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tv   PODKAST  1TV  December 8, 2023 12:00am-12:56am MSK

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well-known in the united states, a military analyst, a terrorism analyst, he was once a cia analyst, worked in the state department, i met him 20 years ago, he then opposed the american military operation in iraq, but then there were somewhat different times, and it was possible to take such a position without being labeled as such. all dogs, so, mr. johnson said, just recently, at this program, he said that he does not see the possibility of a russian agreement with the united states on ukraine, he said, that from his point of view, they will either refuse to negotiate or will simply be deceived, and he said that the only chance he sees to end this... situation is
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a full-fledged military victory in ukraine, which would not leave the american elite any other chance, except, well, except for the third world war, there is no other chance than to compromise with russia, how is this different from the situation in western europe or not different, and you know, this and... no, this is not different in the sense what, uh, ukrainian crisis, should be brought to its logical conclusion, and this completion is possible only as a result - the unambiguous outcome of a special military operation, that is, the achievement of its goals, and any other option, a truce,
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a ceasefire, and even the cession of territories by kiev, but - current ones or another, of a different volume , so to speak, of a different size of territories, all the same, it would be, it would mean that on the other side of the dividing line, whatever you call it, border or demarcation line, but would remain hostile, openly hostile, a state entity that is unequivocally anti-russian, something russia, i believe , cannot afford in the current situation, as for europe, europe, be it the european union or nato, in general is, by and large, in a dead end, in a material dead end, in a financial impasse in a dead end... what is a political impasse in
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an intellectual impasse, because , apparently, they do not have a plan b up their sleeve, as they say , therefore, despite the dynamics of the development of the situation, as they say, in the field, they continue to be guided by
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from some situation that is reminiscent of what happened in afghanistan, i mean, when the united states decided to completely withdraw from afghanistan, the afghan regime, the puppet regime, fell apart like a house of cards, and my last question to you, if only the united states the states decided to no longer support ukraine and significantly reduced their support. what would europe's reaction be, take the place of the united states, increase aid to ukraine, continue to support ukraine at the level it is today, or say, well we will put a good face on a bad game, we will not admit defeat, but we will agree to reach an agreement on something completely different. you know, i
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think that the first reaction of europe, in fact , signs of maturing are already visible, there will be panic in this situation. panic, they will feel that the united states abandoned them , as they say, pulling them into the ukrainian, so to speak , whirlpool, let’s call it this kind word, in the end, i remember when, in very distant times, they formed coalitions, there in the balkans, then in regarding iraq, there was such a principle: we came together, we will leave together, it was within the framework of nato and even a broader framework, and this was a kind of cementing element of all these
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coalitions, willing there, unwilling, and so on, now i think something like that is no longer being considered in washington. one word changes everything , like an ordinary house, a child, in the mouth of cynical ukrainian propaganda, has become a special detention center, but this is really just such simple media cheating, on the other side information is imposed on people, they
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are engaged in zombification, orphaned children should be returned to ukraine so that they can be immediately stuck in some special children's battalion? and why polish truck drivers opposed ukrainian refugees. in ukraine they continue to believe that in europe they are all expected with open arms, the situation is really stalemate, and this simply causes real damage to the local economy, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first, if they told me that my day is the last, what would i did, i would go for a walk, go to church and sit down, read a prayer, repent, apologize to those whom i offended, you cannot support people who suffer, and somewhere to be on the sidelines, it was generally, of course, her choice, her will, her desire, we go down into the catacombs, stood up, they saw that this was an attractive, charming girl who could take off, who could, they they knocked her out at the start, this is martyrdom, you know, this is martyrdom,
