is another important point for me from an information point of view, and in my opinion you are even talking about it too wrote, addressed... pay attention to this, this this is what started, just a flash mob of masochists , and ours, which means, respectively, from the otezzhans, foreign agents, there is zyggor, and latinin, and chechvarkin and so on, but that ’s all okay, but when dmitry gardon joins this flash mob, and who just recently was such a very bright, convincing , intelligible explanation of why everything
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would work out for them, but we couldn’t. nothing , because the west is with them, well, something, suddenly we hear from him, like this, they are increasing production, they are attacking, we don’t have enough weapons, we don’t have enough guys, what is this about? he says, they are exhausting, as i already said , our - that means, our infrastructure, they are exhausting us with these night attacks, we did not succeed in the counter-offensive, unfortunately, if this continues any longer, then the west will say, what they are already saying, that guys, well, you see, your counter-offensive is not working, we cannot give you more money in such an amount, because our taxpayers will not understand us, the west is very
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pragmatic and cynical and this must be understood, but nato, what kind of nato, and the european union, yes what european union? are they, excuse me, burning us? accept with desire there, i only hear conversations, for now, i don’t, we went to the maidan in the thirteenth, fourteenth year for the european association, excuse me, where is it, and so, that means, daily express, and dozens more serious publications write that kiev is actively being persuaded to negotiate, which means that this is an indicative moment, we are giving a signal that , in principle, guys, we don’t seem to mind negotiating there from the west, and you must agree, a very indicative moment when alexander borodai in the studio of the first channel and dmitry gordon, somewhere there, sitting in his ukraine, they are describing the current situation with the ukrainian reich counter-offensive, well, in approximately the same words, and this is, well, what a horror, well, excuse me, no, this is not horror, this is horror on the one hand, on
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the other hand this, well this... must have reasons, given that alexander boroddai has always been on this side, and dmitry gordon is now obviously quite dramatically changing the concept, in your opinion. what is this all about and what and where? i think this means that ukraine has already lost the war, but russia still has to win it, this is actually the difference between the approach of alexander borod and dmitry gordon, yeah, that is, pay attention to the next thing, here’s the nature of the publication and style, well, here’s what ukrainian propagandists say, gardon, but he’s not a journalist, he’s a propagandist, he voices that nartrat. which is the key one there , well, i don’t know, there in the ruling class , i’ll add it for a second, it’s not , recently it has become the key one and so,
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so, accordingly, the west, like this whole coalition, is interested in, in order to reach the korean option there, to reach any truce, to reach any kind of death there is a ceasefire. that means building the eastern rampart, that is, relatively speaking, the war must stop, no one feels sorry for these former regions of ukraine, they never felt sorry for donbass, they despised and hated it there, starting from the beginning of the 2000s, i mean for someone i’m revealing a secret to no one, neither here there nor there, yeah, kherson, zaporozhye, melitopol - this is all a foreign land, but a fundamental question, a fundamental question for those who are sitting in kiev, that the state of ukraine has survived, then they can somehow reassemble, then the power in the united states will change, they will generally come to some new configuration, to a new format of war, everyone will remain more or less with their own, although with some losses, is that what we need?
