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tv   PODKAST  1TV  December 23, 2023 4:35am-5:11am MSK

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in practice it even exceeds the stated tactical and technical characteristics, and more than once , thanks to its maneuverability and speed, the vehicle saved the lives of the crew. i believe that this is my happiness as a designer, but i went towards this, this is the task, i set myself a task, i tried together with my comrades. despite his venerable age, sergei viktorovich continues to work on plans to create a helicopter with a flight speed of up to 600 km/h. to those who believe that this is impossible, mikheev replies that there was a time when they said that alligators do not fly, and his eyes light up the boyish enthusiasm with which he came to conquer moscow in the mid-fifties. oleg shishkin, sergey mukhin, liliya zorina, sergey levashov, channel one. 265 years of the famous first medical university named after sechenov moscow state medical university, the oldest medical university in the country, which keeps up with the times and remains not only a leading center for training doctors, but... we are creating
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a world-class scientific center for digital biodesign and personalized healthcare, we opened advanced engineering school, and today a university trains not only doctors for the medical institutions of our country, but today we are training medical researchers, we are training medical engineers, we are training... bioengineers, bioinformaticians, this speaks of the versatility of our university. in the year of the centenary of domestic volleyball, words of gratitude and respect to the veterans of this popular game. they were honored today in the moscow region. verk of bright victories at the olympics, world and european championships, and other major tournaments. despite all the sanctions, the game of millions is still developing today. in russia new volleyball arenas are appearing, young, bright stars are shining, they have someone to look up to. report by anatoly lazarev.
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the secret of longevity of lyudmila ivanovna smirnova, and she is 100 years old, is volleyball. i love you, i love you very much. i believe that he simply extended my life and the ball as well. do you remember the hands? hands, of course, hands remember. sometimes i sit and start to screw it in. lyudmila ivanovna, the same age as russian volleyball, is also exactly a century old. smirny stood at the origins of women's volleyball cska, won many times medals at moscow championships, participated in the ussr championship, played for the soul. up to 80 years old, because volleyball was her whole life, it was accessible, she only needed one ball, that’s all, and the balls were absolutely terrible, with lacing, when someone has a ball, then it’s just like a necessary person, and the sound of the ball , as soon as you knock on the sword with a sword, people immediately gather, russian volleyball traces its history to a match that took place 100 years ago in moscow, people of art, students of artistic and theater skills competed.
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at the european level , no other team sport in our country has such an achievement, we will have even more gold medals as soon as the international olympic committee is not weak, but becomes stronger and does not succumb to the pressure that is put on it. who today in this hall
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forced the stands to rise to the sounds of our anthem at six olympics, nine world championships, 16 european championships, a dynamic sport, non-contact, beautiful, everything can change in one second, in 1 minute, you need to have such very precise connections with your partners and trust them so much that in one second you can decide to give a pass or make some kind of decision, so this one...
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bol is the final at the olympics in london in 2012. the brazilians lead the games 2:0. they are one ball away from gold medals. many rivals would give up, but not the russians. we were able to turn the tide of the game at the last moment. and walked through the brazilians like a skating rink. russian team, olympic champion. the team loves this sport, loved the country. i think that these were the fundamental factors for victory. these were true professionals in their field, they won. probably, in general, the nation is such that no matter how difficult it is for us, we always find some internal reserves within ourselves, yes, this history always shows, yes, that we can always add a little more, that’s why. this is what happened in london. today , russian volleyball is isolated from international volleyball, sports officials have succumbed to political pressure, and as a result , world sport is suffering. in volleyball language, they wanted to block, but they the ball flew away. anatoly lazarev, alexander isaev, dmitry bedrev, veronika levuchinkova, larisa nikitina, nika vishnyakova. first
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channel. the museum of decorative arts presents an incredibly interesting exhibition - a russian wedding. you can see how everything used to be, all the most interesting things. however , it should be when real love happens. maria saushkina has already seen the exhibition, which was prepared by the authors of the first channel project “playing wedding.” stunning beauty, pskov kokoshnik, ancient russian headdress, brides the beginning of the 19th century were made from freshwater pearls and brocade. rich peasant women and poor girls could not afford this.
