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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  December 13, 2023 7:55pm-8:41pm MSK

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i met in particular in march, when i was in the kremensky forest, so we met the guys , they literally brought the wounded man, left him at the collection point, so to speak, so we quickly took a photo with them, and he writes to me that this is this a photo with the guys, went over, well, in general, we started talking, i asked the legendary one in which he served, again i need to give the position, that they did everything very quickly, and despite the fact that there was some kind of special staff and special technical staff. equipment for in order for no one to particularly allocate this work of issuing certificates to military units, such a large volume of this work has now fallen on them, and so it turned out that this entire medical platoon, everyone there was already wounded in one way or another and no one still has this , you say the word there, the phone already tells you something, you can order food there, fines are collected like this through digital ones, maybe these people will organize some kind of unified digital... system in which the boys could
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i would enter my data and this whole story would be decided through her. it seems to me that then it will be easier for the guys, and the country will see the results, and we will advance digitalization to a new level. it was artyom shenin, a veteran, the heir to tuti, on channel one. there is contact. results of the year with vladimir putin. tomorrow at 12. thank you very much. our old friend, david cameron, is returning to british politics. british prime minister irish sunok appointed the former prime minister to a new position. minister of foreign affairs. del cameron is very
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a forgetful character, one day on a train, in this red suitcase, he simply forgot secret documents, they were found by chance, good people also found them and placed them in the public domain, as a result, david cameron disgraced himself and was forced to resign, as it turned out, not for long, 7 years he has been back in business, it would seem, well, this time cameron will be more attentive, but... we searched and found that this honorable gentleman had forgotten about cameron, we will remind him of this now. recently a story appeared about what scientists were thinking of replacing in their experiments. rats on politicians, someone asked why they answered, because there is no shortage of politicians. the west received a new old herald of russophobic sentiments and calling to attack russia, only in his new, more hysterical appearance. kiev to washington, here, so that the united states
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, on any issue, be it adding fuel to israeli actions against gas or demanding additional wild expenses for ukraine, which no longer fits the american budget, decided to intimidate the americans with a carrot and a stick, announced a plan for the restoration of ukraine at the expense of russian assets frozen by the west. all our countries quite rightly confiscated russian assets and froze them.
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negative impact, but also impact on europe, where the european, if putin wins in ukraine, he will come back again. we know this from our history. it is not entirely clear which of his stories cameron had in mind; they say former british prime minister john major could not later remember his young assistant david, who began by participating in the writing of official speeches. a distant relative of queen elizabeth ii, a representative of the english aristocracy, cameron entered the heatherdown private school at the age of 7. for the boys, then you went, you always had a plan b, what happened? at your age, i had no idea what i would do; already at the institute i was going to devote myself to public service, but i always knew that when building a political career, you had to keep a backup plan in mind, otherwise you risk losing everything. cameron began his political career in the conservative party at eighty eighth, in the team of future home secretary david davis and an opponent of britain's exit from the european union. a non-goth from this gang. halomont was held
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responsible for what happened, and cameron not only did not lose party trust, but also received a position as a special adviser in the ministry of internal affairs, an advantageous marriage with samantha gwendalyn, or rather an acquaintance with her. his mother and the management of the broadcasting company carlton communications brought him to the post of director of corporate relations, twice unsuccessfully participated in parliamentary elections, received he won a seat in the house of commons only in 2001. cameron skillfully played on sensitive consumers. journalists accused cameron of populism, but recognized him as a good speaker and negotiator. my wife called me last night and asked: honey, where have you been all evening? to which i replied that i...
