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tv   PODKAST  1TV  December 11, 2023 2:30am-3:11am MSK

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we beat this or that character who would not just live his life, yes, but would be in dialogue with her, in a collision, then this is polyphony, then it turns out to be interesting to perform, it’s interesting, of course, to observe what concerns the historical or modern, here - the main thing is that there is a core and... this flaming vertical, which you want to dissolve in, immerse yourself in, and then unfasten from yourself, because so that it does not migrate to other roles when you begin to face dostoevsky, and i played him in the theater in the cinema, when you begin to encounter his text, it is so energetically very charged that it is impossible to learn it right away, let’s say my daughter, for example, he begins to put pressure on you, he... sits on you everything
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, and you, as a performer, can completely dissolve, a little tongue-tiedly repeating such a brilliant non-turgenev disharmony, the amazing text is precisely in its disharmony, which, but at the same time thinks is extremely strong and does not get lost, which is why dostoevsky is strong, this is a lump of meanings and thoughts, and not reasoning, well, i really love not a single turgenev, well , he is a wonderful russian writer, but imagine the sun setting on honoring him. although , although he wrote for money, as it were, yes, that is, his well, not his main idea was for money, yes, but he was always extremely in need of money , so he could understand it well, says tolstoy, turgeniy they have money, but i need to finish this, what do i need to do? besides, he could sit on these rails and describe nature there for 20 pages, but he doesn’t have it...
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stop and give you the floor to talk to each other, but it’s very important for me to ask you everything that was in my head, when you went through the roman demons and did you know what was connected with it in soviet times, you knew, or was it just somehow behind the scenes, behind the scenes, the thing is that... i once read it in the school curriculum, that’s how the plot was, i read it as a plot, no, well, it wasn’t in the school curriculum , no, i mean, when i was in school, i still read it, i already read the demon, but how on earth publication, this is a grotto - in the petrine agrarian academy, now it is the temeryazev agricultural academy , yes, where the student ivanov was killed, the prototype of which was we look like a grotto, it seems, i just wanted to say, we have a similar grotto in the film, where they kill the case in what i read, but the publications i read were not published in soviet times.
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yes, but i, as i say, i was such a reader, so i just read chokedly, spoiled my eyesight and lost my dream of becoming an astronaut, you see, that’s why, but this is all just a statement, yes, dostoevsky is a great writer from perov’s painting, that ’s it, that’s it, that’s it, yes, but i really felt it, of course, when i started making postoevsky’s film, that’s all, that’s where everything was real, when i . i re-read it when i was asking myself questions , listen, moody, moody, has a sense of humor, hello, what a sense of humor he has, he was even accused of imitating gogol, you understand that, but it’s wonderful with such practice, a wonderful statement, he says , if not for qatar, these 4 years, which specifically paid attention to the film, if it weren’t for the boat, i wouldn’t exist, says fyodor mikhailovich, if, of course, of course, he only had one notebook, and evange,
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there was such an anecdote that if you look, i’ll just remind you that in the soviet union they erected a monument to dostoevsky , then it would be necessary to write to fyodor mikhailovich from grateful demons, because since the roman about demons is in the revolution, it is against the revolution, then as strange as it is to imagine now, but in soviet times, demons were not published, they were published once and withdrawn, so i was picking on you and what wood-resolution publications? the story and the novel was based on completely hot events, because in november 1869, near this grotto that we saw, a group of revolutionaries, terrorists, conspirators, whatever, killed their like-minded person, a very modern theme, a sect, yes, in which you can go in, you can no longer go out, his name was ivan ivanovich ivanov, well, such an intricate surname, so they killed him, sergei nichaev led them, there was about...