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because in principle she did not fight, she did not curse, turning to her, we see the light, we see happiness, we see victory, we see that, that ideality, which she embodied, but at the same time the tragedy remains and... the pain remains, on the day of heroes of the fatherland, on saturday first, i wanted to say, just that it may not be enough, and not as often as it should be, but i had to tell her, dashenka, i love you very much, today the investigative committee placed under special control the case of the murder of former deputy of the ukrainian rada ilva. in ukraine, he was at one time a representative of the right sector, a very
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nationalist organization. then he joined the moderate opposition, the opposition that advocated normal relations with russia. this was called an opposition bloc , well, later he, like many ukrainian politicians who opposed the growing nazification of ukraine, had to leave ukraine, he found his place in moscow and spoke, among other things, on television programs, including those of channel one, that’s an interesting reaction to this murder, which, according to... ukrainian publications, referring to ukrainian official bodies, a murder that was organized by the ukrainian special services, the reaction to this is very interesting, if we are talking about ukraine, about ukrainian propagandists, some
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of them are people who left russia and pose as independent journalists, the reaction is very interesting, what can i say, kiva was not the best person, they say, he collaborated with the russian authorities, therefore he is a collaborator, and that since he behaved like a traitor. then, in general , it was normal to kill him when it comes from people who betrayed russia, who left it in order to receive subsidies from western intelligence services, and openly work for the media organizations that are the mouthpieces of ukraine and other western countries hostile to russia, explain. how can they kill this kind of traitors, well, it seems to me that this is
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at least very, very naive, because if someone can be courageously accused of this kind of betrayal, then it is of course themselves, for some reason i don’t think that they will consider attacks on people like them legitimate , they, it seems to me, have other plans for life, but if we are talking about brussels, western capitals, then they decided, in general, to practically ignore the murder of kiev, and how i would hope that with all the other things that are happening in the world, this is a murder, this is an atrocity, that they will not really pay attention to this, well, from my point of view, any terrorist act, especially one that takes place: not just in russia , in the moscow region, especially in a situation
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where there have already been several such terrorist acts, when they occur quite regularly, it seems to me that this is a challenge to the security of russia, there may be different opinions on what to do about this, i naturally do not assume, and neither in which in any case, i don’t want to... to terrorism with terrorism, this is not the russian method, and this is not what works, on the other hand, i am absolutely convinced that the situation when such attacks are carried out on russia, and no, not only retaliation , but there are no actions that could convince the collective west to abandon such disgrace, it seems to me that such a situation is not only wrong. but it is absolutely unrealistic, and i think that it is very important, this is not a call, this is not
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advice, this is a statement of fact, very important, so that those people who make decisions in western capitals, so that they understand that by using such methods, they put themselves in a vulnerable position when you are dancing on a minefield, predicting which... will explode, of course, is impossible, but dancing on in a minefield, hoping for your safety, hoping for your survival, this is a complete lack of common sense. i hope that there will be people in washington, brussels, and london who will understand this obvious truth from my point of view. it was a great game, see you on air next week.
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the power of memory is great, there is something terrifying in the diversity of its countless depths, as avreli augustine wrote in his famous confession: hello, today we have gathered with thoughts about memory, about its secrets and riddles. dmitry petrovich bag, literaturad, candidate of philological sciences, evgeniy germanovich vodolaskin, writer, doctor of philological sciences. friends, i am very glad to see you. it's mutual. who else if not you to talk about such a topic, and you know, i want, i have such a preliminary question, or something, warm-up, memory - it's more about hope or '.
