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tv   Anti Feik  1TV  December 13, 2023 9:20am-10:01am MSK

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and people communicate using thoughts, just like you and me, you hear me, great, we are connected, a girl from the future, vera, the guiding star of pavilion number one, she talks about the achievements of our country through the reflection of the past, present and future, we will take advantage portal of time and go on a journey and this journey begins with your dream. hello, i am your guide, my name is asya.
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and they even force you to change ukrainian surnames, what we found where they allegedly sell russian surnames, what a legendary battle ukrainian the liars cowardly called it a petty skirmish, as well as cutlets made from black soldier fly, for whom such a dish will soon cease to be exotic and perhaps become part of the daily diet, the answers are as always in the program today. this program is anti-fake,
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here we are waging our fight against fakes and disinformation, we’ll talk about disinformation now, you have no idea how far ukrainian progress has come, in quotes, of course, the russians are forcing ukrainians to change their last names in order to get rid of nazism, it’s like this so get rid of nazism, yes i became petrenko petrov. and now we will do as they do, gagarin gagarchuk, and we are like the opposite, but ensign shmatko is already an ensign of pieces, yes, this is generally an old story, not just to propose, but to implement some kind of schizophrenic ideas and shift everything this is for russia, because back in 2016, at poroshenko’s proposal, they began to ukrainize them; in 2019, a new reform of the ukrainian language was finally adopted, which...
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secured the translation of russian surnames from russian into the ukrainian manner like he was kind, he became kind, so a second if it is necessary to change the last name in order to get rid of nazism, they admit that they are nazis, then in the end, this is a good argument, by the way, although it was, let me just read out this entire poster itself: change your passport, change your last name, let’s cleanse yourself of imposed ukrainian nazism, change your last name, officially, quickly without a queue, legal advice. escort, there is even a telephone number where you can contact and an address, you can come in order to find out how to change your last name from ukrainian to russian, but this needs some kind of special translation , in touch with us now is karina popovich, a girl who, well, bears, as i understand it, a ukrainian surname, yes, karina, i’m glad to welcome you, hello, karina popovich, popovich is ukrainian surname, yes, are you going to change it somehow to a russian one, and what would the russian version of the surname popovich sound like?
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i haven’t even thought about it yet, have you come across this poster, do they insist on changing ukrainian surnames to russian ones now? no, we don’t insist on that have you seen the posters? no, great, please tell me, karina, when did you receive your passport? i received it quite recently, probably about a week and a half ago, even less, so when you came to receive it, did you have a ukrainian passport before? i didn’t have a passport, a ukrainian birth certificate? yes, well, before that i changed it to russian and the birth certificate could be changed to russian, but there they didn’t change your last name either, no, i haven’t encountered anyone changing their last name at all. please tell me what city do you live in? i live in the city of melitopol, zaporozhye region. i see that you are a member of the youth army? i joined the youth army, probably about three or four months ago from our school, they were taking applications for who
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would like to join the youth army movement, at the moment it is being broken up more and more every day, one of my classmates joined. five or six people, and if you count from school, there will be more there, but why? why do you need it? well, personally, i’m generally interested in the topic of patriotism, military topics and etc. for me, this is a very interesting continuation of our, in principle, culture. we constantly hold different events; we recently went to the city of sevastopol for the i can do championship. rescue, went on an excursion to vdnkh, we constantly have events in our city. you are still a very young girl, yes, have you encountered manifestations of nazism, nationalism in ukraine, well, in melitopol, when there was ukrainian power? at school they forced me to study russian
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works in ukrainian, and my grades were greatly reduced for this. say please, what do you want to be when you grow up, what are your dreams? i thought it was a name of 98 characters, he thought that the military registration and enlistment office would simply forget about the matter, they would not fill out the summons, either they would allow it or they would make a mistake, and then he would say through the court, so you’re not just calling me, but they filled out everything correctly and it mobilized, but
