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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  December 22, 2023 10:50am-11:54am MSK

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an incision is made in the lower abdomen , the skin is cut, it peels off, but when you have a large belly, it is always accompanied by incompetence in the flow of the abdominal wall , that is, you also sew up the muscles so that even if you want to stick out your belly like that, you won’t be able to do this, women - this person is for us, the muscular frame is sutured, the hernia of the linea alba is sutured and the excess skin is stretched and excised. a renal hernia is stitched up, and the woman loses her stomach and at the same time a hernia of the white line of the abdomen, without doing anything apparently, this is what’s going on, nadya , please come out to us, you are the mother of five children, yes nadya is the mother of five children, how much weight did you lose after the operation, 20 kg, belly?
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there is no time, there is no time for that, you must strive to be beautiful for yourself, really, well, your wishes to everyone, all the best, happy new everyone most often wave their hand, because year, do not be afraid to take risks, the most important thing is health, and not they are afraid to take risks, there are no words, alexandrevich, i have a very good result, thank you very much, please sit down, thank you. thank you so much, dears doctors, our cycle of new year's programs moves on as usual, and of course, we tell you about how to celebrate the new year with others, so no matter what traditions you follow, it is important that you believe in yourself and are not afraid of changes, because all changes will for the better, in the end, we had a good time with you, may you live healthy!
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hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live, time will tell this program, in the studio of ruslan astashka, olesya loseva. mass shooting in the center of prague, a twenty-four-year-old student at charles university. shooting in the building of the university itself, as well as at people who were in the square next to the university. david kozak, a philosophy student, killed 14 people and wounded 25, then committed suicide. prague police have already reported that the shooter acted alone. he planned his action for a long time. czech authorities declared saturday december 23 a day of mourning. the czech authorities mourn the dead, but by fueling the war in ukraine and against russia, they are doing everything to... there was more of this grief in europe
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more about what the europeans themselves want and what they are preparing for, immediately after a short advertisement. what is figure skating? beauty, struggle, passion, harmony, creativity, work, emotions, flight, dream, love, victory. that's
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life. russian championships, women, short program, live broadcast from chelyabinsk. today is the first one. mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellor group. my berry. why is this yours? she is ours.
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i have to check, fantastic, next level, after the program time, ladies and gentlemen, let me invite the stage the most shocking comedian of all time , leni bruce. mick, i don’t know what we should do with lenin, he’s so impudent, do you know that he asked aunt mema where? stage with pleasure, but then you will have to stand at the bar alone. one day, when the stripper was finishing his performance, leniny bruce suddenly appeared on the stage, which pleased his mother. i figured out how
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to get a girl into bed one hundred percent, you tell her, let’s just date without bed. deliberate presentation of material with the aim of provoking. prurient interests, e.g. you'll say, bring me a cheap prostitute, they might bring you a writer with a beard, hey leni, i'm taking you under arrest, such words are forbidden to be spoken in public places, i will be forced to find you guilty if i utter, what words? matador, ladies and gentlemen, leni bruss, today on the first, prepared. started, she sacrificed a lot to do this theater, if you are the heart and blood of this house, then , probably, it is impossible to do otherwise, she told how she cried into the pillow, clenching her teeth, when nothing worked, it is necessary was to learn to live in the theater, to love
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it like my child, i was probably very jealous of her , i wanted, of course, for her to be with me, and not with the theater, but it didn’t work out, she was a queen close, accessible and dear at once, she is still my favorite in my heart, i always say that i have two, mom, it ’s true i spent only 17 years with my mother, at 30, i wouldn’t dare explain what love is, i just feel sorry for those who i have never experienced this feeling, for galina volchik’s ninetieth birthday, the premiere is on the first tomorrow. the main character of our programs, outstanding woman, actress, director, leader. on december 19 , galina volchek would have turned 90 years old. galina borisovna's favorite word was conflict. yes, so that there would be conflict, passions, of course, like