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something will happen again, petrovich, what do you think, you know, still, i would put hope in the foreground, because, well, we know, yes, the curse of the family. which can gravitate, hang, put pressure on itself, it definitely exists, yes, because the golden age gives way to the silver age, and then all the way to the iron age, but nothing good happens to the world, so memory always speaks of a curse, but on the other hand, memory speaks about the best, precisely because the past happy, this childhood, for example, it almost always has a shade of happiness, a sinless,
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transparent existence, and the more you remember, the more you hope that... at every moment you live in your fullness, and not in the incompleteness that seems to you - the right vanity. just now, when evgenia germanich , you said that what you sometimes want to get rid of, but i thought, i remembered, or rather the thought, not my thought, that this is what confession is, it’s a cry to god, lord, not remember me like this, that is, not remember me doing this act, forget it, well, it’s funny to ask god to forget something. but that’s what the whole idea is, well , not repentance, but repentance is probably based on it, no? moreover, i believe that repentance, confession is overcoming time , you return to the time before the sin, as it were, because this sin is washed away, it goes away, the only difference is this, you return to
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the previous time, but with the memory of sin, this is already a hint to the father... a repentant sin, and perhaps there is a desire to prevent it from happening again, it is washed away, but the scars remain, the scars remain, well, the famous line of pushkin, but there are options for lines that are sad or shameful, yes, this is a very important story, because even if you want to get rid of the memory, i agree, then the work is not to get rid of it, but to understand, that this is given for something, well, because there is no test of superpowers, we understand perfectly well, even if it is a bad memory, a memory of a sinful state of the soul or of actions, it is still not given in order to be equal to it, memory - this is what makes us unequal to ourselves at our best sense, look how naturally we
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will now move on to the actual substantive part of the concept, equal not equal, so... i talked about the fact that a person is memory, culture is memory, i always tell students that it doesn’t take much to justify this evidence, imagine that you wake up tomorrow and don’t remember anything , yes, what you don’t remember is not there, that is, it turns out that memory is a culture-forming phenomenon, forgive the involuntary academicism, and a person-forming phenomenon, and then the question is this , after all. is man identical with memory or forgetting or not? there is wisdom unburdened by knowledge, that’s who dealt with wise old people in old age, sometimes he doesn’t remember any specific things, but at the same time he is wise, he is absolutely error-free in his choice, although he cannot justify it in any way, maybe
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something like that tolstoy meant when he said that a person leaving for another world... we are approaching our beginning, so, this is the same lack of fullness of memory as in childhood, but only after, uh, with experience, experience goes nowhere disappears, it’s extremely interesting, to be honest, at the beginning, when you said not burdened by memory, i grinned, because i had another associative series, yes, that in a lot of wisdom, a lot of sadness, i
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thought that’s what you were talking about, but you are talking about something completely different, yes, about wisdom, which is filled with sadness, probably in some way. i mean , yes, but now he can afford to not remember some individual episodes, yes, yes, absolutely right, i don’t know the etymology, but i’ll be such a preobrazhensky or fasmer improviser, it seems to me that this comes from the word and mother and take, memory, yes, it is always selective, you cannot remember everything, and zhenya is absolutely right and wise here, yes, that is, we are not talking about some details, episodes, they can also be remembered, but it is important that memory constructs itself, right? i’ll return my previous thought, it changes me, but a person’s task is to remember himself correctly, in addition to uh, well, that’s all but what does it mean to remember correctly, you know, a person very... often still records different moments in his life , especially a believer, he he thinks about how to preserve the main thing in oneself , correctly in a moral sense, that is , again to what we are talking about, it happens, yes, of course, to catch oneself correctly, in life
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there are different things, there are delusions, there are sins, but it is important to catch construct to see about right for myself, because i am the same boy who hid under the blanket from his mother and read books, i am the same boy who will not be a boy, but someday will die at this moment, like all of us, yes, but it’s important remember yourself correctly, this is at any second, in youth, in old age, yes, absolutely right, we said, by the way, before the start of the adante program, he has an amazing plot, i’m not sure that he is found anywhere else in this form, he has two rivers, summer and eunoe, summer is a river , which washes away bad memories, then a person moves to evnoe, which is nearby, in general flows, oh
