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tv   PODKAST  1TV  December 23, 2023 3:45am-4:36am MSK

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i went to the jewelry store literally around the corner and they gave me a handful like grapes where these rings hang in different sizes and they chose 19 15 i decided to figure out what size the ring was, so i just saw it and this ring is 19 c2 here it is this is the same ring as on my finger, that is, we understand that once...
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during a trip through the crimea in the caucasus, when he was sent on a southern business trip from st. petersburg in the twentieth year of victory, well, here it is, he met his friends raevsky with them continued the trip, excursion. in in principle, then there were also black diggers and divers for ampharas, because in fact, marya nikolaevna raevskaya then, because this stone. that is , i also looked at it quite closely, it is very similar to the antique one, there are three cupids that sit in the boat, it is possible that this is the result of some kind of search, the stone seemed beautiful, one of the jewelers, so to speak, broke it, well, so to speak, in a new way , although it is really very similar to the old one, and carnelian, it is a very soft stone, therefore, everyone loved to use the jewelry, so to speak, industry, let’s call it that way, but when it appeared, somewhere, maybe at some point, it was bought on sale from the tatars.
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or the greek has him in the crimea, when he was traveling there, well, many pushkinists are struggling, we know, so to speak, trying to guess, so to speak, the solution to the relationship between maria nikolaevna and pushkin, whether they had love, whether they didn’t, well, actually , raevskaya herself, so to speak, over time wrote in her memoirs that he always loved only his muse and gave a clear answer to no one else, the appearance of this ring , it is not at all romantic
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, there was also such a detail, well, in general, carnelian is considered to be from the russian word rejoicing from the heart and a stone of love, and many lovers, therefore, preferred this stone, but as such, so to speak, a significant gift, but in fact , we have a third ring, it may be the first in pushkin’s life, the second, i don’t know, the so-called vorontsov ring, again they call it that, it is also carnelian, yes, that is, from the heart. you are watching the podcast precious
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history and we are its presenters, the director of the all-russian pushkin museum sergei mikhailovich nekrasov and i ekaterina varkan. well, after all, pushkin still means that we are still in crimea with vorontsova and is waiting for his expulsions from the spouse of the governor-general, but the governor-general herself is from sovertsov, they were not in crimea, they were in odessa, although the position was general- the governor of novorossiya, and pushkin was in odessa, they went back and forth, by the way, here are two poems. talisman, remember, one thing begins where the sea forever splashes on deserted rocks, where the moon lazily shines in the late hour of the evening darkness, where muslims spend their days in grief, enjoying their days, there is a sorceress, caressing me , she handed me a talisman, and caressingly she said:
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keep my talisman, it has a mysterious power, it was given to you by love, this is this gift that is fixed in poetry , there are different versions, the version that he exceeded his powers, pushkin in relation, so to speak, to his wife, which means he courted her too much and, so to speak, demonstrated this courtship, another version was that he wrote a lot indecent
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epigrams, yes, there was a third version, what kind of atheism, that is, unbelief, here it may be one thing with another, with a third, but in fact there is a feeling that... that’s how we were taught to think, that this was the evil one , that means, well, since he’s the boss, that means he’s evil, yes , he sent him away for an epigram, for atheism and for wanting to beat off his wife, well, there’s nothing at all for that, yes, in fact, that’s it, but there’s also this interesting one, that means... documents, letters from vorontsov to his friend anton antonovich fonton, and i really want to read these letters, not letters, but fragments, here, to unfortunately, very little time, but some fragments, but it seems to me that this is very interesting, precisely from the point of view of understanding
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vrontsov’s attitude towards pushkin and in general his kind of inner deep dignity, respect for the mind, in general... writes vrontsov to fonton: the legacy of our good inzov continues to cause me a lot of trouble, each of us must pay his tribute to youth, but pushkin is extending his youth too much, and of course he has talent, in addition, we must give justice to pushkin, he speaks russian in our language is perfect, positively sounding beautiful, and then it will be great, who knows, maybe we will soon begin to correspond in russian, but this concerns... such simply interesting remarks, here is one letter dedicated to a very famous story, when pushkin was very irritated by this story, when he was sent on a business trip to count the locust, he considered it beneath his dignity, although he was an ordinary ordinary official, all officials served carried out
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instructions, so to speak, and pushkin was listed as an official, he himself wrote that i never i didn’t hit my finger , i didn’t do anything, i perceive this salary as... a stipend for the fact that i can’t engage in trading in moscow in st. petersburg, this is known, so here are vorontsov’s thoughts on this matter in a letter to to his friend , he couldn’t become an official, but they made all kinds of concessions to him and didn’t bother him with work , but the prince nevertheless wanted to keep pushkin busy with something, well, because complete idleness is also not good, well, he wanted to borrow for business trips on various assignments within viceroy, pushkin
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came out for a test, i began to think what to do with my son-in-law and i was there, when colonel pushkin was surprised, so i decided the next morning to call pushkin, scold, or rather, shame him, put him under arrest, but nothing came of this didn’t work out, in the evening i started reading other reports on soroncha, this time serious detailed and long, very long, here are plans, and tables, calculations, i mastered one page in 30 for...
