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tv   PODKAST  1TV  December 19, 2023 3:35am-4:21am MSK

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enough, yes, it was a conscious , conscious choice of each other, yeah, we met, and it was a fabulous, of course, a fabulous time, the person is engaged in dancing, she is engaged in dancing, that is, they already have something in common, yes, a hobby, so to speak, why did they immediately agree that they would get married in 7 years, but it was just something he blurted out, no, no, no, it was our decision, that is, we, quite consciously, sat on the shore of the lake and told each other : what do we want alexander, well, if you love, then the very next day you want to run to the tax office, otherwise i gave myself such a delay for 7 years, you think , oh, how much water will flow away in 7 years, as a result, they played a wedding, they didn’t play a wedding, of course not, but why was there any argument, that 7 years, why 7 years , well, because in 7 years, can you imagine how long everything will pass and you might not get married , we seemed to have agreed, maybe he would have a more compelling argument, no, we specifically made this decision so that...
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and this business was just at the stage of formation , that is, we earned money as a team, built tree houses, made family happy, i was immersed in work, in work, in work constantly, orphanages, or what ? no, why can you live there too, the trees there are quite viable, yes, and the sewer system is like in a tree, everything is there, there is a sewer system, and let’s have a video , let’s see, oh, come on, great,
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especially the tree house good in winter, when the snow caps completely cover it, all the game elements, slides, sandboxes, climbing walls , climbing nets, shastas, swings, they are all covered with snow, and if you look at what us there inside. this is a tree house in the french style, i always dreamed of myself exactly the same, if this dude does such cool things, then damn, he is creative, then some tensions probably began with the business, she was already used to it, she felt it.
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i wanted it to be like before, yes , well, not quite, that is, the business was growing, getting more and more on its feet, but still , all the troubles that have happened lately, they also had an effect, and it was still necessary to get up, get up and further to go, and she said that well, time passes, i want to travel to different countries, i want to go to expensive restaurants, there are no joint ones, we have a common profit together. well, yes, they wouldn’t have separated, probably wait 7 years, as he says, but no, this is wrong, i think so, since i came, i saw, i won, with my ex, we separated because they wanted to dance, but she was not a dancer or what , and this is... the first one, yes, well, we lived there
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together for 10 years, during which time our interests began to diverge a little, well, i really love dancing, i really love dancing, i dance more than 25 years, it turns out that then - my wife and i, i wanted to go dancing, there was one very interesting dance group, and i really wanted to join there, she says, well, no, we won’t go there to dance, but i, well, i couldn’t, i was with my woman , with my beloved wife, and how could i go alone and she would be at home, no, i didn’t go there either, well , little disagreements began little by little, we’re interesting women, he drinks badly, in the garage with i'm bad at being a man, i'm bad at dancing, i'm bad at lying on the couch, everything works time is bad, it doesn’t work too bad , a person has been dancing for 25 years, i only recently started dancing, well, as soon as i caught the rhythm of the dance , i began to understand what the joke was about all this, before i couldn’t understand, what do people get there?
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creative man, there is such an instruction , there are a lot of points there, well, firstly, you need to admit that he is a genius, then accept the lack of consistency in his life, accept that he is not a romantic, that all everyday issues fall on your shoulders, and also and you should not be jealous, in general, if this is not dostoevsky, it is better not to meet him. show!
