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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  December 7, 2023 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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new and, yes , she looks like a spanish actress, she generally looks like a spanish actress, in this image of hers, even when she’s, like, dissatisfied, as if, show me a surprise, please, let’s go, i need you for a surprise, or maybe some kind of greece , oh, can you imagine, she will make some kind of makeup out of it, yes, oh, by the way, that would be cool, so interesting, what a surprise , we’ll stick pilmeni, we’ll, we’ll sculpt, wow, i it’s the first time in my life i’m doing this, hold on, i don’t care, let me give you that and why do you always make dumplings? yes, i sculpt very often, i only do it for children, i only do it myself , let me go and see how she does it, we will do speed with you, who is faster , who is more, yes, who is more, yes, yes, now larisa, you show, then start, yes, yes , yes, yeah, okay, look, we put flour here, yes, i understand, take the dough, you do it, i
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repeat, yes, yes, guy, a little, a little, but you don’t need to stir it, that’s right , at least he’s doing it, laris, are you doing it at speed or something, but what kind of speed, as if to show, generally zero, you see, these here, chick-chick, hands, hands, hands, entrance, let's go, here, this is soft, you see. but the truth is a glove, and how do you do this, i swear to you, that i ’m preparing everything, i see, well, yes, she knows, larisa looks like a mother-in-law, so are we already acting or not, let’s act speed, come on, is it possible, no, of course, do it for beauty, at what speed, make one perfect one, let me give you this now and as an example, i’ll set
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it, look, larisa, well, no, of course , oh, larisa has the most beautiful, well, experience, that’s it, no competition it turns out that you are two, and i, you are not at all, because you are a man, your beard will not grow if you make dumplings, larisa, bravo, just bravo, you need to remember this phrase, your beard will not grow if you make dumplings, fire, i’ll make dumplings for you, but for him for... what if he doesn’t just if he wants, when i come to visit, maxim, you love dumplings, yes you love dumplings, well , you’ll take a wife, so that you don’t know how to do it , there’s no one there, if you will, of course, i wanted show off, it didn’t work out, but show us on your palms who got what, and there such a nightmare, how is nothing true , max is well prepared, look , we have excellent dumplings, well, yes, listen, well, she tried, really delicious dumplings, that’s it,
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girls, go to your room, it doesn’t affect anything, then, that you don’t know how to sculpt , but i wanted bobbin bags, well, at least she at least says that she cooks, cleans, she’s a good housewife, she looks good, this, well, for our fiance, for maxim, it’s not fundamentally important at all, it was cool surprise, very unexpected, in general i love the comfort of home, and what a figure, wow. yes, listen, it seems to me that he liked you, you approached him right away, you looked good, by the way, together, when you were sculpting, you had such good teamwork, yes, yes, he’s a good guy to me, you like to cook, he likes to eat dumplings, what can you say, well , a girl with experience, also a dog lover, well, very sweet, beautiful, and what does a dog lover have to do with it, he has a cat, he is a cat person, not a dog person, no, no, well, what are you you choose according to your criteria, we already understood this. in principle,
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probably, you should ask lolo, did the bride like it, because maxim came to visit you, that’s right, and we often visit lola there, well, she didn’t turn her little face away, you’ll bring me to my place, we’ll ask mendelssohn, dear, how are you? she’s a very pretty girl, i think that she and maxim have everything together, really, super, they have intelligence. artificially will not lie, well , meet the second bride, hello, hello, maxim, my name is evgenia, i am sure that we will catch you today.
