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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  December 19, 2023 6:30pm-7:27pm MSK

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in the 2008 elections, when he received more than 9% of the vote. vladimir putin did not participate in the race then, dmitry medvedev became president. by the way, he still remembers his once permanent leader in the ldpr. one of the slogans of the congress is zhirinovsky forever. the name of the founder of the ldpr, vladimir zhirinovsky, will be heard more than once at the congress, but the delegates emphasized that the current leader also managed to consolidate the ldpr and attract new supporters to its ranks at a difficult and crucial moment for the party. eduard slutsky it won't do it.
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dreams come true, a striking example of this was the three millionth visitor to the russia exhibition at vdnkh. a resident of the altai territory and his wife came to the capital specifically to see the grandiose exhibition, and today they became the anniversary guest. as a gift to the family , an excursion and a certificate for 75. today , three entities presented their stands there: the rostov region, the komi republic and the nenets autonomous region. and that’s all for now,
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thank you for being with us, right now the program “time will tell.” about current topics the president of the russian federation, also known as supreme commander-in-chief vladimir vladimirovich putin, spoke at the expanded board of the ministry of defense.
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they want to negotiate, let them agree , but only on the basis of, we will do this based on our interests, but of course, russia will not be able to do this without a strong economy, without the smooth functioning of industry in general and the defense-industrial complex in particular, and most importantly without on the people of russia, on the multinational people, on the russian people, on the peoples, on other peoples of the russian federation. you now have everything, now in a global context, in the context of a special military operation, exhaustive, now immediately after a short advertisement we will begin to discuss the details, do not switch. european.
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and in general, are they waiting for her there for the van and lexus show, the premiere, today on the first, new episodes, watch after the program time, cognac, old barrel, product of the stellar group.
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a unified control center for the underground movement was created in nikolaev and headed by viktor lyagin. he has two titles of hero of the soviet union, here having destroyed 27 aircraft, none. the ship was not built , nothing could be repaired, because such careful, secret work was going on, when he arrived at the hospital, they were already waiting for him there, he was arrested, he came to say goodbye to his family, he got into the car, his mother ran up to him, there's daddy, daddy, he never came back here again, from that moment the last one began, like the year of the dragon, what's in it, why should there be mangoes on the new year's table? and what wishes will come true, how to gain sight in 5 minutes, we know the program live healthy, will help everyone before the new year, tomorrow on the first, beauty,
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struggle, passion. harmony, creativity, work, emotions, flight, dream, love, victory, the main tournament of the year, russian championship live broadcasts from chelyabinsk on the first.
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a fairly realistic, i would say , the most realistic idea of ​​achievements and problems, and based on this , his words about what is now in general, a very inspiring tone, giving grounds for optimism, so realistically positive, which cannot be said about our enemy , here it arises question, the tone of our opponent? today, for some reason, an attack of frankness that happened to them and an awareness of reality, which is, well , realistic, or what’s wrong with them, if, for example, brigadier general tornavsky, for example, says such a rather plaintive
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text, please, we have problems with ammunition, especially post-soviet shells of 122 and 152 mm caliber. this problem exists along the entire front line. the volumes that we currently have are not enough, given our needs, so we redistribute. we plan skin tasks in a new way and are rested. i wanted to ask when i read this, not as fresh and rested as when, or not as fresh and rested as someone else. but that’s not the point, you need to keep in mind that he says this in a publication of a western media and here the question arises: how to perceive such plaintive revelations of a general of a warring army, the prospects for military operations, so to speak, pavel korchagin answered: i won’t say, it’s not possible, that means there’s a war going on and nothing can be done at all, because
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then this is a show, not a war, here i’m listening to tornavsky and i’m wondering, just a second, that means you can’t talk about military operations when there’s a war going on, because then this is a show, then i’m with... we sent the remaining funds to help ukraine to replenish its own reserves. we are negotiating in good faith with
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members of congress about border security and, of course, about funding for ukraine and israel. president biden is willing to make compromises on both the political front. when i listen to him, this is enough well-known, that is, well, just imagine, combine these two pictures, you will have kirby’s text on this cat absolutely, exactly the same as if you combine it with this picture. everyone says: if it were the last, it is clear that of course it will not be the last, and i don’t really know
