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tv   Novosti  1TV  December 19, 2023 12:00pm-12:14pm MSK

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love, victory, this is life, the main tournament of the year, the russian championship, live broadcasts from chelyabinsk, on the first. figure skating. november 4 at vdng. russia, where all 89 of our regions are represented, they talk about their achievements, unique historical and national characteristics, the leaders of these regions and governors regularly come to the stream of the popular front to talk about their achievements, this time our colleagues anatoly kuzichev and ekaterina shugaeva talked with the governor of kamchatka region by vladimir solodov, i suggest you take a look, we initially thought about how to build our pavilion, and decided to do it.
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make sure that a person passing by sees only this giant screen with waves that imitates the ocean, and then the entrance to the teleport, in fact, getting into the teleport, then you can immerse yourself in a matter of minutes in the beauty of the kamchatka region, find yourself in the crater of an erupting volcano, as we now see the seasons, we make both a summer version and a winter version, and of course, at the end of the day, decide what you want for yourself, come to kamchatka as a tourist? come to study, because we are opening flagship programs in volcanology, biodiversity, and maybe come to work and realize yourself, because today kamchatka is the fastest springboard for career growth and a place where you can implement the most ambitious projects, these are actually the leaders in terms of attendance at the exhibition, and i want to say that we have already been visited by more than the number of tourists per year to kamchatka and than all the residents of the kamchatka territory during this time. we are watched all over russia and
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many of our viewers would probably like to know how their region is represented at the exhibition forum of russia, for this there is a telegram channel stream popular front, stories are posted there that tell in detail about the exhibition about our regions, watch, subscribe, continue news. hello, the news is on air, ekaterina berezovskaya is in the studio. and at the beginning, fresh data on the progress of the special operation. as the ministry of defense said today, during the day our units repelled at least 18 attacks in there, attempts at active action by assault groups were stopped, up to 300 militants were destroyed, equipment, including western equipment, was also disabled, and the american artillery system was eliminated. in addition, together with aviation and missile forces , an ammunition depot was hit and...
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the last request of the soldier roman rudakov, who heroically died under a marina, was fulfilled, defense minister sergei shaigu instructed. in the village, together with his colleagues, rudakov took on an unequal battle, fought to the last, but managed to leave an inscription on the wall of the house. who will find me take care of my mother, sister, brothers. the serviceman himself is from bataysk - this is the rostov region. roman claims. he is not afraid for himself, he goes to defend his homeland, he was worried about his loved ones, and his last request was specifically about them, it will definitely be fulfilled, as local authorities reported today, which has no statute of limitations; in dagestan, after 24 years, another militant from basayev’s group was detained and khattab, who participated in an armed attack on citizens of the republic in 1999. then let me remind you 99 people were killed, more than 200 were injured, among them military personnel, law enforcement officers and local residents. employees of the federal
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security service carried out the operation jointly with the ministry of internal affairs and the investigative committee. ibragim magomedov, imprisoned under threat. magomedov will be charged with armed rebellion, participation in a gang and encroachment on the lives of law enforcement officers. currently, the investigation is establishing the role and specific actions he committed during the attack. the involvement of the person involved in the committing no other crimes. related to the criminal case under investigation. investigators , together with employees of the fsb of russia, are investigating the crime. vladimir putin expressed condolences to the chairman of the people's republic of china, xidinping, after the earthquake. the telegram from the russian leader noted that our country shares the grief of those who lost their loved ones as a result of the disaster and hopes for a speedy recovery of all victims. the day before , several earthquakes of magnitude were recorded in two provinces of china. v
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mikhail mishustin, who was on a working visit to beijing, also expressed connections with the earthquake in china. the premiere is accompanied by a big one. government delegation, consultations are planned for today, in which a significant part of the deputy chairmen and ministers of the two countries traditionally participate. the head of our cabinet of ministers is meeting with the premier of the state council of the people's republic of china, litian, for the third time this year. report from china by anatoly lazarev. the red honorary guard is called the twenty-eighth regular meeting of the leadership of russia and china, based on this wording, it can be assumed that prime ministers should communicate one-on-one, but from each country. thank you for the warm welcome and of course all our chinese comrades, i would like to convey to you first of all the words of greetings from the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin, and before we move on to our agenda, i would like to express
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to you, dear mr. litsan, my deep condolences regarding with the loss of life as a result of the devastating earthquake in the provinces of gansu and... i ask you to convey words of sympathy and support to your loved ones, victims, wishes for a speedy recovery to all the wounded and injured, by decision of russian president vladimirich putin, we are ready to assist in eliminating the consequences of the earthquake through our ministry of emergency situations. on the agenda is how the agreements of the heads of state that vladimir putin and sidin pin reached in march in moscow are being implemented. the negotiations take place in the house of the people , this is the parliament, the building is called. the world's largest meeting building, the main thing is to bring our trade and economic cooperation, investment cooperation to an even higher level, to ensure a new quality , we are strengthening business contacts, in may
