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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  December 13, 2023 11:00pm-11:49pm MSK

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congratulations, meet me, gentlemen, this is daniil, marina’s first husband, i feel alexander ivanova, hello, danya, what are you doing here, i’ve come to you, oh my god, the ex-zik has appeared, marina, i need to tell you. that i didn't cheat on you? you already said that. danya, please go away. marina won't talk to you. anna pavlovna brought that woman to your house when danya was sleeping after night duty, she paid her. oh, and your unfaithful daughter-in-law is right there. did you come back to slander your mother again? may be, and you and artyom didn’t cheat. she tells you the truth. i had never seen this woman before. i specifically looked for her in the city. she told me everything herself. so, my children,
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marinochka, alexey, are you going to stand there and listen to how they humiliate me? katya , listen, it’s true, i’m a forwarder, when there’s a promising winemaker, marina , i beg you, dial that woman, she ’ll tell you everything herself, i have her number, mom, it’s true, my children, i’ve been on i plow you both, i take care of you, i try my best, and you, what you have done here, have done good here with passion. such a day in front of people , look at it, look , we’ve known each other for years, when i got divorced, i couldn’t find a place for myself, i didn’t love artyom, so he couldn’t stand it, he reached out to someone else, well, because it’s impossible to live without love, yes, well, without pants in one-piece, all my life, perhaps, my girl, well, what does this have to do with you, artyom didn’t die, nikolai killed him. “i
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can’t do this anymore, don’t listen to him, he’s not himself, i was going to olga to give documents, and driving through the vineyards, i saw artyom there, i went in through the side gate, and i wanted to figure it out, then the tsarshik bit him, he fell, iksei, i strangled him." what happened? well, all charges against your father are dropped. how? well, that's it . alexey marinin just confessed to the murder of artyom. thank you, you, it’s all thanks to you. you alone believed. i know,
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you killed artyom. what are you making up? do you want me to tell you how it really happened? well, let ’s try. please, after the scandal over the photo, everyone was on edge artyom left to deliver samples, but they called you and said that more documents are needed, and you and your son went there. but we arrived at the mother of the vineyards, alexey saw artyom, jumped out of the car and went to him through the side gate, right? have you seen how your son and artyom sort things out? and did not intervene until the misfortune happened. if artyom divorces marina, we will all return home with nothing, you told alexey. and that's not fair, because you obviously put so much work into his vineyards. don't forget my son iron albie. yes, you forced your son to come back, you did hang up as soon as he answered.
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there is irrefutable evidence against karitonov, it wasn’t lera who let slip the scarf, but against my son, that’s just your dramatic monologue, yes, the scarf with the sun, we also know that 2 months ago you were at a tasting of the wine house of the sun, you had exactly the same handkerchief, you won’t prove anything, but i don’t need it, your son took it, i ’ll pull it out, you’ll see, i always achieve what i want, yes... i see, we achieved it, received an award, now i hope you’re happy, probably , of course, but she fully admitted to the murder, well, i hope that’s the case now finally revealed, yes, now definitely revealed. horror, of course, it’s all a nightmare,
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after all, she tried for the children, well, as it seemed to her, yes, everyone wants what’s best for their children, get it. what happens is what happens, why should you suffer, alexander, you are a great mother, you think, vladimir andreevich, you, i am only a performer, but an organizer, thank you, have a good evening, enjoy, the arkadians have come to this festival, oops!
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israel struck not just syria, but, as i understand it, units of the regular syrian army, which represents known escalation of the conflict, foreign minister sergei lavrov spoke in the federation council. well, after all, the kiev circus moved to washington for 2 days, and there the main performer, who plays the role of the president, mr. zelensky, talked with president biden, with members of congress, but
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naturally, with his favorite media , and just like that it looked worth a lot, but let me ask tony now. biden's cabinet in exchange for the fact that senators now have other concerns, this is the migration crisis, attempts to come to an agreement with well, let's just say, unconvincing, because
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it was most likely not possible for ukraine to receive funds in exchange for deep migration reform, although there was hope that a bipartisan deal would be reached, but then... news poured in like a cornucopia of that mccon’s image suggests that most likely the negotiations will be postponed indefinitely and will begin no earlier than january, and judging by sources from other negotiators, most likely a deal has not been reached, well, in general , of course, he is at a press conference, i’m talking about mr. zelensky with 100 million dollars, well, that’s probably not that much for him anymore.
