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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  December 12, 2023 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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all this into a single network, we immediately saw this great effect, shooting down a ukrainian or an american plane, there is no difference, i think we discussed everything here, as always, we wish our guys at the front victory, as always, we thank the home front workers, because it is in the rear that this victory is achieved , thank you very much for coming to us today to our viewers, i remind you that all the news that raises doubts is for us, we will definitely look into it and tell you reasons to be proud, i personally really love , yes i am sure you also like to watch good news about our guys, all the best to you. well, since i am a vascular surgeon , i want to tell you that blood clots need to be dissolved , we are already shouting, we are already telling them at all our conferences, now all these operations take, well, minutes, probably, well, 30-40 hours maximum, i entered the moscow cathedral.
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military school, where i live, i dream of becoming a military officer, for this i study well, play sports and read a lot, through my work i am now participating in a program that will give country has the opportunity to produce more than a thousand aircraft there, i am filled with pride, i am the director of an orphanage, i really want all the children of our country to have their own mother, their own family, their own home, “i love you, very, very much, yes, show me , as the first channel presents , the mask is on the eyes, its incredible properties have finally been revealed. to the doctors of anchols, and
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in russian anchovy, almost a nobel prize was awarded for its study, we’ll tell you. billy rubin, yellow color as a sign of disease. let’s talk about everyone and we will answer all questions. so, dear friends, the brain.
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well, the first thing i want to say is that our brain eats only glucose, it is without glucose, so we have up to 150-200 glucose, which the body receives from everything, is eaten by the brain, moreover, in order for the brain not to switch off, there is such a mechanism : in the morning, the liver, which stores glucose, releases it, somewhere around 5:00 am is called a symptom.
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sugar is dangerous if it destroys blood vessels, here we have a vessel, this is how sugar makes lines, and fats are inserted here like this , you see, we are here in the same way
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all this is chipped off, this is how atherosclerotic plaques are formed, these are the vessels that are affected by atherosclerosis.
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the ability for the brain to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients to remove all those things that our brain does not need, brainwashing, in fact, we have it, when it exists, you think, when they tell you all sorts of nonsense: no, the brain filters it, understands, that’s it when you
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are physically active, your face is red, the blood flow in the brain is good, at that moment the brain is washed in the best sense of the word words. another friend, when the brain is washed, it is a dream, the same thing happens, only you are sleeping and there are special systems of outflow, inflow of blood, blood and liquor, this really happens at night, so at night it is not so much the blood that washes the brain, but the liquor , liqueur is brain fluid inside, so we are for brainwashing in the highest sense of this. and then, of course, medications that lower blood pressure, lower sugar and treat diabetes, that is, reduce and medications that help to us, or rather, not even medicines, vaccines that kill viruses and prevent them
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from developing in our body, and next to such a vaccine stands our wonderful mikhail egorovich, mikhail egorovich, read the contents of the inscription. vaccine against herpis zoster, because it has a neurotropic effect, this one is absolutely certain, it protects against the most. does this explainer have? firstly, because as soon as herpos, why, what relation does this virus have to the brain , this virus is activated, amyloid plaques begin to be deposited, and inflammatory processes, and amyloid plaques inhibit the activity of cells of the nervous system and activate dementia, dementia and alzheimer's disease begin. summary: if you want your brain to work, you must... do something every day that makes your face blush, have some kind of physical activity, any kind,
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if your face turns red, it means your brain has been washed, second, you must get enough sleep, so that the intracerebral fluid or cerebrospinal fluid cleanses the brain, and third, today you can make a vaccine, it is registered vaccine, vaccine against herpes zoster, you can get a vaccine against tick-borne encephalinate. you need to get a flu vaccine, in general, you need to get vaccines against all viruses that can damage the brain in one way or another. sugar, sugar, where to find a balance between the fact that the brain cannot live without sugar, and the fact that sugar destroys the vessels that supply blood to the brain. balance in your figure, if you are of normal weight... it means everything is balanced, if you are obese, then sugar destroys
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blood vessels, the brain is happy, mod, among other things does not suffer from high sugar for a very long time, people with crazy sugar levels are 20-30, they sometimes come to us, they find out that they have had it for three months already, they are not going to fall into misery, but the brain switches off from low sugar, so the brain likes it when sugar is high, we have to watch our sugar, okay? monitoring your sugar means having a glucometer, sugar should be normal, then your brain will feel good, it doesn’t matter to us what people eat, it’s good for you, did you understand our instructions? yes, hurray, let's take a short break and then continue, the ig nobel prize was recently awarded prize for studying the consequences of sex ancholo. so what kind of fish is this, the source of knowledge is blood. we learn
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to read tests, what examinations need to be done, if bilirubin is elevated, it’s not a carnival night, you have to squint your eyes, it turns out, but the mask is there, you don’t need to squint, your face is straightened, do you need to use a sleep mask, or is it simple? figured rag. science has studied this issue. we have made significant steps in developing our relations in the world. this arouses genuine interest. neocolonial system ceased to exist. thank you.