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it's unusual for a prime minister to return to politics in this way, but i believe in public service. rishisunok asked me to do this job at this time of great challenges, and i hope that my work for 6 years as prime minister, 11 years as the leader of the conservative party, they will bring useful experiences with... sometimes people like cameron come back, apparently, these very connections of sir david and the ability to negotiate either peace or war were needed so much, no one else was found, but now the most important the question is, why did they bring cameron back? firstly, you really need to understand that david cameron is
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a heavyweight politician, he has a huge number of connections, including in the international arena, and he is of course much stronger, he will be the head is already the head of the office than his predecessor, mr. clover. indeed, there are probably not many people with such connections and such experience in british politics, this time. secondly, the conservatives at the moment, that is , we allow them to win elections twice in the tenth and fifteenth year, does this mean that they will return to the eu. look, generally speaking, he paid a lot for his anti-brexit activities. well, to be honest, i don't think they will return to the eu, given that among the conservative this idea is very unpopular among the electorate, but if the government changes, the conservatives will lose the elections, which is quite likely ...
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there were agreed lines on the part of others, but at the same time cause mentions, numerous mentions, we know that the public is very dissatisfied with cameron, he did not fulfill a single promise that he made within the framework, not a single one, because there were partial changes associated, for example, with his green agenda, and
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even when he promised, for example, to reduce taxes, in the end by the fifteenth year it turned out that taxes increased by 200 pounds for each british citizen, during the covid period he lobbied . the only thing that matters to them is what they think for themselves, how to do the right thing, that is, in this regard, we see a shortage of personnel as well. and cameron is also called a pro-american candidate, and not just pro-american, but pro-democratic, because after all, he clearly had a conflict with the republicans, he was against brexit. he had a conflict, absolutely true, but besides everything else, he also, i would say, not enough resources through your communications director. with the public it was precisely the same cawson, who had previously been the editor-in-chief of the publishing house, and this connection with the media tycoon, and no one from cameron’s team was able to wash him away from this matter, and what’s more, why did he head towards the states ? that one of his comrades,
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including also an interesting memory of his youth, when he participated in very strange rituals, for some reason with his career, again a secret or semi-secret society where people... are engaged amazing practices, amazing people , and boris johnson was there, they studied at the same college and were members of bullington, as far as i remember, yes it was called, pro-american or not pro-american candidate, maybe great britain, as they say now, yes , caved in under the usa. you know , lately we have seen that on the contrary, britain is not so much into the conflict, we see it plays its own game, if we see how britain treats china, it is its own game, no matter what the americans say, get away from china, get out, no, they are playing their own game, against this background it turns out that cameron comes, by the way, he was an employee of another company, a very important one, the american feosdata. a small company that processes payments, credit cards, but this company is doing very well in
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the uk, this company is doing very well, this is both personal data and personal data, who bought where, where they went, what they did, absolutely open every person's story, you know the story his purchases, movements, absolute transparency, transparency, as they say, this person suddenly comes to the post of minister of foreign affairs, are you respected in the country, no, not respected, do they love you? citizens, no, he doesn’t. look, now there is some kind of general trend in the uk. they stopped respecting you, you said, sir, this is cool. but now something has gone wrong. over the past 2 years, especially after the pandemic, there have been so many scandals with these guys, with such beautiful coats of arms, that they are now beginning to perceive them differently. guys, you are scammers, you do not play for my national interests, you don’t care how i live, a simple person. and cameron, if you look closely at his memoirs. not only was there about the initiation at oxford, there was a lot about cocaine, because yes, when we
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spoke, and he spoke about brexit, the argument was very simple: look, we ourselves can determine which immigrants to invite, when we see this green card in america and green card in britain, so this is the american hand, if you look closely, then now they have brought in not a pro-british person, cameron, he has become so integrated, excuse the word, into the american party that he is now holding.
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wrote that in his student years cameron had one very unpleasant and, for us , honestly strange, incomprehensible scandal, let 's see, the daily mail wrote about it. british prime minister and obscene act with the head of a dead pig, as david cameron took part in a dirty ceremony. the media published fragments of the biography of the leader of the british conservatives about his student life in oxford, details of the book. the reaction of social networks themselves.