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nice, because even the idea of ​​hell, there is an opinion that hell is the impossibility of getting away from bad memories, that when you see all the beauty of paradise , then at this moment you become incredibly ashamed of yourself, this her memory is burning, maybe this is it, well, this is what chagin suffers from in your novel of the same name, yes, that is, this is actually it. i took it as an experience of hellish torment, and he, he does not know how to forget, he cannot forget his own, we can forget, and this is really so, absolutely true, he either , like judas, must hang himself, yes, or, he
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will either repent, so he repents, and the sincerity of this repentance allows him to come up with a new odissi poem, in which he gives his new life, i am far from convincing the reader... that you just need rewrite, no, you need to repent, and then as such a gift, maybe, maybe, i’m not saying, it’s more of a question, can you, uh, get away from bad memories , stay with good ones before death, you have a new reminder, events, results of the year with vladimir putin. don't forget to turn on the tv on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. stearsman bourbon is a product of the stellar
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group. everything i have in life. all that is the joy of every day. everything i wash mine. i love my country, premieres on saturday on the first, you can’t love your homeland and not to know culture, geography, history, this is impossible. today we gathered our thoughts about memory, its secrets and mysteries. dmitry petrovich bak, evgeny germanovich vadolaskin, i’m vladimir. look, memory is not only that we forget something, but that we remember something, by and large augustine writes about this, he says that this is such a palace in which memories are stored, which
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are either an understatement, or exaggeration, in any case , there is no interpretation of this word, design selectivity, but reality, here i actually, in a broad sense, this question in a narrow sense, a little narrower, then the question about the value of memoirs as historical documents, because in general, what memoirs are, this is the memory of an individual person, and the memoirs of another contemporary about the same events will be different, how to perceive this? well, if you allow me, i would still start with forgetting, so that this topic does not disappear, because in this earthly vale we are always faced with the realization that we will have to forget, yes, that something completely different awaits, yes, and i keep repeating quatrain of his beloved georgy ivanov, if a new life, oh soul, opens
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in a black grave, as it should... be good so that we forget about earthly things, yes, that is, this moment of possible forgetting of what seems valuable is always present in front of the face already, well, some other memory, this is not a memoir, of course, a memoir, this is personal experience, yes, well, a memoir, it’s natural, memory, but it’s like that, memory is very truly selective, special, mm, this is not, not that was actually in quotes because the thing is, this is the most mysterious point , in general, by the way, even at the stage of perception, uh, here we are sitting, the three of us, and we see completely different things, it’s not even the point that we are directed there, uh, everything is completely
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different, because . here is a wonderful neurophysiologist alexander yakovich kaplan , when i consulted with him about roman chagin, he said that even at the stage of vision, vision is not optics, it is the brain, the picture is formed in the head, not in the eyes, and a person is able to see that , what was not there or not to see what is, now and then right away at the entrance it’s a completely special picture: and how it’s all later remembered in memory, what changes it undergoes, it’s only in general, one can be surprised, that is, memory, it stores completely different things, it’s not like five cameras cost five identical ones they take photographs, this is a completely different story, and memoirists need to
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, well, at least be checked, well, yes, if we want historically, i just know, i was thinking about something else, this is where the bridge is thrown, to the topic of imaginary memories, not just interpretations, again in chagina has this nikolai ivanovich, yes , this story about chagina’s business trip to britain, i’ll be honest, i still want to think that he’s silent, when in the end i think that he came up with it all, it’s not for me i don’t like it, i will assume that this was what happened, but in fact, here is another kaplan, our wonderful author from fama, in his article on chagin, yes, he wrote that he, as a mathematician, immediately remembered complex numbers, of which imaginary numbers are part magnitude, but the meaning of the fact that this creates a certain three-dimensional vision, and then you know , i immediately begin to think further, i remember lotman , who says that art is the experience of the unlived, the most important human experience, it turns out that the imaginary memories of any person, they allow him to be a creator in
