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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  December 7, 2023 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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vladimir putin will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. you can ask your question now by calling 800-200 4040 via sms to number 04040 or through the websites and moskvadefiesputinu.rf. all details are on the websites. we'll try to do it. so that no issue goes unnoticed. results of the year with vladimir putin december 14, at 12:00 moscow time. this is the evening news on the first. hello, in the studio of valery korablev, in this issue. and the tempo. growth about
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investment in our economy, development, despite the sanctions, the unfair play of the west, as soon as competitors appeared, bang and their own borders began to close immediately in one second, a statement by vladimir putin at the vtb investment forum russia is calling, and a negotiation marathon, a meeting with crown prince aman on the sidelines of the forum , then with the leader of iran in the kremlin, and also a joint statement following the visit to saudi arabia. on march 17, the federation council approved the date of the presidential elections in russia. the election campaign has started, what will the election commission center discuss issues tomorrow? the attacks were repulsed in all directions, the armed forces suffered heavy losses and there were over 800 militants in equipment and manpower, the latest data from our military from the special operations zone. kos of life -
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the federal register of bone marrow donors, the first results of the work are summed up at wadenham, at one of the sites of the russian exhibition, in pavilion 75, where the regions talk about their achievements, the day of dagestan and north ossetia. russia, the largest economy in europe, is now ahead of all the leading countries of the european union in terms of growth rates. about this was stated by vladimir putin at the vtb-russia calling investment forum. the event was large-scale, representatives gathered. largest international corporations and leading domestic companies, attracting investment into our economy, developing dialogue with foreign partners are the main topics, and as the president especially noted, our country has proven that it is capable of responding to the most difficult challenges, reporting by konstantin panishkin. there are approximately equal numbers of russian and foreign investors on the sidelines, we have money, yes, we have money, yes, they didn’t come here with empty pockets, they are ready and will invest... all this hype
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is not able to cancel the immutable fact, working with russia in russia is profitable, it was profitable, now it is profitable and will be profitable, business agrees, first the specialization, the number of foreign enterprises in russia did not decrease, on the contrary, they increased, i myself was surprised to discover when i looked at the materials, it increased, like this, as of march 1... of the year, 24,100 foreign organizations were registered in russia, as of november 1 of the current year there were almost 1,500 more of them, exactly 25.6, well, this is an indicator of readiness and desire to work in russia. the potential profit covers any risks, how many times has your business grown since february 24 , 2022, but two or three. everyone who did not
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turn away from russia at a difficult moment can now claim the best price. yes, we all understand that to a large extent, india receives, receives preferences due to discounts on russian energy resources, well , that’s right, in fact, i would do the same if i were them i did this if the situation develops this way, but here the benefit from cooperation is not only in price, but in the breadth of opportunities for business development that is inaccessible to unfriendly states. and which ones are not? this means, first of all, as regards china directly, we are ready to cooperate in all areas, we have no restrictions, this also applies, by the way, to military technologies, payments have already been made for the second year, increasingly in national currencies, for example, with the chinese already in nine cases out of ten, however, only now. how
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what about rubles? well, rubles are not very good yet, yes. the share of the ruble in trade with china is growing, but is still far from 50%. our currency accounts for a fifth of exports to canada. but in exports to india, the ruble accounts for 60%. the ruble is now one of the key currencies in the structure of our trade; it takes up a lot of exports and imports, so the reality is such that the ruble plays no less a role than other currencies. it is not toxic for a foreigner, no, absolutely, because you can buy a lot of good things with it, what our economy, our country produces. in 2023, the growth of the russian economy is expected to be 3.5%, this is higher than before the start of the special operation, introduction. yes, russia, the largest economy in europe , is now ahead of all the leading countries of the european union in terms of growth rates. moreover , it is not the raw material sectors of the economy that are developing most actively. in the second quarter of this year they accounted for 54% of gdp growth. and only 2%, i want to emphasize,
