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tv   Novosti  1TV  December 15, 2023 3:00pm-3:14pm MSK

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they won’t forgive him for election fraud when trump was re-elected, they won’t forgive him for how they removed the speaker of the house, that is, they won’t forgive him for anything, well, this corruption scandal, it was like they said that his policies lead to america, america to certain things, let’s say, financial and other difficulties, but finances, as they say , are a different matter, in that america is losing its authority as a world hegemon, a strong world hegemon, who once took over the world and created a unipolar world, but those countries that beat it are were previously outcasts, you know, i started to worry about biden, after all, i think that biden is the ideal president of america, from our point of view, because no one has ruined the country the way he is ruining it, now he has serious, serious problems. problems in america 42
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states vote predictably, that is, it is clear where the republicans will win, where the democrats will win, and there are eight states that are called swing states or determine the outcome of the presidential election, and so, according to the latest poll, in all eight swing states, without exception, trump loses and he loses badly, oh, sorry, he wins there, biden loses badly. and you know, now i just don’t see how biden can overcome this trend, this is very bad news for biden, i think it’s bad news for us, because president biden is just an ideal figure to continue to collapse the united states the states of america, biden, a fading nature, unfortunately, must admit this, and this means that next... year there will be another
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president, he may not be better, but worse, but our cause is just and victory will be ours. let's give the floor to the news and see you again at 17:00. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. and we start with the footage we received. usage, provides 87% of the country's freight turnover and approximately a third of the passenger flow , over...
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billion passengers a year use the russian railways, such impressive figures, the industry leader, the russian railways company is one of the main customers for the domestic mechanical engineering, industry in general, for the construction complex system professional education, provides many sectors of the economy, science, technology business, provides stable, long-term... orders, so over the past 20 years the company has purchased over 9,000 russian locomotives, more than 700 of the newest mainline diesel locomotives have entered the routes. today , over 1,300,000 freight cars run on the railways, more than ever before in our entire history. vladimir putin gave instructions to work on a number of issues that were raised during the year-end program. immediately after it the chapter the state met with
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press secretary dmitry peskov. according to him , vladimir putin was pleased with how everything went; he managed to cover a wide range of topics. one of them is the possible resumption of work at krasnodar airport. the president stressed the day before that the main thing is the safety of passengers. the footage is posted on the internet by residents of the region. the main task is now to check the readiness of all services, after which they will make a decision on opening. airport director. has already stated that the entire infrastructure in perfect condition. let me remind you that krasnodar airport and 10 others in the south of russia stopped accepting and sending planes first for special operations. well, in the state duma, which today held its last plenary meeting before the holidays, they touched upon the situation with prices for basic food products. this topic was also raised during the year-end program with vladimir putin. and the deputies intend to keep everything under control. dmitry kochitkov about this, about what was also discussed.
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the last session for deputies was an increase in labor standards, indexation of pensions, a ban on mobile phones telephones in schools, as stated by speaker vyacheslav volodin, the state duma has improved the quality of lawmaking. brussels wanted to ensure the collapse of ours, in fact, they achieved that it hit them like a boomerang, and the economy of the united states of america sank, germany, france, britain, and the russian economy became number one, in europe, we are among the five largest economies in the world, this is the result of the work, including that of the deputy corps.
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adopted, we have prepared a number of legislative initiatives, the development budget, if it had been adopted, it would have been 10 trillions more. russia, of course, has stabilized and has withstood the sanctions, but now we need to move on to the next stage, to such accelerated development, as the president said yesterday on the direct line, to throw away
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all the nonsense and get busy with business. we proposed, solving the most important task of demographic development, that the country would become again in the foreseeable future. the country of large families proposed to create nursery groups for children from one and a half months to 3 years, of which there are currently very few, so that young mothers can combine a professional career and motherhood, the situation in the consumer market was discussed, vyacheslav volodin instructed the relevant committees to keep the prices of eggs and chicken under control, so if only we have a situation in... the consumer market, prices are rising, nothing personal, dear colleagues, all three of you, everything is fine with eggs, which means people should have them, we will make decisions. deputies asked the government for information on the timing of price stabilization. the day before, summing up the results
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of the year, vladimir putin answered a question from a pensioner who complained about the sharp imitation egg. quite recently i spoke with the minister of agriculture, asked how things were with his eggs, which means they say that everything is fine, to which i pointed out to him, he says, absolutely, honestly, this is direct speech, i i say, our citizens somehow have problems, the increase for chicken eggs is 40%, in some places more for chicken meat, you know what happened, well, here i said, there is a slight increase, but still income, wage level , the situation will undoubtedly be improve. on the last day of the session, the duma immediately , in the second and third readings, adopted the law on the international tournament of the game of the future, among other things, it talks about the peculiarities of the entry and exit of foreign participants in the tournament. the session is closed, there are 2 weeks of work ahead in moscow and the regions, then the new year.
