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tv   Vremya  1TV  December 19, 2023 9:00pm-9:43pm MSK

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we are talking about his possible future career , currently in the position of minister of health, he is fulfilling the order that has been set, which is, well, in general, to really turn ukraine into such a very small agricultural country where 3-5 million will live people, they will grow grain, send it to the west, that’s all, if the ukrainians don’t like this strategy, this kind of self-liquidation of the state in general, well, most likely they need to take the initiative into their own hands and rebel against this comprador power. by the way, no, we see, yes , that zelensky is this whole gang of the kiev regime, they want to disturb everyone, of course, you know, we see that now the united states of america, europe, such a collective west, they have lost very much in ukraine, they came as temporary people, to earn quick money, they earned it. remember 2009, when obama came with the obamkr project, why? yes , because ordinary americans realized that there are no medical services, no one needs you, exactly the same.
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hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. equipping our army with a special operation, global causes of the conflict in ukraine. statement by vladimir putin at an extended meeting of the board of the ministry of defense. i wasn’t afraid for myself, i worried about my loved ones and the requests of the head of our government.
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everything new that the military presented to the president today was created during the special operation, this is, as you can see, a russian naval drone based on the kater, rebuilding the communication system is an order of magnitude more effective use modern means of reconnaissance, target designation and... counter-battery
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warfare. it is necessary to seriously increase the production of high-precision projectiles and drones of various types. i know that changes are happening, they are happening quite quickly, i will say more about this. but you still need to work on it. this trend needs to be strengthened. and the trend is really impressive. many people are working to contain russia by supporting the kiev regime in the war in ukraine. our defense workers are faster. in that the meaning of today's conflicts , reacts faster and more accurately to current events , responds faster to the needs of those who fight on the battlefield, i hope that this will continue to be the case, the weapons that will be diversified are high-speed kamikaze drones, which until recently were assembled from improvised means by volunteers, the fighters themselves, now they are produced by industry, but various types of attack drones are a threat to our fighters.
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eightieth and pro-defense, the order of drones increased almost 17 times, and the production of artillery ammunition increased by 17.5. v all types of aviation are in demand in the combat zone. plans for the twenty -fourth-twenty-fifth year, they exceed the plans for the twenty -second-twenty-third, that is, constant steady growth, this is growth due to the number of types that are already being produced, plus
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, accordingly, new types of aircraft that we are starting to produce, of course , we believe that aircraft 157, which is now arriving, is taking an active part, the aircraft, which probably best meets the needs now, leaves the wounded right in the same krynki, to the mercy of fate, they abandon them for their people, they don’t consider them, here our army really has something to be proud of. first aid on the battlefield is provided, as a rule, in the first minutes after being wounded, field hospitals have been deployed in the immediate vicinity of the front line, reinforced by experienced surgeons from central medical institutions, survival rate has been significantly improved, it does not happen, we will always be faithful to the cause. for which our comrades gave their lives, i ask you to honor their memory without silence. at the cost of their lives, russian military personnel protect the residents of donbass and
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novorossiya. russian groupings of troops liberated territory five times larger than that occupied by the lugansk and donetsk people's republics and, as a result of referendums , four new entities were included. having lost such potential, russia will never return to its previous geopolitical positions and will not pose any kind of threat, as
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a competitor, at least as a competitor, and russia itself, as we know, was planned to be divided into parts , again, they didn't hide it that's all. discussed openly, discussed openly. in kiev, the bet was immediately made on the nationalists, but moscow did not give up for decades, after all , vladimir putin insists that the ukrainians are a fraternal people. at bargain prices, they sold energy resources, loans, cooperation, well, they did everything, believe me, they did everything so that there was no chance, but they were faced with the fact that it was impossible to finally achieve their own by legal means. goals and drag the whole of ukraine to your side, but not it turns out. and then, as you know, the west organized a coup in ukraine. it’s not like the cameras are working here, showing certain gestures, yes, but you understand what gestures i want to show now, that’s what they showed us,
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the leadership of ukraine, again, with an emphasis on these nationalist forces, aggressive and carried out a coup. the russian-speaking south and east of ukraine refused to comply.