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listen, objectively speaking, you’re prettier, really, just look. now i will exhale, and i i take you as my husband, you just know, cut off your ears, it’s not clear, but it’s everyone’s choice , what family are you from, what does that mean, princess diana, he’s starting to swell my brain, you know, wife, what is a person given a brain for, she went out into the yard, you understand, and i think that you are looking at me like that, that you are looking at me, that you have hatched at me, such a moment, you must initially responsibly. they did it all, but they always get bored and want variety, what kind of variety did you want, like the hands, that is, especially since you didn’t work, and your man was supposed to provide for you and the child, i say again, they drove you with sticks, poured poison into your well, and then he thinks that this is a purely
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feminine concern, that’s right, now i’ve already started to fantasize, i didn’t quite realize all this importance, let’s , come on, come on, maybe if you suffer for a long time , something will work out, it’s very interesting to watch you, without music, and there will be music , the groom is ready to leave, that’s it, he says, stop dancing, right, right, go to to myself, he’ll come for the album anyway, i i’ll draw a red line through your fate, that well, she’s much taller than him, and older, and older, yes, it was my mistake. even if you’re friends, you understand that you ’ll never have anything with this person, but if suddenly a desert island or everyone around you dies, you’ll be stunned if i’m like this, you know, oksan, brag, shrink, tell me, and
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well, i i wouldn’t have crossed this line, it’s definitely reached some kind of peak, don’t wear a dress, when he hit you the first time, i just brought him... brought him to his house, and more we haven’t met, you help the deer over there in the leningrad region, maybe that’s why you’re not married, what bullshit is this, an animal, this is an animal, yes, it’s a rat, so albin, come here, i ’m coming, i’m coming, i’m coming, quickly, little piece of iron, my beloved, krezhenka, rude, you have a new reminder, events: results of the year with vladimir putin. don't forget to turn on the tv on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. blamed? my son’s father fraudulently gained
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his trust and took him somewhere. presumably they are in thailand. besides what's there he took the child’s documents, and he also took his things. documents for the ownership of the apartment, for the car, for mine, they took everything, how long have you not seen your child? 2 and a half years have already passed after his father forcibly took him away to tehran, and you also have a court decision, there is a ruling that the child must live with you, with me, i have been without my daughters for 4 years, i haven’t seen her for a year and 3 months, and you know at least approximately where the child is, they flew to cyprus, but still i want the next story ours gave me strength, since natalya golubova hasn’t seen... her son for 4 years, but this is also valuable here, let’s call her,
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as we promised, we are continuing the program that we didn’t manage to finish yesterday, before we continue, i want show you this home video. this is who they believe here, well done, well done, come on, son, show me, give me a haircut, who is so handsome, this. who is so handsome? in these shots of daria lyubimova, who is in our studio, her son, who is now abroad, was kidnapped by
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his own father, and this is wrong for you the wording is incorrect, yes, his own father took him, his father cannot kidnap him, is that so? yes, and how is it? on august 6 , 2023, my son’s father fraudulently gained trust and took my child outside the russian federation; the child’s father and i lived in a civil marriage. 2 years at the beginning of january 2023, i decided to separate with a five-month-old child in my arms, and i left, from january to august the child’s father did not appear in our lives at all , no call, no email, no answer, no hello, he didn’t came, he moved from kazan to moscow, if i’m not mistaken, he was not interested in absolutely anything, and i was left deeply in debt, he put a loan, debts, all sorts of expenses on me, but how did he take seryoza, where did he take him? he allegedly took him out through minsk, they were in baku, dubai in turkey and now
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they are supposedly in thailand. it was some kind of perverted path he had, he decided to return to you, as i understand it, right? yes, yes, that is, for 7 months he did not take any part in our lives, and on august 1, 2023 my son turned one year old, he arrived as if nothing had happened, cried, begged for everything back, and i decided to restore the family for the sake of the child, give him another chance, and mice. it turns out that we lived together, i was away on business, he stayed with the child, on the eve of the fifth, on the evening of august 5, his mother flew to kazan, supposedly to see her grandson, whom she had never seen in years, my mother is a family lawyer for a minute, so she flies , you go to work, he flies in, yes, yes, i ’m leaving for work, and he says, i’ll go then i’ll show my grandson to my mother, well, our son, i say , okay, that’s it, actually, i didn’t see them anymore, i come home and find that my whole apartment is empty. he took all the things , the stroller, the car seat, all the documents, including all my documents, he took all the documents, i immediately
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contact the police, this is your apartment, he has nothing to do with this apartment, and you wrote a statement that you robbed? i wrote, i received a refusal, why, i have a whole stack of refusal applications, and why is there no evidence for the refusal, prove it, and where is it written that there in the bag they told me that they generally have to prove this, but no, a refusal statement, well, how is it that you were robbed, and did you contact the prosecutor’s office? i asked , wait, he’s not your husband, he’s nobody to you, this is your apartment, he has nothing to do with it, in your apartment, in addition to the fact that he took the child’s documents there, he also took things, so this for the property of the apartment, for the car for mine, they took everything , i’m two months old, but the chair, he stole a child’s chair, this is theft, theft, i don’t know how you name it, it’s normal, he says, no, how did you even find out what happened? how do you know that they left via belarus? since i started distributing
