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tv   Anti Feik  1TV  December 6, 2023 9:20am-10:01am MSK

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a writer's work is a text perceived by the reader, therefore, as many readers as many works, vadolaskin made it to the finals of the big book six times, his laurels were recognized as the best in 2013, in 2016 the aviator was worthy of second place. in parallel with the official jury , a people's jury always works; this year the reader's choice award was awarded to zakhar prilepin for his novel sholokhov illegal. he did not take his victory lightly. to receive this wonderful award, you just need to have a blog and write something in it every day over the course of many years, this is not a small, but an indicator of how great the influence of writers on readers is. anatoriy lazarev yana podzyuban, vyacheslav chereshka, sergei prokofiev. first channel. and that’s all, now anti-fake and pranksters vavan and lexus are on air. let's see. new exclusive from
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prank journalists vavan and lexus, they talked with high-ranking european politicians, the prime minister of norway and the vice-chancellor of germany, whether f-16 fighters will be able to change the situation on the battlefield, who is to blame for undermining the northern streams and the most important thing is whether europe is ready for peace, and when you will see. new prank first, now, this is an anti-fake program, and here we are waging our fight against fakes and disinformation, probably at the forefront of this fight is always valan and lexus, thank you for coming to us, scott, thank you so much for being here today in our studio, let you introduce to our viewers who this time you brought into
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the open water, but there is no other way to say it, into the clear sea, because today we will have an issue dedicated to precisely the situation in that including on the nord streams, and today we have the prime minister of norway, jonas garstore, a man who has held a position in norway for quite a long time and one way or another, as we know, norway plays a huge role in supporting ukraine, namely its military potential, with from the very beginning, yes from the very beginning, plus norway is one of the founders of nato, so he even worked in the office of the current secretary general of nato, so a person who is interested specifically in military support, such a country is hawk, this experienced politician, right, quite a serious politician, yes, he worked as an official for quite a long time, he headed the workers' party in 2014 after...
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after stolteng became a member of the general secretary, he left for this post, this is exactly the creature one might say of stolteng and who gradually became a member of parliament there , was the minister of health, in the twenty-first year he became the prime minister of norway, it is known, yes, that even in the past he periodically came to afghanistan, visited the majahideen, who were then fighting with the soviet union, so after all russophobia has long been subconsciously embedded in him, russophobe, yes. on behalf of whom did they call this time? as always, our african friend, a call from africa, even state leaders are attracted to these african letters, in general, for sure, these are indeed african letters, now african calls, yes, that’s what they’re called, let’s listen to the first fragment of this conversation, we'll discuss it later. i know that the situation is heating up from all sides, from ukraine, from nato, from russia and of course, i am worried. when i read
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news about the delivery of f16, this is a kind of escalation from my point of view, and don't you think that this time it is time to negotiate a new peace agreement, everyone, because all my colleagues had high expectations from the ukrainian counter-offensive, but it is moving forward it... is not as successful as they all expected, i share many of your arguments, mr. chairman. so, norway’s position is that we are russia’s neighbor, but we support ukraine’s right to self-defense. i think the f-16 is a pretty distant prospect, because it’s impossible operate such a system without a long time to prepare and create significant infrastructure. already said
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, we should look for diplomatic ways that can put an end to the fighting and bring the situation into a diplomatic channel, and i see the so-called... my offensive does not lead to such rapid progress as ukraine would like, and what should they do in this situation ? i want the rest of the states to be able to prepare something that will allow us to move on this diplomatic path, so to speak, it’s not easy to be optimistic about this about this, well, i just listened and i want to say, he answers questions very competently, it’s just that the political vector is changing now, as you know, after many... and european leaders began to say that some kind of diplomatic way out is needed from the situation, well, we probably opened pandora’s box, because after meloni herself told us that everyone was tired of the war in ukraine, he may have heard this too, now it’s possible to say, but
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as for the f16 again, his words that this is a very distant prospect already speaks that they are not particularly ready to help ukraine in any way, because these agreements on the supply of f16s were made long before the so-called ukrainian counter-offensive, which failed, and at least one f16 aircraft was supplied to ukraine by norway, no , i think that this will not be done soon, and not a single european country has yet delivered f16, the transfer of f-16 to ukraine will somehow change ukraine’s position at the front, 16 will not change the situation much, the danger is that these airplanes can... be carriers of nuclear weapons, small, but this is a threat, attacks by the zaporozhye as, i would not advise the uk and the usa to pull the trigger in this