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going crazy over you sing oh my god if you 're the fire on the mama you shit i would say stupid to get in between the woman who knows what she wants well guess i made that mistake i'm young she's made a way to mine heart got to get out this one but i'm like only you like
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thank you very much, go to your room, what kind of dance are you having? thank you, these are mainly dances for children, this is modern choreography, but it’s not me who dances, it’s the choreographers who dance, that’s why look, the man has a wonderful profession, the owner of a company building houses on trees, but everyone wants some kind of creative self-expression, well, how did i look, how did the bride react, eh? the bride was watching you, cool, she danced, you were wonderful, exactly, you felt it yourself, yes, well done, i know the second groom,
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hello! evgeniy, 47 years old, fitness trainer, originally from rostov-on-don, lives in moscow, is proud to have worked as a deputy’s personal chef, loves to take steam baths, goes fishing, admits that he always pays attention to a woman’s toes, family life on one territories. with his grandmother jeopardized the intimate life of evgeniy and his wife. hello. hello. fitness trainer. well, you can see how huge the frame is. fitness trainer. yes. and the cook, she, she doesn’t like lop-eared ones, but she likes
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them to have stubble. well, you can grow stubble. stubble, you know, is everywhere. yes, you're a big deal, by the way. i'm, i'm in a winning situation. at least about it. auntie, what was the need to move to grandma? well, my wife told me, she asked, there were repairs that needed to be done and, well, they actually wanted to, to help, and to help her grandmother, to help her, well, as if everything would be mutual, well, in general , she refused you a couple of times, she says, well , i can’t, well, my grandmother is nearby, well, a living person, what a no-brainer, well, humanly, it’s still right, it lasted for 2 years somewhere, oh no, 2 years it’s just not there anymore, even i couldn’t stand it, and well... everything went to the left, and what should he do? well, it seems to me that he is the favorite, although she basically calmly behaves in the same way as with the previous one, the man, children, didn’t have children, well, in general
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, there was no need, but i see that this is what you have with this only the car is declared, why not the apartment, 47 years old, grandmother is still alive, because? oh, yes , no, and that there are no apartments, everything will be, yeah, just say that, when it will be, it’s true , well, it’s just, well, there, or leave it to your wife. it wasn’t training that was needed to renovate the apartment where we moved to her, so we went, had a rest, and what did you learn , a fitness trainer, i’m a fitness trainer, and an individual one, i studied to become a cook, to become a fitness trainer, all this training has gone there, listen, well, in moscow they should take you hand and foot to some rich family, where into a family of oligarchs. at the same time a cook and a fitness trainer, he is brutal, mature , interesting, but it seems to me that he
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lacks charisma, the questionnaire says that tell us, by the way, this story, you went to moscow and planned to get a job as a stripper, we agreed, no , it’s just that i had a ticket , as they say, there and back for 4 days, i arrived, they wanted to see me, but they told me to come on another day, on another day i didn’t come, because i already had a plane ticket. it didn’t work out, so i went to the fitness center started fitness, you evaluate - legs, toes, he’s like quintin tarantina , his fingers and feet are also very important to him, by the way, honey, please tell me, that’s when a man evaluates by his toes, he just evaluates, but he loves, there’s a name with such a passion, yes, the food fetishist actually shares the feet of those around him for himself. into attractive and unattractive, so when he comes to the beach, it’s better not
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to bother him, everyone there is without shoes at all, look in winter, they are wearing felt boots, for example, it’s like these fingers, i’m looking now, look, ours isn’t wearing felt boots, let ’s not go far, but what is it, of course, she’s wearing sandals, sandals, well, he’ll appreciate it, look at it, the pedicure is cool, of course, but absolutely perfect. great, you can praise him, you have requirements , you warn him, you will cook breakfast every day, oh, how good, and he will be there on weekends, keep this in mind, you are generally satisfied with this position, i really like to cook, by the way, i had the same experience, that i cook breakfast in the family, if this nanny, your nanny, comes sometimes when i’m working, because i have several projects, and you know, if my hands remember to cook, then i ? all the time to yourself, your favorite breakfast in general, what do you like for breakfast, here is your favorite, most favorite, not because
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it’s healthy, not because it’s protein, but because you really like it, cake with tea, really, a good, kind person, go, good man, show us a surprise, now it will be very funny, your little white one, my little black one, they say you love horses, yes, let me teach you how to do one. jump in and we'll be with you for a little while now let's make a circle, let's see, okay, how can you do this, okay, in short, stand like this, jump, let's go, that's it, let's gallop, now, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go , some, yes, yes, in short, gallop , so, well, in short, it’s very strange, it seems to me. with such a surprise it’s a little weak, yes, now to the most difficult thing, you need to jump over these
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hills, yes, faucet, follow me , it will work out, well, we’ll try, i need help there , man, yes, once, oh, and you and i are careful, let's do the next thing, let's go, i'll step over, but i understand, that's it, but this one we're not we’ll jump over, dad , look at it, touch it, thank you, thank you , hands, oops, wow, i managed to see it at the same time, thank you, well, for some reason he didn’t take it far , i wonder how much it weighs, what a joke, elena, what do you say, handsome, cute, yes, no bad habits , not nasty, affectionate, an athlete , will always earn money, will always, never sit on your neck, meet the third groom, i liked elena,