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the fundamental question is why, well, from my point of view, why do we not need any peace negotiations, moreover, they are harmful, because they are not necessary and harmful. in general, even now there are peace negotiations that may take place with ukraine or with the west, this is, relatively speaking , a discussion of the points of unconditional surrender, which means what demilitarization is, the procedure for disarmament of parts of the armed forces of ukraine, the procedure for the transfer of heavy equipment, and so on and so on and so on, these are actually what negotiations can be with ukraine, i’ll finish very quickly, but i’m not going to finish you, i wanted to say that i agree with you, absolutely, absolutely agree, and lavrov spoke about this and so on, but the point is that in order to to pose the question as it is absolutely fair, i emphasize, you pose it, you need
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to be not here, well, with all my agreement with you, and unfortunately, not even here, in order to pose the question the way you pose it, you need to be here somewhere, and now look, and peck at me, smear me, and here we are, it means that zaluzhny quite consciously recalled about the positional war, the positional deadlock: how the first world war ended, that the germans were rolling towards berlin there and were being pursued by french units , nothing like that, there were no retreats, the war just ended at the moment when the german generals knew 100% that they... had no more reserves, that’s it, the war was over, yeah, by the way, before that they managed to launch a successful offensive in in the eighteenth year, about the fact that germany did not lose the first world war, but was, in general, in a sense appointed and admitted to lose,
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germany lost the war and signed surrender, well, in the military sense of the word, germany was not a defeated power, it by and large, i haven’t lost a single major battle, then i accept your logic, it’s a reasonable argument, but then you tell me, in order to discuss conditional surrender, we don’t have to be here, because we can be somewhere, where they already understand everything that you just described, comparing them with the germans of the first world war, then they and then what, then they will offer peaceful... they may offer peace negotiations, but the counter-proposal that i believe will be formulated, it will be analogous to what was formulated in compiègne, no , not peace negotiations, but the order of disarmament
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of parts of the ukrainian army, the deployment of occupation units in the largest cities of the former ukraine, this is how this war will end , i will explain why from my point of view this is completely inevitable, although this is said out loud it is not customary to say, but russia has no options, we will not be satisfied with a capable, preserved ukraine, which is in a year, in two. in three years it will again begin to pose a threat to russia, why is this unacceptable, the events in ukraine are just, this, this is not even the first act, perhaps this is only a prelude to a big war, which in any case will flare up absolutely throughout the continent and not only in eurasia, we look at south america, is this an accident, no, of course, this is not an accident, meaning venesula and garyana, then there is for russia from a military point of view. absolutely unacceptable, it is impossible to leave
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this military crisis unresolved, it will be resolved, one way or another, now in six months, in a year, but it will be resolved precisely by the surrender of the complete deconstruction of the ukrainian state, whether it will survive or no, perhaps it will remain as a complete protectorate in its pure form , there will be some kind of nominal manager, who may even wear an embroidered shirt once a year, i really doubt it very much, yeah, i ’m now for the sake of, as they say, that’s why i started the program, for the sake of fairness and well, both pleasant and unpleasant things need to be said , i know this, to myself as at least one thing, which in the real picture of the world, well , is slightly dissonant with this, namely that in april of twenty-two we were not just were ready, and we signed and presented it some time ago, that we signed a situation in which the ukrainian state,
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well, it was not capitulation, that is, we have already shown our readiness for the fact that for us , what you are talking about is not the only existential option, then yes, and now this is the only option, because in april finland and sweden did not join nato, i want to remind you, but now they have joined, and accordingly, on the northern flank of russia... they have joined and sweden, in my opinion, is doing everything not to join, and yet she will enter, this it’s still a question of time, that is , in any case, in the north we will have to maintain a large group, this is another potential military-political crisis, and the baltic states are a potential military-political crisis, and the situation around kaliningrad is a probable military-political crisis political crisis, i’m not talking about all the southern borders, i’m here with you, sergei, i’m not arguing with you at this point, since i talked about it on the air and i repeat it every time i go to the front and
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talk with the guys who made me they ask, well, what’s it like, i say , do you remember history, i remember, you remember the finnish war, yes, this is it, this is it, typologically, if you sort this out, typologically a lot is similar, we are bigger, we have more resources, there, and so on, and so on, but at that moment, for those who were dying there, under... the energey lines, it seemed like hell on earth, against the backdrop of stalingrad, then looking back, that ’s all, well, as it was, as we are now remembering the finnish war, well, such a local war, which, unknown, as tvordovsky wrote, in my opinion, this war is not famous, and so on, so now we move on, then what the negotiations depend on, that’s what they mean, fussing and twitching, since they can be stubborn in any way, but without weapons, without shells, without equipment, without the same uavs. well, you can’t fight for a long time, here