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any child of the soviet union, i remember her as a witch. and what an episode of beware of the car. oh, it’s brilliant when this guy looks at him. 50, come on, pull yourself together. she was leaving somewhere and saying: i laid out the money for denis so that he wouldn’t spend it all at once, write down the vases, hundreds there, all over the place, and poor denis called me, said: “where can i get the next sleepyhead?” i'm worried about some calls that i didn't make. for the fact that i did something, instead of the fact that i should not have done it, but come to my mother. she forgave me almost everything. denis, oddly enough, is much less happy. so that i have this very bright woman in my life, tomorrow on the first, the information channel on the first continues, we are working live, the ssu
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is not stopping attacks on donetsk, the very center of the city is under fire, in one of the districts of donetsk, an asu shell sgrada killed a man who came out of the entrance. his home, several people were wounded during shelling of the petrovsky district, the building of the technical university came under fire, and a fire started there. also tonight in usa, locals in makievka were shelled. groups, footage appeared, supposedly a gas pipeline was burning after arrival, in several cities of the donetsk republic there is no gas in houses, we are right now trying to contact local journalists, there are problems there now and with communication, as soon as we succeed, we will definitely tell you details, well, the failure of the summer counter-offensive, which was already so well-publicized and already boring to everyone, led to the fact that the ukrainian army is simply psychologically undermined and exhausted, this is what the rators agency says about the morale of the armed forces of ukraine. there is a growing problem in ukraine: a psychologically exhausted army
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trying to hold on in a place where russian troops are outnumbered. in the east of the country , a psychotherapist conducts classes for veterans such as dj, where they teach how to cope with stress of war, especially in the case of a long stay at the front. many of the fighters decided to go to war voluntarily; their training was limited. they claim that today they experience stress, anxiety, a feeling of exhaustion, fear and... after the last mission i realized that i could not stand it anymore, it was especially difficult during the shelling, and i was on the verge, while many military personnel needed psychological support, return to the front, but other more serious cases appear, for which the fighters sent to rehabilitation centers. we managed to contact the correspondent of the unio tv channel, natalya gritsenko, who is now in donetsk, let's find out the latest information about the shelling. natalya, hello, in the last few days, literally somehow. escalation in terms of shelling, how is the situation now, do the nazis continue to shell the city? ruslan, alesya, hello, i
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’m glad to hear from you, i’m contacting you now, literally now i hear the arrival of ukrainian artillery, but somewhere it’s still a little further away, so i’d like to say, that yes, they really have escalated, but in reality the shelling of ukrainian militants is happening. such a character with periodicity , that is, they are stably periodic, and we are now seeing this, yesterday donetsk and gorlovka were under attack, in gorlovka nikitovsky district, people who were leaving the store were also injured, and a 16-year-old girl was also injured, she was also wounded, now we are in the kuibyshevsky district of donetsk, and i am about 500 meters from the place where the man died, i
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’m standing now, trying not to move, but i want you to say that since the window that is now to my left, this is what the whole street looks like, it is beaten, wounded, absolutely, this is the face of military operations, because on each floor there are windows with chipboard like this, if they are sealed up at all, if they haven't abandoned the apartment at all. there is construction garbage, rubble - apartments, debris - plastic windows, all this is located, people are literally walking here, while i was standing, waiting for the broadcast, here are pensioners, men, women, everyone is walking, i certainly haven’t seen children here yet , but it is clear that the area is residential, but it is abandoned, this is the face of the hostilities that are now taking place, that are taking place... you said about the kuibyshevsky district, where you are now, where it flies, but as we
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understand it, the kievsky district is taking the main blow donetsk, which is as close as possible to avdeevka, is it now safe in other areas, or does it still fly everywhere, but kievsky especially, there are no areas that are especially, after all, yes, really safer, for example, in the budenovsky district, but it flies there in one go as much as... it doesn’t flies there in a month in the same kiev region, but at the same time, yes, it’s really scary, even for the locals, even for me sometimes, right here now i’m standing and i’m thinking a little, if something goes wrong run, if anything, where to hide, i’ve already looked at a couple of places, but at the same time, yes, the kiev region , they aim specifically at hail, you know very well that these are not point-to- point missiles, that they are created to hit , yes, to simply hit
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manpower, and with this they hit the city center, they do this everyone knows perfectly well that in fact i was very surprised, this was news from yasenovataya yesterday, we also talked with you several times about the fact that they are dumping a military vehicle, and especially seeing perfectly well that this is a civilian car, and so on, yesterday under yasenovataya volunteers came under such fire and... what’s worst is that the ukrainians themselves laid it out like a trophy, look, we fired at the car where you can see it right on the video.