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sense, let's look at some press headlines and discuss them: the usa approved the re-export of f-16 fighters to ukraine - this is cnn for us writes and cnn politician writes: the us is signaling to allies that it will not block their export of fighter jets to ukraine, the biden administration has made it clear to european allies in recent weeks that the us will allow them to export fighter jets to ukraine, sources familiar with the matter said discussions as the white house comes under increasing pressure from members of congress and allies to help ukraine acquire the planes amid escalating russian air attacks. after all, they supply f16s, european countries to ukraine in order to get new versions of the f-35, and this, again, is a certain profit for the american economy, but we see now how the person who heads the norwegian government says that yes indeed, russia is our neighbor,
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we need to be careful with them if it he immediately says that this conflict must be resolved at the negotiating table, although there was no such rhetoric before, it is gradually changing throughout europe, like us. who also said that we are not happy about this, let’s listen to the next fragment, there are even more answers, i ’m also not very happy with what is happening, but do you really believe that the supply of f16 will be able to change the situation, on the bolya field, now, i know that you we recently spoke with the president. what is his mood now? is he ready to sit down at the negotiating table and start negotiations? i think so do i i was there personally a month ago, europe is accepting tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of refugees, and my country is no exception, and i
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think that president zelsky has a realistic view of russia, of what is possible and what is impossible, speaks about the f16, it's about how to defend against attack in the airspace, and if they exhaust all air defense capabilities, they will be extremely vulnerable, this is where the f16 could potentially become an important element, but creating an air force from scratch is a very, very difficult, big task, complex operation, and it will not happen in short term, so i don't think it's a representation. at some distance from political leaders. and perhaps at some stage
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political leaders will express a desire to explore an option that is not on the battlefield, but rather diplomatically. most such conflicts end at some stage. so we can reduce that time, i fully support that, but again, living in europe, recognizing that these types of attacks are what we should do. here we are talking about seven or eight units, which norway has it. we used to use f16s as fighters, and now we in norway are replacing them with f-35s. the 16s were almost entirely sold to romania, our ally. but we have a few units left that may be transferred to the disposal of ukraine as
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part of a special program. norway does not usually provide military support to warring parties, but in this case it did affect some key principles of security in europe. 2% of the budget from norway's gdp goes precisely to maintaining nato's defense capabilities. what does this mean handing over the plane to ukraine, to anyone at all? it's not easy, guys, take it, it's free. or not, these are loans that are allocated from the united states, from the european fund for assistance to ukraine, and one way or another they will have to answer for them, because the deficit of the budget and everything, it is huge now on the part of ukraine, they understand that this money is not come back, how norway generally treats russia, what are their thoughts, the prime minister said that there was fresh news that perhaps they will close the only checkpoint with russia, like finland, like estonia plans, well, i think. he is also waiting for the reaction of the other neighbors, the northern ones, how they form the consciousness and attitude towards russia in norwegian
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society, with the help of which, let’s see, i speak on behalf of the entire union. your gas and oil production will be resumed. the russian government kindly agreed to provide assistance to norway. when they leave, we won't get any help. the us won't lift a finger. that's why they left nato. we are on our own. i can pay as if i had ordered the entire restaurant, some
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people will view you as a profiteer, you're the only one they let close, do you work for the russians? many people refuse to sit back and watch the russians seize power. soon we will be monitoring a tenth of the population. some people are ready to make a sacrifice, our prime minister may be ready to kiss the russians on the butt, but our military, no, well, stereotypes about russians are now called occupied in the norwegian series, please note, there is already a different prime minister there , norway now makes films like this but there used to be serious, good relations between russia and norway, after the soviet union liberated norway, they were the first to immediately join nato, they created it, and