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menu for a wedding feast, this is a cloudberry, for example, at the exhibition there are modern wedding suits, stylized as ancient ones with elements typical of the north; local fashion designers managed to select authentic fabrics from grandmothers' chests. the dress is made from antique homespun fabric that i found in our
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manege area. the fabric is more than 100 years old, and accordingly it is simply altered here, made, adapted to a modern image. and here are the very couples who participated in the television project. the wedding celebration was held according to the customs of cossack weddings, now they have forgotten to consider it at all, it’s a shame to celebrate a wedding in the traditions of your people, where you were born, in your family, this project, it very cool shows that you can have a modern wedding with a twist , well, of the nationality where you live, in addition to costumes, the exhibition presents actions that demonstrate the richness of traditions, as a basis, and traditional patterns and ornaments, the idea was to make a huge towel tablecloth. the eminent guests appreciated the project and the importance of preserving traditions. it is useful to think about the fact that at a number of special events in their
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lives , the same elements of costume that existed at similar events in the lives of their great-great-great-great-great-grandmother and great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother can quite easily be present. great-grandfathers, this is very touching, i am pleased that in the museum of decorative and applied arts, which , when pulling out an object, pulls out a ritual with it, because the thing does not live on its own, it lives in the action of a living ritual. folk traditions unite people on the basis of universal human values ​​and norms of behavior. traditions contribute to the strengthening and development of spiritual culture. it is important that the exhibition is not a demonstration. archaic objects in the window, a modern organic interpretation of such a rich celebration as a russian wedding. as part of the exhibition, guests are immersed in the atmosphere of this ancient celebration; no one will remain indifferent. maria saushkina, olga kovalenko, pavel
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volkonsky, dmitry remizov, sergey levashov, channel one. hello, with you again the podcast deception of substances and its hosts, editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda olesya nosova, endocrinologist zuhra pavlova. and today we will talk about the two most important, probably, vitamins that we need, vitamin d3 and omega-3 acids. zukhra, please tell me why d3 is such an odious, one might say, vitamin, many people call it a hormone, in general, what is it, why do we need to add it? in food, most importantly, it is in food, but there is simply not very much of it in it, so it
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they recommend taking it additionally , but in general this is a bit of a fashionable trend , every decade we have a new panacea, then one vitamin, then some substance, now the time has come for vitamin d3, but is it really not deserved, we don’t have any panaceas, this the same vital substance, in general the word vitamin, and from the word vitos, all vitamins are needed, without any of them some diseases develop, vices and the quality of life, of course, decreases, so somehow attribute something non-existent to a vitamin it’s definitely not worth making an elixir of youth or life out of it, just as it’s not worth reducing its value. why is it possible, for the last two decades there has been so much talk around vitamin d, even such a d doctor movement has appeared, it’s difficult. even to say this, those who prescribe vitamin d, everyone has a lot for any reason, for any reason, and what’s more,
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they reduce all problems to a lack of this vitamin, they also call it a prohormone, it really turns into hormones, why is a hormone different from a hormone, the more accurate is that the hormone has a receptor, only such a protein molecule, like the place where it sits on the cell, on the membrane or on the nucleus of the cell, for... some complex reactions, the d-hormone has such receptors, it is a steroid, a very important hormone, but it all starts with a vitamin, and other vitamins, i apologize, do not have such a history, they do not cling to molecules, they do not cling to a receptor, they there are no receptors, but this does not mean that these vitamins are less important, just as important, for example, are vitamins of group b, participants in more than 200 reactions, for example, so that vitamin d can produce a certain one. reaction, it is necessary for vitamin b6 to be the key to open this reaction, it
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is such a cofactor, yes, it is a participant in the reaction and without this the reaction will not occur either, there is a lot of vitamin d, a little vitamin d, so it is difficult to overestimate the importance of each of them, and that’s what happens most often we understand how important this is when we have a deficiency of some vitamin, everyone knows that when sailors found themselves in some distant difficult travels, they ran out of vegetables and fruits, and they developed zinc. especially in winter, everyone went to bed early, got up early and went outside.