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this information on various social networks, people started writing to me, they were seen at the cambodian border that week, they were extending a visa called border, then i contacted the russian embassy in thailand, they confirmed this information, they contacted with the child's father, he said: i am here, he allegedly made a certificate, and that my child had a eye surgery and what do we have... if he flies to russia, he sits and waves this certificate. wait, in order to take the child out in such a short time, it was necessary to prepare for this, that’s right, a passport was needed, and what else should we prepare, we have a passport, as i found out, he made the child in may 2023, but you didn’t know about this, you didn’t know, he was also discharged in the month of may, but he was discharged from his regular place of registration, where he had been registered all his life, he is generally a drinker. history, he was a russian citizen taken away from russia, refusal comply with the court decision. i think that you need
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to go to the guardianship authorities in order to start a process to deprive him of parental rights, at the same time go to the ministry of foreign affairs, ask to put him on the international wanted list, despite the fact that you have a court decision that is about to come into effect legal force, let's see what kind of decision, the decision of the sovetsky district court of the city of kazan dated october 25, 2023 to determine the place of residence of the minor child of golybinayevich , born on 01.082, with his mother, beloved daria yuevna, to take away from golybin sergei sergeevvich, a minor child, golybin sergei sergeevvich. here at least it says to take it away. select the verb forms, and so on, what actions will you take, do you think you will fly to thailand? now i'm waiting for the court's decision to come into force, yes. now i want to appeal to... to fathers, because i don’t see a legislative way out of this situation, dear men, these children are with you not
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because you are right, but because mothers sacrifice themselves so that the child has at least a little slightly preserved psychological healthy atmosphere, because if they are as cruel, as obsessed as you men, then your child will be psychologically damaged. in general, of course, i have doubts about the mental health of men like this, and you are right. by the way, we need to talk a lot more about abuse and manipulation, and girls, please, if you notice that you are uncomfortable in a relationship, you feel some kind of increased control, do not confuse this is with jealousy and love, because then it can turn into hell. you will see women with photographs in our hall their children, who have been trying to find these children for several years. anna, how long have you not seen your child? it's been 2
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and a half years since i haven't seen my child, after his father forcibly took him away... the region, the last time i saw the child was about a year ago, i had no opportunity, at least just video chat with your son. i understand that you also have a court decision to determine the child’s place of residence. yes, there is a court decision that has entered into legal force, the trial lasted 2 years, despite the fact that my child was 2.9 when his father forcibly took him away, his father is a citizen of another country, has absolutely nothing on the territory of the russian federation, and the court... for some reason 2 years decided with who should the child find, it’s clear, so now the child is with him, now the child is with him, yes, on the territory of the russian federation, i assume not, because they are both on the federal wanted list, my ex-husband is wanted in the cis countries, but nevertheless, i assume that he most likely took him to tigeran. you can’t imagine, i’m sitting, on the one hand, i’m in tears, i’m listening to all this, on
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the other hand, i’m so glad that this is finally being discussed here in this studio, because the more people start talking about it, the more chances there are we’ve finally gotten this off the ground, do you think the court granted us the claim for deprivation of parental rights from the authority that took the child to iran, no, he refused us because he says, well, this is an extreme measure of responsibility, well and that he took him to iran, you have bailiffs who operate for a second on the territory of the russian federation, but a federal executive search has been initiated here, but what’s the point if the child is outside the russian federation. so, i can tell about so many stories. today, these are huge, that is, correctly, correctly , i understand that this matter can be moved forward if someone who has the right to legislative initiative listens to what is really happening in society today, and this legislative initiative will show, absolutely rightly, we have repeatedly said that in the article on deprivation of parental rights, the basis for deprivation of parental rights should be malicious failure to comply with a court decision on
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the child’s place of residence, but today the children are not there until they hear us, unfortunately , it’s not that there is an isolated case, but how many such cases, and what kind of nonsense is it in general, if the mother, the mother cannot file a search for the child, because the child is with his legal representative, well, that is, based on this law follows that a mother may not see her child all her life because dad took him, or vice versa, dad may not see his child all his life because his mother took him, you quoted a song to this manten, we also had a wonderful poem, firefighters are looking for, they are looking for the police, the photographers of our capital are looking, everyone is looking, they can’t find them, but how can that be? i apologize for my appearance, here, but i would like to bring some clarity, who exactly are you? and i, in fact, viktor vladimovich, a knee-jerk mayor, however, in resignation, volodya, i killed a man, sometimes women with high social responsibility