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he took such a gentle hand, the skin is so silky, beautiful . hello, hello madam, maybe i'm the one the owner of this brutal voice that you have been looking for for a long time, also themed parties, yes, of course, great. “by the way, thank you, yes, i’m a little confused, andrey is 35 years old, used to work in construction, now works as a crisis manager, lives in kursk, is proud that by the age of 29 he built a house, bought a car, planted a tree, dreams of acting in a dramatic film in the leading role, when
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andrei gave freedom to a jealous lover, unexpectedly for himself he suddenly became jealous in..." you know, once i realized that you need to try to get closer to a woman, until the age of 33 i never had a close relationship at all, well, close ones, as it is considered, so i ask, did you have a serious relationship with a girl, until the age of 33 i was completely alone, well, that is, i was engaged business, worked there as an achiever, tried to achieve something,
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then when i probably satisfied my wants, i began to realize that what was next was an escape. well, constantly change something new, a new car, new clothes, there you can sell one, buy another, i started look somewhere inside, at that moment i met a man who i, with whom i fell in love, fell in love, because he reminded me a lot of myself, i am a virgo, he is a virgo, she is beautiful, i am handsome, we played a game together, we were like bonya clayt, we were just crazy about each other, i see, even she looks at him differently than she looked at me, at me... i really really thought that this was a game, even love is game, but i didn’t notice how i fell in love, and then sooner or later you make a choice, well, that is, either you continue to play further at higher stakes, but either you kind of give the person freedom, that is, the person didn’t demand for my lifestyle, i’m enough, well, i know myself, i’m
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an attractive man, i’ve always enjoyed success with girls, women, but in general - then , in principle, among those people with whom i... interacted, and i loved freedom, i always imagined that the horse was beautiful, that he gallops across the field, when he is wild, when he stands in the paddock, well, sooner or later, then there is already such a one, not so handsome, in our relationships, that is, i also tried to give the girl freedom, that is, so that she would live the same way as me, well, the only thing, of course, i always believed that men and women, well, in relation to representatives of the opposite sex, are not entirely equal , that is, well... we often had an argument about this, she always told me why, let’s say, if you are women, i can’t have one for myself, because men give, and women take in, yes, you get rid of , and we take it into ourselves, yes, everything is correct, it remains in us, unfortunately, therefore, it will never be said about a man that he will never be judged for this, but a woman
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is dirty, that’s normal, yes, that’s why chastity is wonderful. well, how to respect your vessel, your body, treat it as divine, as something, yes, this is wonderful, but to squander it, hand it out and transform it and trample it - this is terrible, this is suicide, which means freely, this is in any case, it’s like an individual person, you don’t hold anyone, you can’t let anyone go, in principle, the person makes the decision himself, leaves himself or comes there or remains, she began to behave in the same way as you suggested. well, it was probably manipulation, that is, a person, when you start to experience feelings, you have, no, look, not everyone is ready, it’s like in the nineties, but everyone had the same opportunities, some became bandits, killed, but others didn’t, and others worked five jobs, also tell three women,
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you lead a free lifestyle, do what, live like a man, take from life, that’s it, one will go, and two will say, i don’t want to, you i don't need you, i'm not interested in you, what you you're suggesting to me, it's boring and uninteresting , it's dirt and won't play your game, you know, but yours fit in, it was ready, well, it's not quite like that, in fact it was the way we liked to play with each other, that's there was an increase in rates, well, that is, you give a person freedom, you look, and so i kept increasing, the highest rate was that in our relationship, well, when you let a person go. completely, well, let’s say you let him go to another city, it just happened that way, that my free life, her i was very worried, at some point, when i really started to really test it, tell me, here’s a man... i don’t want to play anymore, i feel sorry for you, because it may
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happen that you become the mother of my children, i don’t i want this to be our common past, let’s finish, play, try , i don’t like it more, yes, it was possible, and not kill yourself with it, no, as an option, this is your life, you’ve already lived it, the game wasn’t dirty, that is, i have a game, we are like actors. that is, we are playing, that is, flirting with a person, for example, i like it when a woman can afford to flirt with another man, that is, i feel at the same time, well , even a sense of self-esteem, i’m not afraid, this is my woman, she flirts with her, plays with her, but just doesn’t come beyond some border, to me, if it’s a girl, then she should be mine, only everything is mine, this is not one of the episodes of the game, that you came to the program, let’s get married, that she is now sitting, watching this program and thinking, and mine,
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it’s interesting, well, that means everything is in our favor, something somehow unfolded, very well, i just counted it in the first minute, i bet. what is this squid playing with? it’s actually our program that found him this quest, well , nothing at all, didn’t offend anyone, didn’t offend anyone, didn’t steal anything from anyone, damn it, well, it’s also dishonest to come here when you have a girlfriend, it’s wrong, well, everyone, alexander or evgeny, well , evgeny somehow inspires confidence in me, and i’m also for evgeny.