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there was also housework, but most people worked in the fresh air under the sun; they received vitamin d to a greater extent than modern people. and - here you need to get a little into physiology, into science. our main source is skin, the skin of the sun. in order for the skin to produce vitamin d3, you need several important ones. aspects: firstly, the skin must be is saturated with this very substance , from which d3 is formed under the influence of ultraviolet rays , this is sebum in such a simple expression, but where to get it, this is the substance, where to get it, it is perfectly produced in our own skin, but what you and i do every day, we take a shower, we take a bath, we go to the bathhouse, to saunas, we figuratively speaking, we constantly wash all this out of... these baths and pools and so on, literally creaking with cleanliness, and
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even if after that we go into the sun, sunbathing, then there is nothing for this d3 to be produced from, well, besides, we take a warm shower, that is, we further promote the removal of this substance, we use all sorts of chemicals, washcloths, by the way, i read the synopsis of the book, the meaning of which was, we wash too often, yes , of course, sounds a little strange, but apparently. what problem really exists, well, now some doctors also recommend washing the folds, yes, well, that is , this is the perineal area , these are the axillary areas, more often with soaps, everything else. well let's say you've been doing sports, rinse off with regular cool water, and not cold, of course, we don't over-cool, especially in the cold season, this is how we wash off the salt, we 're clean, we maintain hygiene rules, but we don't wash it off - that's the most valuable thing, one more point , in our country, and not only, in a huge number of other countries
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, vitamin d deficiency is widespread, because the angle of incidence of the sun's ray is such that when it hits... the skin, it is not able to produce this ultraviolet ray d3, even if you and i are not washed away all this sebum, a precursor to vitamin d, so it is very important what or beyond what parallel you and i live, and we live in the forty-second most part of our country, so even if you and i, figuratively speaking, do not overdo it in the bathroom , we walk around naked most of the time, then the angle of incidence of the beam is such that you don’t produce much d3, so vitamin d deficiency is a really common phenomenon, here we should also note such an interesting fact, one of the most common places for such expressed by vitamin d deficiency, this is africa , they often walk around half-dressed, yes, because it is hot, as if the sun is at the right, yes, at the right height, there is a lot of sun there, to put it mildly, but vitamin d deficiency
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is very common there, this is connected with the fact that the darker the skin, the worse underneath it is... well, the lighter ones are tanned, then at the moment when we become so pleasantly brown, vitamin d begins to be produced in significantly smaller quantities, well, this is probably the case safety net, that is, our body, it has there are many different safety mechanisms to prevent any overaccumulation of something very important, so consuming vitamin d in sufficient quantities, both for small and pregnant women, as well as for adults and is very important for the elderly, because in older people the ability of the skin to synthesize d3 also decreases greatly, it’s just that age-related changes are such that the body loses the ability to produce this hormone, each category needs to be used in the right
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amount, this is determined by the doctor who examines you and sees the results of your research, just by eye, this is not a very good idea, because any vitamin is an active substance, and both deficiency and overdose are very dangerous. there are a lot of recommendations on the internet that literally say that by consuming large doses of vitamin d3, you can get rid of depression, diseases of bones, joints, they even tried to treat coronavirus, i remember these headlines, yes. from coronavirus, i would like to protect everyone from such slightly excessive expectations of large doses, because intoxication, an overdose of vitamin d3 , it does not bring anything good, it has very serious consequences, it is extremely difficult to tolerate, yes, i had such a case with me, with me personally, i didn’t keep track of
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the amount of d3 that i take, it turned out that i have d3 not only... actually in d3, but i had d3 in multivitamins, i had d3 along with omega, d3 was in protein, which i drink before the gym, and so on and so forth, one day moment - i didn’t feel very good, so zukhra came to me diagnosed an overdose, thank god, after i canceled everything, all my symptoms went away, see all episodes of the podcast deception of substances on the first website. channel we continue the conversation with you podcast deception of substances and hosts zukhra pavlova, endocrinologist and editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda, olesya nosova. how else can d3 deficiency manifest itself? well, probably, most people perceive