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how complicated the situation really is, in this situation i am interested in the question, speaking about the framework of the war, in this sense , two most important questions that need to be separated from each other: first, in your opinion, what the situation really is, and secondly, why this is a show and what is the time frame of this show now? show of these sad cats, but first we talked about a certain hierarchy, who obeys whom, that the generals of the armed forces of ukraine do not obey, the losers go to america, they showed this gentleman of the us defense very well, they failed the audit six times, that is, in fact, except for this gentleman no one knows the real situation with money not from the us department of defense, what they spend it on, how they camouflage it there, and what special programs there are, somewhere there is a circle that reports, i think biden doesn't even get into it. this is very complex mathematics, the main thing is to read it without errors , what they will give, look what they say, he
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says: the last billion from which of which from warehouses the united states sent to ukraine, they just digitized them not in pieces, in money, well so more beautiful, so 200 million , and there is a list of how many shells there are, it is not clear, that is, he took them out of warehouses, but there were packages last year this year that were clearly for purchase, and we understood that 80% remained in the usa, then there are factories that supposedly received supplies for ukraine, but... there are shells from this, that, the third, which means argentina has two helicopters, now he is trying
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to give them, today very strong figures were announced to colleagues, our minister of defense said, more than 500 tanks and combat vehicles were transferred to ukraine, you just need to think about the figure, this is how many ships, trains were transported somewhere, how much aviation equipment was transferred to them, for the period of the twenty-fourth year and they can transfer at least 10% of this, the answer is no, they simply don’t exist physically. no, they won’t have time to produce them, and most importantly there is no money for it, they are engaged in so-called technical cannibalism, workers assemble a large number of engines, out of 3.00 units they have less than a thousand left for themselves, and if something serious starts, they don’t even have their own equipment, why are the same poles buying a thousand tanks, against us , this is important if something serious happens to the americans, that they will need tanks, and i’m just wondering if the canadians will run out of maple syrup or or? weighs, the chinese there are quite actively
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moving towards taiwan, north korea is not embarrassed at all and conducts nuclear tests of strategic missiles, so there are a lot of points around the world where something unusual can happen, and europe , after all, the americans are strengthening their group there, the fact that now the americans have more than 100 thousand of their own alone soldiers were stationed in europe, but this has not happened for the last 40 years, probably the most like this... in general, american politics in particular is an opportunity to inflate any bubbles, to bury something under the words, they could say, we are now holding a conference there .
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and the fact that zelensky is now receiving a promise from the europeans that they will be given packages, i don’t think that this happened without the americans, perhaps surprisingly, the most vigorous supporters of the ugro-reich among the current european politicians, in particular the polish one, the czech president, who is also a former nato general, they, too, in general, at this external, public level, are not at all cheerful.
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and worthy klitschko, that is, he seems to meander on the one hand, on the other hand, the title says a shift incomprehensibly to good or side, which means that they are no longer defeating putin, but he sees himself among the powerful of the whole world, so where do you see him, and so on, it’s about what, where are they feeding, where did they start feeding and what suddenly we started, as our liberals always said in economics, there is growth, but it is negative, you know, well, yes, by the way, in this case it’s the same. there is a shift, but it is a negative summation of the first stage and in this stage the west definitely lost, and it also understands this, well, understands perfectly, it lost everywhere, in in the economy, in politics, in the military sphere, in any sphere, he lost, they understand this, the question is different, what to do, in order to
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proceed to the second stage, they are going to do it unequivocally. it didn’t work out, uh-huh, now what to do, the question they have is - peter paul just doesn’t have a plan, why does he go on like this, but the americans have one, and it’s understandable, because today they have quite a lot of problems, they they are doing as we said, that they are no longer interested in the ukraine project, that is, they fled from kiev all. they were ready to give up right away in principle, but in order to do what, we look at finland in nato, and sweden in nato, how many 1000 americans are there already, how much is already there in lithuania, how much, they are preparing the second stage, the bundesfer will militarize , why, that is
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, they say, we need at least 2 years, but they won’t stop, because they don’t give a damn about... all of europe, including, for them it’s, well, not ukraine, there’s something better there , of course, but something else, and these are anglo-sans, the british are not going to participate there either, it is necessary, we need to understand, the germans are being trained for everything, the planes have already adapted them for nuclear weapons, tell me why, it’s not a nuclear power, germany, but the planes, what ’s going on, they will do everything possible, poland, romania. this is the baltic states, but they understand perfectly well that they are not able to do anything, here is germany, they hope for it, they hope for it, but they need 2 years, if they have it for 2 years.