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’s the question of the signals that sound from those who seemingly raised and took them out, well, let’s listen to the official representative of the us state department, miller, we’re listening, as for the battlefield, the situation is not simple, ukrainian troops are fighting a very entrenched, very entrenched russian military, we see that they are making progress, it has been difficult, but we see that the ukrainians continue to make progress. as for additional funding, we are very concerned that it has almost run out. we are now relying on the remaining funds from the reduction in personnel, which will soon be exhausted, i think, by more than 97%. and mind you, he is never upset. he is so, so, so a little ironically, like this, well, like this, some kind of, well, guys, this is how it would have happened, well, the death was normal, the patient was dying before dying, well, how would it have happened like this, he’s not the only one like that, here you go, eh. .. as
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you already know, today white house budget director shalanda young sent a letter to congressional leaders that karin just referenced. she explained that by the inaction of congress, by the end of the year the administration would run out of resources to purchase more weapons for ukraine to be supplied from us military warehouses without compromising our combat readiness and we hope that congress, both parties, will do the right thing. there is no magic pot of gold to draw from, as director young said, we are running out of money, time is almost up, congress must act now. and mind you. i every day, when one way or another about this news about negotiations, that they have no money, that their scows are sending something there for a mullet, but they say that there is no mullet, and so on, i i write about this every day, that’s what it’s about, why alexander began that there is no need to rush to clap your hands, there is no need to dance in circles, and so on and so forth, but another figure
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on whom a lot depends, because we understand perfectly well that if the americans in the end still don’t find that much money , how much is needed to continue the war, then the chances of ukraine turning into germany after the first world war, or more precisely at the end of the first world war, are much higher, so the question is what are they playing at, saying everything that miller says, what he says sullivan, here you go. let me please, i’ll let you listen to johnson, speaker of the house of representatives, for a minute, please, i can answer the republicans’ questions about a clear strategy in ukraine, ways to resolve the conflict or accountability for the assistance provided by american taxpayers, meanwhile, the administration. constantly ignores the disaster on our border. house republicans have decided that any package of additional national security measures must start at our own border. do you understand, right? they listened to tom about 10 minutes ago, who said, well, you understand, they don’t see the result,
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and they are very cynical and pragmatic guys, and well, something seemed to go wrong. we really understand that the guys are cynical and pragmatic. this is a very pragmatic formulation of the question, the administration could not answer our questions about what the strategy for ukraine is, what are the ways to resolve the conflict or accountability for help, that is, they do not say: “we do not want to give money to ukraine.” republicans slyly say: guys, we are very, we don’t eat we can give money to ukraine as we want. just answer us three questions: what are you doing there, what do you want to achieve, and so on. here's a question about this, in development of all these phrases. here you go, grandma. janet ellen said in an interview with punch bowl, okay, let’s assume that a very well-known publication, they, well, since ellen probably gives him an interview, that is, after all, they are probably not a block of some little-known person, they are talking about ukrainians, grandma elin says: they are preparing for a long time, uh, for a long time
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winter, and this is a slip, by the way, according to freud, and grandmother elina thought so, but said about the ukrainians, they are preparing for a long winter, and this support is critical for them to be able to continue to participate in the war. the head of the us treasury emphasized that the ukrainian authorities are currently spending every cent of their income on military needs and for this reason washington’s assistance is necessary to ensure the work of the government, hospitals, rescuers, teachers, she refused to comment on the possibility that even in if the us congress approves an additional request from us president biden for assistance to ukraine, which will be approved by an american legislator for kiev , and this is against the backdrop of nbc news that democrats and republicans have failed another attempt to agree, because the republicans are demanding this package in exchange for an agreement to establish some kind of history along the southern
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border, but nothing works out along the southern border, for those who don’t know, today is december 5th, the fifteenth, these gentlemen are going on christmas vacation, as they say... no one will cancel christmas for the sake of ukrarekh. in your opinion, what is this all about? is this or is this something about geopolitics and a step towards the fact that the ukrainian reich will be a little, well, limited in finances? well, you said about the patient, i remembered a quote from a famous film: the doctor is well-fed and the patient feels better, yes, but the head, the head is a dark object that cannot be examined. i quote, yes, so, returning to this whole story, it is clear that if you cut off everything that is there along the border, then there is no ukraine, that is, it is clear that this is a struggle of resources, recalling about the first world war, i want to say the phrase pétain said: german coal lost the war to our oil, that is, this war
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is always a war of resources, opportunities, when hitler went, he did not go to moscow during the second world war, the purpose of the attack was. in baku, he went to oil, he doesn’t understand the war, but i am forced to obey, and made a fatal mistake, everyone knows about it, what am i talking about, to the point that i cut off the resources of ukraine from the resources of the west, not including, not only bplla, but also from tablets, and there is no ukraine, and negotiations, which are only possible , which sergei spoke about, they must be carried out, and this did not sound with ukraine, with the west, because this is just a territory of conflict, this is just a search for a new configuration of the world, the fact that the united states has money, of course, they print them, it’s just that they bargain around it, of course, what it is...’ there is an internal conflict, but we saw this back in the election of trump in the second election in biden’s victory, when this monster wheel was