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even before his first serious position, and he also talks about who politicians are, let's listen, someone once said that politics is, of course, show business for ugly people, based on this, i can say that i am my achieved, and i also thought, what an honor for me, as a politician, to speak at a conference, especially in the uk, where politics has such a low
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reputation due to the scandalous expenses of members of parliament, recently they even wrote that scientists are thinking of replacing it. in their financial scandals, these are the double standards. david cameron, the new british foreign minister, in fact, the answer to the main question: whether he is a puppet or a puppeteer, you will find out immediately after the advertisement, do not switch. season premiere. son of hotchikov, i have an advantage. this is some evidence of corpses, she loves it, give me one more day, i need to compare all the facts, i give you a day, i suggest you spend the evening together, bloodhound, new series, watch the time after the program, gin, this
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yuri nikolaev, who celebrates his birthday. circle of friends , well, i always knew you, you were shining on the screens, energetic, pretty girls loved you, and you, one show in the morning mail is all, backing away from me, i think what’s wrong with me, this is an old mill, the first time i saw the ribbon, i was already older and took a closer look, but he was divorced, i didn’t scam anyone.
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why do you promise to get married on a federal channel in a show that is watched by millions of people and then give up? this is who you need to be, timur? kvn. major league, first semi-final. in saturday, on the first. this is an important point, i must say from a running start. i am vampire. can't be. here's a cross for you. hockey. a tradition that has remained unchanged for many years. the tournament we are waiting for. our team. back on the ice. channel one cup. russia-belarus. on saturday. russia-kazakhstan. on sunday live broadcasts from st. petersburg. on the first. both children and costumes. golden sofa, everything, everything, everything is gold. just like that, happy. it will be
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great. backpacks with sweets. there will be even more, the new season is when they did it to him renovation, it’s like new year, only without santa claus, the show will be even better, because i will be there, mark, mar, so that not everyone clap, why are you a movie, it’s already been 3 hours under the spotlights, here it’s +40, no less, how it itches, there was no need to put it on a naked body, are we royal or imperial, attention, question, not her relative. motor, camera, the crowd has started, let's keep the penguin gait more fun, attention, the proguns are ready, they've finally started, ah!
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and david cameron is 5 years into his presidency, i found him in london, but first of all i want to say that he really is a man of mediocre abilities, he could be described, to put it mildly, as a slob , he didn’t do anything serious in his life, well , maybe only with his family, but there were also some serious mistakes there, like forgetting a child in a pub, or he and his wife did not miss, well, i would say that, firstly, he is not a heavyweight, americanism, then about americanism he ... as if genetically already embedded in british foreign policy, this special attitude, first of all, is that in the last 30 years, all western elites, their
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the formation was closely watched, and very closely by the americans, especially since it was a unipolar moment, everyone believed in the omnipotence of america, that there was no other way, but as for cameron, i would say there are serious anti-immigrant sentiments in the country. that there is a party of nigel farage , who devoted 20 years of his life to campaigning for britain to leave the european union, but he, of course, did not count on the fact that opponents of britain’s stay in the european union could win, he thought that the british were all set it is pragmatic that no one will risk anything, but the fact is that he himself did not expect the result that he received from brexit, that is, when a person is brought in like this.
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so, as for the visit of lord cameron, again, according to what is being discussed around this meeting of his with zelensky, it was, firstly, that some kind of green light was again given to both zelensky and andriy ermak, to the head of zelensky's office, that you continue further, that you need to understand what is really britain also has quite good historical ties with poland and there are opportunities to influence, for example, the future cabinet of donald tusk, that is, they work very actively through soft power in central asia, the balkans, eastern europe,
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they invited chinese investments to sri lanka, and even there are dual -use chinese investments, that is, there it could be such a paramilitary sphere, he really announced in 1313 that a golden era was coming in relations between. and china, and indeed we are observing, but there there are all sorts of processes, scandals , conflicts, but trade turnover between britain and china is growing right before our eyes, that’s what ’s most important, probably, but these are the last days, i want to add another element to our conversation, sometimes you can take a closer look at the character himself through his environment, a short story about cameron's wife, she is a very interesting person. in the year of his thirtieth birthday, the politician married samantha sheffield, his daughter. sir reginald sheffield 8th baronet and annabel jones, vicantess astour. she's a descendant king of england and scotland charles ii and school friend claire, sisters in the temple of st.