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some sense, almost art yes, that is, art without art, no, well, in general, she realizes herself in different ways; for example, anna karenina, i am convinced that everything that happened to her stems from the desire that she experiences when opening a book in the carriage, back at the very beginning, when she rides reconciles steve with his wife and there she meets bronsky with his mother, meets vronsky himself, she so wanted to live the lives of all the heroes, but that’s the whole point, i think it’s reading. i feel the same thing, as a child i so wanted onegin not to kill lensky, when i re-read it, but suddenly he won’t kill, i thought, that is, this is generally fiction, this is, in principle, the law of art, when you perceive art, you think , that it is reliable, in general, memoirs are reliable not in the sense that they correspond to some kind of case itself, as zhenya put it, they correspond to your conviction, your
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rightness, there is no rightness, remember: paintings by picasso or picasso, as it is convenient, you can pronounce, where dora maar has two noses, yes, because he wants to see her right away and in profile, full face, and we are each other we see the full face, but there are other sides, so any memoirist, he, uh, is sacredly convinced that he is writing the truth, even if he wants to deliberately distort it, like zhorzhik ivanov in the petersburg winters, in a word, for me, everything in memoirs is uh, the most valuable thing is subjective, yes, here... in kotaev’s grass oblivion, he described it there, how he considers his friendship with bunin, so that bunin asked him something all the time and was interested in him, well, mayakovsky asked him, but bunin in the damned days, and him, the only phrase completely destructive, i don’t want to repeat it, that he would have sold everyone,
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including there, and... not both are true, but solomon’s court, it’s as if it’s impossible to say, but what he sold or didn’t sell is not the point question, well, yes, but it’s just surprising, so to speak, the range of opinions, well, yes, although here you know, i can’t help but remember this famous buddhist parable, five or how many four blind men who approached the elephant, yes from different sides, and one, which means which trunk, he is absolutely right, he says that it is a snake or a wall, a rope, yes, yes, memory always like this, he can’t grasp everything at once, he can’t give this three-dimensional vision, vision in general, this is our apparatus, we don’t see infrared, ultraviolet, yes, a bat sees, what about experience,
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actually, i’ve always been fascinated by the fate of an actor, great actor who really has if he is deeply in serious in the understood sense relates to his work, then he can... really live several lives and can live them with full dedication, this is a colossal experience if you approach it correctly, but no reading is required of an actor after all, complete by the way, this is an interesting topic , she can lead us a little now , yes, but maybe we’ll stop for a second, because we can live, we can’t live, it ’s not according to the system, again , i remember nikita sergeevich mikhalkov saying when he had mardyukovo in his family.. . one phrase: oh you 40 takes, 40, and he says that if you approach her, she plays so hard that every time they take her away in an ambulance, that is, he says, it’s just a professional mistake, yes, that is, the actor should be able to instantly switch off somehow, because
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that otherwise these experiences, they are already on the verge of schizophrenia, no, as stanislavsky says, and i, since i teach at the academy, i love konstantin sergevich very much, he says a simple thing, that nothing can be played, you can only grow, work out what - something in yourself, it must be your true emotion, yes it is necessary find something in your life that leads to this emotion and make it your own, appropriate it, and this is scary, of course, this is on the one hand somewhat of life, on the other hand it’s like an authority, after all, there shouldn’t be a distance, no, i’ve been teaching acting for many years, so i will do this all the time, i won’t argue with you. i am a crow, i am a harrow , i am a harrow, i am a crow, but i love you, i love you, i love you, with you, i now don’t understand how we
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should say this, crying, when there is a hare, there are so many separations on earth, today you are in welder glasses, i adore you, you need to come after the concert, check the hooves, check the feathers, everyone still has their own concert rider, but does asla have a rider? fantastic? next level, tomorrow on the first. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. and among kazakhs it is not customary to speak badly
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when visiting people. what about singing? and you can sing. the song is about why all russians go on vacation to svetlogorsk. there’s nowhere to go, uh, there’s lithuania, guys, the loud kivin music festival, on saturday at the first one, unfortunately, the singer iowa won’t perform for me today, she’s not feeling well, today we gathered our thoughts about memory, dmitry petrovich bak, evgeny germanovin, we continue, i ’m always trying to explain to the students why memory is needed, they say, well, it’s still there, well now we can say that they’ll turn it off the internet, they used to say they won’t turn it off, now we understand that the electricity might go out for a while, yes, but i