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set in motion with with the electors when they are there for one night they gave biden a victory through electronic voting, we understand how tough the conflict is inside, it is very serious indeed, models, what is the problem? the problem is not that america has no money, the problem is that the model has run out of possibilities for development through emissions, yeah, that is, it has come up against... the entire global economic model is unable to print additional money, because inflation additionally american money , american, we use american money, we live in a system of equivalent dollar, that is, we took the dollar for the system of values ​​of everything that exists in our country, not only labor, cost, well, accordingly , everything else, yes, our efforts, including mental ones, yes, this is the main problem, that this model is dying and the fact that it has no growth resources left is obvious, but we see it, that is, all these points are named there and the gas sector, ukraine, and this taiwan, which is growing, and guyanna
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and venezuela, this dots, small points of manifestation of a large global conflict, with which the operator of this model cannot cope with, the operator of the model was the united states of america, this is also clear to everyone, and when we say, the problem is something else - it is clear how you can manage the economic, global, political model if you have a limited circle of decision-makers, people or forces there, yes one, two, three, as was the case in america, the ussr, yes, and when turkey, iran, china, germany declare their rights, india, brazil, russia, usa, as in england how to combine it when at the table negotiations of 12 people, 12 powers, this does not simplify the management system and does not make it. because you need to understand that politics is a zone of conflict of interests, it is not compliance with certain formats of politeness,
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just as the market is a place for defending one’s own interests, only by other methods, for some reason we believe that the market can dictate the terms of the policy of relationships, this is not so, this is also a place of coordination of interests, even to the point of war for one’s interests, and this must be understood, this feeling and this need returns to politics as such, that is, appeals to common sense are not suitable here, because common sense in politics does not work, in politics there is a clear principle, like in war, your own stranger, yeah, and i must protect my interests, protect my people, and those , who who considers me to be my people, otherwise i’m nobody, look, it’s very interesting how you describe the situation, in many ways, it seems that it is so, but then, based on your idea of ​​the situation, that ’s not the case. .. the whole system has come into disarray, then within the framework of this, how do you feel about yourself? explain, what the americans are doing now , playing this game, either we’ll give money, but we’ll give
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money in exchange for this, in exchange for this, oh, we couldn’t agree on something, and here’s the southern border, and here israel, there’s one package, what they’re playing at, i’ll show you another very illustrative example, here’s linsey graham, yes, the man who was there literally a few months ago, he was the embodiment of the need to support the ukrainian reich, we ’ll give you everything, guys, here i am let me remind you, a man came to kiev with zelensky, hugged and said him that when you have someone like me, i ’m not afraid at all, because i’m there for you, i’ll fight there and so on, 3 months have passed, we’re listening to the same linsey graham, i won’t vote for aid to ukraine and israel until we secure our borders and reform the parole system , it can be done, the democrats don't want to do it, all the republicans do. i will not help ukraine until we help ourselves. do you understand, right? and i, why did i bring you
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this example, because linsey graham, despite the fact that he is gray-haired in a suit and tie and an american senator, and dmitry gardon, there is a bald man in a t-shirt and a ukrainian propagandist, they are very similar in that they feel, well, which way the wind blows, and linsey graham, now 3 months after his visit, he feels that the wind is blowing there, but then the question arises, feeling. this wind, what do you think they are doing now, it’s not that you ’re describing it, here they are, their situation is like this, so what can they do in this situation? in relation to this, because our boys are still fighting here, here i agree with my colleagues that for a big cameraman, by the way, bald gordon, he’s not focusing on kiev, by changing his position, it’s like his sent there, he does not connect his future not with ukraine, with there, with that, with that side of the border. that's why he changed his position, it corresponds to freeze in any way to freeze the situation to preserve i'm not not a beautiful word
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, an abscess next to russia. this is very correct word. if they raised a generation of haters in russia during the holodomor, then imagine that they will grow up in crimea, donbass, what kind of education it will be, these will be orcs, real ones, who will be, for whom we will not be people, and here i agree with sergei , that in deciding what is important for them, to preserve the historical successor to those territories with which they agree, so they are practically from the point of view of money, which they now either cannot give, or... pretend that i cannot negotiate with russia, freeze, redoubts build, place these artillery systems, like on the border of north-south korea, and let everyone live with their own conviction that everything is fine, everything is fine, we will accumulate strength, we will deal with europe, latin america, china, we will solve this problem, until freeze, because we don’t have enough strength, but as it turned out , what was the point of trump’s message, guys, let
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’s stop with this expansion, let’s figure out what we are really capable of, where we will not just get there, but will be able to control it, not for the design the protectorate, as he said, understood , we will now actually continue this conversation, since each of you in one way or another identified the problem is that the hegemon continues to think that he is the hegemon, but cannot manage the system in the old way, so you listed those calls or those places, so to speak, where things are no longer working out very well, now we will briefly go through some of these important points, there is an interesting movement there. as it seems to me, dialogue with the whole country, dialogue with everyone, results of the year with vladimir putin 14 december at 12:00 moscow time. old barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group.