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are much more terrible than women with low social responsibility, but nothing, it was from this point that the fatal blow was dealt. like this? is this how it is? if i had known that you were coming to poison cockroaches, i would have come in a limousine. you know, among muslims, it’s like a child belongs to the father’s clan. dad, do you know what your real wife did in the car with her first husband? well, this is exactly what the investigation has to establish, but in our yard the season is interrupted, sunday is first. montechoca cognac, a product of the stetellar group. here is his real passport, his name is
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arnold deitch. he used this passport to travel to the uk. an operative of the highest class, he attracted a number of disinterested assistants and sources of invaluable secret information to cooperate with soviet foreign intelligence. whom philby recommended - donald maclean, as his friend, whom he knew shared the communist ideology. 17 or 20 agents is an outstanding achievement, but the most important thing is the cambridge five. kalin dalis: estimates that the cambridge five are the most effective, most powerful group of intelligence officers of the second world war. recruitment is the intelligence officer’s sharpest weapon, but it is... both sharp, here you can cut on any person. for the first time, the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation has declassified documents. before us is a map on which
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the exact place of death is marked. yes , he was no longer alive, but as they say, his work, it lived, won. premiere, namely illegal intelligence. arnold deitch. on sunday on the first. anna, how long have you been away from your child? see? i haven’t seen my son for ten months, after the divorce, my son lived with me, and do you also have a court decision? there is a court decision that has come into force, there is a ruling from the bailiffs dated june 15 that the child must live with you and me, yes. the police are not looking for the child, since he is with his father, the child’s father has been put on a federal wanted list, but since june i don’t
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know where my son is, i sometimes hear him once every two weeks, mom, hi, how are you? everything is fine, and then dad starts screaming phone, and what is dad shouting into the phone? what is considered due to him and to him, he insists that the child should live with him. that i am inadequate, like a mother raising her son, that he wants the best for the child, tell me, that’s what, and when you wrote a statement to the police, did you indicate that the child is with his father? yes, i indicated with the father, just if you write that the whereabouts of the child are unknown, you have a fear that his life is in danger, you don’t know where he is, i wish i could see how they did not accept the statement when you write with the father, but father doesn't deprived of parental rights, he is a legal representative, as yulia correctly said... it cannot be kidnapping or anything else, i wrote dozens of statements, i really hope that your child is on the territory of russia, well , i think you can imagine what a huge audience at the first channel, i am absolutely sure
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that now someone, looking at a photograph of your son, understands that this is the same child whom he saw yesterday or the day before yesterday in his yard, i beg you, everyone who saw svyatoslav , please call our editorial office, phone number, you now see yourself on the screen, thank you. anastasia, how long have you been without your daughters? i’ve been without daughters for 4 years now, the story in general is like a carbon copy of a highly intellectual, maybe an intellectual psychopath, who takes the children along with his mother and his relatives, well, it’s just beyond the bounds, what’s going on, in every story there’s a completely crazy mother, just disgraceful, she is helping her son, now the children, presumably, this is the territory of the house where she lives... and where is this on the territory of the russian federation, yes, this is the moscow region, now i am already coming there, the children are there are not located, that is, you can see when the children are there, you see the presence of at
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least some toys there, and after entering the territory they surrounded the fence with barbed wire, and i now have about 15 criminal cases against me, against you , and what kind of court decision do you have, the court decision after the first instance, or rather the interim decision was... in his favor, i fought for a long time, we had about four guardians involved, it was a long case, i still won the case and i've been waiting a year for an appeal, now i have in the appeal, 1000 pages, that is, his appeal is 100 pages long, in my case there are about 60 volumes, but you can’t see them at all, no, i can’t see them at all, where they are, but i wrote various kinds of statements, attracted all the services that exist, all possible ones... which exists, what is happening, he shows with the bailiff or child custody, that is, he brings photographs, these photographs show me that your children are alive, healthy, that’s all.
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nadezhda, how long have you not seen your son? i haven’t seen you for a year and 3 months, somewhere around that, but your story is also similar, that is, you were caught at that moment, not when you separated, but when you wanted to get back together, yes, everything was created this way, that the father was absent somewhere... for about a year, also did not appear text message about how the child feels and how he is developing in general, that is , he was not at all interested in how his son was doing, but i talked with his representative this year, while the father himself was away, and the representative was there i tried to come to an agreement somehow, i also offered him how to sign some kind of agreement, like a father will take part in the life of the child , as a result we could not... they say the child’s father comes somewhere around the new year and says the following phrase, that 50% of the child is mine, but at the same time he says: i want a child..
