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tv   PODKAST  1TV  December 9, 2023 3:30am-4:21am MSK

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self-taught and came to a distance of 30 km and, well , ran it a number of times and it brought me great pleasure and even here, but i want to run a certain number of kilometers there, not because to prove something to someone, probably first turn, to prove to myself that i can do this and to understand that well, i am the kind of person who can run this distance, i gradually increased, increased, that is, i started there with there with... from one from 3 from 5 km, at 30 km, this is also indicative, i i stopped and didn’t increase it further, although i had thoughts and there was a desire to run from one city to another, and also the internal discussion of this process gave me some pleasure, but for some reason i stopped, now what a big goal what you have in front of you, at the moment, is buying an apartment in moscow, well, relatively speaking, there is a goal of buying an apartment, there is probably some kind of... vision of a plan, how to do this,
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at what stage will you give up this idea? well, if we take specifically this big goal, why you are so sure, firstly, that you are already sure, not me, so they ask, if you would look back now and talk to us there, i don’t know 2 years later, i would ask pavel, did you buy an apartment, they would have said no, well, they probably would have explained to me further why they didn’t buy it, but i’ll ask you at what stage would you quit, when i... would have succeeded, when i would have started to understand that the apartment was about to be bought, yeah , well, that is, when some amount of money is already there, for example, in an account, yes, at that moment you will refuse this idea, uh-huh, why would you give up, i don’t have an answer to this question, uh-huh, why an apartment in moscow, well, because this status is, by and large, a standard of living, and where is the joy, well, the joy, probably, from the fact that i will... look - cool in the eyes of others,
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i probably don’t know, so i ask, where is the joy? well, precisely in this, well also in whose eyes, in whose eyes? well , i actually don’t see specific eyes, that is, i don’t have people in front of whom specifically i would like to show this something, it’s more likely just something in your head, some image, well , you imagine your status, this is your status, it exists, now you have achieved it, who is around, who is looking at you? who understands that you have this status? well, the first person who comes to mind is my friend, with whom we implemented many business projects and with whom we had such, you know, competitive achievement of different goals, yeah, good, and how will you feel, now you already have this apartment in moscow, but apparently he doesn’t have it, well, in your picture, maybe he can also buy it for 2 years, but he doesn’t have it, then what is this feeling, what is this feeling?
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but the feeling is really unpleasant, that is, a feeling of some kind of unpleasant superiority, that it ’s as if i proved that there i am better than this person, and why is it unpleasant to be better than him, well, because it’s unnatural, why is it unnatural, no, to be better than others in principle is probably not very natural, but i would really like to, but i just need to understand why it is not natural to be better than others, there is some kind of emptiness in my head, well, you obviously? better than many people on earth today who don’t have money for clothes, there’s no money to get here, well, a lot of things, yes, if you think like that, then you’re clearly better than them, but at the same time calmly, why, how natural or this it’s an unpleasant feeling, like you can’t be better than others. or
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in other words, i would suggest, as if it wouldn’t actually make you better, as if they know, well, we’re talking about a friend now, as if he knows you in such a way that buying an apartment won’t make you better, well, that way i really am, and who you really are, if only someone knew, it’s very similar to your well- known belief that you can’t stick your head out.
