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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  December 19, 2023 11:00pm-11:53pm MSK

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well, i forgot, i have one thing to do, you, in short, wait for your friend, then we’ll cross paths somehow , uh-huh, then, women, women love.
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i’m with maknit, thank you guys, he’s a little crazy, alexandra ivanovna, yes, it’s still a pity that their plan failed, well, it was a beautiful plan. and hard money won’t do you any good, parma will always catch up, that’s right, comrade apera, i have to inform you that i have to leave you, how much for the table from me, go, go, i ’m crying, show off, yes, i won 20,000 rubles, well not jukpo, of course, but it was enough for a walk, yes, here's a man's bill for 22,000
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, okay, but there will be something to remember that you, congratulations, come on, come on, come on, but you didn't believe it, but i admit, mom, you need to surprise me more, i ask you, that's it, i'll tell you i’ll call you, thank you, bye, son, let ’s take a walk along the embankment, eat ice cream , as we like, come on, i just took your favorite bear, here you go, hello everyone, good evening, arkady yakovich, how did you find us? good, alexandra ivanovna, 8:30 pm, if the case is solved, you like to walk along the embankment with your son, and you solved the case, brilliant, well, attractions in cafe, of course, let's go there, well, we 'll see about that later. there's a big
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game on the air. today, let's listen to the main political events in the field of international security. the west continues to wage a hybrid war against russia. it actively supplies the kiev regime with intelligence information in real time, sends military advisers, and transfers modern weapons systems, including a highly mobile rocket. secondary fire systems, long-range missile systems, cluster munitions, as well as a large number of new unmanned aerial vehicles, national f-16 fighters, pilot training in the west is underway. recently , the activity of the nato military bloc as a whole has sharply increased. significant forces from the united states, including aircraft, have been deployed to our borders. the number of alliance troops in eastern and central europe has increased
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, finland, as we know, has already been drawn into nato, sweden is planned to join, in fact this means that our regular guest, ruslan pukov, an outstanding military expert, was present, i would say, even participated, and naturally, ruslan, the first question, not only were you present there, but you also know well the issues that president putin spoke about, what to show...
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to increase the capabilities of our satellite constellation, not only significant and voluminous, touched on many aspects, to me, as a specialist, it was nice to hear that we weren’t sweeping problems under the rug. and we talk about them openly, the second moment, which, unfortunately, the video does not convey, is the moment where people accumulate before the board begins, compared to the past year, where there was some kind of, you know, some kind of confusion, now i saw this kind of business communication between people, professionals, in fact, at some point the president talked about how we were trying to solve a number of problems by non-military means, yes economic, yes, we tried to negotiate, but it didn’t work out. so we switched to extreme measures, then he turned to the military, yes, who were sitting in the hall and said: “the country has given you everything, now you must help the country, so this is it, with on the one hand, frankness, and, on the other hand, trust, and by those who, to one
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degree or another, are also related to issues of national security. yesterday i had an interview with foreign minister sergei lavrov..."