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... see, i want to communicate with him, i’m ready, for about six months we communicated with him, he came to visit the child, that is, when he wanted, he came, he didn’t want, he didn’t come, that is, that’s all this time i asked him, i said, let ’s sign an agreement somehow, i say so that i understand in general, so that i could calmly prepare the child for you, you went there for a walk with him, well, one summer it was hot in moscow in 2021, he suggested, he said, let’s go: let’s rest, because the child still needs fresh air, in krasnogororsk hotel. the first two days everything was fine, everything was fine, on the morning of the third day on sunday, we were getting ready for breakfast, and he suggested to me, he said, let me go for a walk with him for half an hour, while you calmly get ready and that’s it, yes, you know at least approximately where is the child? no you you don’t even know whether he’s on russian territory or
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whether he was taken to where, no, the only thing i... managed to find out, but it wasn’t the police who found out, i independently submitted requests to all airports, sheremetyevo airport answered me that at the same the day he went for a walk with the child, they flew to cyprus, that’s it , there is no more reliable information, in court until the very end the representatives took that the child was in moscow, then i already provided the court with evidence from shermetit then they started talking what the father is at the moment now is in turkey with the child, but no one has seen the child, there is no reliable information whether they are really in turkey, where they are, that is, in what conditions is he a citizen of the russian federation, and he has parents, there are parents, they lived in vavantievka , before the kidnapping of the child, then
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i went several times and... and where he lived, they disappeared, everyone, the whole family, how they disappeared, it’s clear, i want to address our audience, now, look again at the faces of these children, if have any of you seen them? recent past, immediately call our editorial office, the phone is now on your screen, of course, it’s miraculous and unfair that mothers with photographs of their children are forced... as if they were missing, despite the fact that the same kidnapper who plunges the child into lifelong psychological trauma, this is his own father, this is a monstrous injustice, but still i want the next story to betray our strength to all the heroes who have gathered here today, since golubova
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did not see her son. but, here it is, here also valuable, let's call her, hello, hello, what's your story, tell me, well, i'm here without a photograph of my son, thank god, if before i came and just like the mother who is here with a photograph, and said about the search and asked for help, now i’m here rather to support those mothers who are looking for their children, that’s because i haven’t seen my son for 4 years, for 2 years i haven’t seen him at all, and now the child is with me, for six months already - ago, the court decision was finally executed, the child was handed over to me, i never tire of thanking those people who helped me do this,
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these are not only my friends, not only my lawyers, my defenders, alexandra marova, who is here, represents my interests in court and has done a lot for this for the child to return. please tell me, in your case, how long was the court decision not implemented? more than two years, uh, the decision was made in the twentieth year, then in the twentieth it came into force, after the second instance in november of the twentieth, and the child was handed over to me on april 26, twenty- third. and now there is a fear that it will be stolen back? i, uh, back in the building of the investigative committee, where the child was handed over to me together with the bailiffs, and just as it was written in the court decision that we had 50-50 communication, i suggested that dad stop playing hide and seek, and that i really don’t want to now to do what he did, to hide, in order to prevent a repeat
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abduction from happening, we signed, in fact, sasha checked every letter in this settlement agreement for a month and i give the child to dad for weekend, that's what i understand, that you... almost hired private detectives so that they could determine the location of the child and his father, but the investigative committee, in fact, helped in the arrest, which means that at that time they had there were such powers, that is, your application was accepted , but girls’ applications are not accepted, the us ambassador to ukraine, ash blonde bridget brink , is called a black swan, for the bad news that invariably accompanies her presence in diplomatic missions. let's watch georgia 2008 war begins. hello bridgek, greetings. for more than two years, such a priority country for america as ukraine has not had an ambassador. this is not just an ambassador, she is
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a military person, the acting president of ukraine, today she is. she now has the very important function of selecting the next candidate who will continue to russia. if we do not continue to support ukraine, then russia will win. this would have an extremely detrimental impact on our strategic interests, and this is potentially creates the threat of world war iii. bridget brink, black mark diary, tutti's heir dolls, on first today. rum. castro, a product of the stellar group.