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you know, the more casualties among the civilian population of donbass, the more they shell donetsk, the more likely their morale is improving, some kind of inspiration appears, this is such a bloodthirsty manifestation of the ukrainian essence and here is the head of the national security and defense council. ukraine alexey danilov said that in general guys, well , welcome, everyone is already at the front. everyone for reassurance, that reassurance, when for a certain time it was believed that war is purely a matter of the military, and the rest of the country can live its own life, go to casinos, nightclubs, has passed, this must end, it doesn’t work that way, everyone should be accepted this is participation, and not selectively, someone is fighting, someone he sits in a casino
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, throws chips, it shouldn’t be like this, it’s not about justice, but justice according to danilov is when for a hearty meal...
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umerov gave it to the german publication bild, but yesterday the press service of the ministry of defense for some reason began to refute umerov’s words and attack to the german journalists, they began to explain that they misunderstood him, that none of the democratic western governments are going to extradite ukrainians, and it’s still unclear, by the way, why they are making such an attack on the bilt publication, if this is a quote direct umerova, the ukrainian media write, by the way, then they also began to make excuses about umerov’s children, many ukrainian media write that... they became us citizens, this was written in his declarations, but again for some reason this information was also misunderstood , they had a ukrainian passport in the usa , they live in the usa, this is a 100% fact , they are starting to argue about the passport somehow, well, this fact seems to me also very remarkable, well, those who remain in ukraine, who have nowhere to simply escape , there is no opportunity and no money to buy a ticket to
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one end with their beloved homeland, they will definitely be taken to fight without any discussion, especially now... the military commissars of odessa are furious, they grab people on the street, they are already stuffed into ambulances to take them to the military registration and enlistment office, personnel of such mobilization have spread all over ukrainian social networks, as far as i can tell i understand that the woman managed to fight off her man, but it is unknown how many more days he will stay at home , whether he will be able to hide, and then you know what else is the nuance with this ambulance, yesterday ukrainian bloggers also found out and were terribly indignant, because in korea the ambulance help there is a logo of the foundation that owed this help, this ambulance in the car. send to the front, that is, money was collected from ordinary ukrainians, and there you know, everyone is deducted a mandatory percentage from each salary, and this car was supposed to end up at the front, instead this machine takes those husbands who gave money for this car and sends them to die, this week verkhovna rada deputy maryana bezuglaya introduced a new bill on mobilization, it provides for lowering the conscription
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age, mobilization of female students, here yesterday this project was supported by zaluzhny with one step. we will send them to you, take them, mobilize 5000 , fight the name, but hold out for a while, and then we will look and think, of course, there is a loophole and a model of behavior, because this
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model of behavior will spread to other countries, this is not worth it to doubt, although now the same germans in germany are saying that no, this will not happen, they even refuted the words of umerovo and so on, it will definitely happen, because now measurements are made with the help of such throws public opinion, how will people react? to the fact that the ukrainian leadership has already completely gone beyond the legal framework, calling on women and children, apparently, further, well, remember , yes, lowering the draft age, this will lead to only one, or rather two sad consequences, the first sad consequence is an increase in casualties in a military conflict, and, accordingly, the creation of a serious demographic catastrophe, a demographic catastrophe in ukraine, which may, as... experts warn, be irreversible, second direction is terrorist activity in the regions, it, uh, i’m sure that many
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people who are now listed as refugees in ukraine, from ukraine, in germany, in other countries, they are undergoing special training, and these people will be sent to regions in order to carry out this very terrorist activity, and regions, there lugansk, donetsk people's republics, kherskon region. zaporozhye needs to get ready there. evgeny baletsky, for example, has already survived many assassination attempts. vladimir saldu too most. the people who are in these territories are in immediate danger. i mean ordinary people too. and this must be taken into account. here we are talking about a very, well, i would say such a sinister plan, that is, we can discuss it, well, yes, it’s unfair, yes, people will start being pulled out of european countries and so on, but the plan is much more devilish, because... what ukraine is really being thrown into the breach now, often abandoned without any regard for these losses, and the greater the losses, the better, because
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what is believed in the west in certain circles is that the more ukrainians die, the longer ukraine will consider itself an enemy of russia, and this is actually what the west has been doing all this time before , creating a hostile state out of ukraine, molding ukraine into an absolute enemy of russia. well , it’s good for europe for the impossibility of now throwing off this difficult financial burden in the form of ukrainian refugees, and how much they moan, they are already tired of them and have to pay benefits, in general they say they are ready to pay you, just go to get used to it back home viktor nikolaevich wanted to ask, they sincerely believe that they can win, well, they are convinced of this, why the ukrainians are fighting now and are not going against zelensky. they don’t give up en masse, they surrender, but to say that this is happening en masse, everyone just raises their hands, runs , it’s impossible, many of them sincerely believe that they will win, that’s how many people they need to call on