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they still rely on the effectiveness of economic and financial measures, yes, they see that we have put up 2 years, put up very well after the sanctions, but they don’t stop driving them , they, they think that let's wait, maybe it will have a delayed effect, third, i think they they certainly rely on the internal political system in russia, yes, now it is showing itself very well, but in fact this does not mean that in our society there are no, for example, weak... sides, they certainly exist, an enemy who intends to fight with us to fight
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, he will probe them, look for new holes in our system, and the fourth, i think, is a direct build-up, and that we can now calmly take a breath and slowly deal with the ukrainian problem, i think that the west is not preparing such a gift for us, they will look for our weaknesses, they will look for new patterns and attacks, not just the exhausted ones. don’t you think that you can
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avoid sanctions if you simply, for example , die, such exceptions, the european union will no longer do anything for the dead, let’s listen, the decision of the eu council determines the conditions under which the council can save the name a deceased person on the list of individuals or legal entities, organizations, structures subject to an asset freeze and a ban on the transfer of funds. economic resources, if the advice believes that there is a possibility that the relevant assets will be used to finance or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of ukraine. well, we know that in the united states, from time to time , dead souls vote quite successfully, trump spoke about this recently, describing the elections of the twentieth year, as he saw them, and nixon personally told me that over his opponent john kennedy, kennedy
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won with a very small margin that a couple of cemeteries voted for him, i asked nixon, why didn’t he try to challenge this ? he had one for me, so about the dead spirit, we already knew in the elections, but here are the sanctions against dead souls, this seems to me to be a new achievement, this is know-how, and it’s very bad for the humanistic western civilization and about this line of the west to continue . hybrid war listen, immediately after the collapse of the ussr, the west
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began to work most actively in russia and with our fifth column, around which we were jumping all the time, patting them on the head, persuading them to put them in some kind of patriotic mood, well, it doesn’t matter, there are different people there , let’s not paint everyone with the same paint, he needs to work. with this fifth column, with terrorist organizations, including international ones, with separatists, he actively worked to solve the problem of the disintegration of russia itself, and it is absolutely clear, in my opinion, what he meant president, but here i want to make one linguistic remark: when i spoke to serge yesterday, i am not just an adversary, russia is an enemy.
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based on how he behaved as a high-ranking american military commander, how he behaves, but i have a significantly higher opinion of him , i don’t know how you, karanchuk nazarov, a famous film director and also a regular participant in our program, this is how you react to the fact that the secretary of defense of the united
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states calls your country an enemy and puts it on a par with hamas is...
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blinkin was in finland, they concluded an agreement according to which fina provides them with 17 points for free to locate armed forces, there will be two bases, one base is 200 km from murmansk, murmansk yes.
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at the same time, their bases will be approaching , this means for us, this means we need to react, this means we need to create a fortified area, this means we need to increase the armed forces. the fall of the ussr is an excessive overextension with defense spending. by the way, i don’t think so. by the way, i don’t think that this was the main reason. main the reason was that the economic model that existed in the ussr already in the sixties and seventies did not work, first of all this was the reason, but nevertheless, i’m talking about their logic, they are still, apparently, in this is their plan, they will be there for 10 years. they are confident that they can achieve the same result that was with the ussr, therefore, for what, it seems to me, it is still extremely important for us, yes, as one of the classics said, to still concentrate, to inflict a decisive defeat, military defeat in ukraine, this, this, this, this
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will break this one, this one, if this does not happen , there will be fatigue from the war, there will be fatigue from... from the war, there will be no direct results, and this may affect the internal situation, as they say, exactly what they are trying to achieve, although now indeed, our society demonstrates amazing unity, but we must always have different options in mind, so it seems to me that this is their plan, it’s long-term, but it obviously does not provide for any truce, ours, ours...
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“let’s now urgently go for a truce , because, as it were, on the spot, but with a clear understanding that a truce is not peace, with
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a clear understanding that in a relatively short time we will have to resume military operations again, but naturally, arming ukraine even better and preparing the ukrainians even more. well , regarding such peace proposals, everything that wants military action, where the united states is also involved, and this, of course, is the crisis around gaza, but now it is quite possible that a crisis will arise around lebanon. and with us is academician naumkin, scientific director institute of oriental studies, and a person who really knows this region well. what do you think?
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one gets the impression that today what is happening in this region is some kind of - some component part of such a general picture, within the framework of which we have been called an enemy, this is apparently some kind of very large conspiracy against russia, which is directed on its uh, not just an attempt to achieve defeat, which is certainly doomed to failure, but this is of course... a war of attrition for russia, for the depletion of our potential, and it is no coincidence that when we are called an enemy, the point is not that adversary or enemy, which is better, which is worse, but the fact is that
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when you are called an enemy, it is assumed that this is a war, so we have a war today with the united states or not , ultimately, of course, we are confident that we will win in ukraine, and maybe that will be very good for us, and this should be and... and the goals will be achieved, but the americans will not stop on this, it means there will be some other point, now a point has appeared - on in the middle east, maybe something else will appear, today you are asking a question about lebanon, and yemen is still shining there, the americans are already talking about measures to establish a security system , maybe something serious will happen there in the yemen region, maybe maybe they will try to drag you in there.