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30 seconds to decide, retaliatory strike, and the question is who is the retaliatory strike, you see, here they are, here is the second stage, which will be also in the economy, in politics and in the military sphere, that’s right, the president says we need air defense, and so that it’s there at least on the border, at least we have 5 minutes, you know, and not 30 seconds, yeah, for which you can at least understand that some bastard did it, or maybe so to speak, the investor doesn’t need to understand, but you understand, here is the second stage of the strategic struggle, and the most dangerous thing is what, in the end there maybe
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someone like that will appear who will say: listen, guys, i i lived most of my life in the soviet union with them, what are you doing? there is a danger, i understand, there is a danger, we are now moving towards awareness of these dangers, and that is, we have recorded that this is the first stage. ukrainian startup has not justified itself, we are moving together, but at first we are slowing down just at the transition from this first stage to this second stage, which was just mentioned, just at the level of these constant signals of such winks with certain negotiations, which we have also analyzed several times on air, such an interesting story emerges that they clearly move within the framework.
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according to some reports, a small informal group of former western national security diplomats recently met with russian officials, including foreign minister sergei lavrov. such meetings should expand and attract influential people. aunt or uncle to intervene when cousins ​​are arguing. this moment has come for third parties to help us find a new peace for europe. and you understand what’s the matter , if at the beginning of the program we said, there’s a show, not a show, these, yes, the professor, yes, he’s thinking, so he even brings up at the beginning of the article what’s in president biden’s book, and the last politician, there is a quote where he explains that diplomacy is a kind of family aunts and great-aunts, but here it arises.
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against the backdrop of potential conversations about possible negotiations, what do you think this is about, because well, i still think that this is some kind of signal, some of the groups there to someone, especially since it sounds not only from him, this is the negotiation track, what is it all about now within the framework of the fact that one stage is over, and we’ll talk about the second later, this is the story, don’t stop, otherwise i will cling to you with a paranoid grip, i will begin to question you not too much or you. incendiary moods, and we don’t approve of this, i’m saying that i don’t know how it will develop further, the fact is that purely strategically, ukraine lost, there are no reserves, it’s all over, then,
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accordingly, they are trying to move on, well in fact, there are alternative options , yeah, but biden’s situation is even worse, that is, it is even worse than zelensky’s, that is, at least this biden administration is adults, concrete people, they have started a presidential campaign, for them any continuation war... in ukraine in a more or less burning state, this is a complete disaster, they are losing the presidential campaign, it will be impossible to sell any victory to voters, that is, this is not just not a victory, this is why their competitors from the republicans, will it be trump or someone else will beat the whole fortune and destroy the entire business, but the whole business is the need to win the next presidential elections, for them it is fundamentally important to reach some kind of peace deal. moreover , there is practically no time left to reach it, right now, this is january, february, so the density of publications there is in respectable publications that offer both these intermediaries and
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and i would like to add two more words, and it seems to me that absolutely everyone understands this situation, it is obvious to everyone, that is, the blind there are no fools at all, in kiev they understand this, and sad zaluzhny, in kiev there are fools, but there are a lot of cunning ones there, there are, but there is the same zaluzhny or the same syrsky, whoever is there, they seem to have learned about the same textbooks, that our generals, that is , if syrsky was just studying on the same topic there on a calculator, how many reserves do we have, that we don’t, that’s it, that means the end of the expense?