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in ukraine, united states of america. they are the only culprit of what is happening today , they acted and went, like our people they say, forgive the deputy for the lawlessness, but in the fourteenth year they did everything in the state, they went on and on with this lawlessness, well, they simply forced us to respond to this lawlessness. and the battle continues, so as not to talk about the difficulties with the finances and functionality of the f16 fighters, pilot training in the west is underway. recently , the activity of the nato military bloc as a whole has sharply increased; significant forces from the united states, including
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aircraft, have been deployed to our borders. the number of troops has increased alliance in eastern and central europe. finland, as we know, has already been drawn into nato, and sweden is planning to join. in fact, this means growing the armed forces to 1.32 thousand people. in connection with finland's retreat to nato. and the upcoming admission of sweden to the alliance continues the formation of the leningrad and moscow military districts. at the same time, we take into account the agreement signed between the united states and finland, which provides for the use by the americans of 21 finnish military facilities for military personnel. on the other hand, military personnel of nato countries have long been visible in the special operation zone. nato military personnel directly control air defense systems.
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the west is not abandoning its strategy of containing russia and its aggressive goals in ukraine. well, we too are away from our goals of a special military operation. we are not going to refuse, assessing the current situation on the ground, on the line of combat contact, we can say with confidence that our troops have the initiative, in fact we are doing what the enemy is suffering heavy losses and significantly squandered its reserves, trying to show its real masters at least some result of its well-publicized, so -called counter-offensive.
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our fallen heroes, our comrades must receive equal guarantees, this is the principle , in a timely manner in full, and of course, to all wounded participants. proper medical care must be provided, including rehabilitation facilities, treatment in military sanatoriums, and in civilian ones, the ministry of health always offers its services, is always open to joint work with the ministry of defense. according to the ministry of defense, more than 650 thousand military personnel have received combat experience since the beginning of the northern military district. in order for the documents to be completed by each department
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of the main tasks of the ministry of defense, for next year the very first continuation of the special operation. history will put everything in its place. we will not interfere, but we will not give up what we have, that’s what everyone should understand, in ukraine, those who are aggressive towards russia, in europe and in the united states, want to negotiate, let them negotiate, but only on the basis of being awarded gold star, personally the supreme commander-in-chief, we are all very grateful to you for what you give us, you gave us a chance to manifest ourselves, we manifest ourselves and... we will go to the end, so that you know that we will go to the end in any situation, any case, and in this regard, i want to add to you the homeland for all of us, including me, it gave us the opportunity to reward us all, and you and i, and we are all with you, including me, we will all go to
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the end, defending the interests of the country, but it's very important to me. hear this from those people who are right there, risking themselves, their health, not they are afraid of nothing, they go forward, they lead people, tinpanyushkin, dmitry kochurin, guramrazilov, olga merkulova, alexander kovalev, channel one. now there is a daily report from the ministry of defense. our army repelled 18 enemy attacks per day, eight of them in the kupinsky direction, the most. ukrainian formations suffered heavy losses in the donetsk red-liman sector of the front, a total of 365 people were killed and wounded, a lot of destroyed equipment, including nato models, in particular , american artillery defenses were disabled, whoever finds me, take care of my mother, sister, brothers. in the face of mortal danger, roman was worried not about himself, but about his closest and dearest.