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it is important for me at this moment to declare and defend my right to call myself that, not the right in the sense of the fact, but the right simply because i said so. in front of someone, of course, well, in the sense of resisting, yes, that is, you begin to doubt it, he says, why are you a star, well, i’m a star, with whom you could not resist in this position, well, with your parents, of course , with my father, that is, i think with well from my position that in childhood there was a strict authority, that is, the father, authority in the sense of authoritarianism, yes, yes, that is, the father is always right, but i have no opinion, and you are the only child in the family? no, you have a brother who is a year and a half older, well, it’s the same with him, well , that is, essentially you are the youngest in the family, and the youngest in the family is worse than a dog, maybe in your relationship with your brother, what is it like, now
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your relationship was good in childhood but there were bad relationships, that is, we constantly fought, we had no mutual understanding. there was no common company and i always strove to be in his company, well, my parents always made it so that my brother would go everywhere first, there in the same school, let’s say i was a year younger than him at school, and then you kind of follow the beaten path , as if always second , but there is, by the way, about the second i even have this in my head, and it spilled over into competitions, so i remember this for sure, that it would be better for me to come second than first, this is very familiar to me in this sense... installation of a security belief that being second is kind of good, i've been working on wrestling in childhood, for example, in wrestling being third is better than second, because it means that you won the last fight for third place, second means you
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lost, i never managed to be first, well, that’s true, if we look at it now from a psychological point of view, i remember how i got to this point when i realized that well, really be... friends who trained with me then, but they became great athletes, we were talking one day and they opened up to me a truth unexpected for me, that it turns out that the champion of anything, the world , europe, there, a city, a country or the olympic games, he is a champion only while standing on the pedestal, as soon as he... came down from the pedestal, but after the award, he again became equal with everyone , but only now everyone wants to defeat him, but now he also knows that he was already this champion, this does not add joy to the athletes at all, believe me, in no way at all, because it means that he has to work even
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harder further, because now he needs to prove, he must defend this title, confirm it constantly, and confirm it as if, well, you are challenging a world boxing champion of some kind...
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it is because of this that you become alone, because you are running away from a relationship in which you can be criticized, yes, but support more important, it overrides criticism, in which it should be expressed this support, in accepting me for who i am, and - let’s say, if i want to be something and manifest myself in some way, acceptance of this fact that i can be like this so, it turns out that they still don’t accept it, yes, you know, i read a book a long time ago, this book, which i think was written by an american woman, a doctor, she spent 6 months in the desert with, respectively, a tribe of aborigines in australia, so it describes their
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life, and these are people , who have no, almost no speech, their speech is very very simplified, they have no written language, well, that is, they live right here at the level of the primitive communal structure practically. she describes these six months of living with them, and she was surprised by this fact, in contrast to the cultures familiar to her, in which she grew up, which she studied, and... she means there is a doctor and also an anthropologist to some extent, she discovered an interesting pattern, in the morning the tribe wakes up to move on, they are constantly pumping, for example, some- someday a girl gets up and says: today i am the most beautiful in the world, it is clear that the peace of this tribe is contained by this tribe, yes, she says, today i am the most beautiful in this tribe, she takes some flower, puts her hair there and says: i'm so beautiful, that's all for her they say: yes, today you are the most beautiful, and then... for a while someone else wakes up and says: listen, i’m probably the coolest musician in the world, today i’ll
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give a concert in the evening, and, accordingly, what kind of concert is it? beat some kind of drum with bones, and everyone accordingly says to him: yes, yes, here you are today, while it’s about morning in our house, but no way, this in no way forbids someone else from doing the same thing the next morning, that is there will be no competition in this, just yes, today we all honor you, gorgeous, if only everyone lived like this, but we don’t... we always have to prove ourselves, declaring that i’m the best pianist, stapler, doctor, and i don’t know, translator, psychologist, whoever, we have to constantly give up challenge and also defend this right , to call yourself that, but this is a tribe, that’s why they support each other, because they have no competition from outside, they generally don’t care, well, the best musician, excellent in whatever problem, and here it’s the same thing, that same loneliness that... that you’re talking about as a lack of support, but also a lack of criticism at the same time,
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in this you need to look for support in your own loneliness, when there are no other people, other apartments, no other men, other women, there is only you and your goals, when you you understand that your goals are what you are committed to, then everything else ceases to simply have such meaning, but as soon as you give the assessment of others meaning more than commitment to your own goal. at this moment you find yourself on a very slippery surface where it will be very difficult to stand it’s difficult, because it’s obvious to support you, well, just like the most stable support is a triangle, that is, we need some three elements, so let’s try to consider them, what you can rely on, for example, goals, so a goal, and a plan for achieving a goal is good, well, my actions, of course, are good, but let’s see, i will, for example, question it. and your goals, your plans, and your actions, how will you build
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a relationship with me? well, i can accept the fact that you criticize it and accept that that if you criticize this, then you don’t believe in me, but let’s assume in yourself that you cannot achieve this, cunningly, but it won’t work with me, yes, it won’t work with me in this sense, i won’t take it myself this part of your your protection, i can just continue to act. look, you can definitely continue to act, this is a fact, what you will rely on in order to influence what you can influence, i can isolate myself from you, of course you can, and moreover, i’m saying that you will have to isolate yourself from me, as from thousands of other people who may doubt your expediency, i don’t know there, your correctness, righteousness, sincerity , truthfulness, it doesn’t matter, but there are also, for example, your principles, if, for example, you rely on your principles, then..