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the film, by the way, was shot in 2015, ran until 2019, they set it up, it turns out that the country has been around for a long time, the occupiers are future, so accordingly they took all this experience and now it is on this very basis that all this anti-russian policy is being built, now in our conversation, i propose to involve military observer vladislav berdechevsky, as i’m always happy to welcome you, about the transfer of the f16 to ukraine... can they change some situation at the front, if this transfer ever takes place? in fact, the f16 is a fairly successful, universal combat aircraft, and its use as part of an air defense system will, of course , complicate the task of the russian aerospace forces, but there are a lot of problems, firstly, maintenance, and secondly, where it will be located, because that all airfields in ukraine. for the russian aerospace forces and i don’t think it will be allowed to calmly deploy there to serve
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this plane, one hour of f-16 flight is 16 hours of maintenance, then it, the likelihood that they will be located outside of ukraine is quite high, this is romania, maybe it could be poland, but in this case these airfields become legal the purpose of the army of the russian federation, they can of course score. infrastructure in ukraine, it is already half destroyed there, then of course their use will be problematic for ukraine, i believe that most likely it will be the same story as with bradley, the same the story is like with leopards, well , before that we remember how the ukrainians prayed for dzhevelina, they prayed there for bayraktary, in
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principle this did not lead to anything in the end, thank you very much for these comments, immediately after the advertisement we will hear about what the norwegian prime minister thinks about the scandal in canada, well, you remember it very well, answers in a few minutes, the investigation into sabotage on the nord stream has been going on for more than a year , but the culprits have not been found, but maybe they don’t want to look for them, who is behind the explosion nord stream 2, to be honest, i thought it was you, technically ukraine could be the executor of this, it’s just ridiculous. the prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation and they could not determine who did it, lying to himself. i talked to my russian colleagues, they say that you are not allowing them to participate in the investigation with jefferson because it did not happen in norway. he called our african politician mrs. jefferson. that is, he has already begun to confuse the names. sweden was broken. i won’t be surprised if we
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find out that the americans are behind this. under the beginning of shock therapy on the part of american globalists. regarding europe, biden feared that germany would lift sanctions and again buy gas from russia. this is sabotage in order to deprive russia of income and strip germany. europe has driven itself into this loop. show vavan and lexus. today the bloodhound is on first. new episodes. you are by appointment and we are out of turn and colonel kushnir. from december 11, on the first. cognac montage. stellar group product. kolya, you could shoot at 8 km. we specially ordered this one to be turned detail, there is a magnet on the bottom, we put it anywhere . in order to have time to film the battle from different points, our film crew usually splits up. for example, the operator films an observation post where the commander
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controls the battle from a drone. here he creeps, creeps. the sound engineer also has a camera, he can film himself. you are from technology, we are working in full, everything, and i can move between points, what is now , what is the plan, we are moving for now, not quite, everyone is alive, 3 m arrival, brother, into the forest, maybe not on the road, policy, there could be mines, just wheels, straight from the wheels, we attached the camera to the strap of the body armor of a fighter with the call sign eagle, the enemy is very close, we will have to do it in full force, for boltsy, with our eyes we see the battle, of course, every time we worry as if we were our loved ones, forward, forward, forward, and people , even hundreds of kilometers from the front line, can feel the strength of spirit of our soldiers, oh, well done, oh, kolyan, arrivals, this is for us, kolyan, yes, maybe we’re retreating, no, no, no, now we’ll finalize it, by the day heroes of the fatherland,
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men's work on saturday, on the first, this place: looks like a fairyland, rivers hot, the landscape resembles another planet , there is one bear for every three local residents, i’m on iturup, friends, the largest island of the kuril ridge, kuril eggs, take the little ones and the crusts, but now naturally, i noticed that absolutely everything tourists feed the leaf, this is very bad, she stops hunting, they no longer see any other food, here she is. beauty, can you smell it, just crush a bug, the aroma will be all over ivanovskaya, how much vitamin c does it contain? more than in oranges, finally what we had been waiting for so long happened, we saw a live bear, smoking in all its glory, the life of our own, the premiere, on sunday at the first, i apologize for
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my appearance, here, but i would like to bring some clarity, who are you exactly... who are you? and i, actually, viktor vladenovich, mayor, am a kneeler, am i really retired? valadya, i killed a man. sometimes women with high social responsibility are much worse than women with low social responsibility. nothing, it was from this point that the fatal blow was struck. how this? is this how it is? if i had known that you were coming to poison cockroaches, i would have come in a limousine. do you know if they are muslim? so , the child belongs to the father’s family, dad, and what your real wife did in the car with her first husband, you know, well, this is exactly what the investigation has to establish, and in