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only 2% was accounted for by mining. now let someone say that russia is a gas station, as if they tried again recently. talk about it. russian business has occupied almost all the niches previously owned by western brands. did they think that everything would collapse, or what? nothing of the sort happened. they took over everything and went forward. and our entrepreneurs act very confidently. for example, on behalf of the president, russian officials must switch to domestic cars. the state order is still being formed. we still hope that the president’s instructions will be fully implemented in the near future. and not only direct purchases will be prohibited for officials and government agencies, but also renting cars, leasing them, and other forms of providing transport services. avtoas is ready to fulfill this government order on any scale, our production program for next year
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includes up to 500,000 cars of various classes, but all this goes without saying does not mean, no matter what kind of protectionism you may have, russia does not kick anyone out and does not close anyone off. from anyone, many foreign enterprises, organizations, despite pressure from their governments, their officials, stated that they want to continue working in our country, we only welcome this, in a certain sense, we have even fewer risks for investors than in neighboring states, including nato members. political risks are when in turkey inflation is at 100%, but the regulator has no political will to engage in monetary policy that would reduce these risks, this is a political risk, but our state acts decisively in these conditions and adequately, which reduces these risks, inflation has been brought under control in russia decisive actions of our central bank,
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but the fee for this is a key rate of 15%. i constantly communicate with representatives of large companies, medium-sized ones, and representatives of finance. sectors, everyone is always dissatisfied with each other, this is always, i think, everywhere, but , but the numbers indicate that decisions are being made, life goes on, the economy is developing, in general the result is good, forum guests and journalists, of course, were waiting today from elvira's forecast of monetary policy for the coming months in the new year? not promote me. but this is how the immediate future head of vtb, andrey kostin, sees it. you're waiting for a softening, right? easing monetary policy? i don’t think so yet, while the situation shows that probably in the coming years, at least until the end of the year, the beginning of the next,
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we are not expecting any easing, maybe even the opposite. the authorities urge russians not to accumulate debts; more than 27 million citizens already use the services of market brokers on the domestic securities market. i believe, that. the same insurance mechanism should be extended to long-term individual investment accounts. here the maximum amount of insurance coverage can be 1,400 rubles per person. for comparison, those russians who invested in western securities on foreign markets before 2022 lost everything after the imposition of sanctions. konstantin panyushkin, vladimir bukarev, mikhail bobrev, pavel rudakov, boris kaminov, channel one. later, on the floors of the forum. putin met with the crown prince of aman, ben-haitham al-said. the russian leader noted good prospects for the development of cooperation between the two countries in various fields, economics, energy, tourism and more. and at the beginning of our meeting i would like to ask you to convey my best wishes to your father
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sultan, he stood at the origins of our relationship. we will be glad to see him in russia at a time convenient for him, well, next year. this year is coming to an end, our trade turnover volume is still modest, but it has been developing so actively in the first 9 months of this year by several times. direct flights and tourism are now open - this is also one of the areas of activity that is very interesting and promising. well, in general, we have something to do, and we are very glad that you are here. i am grateful to my father for the invitation, and i am sure that his visit will take place, hopefully soon. i listened very carefully to your speech and would like to confirm that i share all your assessments of the current international situation, primarily with regard to the need to stop the current situation. and the footage that
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came shortly before our release: in the kremlin , vladimir putin receives iranian president ibrahim risi, the center of attention of the two leaders - implementation of joint promising projects in the trade and economic sphere, energy, transport, as well as current international and regional issues. dear friends, i am very glad to see you in moscow. yesterday, you know, i was in the neighboring region and flew directly into the territory of your country, and i wanted to land and meet directly in tehran, but they tell me that the president has already got ready and is flying to moscow. we have large infrastructure projects, we have been discussing them for a long time, now we have come to practical implementation, in the construction of a railway north-south, we naturally work traditionally in the field of energy, in the field of education, we