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after that there was a trial, this trial is unexpectedly depicted, yes, all everyone is discussing whether the culprit will be punished, and dostoevsky works on the verge of relevance, he is a journalist, tolstoy, he says that he doesn’t write another thing first, at first the essay is practically like this and then it grows into a gossip , even i don’t know there already only then did he realize that he was cramped, he felt cramped. and there, well , lenin is partly to blame for this ban, well, in soviet times they said that nichaev was the wrong revolutionary, here is lenin and
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the company, here is the first edition of demons, a separate one, you see, 1873. anton, how are you? became pyotr stepanovich verkhovensky? asked vladimir ivanovich for one single test for verkhovensky, to which vladimir ivanovich said that no, the artist is approved, you are approved for kirillov, the conversation is closed, i still persuaded about one test, where i showed three versions of one scene, and after 5 days was already approved by verkhovensky, but here my inner, how to say, message is interesting, why yes?
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completely different people, after all, kirillov is such a monomaniac, he has the idea that suicide is the only free act, and he only does this lives, and verkhovensky has his freedom, in fact, and verkhovensky is so complex, yet incredibly perfect , who wants to rule, hence the last name, probably, his father, by the way, wants to rule, i suddenly thought, yes, the elder stepan trophy, stepan trofimovich is here seems to be in the shadows, but...
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you know, there is such a generally accepted formulation, for actors, it’s holy, not to play the text, of course, it’s not even entirely clear to a simple viewer, but for actors it’s understandable, in no case is it a grotto, imagine , how it’s difficult to work with dostoevsky’s text , not to play the text, i can say, it’s incredible
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, and how we fought with it, and how we dealt with it, how we looked for this mono, the suns behind the houses, you know, it’s very difficult, because it it puts pressure on you, it dominates you, and if you don’t curb it, you as a performer simply dissolve, because when you start teaching it, and then you start playing it, i’ll say a strange thing now, but even physiologically, my insides change in some places at this moment, yeah, but the soul turns inside out, and all your sins are hanging there, and waving their legs like this, well, we continue, i... i know that we are talking today about dostoevsky, about the novel demons, my guest today is the director, people's artist of russia , vladimir ivanovich khotinenko, and linkom theater actor mark zakharova, anton shagin. now, if you allow me, i’ll take up what
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always happens in the middle of the program, this is a few minutes of the presenter’s solo, and in this fragment of our conversation i would like to read the captain in the text. this is what he reads, there lived a cockroach, there was a cockroach , no, no, not krylov, my own fable, from childhood, and then he fell into a glass full of fly-eating, lord, what is this, exclaimed varvara petrovna, the place was taken by a cockroach, the flies murmured, it was full of wood very our
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glass, word, i came to you with greetings , he says, to tell you that there is a rolling river, that
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the sun has risen, that it fluttered like a hot color through the forests, to tell you that i woke up, i, damn you, am all awake under the branches, there is a forest, as if under the rods, every bird asks for thirst, to tell me what i will drink, i don’t know, i will drink, well, i don’t know what i will sing, but... fet’s song is just maturing, and here is this terrible twist - monstrous and artistic, a twist of the tongue, and a twist of consciousness, of course , because these conspirators are preparing a revolution, why it is not clear whether these five are one in russia or there are a million of them, because they are told that for the sake of conspiracy, only one is familiar with the other five, so i don’t understand, either all of russia is already entangled in this terrible putin, of course, this is a deception, because... the devil will never doesn’t speak, he always promises, but as soon as you worship him, he says:
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nothing happened, i didn’t promise anything, this nothing exists, but how do you even interpret the name, that’s why demons and not devils, for example, well because this is a herd of pigs, well, the epigraph says, yes , this is why we did, in general , this number is very important from my point of view - this is a dance. that’s all, you can feel it, in this complex of him, his plasticity and these pigs, this, because how sometimes you formulate a thing, it dies when it what remains is a musical feeling from this, that ’s what music really happens, figurative, when an image remains, here it is, i think that’s it. one of the best scenes, this is verkhovensky’s dance, this is one of the best scenes of his manifestation, yes, there is this
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wonderful monologue, he coped with it, with this wonderful historical monologue, we had to cut it, he’s there, yes, but how is it since we were struggling with words, we rehearsed this monologue very carefully, because the words were too on the surface, something else was needed, a break was needed, it was necessary i wanted to look from the togogin, but how was he there, and how did you manage to get into it, no, you managed, no, that’s how it is.