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this all adds up to what a mosaic it is, which adds up to the overall picture of such an attempt to strangle us from all sides, sanctions, and the war in ukraine, the war in the middle east, where they would also like to drag us into confrontation and achieve our exhaustion, exhaustion, it seems to me that it is no coincidence that we are called the enemy today, because some kind of ...
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he was telling a joke, the brakes on his tanks stopped working, they failed, and he went to beirut, and then, of course, a very serious conflict began and... it’s unlikely, it seems to me that we won’t get to something like that now or it ’s excluded, but by the way, the year 1982 is the year when the arab initiative appeared, then it seems to me
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that today is for so that this bloody... slashing that israel unleashed there today, stop, and how can we reach some kind of, perhaps, peace process, such attempts do not stop on the part of the arabs, they approach this wisely, without unnecessary extremism, but it is clear that this plan for the rapid destruction of the hamas movement, it does not will apparently be crowned with success, however, the israelis report that out of 3,000 hamas militants... seven have already been destroyed, but this does not mean anything, i think that these 7,000 can be replaced by new thousands of people who will see the purpose of their lives in order to take revenge, these are the plans about which today he says, and the united states also speaks, on the one hand they are trying to rein in israel a little so that there are fewer casualties among children there, because already gas - they
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just call it the largest. children's cemetery and on the other hand they are fanning the fire of this clash, and it seems to me that it is very possible that despite the declared reluctance to expand the scope of the armed conflict, the clashes with this conflict hovered, thank you, we are going to advertise, and after that we will talk to you, ruslan pukhov,
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this is not about democracy, this is about economics. there are currently 100 thousand ukrainians living in ireland. i myself will settle a refugee in my house. washington: first, it means paying directly to kiev, second, within your own countries, paying for ukraine’s vacation. now many families are talking. mass anti-ukrainian rallies arise, causing even more anger and irritation. both sides increasingly think they can win, and i would hate to see another frozen conflict.
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came to the hospital, they were already waiting for him there, he was arrested, he came to say goodbye to his family, got into the car, mom ran up to him, there ’s daddy, daddy, he’s not here anymore , viktor lyagin with the fascists, names of illegal intelligence, viktor lyagin, today on the first, the premiere of the season, it’s him, yes, nevermind, but
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he’s in ... unfortunately no, i want to know everything about these athletes, their coach, among his contacts there are a lot of girls, so for every taste, a decent swimming suit. bloodhound. new episodes. tomorrow after the program time. in my opinion, not my style at all. you know, this one will suit you much better. in broadcast a big game. we discuss the conflict between israel and hamas and... recently, israeli commanders and the israeli defense minister have been saying that their operation against hamas is developing very successfully, that a significant part
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of hamas’ infrastructure has been destroyed, but they do not clearly explain where all this is going and what an israeli victory would mean, destroying hamas in the coming weeks ? you know, i agree with academician naumkin that... the israelis can pass this gas along the length and crosswise, including not only physically naked, but with their heavy equipment, yes, the palestinians do not have an air defense system, so they can strike with almost impunity , however, well, these people cannot be all zero, even if it is called differently, the fact is that in this modern history of the 20th century , there is only one...
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it cannot be, especially since the war in urban areas is extremely complex, yes, that is, a small group of motivated fighters, especially if they are ideologically charged and ready to die, can give a serious fight israeli settlers who
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there were such, you know, determined collective farmers, now this is largely a bourgeois society that wants to consume, yes, we were always surprised in our center, this was the first time in 2006.
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well, he is 87 years old, he is generally a fairly wise person, but he does not have a very high reputation, it is difficult for him, one can feel sorry for him, in such conditions, in general, leading such an education is very... very difficult, very difficult, and today there are various not only fortune-telling, but public opinion polls, according to polls such a key figure is the leader hamas ismail ghaniya, who is located in qatar and then comes marwan barghouti, is a man from fatah, a member of the leadership, very prominent, popular, he is serving a sentence in an israeli prison, this...