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have a significant number of iranian students studying, and of course, it is very important for us to exchange views on the situation in the region, especially with regard to the situation in palestine, the situation in palestine - this is a problem all over the world, what is happening in gaza and palestine is genocide and a crime against humanity. and today a joint statement was published following vladimir putin’s visit to saudi arabia. moscow and eriyadh agreed on expansion cooperation in various areas. one of the key themes is increasing trade volume. 2022, this figure increased by 46% compared to the previous year. negotiations between vladimir putin and crown prince mohamed bin salman al saud ended late last night. the parties will strengthen cooperation in defense. between states
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and the successful efforts of opec plus countries to increase the stability of world oil markets. let me remind you that in addition to saudi arabia , vladimir putin recently visited the united the arab emirates, where the high-level negotiations took place, the reception was warm and solemn. today the date of the russian presidential elections has become known. march next year, the corresponding resolution was adopted by the federation council. the election campaign has started. soffed speaker valentina matvienko called the upcoming elections historic. they will determine the vector of russia’s development in a difficult time of global change. our response to the main challenges of our time depends on them. at today's meeting, senators decided to calling elections unanimously. despite the resolution of the federation council on calling elections for the president of the russian federation as a whole being put to a vote,
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a vote is underway, colleagues, and the decision was made unanimously. our electoral system, fortunately, lacks the characteristics characteristic of a number of countries that have self-proclaimed themselves as models of democracy, is devoid of surrogate electoral mechanisms and is based on the immediate direct will of millions of russian voters. these now include residents of the reunified regions, for whom this will be the first federal election after returning home. and of course, in the united regions, as in all other subjects of the federation, it is necessary to ensure.
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the draft voting was reviewed for 3 days, march 15, 16 and 17, this is a request from our voters who appreciated this form. in the near future we will also resolve the issue of in which regions remote electronic voting will be used, the main criterion being experience. the program sums up... the year with vladimir putin is exactly one week away. it's already december 14th, direct line together with a big press conference. the call center is open 24 hours a day. the range of topics is very wide: specialization, housing and communal services, medicine, social benefits. you can ask about your concerns free of charge by calling 8, 800-200,40-40, or sending an sms to 0.4040.
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also on the website, in the app. social networks, vkontakte and odnoklassniki, questions that do not go live will be answered either by local authorities or by popular front activists. so, december 14 - results of the year with vladimir putin, live broadcast on channel one at noon moscow time. the russian government will send additional funds to restore sports infrastructure in new regions in the near future, mikhail announced this at the meeting. and one more topic - support for large investment projects for the development of the country's technological sovereignty will launch a new program for this. it involves increasing the availability of debt financing for the implementation
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of entrepreneurial initiatives worth from 1 to 20 billion rubles. for this purpose the institute development, webrf will begin to provide companies with guarantees , the total volume of which could amount to 200 billion rubles, according to a simplified scheme. according to the approved rules, with their help it will be possible to secure obligations in the amount of up to 50% of the full loan amount. moreover, the share of the borrower’s own funds must be at least 20% for loan terms from 3 to 15 years. a new tool will help you open it. promising industrial productions. the first results of the work of the federal register of bone marrow donors were summed up today in moscow at vdnh at one of the sites of the grand exhibition in russia. databases with information about those who are ready to share stem cells appeared in our country a year ago. volunteers just need to donate blood first. for those who need a transplant, this is a matter of vital importance, the only chance for
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salvation. with the advent of the registry, searching for a suitable donor has become much easier. the project is successful. is gaining momentum, well , behind me is the 75th pavilion of the vdh, the regions are talking about their achievements, today dagestan and north ossetia, but about everything in order, reporting by yana podzeban, behind the bright pavilions of vdnkh, without unnecessary pathos , a unique meeting was expected in silence , the recipient and the donor would see each other for the first time, the person who almost lost his life, and the one who saved her, yes, very today, well. i just want to see her, i waited for this for 2 years, because it was impossible for us not to communicate, not to meet, we didn’t see each other, i don’t know, we had no contacts, nothing, evgenia pavlovich, the confectioner, fell ill suddenly, acute meloid leukemia immediately a question of life and death, and lyudmila chernyadyeva worked for gas stations , she joined the donor program without hesitation,