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check the hooves, check the feathers, everyone still has their own concert rider, but does the asla have a rider? fanta. sika, the next level, tomorrow on the first, the premiere of the season, you are by appointment and we are out of turn, colonel ushnir, the lady is searching,
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well, well, i didn’t come to work , but to improve my personal life, so we will help, and guys, you are a tough nut to crack, prone to dedication, however, i always like those around me, this exactly what is, that is, how... it turns out, alexander ivanovna, but where you are, there are always pipes, and what do we have, call the council, come on, get out of there, men, they look like a rock , there’s soft wax inside , why are you hitting on me, actually, i ’m looking after you, you can’t be the star of the investigation, thanks for the compliment, well, i’m ready, depending on what, so, alexandra ivanovna smelled new prey, bloodhound . new episodes from monday on the first. don't overdo it. the main thing is not to get over it. i want
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to contact alexandra, why do you think? we have indeed, everything fundamentally depends on the human factor of the people in positions, if in the case of natasha golubkova, it was a wonderful tandem of the investigative committee and the moscow region. bailiffs of the main department , then in the case of ekaterina, for example, they simply pass each other off, what i managed to see, the police detains him and says: well , there are no bailiffs, and we do not have the competence to execute a court decision, so excuse me , that is, where the human factor falls short, there the decisions of the courts are not being implemented, you know, i have something to say, probably due to the fact that the story is very long, due to the fact that i also made a lot of mistakes, and many steps were unjustified and detectives often... took huge amounts of money and disappeared along with the money, without finding my child, and we initiated a variety of criminal cases six times, this is what you were talking about, we filed for deprivation of rights due to failure to comply with a court decision, and they also
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sent us, they refused to deprive us of our rights , that’s what concerns criminal cases, the only thing a criminal case that is still ongoing and being investigated is a criminal case of kidnapping a child, because on march 23, 1919, when my son was kidnapped by unknown persons, these unknown bearded people were caught on the entrance cameras, that is, the father was not in this, the father was not it was, it would have been different if his father had taken him, that’s right , it’s his father, yes, his father wasn’t there, the investigation is now happening, is being conducted in the main investigation department, ska moscow, throughout moscow, but that’s why he, yes, and, in fact, they gave him task to the operatives, and when i received information from private detectives, at first, subscribers wrote, i sent detectives there, when i received confirmation... that this was indeed my child, they went
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for a run, then detectives and bailiffs arrived there and we sat in the car and everything happened, and despite that , that they set up my son and also told him that his mother was looking for you with one single purpose, to take you to the orphanage, that his mother would poison herself with pills, well, that is, it was necessary somehow for a child who was growing up, and he is already 9 years old . explain why i need to run and hide from my mother, i saw the face of dani koryabkin, who looks in fear at the cars, at passers-by, and my child was just as afraid and hid until the decision came into legal force, i came to the village, there was such a moment once in may on the twentieth, when i drove in by car, usually they just didn’t open the gate for me, but then i drove in by car and saw how radion and his ex-husband were riding around the village on a motorcycle, i
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signaled: stop, they were leaving like that with the letter z , left until they hid, look, there is another very important point, when we talk about the work of the bailiffs, yes, they can throw up their hands and say, well , look, the child has not seen his mother for 4 years, how can we comply with the court decision, how is this possible, he has not remembers who it is, he won’t go to her, he will resist, what? drag by force, or what? in your case, after all , there was a psychologist, and the bailiffs carried out the decision here, but how? yes, it was, well, i ’m telling you now, six months have passed, i still have awe and i remember very well minutes that day, because i was very afraid that i would have to take the child, he would break free, bite, then he told me that his dad taught him this, that if they suddenly ask you, you always repeat one thing, that you only want to live ... with dad and if anything you can bite mom, but the main thing is to bite
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hard, so that, well, that is, the mood is appropriate, so i went into the office where dad and the child were sitting, and i squeezed between them, blocked the child’s father, turned around k- rodion started twittering, i don’t know what, about that my son, how i missed him and all that, and he came out with me himself. he came out with me, there was no fight, there were no tears, let’s watch the video of your meeting after such a long separation, and how often do you live with him? i'm 28, 28, and he already told you what sports you do? no, tell me, we’ll go to the market for a barbecue and, in short, then we’ll make