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really liked it, tatya vladimevna chernigovskaya and i talked once about this topic, and i said, well, why use memory for knowledge, for education, she says, but memory is it’s not about memorizing information that is not knowledge, but it’s... about contexts, associations, yes, this is it, if you don’t have this on your shelves, yes, then it’s very difficult to put together this mosaic of knowledge, how are you doing? of course, this complex existence or existence in context, it is necessary, because, well , let’s say, if you raise a person, here in the sans souci palace, surrounding him with a wall,
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for memory, it is certainly contextual, let’s say, when i... then i remember often i don’t even remember exactly what was said, but i remember where with what facial expression, this is this kind of synesthesia, or i remember what it smelled like at that moment, for example, the smell of sleepers at the station, olfactory memory, it is considered one of the strongest, i i remember... dmitry sergeevich likhkhachev said that from
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childhood he remembers the smell of heated boxwood, the crimean smell, and he says, when i am now an old man, i hear this smell, my mood immediately improves, memory is not information that can be like that summarize in three pages, memory is everything the totality, this is the world of god, as it appears every moment, in all its completeness, so, in fact, this has always excited me, so i tried to describe the way it comes, not as information, a report about something, but in all these, for example, if a child is lying in bed, then he sees drawings on the wallpaper, he runs his finger over these drawings while... bushka reads robinson cruz to him. and everything in the world is connected. this is
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what kharms talks about, remember, everyone goes on trams and doesn’t know how everyone is connected to each other, but we need to remember this. well, we heard a wonderful essay, and from the lips of evgeny vodolaskin - this is just a fragment from the novel. but i don’t want an essay, but a gelerter thesis. vladimirovich, you asked something a little different. this is not knowledge, because my two favorite examples, evgeniy borisovich and pasternak, he said to me twice that his father said that if the gospel had the power of mathematics, then there would be no evil in the world, but because no person, a believer, an unbeliever, an atheist, a buddhist, whatever , cannot say that he does not distinguish where good is, where is evil, the gospel, well, it’s clear, it’s clear, like 2:2, like a theorem, but nevertheless the world is near, so some more effort is needed. identification with you. i have remembered
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for the rest of my life a phrase from the memoirs of alexei feodovich losyev, it’s like this, i know it by heart: when i first learned that the sum of the angles of a triangle is equal to two right angles, i realized that from now on this truth is mine, mine, and no one else’s it won’t take it away from me. you see, this moment is missing, yes, newton’s law, it came to newton as an insight that he understood it at that moment, and things fell with the acceleration of free fall and before he formulated it. this device that we all have in our pockets, it teaches us. to another, yes, that there is simply naked truth, memory, i spied, and it’s as if you appropriated it, nothing like that, you need to make it your own, appropriate it with a hyphen, but still, in your example from the gospel, it seems to me, here’s another the difference is that scientific knowledge, well, if you like, is violent, yes, i learned that two and two are four, and if i argue with this, then i maybe they will take you, but only qualitatively, dostoevsky says, twice two, four besides me there will be, not dostoevsky, but an underground man, yes, yes, but knowledge, let’s say, here is the union of oneself with the gospel
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truth, it requires a volitional choice , knowledge of the multiplication table, well, it requires , it’s a different will, yes, but this thing sets us up that this effort requires almost nothing, yes, well, since i spied it, i tell the students, what was there to do 40 years ago if you don’t remember where does the line of the poem come from, they tell me to go to the library, and what to girls at the checkout , you’ll come where the line comes from, the turbulent years passed, how to find out , well, by the way, you know , i also wanted to talk about these memory stealers, because look, we started with the fact that culture is a collective memory, yes, and a person is an individual memory, but what happens? this may be too bold a generalization, although in essence it seems to me to be true, any information revolution, it gives a serious increase in collective memory, begins the invention of writing, yes, printing, yes, it hits the individual, always, yes , the iliad odysseus appears in oral culture,
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the need disappears, individual memory decreases, i had a classmate who evgeniy anegina knew by heart, could continue from any moment, we perceived him as an epic... already a hero , although, probably, for the ancient greeks he was, well, what’s there to remember, but individual memory, well, we can’t do anything about it, yes, this is such an insoluble story that collective memory with the help of such things, it’s somehow still, well, more or less unsolvable, because a person, of course, lives a short life, it takes him some period in order to get involved in this humming collective creativity, and all-human creativity, so he gets education, it turns on, turns on.