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and which, in general, you actually continued with these words about germany. let's start by listening to the german minister of defense, the same pistorius, which you mentioned. go. russia's threats against the baltic countries, georgia and moldova should be taken very seriously. this isn't just sword-slashing. we may face threats at the end of this ten, it is best to position ourselves on the eastern flank based on nato defense plans. that is , people are voicing that there is a certain plan, that they will need defense there. that they need 5-8 years again the question arises: if you need 5-8 years, why are you talking about it? it’s like you ’re inviting someone to visit you so they can come to you in a couple of years, have you stopped by? again, this is the question of whether this is some kind of trick, or stupidity, or in general it is not clear, i have never stationed so many military personnel on a permanent basis before, this will be an innovation, there will be a really large contingent here, the minister of defense said germany boris
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pistorius. and this, well, in general, is more like puffing out one’s cheeks , but the point is not only in the baltics, the point is not only in this one brigade, but the point is how they imagine the further development of events, what they are preparing for or us prepared, they are reconsidering the risks that an emboldened russia could pose to the eastern members of the alliance, unable to defend itself, ukraine may be forced to accept a ceasefire on russia's terms, in the baltic states,
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officials are already telling the population... what needs to be ready for the next war because putin's troops will not be destroyed in ukraine. the discussion has moved on from the question, could russia attack with concrete preparations for this once unthinkable prospect? despite biden's assurances are growing in...
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we could not do this, they understood that we could not do this, but they did it on purpose, they deliberately dragged us and europe into this conflict, achieved their goal in this sense, pulled russia and europe apart. and when i listened
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to this live, i really liked this phrase: yes, we are not at this second stage, after all, these are these conversations of bloomberg, that they will post, move, we will go somewhere there. this is another kind of information scam to get money, what about the president says, or is it, in a military sense, that such a prospect for the second stage exists, does exist, i’ll start now with a small comment, when i saw this german article and says: ideal conditions for kindergartens will be ideally created, i will immediately remember these terrible footage from in germany, when there are a huge number of migrants, let’s build there will be no migrants there, it will be good, but in fact, jokes aside, they really have problems in this regard, among their achievements are commanders, transgender people. there it means and so on, what they are now very actively introducing their armed forces. as for these current events. this was started in vilnius in the summer of this year, when nato agreed and signed regional
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action programs, there are plans for five to ten years, this says: they have a european command that is responsible for the european zone, they want to make it completely controllable for themselves, they see there are still gaps in countries that have not joined nato; we need to carry out a revolution and join nato. our president before that our leadership said: gentlemen, we will not fight with nato with conventional weapons, this war will most likely be using tactical and strategic nuclear weapons, you need to understand that your infantry and tanks will not play any role and deployment, is it really right for them
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to fight with us, well, i while i don’t see any prospects that they are ready to cross the border and enter into direct armed confrontation with us, the americans are reshaping the european continent to suit themselves, killing european defenses. do you understand what's going on? i know this and am periodically convinced of this when i travel there for the tape, what is there , well, there, where televisions can hang, there are televisions hanging , sometimes there is a free minute, people are watching, but i can imagine the same prospects that the europeans in the form of nato are ready to enter as a contingent directly to fight us,
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because they they understand that we will strike , they will reach the target on their territory, and of course they understand this, how they understood this over the past 2 years, that’s what they had reasons to understand, firstly, they see our determination. times, they understand that our words and deeds do not diverge, this is very an important point, maybe now i ’ll play devil’s advocate a little, well, i’ll even go somewhere specially here to the front, and the railway infrastructure. a simple example, the last chinese warning , this expression appeared when the chinese said, we will attack taiwan, we will not allow it, hundreds of thousands of times, they did it, everyone understands, but this will not happen, december of the twenty-first year we marked the red line, they said it’s unacceptable for us, we won’t agree, we’ll decide on other technologies and technologies of the military-industrial complex, which they are now studying very much...