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speaker vyacheslav volodin again reminded deputies that politicians do not have vacations. dmitry kochitkov, sergey zolotavin, dmitry bedorev and zulfiya khakimova. first channel. and footage from the white house, the task set by vladimir putin the day before, are being discussed at a government meeting, this is what mikhail mishustin said. the head of state gave specific instructions that must be carried out by us. these topics were discussed in detail at a meeting with vladimich after the direct line ended, and i will dwell on some of them. first of all, this is the healthcare sector. modernization of primary care must continue. especially in rural areas, where there remains a need for significant infrastructure upgrades. another important area is providing for the citizens of krasnuke. like this the problem should be solved as soon as possible . urgent news, the ministry of defense is coming now. results for the week. russian
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troops in the kherson direction stopped all attempts by sabotage groups of the ukrainian armed forces to land on the islands on the left bank of the dnieper. our fighters carried out 40 group strikes against the ukrainians. facilities at military airfields for storing ammunition and weapons. almost three dozen militant attacks were repelled in the kupa direction alone. a ukrainian mi-8 helicopter was destroyed, almost shot down. 120 drones. chpf in the transcarpathian region ukraine explosions at a village council meeting. small room, meeting in progress. the men, the media are told, is a deputy from zelensky’s party, a servant of the people, standing at the door, suddenly takes a grenade out of his pocket, throws it straight in front of him, then the next one. as soon as he managed to pull the pin, explosions began to thunder from the third one. three explosions one after another, and
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these are the shots immediately after: smoke, screams. as a result, 26 people were injured, six of them in serious condition. at first , information appeared that there was a single victim of depreanimation. development of relations between moscow and in yerevan, interaction within the eac was discussed today by our deputy prime minister alexey overchuk. federation of armenia of azerbaijan and for this
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purpose a working group was created , chaired by the vice-premiers of our governments, this working group met and worked out the unblocking of the railway connection, we are ready to continue this work, the russian federation here plays the role of a mediator to a greater extent, and if the parties. will be ready to continue this work, then of course we are ready to participate here too. snow the apocalypse, capitals and beyond are sweeping in such a way that you can’t get through, you can’t drive through, all this is vanya, a cyclone that has shown its character. all efforts of public utilities have been deployed to clear the roads , but still, for motorists, every trip is a real test, there are many accidents, and pedestrians also have difficulty making their way through the snowdrifts. dmitry tolmachev will confirm. a picture that can be seen in almost everyone today. in a moscow courtyard, if the paths along the houses are more or less cleared, then some sidewalks have turned into this
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paths. the height of the snow cover can be easily determined by cars, as we see, today many did not even think about leaving, in some places it is 30-40 centimeters more, as weather forecasters say, this is already almost three times higher than the norm, the snowfall does not think it will end. those who still risked traveling by personal transport are forced to dig themselves out. i poured a lot, work allows us not to go to the center and so on, so we go to nearby areas by car. the shovel is , without exaggeration, the most popular today inventory. they buried a little bit of the car. as management companies assure, all available equipment has been used to clear courtyard driveways. from morning to evening. the most difficult situation on such days is, of course, in the morning. i just started, while i was attacking, it must have been so hard, all these streets were covered in snow. the following images come from different parts of moscow. push out of the snowdrifts, sometimes you have to use public transport, and this
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is voronezh, like an illustration to the saying, citizens rushing to work tried to squeeze into the bus so that the door was pushed out, it’s good to dismount, footage comes from several areas at once of passers-by trying to help ambulance crews stuck in the streets and courtyards. the hydromedical center has already confirmed that the depth of snow cover in moscow and its environs has broken at least a century-old record. as of december 15, the record value was still recorded at 10.
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