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a barbecue at sasha’s house, these flowers i give you mom, they smell delicious, i give them in honor of the love of meeting, i love you and will love you, we will always be together all the time life. please tell me, in your situation, the parents of the ex-husband also helped him, it’s different, we divorced due to the fact that at the birth, at my pregnancy, we both have children from older, previous marriages and my eldest son is 25 years old, and robert, ex-husband, his son is over 30. already , that is, completely grown up, so by the time i was pregnant,
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the ex-husband cared about a raw food diet, veganism, radical food, that is , his mood went very strongly in this direction, and when the scandals were no longer stopped, that's when i got ready, left with the child, with the eldest with younger ones, what are the reasons for the scandals? based on the fact that diapers are not... this is castration , we will wash the dishes with mustard, don’t you dare feed mine, supplement the child with dry food, it’s dairy food, so he hasn’t eaten anything yet, has the child lived with his dad yet? then these years he lived, he told me that closer to the hour he gave radion with muzi, fruits, spinach and so on, but as you can see, the child was not hypotrophic, so he took him out once a week and then eat pizza or rolls and said, look, they eat this crap
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everything is here, but i’m feeding you correctly, green buckwheat, vegetables and so on , thank you for sharing your experience, i’m very glad that everything happened this way, and i want to turn to alexandra as, first of all, a permanent expert our program, and secondly, as a participant in this happy ending to the case, what do you advise the girls, the rest, you know, in principle, girls, it all depends, but you already know this very well, without me, it all depends , what will you personally do, because unfortunately, with the legislation that we have, when the maximum for this is administrative responsibility, and in order to obtain it, you have to go through seven circles of hell, there is no criminal liability for failure to comply with a court decision regarding the place of residence, you know this very well, you also know that , that we are with you , here is sanya zorgan, for example, we have repeatedly written a statement, the investigative committee, many thanks to them, responds, initiates
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criminal cases, the disappearance of a child, the next day the prosecutor’s office comes, cancels these criminal cases, and says, these are family matters disputes, there is no criminal case here, we fought in exactly the same way with natasha for a long time. years before this story ended happily, so if it weren’t for natasha’s persistence, if it weren’t for the fact that she devoted her entire life to getting her child back during that period of time when every day there are at least five complaints to different authorities , when every day is calls, when every day is a competent introduction of social networks with a portrait of radeon, please help find the child, in the end it worked, they found it, if not for all this persistence and inadequate dedication to this story, perhaps such a miracle. would not have happened, what alexandra said about the personal initiative of parents, and full involvement, this is a way of life, and i very much suspect that you do not have other small children, as there are, for example, others who need to devote heroin to them too time, and not abandon them, fighting for one of the children, you are already an adult, i think that you have a
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livelihood, and many mothers do not, to simply devote their lives to fighting for one child, when there are more, i really hope that the resonance from this program will help speed up legislative initiatives, in terms of support - demography, motherhood, protection, not from popular measures, of which an increase in the fee for divorce is voiced, to real , to real measures in terms of - reforms of procedural legislation, to reduce these terms, poor children wait for a court decision for 3 years, a dispute about children, a maximum of 3 months and a decision is quickly issued so that - the prosecutor's office controls the judiciary bailiffs, as long as such legislative norms are adopted for bailiffs, the widest arsenal for searching, for executing court decisions, let’s hope that as long as this is,
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uh, perfect legislation within the framework of the resonance of this program, bailiffs and the prosecutor’s office will be more conscientious about their duties. thank you, i don’t think that our program is a panacea for all ills, i honestly say, in the situation you are in, i take it upon myself and tell you that we won’t solve everything now, but i i know for sure that, of course, any story that goes on the federal channel, it raises a certain wave, there is a public outcry and discussion that forces people to pay attention to it, i really hope that this will help in your situation, but i can tell you that 100 %. we will solve this, i can’t, i can’t lie, because i can’t imagine what a mother who hasn’t seen her child for years can feel, and also hurt you more with empty promises, i honestly won’t, but i really hope that we are in this studio we will meet with you on another occasion, on on a happy occasion, just like yours,
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it means so. tikhomirova has been suspended from work, she faces charges of a bunch of violations, i have the necessary qualifications, a doctor’s diploma and removal from medical practice, so sikhomirova, administrative penalties, dismissal and trial, you don’t deserve this, i came to this city, to correct the mistake, she put on new ones instead, nurse: final episode, watch after the program time. i'm sure he's set his hounds on your trail, so let's not wait for a minute. valeria! call all our people who are at home, let them come here, i don’t work here anymore, and i’m running, come on, come on,