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hug, she can barely contain her emotions in front of the cameras, they have so much to discuss, a month passed between the signal soos need help and the perfect match of the bone marrow, record time, some patients wait for a transplant for years, the donor base was not able to only quickly create, but accumulate. veronika igorevna, you and i didn’t even think that we would witness such results, they didn’t believe that we would be able to do this, that we would be able to create this, but the federal register has been launched, works, is gaining momentum, 3,100 people are already in it, in addition, an international search system has been built in, 100,000 new donors per year enter the database, if in the twenty-first year only every second person in need of a transplant could find a donor within the country, this year we are already at 75%. the new laboratory in kirov, which was opened remotely from moscow, is unique ; it is believed that for a donor to be suitable, a match of eight characters in the code is required; in kirov
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, 10 characters are now determined; other 11 laboratories have significantly less massive power. yes, but all of them together, in fact, create conditions, but limitless development, that is, we have no restrictions, as if by magic, in continuation of the exhibition at the vdd, several balls were removed at the wish tree today. it always brings great pleasure, you know, not to receive gifts, to have the opportunity to give, to fulfill the dream of every child, today at vdnkh everything was a little fantastic, the derbent fortress was presented by dagestan instead of a pavilion, the city celebrated its 2,000th birthday, there is a lot to see and learn here. it is difficult to get tired of the temptation and not try to weave the legendary tobosaran carpet. well, this one helps, this one is difficult. we put the knife tool aside right away, i can’t handle this, but what kind of tools are these, will we need them? and these scissors cut the tufted carpet, and this is a compactor, the compactor acts
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like this along the threads, yes, well, we will work exclusively with threads, exclusively with our hands, but i pull the thread, and then what should i do? you need to reverse the top, bottom thread, top, bottom, make a knot like this, pull the loop through and tighten, tighten, time loop, the carpet will last at least a couple of centuries. the southernmost region of the russian federation has updated the historical grape harvest record of 280,000 tons, is building more than 100 schools, reconstructing the airport and laying four-lane traffic on the caucasus federal highway. we have to form a real industry, the hospitality industry. and this work is already underway. we are planning to implement the project. creation in the derbensky district on an area of ​​more than 90 hectares of the all-russian children's center. this idea has found understanding and support from the head of state, vladimir vladimovich putin, which
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instills in us optimism and a willingness to work with our sleeves rolled up. three steps away is north ossetia, neighbors take turns giving each other the floor, today is the day of their region too. the construction of a cascade of hydroelectric power plants was completed here. we revived production at the crystal copper plant, developed investment projects for which we were organized. 7,000 new jobs and brought beautiful traditions to moscow. wedding everything is for real. farn, farn, farn. on the vdnkh map, like on the map of the country, it is easy to see how history, traditions and the latest technologies that are already working today are effortlessly combined. yana podzyuban, veronika ilvuchenkova, khristina ivanova, ekaterina ovsyanikova and inesa mezhevalova. first channel. and today at vdnkh, on international civil aviation day, the first center in moscow opened; they will test the qualifications of drone operators. journalists were shown how everything happens to test their practical knowledge use the co-optor of the albatros m5 aircraft. among those taking the exam is volunteer
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participant svo; the center is confident that the profession of flying drones will also be of interest to girls. unmanned systems are already available to many people, we will certainly be checking the qualifications, not only of those who already... have this qualification, so that they would confirm it, but also graduates of educational institutions, of course, and our colleagues, our citizens of our country who returned from their countries, and data on the progress special operations in the ministry of defense reported that a ukrainian su-25 aircraft was shot down by air defense in the donetsk people's republic, in addition, a kharm anti-radar missile was intercepted. usa. during the day, russian units repelled at least nine attacks in the sssu. enemy losses in manpower in all directions amounted to over 800 militants. in the kupinsky, krasno-limansky,
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donetsk and south donetsk sectors , german and american artillery installations and howitzers were destroyed. and 27 ukrainian drones were shot down. investigation into the murder of ex-verkhovna rada deputy ilya kiva will lead the department for particularly important cases. moscow region headquarters of the investigative committee of the russian federation, various examinations have been ordered, investigators are interrogating witnesses, the body of a ukrainian politician was found the day before in one of the villages of the odezantsovsky district, allegedly shot during a walk, ukrainian military intelligence has already taken responsibility for the crime, kiva was an ardent opponent of the zelsky regime, publicly supported the special operation , the high-profile murder was commented on today in the state duma, the murder of a former deputy of the verkhovna rada, everything this is the work of the kiev criminal regime , as long as the united states of america