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that they told her this for their own people, too , and then there is also the option with finland, which signed another agreement with the americans about 15 bases, which the americans will now have access to on their territory, we, of course, have already called finnish ambassador, said that we stated that we would respond to this turn of events, even in the twenty-first year, let alone in the nineteenth, we couldn’t imagine that we would fight with ukraine,
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alexey alexandrevich, well, alexey alexandrovich, well, you, you seem to be more often
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if you are at the front, you understand perfectly well that before reaching lvov, you still need to return the five-hat, and you understand, that question was just now being asked to the pit, if they stop supplying them, which is quite possible, because the question is there, they have it the question is, either you have to strengthen your own house, or you owe it to your neighbor, who is not your friend at all. and let's continue. season premiere. colonel
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alexandra ivanovna kushnir. and they have already trampled. they also say that i have a specific sense of humor. we will give it all away tomorrow. no, i won't give away the cake. i really want to know what he did with 100 million. bloodhound. new episodes. look. after the program, i heard a lot of rumors that ukraine could join, i think that their quick accession is unlikely, this is not about the democrat, this is about the economy, 100,000 ukrainians now live in orlandi, i myself will settle a refugee from ukraine in my house , washington autocom is obliged, firstly, to pay directly to kiev, and secondly , to pay for vacations within their countries. now many families say they are ready to host
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refugees, another month, two, but not indefinitely , your college johnson has arrived, which means he said no, until the last ukrainian, we’ll give weapons, we’ll give money, ukraine is europe, and are they even waiting for the vavan and lexus show there, the premiere, today on first. a unified control center for the underground movement was created in nikolaev and headed by victor. lyagin, he had to gain confidence in the germans and the planes with them, not a single ship was built, nothing could be repaired, because it was so neat.
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what's in it? why on the new year's table should there be a mango and what wishes will come true? how to gain sight in 5 minutes? we know! the program to live healthy will help everyone before the new year. tomorrow on the first. nonsense, life has changed dramatically. our exclusive today is the entire family of the olympic champion. well, of course, there were fights. well, more often than not we were friends. denis supported me in the hospital and gave me a cradle. puts it in perspective, yes, you are a hero, you have conquered death, this is my man, throughout my life we ​​have passed such the most difficult test, this is true love, my love, just don’t cry, i don’t i’m crying, with dmitry borisov, the premiere is on saturday on the first, what, where, when, the final
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of the year, ksenya on the first, just like that, you sleep with a goddess, and a simple soviet alarm clock returns you to simple soviet reality, you are very beautiful, here, promise that you will never lie to me, i ask you, listen to me, wait, touch me, that’s enough, let me go, did you spend the night here, what happened?
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well, they’re really interested in what the letter means, it’s still too early for you, we’ll draw some other letters for you if it’s bad behave, your power, so these remember, to which they pay attention, now we will shift our attention from the european zone to the middle east zone, where they are planning another movement, a movement in the yemen region in relation to the houthis, lloyd austin said last night about what they are doing, they are going to carry out some kind of joint... operation there, let's listen to him. the recent escalation of reckless houthi attacks threatens free movement including the uk, bahrain, canada, france, italy, the netherlands, norway, seychelles and spain. to jointly resolve security problems in the southern part of the red sea and the gulf of adon
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in order to ensure freedom of navigation for all countries and strengthen regional security. i realized that a rather serious mess was brewing. i read about the participation of the selchelles islands in the coalition, because you understand, as long as the army of the selchelles islands does not appear anywhere, you won’t be scared, but the melancholy just came, literally 20 minutes ago, the yemeni houthis threatened to attack the ships of those countries that will be tied to the us coalition to protect ships in the red sea, well, that is, here it is necessary to explain that, of course, this is a possible escalation, and judging by austin’s words, something will happen, this is part of the middle east crisis, since the houthis, let’s say. .. i don’t really like what israel is doing, they don’t give passes, but many international translators are already starting to bypass this area, because they understand that both of them have a bite , the americans, having announced this, cannot crawl away, the houthis are pretty good guys too stubborn and in general the route that it is proposed that if there is an aggravation there, it
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looks very impressive, this is what the little blue one is just through the bapelmandepsky, and then through the busy canal, well, this is all around. we have good hope, hello, nord stream , i just like everything, that’s what they didn’t show right away about this, we were waiting for eyeliners , well done guys, i’m getting a little red one, by the way, they write more, well, let’s do it, let’s gardian, everything, from the cost of gasoline at the gas station to have the latest electronic devices depends largely on the safety of the narrow water a strait only 20 miles wide between djibouti and yemen, the bapel of the mandep strait, the houthis are shelling here on this waterway, the bapel of the mandeb... you are so frivolous about everything that happens in the area of ​​the bapalmandep strait, you are very mistaken, this is the british press, here's the chinese global times, please, new routes around us... good hopes entail additional transport costs, increase risks, increase transit time. according to experts, this will exacerbate
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the problems facing the industry in amid sluggish economic and trade recovery and high inflation around the world. chinese experts are less of a problem, now they will show us this picture, we have it, we have it, we have it, it didn’t work out, we only have bapalman, you see, this is the only one that has become, here, as it were, it is possible in another place, well...