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if he comes to power, of course, there will be to take revenge, but it wasn’t, on the contrary, he restrained everything absolutely correctly, maybe this could be a sorguti or not, i think it could be a sorguti, it’s quite obvious, i see such a person in him, of course, there are and you see other leaders, there is one same ismail gonia, whom in general, with whom i also met repeatedly, but barghouti is a very attractive figure, and today there is such a leak of information that qatar is offering israel... to release, to achieve, of course, as a mediator from the palestinians, from
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hamas, the release of a significant part of the hostages in exchange for the release of marwan barghouti, if we can agree on this, it will change the internal political picture in the palestinian movement in the organization of palestinian liberation in fatah in the autonomy, in the relations between fatah and hamas, where there is enmity was very strong and always remains, i think that there can be very interesting progress if this is done.
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leaders, but there are certain groups , groups that advocate reconciliation, for dialogue, they are not very popular, the bulk of the population does not support them, but who knows, maybe these people will jump out tomorrow like... assad’s ball to resist, but we have enough a small
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resource, influence on israel on the palestinians, yes, because in economic terms, in terms of some kind of large-scale influence, of course, the united states influences there many times more than we, well, there is american money, plus military bases, weapons, this is all, of course, work for many years for decades with the middle eastern elites, who have been feeding for a long time. working, we go out to advertise, we’ll be back in just a few minutes. this is how the rite of passage into the most influential american secret sorority begins. alpha kalfa was america's first black women's sisterhood. the current vice president of the united states, kamala harris, also participated in the satanic ritual of the alpha kalfa club. family -
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this is my favorite alpha kalfa. and former first lady, michelle obama. alpha kappa prepares you to lead anywhere.
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such words are forbidden to be spoken in public places, i will be forced to find you guilty if i utter what words? matador, ladies and gentlemen, leni bruss on friday, on the first, what, where, when, the final
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of the year, on sunday, on the first. just like that, you sleep with a goddess, and a simple soviet alarm clock returns you to simple soviet reality, i see a man, how young he is, well, not both of them are young, fuck off the thief, you are her don’t come, whoever comes, you are very beautiful here, promise that you will never lie to me, i ask you, listen to me... doctor preobrazhensky, the beginning of the story and new episodes from december 25, on the first. something
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happened? yes, quickly follow me to the operating room. there's a big game on the air. well , this is what we see: a war in ukraine, a war in gas, in neither case, flexibility. the united states seemed to want some kind of change, both in the israeli and even ukrainian positions, but there was american support. compares us to hamas, of course offensive, i agree, but there is also
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a geopolitical sense to it. the islamic world, at least a significant part of it, completely disagrees with the continuation of western hegemony and does not agree with this policy. the process is of great importance for russia, because despite the fact that america is technically
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stronger in the middle east, morally we are in a much more advantageous position, and people in this region, i think the academician will confirm this, they look at russia with great hope, because we are a political leader, and we are not for our own we fight interests there, we defend the idea of ​​principle and the polar world, this is an organization. islamic pole in the context of a multipolar world, we must support this process, which we will become brix chairmen next year, in every possible way, this is a very long-term, very far-reaching strategy, and since the west considers us enemies, precisely enemies, and it is unlikely to change our attitude in the near future, and yet we are already actually at war with him, then we need to very seriously... prepare for a protracted, serious, reasonable and effective war with by the west, a direct hot war,
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this is essentially the case, it comes to it when all other means have been worked out and lost, but before moving on to the hot phase, for which we must also be prepared, i think that we must begin a fundamental civilizational , then in principle we are doing one way or another, thank you, i think... that in ukraine in israel, ultimately , the line of the american united states of america is being drawn, in fact, their demonstration of some kind of peacefulness in relation to gas there, these statements, in my opinion look, this is all a game typical enough for them, so that somehow public opinion.
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