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they ask him: do you want ukraine to win, and there is some kind of incomprehensible, i don’t know, either a child’s or an old man’s laughter, i don’t know what to call it, then he was asked about how things are going with the american pruning in ukraine. let's listen to what he said about this. we will continue to supply ukraine with critical weapons and equipment as long as we have enough strength. however, without additional funding from our opportunities to help ukraine address the immediate operational needs it faces are quickly running out. well, here’s what he said personally
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to zelensky about the upcoming ones. american steps, because biden promised before that there will be unconditional support for ukraine, as much as it takes, let’s listen to what he said this time, i don’t want you... ekaterina, i just, when i look from the outside, this produces what it’s a strange impression, but then zelensky came to demonstrate his capabilities, including including the possibility of attacking again, he was brought in to convince congress that ukraine deserves support and can succeed.
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about israel, and not about ukraine, at the moment when joe biden answered about israel,
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it was clear how uncomfortable vladimir zelensky was, because he understood that the focus was already shifting, so i think that there is adequacy here, of course, but most likely he , who is very divided, will agree on bipartisan deals, as was the case with weapons, for example, or how was with the national debt, now... he just found himself in a very difficult situation, right? yes, if we speak in this
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particular case in the given example, then there is rather such a state, a state of hopelessness, a question about sanctions, well , that is, there were a lot, there were a lot of stories when joe biden was inadequate, but in this particular case, of course, this is most likely a normal human reaction. called helplessness, well, he has grounds for a well-known feeling of satisfaction, let's hear what speaker of the house michael johnson said after his talk, which we asked again again, literally 24 hours after i became speaker. the biden administration seems to be asking for billions of dollars without specifics, without a clear strategy for winning, without answers that i think the american people deserve to know, i also...
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usa, i think these republicans, well, they're not making this up, this is an excuse, this is a really serious concern, because then he had the image of a winner, which he carefully.
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affect all continents, in fact , in this particular case, sergei avidich lavrov, in fact, at the very beginning of his report, he mentioned a very important socio-political initiative that we are now promoting, which we began to promote in the current one, is based on the fundamental principles of the charter of the united nations nations, which, by the way, also presupposes non-interference in internal affairs and the sovereign equality of the state, i just... speaking in my part of the work of our plenary session, i talked about how this very freedom of the nation is ensured from the point of view of protecting state sovereignty and not interfering in internal affairs, the question today of real threats and freedom of the nation and this fight against interference in internal affairs comes from washington, it comes primarily from that
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cohort of politicians who today is personified with biden with his this...
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here, but this is one of the hybrid wars, this is one of its expressions, and if we deal exclusively with one area, then of course in this case.
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based on the fact that our global power , the russian federation, is a world-class power, this conflict, it is simply a manifestation of the contradictions that objectively exist in the world, it arose as a result of these contradictions, and here we defend the majority in the world, that is, many understand, but first of all, of course, we defend our national interests, of course, thank you, general yevgeny buginsky, the same question for you, what, what is the role of what... is happening in ukraine around ukraine in the implementation of foreign policy tasks russia. you know, i'm sticking to the second option or the second path that you
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mentioned, how this will end, especially the so -called global south. even our closest, so to speak, well, if not allies, then partners, strategic partners, the same china, the same india, the countries of africa, the middle east.