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there is strong religious peace in the country; no fundamental changes have occurred today in terms of the goals that we set for ourselves at the beginning of the operation. it’s important to hear your opinion, we need to start getting to know each other better. we are praying for you, cool, by god, you probably know better than me, no, hello, my grandfather is a peasant, he lived in a village, in the tegher province he was next to me, thank you, results of the year with vladimir putin december 14 at 12 :00
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moscow time. cognac, montechoca, product of stellor group. wolf or sheep, prime minister of estonia. kayakalos. big, big scandal, but my husband has no ties to russia.
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russia sees that for this they are ready to destroy the people of estonia. kaya kalas, singing from someone else's voice. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. season premiere. are you by appointment? oh, we're out of turn. colonel kushnir. lady, search. well, well, it’s not work that’s come, it’s to impose on my personal life. yes, we will help. ah, guys. you are a tough nut to crack, prone to dedication, although you don’t always like it to those around you, that’s exactly what it is , that is, how does it happen, alexander ivan, that ’s where you are, there’s always pipes, but what do we have, call sopor, come on, get out of there, well, men, what are they saying? rock, soft wax inside, why are you hitting on me, actually i
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’m looking after you, and yet you should be the star of the investigation, thanks for the compliment, well , are you ready, depending on what? and so alexandra ivanna sensed new prey. bloodhound, new series. watch the latest programs for the time being. don't stop it. the main thing is not to pretend. december - great hockey. a tradition that has remained unchanged for many years. the tournament we are waiting for. our team is back on the ice. channel one cup. russia-belarus. on saturday: russia-kazakhstan. on sunday live broadcasts from st. petersburg. on the first. new season. this is when you look at everything in a new way
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and learn nothing. everything will be new. and the actors, and the children, and the costumes. everything is a sofa, everything, everything, everything is gold, the stars are so joyful, it will be great, the backpacks with sweets will be even bigger, the new season is when it was renovated, it’s like new year only without santa claus, the show will be even better, because i, mark, mar, will be there , so that not everyone claps, so that the host says: “you really are the best.” best of all, the new season from december 17 to sunday on the first , why are you like this, it’s been 3 hours under the spotlights , it’s +40 here, it’s no less than itchy, you shouldn’t have put it on your naked body, we’re royal or imperial, attention, question, don’t act like a fool, colleague, the camera went to extras,
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more fun, keep the penguin gait, attention. this fish is called anchovy, you should try it if you want, well, beauty, beauty, oh, how delicious, now on the screen we will show you a portrait of the famous alfred nobel, you know that there is such a nobel prize. few of you know that there is also an ig nobel prize, and its symbol is completely different, this is alfred nobel
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with such an ig nobel, with a big, huge nose, this ig nobel prize. someone thinks that this is all nonsense, in fact it is nonsense, this is a prize that is awarded for amazing scientific discoveries, but these discoveries from the point of view of the nobel committee are not so significant, like the nobel prize, there is no money for them, although from our point of view there are many amazing discoveries, today we will tell you why anchovies received the ig nobel prize... bring us anchovies to the studio, like this. yes, do i understand correctly that this is not sprat? no, this is not a sprat, this is an anchovy, what we used to call anchovy - this is such a small fish that lives in large
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schools, and the schools gather in such a concentration, they take on the appearance of a large animal that moves into the sea , on our screen now there will be these huge concentrations of anchovies, these tiny fish. 14 million tons of these anchovies were caught , let's answer the question, why was the prize given, which ones were studied, and the prize
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was given because when this huge school moves, they thereby mix the layers of water in the sea, and this is how -in this way affects the habitat, in general, them and other animals, and other animals too, but if you look at... from top to bottom, then the deeper the oxygen, the less, but it turned out that anchovies, when schools swim, especially during spawning, they mix ocean layers and deliver oxygen to the underlying sections of the sea-ocean, and thanks to this, the inhabitants of the depths receive oxygen, which is also fundamentally important for them, like this, what is good about them from a medical point of view? from a medical point of view, they are beneficial in what way? a lot of chrome, chrome, let's go to
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our layouts, chrome is the first one, why do we need it? so, because this is the fundus of the eye, this is the retina, these are the vessels of the retina, mikhail egoroch, how is our retina destroyed? the retina is destroyed because suffers.