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by the way, this particular poster, this stuffing , was posted quite well on the internet, on november 15, in my opinion, they started to disperse it quite strongly, but here there are 3.00 people , look. somewhere even more, to which this should lead to a result, for what it was done, for the internal consumer, again, that is, this is not for our segment, for the internal ukrainian segment, at the same time, what they want to show with this, well, is that they are apparently forcing people to do something and things like that, yes, here again they really are trying to shift all of their, let’s say, negative manifestations of ukrainianness onto us, so that people don’t think twice about it. their segment about what they do, what their government does, their state policy inside, what it is the norm is that the russian world is no different from ukrainians, we just have these kinds of moments in our own way, so they are trying, including to show people that there is no need to try
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to be indignant at some manifestation of ukrainization, because in russia in the russian world the same thing, as if russification, and the like. the ukrainian singer ridiculed the occupiers who used her image to call for a change of surname to russian. it’s nice that i am the face of ukrainian nazism, she wrote. berina, the girl's name, right? it is now becoming more obvious that this poster, perhaps this is not even the work of ukrainian ipso divisions, but this is the work of ukrainian marketers commissioned by this singer, by the way, it would be nice for ha’s sake, a very good marketing ploy. so wonderful, because we didn’t know about this performer, now we seem to have found out, well, again, it’s not even about us, it’s about their segment, that the russians even recognized this person as the face of ukrainian nazism, and so on, let's look at this poster again and simply
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analyze it from the point of view of the spelling of the russian language, melitopol is an intercultural street, cultural, cultural cultural cultural yes. we are all interested in what is located at melitopol street, intercultural street. maxim polomarchuk, who recently also became the owner of a russian passport, is in touch with us now. maxim, welcome. hello. where are you now? i am now near the centrum, this is just intercultural 74. is this where they were encouraged to come to change their last names, where they will provide help for free? yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. walked through the offices unfortunately, or fortunately, i didn’t find anything like this or any posters here. so you went into offices and said: they change your last names here, can you change them? there are more than four hundred offices here, in principle, so i just walked through them, ah, they are, let’s say,
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separated by entrances, i walked through each one, i didn’t see anything like that here. have you ever seen posters like this in melitopol? no posters, no banners, in general there are such conversations, they are somehow agitating people, maybe it’s just, well, these are echoes of the russian propaganda, we now see, maybe someone is really calling for change there, in 2 years i have done them all. i haven’t heard, please tell me your passport, when did you receive it? just in december of this year, you can see if you have a russian passport with you, well, you have a ukrainian surname, well, yes, povarchuk, one of your friends changed their surname to russian, well, i’m only talking about this as nonsense i’m asking, no, no, i haven’t even heard, thank you very much, all the best, i think we’ve sorted this out, but after we’ll talk for a few minutes about how a former kiev... veterinarian named ball decided to play history teacher and disgraced himself, but what else
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could have come out of this, we’ll tell you, by the way, in a minute of advertising, childhood as a contraindication, what medications are not allowed children, food for the intended purpose, food against constipation, the pain is gone, but you remain, the pain service works, the program to live healthy, helps everyone. always, today on the first. hello, dear friends, today on the morning mail program, when i later saw myself on air, i was horrified. calling us fabulous screen, since childhood he was a fashionista, here is a photograph where yura, tailored in a suit, in many ways, achieved it, he should be grateful to lyalya, she managed to bring him out with an iron hand. yura from stable sliding, there were many turning points that played a big role in my
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life, someone once told me, you are a wife, i say, yes a wife, but a wife is not a wall, you can move it, i say, try, of course, we really wanted to have children, despite the fact that i am smiling at my sick birth, good afternoon, dear viewers, good afternoon, dear viewers, for the anniversary of yuri nikolaev on saturday at the first. he was beaten harder than anyone else, his
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eccentricity, it probably infuriated many, but you, why are you not in the kitchen, the guys there appreciate the soul, the father felt a sense of guilt towards his son, it was a vicious circle, in this hopeless fate, to live the way he lived, to withstand, to hold on, this can only be done by the very strong, the very brave, new for the season, there is no harp, take an unscrewed tambourine for leonid bykov’s ninety-fifth birthday. december is big hockey, a tradition that has remained unchanged for many years. the tournament we are waiting for. our team is back on the ice. channel one cup: russia-belarus. on saturday russia-kazakhstan, on sunday live
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broadcast from st. petersburg on the first. i thought that at the age of 15 i would already become an olympic champion, but no, this happened much later, every day of his new life is another personal victory, the terminator greets you, now it is not as difficult as it was in the hospital, to start at all everything from scratch, what i have treasured all my life, i lost this.