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sergei shaigu instructed to fulfill the request of the corporal; a brick with a letter, by order of the command , was installed next to the banner. “whoever finds me, take care of my mother, sister and brothers, rudakov roman aleksandrovich, city of bataysk. here is the application of a tourniquet in case of injury, this happened back in july, roman rudakov, together with comrade dmitriemsky, fought to occupy one of the buildings in the center of marinka , held the defense, artillery shelling began, after the ukrainian artillery hit, the ceilings collapsed, the building actually collapsed, then there were heavy battles, there was never such a thing that he was afraid, i never noticed, he walked, loved his homeland, as it seemed to me from his behavior, when you see
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such people nearby, you are not afraid, for example, even if you suddenly find yourself surrounded or something. well, a person will not be lost in terms of the fact that he will soberly assess the situation and will work. but i’m taking too long, well, god willing, so what should i do? either them or us if no one defends now, they are already here. victor and i were at the assembly point together during training in the zone of a special military operation, we also found ourselves in the same league, i never stuck out. marina nikolaevna was his class teacher, having seen a photo of a stone with an inscription on the internet, she immediately understood that this was their roma, he was very taciturn at school, well , he remained that way, he spoke very little, did more,
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he loved his family very much, school family-related events, he really liked it, that’s where we made a presentation of the living creatures, he told little, he was very worried about them, he was worried, his mother, his older sister, his brother had twins, he had vision problems , so roman took care of him constantly, and at home, at school, he helped his parents, he grew up quickly, father died a few years ago , yes, but he, when roma was in school, he was sick, dad, he was sick, he had heart problems, yes, essentially speaking on... responsibility, he always did what was assigned to him , if there is some extracurricular event, saturday? clearing snow in the yard, he always the first to arrive, always the last to finish, he worked so actively that
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hail was pouring out of him, every time i told him: “roma, be quiet, rest,” go to the cafeteria, fire support, cover for the assault squad, i understood that from his reaction the lives of fighters depend on attention, i had a love affair with him from childhood, one of those who always writes the word homeland with a capital letter, history, at school i read books about the great patriotic war, was proud that i served in the legendary 150th division, crossing rivers, battles, commanders, exploits of the great heroes domestic, now his name is also part of our history, a stone with an inscription was cut out of the wall by the soldiers, it will be kept in the native military museum.
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after the devastating earthquake in northwest china, our country shares the grief of those who have lost loved ones and hope for a speedy recovery of all the victims;
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more than one and a half thousand rescuers are still involved in the operation. mikhail mishustin, the prime minister, along with a large delegation in beijing with working visit. the dialogue between the heads of government is regular and thorough, the scale of cooperation and the ambition of large joint projects are obligatory. and it is no coincidence that the russian guest is accepted into the celestial empire, which is called at the level. report by anatoly lazarev. roto honor guard red carpet. mikhail mishustin's visit to beijing was a working one, but he was greeted at the airport with special signs of attention, emphasizing the importance they attach to relations with russia. in official documents, the current event is called the twenty-eighth regular meeting of the heads of government of russia and china, based on this formulation, it can be assumed that prime ministers should communicate one-on-one, but...
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world powers, it is based on mutual respect and mutual benefit. china is russia's main trading partner, and for the first time russia has risen to fourth place in the list of china's most important counterparties. in the twenty-second year, bilateral trade grew by 30% to a record $185 billion. the results of the twenty-third year have not yet been summed up, but its first 9 months show a record updated. 200 billion. and we welcome the activity of chinese business in the russian market. we welcome the decision of the state council of the people's republic of china to
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facilitate the access of goods from the russian agricultural sector to the chinese market. the volume of russian energy exports to china is steadily increasing. new large-scale initiatives in the energy sector are being developed. over 90% of payments are made in national currencies, which indicates almost complete dedollarization. actions within the framework of multilateral international associations, forums, first in total, in the united nations, in the group of twenty, shanghai cooperation organization, broad prospects are opening up in connection with the expansion of brix and russia's chairmanship this year in this association; after today's negotiations, russia and china signed 10 documents, communications, protocols, memorandums. we are interested in cooperation primarily in the automotive industry; it is clear that further development will take place. another area of ​​cooperation.