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in order to change the situation at the front, is this still possible in modern ukraine, do not forget, it is the largest european country in terms of territory, in terms of population, there people with our military education and our mentality, yes, retrained, but nevertheless, yeah, i completely agree with my colleague that... when the government throws women into the trenches, it kills its future. do you understand what i am talking about? i had to talk with some captured ukrainian officers and soldiers, to whom i asked the same question. the answer most often heard was that the authorities promise too severe punishment to every ukrainian who does not want to go to war. he wants his family to be preserved, because this punishment, it penetrates and touches, you even, you probably know, even applies
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to children who go to kindergarten, because if the father refused to fight and went to prison, the family is deprived of all minimal social benefits, and its life becomes unbearable, so a captured officer of the ukrainian army says, well, where should i go, i take the machine gun, i leave, so that my... family, so that it exists, this is one, one aspect of the issues, secondly, i must admit, after all, it’s banal, but it’s true, 30 years of this propaganda , which brainwashed the ukrainians, and these guys started, they started to wash them out, let’s say, 20 years ago, these are already healthy men, they have this bandera conviction... with this bandera chip, which is embedded in the brain, he also goes to the front, but for me, i’m happy with something else, everything, albeit... not in a hurry,
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even if not so brightly, even if not so openly, but protests against the war are already brewing in ukrainian society, yes, we see, even in the most bandera regions, the western ones, people still come out with posters on the street, they go out, to return the fathers to the children, yes, stop mocking people there already, i it seems that these are just the first shoots of public protest, which...
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half of the soldiers who were supposed to come to germany to train in leopard tanks simply did not come. for what reason, this is a separate question that needs to be discussed, but we haven’t arrived. here the german publication devel comes to a completely logical conclusion: the side with
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more people will win this conflict. zelensky said that the ukrainian command asks him to mobilize up to half a million ukrainians. how did the ukrainians themselves take this news? this figure is the first caused a shock. from the local population, because 500 thousand additional soldiers had never been discussed before. disputes naturally arise in society; discussions arose about whether women could go to fight at the front. for such a huge number, zelensky still placed part of the blame on the general staff and said that he did not know whether this figure was really adequate. this new mobilization shows how difficult kiev is in its situation. in ukraine, there have long been problems with recruiting, for example, only half of the planned number of cadet leopard drivers. if this war continues even longer, the development of huge problems will not be long in coming. after all, the outcome of a war also depends on how many soldiers each
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side has at its disposal. even if german leopards eventually somehow reach the front line in large numbers, we have something to destroy them with, they talked about a new silent drone in the popular front stream. to me. recently , the kalashnikov concern center reported on the transfer of komikaji kuk drones to the ministry of defense, what role does he currently perform on, let’s say, svo missions? this means that this drone is, let’s say, an aircraft type, made with a delta-shaped wing, and carries 3 kg of explosives on board, and its flight range is determined by time. 30 minutes, while the speeds are quite large, the range of action is compared to the same lancet, but it has one feature, which means that this cube attacks its targets vertically from top to bottom, which means pay attention when an airplane or
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any other device flies into air in level flight or with its set, he makes a certain sound, that is, it can be heard, but when you attack the target directly from above, this is exactly what is shown in the video, i just attack him while falling, it’s practically... the target happens silently, it’s doubly dangerous for tanks, because the upper hemisphere for them it is the most overt, so this is a very effective device, and frankly, the good news is that the concern has secured a government order for the supply of this type of product, this is very good news. as you noticed, such questions are asked by our ordinary viewers, if you have a question that you address to the military experts of the popular front stream, we always show the questions on the air of our program. western tv channels summed up extremely disappointing results for the ukrainian military project, the results of the year and painted an equally vague future. for the kyiv regime. more than 6
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months have passed since ukraine launched its long-awaited counteroffensive. integral points to seize the initiative on the battlefield. at best , a counteroffensive could be called deadly hard and exhausting work at the front, but he was simply branded a failure. what obstacles did kiev face? in addition to the well-defended russian front line, ukraine is worried. president zelensky, what will happen if your country does not receive western assistance by the end of the year, what will this mean? us lawmakers are currently divided over whether to provide tens of billions more dollars in security aid to ukraine, as kiev continues to seek to secure political support as the financial burden of manpower losses mounts in a war that appears to have reached a stalemate.