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suitable ones and asked fonton to advise advise on how to act by the way, to this we can probably add that there is also evidence of how pushkin met with the peasants, after all, in the fields affected by the locust, having gathered this very gathering of peasants, he addressed them with the question: what do you think, what is the locust? was there any way to deal with this further? circumstances, well, at first there was complete silence, finally one of the peasants timidly proclaimed that sorancha is
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god’s punishment, but, pushkin said, how can we fight god’s punishment, go home, and he dismissed them, like this there is also evidence, in general, the relationship between pushkin and vorontsov for a long time, especially the soviet period, was presented extremely straightforwardly and not entirely correctly. they were much more complex, and vorontsov at first treated pushkin very well, although there were reasons for dissatisfaction, undoubtedly, we will remember that after all , mikhail semyonovich varantsov was one of the brightest and bravest generals of the russian army during the patriotic war of 1812, he he was undoubtedly a man of honor, with a heightened sense of honor and... therefore also like pushkin, therefore, of course, it was sometimes not easy for them together, so vorontsov
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undoubtedly breathed a sigh of relief when pushkin was sent further to mikhailovskoye under the supervision of local authorities, the reason for which was the famous letter, you just reminded us of this, the letter connected with the spread of these very ideas of atheism, of course.
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only pushkin, but we will also remember some of his predecessors and contemporaries, precious evidence exists in the form of those objects, artifacts that are kept by us in the museum and not only in our museum, and i believe that many stories can evoke the undoubted, there are things that carry material value, and there are things that are priceless, yes, which mean a lot to a person.
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hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. nizhny novgorod, tyumen, kaliningrad, vladimir putin's election headquarters are opening throughout the country. the collection of signatures starts tomorrow. biological safety, how
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to protect yourself and your neighbors in the cis, meeting vladimir putin with permanent members of the russian security council. the result of the work of our defenders in the tsalidar direction of special operations, what is happening in other sectors of the front, the weekly report of the ministry of defense. support for the automobile industry, road construction and investment in science-intensive production, the main thing about the government meeting and news from the ministry of health, a large batch of vaccines for the prevention of measles, rubella and paratitis are arriving in the regions. new standard of the moscow city station zelenograd kryukovo final reconstruction. what's next? statement by the mayor of moscow and the head of russian railways. a young journalist's view of russia's grandiose exhibition. ksyusha mazneva, whose new year's wish to become a tv presenter was fulfilled by the president, visited vdnkh today. lots of impressions.