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.and i will do this, for example, here a very important aspect is precisely that your actions, yes, it depends on you, whether to do them or not, your principles, based on which you will do, that the third you can come up with what would be the third one like this a foot on which you can rest, well , for example, my achievements, well, that is, some previous experience, yes, that is, the fact that i achieved something earlier, that is, i can at least repeat it, and if i can repeat it, then i can multiply it. this
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is the setting, the mood, yes , that is, there are three elements that need to be set up, standing in the center of this tripod, you can then rely on this, you will not need the support of other people in this sense, i do not cancel the value of support , but wait for this support, that's what... makes you weak, well, i do it myself, i shift, but let's say, actions to achieve a goal along this crooked path, that it will add strength to me that what will be about me...
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was, well, exactly the kind that comes from the heart, which is as sincere as possible - this is interest, that is, if i am truly interested in something, then i always achieve it. you said a very important thing at the beginning, you said pleasure, everything that is necessary and necessary, i refuse to do it, i sabotage this process, everything that brings pleasure, i strive for this, but for me it is synonymous with, one might say, interest , pleasure, that is, everything that is interesting to me, a priori it brings me pleasure, what does it mean? you need to find your pleasure in achieving these goals, it doesn’t work out of what you need, it only works out of what you want. you are watching the triggers podcast, with you its leading psychologist, tatyana krasnovskaya, psychologist, psychotherapist sergei nasebyan. we talk with pavel about how to achieve big goals, and
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where to get and draw strength for your own confidence and confidence in your life. goals and actions, there is also such a moment that there is also such a phrase in my head: i can’t want, well, that is, all my life i’ve been doing something essentially for someone in terms of what, let’s say, i have a family, and i earn money there for my family, yes, but there is a large share of my selfishness, i do it all out of my selfishness for the family, but i understand that this is also an unhealthy model and... well, why should you do it for yourself, like - well, it works, it’s for others, well, somehow you’re moving, why for yourself, that’s actually a good question, that’s it i don’t have the habit of doing this for myself , it doesn’t exist, well, you get up in the morning and make coffee, for example, to make tea for yourself, that is , there is a habit, but it’s just such a conscious
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goal-setting for yourself, that’s the habit, and so it needs to be made conscious, look one of these is very... a tool for working with trauma, and before generally starting to self-heal trauma, he writes about it, and he says that first you need to get acquainted with your own feelings, and offers such a tool, he says: look at some photograph, well, suppose you and i open a magazine somewhere, which usually publishes very rich,
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beautiful, successful people, we look at the fact that some blogger bought himself a rolls-royce, right? what do i, what do you feel, looking at the fact that this blogger is sitting in this rolls-royce, you feel, some joy, some envy, some contempt, some mixed... then feelings, he says, how this is expressed in the body, well, somehow you will find it in your body, but then he asks the question why you decided that this is your feeling, why did you decide that this is your feeling, this question is a very important jumper through which we move to another...
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advice from elon musk or anyone else, but it’s like, because we don’t even notice how this very internal program is being formed, and here, when i give levin’s example, i’m talking about the fact that through such doubts, we little by little establish a completely different contact with reality with ourselves in this reality. sergey, and you say that the sensation is in the body, and we ask the question whether this sensation is in my body, but it is in my body, yes. at least it seems so to you, here it’s just not, look, this is not a medicine, this is not a placebo, not an implicit healing, yes, this is what we are working through.