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kolya, you are the god of 8 km shooting. we specially ordered this part to be machined , there is a magnet on the bottom, we place it in any place in order to have time to film the battle from different points, our film crew is usually divided, for example, the operator films the observation post, where the commander controls the drone battle, so it creeps, crawls, sound engineer, he also has a camera, he can film reloading, equipment leaving, we work in full, and i can move between by mail, what is the plan now, the regime for now. all alive 3 m arrival brother in the forest may not be on the road but the police there may be mines right there wheels right wheels fixed the camera on the strap of the body armor of a fighter with the call sign eagle the enemy is close very much it will be necessary to do this half for the fighters through whose eyes we see the battle we are of course everyone since we worry about our loved ones, forward forward forward, and people even hundreds of kilometers from the front line can
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feel the strength of our fighting spirit. well done, oh, kolyan, arrivals, this is for us, kolyan, yes, maybe we’re leaving, no, no, no, now we will earn money, for the day of heroes of the fatherland , men's work, on saturday, on the first, this place looks like a fairyland, hot rivers, one bear at a time, i'm on eturup, friends, the largest island of the kuril ridge, eggs. we take a little bit of caviar, well, now naturally, i noticed that absolutely all the tourists feed the leaf, this is very bad, it stops hunting, they don’t see any other food, now it ’s a beauty, you can smell the smell, well, crush the little crust, the aroma will be on all of ivanovskaya, how much vitamin c is in it, more than in batelsina, finally what we
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have been waiting for has happened, we saw someone alive. kuril islands in all its glory, the life of its own, premiere, on sunday on the first. here is his real passport, his name is arnold dejic. he used this passport to travel to the uk. an operative of the highest class, he attracted a number of disinterested assistants and sources of invaluable secret information to cooperate with soviet foreign intelligence. gave donald maclean, as a friend of his, whom he knew shared communist ideology, to 17 or 20 agents - this is an outstanding achievement, but the most important thing is the cambridge five. kalin dalis estimates that the cambridge five are the most effective, most powerful group of intelligence officers of the second world war. recruitment is the intelligence officer's sharpest weapon, but it is
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double-edged and can be cut on any person. for the first time, the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation has declassified documents. before us is a map on which the exact location is marked. death, the dachas were no longer alive, but as they say, his work, it lived, won, premiere, names of illegal intelligence, arnold deitch, on sunday at the first, in western ukraine, the sbu and the national police conducted a top-secret training, according to the plan, ukrainians will be infected with the tik flu, and then russia will be blamed for everything, appointed curator of provocations. snake of death. i will begin by considering the likelihood of russia using biological weapons in ukraine. this is what it sounds like between the lines, that if you go to liberate
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ukraine, we will launch biological weapons that will be human, but will attack agriculture. ukrainian military is the main research source. 70% mortality rate. they unexpectedly became victims of an incomprehensible disease, in which... public opinion is preparing for more serious military action against russia. philippa lentzes, woman painting death, dolls, heir. time will tell the program, we continue to work live. and now we continue to discuss, in fact, this is not another topic, this is the development of the topic with which. about what is happening within the framework of the conflict on the territory of the former ukraine, and we have all already spoken many times, and today again is to say that this is one of the bridgeheads , one of the springboards, of this big conflict,
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in which it all turned into this form, but of course, the balance of power for the curators of the ukrainian reich depends on what is happening at other sites or points of potential conflicts , from which everyone was named in one way or another, and this is understood... everywhere, here is the cover of the spectator publication, very indicative in this sense, which means, since it combines in itself in many ways what we are talking about, it is probably clear with whom he plays, by the way, it’s very interesting here, what does it mean , there in the background, here’s the question, and what you said is that the operator is no longer operating, because he’s stuck there, there’s a stuck biden like that, that is, he’s like, what was it, then reisia and netanyahu, who, well... it’s like a draw for now, they’re both so cheerful, in the situation with zelsky, by the way, pay attention that everyone, even the frozen biden, are all standing on two legs, zelsky was already drawn in
