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tv   Novosti  1TV  December 21, 2023 12:00pm-12:15pm MSK

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previously on saturday at the first there was such an illegal immigrant , alexander mikhailovich korodkov, and an illegal immigrant, a very interesting one, who worked in many countries. to begin with, korodkov was offered a very modest position, the so-called elevator one, and this simple position became for him an elevator into intelligence. korodkov, of course, made a breakthrough in the german direction, and the flow of information from them sharply increased. she was a common-law wife, korodkov offered to take out a suitcase with a walkie-talkie under the guise of gifts for his passion. if large sums of money and a transmitter were found on him, it could cost him his head, he could end up in the dungeons of the gestapo. what was the task to prevent keitel from leaving prematurely? the whole life of alexander mikhailovich korotkov passed as required by the motto of illegal intelligence, without the right to glory, for the glory of the state.
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premiere. names of illegal intelligence. alexander korodkov. on sunday on the first. what, where, when, final of the year. on sunday on the first. it's not just a call, it's from there. we have to figure it out. yasky. the beginning of the story. and new episodes from monday on the first, what are you i spent the night here, what happened? wait, is this the husband? is that what beats itself? ukrainian minister of defense umerov announced his desire to mobilize citizens who left the country , all men should receive summonses , possible punishment for failure to appear is being discussed, this was announced by... i just know, i’m wondering what kind of
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spanking he will come up with for his children who became us citizens, as evidenced by the declaration for 2021-2022, we are waiting for news on channel one. news in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. and at the beginning about the progress of the special military operation, new footage from. our ministry of defense. in the kherson region, airborne forces destroyed three motor boats of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy tried to land on the left bank of the dnieper, but was discovered with the help of fpivron. instant targeting, strike, and the boats with the militants' personnel were sunk. in the kupinsky direction, crews of the tornado-g rszzo liquidated an enemy stronghold. the coordinates from the drone transmitted 18 km. and this is footage of the combat operation of the metis-m1 anti-tank missile systems in the vicinity of ugledar. soldiers destroy enemy tanks
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armored vehicles and manpower. on to other topics, not just a megaproject in the field of transport, but a guarantee of the well-being of several regions at once. the development of the eastern railway range is the focus of the president's attention. late the night before, vladimir putin held a meeting on the modernization of bam and transib. the head of state keeps this process under personal control. the third stage is ahead , which means that for the development of cities, towns, businesses and non-...
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growths continue to increase, which means that the load on highways is guaranteed for years moving forward, taking these prospects into account, we need to clearly define the parameters of the third stage of development of bama and transiv, in what time their carrying capacity will increase. the development of the eastern railway range is the most important infrastructure project, the same skovorodenovo in the amur region has recently become not just a point on the trans-siberian railway, except that the siberian gas pipeline and... the russian china oil pipeline pass here, the branch connecting transip with bam begins here , just a few days ago not far from here, the longest tunnel on the transbakalskaya railway, almost a kilometer long, was opened, the kiraksky tunnel. we ask you to give permission to start the movement. i allow it. and this is just one episode of a large-scale project, which in a couple of years made it possible to increase the carrying capacity of the eastern railways by 20
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million tons per year. as a result, in 2021 the carrying capacity of bama and transib increased to 144 million tons per year. the idea is to duplicate. transsip, just further from the border, closer to the north, more than 100 appeared years ago, but it was realized only in the eighties, and already in the nineties , cargo traffic on bama almost came to naught. with the resumption of economic growth in the 2000s , the baikal-amur mainline again became in demand, and it soon became clear that it was time to increase the capacity of both bama and trans-sib. the president, who has personal control over the project , said back in may last year that this was a very timely step. at one time, not so long ago, we had heated, lively discussions in... on the topic the development of the eastern railway range , the specific parameters of its capacity, yes, there were conditions then, there were even some skeptical assessments in this regard about the fact that it was possible to expand, invest huge amounts of money,
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we had hundreds of billions of rubles planned for this, and since there may not be a cargo base, but time has shown that these estimates were inaccurate, to put it mildly, today the eastern... attempts from the west to isolate russia only led to the fact that transport flows increasingly shifted to the east, here in november last year, the first train passed over the new railway bridge across the amur from russia to china. but what is important here is not only foreign trade relations, where roads develop and life moves forward. once again , i want to emphasize that there should be one priority: the effective development of the railway network of the eastern range. timely increase in the carrying capacity of its highways in the interests of the entire country, all our regions, the entire domestic economy, and therefore our citizens, since the main new infrastructure means additional jobs, renovation of the appearance of cities
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and towns. as part of the first stage of the eastern polygon development project , more than 1,200 facilities were built, including social infrastructure, and more than 5,000 km of track were reconstructed. the implementation of the second stage began in parallel with the first, the third is ahead, this is a long-term program that will not only accelerate the development of siberia and the far east, but in the future may become a key element of the world transport system, a bridge connecting the west and the east. the election headquarters officially opened in moscow today vladimir putin, he was located in the gostiny dvor, work has already been in full swing there since the morning, at the personal proposal of the president, three outstanding russians became co-chairs of the headquarters, this is a people's artist, an artistic director.