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legendary matches, bright victories and new stars who... brought up by veterans, a gala evening in honor of the centenary of russian volleyball. traditions of ancestors as a source of inspiration for new ideas. exhibition russian wedding in the all-russian museum of decorative arts from the authors of the channel one program. let's play wedding. vladimir putin's regional election headquarters are opening across russia and the collection of signatures will start tomorrow. my self-movers. the regional headquarters in nizhny novgorod is starting its work, right now the final preparations are underway , round tables will be organized here, various discussions will be held throughout the month, and of course, residents will be able to leave their
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signatures in support of vladimir vladimirovich, as well as some initiatives ideas for his election campaign say it all. this will be handed over to vladimir putin by trusted representatives literally in one handshake. this active youth decided to take advantage of this opportunity today. vladislav dalekin, a volunteer of the svo, and also a children's coach, recently opened a youth center, they teach martial arts and, for example, volunteering there, he has a corresponding proposal to putin. i have this initiative: why don’t we create such centers in all regions with constant access, like a second home for the children, yes, where they would feel, so to speak, at home, so to speak. i think this would help get young people out from the streets, unite them into teams to educate real leaders. and alexander, a young scientist, teaches at the university of architecture and civil engineering. here we can also express gratitude for what has already been done , waiting, a lot has been done, by the way, you know this, yes, we have a congress of young scientists, regular events, satellites of the congress of young scientists, all this is carried out according to presidential decrees. yesterday, we recall,
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vladimir putin’s election headquarters opened in moscow; the current president personally offered to become a co-chairman. people's artist vladimir mashkov, speaker of the dpr parliament artyom zhoga, doctor maryana lysenko. now the baton has been picked up by the regions and the candidate’s proxies there - these are also people known to local residents. artists, musicians, public figures, scientists, doctors, each of them has their own reason to support putin. in recent years, and this is very important, the total number of families with children has increased by 7%, and the number of large families has increased by more than 3 years.
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this is one of the questions that generally interests everyone, of course. now the special operation is the final summary for the week. the russian army carried out 39 group strikes
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with high-precision weapons and drones on the rear of the ukrainian armed forces. the airfield infrastructure, storage of fuel, ammunition, weapons and military equipment, as well as the center for the training and use of drones, the control center, and the location of ukrainian fighters of foreign mercenaries were damaged. four planes and three helicopters of the ukrainian air force were shot down. in total , the enemy lost. over the course of a week, the enemy's losses in this direction amounted to over 355 military personnel, four tanks, including two leopard, 19 armored fighting vehicles, 13
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vehicles and 12 field artillery pieces. in the solidarsky sector of the donetsk front , the irbis special forces detachment, a volunteer corps, firmly holds its position. the fighters notice that recently the enemy has noticeably weakened and reduced the intensity of the attacks. all attacking attacks are broken. for our active defense. frontline reporting by amir yusupov. circular circular, air raid, air raid. mixer in the sky. soldiers of the irbiz detachment of the volunteer corps they are holding the line in the solidarity direction. vysu is being probed more and more often by aircraft. so far, a helicopter has flown in twice. on the ukrainian side, there are still enemy quadcopters in the air that they have become so
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impudent, they fly 10-15 at once, we shoot them down every day, they still fly every day. the guys say that the abundance of aviation drones, which were previously so cherished, in the ssu compensates for the shortage of artillery shells. for this month, well, their activity. the offensive has dropped so much that i myself am in shock, lately the enemy, of course, i’ve run out of steam a little, the intensity of the fire has decreased, but over the past couple of months, much, much more, and even then not always, until recently in this sector our fighters tried to move only under the cover of darkness, now we’re slipping to the front line during the day, but caution won’t hurt, once again, why are you shouting, get to work, he says, the sniper is working in this area, but here the height is behind the enemy. and the field is bare, so yes, the area is not the most pleasant to walk through. all our crews are hunting for this sniper. we 'll catch him sooner or later anyway. our shells are not
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they save money and generously respond with five to one enemy shot. for the motherland, come out! for the homeland, mother! the drone operator is watching the explosions at this time. here is their trench position. got it. with half a meter of water. a strong wind rises from time to time, with smaller calibers, it is difficult to work. multiple launch rocket systems are put into operation, which do not need precise adjustments, but rather
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confirmation of a hit. because they cover with whole squares, oh, hail flew, ukranovskaya, and no, hail, there are many exits, good, the guys work there, in the irbis detachment there are a lot of experienced military men, this fighter has been in the donbass since 2015, when he was shot by a sniper, i spent 3 years recovering, my right shoulder was right in the joint, in general i’m not very happy, to be honest, that we are at war with ukraine, because these are our brothers, and not the slavs, like the serbs, belarusians, and together we saved the world from fascism, and now a friend with...