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may ask himself the question: am i buying an apartment, for whom? yes, of course, how will i feel when i buy it, how will i feel? i recently wrote a post about how we very often confuse absence of evidence with evidence of absence. well, for example, my son says: i i won’t believe in god until you prove to me that he exists, but neither i nor god need to prove to my son that he exists, but... he says, like, you can’t prove to me that it exists, i can’t, but the absence of proof is not the same as proof of absence, when we transfer ourselves to our future trying to form
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a vision of achieving a goal, we have no proof that i already have an apartment , and we begin to doubt it, this doubt the very strings on which we play begin to appear, which cause this deepest insecurity within us. here a completely different way of thinking is being formed, i think that some smart physiologist or neurologist will be able to suggest your problem
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, at least solve it by taking some medications or drugs, dietary supplements there, and so on, because he will say, yes, this is possible you just have a lack of zinc in your blood, i don’t know, so you get tired quickly, this could also be the case, i suggest you look at it a little from the other side. exactly with the one that you don't believe, that's when you have these three legs build it inside yourself, that’s where the faith that moves mountains will be born, as we heard , i will definitely try it, i have another wall inside, which very much hinders me in terms of achieving goals in terms of doing for myself, this the fact that there are so many others around who don’t have something, who lack something, and i understand that... that i come up with this myself, that they lack it, and it comes to the uttermost absurdity, and doing things not for others distracts you from yourself, so you have this in i mean, it’s not just distracting, it completely
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switches me into this process depending on appearing good in the eyes of those people for whom you exist, because there you get satisfaction very quickly, because where people said: cool , fast, of course, it’s a quick, instant nirvana, it’s like we drank jupi as children, thinking that... orange juice, it’s just such a quick-dissolving element of satisfaction, but if you start doing what we tell you, it will turn out like this, that you will pass out from this perception of fast , fast glucose, fast carbohydrates, it is always much easier to eat a sweet cake than to eat normally, yes, in physiology everything is similar for me, of course, so this is what we need to get to this through, therefore i say, connect your body exactly.
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you can become a real altruist only when you can be yourself, satisfy yourself and understand what’s in it for me, otherwise it’s dishonest, well, yes, here you already have to read the holy fathers. who, in general , described this many times, that we cannot to give if we ourselves are not able to be filled, but from the point of view of support , so to speak, at the end of our conversation, i also want to tell you a very interesting phrase that shocked me at one time, you need the support of people, and i will ask your question is, how do you support others? good question, if you dig deep, it turns out that i don’t give effective, high-quality support... to others, of course, so give what you are looking for, learn to support others, and you won’t notice when suddenly, at one fine moment, you are so
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you will easily support yourself... yes, that you will not need others, that is why, in general , all absolutely religions today, of those that we know, call on people, in moments of depression, some difficult life circumstances, pray for others, because when you begin to direct your prayer so that others are happy, others are healthy, the very power of your word, your intention becomes so strong that you just need to direct it to yourself, and you will already rise up!
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we have a program today, let's let's make it applied, what exactly will you do? well, i already have a specific goal, i set, yes, an apartment, i set it a month ago, i also have a specific plan for achieving it, great, but what will you do in the context of our conversation, that is, you need to essentially find three or four people who have the same goal and support them, by the way, it’s interesting that this is not the first time in my life that i’ve heard that exactly... this method of achieving a goal was even suggested to me once, find this help them the same people come to this goal, then you yourself will come to it, that’s how it is, as if some other committed action is needed, dousing yourself with cold water, a well-known method, no, well, i actually have an attached action for this goal, i i do it every day, super , then i wish you good luck, yes thank you, i wanted to thank you for the fact that this format
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of programs, it helps, i don’t know, there are thousands, tens of thousands of people to look at themselves from the outside, it helped me a lot, thank you for coming and people can see this, thank you, thank you, believe me, and we also look at ourselves from the outside when we talk with our guests, and then discuss how difficult it was for our children, well, you watched the podcast triggers with you were its hosts, i’m sergey nasebyan and tatyana krasnovskaya , we spoke with pavel.