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there is this fatigue at the front. the vast majority of front-line units have been fighting since the beginning of the russian invasion. for almost 2 years now they are simply exhausted. many soldiers are also very upset that the counteroffensive is interpreted in the context of failure. the fighters say they were simply following the recommendations given to them by nato advisers, in particular the americans. they told them to gather all their tanks, all their armored vehicles in one place, concentrate all their pressure on one location to try. the russians dug in and created huge minefields that simply could not be avoided because they were hundreds of kilometers long. there are increasing reports from ukrainian soldiers that russia is gaining the upper hand in weapons production , particularly drones, because it has many new weapons systems. russia produces thousands and thousands of drones while the ukrainians struggle to get closer at least.
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that today he said one thing, tomorrow he said something else, and then a third, and then
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he completely forgot everything under the influence of certain substances and drugs, but here something else is actually interesting, alexey alekseevich, the west has been actively emphasizing lately that this means a dead-end situation, a dead-end situation more for whom, after all, for ukraine or for the west, and what way out will the west look for from this whole situation, he is involved just up to his neck, why is he why they say that the situation is a dead end, very simply: plan huh? was to defeat russia battlefield, there was no plan b, if this does not work out, that is why such cognitive dissonance was created, which now many ideologists and political strategists in the west are trying to turn into some kind of victory, you remember that what the west did in the second world war, at first he admitted that the backbone of german nazism was broken by the soviet union, and then somehow it turned out that the british, americans and even the french won, no, well, we broke the backbone. here, stealing a victory is
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western, like a crinch, a grinch steals christmas, so they have become skilled , have become skilled at ideologically creating certain constructs on this field, which, by the way, i noticed that they very often use such hollywood techniques: the long-awaited offensive, brave ukrainian soldiers, are very disappointed now, and so on, you see, we are talking about an emotional assessment of their own failure, their own failures, but they understand that... with the help of these two factors, they do not consider ukrainians to be full-fledged people who can be regretted. let's collect half a million and more let's throw it into this meat grinder. this is how the west thinks. unfortunately, western uh logic, western lack of morality in this sense and
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, most importantly, involvement, empathy, uh, it is now becoming more and more obvious. you probably noticed that western experts, western politicians, and western media figures simply do not have sympathy for ukraine, the ukrainians. yes, yes, the counterattack failed, let's think about what to do next, continuing this, this suicidal process, no, let's still decide that since the situation has reached such, well, as we say, a dead end, yes , let's still come to an agreement and somehow resolve this situation politically, no, we think, i mean western figures, are thinking about how to deceive russia. freeze the situation and prepare for the next stage: the destruction of the ukrainians, and then possibly the baltic states, the poles there, and so on. let's think about it, as they would reason. you are right that western experts and the media are trying in every possible way to shift the blame onto them. and yesterday, a seemingly ordinary interview with the minister of defense of ukraine
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umerov to the german publication bild , which we have already talked about, it caused a big stir in ukraine itself, in one of the fragments of this... i am 100% sure that this is our strategic goal, to return to internationally recognized borders and we are able to do this together with partners and with the support of partners. it would seem that here is the minister of defense of ukraine, here is his direct speech, not a retelling in text format, but his direct speech. the ministry
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of defense of ukraine officially states that the publication biel, quoting umerov, wrote that crimea could be liberated next year. i would say that i am 100% sure of this. in fact, the minister said: crimea will be liberated 100%. this is our strategic goal. but umerov did not claim that crimea would be liberated in 2024. the journalist asked this question several times, but the minister avoided making any precise forecasts with dates, the press service of the ministry of defense assures. surprisingly distorted by the minister of defense. and then the ministry of defense tries to somehow justify itself. what is this connected with? speredin pavlovich? this. associated with extremely negative reaction to these words that umerov uttered in ukrainian society, i just looked at several openly nationalist telegram channels with open comments, there are 300 and 400 and 500 of them in varying numbers, all of them are so negative that i don’t even want to quote it directly on air, to the cap-heeling approach
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that the ukrainian political authorities have , what and what did he say that they didn’t like so much, they say another clown yes...