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more about our defenders: senior warrant officer sergei rakov risked his life to repair communications equipment damaged by shelling, the command again had the opportunity to coordinate the actions of units and attacks the militants were repelled. guard private yuri kiva attacked the battle formations of the ukrainian armed forces with a grenade launcher, slowed down the enemy’s advance, and forced him to engage in battle in unfavorable positions. the militants retreated with losses. rehabilitation and educational center of the military hospital named after vishnevsky.
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i have a touch sensor here, a touch sensor here, i perform this action to compress, this action to unclench, eight gestures cost the same as half the apartment
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that i now received. today he was given a housing certificate, like the fortieth one, for employees who complete rehabilitation in this center and decide to continue serving in the armed forces, the defense employs them in the region of their choice; at a solemn ceremony, the deputy minister of defense presented the military personnel with state awards, including seven orders of courage: you have honestly fulfilled your military duty, our duty, the duty of the leadership of the ministry...
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no efforts were made there, they did it all without me, that is, in fact, you came now yes, yes, yes, i received a diagnosis mine was announced, which i was informed about earlier, a military medical commission is formed at the hospital level, and in a military hospital from attending physicians who treat a specific patient, and that is, the process of conducting a military medical commission and its conclusion, it is inextricably linked with the process treatment. the deputy minister of defense conveyed sergei shaigu’s words of gratitude to the servicemen who participated in the award ceremony for their loyalty.
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the head of the investigative committee spoke at a meeting in mariupol about the investigation of crimes committed by kiev militants against the civilian population. alexander bastrykin. the collected evidence has already made it possible to bring charges in absentia against former representatives of the national security and defense council of ukraine, who made the decision to launch the so-called ato on the territory of donbass. over 5 years , more than 2.0 people were killed and injured due to their fault. active work is being carried out on mercenaries. the flow of mercenaries is very active, so you need to have time not to let them go.
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hero of russia roman filippova. he died in the line of military duty 6 years ago. at the place where the pilot took his last battle, his family, parents, widow and daughter visited for the first time. a minute of silence and fresh flowers. our soldiers, the command, the personnel of the russian group, as well as the syrian military paid tribute to the memory of roman filippov. roman's plane was shot down while he was returning from a mission. the hero, as best he could, drove the combat vehicle away from residential buildings. already on the ground , the seriously wounded pilot waited for the terrorists to come close. filippov blew himself up with a grenade and said, “this is for the boys.” the importance of ending
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the bloodshed in the gas sector as soon as possible was emphasized in telephone conversation between vladimir putin and palestinian president mahmoud abas. the leaders spoke in favor of a settlement on a legal basis, which provides for the creation of a palestinian state within its borders. 1967 russia will continue to supply humanitarian supplies for those affected in the gas. and here is a new example of such assistance, the board of the russian ministry of emergency situations delivered more than 20 tons of the most necessary gas to residents in need. our rescuers transferred the valuable cargo through the egyptian red crescent. during the israeli-palestinian conflict, the ministry of emergency situations delivered about 400 tons of food, medicine, clothing and basic necessities. state support for enterprises is the main topic of the government meeting , which was chaired by prime minister mikhail mishustin, despite the sanctions announced by unfriendly states, industrial production in our country is developing, breakthrough technologies are being developed, but these processes must
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be controlled and helped, and therefore the industrial development fund will receive additional another over 7.5 billion rubles to ensure release of new science-intensive products. 710 million will be allocated to the development of the road network to speed up. the president instructed to accelerate the development of production of the entire necessary list of critical automotive components. about 39 billion rubles have been allocated to the industrial development fund. and a significant part of these funds will be used to implement key projects of leading domestic automakers, including promising ones. russian regions began delivering vaccine to prevent measles, rubella and paratitis. let me remind you that the shortage of such drugs was discussed last week during the year-end program with