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what a beautiful couple elena and evgeniy, hello, hello, i’m coming to you, let’s sit here, or should we go there, i don’t know, here, here, i really want strong male hands in my life, thank you, mutually, if you are single, i liked one of the participants today's program? write to the website of the first channel, and i’m larisa guzeeva, i wish that your loved one will definitely tell you, let’s take pity, both are beautiful!
4:00 am
hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. vladimir putin submitted to the central election commission the documents necessary to participate in the presidential elections. they are flying home, russia is completing the evacuation of its citizens from the gas sector, the ministry of emergency situations plane from cairo is heading for moscow. they will put
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a special forces diver and an astronaut on their feet 225 years ago at the country's oldest military medical university , the kirov academy in st. petersburg. a bug in the office of the commander in chief of the armed forces of ukraine. a new scandal in kiev, what does zaluzhny himself think about the find? democracy the european way: hungary may be deprived of its voting rights in the eu in order to be singled out.
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became a mother after a heart and lung transplant , a unique case of medical practice and a story of simple human family happiness from kaliningrad. vladimir putin submitted documents today to participate in the presidential elections, which will take place in march next year. to do this, the head of state personally came to the electoral commission center with all the completed papers, including the minutes of the meeting of the initiative group. which unanimously supported the president’s decision to nominate his candidacy. details in the report by ivan prozurovov. the first candidate who brought nomination documents was met by the head of the central election committee, ella pomfilova. vladimir putin, whatever required by law, personally provided the cic employees with all the materials necessary for registration. the head of state was accompanied by the representative from the group of voters, the rector of the moscow state law university named after kutafin, viktor blazheev. he handed over a flash drive with electronic copies.
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there is a passport, yes, please , please, thank you, thank you, we can start accepting documents, please, in an impressive dark blue folder, a copy of the document on professional education, information about the main sources of income, expenses, information property, as well as a certificate from the main place of work. putin told how he filled out an application for the candidate’s consent to run for the post of president of russia. i needed to write there. i wrote my last name, first name, patronymic, but i didn’t have enough space there, i had to wrap it up like this, probably vladimir putin is going to the elections as a self-nominated candidate, therefore, according to the law, he needs an initiative group of voters of at least 500 people, her the all-russian popular front took up formations, at a meeting on december 16 in the concert hall in the zaryadye hall, many more participants came, more than 750 people, who unanimously supported putin’s self-propulsion
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for the elections in march 2024. those who are in favor of supporting the candidacy of vladimir vladimirovich putin for the post of president of the russian federation, please vote, those in favor, unanimously, cheers, members of the central election commission monitored compliance with all formalities at the event , now strictly check the necessary documents: minutes of the meeting, application for registration of the initiative group of voters, written consent of each participant and data. vladimir putin announced his intention to run 10 days ago after the ceremony of presenting gold star medals to the heroes of russia; the speaker of the dpr parliament, artyom zhoga, the father of the deceased hero of russia vladimir zhoga, made such a request to the president; last week the head of state
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met with the leaders of the duma. faction, where he emphasized that voting in the russian presidential elections in march 2024 should be completely legitimate in accordance with democratic procedures. everything should happen in a competitive manner and in full in accordance with the laws of the russian federation. any interference in the internal affairs of russia will be suppressed and dealt with harshly in accordance with the laws of russia. we will protect our freedom. the people, their sovereignty and the right to choose their future, it is the people , only the people of russia, the only source of power in our country. during the upcoming election campaign, all political parties and factions will determine their position one way or another, and i consider the main thing for everyone to be a deep understanding of the fundamental national interests and their responsibility before the people, before our country and its
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future. well, finally, it is certain that both the election campaign and the voting itself must take place, once again, i want to emphasize this in full accordance with constitutional, democratic procedures, pro...