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augustine of canterbury. the couple has two daughters: nancy gwen born in 2004 and florence ross endeleon 2010 and a son arthur elwen 2006. when he was born, david decided to take paternity leave. this act received wide media coverage. it is known that the couple’s youngest daughter was born prematurely when they were vacationing as a family in the village of saintleon. her wife's name was subsequently included in the baby's name. cameron. a very interesting feature of his wife to conclude. the thing is that, unlike spouses and top officials, they usually stay in the shadows, she , on the contrary, is under the camera everywhere, and the level of love for the camera is just off the charts, galin, and how she looks, how she dresses, and the most the main thing is what message she gives to people, her husband’s career, everything we see, her style of behavior, her manner of dressing, all
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of this is her doing.
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goes to dads with the guys, there aren’t really any women there, hunting with the guys, football with the guys, he’s like that, but there is a nuance, why he was taken by who they took him, he’s an excellent negotiator, he has a very good connections, his task is to establish connections , to do something, pink in the room, this is a panama papers issue, yes, this is what he resigned for , and his wife was also present in this financial scandal, that is, they literally .
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and opened in panama, which is known as tax heaven, that is, a tax paradise, yes, absolutely right, they choose this location precisely because it allows you not to pay taxes, so by the time money in the amount of 300,000 pounds had accumulated there, at this time it was the sixteenth year of david cameron, claims to in fact, some arose for him , that is, the name of ian cameron appeared , naturally it was clear that all this should have gone to david ka yes, the question was not that, on the part of the liborists, they mainly presented claims to him, not that such the scheme exists, after all , offshore legislation is not something super criminal in court, he lied in parliament, this is the biggest sin, the same thing happened with cameron, in the end, yes, he had to admit, say that yes, i sold the shares i had from it trust, but that was before i took over as
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prime minister of great britain. well, in china no one takes him seriously, in general, their attempts to return to china did not lead to anything, they tried, but after brexit they had the task of where to go after they became free, left the european union, it worked out so
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that the only place where they can return... is again to the european union, that is, british policy has been crushed over the past there, to god that you arrived, i bring close to the text, because we have become accustomed to being perceived, and we hope for you that you will... help us return attention to our country again, and after that, by the way, cameron gives an interview in the sun newspaper, and he says about the fact that we, great britain , if you add up, look at the potential of all the countries that invest in ukraine, well, yes, we invest 30 to one relative to all the others, literally in first place, they even have their own tank, incredibly rich in resources, 16 uranium deposits, shale oil and gas, titanium, in including grain, all this, of course, for... home, and the netherlands just bought the right to exploit the fields in the north-east of ukraine, which explains why it is
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the netherlands, represented by kas olangren, who is driving the f-16 of moldova, paradoxically, she is a citizen romania, that is, this is the whole sea, on the other hand, in itself it is, well, a harrow is good. i proceed from the fact that there is a certain political practice. the venetians are a clear story, but today, if you could name at least 10-15 of the largest players, that would be great, because today day i understand one simple thing, that it doesn’t matter
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what crown you’re wearing on your head, you ’re not a mastodon, a lump. by and large, britain today is a country that is trying to survive certain crises, but is having a very hard time when we say, is it beneficial for britain to collapse? for example, the european union and yes and no, look how the democrats say, how good it is to manage a collective farm, where you send it, that’s how all countries lead, remember trump, i don’t want to talk to the collective farm, i want to talk to everyone come to an agreement, poland is realpolitik , they negotiate piecemeal, their, well, as trump says, remember, yes, i know how to make deals, listen, this story with zelensky, maybe what kind of elite they have, such henchmen then, because look, another interesting one appears in the press...