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thank you for coming, for not forgetting us , there is a permanent interfaith peace in the country, fundamental changes in terms of the goals that we set for ourselves at the beginning of the operation have not happened today, it is important to hear your opinion. we need to start get to know each other better, we will pray for you, cool, god, you probably know me better, no, hello, hello, my grandfather is a peasant, he lived in a village in the tver province, results of the year with vladimir putin
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december 14 at 12: 00 moscow time. hello, the program is on air, in the studio ekaterina andreeva, the main thing today. news of the day, vladimir putin announced that he will run for the presidency of russia. features of voting in new regions: three-day format of elections throughout
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the country. details of the central meeting. on the eve of the day of heroes of the fatherland, a ceremony in the st. george hall of the kremlin, awards to those who showed special courage in their zone from the hands of the supreme. five destroyed ukrainian planes, attacks on airfields, fuel depots and foreign mercenary bases, the main one about special operations in a week. when there are no other arguments, the head of the pentagon threatens congressmen who refuse to allocate money to ukraine and new skeletons in the bidens’ closet. information, analysis and special television event. tefe 23 awarded in moscow. let's tell you who won? so, the main political news of the day. vladimir putin has announced that he will participate in the presidential elections, which will take place in
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march next year. the head of state announced his decision in the kremlin after a ceremony dedicated to the day of heroes of the fatherland. how it all happened in konstantin ponyushkin’s report. the traditional ceremony for the day of heroes of the fatherland in st. george's hall has just happened. another moment would have passed, and putin would have disappeared behind the massive golden doors. sat in in the first row, artyom zhoga, the father of the fallen hero of russia vladimir zhoga, ex-commander of the sparta battalion, and now the speaker of the dpr parliament, stood up and asked the president to devote a couple of minutes to him and several other guests of the ceremony. the federation council has called elections for the president of the russian federation. and i, on behalf of everything - our people, the entire donbass, our annexed lands, would like to ask you to take part in these elections, because there is a lot of work, thanks to your actions, your decision, we received
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freedom, the right to choose, you are our president , we your team, we need you, russia needs you, thank you very much, i will not hide at different times, i had different thoughts, but now you are the truth. now is the time when decisions need to be made; i will run for the post of russian president. the president said that he will run in the presidential elections of the russian federation, we all, i say this with confidence, we are all in the united territories, all of russia, we will support him, this is our president, with vladim vladimirovich, victory will be ours, we we are very glad that he... heard our request , the request of all the residents on whose behalf i spoke, and he will run for election, however, with his decision, vladimir putin responded not only to the initiatives of the residents of donbass and novorosiya, in this impromptu initiative group for the nomination there were very different people, sapizhat
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mazaeva, director of school 54 in makhachkala. i remember when vladimir vladimirovich was not in power, i worked as teachers, what was the attitude towards teachers, at what level was this educational work, educational work? work, this is what prompted me in the first place, because after vladimir vladimirovich putin came to power, much attention is paid to teachers, conditions are created for children so that every child feels comfortable at school or after school in after-school activities, and children are our future , and also the mother of the first hero of russia since the beginning of the special operation, the commander of the airborne company nurmagomed gadzhimagomedov, who was awarded a gold star posthumously.
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everyone supports him because we started with him and want to finish with him. tank crew alyosha is with vladimir putin, of course, but how are we for him, without putin there is no way, no way, nowhere, feelings will not leave us, well, we will not leave the whole country. we are happy, we rejoice that a proven, reliable person will lead our country. but we won’t allow just someone to be elected, i also think so,
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there will be someone who raised and is raising russia from its knees, we can even vote now, yes, we are ready to vote now, because well , this is a person whom russia should be proud of, that we have such a president, well, i would be very upset if he didn’t participated in these elections, we need victory, and we will win only with this president.
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his decision is very important, not only for our country, but for the whole world. let me remind you that the main election day is march 17, but voting will be possible from the 15th, as the central election commission decided today. early voting is also provided.
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now we have expanded these opportunities and removed many barriers. so, the country will elect a president on march 15, 16 and 17, 2024. before this, early voting will take place from march 25 to march 14, with every russian the mobile voter will be able to choose a polling station convenient for himself using the mobile voter mechanism. more than 15 million people used it during the 2018 presidential elections. to do this, you need to submit an application in advance to the territorial commission, the mfc or the state services portal from january 29 to march 11. the central election commission specifically
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focused on new subjects and border regions, where it is proposed to use two additional forms of voting: in local areas in remote places. for this. and mobile voting forms, please only on the condition that there must be observers, minimum standards must be met, all the necessary attributes that ensure the secrecy of voting and others must be observed.