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vladimir putin. the president explained that there was a technical failure during production, and soon everything will get better, almost 370 thousand doses of the vaccine have successfully passed state control in the laboratories of roszdravnadzor, and will soon be delivered to medical institutions. the renovated building of the zelenograd kryukovo station is truly impressive. the opening of this transport hub was an important event for residents of the capital and region. this is the ultimate mcd-3 station. everything here is equipped with the latest technology and today is the final stage of reconstruction. the station lobby was connected to a car overpass, the kryukovsky overpass. everything is fast, convenient, and to evaluate how everything works, moscow mayor sergei sobyanin and the head of russian railways oleg belozerov arrived there today. our correspondent anastasia. i also saw everything, zelenograd finally got normal conditions, normal trains, it’s convenient to get there, the president and the mayor of moscow launched traffic along the third diameter 4 months ago, time it was more than enough to appreciate all
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the amenities: firstly, the new transport artery saves money; before, you used to buy train tickets plus the metro, but it turns out that a general monthly pass costs about two thousand there. it makes a difference and saves time. baumanka student daniil says, now you can sleep longer, the city of kryukovo and i get to elektrozavodsk right away in about 15 minutes and i’m at the university. this branch connected zelenograd with the town of raminskoye near moscow, length 85 km, 38 stations, convenient transfers to the metro, moscow central circle and commuter trains. the latest completely domestic third generation orioles, maximum speed 160 km/h. it is these trains that now run along the third diameter, during rush hours every 5-6 minutes, that is, there is no need to adapt to the schedule and, what is equally important, to freeze outside in winter. more for the new year.
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road workers, railway passengers , there is everything here, from boarding, commuter carriages, mcd cars and transfers to city passenger transport, and here the groundwork has been made for the subsequent work on the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed highway project. zelenograd station was opened a few months ago, and passenger traffic has already increased by 20%. according to the mcd , the increase is 30%, this is an indicator that
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the railway is an agglomeration mode of transport, it is a mode of transport of the future. the results of the year were summed up right here at the station; it was more than successful for the development of transport. in september, the presidents and mayor of moscow gave rise to movement along another diameter - the fourth. it passes through moscow from east to west, it is the longest transport artery, 86 km. mcd-4 connects. seven central stations of the capital, how moscow's transport will develop further, sergei sobyanin and oleg belozerov approved the plan for 2024. we will work on updating the rolling stock next year , the rolling stock on mcd-3 will be completely renewed, and in the twenty-fifth year on mcd-4, well, we are starting to work on projects for the development of the moscow transport hub, extension of essentially the diameters are up
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to all over the country. in the government house, postcards with wishes were sent to children from different regions today by the deputy prime minister, the head of the ministry of industry and trade denis mantorov, he will fulfill seven wishes at once, the head of the ministry of education sergei krovtsov and the minister for the development of the far east and the arctic alexey chikunkov. deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko and minister of justice konstantin chyuchenko also joined the action. angelina from the republic of bashkartastan, 14 years old, dreams of being in the video. the dream is possible, maybe this dream will lead
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angelina into the profession. zakhar, astrakhan region, astrakhan city, 9 years old, dreams of visiting the international exhibition forum russia in moscow. a wonderful desire, of course, to see not only our past achievements and the current ones that we are proud of, but aspirations for the future will leave an unforgettable impression for you and for everyone. your family, so we invite you, and we will definitely fulfill your wish, at the russian exhibition at vdnkh , the wish tree came up today, deputy prime minister tatyana golikova, she got maxim’s dream to get for the concert of the group lyub and the minister of labor and social protection anton kotyakov will give a hockey skate to ivan from the kemerovo region. and ksyusha mazneva, who the day before visited channel one and completed a real on-air internship in our studio.