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our yard the season is interrupted, on sunday on the first , why such mogi, it’s already been 3 hours under the spotlights, here it’s plus 40, no less, it’s itching, you shouldn’t have put it on your naked body, we’re royal or imperial attention question, hello, colleagues, engine, camera , the crowd has started, let's keep the penguin gait more fun, attention to the praguns, they got ready , they started, they finally walked away, but our life is a game, the extraordinary adventures of experts in the winter series of games, on sunday, on the first. this is an anti-fake program and we continue. we have vavan and lexus, the prime minister
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of norway, in our studio, what does he think about the scandal in the canadian parliament, you asked him about this, we talked, let’s listen to what he answered. what really worries me: the nationalist wing in some battalions. like for example the speaker of parliament in canada, the speaker of their parliament applauded some old soldier of the nazi government, it was terrible, i don't know why it happened, yes it is, mr. chairman, let me say it was a great shame for canada, not for ukraine, this man had a very difficult and problematic past in canada, and this caused confusion, but i think that if i am a little frank, mr. chairman, you are now mentioning some issues related c but i would like the african union to also make some specific comments about what is happening in russia and what is driving
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president putin, who launched this massive attack, who limited the supply of grain, and who used both energy and food in the same way . it happened in the canadian parliament, i think it was a shame, but that's not the point. we are. we tell him about one thing, but he immediately changes the topic to grain, says in plain text that the african union must condemn russia, and there is the canadian parliament , well, it doesn’t matter, that’s accordingly , russia is to blame for everything, support our course, he says in plain text, regarding what he said, what russia is doing with grain for africa, everything is known, it’s ready to provide for free, i propose to discuss just a fragment of this conversation with mikhail yuevich mikhkov, scientific director of the russian military historical society, we are glad to welcome you, you have probably now heard fragments of this conversation about the shame scandal in canada, as he called canada, that russia is allegedly doing some strange things in africa, here are your comments, in fact, of course,
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this norwegian leader, he is increasingly reminiscent of a quisling, that is, this is a synonym for collaborationism, which was in years of the second world war, we know that on the territory of canada, right after the second world war , the so-called congress of ukrainians of canada was formed, well, an anti-soviet... russophobic organization that collected and absorbed on its territory, on the territory of canada, a huge the number of former nazis of ukrainian origin, well, in particular, approximately 9,000 former members of the ss galicia division, that is , this formation was precisely part of the german ss troops, which were served by ukrainians, which was created in 1943, here it is after victory was achieved in europe, the coalition, moved to our allies, first great britain, and then from great britain, receiving so-called green cards, where the british said, well, we don’t want to keep them, we are still
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the main member of the anti-hitler coalition, honored their community of the british nation, 9,000 such former members of the sss galicia division, peacefully, calmly, thanks to the patronage from great britain, found themselves directly in canada, where they were sheltered, that’s what’s interesting, these former sss members, they continued to actually do... that , what they were doing, directly during the years of the second world war, that is, this is sabotage , this is the murder of civilians, these are arson, these are explosions, that is, the british services, mi-6, and canadian intelligence services and american intelligence services were used in various regions asia, latin america, africa, including , so that they continue these actions, as the canadian government today treats and treats these thugs... these beasts who committed crimes on the territory of both ukraine and the russian federative republic, and belarus and the baltic states, as they treat him, but as a hero, because look how
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they applaud him for this little guy. whatever they call him and applaud him as a hero, why? because he opposed the russians. thank you very much to all of you good luck. let's just look at a fragment of the apology and discuss how sincere it is. the situation in which zelsky found himself, the ukrainian delegation, is indeed extremely exciting; the real state of affairs has been politicized by russia and its supporters, spreading propaganda around the activities of ukraine. russian propaganda, if this is fake, then why are you apologizing? i have the first question. why is he uncomfortable for ukraine ? zelsky is fine, as if this is a common thing for him, in ukraine the same thing happens every day, i remember the story they took girls of easy virtue with the australian parliament, they sort of organized orgies right in parliament, there was a big scandal a couple of years ago, the americans despise mr. atrudoo, he is a fascist, they understood who was standing in front of them, they tried
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to see if it would work out... . relations, everything was planned, one of the most important topics that you ask all european politicians, and the terrorist attack on the nord stream, as they look at it, we will now be able to hear the answers, what was the cause of the energy crisis, it was the undermining of the nord stream 2 , there was information from journalists such as the seimas. your opinion about him, he said that this happened on your territory, in norway, it was done by the usa or the ukrainians, i am afraid that it could be ukraine, if it is ukraine, does this mean that ukraine attacked a nato member country? well, i can say that there were loopholes of error found in this article by mr. hersh. of course, norway