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25 political parties have the right to nominate a candidate for the post of president of russia, and in accordance with the law, five of them are exempt from collecting signatures, these are candidates from united russia, the cpr. for them, the deadline for nomination is december 27, for party representatives until january 1, no later than february 10 , candidates must already be registered on the seventeenth, pre-election campaigning in the media will begin, the voting and counting process itself should be as open as possible, of course we will definitely invite international observers.
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makes special stamps, i won’t tell all the secrets, but i will say this, anyone, any unscrupulous hand, if it appears , will try to do something with this package, it will be seized and it will not seem like much
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, i warn you in advance not to even try. after all stages are completed, vote counting will continue without interruption. result in cycle they promise to name it no later than march 28, but the elections themselves will be held with this logo, which can be interpreted both as a checkmark and as the latin letter v, a symbol of victory in the colors of the russian tricolor. ivan prozurov, pavel rudakov and alexey klyuchnikov, channel one. let's return to the award ceremony for our defenders in the kremlin. on the eve of the day of heroes of the fatherland, fighters who particularly distinguished themselves in the special operation zone received the highest awards of the state from the hands of the supreme commander.
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they called us here and then came back after that, the guests of this ceremony are the owner a unique and rare gold star award, which is awarded for an absolute feat, the list of new heroes has grown noticeably during the special operation, this crew of the soltsepek, which is constantly being hunted by the enemy, continues to liberate donbass , there were many fire missions, several strong points, there was an advancing enemy, nothing what’s special, routine, the ordinary everyday life of todin’s crew, at the right moment to remain faithful to duty, is that
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the composition of the assault groups, the commanders among them are very young people, by their own example, sometimes, despite the wounds they received, they led their units, destroyed tanks, other armored vehicles, and artillery installations of the enemy, including western ones, completely dispelling the myth of their invulnerability. the star of the hero of russia today is awarded to fighters who represent our new army, born in real battles during a special military operation, desperately brave and at the same time... decisive, proactive, possessing unique knowledge of modern military operations, the highest award was awarded today to several drone operators ,
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as well as tankers and attack aircraft, about whose exploits military textbooks are written. marine mikhail palushkin commands a new strike drone unit that has become one of the most successful at the front. having destroyed dozens of enemy combat vehicles, even at distant approaches, his fighters discouraged the enemy from launching a so-called counterattack in the southern donetsk direction. we work day and night. in our direction everyone knows about us, without our control no equipment enters there, brigades have been destroyed, more than a thousand have already been used drones, well -organized aerial reconnaissance became decisive in other sectors of the front, for this junior lieutenant maxim potashev received a hero star, as well as sergeant yuri mizerny, who had already been awarded three orders of courage, sultan khashigulgov, talented. artilleryman, commander of a unit that, in counter-battery combat, destroyed dozens of enemy guns, american, polish, german, while he
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and his soldiers came up with many techniques for evading return fire. from the right, from the left flank we inflict fire on - firing gun or at the enemy, we mislead the reconnaissance means, and he cannot determine where it is coming from, since their station is configured to, as it were, fire batteries, we work with separate guns, apparently. thereby inflicting fire damage , he does not have time to switch to that weapon, when we already begin to work as the second, then the third, in the end the target is destroyed, that is, all these western teks, you all know how to deceive, well, yes, we deceive them, from the battle they are writing a new military science for battle, i have such, you know, a feeling of pride that we have raised such a very powerful generation, a generation of worthy guys, worthy warriors, worthy defenders of the fatherland. those who faithfully serve our country, no matter what, despite all the difficulties and difficulties that exist today in the special
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military operation zone, they fulfill their duty with honor. several stormtroopers received awards for fighting to the limit of human capabilities in shooting battles. major yaroslav yakubov's group knocked out enemy from the position, despite the fact that he himself was wounded, but refused to evacuate and continued to lead his comrades forward. my rifle just took all the shrapnel on... you, i just received a concussion and a borotrauma, as it were, but everything was fine, i broke away and went on to carry out the task, well , you are telling it so legally, but i imagine it as a person with a wound, being here but first of all, i am a commander and my subordinates take examples from me, if i had been shy, tried to return, did not complete the task, this as if it had an impact on my subordinates and so on, so you can’t retreat, only forward, the price of a feat, unfortunately, often becomes life, but no matter what...


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