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he loves to stand on the edge when there is this beauty, and he says: look through the microscope, i took care of this myself in childhood, when i looked at butterflies through the microscope, and there are some thorns there, he says, this is nature. and this is also just a figurative system, because this is also in words, this is a simplification, because the words are given to us in the gospel, everything is written, don’t kill, do not steal everything, but we don’t do this, why is it important that you are right in this episode moved from the gospel, they revived it additionally, yes, there, too, christ heals a demoniac and resettles the pigs, the demons themselves ask the pigs
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to settle. i would like anton to return to your thesis, with which i of course agree, yes the main thing is love, this is true, but look, a person who does not know love, he simply turns to stone and dies, but here is another story, in my opinion, these people do not they just turn to stone and die, they want to dominate other people, they want to subjugate other people, they want to make other people unhappy, so stavrogin brings to death.
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to do with literature in the language of cinema, yes, the equivalent is very difficult to find, very, very difficult, so i give a student an example of the difference, the great difference between literature, for example cinema, pobunin , mitya on love, yeah, mitya fumbled in the finale a lump of a revolver, how to film it in a movie, it’s impossible, you know, that’s it, that means you have to look for something else, don’t touch cinema, we feel it in literature. after all, he is dostoevsky’s most unwritten character, stavrogin, as if it were a spacesuit, who can turn himself on,
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fyodor mikhailovich himself actually helped me with demons, filming demons... that’s where he writes how to treat that, one bookish woman, that means, asks him for permission to stage a demon, he says , i never objected, but you must understand that these are different forms, they do not completely fit into each other, and what he recommends is some kind of secret of art, according to which the epic form will never find a correspondence in the dramatic. i even believe that there are corresponding series for different art forms poetic thoughts, so that one thought can never be expressed in another, not in the appropriate form. it’s another matter if you remake it as much as possible, change the novel, saving only one episode from it for processing into a drama, or taking the original idea, completely change
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the text, that is, it will be a new text, but this is a wonderful phrase, the author’s. published all the russian classics, war and peace, the karamazov demons were removed in this edition, they removed the girl, and this is a whole story again, this is 16 plus, he removed, he removed that the text, the ninth chapter, the so-called, yes , which describes how stavrogin comes to the priest tikhon and shows him the text
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that he wants to make public, well, sometimes in the church the priest says that if it’s hard for you , write, but... he writes a terrible story about matryosha , this monstrous one, yes, and what, he says, after this, he says to the saint: you are my brother, well, only christ is sinless, the mother of god, so what, the lord will forgive, the lord will forgive, just repent, but how to do this is necessary, so that he is unforgiven, it is he, like everyone else, who has a demon and he is in that’s the thing, he’s different, because he needs to be repressed, yes, that’s why he ends.
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he just wants to get the lord not to forgive him, it would be easier, it seems to me , well, we continue, i remind you that we are talking today about dostoevsky, about the novel demons, look, i also wanted to ask something else, vladimir ivanovich, you, well, anton, you too, do you think, after all, whom dostoevsky could consider demons even in his modern times, because we are all on the one hand...
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because he leaves hope, he leaves hope for the salvation of a person, he does not close , does not remove from him the last, so to speak, supports or anyone, yes, that is, and the lowest, a prostitute, i don’t know, a murderer, he still loves, rogen commits suicide, this, this is his... no, he chooses, not like kirillov, right? completely, completely different, the fact is that kirillov is not in emptiness, kirillov dies filled, in the idea, yes, emptiness to speak, these are very different things, so that i don’t, what’s even more terrible to do, but do whatever you want, everything you can still be forgiven because there is the all-powerful beginning in the world, that’s all.
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religious and not revolutionary, that is, everything can be brought to the point, and even all these phrases that we take out, we take out of context, yes beauty will save the world there and so on, this is all taken out of context, there is still a certain context, in which, but the question is different, i want to remember anyway, because in fact , the point is that it is about love, this is the love that the apostle paul sent...