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helps it, this will continue, zelensky is a terrorist, all this comes with his consent, is approved at the level of the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, but they must understand that this will not go unanswered, it will have to reply. results of the interreligious work. for 25 years summed up in moscow during a ceremonial meeting, it was headed by the honorary chairman of the organization, patriarch of moscow of all russia kiril, the presidium of the council includes the heads of the confession and today there was a special it has been noted that for a quarter of a century, the position of all participants has been aimed at protecting traditional values, the people’s rights to identity, strengthening the unity of russian society, for 25 years, our position has found understanding and support in many countries of the world, especially in those that do not... relate to the so-called, in quotes, collective west, therefore today we are called upon to continue to develop interreligious interaction, including outside
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our country, by everyone who is ready on an equal footing basis to maintain such relationships. i am confident that the experience accumulated by our ancestors in building peace between religions will continue to serve the well-being and prosperity of our society. moscow is an art cinema; in half an hour the ceremony will begin here. the results of the winter open festival of author cinema will be summed up. there are eight paintings in the competition program. and as part of the festival , the film vera was held, a drama directed by irina volkova, this is a new film adaptation of galina sherbakova’s story, you never dreamed of, but how the creators of the film emphasize that this is not a remake, but a completely new look at the works, a familiar plot, a love story between teenagers, roma and yulia, but the main character is now romka’s mother, vera, played by victoria tovstaganova. her tragedy is the collapse of the familiar world, despair, emptiness. the film will be released in wide release next year. anatoly
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lazarev will tell you. now let me give you a ride like a little one, i’ll give you a ride, but that’s enough, but everyone is coming, rom, what are you doing, well, people, people are watching, rom, vera has completely disappeared into her family, she’s living exclusively with the problems of her husband and fifteen-year-old son, she is satisfied with everything, only by taking care of and, most importantly, controlling her loved ones who obey her without question, she feels needed and significant, but suddenly her husband’s first love appears on the horizon. and a measured family life is under threat, what are you doing here? i live, what about you? i live here, let me help, no need, thank you, i will help, thank you, kostya, no need to help, my husband will help me, well , of course, leave us alone, please, but here the son of the main character, roma, falls in love with the daughter of this woman, the feeling is mutual with all the recklessness of first love, for faith this is
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her usual collapse. world, she is desperately doing everything to prevent this relationship, because in her life there is nothing, emptiness, only overprotection over loved ones, this is typical for russian women, for women of that time, for soviet women, such an unfortunate generation is lonely, not even in the sense of being lonely without husbands or without wives, but simply lonely in itself, let's be honest, you also have a character, not sugar, thank fate for your husband, from the bone. let's face it, you're very, very lucky , it's just, mom, i'm going to file for divorce, the film vera is a new film adaptation of galina shcherbakova's story, which you never dreamed of, according to which in 1981, director ilya fress made a film that was popular in the ussr, everything there- about first love , it’s so tender, romantic, but here we have a tragedy, here we see how a tragedy unfolds before the eyes of the audience, and people who can save, well, help, they are trying
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to do it, to stop it, but they have nothing not it turns out. the creators of vera emphasize that they did not make a remake of a soviet film, that is , the same thing, but with other actors, they looked at this drama from a new angle. the main emphasis is on roman's mother, on vera , on explaining to us, the audience, those who read the story or watched the soviet film, about why vera was the way she was, why she actually ruined the lives and relationships of roman and yulka, because she was very tragic herself. with a very dramatic, very problematic fate, with a very large number of female inner grievances, this is probably what our movie is about, it happens that such great feminine, maternal love becomes destructive, and the story is just about watching this and not doing that. anatoriy lazarev, alexander isaev, alexander anenkov, ruslan vashko, channel one. that's all, thank you for being with us, right now the program is on the air, time
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will tell.


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