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now we will add a fly in the ointment to this barrel of honey , and we will add a fly in the ointment, why? because there are purines, and purines are those
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substances that ultimately lead to gout, it is clear that we understand that people who are prone to or suffer from agra should sharply limit their use, in particular, look, this is how we depicted a joint. here is the joint, when you eat purines, uric acid salts are formed here, here they are, you see, there are actually more and more of them, so onchouses, to unfortunately, they contain a lot of purines, and for people who have a disorder of uric acid metabolism, that is, gout, this is a prohibited product, but if you do not have gout, then you will be lucky, eat these purines from onchovy and be happy, right? yes, one more spoon, of course, because in fact, and he is chousy, due to the fact that this fish is popular,
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sauces are made from it. from the other world, in one case, if we are professionals and we know what we are doing, we also had an adrenaline syringe with us, this was also important in those dramatic moments, well that, in short, nobel prize winner anchovies, aka anchovy, good fish, three questions, how to choose, how to store and how to eat correctly, the first question is how to choose,
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the fact is that onchols can be different. in different forms, they can be fresh like this, salted in cans, here we are in the world, dried in cans, yes, look, if we are talking about ordinary fish, about fresh, then we choose like ordinary fish, it must be smooth, it is sea should smell, elastic, without foreign odor, and most importantly, you are like an ophthalmologist don't look him in the eye, of course. look into the eyes, ideally there should be no cataracts there, the eyes should be dark, black, the pupil should be black, this is of course a sign of absolutely fresh fish, this is the first, second, if we take fish like this, but salted, slightly dried, well, we also pay attention that it is smooth, without rust, has good external appearance,
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well, in cans. we have this one, this is what they have already prepared for us, so to speak, this is dry fish, again, you see, everything is just salted until you faint, of course, it must be very salty, otherwise it will not be preserved, but it tastes delicious, yes, again it does not have any pungent smell, it is dry, everything is in appearance, no look in the eyes, if they are, then fresh fish, then like anchovy, aka. if it is fresh fish, then in a container in the refrigerator, from zero to +4, well, for several days, there 3-4 days, no more, if it is dried, it is also preferable, of course, in the refrigerator, because it will be preserved better there, canned food, if we opened it, well, i
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i think two or three. some kind of addition is used in sauces in this fish is usually used in salads with small doses in small doses of this fish , of course you can fry it like this. small, well, in general, there’s not much point, so it’s mainly used in this form, salted, pickled, and peeled, in some addition they also make sauces from it, yes, but usually they’re chopped in a salad, you made a green salad, chopped a little of this anchovy or anchovy, and it turned out wonderful for the taste, here in europe these salads are super popular, if you know how
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to make sauce from this fish, make it. but remember that this is a true allergen, true allergens are very salty, if you already add it to the salad , but do not add regular salt, then it will taste good, like this, friends, now when you cut this fish, remember what has been studied, that this fish plays a great role in the delivery of oxygen to the depths of the sea by mixing, mixing layers of water in the ocean, like that, a difficult fish, everything is about food, it’s time for us to talk about medicine, so, friends, billy rubin - this word is written on our central point, and i go to our medical site, where they are already taking a blood test, and today we will talk about billy rubin, billy rubin, the first question for you, you have super fashionable sneakers, right ...
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impossible, show me a woman’s sneakers, these are sneakers-socks, these are sneakers-socks, i congratulate you, what is belorrubin, what kind of substance is this, what role does it play? well, i think this is an enzyme that is located in the liver, and it increases when there is pain in the liver right hypochondrium, it rises when something is wrong with the liver, yes, yes, but you ate fatty foods, oh, if only in our case it would rise from eating fatty foods, and what color is beli ruby, yellow, yellow, you know a lot, bellirubin , what is this, andrey petrovich, it really is. protein, a protein that colors both yellow and yellow, and the white of the eye yellow, and the skin yellow, in fact, indeed, our guest is right, with liver disorders, it really increases, and this is a certain product
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of the breakdown of the metabolism of some our proteins, such as hemoglobin, for example, yes, absolutely right, hemoglobin will sooner or later turn into belirubin, on our screen. normal, normal bellirubin, which of you has higher bellirubin , press the red screen, who is normal, green, please, my friends, one screen is red, come to us, beautiful girl, so, my dear, bellirubin is elevated, yes , strongly or slightly, i don’t know how strong, 35 micromoles.