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cents of the prehistory of his existence, they are the most important, but for the formation of a person as a spiritual phenomenon, what is important, first of all , is personal, personal memory, well, this is like some kind of preface, it is also connected with the historical, yes, because if in your personal memory includes dante, i don’t know there, the french revolution, like what you know about it, the history of the gospels, this... this is the meeting place, but the individual and the collective in any case in this yes, but this is what that ultimately becomes one’s own, it is so absorbed by a person that it passes on, this too, it must be said, is a special phenomenon, when something
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passes from the sphere of abstract knowledge into your personal history, i just remember myself, some things , became facts of my life, for example, the twists and turns with dickins’s characters, that’s me was, and this is inseparable from me, this is what a person appropriates himself, masters, makes his own, this moves from the category of general historical memory into the category of personal, this is true, just now a thought just occurred to me, maybe it is quite immature, but it seems to me that in some sense, collective memory or... there, what is part of background knowledge in some sense can change faster than individual memory, maybe i ’m wrong, but that’s what i thought now, here gone from our background context, for example, there ilf and petrov, well, here i am with the students when i’m trying to say that i once said that your answers remind me of how shura balaganov boykono monotonously recounted the contents of the brochure myateshno ochakova, i thought
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that the answer would be a friendly laugh, and the answer was the following recent views, what are you talking about, yes, in my individual memory it remains, that is, the collective... this name does not exist at all, because, well, how accustomed are we to the fact that literature, art and in general our life exists according to the principle of the media, according to the principle of informational reason, what is remembered is what seems to catch you , as the younger generation says, but what doesn’t catch you goes away, yes, indeed, and this is such a serious story, well, some kind of
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unconditional classic, so to speak, still remains, for me, in a sense, this is still an example of greatness, or something like a work, right? i ask: is pushkin a genius? but why? i can’t say, yes, but how can you, like ulato, love pushkin, hate him? yes, and i immediately begin to tell why zhenya could also have confidence, why i can’t live without him, yes, but something that it is absolutized on the tablets , it is written down forcibly, it disappears, yes, an absolutely amazing story, i sometimes read fragments. chagin in public, and there i have a story about lenin and pechnyak, texts by tvordovsky, zoshchenko and nikolai ivanovich, so i look, no one laughs, no reaction, i say, the audience is quite young, and i say, raise your hand, who
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lenin’s stove maker read it, not a single one, that is, i’m not saying that everyone should read it, but everyone here knew it, yes, yes, but it was part of the language , and there’s a phrase that lives independently, so there’s absolutely a generation gap here, maybe it’s not the worst thing, it’s not what’s needed. i accepted and said: we’ll put the papers in the table , but it was, it’s not, well, these were people of my age, our age and beyond, but
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modelstaim couldn’t be bought, couldn’t be gotten , couldn’t be read, but everyone knew it, now it exists , but there is nothing on this disk, this is the most important, your thesis, i actually first heard it from you several years ago, when you said that this universal accessibility - information and even knowledge of some kind turns around, just don’t get into her, i really like her. theodor adorn’s phrase is such that in order to fully perceive the music, you still need to get to where it is performed, it’s terribly important, a symphony, there is no sound recording, there is no technical reproducibility according to benjamin, yes, so if you want to hear a symphony, you must understand where it is performs, once a year, yes, get there to the philharmonic in another city and then listen, now what we are doing, click, click , beethovin's ninth, yes, the first scriabin, but this is not completeness, this is... ease, which is false, and lightness, even something more, as i remember, zanusi told me, who
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had not used a mobile phone for a long, long time, and he talked about some priest he knew who had a dog barking on the call, he says, why , he says, well, this is a notification, here i am a man from the village, when someone came, lailla the dog, and when excuse me, you are in the restroom and vivaldi, yes, this is something like this, well this some kind of cultural breakdown some kind of combination of incompatible one process and another i i think yes, it’s definitely a risky joke, dear friends, well, we didn’t have time, of course , i think i’ll have to gather my thoughts again, i wanted to talk more about the memory of time, to continue the topic of forgetting a little , well, maybe with your permission next time, but you know what i’d like to focus on to finish , well, in a sense, we are in captivity of pragmatism today, yes, i would like to ask you such an instrumental question, if you think memory training is important, can you advise something, but for this very