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the ukrainian language was instilled, that is, it was the policy of the party that every republic, officials of the republic are obliged to know and speak to use the language of this republic in office work, that is, it was the policy of the communist party, if there were no such party policy, thanks to grandfather lenin, and thanks for a lot to grandfather lenin, yes , then these separate motives simply wouldn’t have existed, this... with fur, with fur, yard dogs were repainted to look like wolves, like wolf fur, but it’s a little bit of a wolf’s name, sharika, not long ago, ukrainization
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donbass, it just started in the twenties, when donbass was included in the composition. soviet ukraine, but here i want to note an important historical point that many former petliurists were included in the party of soviet ukraine, including the founder of ukrainian nationalism grushevsky, he was just an academician of the ussr academy of sciences for many years, he was the one one of the authors of this ukrainization, including the ukrainization of donbass, so the ukrainian language was very much introduced there against their will.
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55% do not speak ukrainian. among employees of trade institutions 75. courses on studying the ukrainian language have been organized in all institutions of the city. according to the decree of the okrug commission on ukrainization, the institution will accept employees whose knowledge of the ukrainian language is of the first category; persons classified in the second category will not be accepted for service. i will emphasize that all these articles are written in russian for russian-speaking citizens, so that they understand what they supposedly are for. ukrainization is being carried out, a step back, and where did it all come from, the most interesting thing is that it did not come from russia and it didn’t go, it all came from the austro-hungarian empire, the first two concentration camps in europe were built in hungary for the carpatho-russians, if no one knows the carpatho-russians, i went to church, we had them in america in our orthodox greek temple , three families of carpathorians, they are russian, tell them
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you are not russian, there will be a fight, the austravenger empire was afraid that these territories would break away and join...
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this was reflected, let's watch one of the fragments of the film, and where are you going to donbass , where is he directing you, sverdlov spoke to the south, to ukraine, yes, to kiev, this is very important, the situation there is extremely tense, and we are obliged to help the ukrainian comrades in every possible way , come to me, let’s explain the situation, i ask you, please, there is a rumor that in kiev various nationalist parties are very muddying the waters, yes -yes, central rada. well, our position is clear, with the unity of action of the great russian and ukrainian proletarians, a free ukraine is possible.
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ukraine, in his activities at the high post of leader of the republic, he carried out consistent ukrainization, and it was precisely he himself was a sympathizer not only of such a friendly people’s ukraine, but also... quite an independent one, moreover, he aims for ukraine to act more actively in the un, separately from the entire soviet union, and even demanded that ukraine
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be given the opportunity to engage in foreign affairs trade. allegedly, a number of unnamed states do not want to trade with the soviet union, with moscow, but with kiev, with ukraine, they are ready, for which the rustlers, however, were criticized from moscow. historical works, well, frankly speaking , of a russophobic nature, there is a novel by olesya gonchar, a cathedral or a monograph by elena apanovich, and the armed forces of ukraine in the eighteenth year, well, what kind of armed forces of ukraine were there, not about soviet speeches, but just about these independent ones. separatist, petliura, it would seem, the thaw in the soviet union after the removal of khrushchev ended, but for the nationalist, national-minded ukrainian
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intelligentsia, the thaw only began in the early brezhnev period, but ultimately, when the rustling decided to still lift the numerous on him slander that well... there is real, in general , nationalism already in ukraine ; sherbitsky, who replaced him as first secretary of the communist party of ukraine, directly stated at the plenum that, i will quote, thanks to his connivance , a whole series of vicious books, films, plays , which there is a desire to carry out. revision of the past, glorification of antiquity and the authority of the hetmans, adaptation of all this to the interests of nationalism, there are