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the pose of a primate, he walks on four limbs, i don’t know if they accidentally depicted or not, and putin has already fallen into it, and this picture, in my opinion, is exactly an illustration of what you are talking about, that everyone understands that this is one context, this is... the context of the frozen operator biden and connected already in one field is the middle east conflict and the conflict in the territory of the former ukraine and so on, this is a very vivid illustration of this, as an official , let’s say, chronicle of the upcoming next few days, visits and negotiations of our president and supreme commander-in-chief, who will literally be visiting russia tomorrow with a blitz visit united... arab emirates and saudi arabia, and the palestinian-israeli settlement of the situation in the middle east in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone will be discussed there, and he flies there one day, flies here, on
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thursday iranian leader rais flies here, with whom there will also be negotiations, which do not always happen, which have already been announced in advance as very long and it is said that there will be a long conversation and there will be several people from delegations 1 + 4, and after that they will take place negotiations in the format of a working lunch, well, where , as we understand, given that this is stipulated, well, it would seem like lunch, it ’s lunch in africa, but here it is clear that a working lunch is a place where something even more important will be discussed, and an even more interesting thing, which was announced in advance by yuri ushakov, and this is generally very indicative of how i understand the style of our official diplomacy. it is very significant that these words are spoken this time. regarding visits to the united arab emirates, saudi arabia and reception in moscow res, these are very relevant and extremely important
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contacts. they are important both from the point of view of further development of strengthening friendly ties with these three countries, and in connection with the aggravated situation in the middle east. we are carrying out such a concentrated shot, this is very important, the day it will happen. from the point of view of the development of our relations with these three states, from the point of view of the corresponding signals to the international community, that’s it, well, my guys, they are concentrated in the country. put in quotation marks, uh, well, in general it’s clear what it is not exactly the rhetoric that we, well, this is rarely used in our style to describe the fact that we are a concentrated shot, a signal to the international community, that is , something very important is expected in your opinion, this middle eastern story, what role does it play now in the context of the entire conflict, it affects the hegemon from the point of view of its capabilities on the territory of the ukrainian reich, here in the far east, and so on, this design, in your opinion, where is it heading now? of course it works, the arab world,
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in fact, yes, firstly, and now enough is trying, let’s say, to unite, this is something that, in principle, in principle , was prevented for a very long time by various kinds of colonialists, primarily british, now at least some kind of colonialists are emerging between many arab countries then there are points of contact, there is an opportunity to talk, this is the first, second, there is colossal power, the conflict situation is now in the middle east, and in general, apparently, this is just above all... this territory is the future theater of military operations the war itself, which apparently there is still just a prologue ahead, which is the current events, our current civil war on the territory of the so-called ukraine, our civil war is a typical civil war, this is not the soviet-finnish war, it is rather a war in spain, inside spain, but that’s it from the same period, yes, it’s similar to this, which was also a prologue and a kind of training exercise, so to speak. a war where the parties, who
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later came together in a conflict, tried their strength there in this theater of military operations each other, made certain conclusions, and then agreed on completely different theaters of military operations, and spain in general remained from this whole matter, as we know practically in the country, well, let’s not count the blue division there, which is volunteer there, which frank there here threw it out, just whoever, whoever wants, let them all leave, goodbye, uh-huh, that’s it, and so, in general, apparently, everything is unfolding quite well. by analogy, and of course, it is clear that we also need to build relations for the future alliances, they are just now emerging, but in this sense the situation is developing for us , well, i wouldn’t like to beat the drum again, and he says, but it seems to be developing very, very well in the potential, it’s just important for us to do our work, of course, to finish, and it is true, something that we will not have to save.