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our joint russian-chinese business forum took place in shanghai, in which more than one and a half thousand entrepreneurs took part, the work of the russian-chinese expo, which was held in... .as part of the international exhibition inoprom in july in yekaterinburg, we also create comfortable conditions for the work of commercial companies in the markets of russia and china. china is the main trading counterparty in the prc. according to the results in the twenty-second year, bilateral trade grew by 30% to a record $185 billion. but then in march, the president of russia and the chairman of the people's republic of china decided that it was necessary to further intensify bilateral economic cooperation, and the result is already there. for 9 months of the twenty-third year. the volume of trade grew by another 27% compared to the same period of the twenty-second, and this volume is no longer measured in dollars but in rubles of 16 trillion or yuan (trillion 200 billion), because over 90% of unrestricted payments between our countries, now in national
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currencies. mikhail mishutin's visit will last 2 days, tomorrow a meeting is planned with the chairman of the people's republic of china, anatoly lazarev, valery sebastyanov, yuri yarchenko. channel beijing now has breaking news: the president has signed a law abolishing bank fees from mandatory support. this question was raised during the year-end program with vladimir putin. the law comes into force on july 1 of the following year. that night, a special board of the ministry of emergency situations delivered the final group of russians to moscow, who evacuated from the gas sector. 73 people, 45 of them children. during the flight they were accompanied by doctors and psychologists. many. upon arrival, we went to visit relatives; some were provided with temporary accommodation. within a month, the small ministry of emergency situations for evacuation from the enclave was completed. all requests received by the ministry of foreign affairs have been fulfilled, the ministry of emergency situations announced this. the united states has launched a multinational military operation in the red sea.
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the pentagon chief stated this. according to lloyd austin, the main goal of the maneuvers is to ensure the safety of navigation against the background of an attack. houthis from yemen. after the escalation of the conflict in the gas sector. they began to strike israel and seize merchant ships. canada, france, italy, as experts note, the states want to support the jewish state in this way. military observers also do not rule out attacks on the territory of yemen. in serbia, the results of parliamentary and local government elections are being finalized. the latter became the reason for the riots. the main events take place in belgrade. the pro-western opposition that lost the battle.
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american president hunter biden will appear in court in california on january 11. he is accused of tax evasion amounting to almost one and a half million dollars. it will be decided at the meeting. if biden jr. is taken into custody or released on bail, as the media found out, hunter faces 17 years in prison. investigators believe that he is involved in fraudulent schemes, the money of which did not reach the treasury, his current son. for her , a contemporary was a home, the actors were a family, and the audience was the most long-awaited guests, she i enchanted, surprised with new productions and simply loved her very much. the great galina volchek would have turned 90 years old today, a legendary
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artist, director, she had a real flair for talent, and today the stars of the theater, to whom she gave all her strength, began, you need a leader, lord, but i was afraid to even think about it, endure it , what else is this, how will your heart hurt? the heart of a contemporary, his soul, his voice, strong, deep, with a frailty, this voice always sounded convincing when a student, united by the same young and daring behind them, remained without an artistic director, this place was unanimously given to her as a young woman with a brilliant sense of talent, and even when the era of the names of her voices, a white-stone mansion on clean ponds, changed, new generations came to see and live to feel like a part of this planet, the planet of galina volchek, as best they could see? only, you know, from some detail, from some turn, i don’t know, from her
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eyes, which at that time filled with tears, my debut performance, a triumph, i would like the contemporary to remain a theater in which, uh, you you can get some unconditional truth about a past life, about today's life, well... from happiness about the future. the unconditional truth about love, more important than which there is nothing, and for a generation that did not have time to heal the wounds of the past war, about a person on the verge of catastrophic changes. vulchek’s productions at the same time preserved history and sounded like a prophecy, the artists whom she taught, she, it is immediately clear, are some kind of special class, depth and absolute hit. she gave us the years of brilliance of valentin gavt and igor kvasha, she guessed right future idols, sergei garmosha and elena yakovleva. she was. simply insanely efficient, everyone was charged, this
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most divine piece of my life spent in the theater, and of course, all thanks to her, despite the fact that we had ups and downs, i came and went endlessly, but she always understood me , when i asked to play for the last time, we play schiller to see the mercilessly truthful , tough marcher and last husband of marilyn monroe , arthur miller, after watching it, said that this was the best thing he had ever seen in the theater. however, galina borisovna paid a high price for this success, giving up personal happiness in favor of the theater. fool, he's jealous. from my own career. tell me, buzykin, maybe i’m mediocre. there is a very good one, domestic. thank you, the domestic one will not work. girls. young, this is for me a guarantee that...
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