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signatures in each region in support of vladimir putin’s candidacy for the upcoming presidential elections. let me remind you that the head of state runs in elections as a self-nominated candidate. according to the law, he needs 300,000 signatures; their collection has already submitted the documents necessary for registration. the strange election commission thoroughly counted everything, including all the protocols and extracts from our meeting. and now an election account must be opened, signature sheets must be printed, and the popular front, of course, will begin collecting signatures. we agreed
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that we would collect them in ours. who the ldpr is betting on in the upcoming presidential race became clear even before the start congress, guests were represented by 89 regional branches. not a single presidential campaign in russia was complete without liberal democrats. vladimir zhirinovsky ran for office five times, his highest achievement being in the 2008 elections, when he received more than 9% of the vote. vladimir putin did not participate in the race then, dmitry medvedev became president. by the way,
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he still remembers his once permanent leader in the ldpr, one of the slogans of the congress. zhirinovsky forever. the name of the founder of the ldpr, vladimir zhirinovsky, was heard more than once at the congress as a delegate, judging by the flurry of applause in which fellow party members greeted lutsky in the hall, the intrigue was only in one thing: how the decision would be made: would it be unanimous by a majority vote? 3 minutes for the report, one for the speech in prinia. representatives of the ministry of justice and the central election commission monitor compliance with the formalities. special attention is paid to procedural issues, the election of the counting credentials commission is in strict accordance with the rules. victor bud, who joined the party ranks after returning from the united states, where he spent 14 years in prison on trumped-up charges, i am sure that his activities in supporting fighters in the northern military district zone speak in favor of slutsky. we understand that now the whole country must unite so that we achieve victory, so that our guys return
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home. victory and eduardovich gained the required number of votes for nomination to the post of president of the russian federation from the political party ldp. candidates from political parties represented in the state duma are exempt from collecting signatures in their support. after registering with the central election commission, leonid slusky, within during the election campaign, he plans to visit about thirty regions. much attention is paid to demography, and, of course, great attention is paid to health care. a great victory, so now every enterprise, therefore now every effort in terms of supporting those who protect us at the front, is extremely important. the second part of the congress, which the delegates devoted to discussing internal party issues, including changes to the ldpr charter, was held behind closed doors, without the presence of journalists; its results will be announced later. olek shishkin, channel. and
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the evacuation of russians from the gas sector has been completed. the final group was delivered to moscow by a special board of the ministry of emergency situations 73, which they had to endure. there is a humanitarian catastrophe in banklawie, the bombings do not stop day or night. according to the palestinian ministry of health. the death toll due to israeli strikes has exceeded 19. over 52 thousand people have been injured. against this background , the united states announced the start of a military operation in red. sea, according to the head of the pentagon, its goal is to protect merchant ships from attacks by the yemeni houthis. they will remind you that the number of participants in the operation will be more broadly, it should also include bahrain, spain, canada, the netherlands, norway, france and the saychelles islands. the yemeni
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houthis said washington's actions are aimed at continuing the blockade of the gas sector. the group will continue to attack ships, now not only associated with israel, but also with countries that will join the american coalition. you are looking at the time, now there is an advertisement, immediately after, as from the president, and the 90th birthday of the inimitable galina volchik, who led the legendary theater for almost half a century contemporary. stay with us on channel one. season premiere. colonel alexandra ivanovna kushnir. major biryakov. tell me how much 100 million rubles weighs. a little more than 20 kg. i see that all possible traces have already been trampled, i really want to know where he went with 100 million. bloodhound, new episodes, watch the time after the program. cnop gin, a product of the steller group.
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at the last meeting, the european union once again ordered kiev. even more anger and irritation, mass anti-ukrainian rallies arise on both sides, they increasingly think that they can win and i would i didn’t want to see another enchanted conflict between the baiding administration and the whole show. vavan and lexus. premiere. today is the first one. what is figure skating?