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thousands, which is not true, it was, we started somewhere in the thousands, our group counted two of the return losses, which is also, of course, a complete lie, which
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i don’t even want to refute is pointless, therefore, despite all this stream of lies , i i think that we have the initiative now in our hands, we... well, let it be called active defense, but it is small, i repeat once again that the outcome of this operation and its results will largely determine the contours of the future, the future of the world and the attitude towards russia with on the part of even our closest allies, well , partners, strategic partners, just partners, thank you general, we go out for advertising, we’ll be back in just a few minutes
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, hearing and being heard is equally important for everyone. vladimir putin will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. you you can ask your question now by calling 800 200 4040 via sms to 04040 or via websites. we will try to make it so. not a single question went unnoticed. results of the year with vladimir putin. tomorrow at 12:00 moscow
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time. vodka veda is a product of the stelar group, there is a big game on air, and we continue our conversation about the international situation, we talked about the crisis in ukraine, around ukraine, now we will talk. about what is happening in gas, more broadly in the middle east, and even more widely, as the so-called global majority, i prefer to talk about the actions of russia and how they perceive, among other things, the situation in ukraine, vitaly, well, maybe i’ll start first briefly about ukraine and go straight to the gas, because these two situations are crises in
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the world, they are today occupy almost... 100%, one might say, of the attention of the world community, including the global one, that is , you were at a conference in dubai, i was at this debate, i would say that what we saw in the example of the united states leaves an impression i personally the impression of some kind of surreal picture, on one side they show how biden is falling, well, falling. an old man falls , but the most interesting thing is that in my opinion, this is his blowing his nose, it has such a symbolic character, and some kind of reaction to zelensky is understandable to me, but in general it’s of course surreal, the man came to demand billions, which means you need to get raft in response to this , first blow your nose properly, and then talk, and i repeat, this is symbolism, such secularistic symbolism
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the picture of the world that he paints... today the americans and the ukrainians, and what general bushinsky said about this lie, well, there’s really nothing more to say except to come up with something that everyone knows, that it’s not true, that russian troops haven’t occupied a single populated area in years, nothing more stupid could have been imagined, to some extent this can be felt at all the meetings today. in various disputes, because everywhere today everyone was waiting with great interest for the speech of sergei viktorovich lavrov, unfortunately, in due to a number of circumstances, he was forced to return to moscow and did not speak there and was unable to hold them, but they spoke there, well , none of our people practically spoke there, but there backstage conversations are very important , behind-the-scenes conversations, because you have to meet and talk with people who
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just now... and treat us negatively, one feels a very high assessment of russia’s potential and the role that it plays today, in fact, in maintaining some kind of order, the foundations of a new order, which. new world, but the seeds of this new world are already visible, they already exist, i think this is not a matter of the future, today something is already beginning, it is clear that there is progress in the minds, there is some movement in the minds, there is understanding the fact that through some kind of endless restrictions, sanctions of everything else, this is not the way to go, this is not the way to build relations with russia, which is certainly winning, of course, we started, you started, this is how it will
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influence the situation. this is a different question, well , the question of how many aspects problems, of course, humanitarian problems , demographic ones, everything connected, of course, with the general condemnation of what israel is doing, relying on military force to resolve the situation, it seems to me that the prevailing opinion is that military force is diplomatic means , here...
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to them by israel, 23 countries abstained, even many allies of the united states either abstained, or understand how to interpret this vote, because quite recently there were votes when the united states had a very significant the majority, and russia somewhere also received 10-15 votes in support of its position, although there were more there.
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the majority - in the security council, unless , of course, it continues, there cannot be a world majority in favor of russia, this is what, of course, russian diplomacy works brilliantly, it was very difficult for our representative vasily nebenza to work, by the way, we are together were in the emirates right now, this forum, which is called by name, the place where he started sirbenyas, and even in the absence of nibenzi, his first... deputy dmitry polyansky, i am a novice diplomat, today he is already, so to speak, replacing the classic generation of brilliant diplomats like nebenzya, who are in the most difficult working conditions. i think that this shows that we
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, through political and diplomatic means , with such a head of our foreign ministry as sergei viktorovich lavrov, are capable of achieving decisive changes in the world situation, which is necessary for the establishment of a new world order.