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russian citizens from the gas sector and withdrawing the task force from egypt. a special board of the ministry of emergency situations left cairo today with the last of our compatriots who declared their desire to leave the dangerous region. the operation began on november 12 together with the ministry of foreign affairs. and this is what he reported about the results the work of the department, its head alexander kurenkov. as a result of almost two months of work, more than a thousand people, including more than 470 children, were transported to russia, where they received comprehensive assistance. support in difficult life situations for the final group of citizens, another 73 people, including 45 children. thus, russian rescuers evacuated 1,124 people from the palestinian-israeli conflict zone. and now we can
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say that all requests for assistance in evacuation received through the foreign ministry have been fulfilled. in in this regard, the president decided to withdraw from the territory. egypt operational group of the ministry of emergency situations of russia. as for the situation itself in the conflict zone. after a series of massive strikes, the israeli army this afternoon announced a four-hour humanitarian pause in the southern gaza strip to allow civilians to replenish their supplies of water and food. the israelis attacked 150 targets on land, sea and air. the palestinian authority reported that 110 people became victims of these bombings in the northern regions alone in a few hours. 100 of them died as a result of shelling refugee camps. these are preliminary.
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in one day, the russian army repelled 26 attacks by the ukrainian armed forces, ukrainian formations lost up to 640 militants, equipment , including western equipment, was systematically destroyed, on the donetsk front our military burned an american bradley infantry fighting vehicle, and a german leopard-2 tank on kupinskoye. russian air defense systems were intercepted.
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helping a wounded comrade, and then covered his evacuation. soldiers under the command of senior lieutenant ivan gridnev liberated the village, attacked the militants, who were much more numerous, and cut off their paths supplies and reserves approach. as a result , the enemy was unable to regroup and suffered heavy losses. the kirov academy in st. petersburg has been preparing unique specialists who save the lives of defenders of the fatherland and create real miracles for the 24th century. a solid anniversary, graduates of the oldest military medical school. of the country serves in all types and branches of the military, they are able to put a special forces soldier, a diver and an astronaut on their feet. valery kuznetsov will tell you more. this soldier was damaged by enemy shell fragments
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in his eyes, abdomen, and thigh, doctors are working different specialties: ophthalmologist, traumatologist and neurosurgeon. the high-precision operating room of the kirov military medical academy allows you to simultaneously carry out a whole range of different interventions. several surgical teams work here, performing both open and minimally invasive operations. in addition, doctors have the opportunity to conduct research right here in the operating room using a computer machine. the work of a military doctor is unpredictable; a soldier can be brought from the battlefield with an unexploded shell in his body, then the danger threatens not only the patient, but the doctors themselves; some operations have to be carried out in body armor. surgeon yegor karev says that only during the operation he realized that in the goal of an unwounded soldier, the end fuse of a 122 mm mine, the nerves at the limit could detonate at any moment, but the doctors and sappers worked about...