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beauty! fight , passion, harmony, creativity, labor, emotions, flight, dream , love, victory, russian championship live broadcasts from chelyabinsk to... you, figure skating at the first, will be very interesting, what, where, when, the final of the year, on sunday on
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the first, our man is beautiful first of all for his inner content, you, get out of the operating room, what did you do with her, this is for you won't work? this is your institute , take what is rightfully yours, this is the program time, and we continue
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, a new era in maritime shipping has opened, the start of the launch ceremony was given at the international forum; digital transportation will soon deliver important socially significant cargo to the kaliningrad region - noted the vice - prime minister andrei belausov, who took part in the ceremony, russia has far-reaching plans in this area, now our country is one of the world leaders in the development and application of autonomous navigation, to understand the seriousness of the project, you can estimate the size of the ferry. the length is two football fields, our correspondent, ivan prozarov, saw how general chernyakhovsky no longer controls the start of the ferry, he watches as his ship is led from the st. petersburg central control center, the first remote control center for sea vessels in russia. communication with the ship is stable, the ship’s central control equipment is working properly. in autonomous mode, we have to travel 500 nautical miles, this is almost the entire route from the port of ustluga to baltiysk. the direction is strategic. last year lithuania tried actually arrange transport. blockade of our region, prohibiting the transit of cargo
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of the newest ferries that go to this line, both are equipped with modern navigation systems, computer vision and situation analysis, as well as remote control. everything is created in russia. essentially, these are maritime, cargo drones, two football fields long. so far, the work is in the format of two captains, one in the control center, the other on the ship, ready to take the helm, like a driver in an unmanned taxi, but unlike busy highways, there are fewer obstacles and obstacles at sea, time and space for maneuvers. more and an on-board computer, which itself will be able to choose the optimal route, we are now testing such systems for ships that, for example, carry out northern deliveries along northern rivers, the sea captain will strain himself, and you know, they like the last test on the river that was, i the captain says, all my life i dreamed of steering a ship from home. such airborne systems should reduce the cost of transportation, increase safety, drones they are already being tested on other lines, and in the coming years we are planning a new one in the near future. several transport universities have created training centers where they trained
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the first crews of ethereal ships, this will also launch the development of other technologies. today we discussed technologies applicable to transport, but they are relevant for development in many areas, from healthcare to, perhaps, even scientific research and training of specialists. the first domestic system in russian history was connected in sochi a week ago i thought the traffic control was fine, that is, we completely replaced it. all the functionality that foreign software had was transferred to the russian system. our next project is astrakhan. at the digital transportation forum, prototypes of aerial drones were shown. students of the bauman moscow state technical university assembled an unmanned racing car with an electric motor from 0 to 100 km/h in 3.6 seconds. well, it is important to control the speed of development of neural networks so that artificial intelligence can develop. be careful, i want jump over. oh, yes, no, i won't rush. therefore, the developers talked about
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a code of ethics for artificial intelligence, well, in the matter of technological security and independence, russia has reliable partners. china has been under sanctions from european countries for 20 years, and despite this, our country has made a digital revolution, we have created our own technologies and surpassed our competitors. russia is still at the beginning of this journey, and china may launch commercial delivery of goods using drones. a lot of new developments, drones. large platforms, exchange of electronic documents, in general, we use all the most advanced solutions in transport. we are now discussing there an adjustment to the standard for the construction of reconstruction of roads, public roads, so that, conditionally, if a road is being built or reconstructed, all the smart infrastructure that is needed for unmanned vehicles will be immediately laid down by default. well, they welcomed the anniversary three-millionth visitor, it was a guest from the altai territory, alexey kozorev. gift for him prepared a noble trip to the eastern cosmodrome and...
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the incomparable, unforgettable , unreal, unique, forever loved, galina borisovna volchik, and her students, whom the earth, galinochka borisovna volchek, would have turned 90 today, got ready, started, you need a leader, lord, well... i was afraid to even think about it, be patient, what is it, how your heart, the heart of a contemporary, his soul will ache... for a young woman with a brilliant sense of talent, and even when the era of the names of her voices has changed white stone mansion on clean ponds, new generations have come to see, live, feel part of this planet, the planet of galina volchek, as best they can...
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