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to call it, yes, there is no need to call it for the world, it is secondary, this is the primary task for us, on the one hand, on the other hand, within the framework of the same middle eastern history, concentrated shots, the way we have it turns out that everything is going on in this territory, largely depends on how relations develop with the same arab countries, how ready they are potentially for these alliances, i am also very careful, because against the backdrop of these visits, vladimir vladimirovich, here’s some news for you, which came already on air. putin is traveling to the united arab emirates to consult on the situation in gas; these are the foreign ministers of egypt, jordan, qatar, the united arab emirates and saudi arabia, that is, you understand, everything is put into different pots, the dollar is there, sorry, the dollar also seems to play a huge role, the majority of arab currencies are directly tied to the dollar, that’s why all this is interconnected, sergey, in your opinion, here ... these concentrated bullets and
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the fact that this is announced so in advance, and the fact that everyone will hear and so on, this speaks about the current situation, where this is all moving, and in fact, from the very beginning of the ukrainian war, what was she talking about western propaganda, and accordingly, what they talked about in kiev, that is, this was one of the key points, that russia, in fact , finds itself in diplomatic isolation, russia is alone, they have made colossal, just effort in order to... indeed, to assemble this coalition, and it is , it is large, it includes quite a large number of countries, according to the list, but the goal was not achieved, and the point is not only that china, in general, immediately pulled away, but if you look to those countries that lead express themselves either neutrally or openly, then in general one can conclude that nothing worked out here either, generally speaking about a multipolar world, who...
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will enter it, it seems to me that it is important to say this in general directly, in according to him, this world will include countries that have at least some significant resource, population, minerals, possibly technology, but in such a critical volume industry, water, a little later, yes, it will probably be water, and accordingly, there we look at the map, that's who are there potential players in the future world? perhaps now they are not very significant, saudi arabia, or in general the entire middle eastern region, yes, of course, that is, in any case, this is the place, yes, the place on earth where significant mining is done. energy producers, there is a huge iran , which survived more than 40 years of sanctions, in general, it proved its independence and subjectivity of its ambitions, large turkey, despite all the problems, the country in general seems to be showing such a very good trend, there is
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china, there is india , well, i won’t talk about latin america, but although in general there are very similar things there, there is venezuela with the largest exploration reserves. by the way, if you’re already talking about this, there is just a version that gayanu in venezuela, the americans themselves are slipping it to iraq, as they once did to kuwait, who happily snatched it up, for which they then told him, you snatched up kuwait, come here, there is such a version, but it’s about the same thing, they also talk about the story with ukraine, that they provoked russia, i honestly saying that, i don’t think so, i think that everything in the world... is very complicated, here i am now, why is he , as it were, there, here he is focusing attention on the fact that this is a concentrated blow, the whole world is looking at what is happening in russia and around russia, russia is presenting what it has, guys, we have a growing economy , we have a large military-industrial complex, we have a capable
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, combat-ready army, we don’t have any diplomatic isolation, we have a general list of countries behind us, there is a voice ... there are two coalitions, why are the american ones there? officials are making the statements that you showed today, that is , with such even faces, but in terms of rhetoric, these are alarming statements, but they analyze it in the same way, that is, they evaluate resources in the same way, then what about viktorovich said that they understand more and more that the pot is no longer very good, it has no resources, then in general... the situation is very different from what it was 40 and 30 and even 25 years ago, so in general it’s like out of this crisis we need to somehow try with the least come out with losses, but it’s better to record all the advantages that they won, and they won a lot of advantages, of course, in this war, and
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then what i said, that is, ukraine lost the war, all that remains is for us to win it, i understand, well, that is you say, there is still some preliminary disposition before that’s all. the most important collision is still ahead, how hot, cold it will be and so on, this is a separate question, by the way, today we said that, roughly speaking, some kind of markdowns going on in the studio first channel, suddenly began to sound from the lips of, for example, gordon, here’s another interesting point for you, what you just talked about, describing that the isolation didn’t work out very well, here you go, the bloom was thinning out russia, despite the attempts of the usa and europe will isolate itself from it on the world stage, its economy is increasingly stable. and the fighting in ukraine is reaching a dead end. it is also a challenge for the white house, which warns washington is running out of time to approve aid to ukraine as putin seeks to strengthen his ties. with leaders of the gulf countries. the durability of america's support for ukraine is being questioned. bloomberg