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turns into incredibly beautiful images that he displays on a huge dome; sometimes our wildest dreams are much closer than we think. ksenia was personally convinced of this when her wish came true, she entered the holy of holies, the studio of the program time and the magic of television conquered the child’s heart, once forever. i don’t know if this is a miracle, but i’m waiting for when i grow up i can still go
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to work on television, so yes, i don’t know how much of a miracle this is, but that’s what i care about most. sharks, let's stop. let's see a little, and ksyusha also really wanted to see real sea inhabitants, in the moskvarium she was shown how to work with killer whales and dolphins, she was especially inspired by the baikal seals, she seemed to have found a common language with them, i was at our aquarium in st. petersburg, but now i wanted to visit here again, see what’s here, what there are animals here, plus my brothers also love all this very much, so we would like to visit here, here is the second... so to speak, a real workshop of miracles opened in pavilion number 75, this is a musical children's performance, a beautiful touching story, specially staged for guys whose fathers are now in the northern military district zone, and, of course, all thoughts are only about one thing, so that dads are always nearby. i believe that there should
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be a lot of such events, not only even for military children, but for our children in general, since patriotism needs to be caught up. about pride and love for the homeland. visitors to the russia exhibition at vdnkh often say that people from different cities come to rediscover their native country. we love all this, we love our russia, thanks to all this i learn how huge, beautiful, diverse our country is. today is vedenkha day of the murmansk region. the arctic is close, just 2 hours by plane from moscow, the fastest opportunity to see whales and northern russia, by the way, at the exhibition you can practically touch it. this is a sea of ​​​​joy, a child's adult, that's all that is shown. here in the video, these are skis, well, untold riches, that is, this is all sparkling, northern lights, i really like this pride in the region, in general, be proud of the country, i must say, the world’s only nuclear icebreaker fleet is based in the region, here you can test yourself in the role of captain of the icebreaker arctic, by the way, one of the most powerful in the world, it is capable of breaking ice
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up to 3 m thick, one refueling on an enriched hurray is not enough for 7 years, we ask you to give permission to launch the movement. i grant you permission, a little over a week ago the president gave the start movement of a new railway line in the murmon region, and today the verkhnetulomskaya hydroelectric station was launched after modernization, which means that we will continue to provide reliable power to the cities of large enterprises in the murmansk region, and the station will continue to reliably provide the required level of electricity flow.
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sergei mikheev, today he is 85, but once upon a time he was an outstanding designer, a hero of russia, for a long time he could not have gotten into his cherished moscow aviation institute, then the country would not have received the best helicopters in the world, a black shark and an alligator, but that’s what mikheev is for, to always overcome
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the resistance of life currents, just as his powerful maneuverable attack helicopters overcome air currents, so now with his name in our history... they were already waiting for me at the doorstep, they took the papers, and so i became a student at the moscow aviation institute.
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the young specialist’s assertiveness and determination were appreciated by kamov’s bureau. at 35, he is already a general designer; by this time, mikheev’s helicopters will have set 20 world records. a talented scientist even then stood out from the crowd, looked for non-standard solutions and did not give in, first of all to himself. if you are confident that you are right, then you move forward in spite of everything, without thinking about the consequences for your career. - says the designer. i never looked back, well, i listened or anything else, but i made the decision myself. everything worked out for me. maybe i can talk interestingly. like the legendary founder of the design bureau, nikolai kamov, sergei mikheev was a principled supporter of the sauce scheme of carrying rifles. the advantage of the design was fully embodied in the famous k-50 black shark. a formidable name for potential opponents. among themselves, the designers called the car completely differently, admitted mikheev. in an interview 20 years ago, in the process of creating machines, you get so comfortable with the project, with the machine, that you generally begin
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to perceive it as an animated being, this machine in our narrow environment was called a sweetheart, the sweetheart had characteristics unimaginable for that time, here on air show max97 legendary pilot, russian hero boris vorobyov performs nesterov's loop on a black shark, before it was fantastic, after that boris...
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they never even dreamed of, like akola, the alligator can boast of a catapult to rescue pilots, this is the personal initiative of designer mikheev. the ministry of defense did not set the order to install ejection helicopters, i set it. i believed that this was fundamentally important, so i was persistent. the fundamental decision was to place the pilots in the cockpit not one after another, but side by side, shoulder to shoulder. the pilot sees with peripheral vision that his brother. we are.
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65 years of the famous first medical university named after sechenov moscow state medical university, the oldest medical university in the country, which...


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