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consistently dealt with these issues, tried to raise the relevant state, who are also interested in this topic, but when our opponents, our enemies, decided that it was better to finish with us with such a blitzkrieg, they arranged all this, the decision, apparently, was made in 2012, don’t remember just when madam in what way come to us, but at the same time, of course, against agents and with...
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radicalizes his methods, we constantly have reports about successful operations of the fsb, other special services, this radicalization, it speaks of the hysteria that our enemy has , and today here they6, and the cia, and other services, and naturally, with the help of their agents , are trying to once again enter us into our internal space, using it for this, by the way, it’s also no secret, this period is... chosen in order to discredit our elections themselves , to try to expand their bridgehead inside russia through their trojan horses, we are watching everything, we have a system to counter all this, it, in my opinion
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, shows itself quite effectively, thank you, after that i i'll ask general buzhinsky, are you worried, general, about the new government of poland? fine. many people in ukraine want russia to fall apart into 150 pieces, i hope you won’t broadcast this conversation on russian television. they earn substantial fees from russian readers, but they themselves fled russia. victory can only be achieved if a split and explosion occurs within russia. he doesn't believe what he says. akunin is translated from japanese as scoundrel. it still sells hundreds of thousands of copies. what it is? each of my books is promoting the values ​​in which i believe. a traitor, that's it, today he is a traitor to basta. i would like to be useful to ukraine, well, absolutely happy bulls. with three tails, he is practically already a vanavan and
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a lexus, today on the first is a bloodhound, new from the series, you can’t even imagine how attractive you are when you are investigating two cases at once, and you have some, some beautiful suit for socialites exits, tomorrow after the program time. fulfill their norms, and they had their own
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mainly economic, trade disagreements with ukraine, the new government, it is considered more centrist, but at the same time it seems to be more inclined to cooperate with the european union and to play a central role there, because the new head of government, even at one time, mr. tusk at one time headed that he proposed a year ago. ukraine gave up its nuclear potential after the budapest memorandum was signed in 1994. today russians and some still say that these were not guarantees, but everyone then understood that ukraine, in return, would be an independent country in borders established since the times of the ussr, i believe that we, as the west, would have the right to give ukraine nuclear warheads, so that.
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this tilt, not even a tilt, a reckless course of cooperation with the united states on any terms, it all began not under morawiecki or under duda, it all began when the americans announced their plans to deploy elements of missile defense, there 10 silo missile launchers, poland and the tusk government were,
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so to speak, the main, well, let's say, to the lobbyists of these plans of the united states, when we told them, well, why do you need elements of strategic missile defense, which is completely unacceptable for us, but okay, well, ask for a division of patriots, we will have it for us, it does not pose a threat to us, no, that’s it we want to say, the more, the better. therefore, i think that, again, taking into account the personalities of the minister of foreign affairs, tusk, well, he will simply be more controlled, so to speak, from brussels and from the united states. dmitry, dmitry, me i beg you, well, well, i understand, this is, you know, the greater poland, chauvinism, the gentry, that they, that they really should rule there from sea to sea, they put forward these funny concepts, but the reality is that they
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well, washington can’t say a word against its, so to speak , allies, they can’t, and what for us for... one analogy to remind you, this is the first world war, the russian empire then had a very serious chance to emerge victorious to ensure how it looks today , i would like
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such a future would be zero, so to speak carefully, our country then came out of this for several decades. therefore, now the task looks like this: we need to defend our national interests on all fronts, only our national interests first of all, but at the same time expand the circle of russia’s friends, which , in fact, it seems to me, we are doing quite successfully. thank you, academician. well, i would still like to remind you that today we must not forget about the middle east and reduce attention to what is there is happening, especially since big changes are also taking place there in favor of what we are talking about...
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in order to strengthen the basis of this emerging sprouts of a new world order and through strengthening relations with new players growing in their positions in the regional arena , including not forgetting about the terrible conflict that continues, because they continue to kill children who have already been destroyed since 8:00, 6,000 women, a huge number of houses have been destroyed, mosques, hospitals, schools, and this...
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