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attempts to rehabilitate mazepa, and present bogdan khmelnytsky as a traitor, reconsider the role of petliura, the central council, work is underway to rehabilitate skrypnik, these are ukrainizers from the twenties, these were the accusations. to the rustle of his successor sherbitsky, and you know, they were horrified by how this nationalist movement sprouted, especially in western ukraine, even western experts, in particular the munich institute for the study of the ussr and eastern europe , wrote that by the seventies up to a third of the... in western ukraine in the lvov region they were, that is, 30% were banderaites in leadership positions in the party, komsomol and so on. thank you
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huge, as always, capacious to the point, all the best, well, right after the advertisement we will discuss what ukrainian propaganda feeds its readers. this will be interesting because it concerns you and me. details in a few minutes. call sopor, come on, get out of there, men, they look like rock, soft wax inside, why are you hitting on me, in fact, i’m
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courting you, but it’s not all for you. there will be a consequence, thanks for the compliment, so, are you ready? depending on what, and so, alexandra ivanovna smelled new prey, bloodhound, new series, look mustache program time, do not overdo it, the main thing is not to overdo the cognac. monte chococa is a product of the stellor group. well, shall we dance? a picture of the apocalypse today. we are doing everything we can to ensure that vietnam is left behind us. kopala began the battle for the apocalypse with the rank of general of american show business. the us military was strictly prohibited from leasing military equipment to the film crew. rumors of
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incredible efforts made. director for the sake of saving the film, the attitude towards kopala began to change, the group began to feel feverish, no one knew what they would film tomorrow, kopala constantly made changes to the script, don’t you think this is not the time for fun, the director first saw the actor at the audition for the godfather, look how beautiful you are, now scare yourself, the dome wanted to stop filming to stop the bleeding, but shin told him: no need, matador, francis' revelation or a journey through nang, into the depths of oneself. on friday on the first. after a year of editing, he told his wife: there is only there is a 20% chance that i will be able to finish this painting at all. hello, dear yuri nikolaev, i love you very much, our main character is yuri nikolaev, who celebrates.
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your birthday among friends , well, i always knew you, you flashed on the screens, energetic, pretty girls loved you, and you, one show in the morning mail, everything moves away from me, what’s wrong with me, this is an old mill , the first time i saw lenochka, look, what a pretty girl, why should i tell you?
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it's great that we are all here today gathered on saturday at the first. big boxing, again on the first, one of the most striking principled confrontations in the history of boxing. a match between the best boxing schools in the world, five furious fights, a tough exam for everyone. betting league. night of champions. russia, usa. live stream. on saturday, on the first. a unified control center for the underground movement was created in nikolaev and headed by viktor lyagin. he had to gain confidence in the germans and complete cooperation with them. for 12 downed german
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planes they gave a hero of the soviet union. here it turns out that he earned two titles of hero of the soviet union, but after destroying 27 aircraft , not a single ship was built, nothing was repaired, because such careful secret work was going on, when he came to the hospital, they were already waiting for him there, he was arrested, he came to say goodbye to his family, got into the car, mom ran up to him, daddy, daddy, he never came back here again, from that moment the last one began... no less than it itches, there was no need to put it on a naked body, we royal or imperial attention is a question, not hers related colleagues mator, camera,
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extras went. we keep our penguin gait more cheerfully, the attention of the praguns got ready, they started, they finally called off, but our life is a game. extraordinary adventures of experts in the winter series of games on sunday on the first, this is an anti-fake program and we continue, if you are having breakfast, put off the next fake not for breakfast, this is what is stated: the russians will begin to be fed insect larvae, ruler.