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is not one of the biggest fans of our country and its policies, but nevertheless, he partially controls what we talk about. the next question is: if bloomberg understands what he is talking about. and what you are talking about is that the operator can no longer cope very well with this increasingly complex system, then they have two options: either try to somehow bend everyone over , crush them, then this is one development of events in in the form of some kind of big conflict, or try to adapt to it, if you’re smart enough, then or something else, well, when i talked about trump and the clash, these are the two main dispositions that have collided in america, one says: let’s focus on those borders that we control, europe is fundamentally important, latin america is fundamentally important, i think that the story with guyana is more the story with kuwait than the history of an independent sovereign venezuela, in this in this construction, the most painful blow is this israel, as kennedy recently said
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as a presidential candidate, that israel is an aircraft carrier located next to the energy heart of the planet, saudi arabia. iran , the united arab emirates , and the united states for a long time played a game called pushing their noses against each other, that is, iran and saudi arabia, shiites and sunnis, because opec exporting countries have one common interest, to sell more and cheaper and less, not more and cheaper , but less and more expensive, because it is a finite resource, it runs out, it does not endless, they played this game, the conflict, the idea of ​​a large middle east, which is economically built as a kind of common market, this is an idea put forward by the younger one, it developed, created one of these points of ideas, because it creates a point of tension
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in turkey, iraq, iran , azerbaijan, very serious, what is israel , israel is the destruction of the structures of the great east , israel is again a clash of interests of all these countries, and the visit of putin, and the visit of the iranian leader, a conflict that, i just want to remind you how it all began arab spring, it began with the signing of khudentau. agreement with the league of arab states on a free trade zone , on the reorientation of the middle east to oil trade with china, the last negotiations he had, in my opinion, then the leader was lak, just mubarak, who became the first victim of the arab revolution, and the color revolution, the ukrainian maidan also happened immediately after the signing of a huge contact, a contract with china for grain at the hub, so this conflict is very serious, this is a key conflict, because we... russia, yes,
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half who consider themselves ukrainians, half russians, yes, drawn, there are tribes living there, relatives, living on different sides of the borders, but at the same time they are of the same tribe and even there they are brothers and sisters, it is clear that they were dividing the resource base, they were not dividing countries, not territory , delhi towers, deposits, the future of the western world, this future is collapsing there today in gas, in this sense, everyone understands that hamas did not have a political, as it were, development strategy, because they cannot do anything against israel, against the west and even against aircraft carriers, this explosion, that is, this is a reichstag, i don’t know, this means the reichstag was set on fire, so that the reichstag was set on fire, this is the undermining of the entire structure that existed here and has been holding on literally lately. on the snot, i apologize for the expression, here they exploded, and the more, and israel cannot
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be stopped, because israel is the national consciousness of the israelis, this is it, it is very different from the jewish consciousness in another world, well, yes, this is the national consciousness and they feel themselves as a nation, and not as people of all peace, the jews who came and are just here , so this is a serious conflict, period, so putin’s visit is serious, and all this in general? very serious and interesting, which means that in the near foreseeable future no one will be bored. advertising. it didn’t take long for the heart to start, now it’s stopped again, the condition is stable, valeria, direct cardiac massage in these conditions, it won’t get any worse, this is her last chance, is she completely asleep or already, is he drunk? tom, take him away, it’s already done. criminal, in order to correct the mistake, you did it instead new ones, ask the nurse
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, watch the time after the program, maybe spit on the past, you are alive, your arms are intact, your legs are intact, and your memory, why do you care, fantastic, the next level, on friday at the first, white group. new exclusive from prank journalists vavan and lexus. we have a prime minister of norway who is interested specifically in military support for ukraine. will the supply of f-16 fighters change the situation at the front? i think the f-16 is a pretty distant prospect. do european politicians want dialogue with russia? the so-called offensive does not lead to such rapid progress? diplomatic ways should be sought. and who is to blame for blowing up the nord stream? everything that
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i have in life, everything that is the joy of every day, everything that i control by my destiny is connected, connected, only with you, i love my country, premiere. on saturday on the first. you cannot love your homeland and not know the culture, geography, history, this is impossible. i apologize for my appearance, but i would like to provide some clarity, who exactly are you? and i, actually viktor vladimirovich major, retired, though retired, i killed a man. sometimes women with high social responsibility are much worse than that. nothing, it was from this point
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that the fatal blow was struck, like this, like this, if i had known that you were coming. poison cockroaches, i would come in a limousine, you know, it’s like that with muslims, the child belongs to the father’s family, dad, and what your real wife did in the car with her first husband, you know, well, that’s how once the investigation has to establish, but we currently have passport. his name is arnold deich. he used this passport to travel to the uk. an operative of the highest class, he attracted a number of disinterested assistants, sources, and invaluable secret information to cooperate with soviet foreign intelligence. kim philby recommended donald maclean as a friend of his, whom he knew
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shared communist ideology, but most importantly, the cambridge five.
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