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the game, everything is clear, whose interests are on the side of the scales on the side of the united states of america, even taking into account their fair share of the oral situation
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is ready, then why are they doing this, it’s not enough for them problems with ukroreich, with israel in gas , with potential taiwan, i think that at this stage the americans will try, well, i am sure that they will definitely not participate in this operation with large forces, but will try to send the british and germans here, they have there are in this region. iran, of course, well, let’s put it this way, all the depths in this region, so this is a conflict , well, to some extent, at least with
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the hegemon, which in fact is still the world hegemon, and which in this case acts in interests of his special an ally in the person of izra is forced to act, the americans really don’t like it, they torture, yes, they are trying, in general, to at least put out this middle eastern fire, because no matter how their reserves are also torn apart, they are not... not enough what, but for the states, in general, another difficult situation is brewing, but it will not be as likely there, well , as perhaps catastrophic and dramatic as in ukraine, but nevertheless, in general, this will not be considered an asset for them, given the importance of the middle east there for the western economy, this will generally come out in the next year, i think at least, we are waiting, alexey alexandrovich, to teach us this to the people before.
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these are your own, like your own shirt, it is closer to the body, and either give them to ukraine, the question is, what to do? i see, i see, andrei
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frantich, this red one scares me all the time. some leopard or some other thing, they flew, now, let's andrey franzi, so that minus, look, this is relatively speaking, the third move of these actions that are taking place, move number one, which was - this a joint operation between the americans and israel regarding the gas sector, what happened next, the arab muslim world tried to stop it, they united, gathered,
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talked, blinkin flew around. no, they were talking about uniting and gathering, blinken flew around each of the countries and warned that you will fit in, so it is possible that yemen, in the form of these proxy forces, is now acting as this catalyst, stopping one of the most powerful shipping canals, the vanity canal on europe, it hurts europeans a lot, the american yemeni houthis are introducing economic sanctions against the united states of america, they are doing this in order to... encourage israel to stop the genocide in the gas sector that is happening there and they say at the same time the houthis are fighting, we will impose sanctions, please note, from these countries except for bahrain, which the americans apparently put pressure on, and no one else is participating in this coalition, everyone said, as if to the side, we don’t want to, but in fact, perhaps they are starting to finance this operation against, well, conditionally muslims, against the western world, which is sliding into
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satanism, into fragments, they begin to put pressure on this, what happens next from... the point of view, and the houthis are not just like that, if the card is the most important, iran now, and obviously a number of other countries they are starting to test new types of weapons, for a second, a ballistic missile struck a ship in motion at sea for the first time in history, this suggests that americans can now be drowned, and the houthis said that guys, the red sea will become one big grave for you, despite the fact that the houthis are not country, that is, it’s not clear who can do what , this is a group, this is the military wing of this group, that’s... what you ’re saying is that if a drone strike hits a british ship, for the first time they now begin to mine, sink everything else, they use it on civilians courts, they are generally not shy about anything in terms of the impact on western countries, the economy, because business is starting to seriously suffer, the americans now have a big problem, if they don’t stop this process, everyone will say, guys, why do we need you needed then, now i will also have a big problem if i don’t stop this process and
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announce an advertisement on the first program, but we are always on time. we in russia know how to make chromatographs, i believe that chromatographs should be in every home, based on them , a chromatospectrometer, in the morning, looking at the indicators of a chromatospectrometer, you make a decision whether to eat these products or not, i really love my country, i really love russia, the evening when i was watching the news, vladimir vladimirovich putin gave his address and spoke about the importance of history, and i i decided to be a historian , to study the history of my country, the premiere of the season, well , what can i say, gentlemen, we have a murder, look, there’s something stuck here, what could it be, good afternoon, i’ve come to confess, that’s how it would be, which of you is the best
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swimmer, help! bloodhound, new episodes , watch the time after the program, it seems to me that we need to return to the starting point, a single control center for the underground movement was created in nikolaev and it was headed by victor, 27 planes, not a single ship.
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