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training, i’m generally not the one who could give advice regarding memory, but it seems to me that that is, i heard and i think that this is true, you need to learn poetry, that’s exactly what i say, they say that it’s better in a foreign language, well, you can, in your own way, less, less effect, but i’m against the word to teach, you need to learn, you need to recognize, and good poems, they just remember, live, lie on the heart , a national goal, well, russian literature is poetry, yes, it is this is, as it were, the quintessence of language, any speech dies at the moment our utterances include you and me, here are the poems that are forever, yes, poems are generally a universal remedy for everything, likhachev said... that during the blockade, when it’s -20 in the room, it’s impossible to read, everyone lies under all the blankets, but he says, but
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they read poetry out loud, it could be done, and it saved, i agree, absolutely, poetry in russian and not in russian, not in russian, i agree with you, but it’s a special charm, that’s all- the same effort, unless of course it’s your native second language, yes, that is, you are special. mitskevich and he perfectly allows you to keep the complexity of learning russian poetry in translation: i can continue. so they talked, switching to their native languages, and you know, in this regard , what i really like, they say the ancient greeks
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used it, the pythagoreans, not the pythagoreans, i don’t know, when you’re already going to bed, going to bed, try to remember the day in all its details, in all the smallest details, well, firstly, you immediately fall asleep, they say, if you practice, yes, but it really trains your memory, thank you very much, dear friends, i really don’t want to part with you, but time is inexorable, but we still have memory, evgeniy germanovich vadolaskin, dmitry petrovich bak, today we were gathering thoughts about memory. you know, in discussions between westerners and anti-westerners, i often heard the thesis that western influence on russia
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is very long-standing, because... well, in general, after peter the great, almost all russian emperors had german blood flowing through them, and through foreign wives, there were some connections with the west, hence, so to speak, some a detrimental influence on russia, so this is also our topic, so we’ll probably have to talk about it, well, in general, the influence of the wives of rulers in our domestic tradition is usually exaggerated, just remember raisa maksimovna gorbachev, who was attributed. which in general is far from the case, but we need to figure it out. hello, this is a historical podcast, russia and the west on the swing of history, pyotr romanov and sergei solovyov are with you, today we will deal with the foreign wives of russian emperors. well,
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it’s probably worth saying right away that the majority russian emperors married german princesses for generally political reasons, firstly, lutherans from german states mainly took wives from small german states, they agreed more easily than others to change their religion, unlike catholics, for example, and in addition, connections, dynastic ties with these small german states, with perhaps one exception, with the prussian princess, wife of nicholas ii, did not mean any serious dependence on large dynasties, on the habsburgs or bourbons, which could seriously really influence political life. russia, so they were somewhat avoided, but in general this presence of german blood worried even some representatives, so to speak, some sovereigns and empresses. there is a historical anecdote, for example, about alexander ii, who actually was such, well, an absolutely russian person, such in appearance, in manners, in
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everything, there is a drop of russian in him, well, i don’t know , like a drop in the ocean, let’s say like this so he really didn’t like the germans, which there is a lot of evidence of; it’s rare, of course, when a man, being one hundred percent german, does not like the germans, but nevertheless he did not love, so one day he began to ask the court historian who was the father of his ancestor paul i, because there were conversations, and the court historian frankly told him: the father of paul iigo could, in general, knowing the character of catherine, anyone, even a coachman, but most likely still solttykov, the favorite of solttykov, to which alexander ii. joyfully, he sighed with relief and said: “well, thank god.”


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