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to his interlocutors, the director, the people's artist of russia, vladimir ivanovich khotyanenko. thank you, vladimir ivanovich, see you , thank you, you gave me a reason. and i am very grateful, of course, to anton shagin, actor of the linkom theater, mark zakharov. thanks a lot. well, to you, our respected interlocutors, i, dmitry bak, host of a literary podcast, don’t let them tell you, let him read, i say the same wonderful, important phrase for me: read. with pleasure, this is the easy money podcast, i’m its host , mikhail khanov. i think that many of our tv viewers, especially after they started watching our podcasts, our audience dreams of retiring
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early, and generally thinks about it. about what a pension is, how it is, why it is, why it is, and most importantly, how much it is. in fact , there is a whole movement, it’s called faya, whose followers want to retire very early, yes, by our standards, this is at 30, 35, 40 years old, and today we are talking with a follower of this movement, a private investor, alexey malakhov , hello, alexey, hello, let’s try to figure out how realistic it is to retire at 30, and most importantly, why. and what for does this need to be done? well, let's start with a simple question, what is faiya , yes, the financial independence early movement, yes, that is , it is financial independence, early retirement, how it originated, when and what it is, is this a real movement, a party, or is it just such interest club? well, it’s more of a club of like-minded people, a movement of people who want to get out of the so-called rat race,
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that is, we... live in a world of victorious capitalism, for people the most important thing is money, our whole life, it is geared towards earning money, you get up in the morning, go to work, come back in the evening, it’s already dark , you don’t see life, you live as if only on weekends, and people don’t like it, they think that they can use the institutions of capitalism for their own benefit in order to quickly escape from his shackles and become a truly free person, like... who does what he wants, lives the way he wants, does not depend on the boss, on the work schedule, on the location of the office, it is believed that it is after there that once you retire early, your real life will begin life, and before that you have to earn money, save as much as possible, deny yourself everything, there are downright radical supporters of this movement who save almost 90% of their salary, save
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on socks, probably wear the same socks there, this generally began after the global financial crisis in 2007, but it is somehow formalized, that is, this is just a certain party of followers, this is a manifesto, this is what, or this is just the essence of this abbreviation, that is, there are some some icons, tickets yes participant, active participant , senior participant, yes no, these are rather people who read other similar investors who are there... no one initiated me, did not accept me into the organization, it all started with one blogger, his name is mr. money mostesh , abbreviated mmm, we have a different association with these three letters, but in america the association is precisely with fiya, how many followers, alexey, i can’t, how many thousands, tens, tens, tens of
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thousands. dozens, well, as i understand it, in order to retire at 35, then it’s too late to think about it at 55, and accordingly people like, well, for the most part, this is how old they are, 20, 25, well, those who learn about fi, yes, it may even be less than 18, there are 16 years old, but i i can say that even if a person there is 40-45 years old, this does not mean that he is not interested in these ideas, because it’s not even a matter of a specific number. the fact that you rely not on the state, not on chance, on yourself, on your own strength, save, invest, and can afford to retire early, i understand correctly what to say about what profession
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these people belong senselessly, because they are ideologists, this is a way of life, yes, well , in fact, for the most part, these people are it specialists, because it specialists earn a lot, do not spend so much, so they accumulate a lot. surplus, but in fact , any person can adhere to this ideology, how much should be saved per month, what part of the salary is considered that in order for you, so that you can say that i adhere to fire there, you must save at least half of the salary, and preferably even more, the most zealous palaguettes put aside 90%, some boast that i didn’t spend anything at all this month, i invested everything, but it seems to me, how can i eat, no, prana, air, sun and what , people.
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in saving, i’m not talking about 100% now, yes, at least 50, because at a young age people consume, that is, they take out loans, as i understand it, there is no question of a loan, but...