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instructing those people who will stand at the points so that the capital sheets are filled out correctly, it is very important to comply with all legal formats, all the headquarters organized have now talked to each headquarters, asked what questions they have, what problematic topics they have, everyone voiced their full readiness to fulfill all their obligations, we actually talked with the regions; this is a completely informal event. this is the very will of the people, of everyone, everyone who comes to collect signatures, i am sure there will be much more of them than required. according to the law, vladimir putin, as a self-nominated candidate, must collect at least 3,000 signatures of citizens.
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the current president submitted the documents required to register as a candidate for the highest post to the central election commission at the beginning of the week; the day before, the central election commission registered a group of voters created to support him, as well. allowed to open a special bank account necessary to finance the election campaign. roshydromet forecasts are now forgotten with an accuracy of up to 96%. last year, this helped the country save more than 66 billion rubles. the head of the service, igor shumakov, spoke about this at a meeting with mikhail mishustin. the prime minister instructed him to personally monitor the restoration of the state observation network in new regions. residents must have a full-fledged one.
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limitation we remain among the top five services in the world in terms of forecasting quality, the most important the source of data in order to timely track weather phenomena is the satellite constellation, this year is truly a landmark year for... russian services, colleagues from roscosmos this year launched four spacecraft of meteorological significance: electro, meteor, condor and arctic m number 2, than we are generally proud. we will soon become virtually independent of foreign providers of this information; this is our goal together with roscosmos. on the eve of the new year, each of us can become kind a wizard to give joy to those who need it. the wish tree charity event continues to make dreams come true.
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for an eleven-year-old child , we will do everything possible, we have a wonderful moskvarium, i think that maxim will be happy to stay there, within the framework, there is a village farm, where we will also be happy to invite maxim, our first girl is margarita from the ulyanovsk region, she lives in ulyanovsk, 9 years old, margarita dreams of going to artek, well, of course we... are trying to help margarita organize everything, i also rented a second one,
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this means that we still have a second ball and the yamalo-nenets autonomous okrug, and inga dreams of visiting the circus of the zapashny brothers, we will definitely invite inga, introduce her to edgard, introduce her to skold and together, maybe we will even try to get into the backstage. the wish tree charity event has already become a good new year tradition, it is being held. 2018, during this time the dreams of almost 107 people came true, among them orphans, children, established throughout the country. a gastronomic map of russia, a sewing co-working space, or maybe a poignant performance about the legendary galina volchek. projects that received grants from the cultural initiatives fund cover a variety of areas. they surprise and make life brighter. the results of the large-scale competition were summed up in moscow. there were more applications in total. 7 chose the best, almost all were regional and received the majority. this is how yekaterinburg sounds on ordinary
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days, but once a year for one night the capital of the urals turns into one big stage, and the usual sounds of the city are replaced by music that sounds literally everywhere, in squares, roofs, squares and underground passages. all this is a ural night of music. this year it brought together almost... for example, performances in the hometowns of great russian composers, a jazz festival and a battle of choirs will be held in moscow. all these projects received grants from the presidential fund for cultural initiatives, out of more than 7,000 applications , the best were selected, we have now supported 883
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projects from 85 regions for a total amount of 3,917 million rubles. at the same time, this question is regularly asked; in fact, in moscow , only 5% of the winning projects remain, 95% of the projects the winners are either regional projects or interregional projects that affect several regions. more than half of the projects. winners are receiving such support for the first time, such as, for example , a sewing co-working space from buryatia, thanks to a grant, they will be able to teach sewing to everyone, in ivanovo, thanks to the support , they will be able to create a museum of twelve holidays, in the village of bolshaya ilkhovka - a folk toys workshop will appear in mordovia. in suzdal, for the millennium, which will be celebrated next year, they will prepare a unique an exhibition dedicated to the history of the city. the most difficult criterion that we have out of all ten is uniqueness. it is with this criterion. we are working most of all now so that people can prove that their project is truly unique, needed,
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necessary right now, an understandable audience, the facades of buildings on the palace square of st. petersburg next year will again turn into giant screens on which video artists will introduce :


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