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you see, you, you, pay attention, mobilization affects such wide social strata of ukrainian society , leaving no one at all alone, from students to pensioners, you know, there will never be a ukraine, i think, in part, it has come to terms a long time ago, that is, the vast majority of ukrainians, the vast majority of ukrainians had a long time ago understanding that it is definitely impossible to return crimea through military means through diplomatic means. this is completely impossible, i ’ll tell you more, back when it was just 2014, i already quoted these words from yatsenyuk, then one of maidan leaders who spoke to the west. in relation to russia, the loss of crimea is a small loss, that is, even the political elite of ukraine at that time was ready to part
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with crimea. why did she do this? she proceeded from her narrow party interests, because crimea always voted against this government, against these politicians, to get rid of crimea, for them, in general, it was a small loss. they were never statesmen, they never fought for the interests of this country, they had no idea by and large, for sure. go to donbass and liberate it, well, why, well, why do we need him, i’ve never been there, i have no one there, he was very much in need, and this was an army of words, we are marching, we will go on campaigns, you remember the statement, this again, it wasn’t just some freaks who did this, by the way , the commander-in-chief said that he
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would like to drive through the streets of moscow in a taka, well , this is how the average person sits, the average person sits, who , in general, doesn’t really understand much about all these matters and says, well, if he wants, then let him go and pass, you’re for it, then of course i’m for it, well, now the situation is what the question is, so of course the attitude of ukrainians to everything that is now happening in ukraine. but it is changing in relation to deportation, of course , the political decision on the deportation of ukrainians is violent, and there will be no one from the european union on the territory of ukraine, but what will happen , this decision is actually very beneficial even to the european union, why it very much disciplines migrants from ukraine, because that at the slightest they will be immediately deported to ukraine, so they will sit like chickens, do everything they are told, do everything...
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next year, ukrainian spies intend to intensify reconnaissance operations and carry out sabotage strikes deep into russian-controlled territory in order to bring the war as close as possible to the kremlin , the head of the ukrainian security service told politico. we don't, we will find the enemy everywhere. the sbu carries out targeted strikes, stabbing the enemy directly in the heart with a needle. each of our special operations pursues a specific goal and produces its own result. all this in a complex. complicates the russian federation's ability to waging war and brings our victory closer. viktor nikolaevich, well, the threat is serious. we
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have said for a long time that ukraine is a state; terrorists will not stop at any method. we understood that this would happen without our closely monitoring all the statements made by the ukrainian defense ministers regarding crimea since 2014 . there was not a single one of them who did not promise to return crimea. the ministers are leaving. but crimea remains, but now about the most important thing, yes, this statement, of course, cannot be ignored. let's have a little let's look at the numbers, first of all, how many millions, who are even more than 3 million. we can assume, and we must assume, that a huge number of them were recruited by the sbu. they are scattered all over russia, from kamchatka to the kaliningrad region, to the krasnodar territory, they have.