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has never been involved in anything like this, i think everyone knows that we are the main energy supplier in europe, we rely on the energy security of our pipelines, our platforms, the nord stream explosion is being investigated, and i can't say any conclusions about it, but i think, mr. chairman, we need to agree that conflicts like the conflict in ukraine or the one that has arisen in the near... we all need to make an effort to move this into a more diplomatic and less violent direction, i would just like to highlight this, i was just wondering, your opinion on who is to blame for blowing up nord stream 2, do you think it is the ukrainians? no you you know, i would be very careful in making
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assumptions about this. because i know that there were a lot of rumors, and i said from the first day that this is a clear act of sabotage, this is a complex operation that cannot be done, whoever got it, but there are many assumptions and theories, and i think that as prime minister -minister i should be careful and not speculate on this, i know that our neighbors sweden, denmark and germany are conducting an investigation and i really should respect this investigation and not do it. this didn't happen in norway, this happened in the baltic sea, which is far from our waters, this probably happened on the territory of sweden and denmark, i think they take this seriously, so they are investigating what is happening, they also spoke with the swedish minister of defense, they also asked him how the investigation is going, well, i don’t know, they are investigating something, they are investigating, how would we wait for the results, that is, they will be in
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a year russia, who is to blame, what do you think, to be honest , i thought it was you, really, you thought that it's us, no, no, but i didn't blame you for that, accusation from the outside kessenger of ukraine is very indicative here, because there are various rumors, at least. with those who understand and know exactly who is involved in this explosion, the prime minister of norway, whom seymour hersh directly accused of participating in this operation, because, as he wrote, it all happened from norway, their behavior is indicative of how this the topic is unpleasant for them, and you read that they know exactly who is behind this, let’s listen to marya vladimirovna zakharova about this
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, she always gives very clear comments. despite numerous official requests from the russian side to the leadership of germany, sweden, and denmark to share the information available to their investigative authorities on this topic, they still stubbornly refuse to cooperate. and do not provide any clear answers at all as to why all this is being done, the goal is obviously to divert suspicion from those who are really behind the sabotage of a key energy infrastructure facility, which simply caused colossal economic and environmental consequences. just remember their hysterical reaction to the resonant material published in february of this year by the famous american investigative journalist seymour hersh. and i 'll remind you. there was some kind of reaction, silence, there is no such journalist in the united states of america, there used to be a pulitzer laureate, and then he died, although he is alive and well, publishing his investigations. having carried out a detailed analysis
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of the circumstances of the terrorist attack on nord streams, cymer hersh directly pointed out that the explosion of gas pipelines was the result covert operation by the us mmc and the norwegian military. and in march-june of this year, the western edition of the wall street journal reported that western intelligence services knew about the preparation of a terrorist attack on the nord streams, but the truth was that the publication indicated that this was done by the kiev regime. today, the german media , citing sources familiar with the investigation into the explosion on nord stream one and nord stream 2, are openly saying that the threads of the crime lead to the kiev regime. well, right after the advertisement , another european politician who fell for vavan and lex's hook that he answered their questions about this. soon, the legacy and predictions of henry kessenger, was he a puppeteer or just a transmitter of the ideas of world government? there will be no international stability until
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both the soviet union and the united states behave with restraint, what he did in vietnam, the bombing of cambodia, when he bombed the country in the stone age, there is a house of rockfillers and they need the face of the project, this face becomes kissinger when. union talked with kissinger, he clearly understood that he was talking with one of the masters of the world, he talked about the fact that the major great powers should work within the framework of one world order, they compete with each other. peace negotiations must begin in the next 2 months, otherwise upheavals will begin, he can say one thing to his face, but do something completely different and think about a third, this man who has always held a mine in his hands for only one purpose, to, of course, undermine the regime in russia . henry kissinger, eternal. and the controversial doll of the heir tutti, today on the first. kolya, you god of shooting at 8 km, we specially ordered