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of the local population, look, russians generally eat sausages made from insect larvae, this it’s not visible, thank god, our stores are full of various foods, i propose now to discuss the topic with alexander antolyevich sovelyev, the head of the fisheries information agency, we are glad to welcome you, please tell us what you know about this fake, maybe... not fake and will we really be eating maggots soon? and in many countries where there are problems with food, they already use larvae, god knows what, but in our tradition this is unlikely to ever get over. in the document to which
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the authors of this news refer, yes, but we are talking about food for farm animals and food for cats. for dogs, for fish, the text of a government document in which the code of these agricultural products is clearly written, in fact it is clear what they are aimed at, but well, this is such a juggling of facts and they apparently got hooked on the news that in kirovsk, in my opinion region, an enterprise is opening, just for the production of this flour, this animal feed from larvae, there is a detailed description in the government document a list, so to speak, of those larvae that can be used for this, well, and we added to this, to say, our gastronomic fantasies, we can summarize, uh, that the government issued a decree that insects will be
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used as feed, and for farm animals, namely this is what we are talking about here, of course, it is still a government document, we are talking, so to speak, about what these larvae are for... what are they used for, so to speak, well , certainly not for sausages, for feeding people. let me read you a fake so that the audience can be sure, it is already clear, russians will begin to be fed insect larvae, a government order about this was allegedly published on official resources, but today we realized that the government order does not mean that russians will begin to be fed this, it is absolutely sure, and anyone, and the russian government cannot be blamed for propaganda in promoting insects to the food market, note that the european commission recently approved the use of crickets as food. to you thank you very much all the best. changes that are made to the list of agricultural products of production , primary subsequent industrial and processing, which is carried out
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by agricultural producers, as well as scientific organizations, professional educational organizations, educational organizations of higher education in the process of their scientific, scientific-technical and or educational activities. that is this question. we will study, process, develop, in order to feed, well our smaller brothers, this is exactly the document that the fake makers are referring to, this is an order of the government of the russian federation, which is dated... january 25 , 2017, we have already sorted this out, let 's move on to historical fakes, about the battle of the ice, we will be with talk to you now, and so, here a certain character, vlad nevzorov , says: “i’ll tell you more, the germans didn’t even pay attention to this historical battle, according to their chronicles, they took it for a border skirmish, at that time there was no germany, was the holy roman empire was very fragmented and..." and those same germans slaughtered
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each other, they had no time for this at all, only the pope cared for this, who saw his interest in promoting catholicism to the east, so that he would have new peoples swore allegiance to the papal throne, and just as part of this expansion, an order was given to various german catholic orders so that they would go to the east and capture new... lands, new lands could then be captured only in novgorod, which the livonian tried to implement order let me read one of the quotes: german troops started the battle, the russians had many riflemen who took the blow of the german regiments, they stood in front of the prince’s squad , it was clear how the brothers pressed and finally defeated the riflemen, one could hear the swords ringing, one could see how helmets were cut on both sides , the living stood, the dead fell on the grass, those who were in the army of the brothers were surrounded... because the russians gathered such
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an army that they attacked every german 60 men, one of the most authoritative sources is the oldest livonian rhymed chronicle, very different estimates are given according to the number of parties involved, that is, there is an estimate that there were several thousand, the same klim zhukov says that no, there were up to a thousand warriors on each side, on the one hand to a person who is not involved history , it may seem that this is some kind of trifle, and indeed, as if... this comrade is right that supposedly this is a minor skirmish, in fact it is not so, thanks to the victory on lake peipsi, within 11 years the livonian order no longer interfered with the lands novgorod to the lands of russia, and this gave us a break, and then we went to the territory of the baltic states, there was a battle of the rykov thieves, one tefton knight against sixty russian men, that is, somehow they were not very heroic of us. actually wrote, but
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it is necessary to somehow explain to the descendants why they lost, and because there are 60 of them per exchange, and i say that the saga seems to be clear why it was written like that, in reality the number of knights was quite small, there were maybe a thousand in throughout the order, knights are expensive, this is expensive, this is expensive, this the elite, the majority of the troops were , well, i won’t say mercenaries, but they were called brothers, such younger brothers, their armor was cheaper, they were often infantry, which... were behind the knights, so the destruction of a large number of knights is there was a huge blow. in the twenty-first year , the russian geographical society, by the way, made a large expedition to lake chuya, and we can now see fragments of this expedition. several thousand arrows were fired, i think, so there must be a large number of arrows strewn with bottom area. of course, most of the metals were recycled, but of course not all. we are moving into the strait between the islands. to the east we will find a crow island, which
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is presumably a landmark with which the place of the ice battle is connected, the lake level dropped, but we do not yet know when this happened, evidence of this is a peat layer of about 40-50 cm, which lies under a layer of silt deposits , we pick up fragments after almost every dive, this is one of the archaeologist’s requests. different places where we produce we lower each once some such stone or fragment of soil, the remains of trees were found , quite large rhizomes, here is a sample of one of which was raised, at a depth of more than 2 meters (2.4), and this will also allow us to obtain radiocarbon dates that will guide us on... this uh forest.


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