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that if sabotage, terrorist, espionage activities of the ukrainian special services continue on the territory of russia in all areas or in all regions of our country, it is necessary, this is a condition, this is what the situation requires, than we we see that the number of saboteurs and spies is multiplying, we need to respond adequately, of course, here is the second question, it is related to our special services. we need, maybe not triple, but 10 times , to increase the number of agents who would closely monitor the territory
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of the russian federation, know the mood of the people, know who... was traveling, what the mood is, who is recruiting whom, there are already entire organizations are being created in these structures, which were sent to us by the sbu, this is very, very serious work ahead. well, finally, i probably would i wouldn’t have respected myself if i hadn’t said that the gentleman from is he is intimidating us, perhaps it’s time for us to think about what attacks we are making on the territory.
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here to create all this, the question is different, how much will be stolen and what kind of concrete will it be 300 or the question is only one thing: how much will it all cost in the end, how much can it steal from this whole situation, andrei vitalievich marochka joins our conversation, andrei vitalievich, hello, here we are , during this story with olesya, actively
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discussing all these with experts fortifications. enemy, moreover, i want to say that this situation with such fortifications is not new, it is for the audience to understand, everyone thinks that this line of defense will be directly built from scratch, but nothing like that, it will only improve, everything is already this was done, as they say, even earlier, so they have very serious
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fortifications here, and i’ll remind you that when we liberated our territory... of the luhansk people’s republic, we had very serious fortifications there, the doors, by the way, were so armored that it was practically impossible for them to knock them out from these heights on which they stood, and the doors were imported by the so-called guarantor of the minsk agreements , germany, they are of very high quality, so here, speaking of fortification , we can state that... money, of course , will be allocated, of course, it will go into our pockets, it will be difficult for our troops to advance and literally dig them out from these fortified areas, which go more than 10 meters underground, imagine, there is practically nothing is takes, well, thanks to faps, thanks to this high-explosive otrey that produces high-explosive ammunition, we somehow still have
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to work with them, and of course ours... at the front we are also interested, of course , probably more than your competence - this serebryansky forestry, matchmaker-flint direction kupinsky, how is the situation there? well, uh, if we are talking in general about the situation on the line of combat contact, then i want to immediately note that for the second week now there has been a positive trend at the front, and to confirm my words, in short, yes, if we take the south, then in the kherson direction, for example, the interposition space in the krynak area, also on the right bank, has already been significantly reduced. well, the enemy group has been significantly reduced, this again is not, just like that, this is the work of our artillery and aviation in the zaporozhye direction, our army has begun to consistently return the lost
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positions of narentsiya, in the southern donetsk direction our units are moving in the direction of novomikhailovka, and here i would like to separately mention that on both sides, immediately from the north and from the south, while it, unfortunately , is still under... the enemy, but looking at the operational-tactical situation, i can say that this will not be long, it is really very hot for the enemy, and so, looking at the map, i can say that most likely, the intention of our command is to divide the donetsk group of armed formations of ukraine into two parts and then digest it in the so-called cauldron, and if we are talking about the situation around avdiivka, it is for me personally reminds - the situation of debaltsev 2015, now such a bottleneck has formed there, and if the ukrainian command does not withdraw troops from there, then we will observe another one, in
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the donetsk direction, well, this is also very significant, over the past 24 hours there have been successes, especially in the artyomovsk area , it turns out that to the west of the settlement, our troops advanced in the direction of chasovyar and... now we are seeing an almost hasty abandonment, but in fact, an escape from the bogdanovka area of ​​ukrainian troops, and in the krasnolimansky direction up to 300 ukrainian mercenary fighters, these are irretrievable sanitary losses, and this has also been going on for about 2-3 weeks, so now it is also very difficult for the enemy there to observe a certain lack of strength, but they also resist if we...
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beauty, harmony, creativity, labor, emotions, flight, dream, love, victory, this is life. russian championship men's prytska today on the first. figure skating at the first will be very interesting. сnop gin, a product of stellor
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group. no, nothing is possible without hands on the steering wheel. denis held me in the hospital, i he will insert a cradle into the plan, yes, you are a hero , you have conquered death, this is my man for my whole life, we have passed such the most difficult test, this is true love, my love, just don’t cry, i’m not crying, why is he going to watch my mother cry , shame, i said, i will return home on my own feet, i will not go in a wheelchair. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere tomorrow, after the evening news. this is our common guardian angel,
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common to everyone.
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