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in fact, so to speak, in the liver and is secreted by bile, which should be secreted into the lumen, intestines, duodenum and exit.
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the bladder then the outflow of evacuation of bellerubin is disrupted, bellerubin also increases, that is, bellerubin does not go into the intestines, does not stain the stool, here the stone has blocked the exit, and belerubin from the liver will be absorbed into
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the blood, it has nowhere else to go, here it increases quite decently, people turn yellow , they may have pain and so on, and there is a third reason, let’s come here, because we need to deal with our girl. and we will say only one thing during the campaign, that in order to understand that in this case, if you have an outflow disorder, you you need to do an ultrasound and see if there are stones that obstruct the outflow of bile, this is an extra-hepatic reason, this is when red blood cells begin to break down, red blood cells are destroyed in the vascular bed or in the spleen, then bellerubin can also increase in... lation and let's show : red blood cells are red blood cells , you know about this, they contain hemoglobin, vemoglobin is globally red, but if red blood cells are destroyed directly in the blood, then like a bruise, it turns green, then turns yellow, and
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then all, all, all this passes, you see, uh-huh, hemoglobin breaks down to belirubin at an intermediate stage, so the third... you need to understand what is wrong with your blood, you need to take a large blood test. andrei petrovich, here is the summary of our girl’s advice; indeed, she needs to have her liver checked, have an ultrasound examination of the liver. really check for markers of infection, markers of hepatitis, but i think, i assume that our girl, so young, beautiful, with such a figure, i would give 80% that this is gelbert's syndrome, this is a benign disease, which, she had hemolis, i heard her medical history, she had hemolytic disease in her youth and then has it. that these
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girls have an increased ability of red blood cells to be destroyed, that’s what gerbert syndrome does, and it doesn’t increase by much, that’s about exactly how this benign disease has practically no treatment, you. it’s very simple, we take a special test, it’s a genetic disease, and we get an answer. the disease is not dangerous, is considered absolutely benign, but is characterized by waves, an increase in bellerubin sometimes yellowness, since it turned yellow, god is normal, since it turned yellow or yellowed, since everything is normal, this happens, well, even now there is a slight, very delicate yellowness, the eyes are also turning a little yellow. of course, of course, of course, let's show in general what
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people with elevated belerubin look like, this yellow face, yellow sclera, and this, well, in general , these diagnoses are made by closing your eyes, closing your eyes, come, we understand everything, thank you, my dear , sit down, get examined, and we can help with everything, we’ll take a break for a while, and then we'll continue. it’s not a carnival night, you have to squint, it works, but the mask is lying there, there’s no need to squint, your face is straightened , is it necessary to use a mask for sleeping, or is it just a figured rag, science has studied this issue, the premiere of the season, you are by appointment, and we are out of turn, colonel kushnir. a lady is looking, well, it’s not a job that has arrived, but
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i’m trying to improve my personal life, so we’ll help, and guys, you ’re a tough nut to crack, prone to dedication , however, others don’t always like it, that’s exactly what it is, that is, how so it turns out, alexander ivanovna, that’s where you are, there are always pipes, but what is this with us, call it, a cathedral, come on, get out of there, men, they look like a rock, soft wax inside, what?
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rum, castro, product of stellar group. well, shall we dance? pictures of the apocalypse now. we are doing everything we can to ensure that vietnam is left behind us. kopala began the battle for the apocalypse with the rank of general of american show business. the american armed forces were strictly prohibited from renting out military equipment and film crews.
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place, but don’t worry, they are now sending them out through government services. kvn, major league, first semi-final, on saturday, on the first. and this is katyukha, she got herself a very patriotic tattoo in a very unpatriotic place. where is it? in finland. big box, back on first. one of the most striking principled confrontations in boxing history. match of the best
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boxing schools in the world. five furious fights. a tough exam for everyone. betting league, night of champions, russia, usa, live broadcast, saturday, on the first. in nikolaev a unified control center for the underground movement was created and headed by viktor lyagin. he had to gain confidence in the germans and be at odds with them. of the soviet union, here it turns out that he earned two titles of hero of the soviet union, having destroyed 27 aircraft. not a single ship was built, nothing was repaired, because such careful, secret work was going on. when he arrived at the hospital, they were already waiting for him there, he was arrested, he came to
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say goodbye to his family, got into the car, mom ran up to him, daddy, daddy there, he never returned here again from that moment on. victor lyagin's last battle with the nazis began. premiere, namely illegal intelligence, viktor lyagin. on sunday on the first. this program is to live healthy, dear friends. here i am sitting with this mask on my eyes. you have no idea how pleased this is to me. and you can't even imagine.