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not everyone was evacuated, work during the blockade was not stopped, it was the pharmacists of the academy who found a way to combat scurvy in the city, they made a life-saving pine infusion, they needed young pine needles so that there was more vitamin c. we add a solution of citric acid, as you and i know, there was no blockade with either sugar or saccharin, so the infusion was used right like that, to put the stormtrooper on his feet. laz and even an astronaut is a feasible task for graduates of the kirov academy,
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military doctors of various profiles are trained there, and cadets practice, including in the field . today, probably, like no other university, our cadets are ready to provide immediate assistance, the leadership of the ministry of defense notes and teachers and cadets of the military medical academy, this year alone more than 300... professors, doctors, officers were awarded state awards. in the military clinic at the academy, patients, soldiers from the northern military district zone, also receive state awards for their courage and bravery during the rehabilitation period. right here they undergo retraining, and after receiving diplomas and documents, they get their own housing. order, housing assistance, everything is very prompt, fast, rehabilitation at the highest level. valery kuznetsov, vladimir smirnov, ksenia ugarova and andrey mikhailov. first channel.
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the ukrainian terrorist state is actively involving schoolchildren in committing crimes. this was stated by vice speaker of the state duma anna kuznetsova at a meeting of the commission on the parliamentary investigation of criminal actions in kiev against children. a whole recruitment system has been created. the direction is supervised, in particular, by the special unit of the sbu and the so -called center of information and psychological operations. a variety of schemes are used. these will also be discussed in the final report, which the parliamentary commission is preparing. thank you very much. the report will be filled with real facts of violation of the kiev regime in relation to minors, today i can say that we have revealed facts of violation of twelve international documents, this is the un convention on the rights of the child, these are other international acts that confirm.
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we see how security forces are following the terrible schemes of black transplantologists, which are also ensured by laws adopted in the verkhovna rada. now footage from the fsb. a ukrainian agent who planned to blow up one of the leaders of a defense enterprise was detained in izhevsk. kukazsky from kiev, a russian citizen, was supposed to detonate an improvised explosive device. components for making a bomb and a phone that contained correspondence with ukrainians were confiscated from the detainee.
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a new scandal in kiev, a listening device was found in the office of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, and the same bugs were found in the workplaces of several other employees of the ukrainian general staff. media immediately. hall it's with zaluzhny’s conflict with zelensky, the commander himself made it clear that it was not the military who were behind the wiretapping, but someone from the outside. this means that someone at the general staff itself did this.
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they are manipulating, using it, violating their own democratic laws, blocking a permanent member of the european union, accusing a politician who truly cares for the interests of his citizens, and not strangers, of his desire to weaken russia and allocate another 50 billion euros to ukraine. the european union is reaching the point of absurdity. and there are already voices boycotting
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hungarian prime minister viktor orbán, whose the country is a full member of this organization. about confusion and shatan in europe. dmitry malyshev. in these frames, they spread all over social networks, as chernigov claims, dozens of mostly elderly people surrounded cars with bread, they don’t give two in one hand, there are too many people willing, and this is kristallina georgieva, the head of the international monetary fund, she is sure that there will be much more next worse, if the western financial drip, with the help of which ukraine is still surviving , is not immediately renewed, the country simply will not survive the winter will survive. ukraine has some flexibility and will probably be able to survive january and february thanks to payments from the imf. and the world bank, but then kiev will have to either cut costs or resort to monetary financing from the central bank, but when the printing presses turn on and the central bank directly finances the state budget deficit, the entire system comes to the brink of total collapse: rising inflation, devaluation, budget replenishment due to the privatization of state property, an increase in the key rate and a significant reduction
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spending on the social sphere, then the picture from chernigov may become ubiquitous. and now, against the backdrop of a virtually dried-up flow of american dollars, functionaries from the european union are even trying to find money. what is happening now in brussels, journalists with access to the sidelines call a desperate attempt at brainstorming, which could end in the collapse of the european system, with its mandatory, unanimous adoption of all laws. now they are mainly attacking the hungarian prime minister, viktor orban, who last week wrapped up the project of allocating ukraine receives 50 billion euros, they are hitting on all fronts, of course, they are scaring moscow again. "i appeal to the commission, to the leaders of the council, let's start thinking about the procedure for suspending hungary's voting rights. our lawyers must find legal ways for this. we need to stop the destruction both outside and inside. who does orban work for, putin. and why are you are you doing anything to stop it? can't you see how...


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