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this detail to be machined, there is a magnet on the bottom, we put it in any place in order to have time to film the battle from different points, our film crew is usually divided, for example, the operator films the observation post where the commander controls fighting at the drone, it creeps up, creeps up. the sound engineer also has a camera, he can film reloading, the departure of equipment, we are working in full, everything, and i can move between the point, what is now, what is the plan, the mode for now, at all, everyone is alive, the 3rd arrival, brother, in forest, maybe not on the road, but in the forest, there could be mines, straight from the wheels, straight from the wheels, they attached the camera to the strap of their body armor, the fighter with the call sign is eagle, the enemy is very close . polka will have to do this, for the fighters, through whose eyes we see the battle, we , of course, worry every time as if we were our loved ones, forward, forward, forward, and people, even hundreds of kilometers from the front line, can feel the strength of spirit of our fighters, oh well done, oh, kolyan, arrivals, this is for us,
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kolyan, yes, maybe we’re leaving, no, no, no, now we’ll finalize it, for the day of heroes of the fatherland, men's work, on saturday, on the first , hello everyone, my name is nastya zadorozhnaya, and i really love dogs, here, here, i decided to change my life, instead of being an actress, i chose volunteering, she incredibly helps me raise my kids, then, what we had without dogs and what we have now are two different lives, since i have a dog, i feel more strongly that i am a person, well, this is a wonderful dog, which has already saved two human lives, this is not just a pet, this is the creature that accompanies you everywhere, dogs love
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us, dogs change us, dogs teach us , dogs save us, dogs are a whole world, a world in which there is one... important rule, always be there, premiere, be there, on sunday on the first. here is his real passport, in his name, arnold deitch. he used this passport to travel to the uk. an operative of the highest class, he attracted to cooperation with soviet foreign intelligence a number of disinterested assistants, sources of invaluable, secret information. whom philby recommended donald maclean as his a friend whom he knew shared the communist ideology. 17 or 20 agents is
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a remarkable achievement, but the most important thing is the cambridge five. kalin dalis estimates that the cambridge five are the most effective, most powerful group of intelligence officers of the second world war. recruitment is the intelligence officer's sharpest weapon, but it is double -edged and can be cut on any person. for the first time, a foreign intelligence service. in front of us is a map on which the exact place of death is marked, and he was no longer alive, but as they say, his business, it lived to win, the premiere of illegal intelligence, arnold deitch, on sunday on the first. this is an anti-fake program and we continue. in our
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vavan and lexus studio we have a prank of high-ranking members of the governments of norway and germany. well , we got through to the current vice-chancellor of germany, who is also the german minister of economics and one of the co-chairs of the green party of germany. and accordingly, when the greens received many votes in the elections, a coalition was formed. right now, with olaf scholz , annaline berbak from this party also became the minister of foreign affairs, well, these are people who are not professionals at all in their field, they just needed to be given some places in the government, robert habeck is now responsible for all economy for ecology, including all of germany. the question you asked him was about africa, grain and politics in general. let's listen to some of them now, the most important thing is to find out what he will answer to them. we are trying to remove wheat from ukraine in different ways.
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we launched a railway route. we connected the romanian harbor with ukraine. however , this problem is, of course, very serious. i believe you can join forces with the un and also with europe. the situation on the front line, on the battlefield, is fierce. lots of soldiers are dying every day and don't expect the war to end soon. it doesn't look like it. in this regard , we should expect the war to continue, perhaps throughout the next year. the situation is absolutely shocking and not very good. ukraine wanted to export all grain abroad, because this is a good way to get revenue, we would like to help them. of course, sea transportation is the easiest way. firstly, this means that further escalation leads to an increase in the number of problems in the economy. in addition, prices for gas, heating, and
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other energy resources are rising. yes, from my point of view, the lng market, the gas market is quite large, quite flexible, and prices are still high, too high, this is a problem, since who led to this problem, the northern streams were blown up, which led precisely to these high prices on the gas market, and germany itself, as is already clear, is investigating to punish those people who led to these prices, and for some reason he is involved in ukrainian grain, for some reason he is more interested in this than the tariffs themselves in our country, what about energy resources in germany, we can ask this question to the department of the bundestag, a member of the energy committee, stefan quatre from berlin, germany, we are connected with you, we are glad to welcome you, please tell us how much energy prices have changed for ordinary residents germany for the last year?


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