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of course, they are put on without glasses, you close your eyes, put on a mask, that’s it , happy moments come, for me, but what does science say, what does science say about why a person falls asleep, the fact is that when we close our eyes, you see, we closed our eyes, what happens is that the flow of light to our retina stops. the impulse is transmitted to the brain , the production of melatonin begins, yes, this is a sleep hormone, a person slowly falls asleep, this is if we close our eyes, so it turned out that if we closed our eyes, put a mask on top, then what
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about our sleep? sleep improves dramatically because we abruptly stop the flow of light, light... does not reach the retina, complete darkness and melatonin suddenly begins to be produced. the person falls asleep quickly and with good sleep. first, masks improve sleep radically, radically. i’ve already become so accustomed to the mask that if i don’t put it on, it’s really hard for me to fall asleep. well, this is obvious, it also has quite serious advantages. look at the quantity. inhabitants of the information that we have in the brain, the brain is busy, it is always looking at something, doing something, when we have reduced the amount of information, the amount of these emotions, then the brain just calms down, there is less stress, but what i like the most, i think a lot of
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women must like, is that when women wear a mask on their face, they get less wrinkles, especially... when on a flight, why? it’s light all around, in order to really make more melatonin , squint your eyes, you have to squint, you get wrinkles, but the mask is there, you don’t have to squint , your face is straightened, there are no folds, no, and there are no wrinkles, you don’t have to squint, okay, that means the second one point, andrei petrovich said about brusova because he was eager to tell us about that there will be no wrinkles. the second point: the mask reduces the level of stress, i can say from myself, this is such communication that some kind of switch is turned off, honestly, you took off your glasses. put on a mask, even with glasses , mikhail egorovich, you just know, you ca
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n’t imagine how great it is, complete darkness, andrei petrovich, complete darkness, i sleep in any state, i don’t, i adore the mask, which means stress is sharply reduced , and it goes without saying, look at the masks they have, they just straighten out these parts, where we have terrible ones marchins, here and... here, here they are, right, on your face, where, you also wear huge glasses, the wrinkles will increase, i wear glasses so that they go along the edge of possible wrinkles, here you took off your glasses, pulled them on like this mask, it literally straightened out all the wrinkles and pressed the straightened skin to your face, and you went to bed, i generally fall asleep on my back in... such a position on an orthopedic pillow, you can’t imagine what happiness and wrinkles it is , well, there is one more thing that
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it seems to me that mikhail egorovich knows better for others, when your eyes are closed, your tears are used less and you essentially save them . there will be no dry eye syndrome, an airplane, for example, is a place where the air is dry, you need to drink more fluids. react and so on and found out that the group of people who wore a mask at night , their cognitive capabilities
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increased, improved, here is a study, who wears a mask from those who are sitting in our hall, one two, hold your hands, girls, three people, young girls, people over 50 plus mask will change your life for the better. the question radically arises: how to care for the mask? medicine struggled and solved this issue for a long time, but finally it solved it, who will tell you how to care for the mask? eh, well, i’m thinking, should i wash it? no, well, depending on what it’s made of, if it’s an ordinary rag mask, you can probably just wash it all. yes, in general, without fail. and it needs to be washed for a week, because there are infections and it needs to be washed, well, roughly speaking, twice, it
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’s recommended once every 3-4 days really bacteria will still accumulate one way or another, and if a person is also allergic, then having it at night, especially close to the skin and nose, then you will have a stuffy nose if you don’t treat it, that is, i especially want to wash it with ... to tell women, well , it’s kind of initially clear that we all wash off our makeup, wash off our mascara before going to bed, and i do this too, but when i started wearing a mask, i suddenly noticed that there were some... the positions are so dark, even at first i think whether they there were, maybe it was some kind of fabric, maybe it indicated that it was the eyes, and then i realized that it was from mascara, which i seemed to have washed off, from the remnants of mascara, so it’s true, the mask still collects dirt, this should be done well understand, therefore. wash the mask twice a week, but there’s nothing to do, wash the mask, why did you throw it there, it’s all dried out on its own.


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