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oh, he’s the softest of all in the family, that’s when it’s necessary, my command switches on, don’t run back, he’ll order, let's move away, we are not going to put you all to death, we need you, the bullet entered and hit my head, sometimes it hurts, but we live. i agree, come and whistle, i’m proud that my student is the youngest company commander in the lpr. the main secret of it all, everything, of all - this is when you are constantly watching, sitting at home, playing on the computer, not being preoccupied with anything, and then, when the boys from our district, from the yard, someone died, someone was injured, a lot of guys went service, so we went too. along the gap, south 20, south 20 along the gap, right next to each other, for the day of heroes of the fatherland,
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men's work on saturday on the first, if they told me that my day was the last, what would i do, i would go for a walk, i would go i would sit down in church, read a prayer, repent, apologize to those i offended. you can’t support people who are suffering and stand on the sidelines somewhere, it was generally, of course, her choice, her will, her desire, we went down into the catacombs and responded, they saw that she was an attractive, charming girl who could take off, who maybe they knocked her out at the start , this is martyrdom, you know, this is martyrdom, because in principle she did not fight, she did not curse, turning to her we see light, we see happiness, we see victory, we see that ideality which she has in herself embodied, but at the same time the tragedy remains and the pain remains, on the day of heroes of the fatherland,
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on saturday on the first, i wanted to say, simply that it may not be enough, and not as often as it should be, but i had to tell her, dashenka, i love you very much, and now there is a project to help children... in russia, which we are doing together with the popular front. yakola. in this footage, six-year-old kolya from artyomovsk has serious problems with
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his health and speech, which were aggravated by the months he spent in the basement. april 15 twenty in the third year, kolya and his grandfather volodya were evacuated from artyomovsk by the military. now the two of them live in a temporary accommodation center in the city of shakhtersk. when artyomovsk was bombed, kolya lost his mother, and then he was separated from his sick father , a hip fracture is always a serious condition, it ’s a state of shock, a system was imposed, a purely classical system according to elizarov, which allows the patient to immediately get up, walk, well , more like this. less confident. sergey, the events that you experienced in artyomovsk, what
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do you remember from this? yes, absolutely everything, the city is not stopped firing, the ukrainian tank , as it did, drove out, turns its muzzle in our direction, starts shooting at the house, so that everyone thinks that it is the russian army that is doing everything, half the basement was collapsed, it was as if they drove us there, first they threw a grenade, then they entered the room they started shooting at the floor. when they heard the rustling of a grenade, then ira looked at me with tears, then that was it, after 5 seconds there was no one there. what was the worst thing that you remember, and when
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the child under you begins to choke. and you you can’t do anything, your son, yes , sergei, his mother, wife and son kolya spent several months in the basement of a nine-story building; in march of this year, the ssu building was blown up, knowing that civilians were hiding in the basement , among whom were women and children, mother and wife sergei died under the rubble, so it turns out that i was overwhelmed with peace, that i covered the child with me, and my wife. fell completely, well, when i already got up, i saw my wife lying with her skull split open, there was a slab above her, i didn’t see my mother, because there was a wall there, a pile of bricks, i realized that no one would be returned, that kolya was the only one left, i thought and i would lose kolya, kolya didn’t eat for 2 days, didn’t
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open his eyes, didn’t drink, asked about his mother, we said that her bad uncles took her , that is, at that moment you no longer had hope, yes, that some kind of life awaits you further for your son, nothing further was predicted, it was an accident, the fact that we heard the walkie-talkie, then we already realized that the russian army was already nearby and called for help, started shouting that there was a civilian in the basement, took out everyone who could walk, and the soldiers were already carrying me out, sergei, and kolya understands that my mother is no more?
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i don't know, i haven't seen him for a long time, huh? now you will meet him , what will you say, you have already decided that i love him, sergey, about the future, you were thinking, probably already get rid of the device, yeah, get back on your feet and start working in artyomovsk, i worked at a jewelry factory , and how i would like to continue, the only meaning of my life is a child, no matter how hard and painful it is, i must not give up.
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relatives were looking for sergei and his family from the bryansk region, they waited and believed that despite the heavy fighting in artyomovsk they managed to survive. you are my good one, grandma onya, my golden one. hi, maki really, i know , god, everything will be fine, seryozha, we won’t leave seryozha until he gets back on his feet, until he’s rehabilitated, he’ll be here, he’s shy,
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he’s shy, what if?


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