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vladimir zelensky walked on the platform of peace, yes, promising to implement the minsk agreements, gradually yes, to organize federalization, referendums, the return of donbass is basically ruining the entire pr campaign of ukraine against russia, that is, there are all these pr agencies located there that are engaged in this, and they are very actively connected with the british tabloids, the british media, that is, if we really see quite a lot of negative publications about ukraine in the american press, and everything there- the spread is small for me, but if we look at the british scoreboards, it’s some kind of...
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naturally, the west is suffering a colossal defeat in ukraine, the americans just want to rewrite this defeat. to europe, going to side, and i think that cameron is precisely called upon to ensure this leadership of europe, so that they hold out the project as long as they can, but so that the final defeat is european, not american, and another moment from hell, then just change the regime and start actively put pressure on the chinese, this did not work out, the americans are stuck in ukraine, since the chinese are essentially... they are the beneficiaries of the fact that the americans are stuck in
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ukraine, the last meeting near san francisco, between biden and xi, it says that americans in a pose asking for that century in great britain’s relations with china, and this was done, in my opinion, 2 years before trump came to power, who began a harsh anti-chinese policy, that is, this greatly frightened the chinese, they are still... may be some kind of bridge to a more pragmatic, moderate relationship with china, because this diagram is from the great game of britain, where the pieces are on the chessboard, we will find out in a few minutes, short advertisement, do not switch. many people in ukraine want russia
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fell apart into 150 fragments. i hope you won’t give this conversation to russian television; they earn substantial fees from russian readers. akunin is translated from japanese as scoundrel. it still sells hundreds of thousands of copies. what it is? each of my books is a propaganda of values ​​in which i believe, a traitor, that’s all, he is a traitor to basta today. i would like to be useful to ukraine. well absolutely happy bulls. with three lines he is practically already climbing into this camera with his face, if you had published a book, we would the entire fee would have been spent on drones, today on the first, hello, dear friends, today on the morning mail program, when i later saw myself on air, i was horrified, the fairy-tale screen is calling us, i’ve been a fashionista since childhood, here’s a photo of yura sewn on order in a suit, very... in many ways what i have already achieved, he should be grateful to lyalya, she
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managed to bring out with an iron hand, dear viewers, good afternoon, dear tv viewers, for the anniversary of yuri nikolaev on saturday on the first, life goes on, i can't imagine myself pensions, i can’t imagine myself being idle, makarych, take the device, he waved. he was beaten harder than anyone else, his eccentricity, it probably infuriated many , well, why are you not in the kitchen, the guys there appreciate the soul, the father felt a sense of guilt towards his son, it was a vicious circle, here in this hopeless situation. to live the way he lived, nida bykova, on saturday, i thought that
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at the age of 15 i would already become an olympic champion, but no, it happened much later, every day of his new life is another personal victory, the terminator greets you, now it’s not as difficult as it was in the hospital, starting everything from scratch, what i’ve treasured all my life, i’ve lost this independence, oh, i’ll melt the tomato. there was a mother, our exclusive was in fear of the great skater, i was always afraid of breaking, breaking, i understood that i would be like a burden, which ones he was able to overcome and are there any who are now with him forever, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere in saturday on the first, i was walking through a corn field, thoughts came into my head so that i could find a bride, okay, let's get going.
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cooperation could use new payment systems, but then we didn’t understand what he was talking about, we are there, they are turned over, optimized and then sent to the middle east, they go, they go to asia, europe - this is generally written off history, you understand how they, yes, how they feed at the expense of europe, and you say how he will come to europe, he will come to europe as a good banker, as a man with a wallet will say, my friends, you have a problem, losing now is bad or... losing is very bad , i'm the person with which is another project of boris johnson, when he tried to forge such an eastern european bloc, which included poland, the czech republic, in my opinion, slovakia and ukraine, this was just before the start of a special military operation, they are trying their own mini small situational ones, to create particularly institutionally undeveloped unions, relying again on their politicians,
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again on their network, a network of politicians, and somehow carry out their will, that’s what concerns, again, the countries of the middle east, where the positions...
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