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so i thought, maybe i’m denying myself a little now, but then when i turns 35 years old, i’m like , i’m going to live with dignity, than now i’m going to spend money on all sorts of nonsense and i’m going to live like this for the rest of my life , i went there a little bit, bought something, i’ll look into the future like i’ll live until payday or not, you know , there is such a story from jack london, when the gods laugh, when the couple looked all... inspired all the time, in love with each other, they denied themselves even a kiss and everyone around wondered how it was, no one knew this secret, then they have been together for so long, they still enjoy it each other, they look at each other like lovers, as if they had met for the first time, so the moral of this story is that
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at some point the gods really saw that this was unfair, well, in fact, they made their verdict, but people are like... then once they woke up they realized that they didn’t want each other, they didn’t want each other. let alone love each other, you don’t even want to kiss, they are like that, they never kissed, aren’t you afraid that at 35 years old, when you reach, we will now come to this, and that level of financial well-being, a glass of water in old age, here he is dying on his deathbed, there are children and this, and when he was told that there would be no one to give to him, he gave up his sprees, casinos, i don’t know there, discos, entertainment, women, here are grandchildren stand in crowds, and he lies on his deathbed, he says, but he doesn’t feel like drinking, so aren’t you afraid that you won’t feel like drinking, you know, the question is, when i just started, there
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were the first 5 years before i turned 25, i believed that there i would turn 35, i would retire early, i would live straight away it will be cool, but a couple of years ago a tragic story happened: my best friend and peer died, and i suddenly didn’t realize to myself that i, too, could die at any moment, or are people generally mortal, and i started to realize that damn, suddenly i really won’t live there. before retirement, god forbid, or something happens to me, and this has greatly changed my habits, if i used to save 80-90% there, i realized that no, i still need to find some kind of balance between life now and life for the sake of some kind of pension, and i chose strategy a little bit, here’s how to adjust what i save into investment accounts and stop blaming myself for the money i spend, huh? at some point i really felt ashamed that i was allowing myself some
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kind of video game or i was allowing myself a ticket to a concert, and even more so some kind of travel, damn it, you went somewhere, hung out for a week, arrived, i forgot, you have nothing left, just some memories that will be forgotten, but you spent the money, so i was very ashamed to spend money on travel, well, you know, i’ll tell you, maybe you’ll listen to my experience, i’m 55 years old, so i can say that travel and emotions in... the pleasure of money does not come by itself simply by the fact of having it , yes, because otherwise films with the famous cliched titles would not have been made; the rich also cry, but all that our life is is emotions, these are emotions, these are new. impression, so i
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can tell you that the more emotions you get, the more you will remember, it’s advisable not to do this alone, so that later you don’t leaf through it in your memory, talk to someone, listen, but remember how great it was, remember how you smelled, i don’t know, of fir, but at least in the same crimea , in the summer, when we sat in the evening and looked at the sunset, yes, but you don’t remember, you remember how wonderful the doshirak smelled when we diluted it with boiling water, rejoicing at the next thing. deposited into an investment account. okay, let's talk about specifics. okay, so you save 50% of your salary, let’s say , right? i won't do it anymore talking about the need to earn more and not spend less, yes, we have a fundamentally different approach here. okay, where? now, of course, there are not many options. if we had met just a month ago, i would have probably told you that i was buying russian stocks, chinese stocks, american stocks, that’s it. literally recently they imposed sanctions on the st. petersburg stock exchange, my
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assets were frozen, infrastructure risks were realized, there are not many options left, that is, either russian shares or bonds there, or even buy it there, that is, that same brick on your head, yes, as i apologize, but with your friend, it fell, that is, everything that was not acquired through hard work, it was frozen, and now it will somehow be removed, well, not really, because i still... i’ve diversified my portfolio, so far about 25% of my assets are frozen, but i don’t despair, because i’m now in the accumulation stage, on the contrary, i’m interested in periods when everything falls, when everything is unstable in the world, why? because when everything is cheap, i can buy for the same thousand rubles more shares, more assets, returning to strategic goals, what deadline have you set for yourself or is it in fact how it will turn out this way or is it? this is the goal, that is, at what age do you want to stop working,
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i would like to stop directly actively.


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