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d3 deficiency with the development of such a phenomenon as rickets, yes, when the bones become soft, onigu. such unnecessary curvature appears, the chest changes its shape, and more often this is associated precisely with childhood, and indeed children d3 is extremely necessary, all this is correct, and not only for children, but for adults for metabolism and for the correct metabolic mechanisms in bone tissue, this is all correct, why , because our bones have not only an organic matrix, well , yes, a component, but also an inorganic one, we all know that it is calcium, not only calcium. but first of all, so that this calcium, which comes with food, someone takes it with dietary supplements takes, could be absorbed in the intestines, end up in the blood, then in the bones, needed. d3, it is under its influence that a protein is formed, such as a transport protein, like a taxi, which captures this calcium from the intestines and helps it to be absorbed and end up in the bones
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, but if we do not consume enough d3, then calcium may not be absorbed and the bones become loose, like this can manifest itself, a person can fall and with a very small fall from his own height, he suddenly breaks. some kind of bone, of course, that's later will be diagnosed as osteoporosis or osteomelia, especially in older people and women more often than men, but this can happen at a younger age, although of course this happens less often, in addition, since please wait, that is , a lack of topics is dangerous for children that they may have rickets, and rickets is, in my opinion , a diagnosis for life, that is, consequences, consequences. yes, that is, the bones do not
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bend, they break. it must be said that all hormones are not some kind of local effect, yes, there is bone or this tissue or some other target, that’s all, so vitamin d has an effect on a person’s cognitive functions, that is, it is memory, ability. making decisions, resourcefulness, thoughts on this as well. this is also the emotional sphere, there are works that have demonstrated the important influence of vitamin d on the synthesis of testosterone, on the ability of an already fertilized egg to implant, that is, attach to the wall of the uterus, that is, in all aspects, each vitamin or hormone plays its own important role role, so vitamin d must. be in a normal amount, there is no need to try to increase it there to 100, and if it is 35, this is not a tragedy at all, the norm is from 30 to 100, yes, that is
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, it is somehow unnecessary to attribute something that d3 cannot do at all , i have a friend, he is a professor, he has his own clinic, and he once talked in a conversation about how he uses 25,000 units of d3 daily, yeah. he takes 25,000, and as i understand it, he takes it for quite a long period, and it seems to him that that’s it, everything is okay and so on and he doesn’t feel any poisoning, here you can find an explanation for this, sometimes we prescribe. therapeutic therapeutic doses of d3 prohormone , and even provitam, and we don’t see its increase in the blood, then what comes to mind is
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not only the quality of this source itself, but also the body’s ability to convert this precursor into the active form of vitamin d. this happens first in the liver, and then in the kidneys, and if this mechanism is disrupted, yes, then no matter how much vitamin d you take, you will not get it. form, because the mechanism there is disturbed, some kind of renal problem or metabolism in the liver is initially disturbed, so we then prescribe the active form to the patient, not calcium diol, calcium triol, well , these chemical names are complicated, so perhaps this professor has such a problem, and he 25 thousand daily intake does not harm itself, but in principle i don’t understand why to do this, because any capsule that comes into our body still undergoes certain transformations in the liver and this is a load on this liver fabric, why it’s not entirely clear, well, he’s
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a professor of vege, that’s for sure, that’s for sure, but in general how should it be taken in liquid form or in capsule form? in fact, both third mechanisms, there are even sprays that show fairly good absorption, depending on the individual person, there may be... or other mechanisms are preferable, but all of these and even there are injectable forms, according to a number of studies, they turned out to be less , let's say, they are effective, but again, you know, we live in a time when there is research for every thesis there are studies confirming these theses, yes, so in my opinion, you don’t have to invent anything special, capsules, tablets, sprays and drops. they have proven themselves to be excellent, well, they don’t look for good from good , why not, well, probably the most important thing here is to keep everything under control at all times, so that it doesn’t work out, god forbid, like me,
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that at one fine moment... should not only prescribe you a certain dose depending on your needs, age, characteristics, but also understand, control and give you recommendations with what frequency do you need to monitor the levels of certain substances defined there and make some adjustments in a timely manner ? try to become a clinician yourself. well, everything in life is possible, but it seems to me that it will work out for a very, very small number of people, and in general everyone should do it, i really like it when you compare the profession of a doctor with that of a pilot, yes, well, it doesn’t occur to anyone sitting at the controls of an airplane, just because you get to play computer games, the risks the same absolutely, here and there your life , yes, when i was just starting my career, it seemed to me that everything, i already knew everything,
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i could do everything, i was running, i... am an anesthetist by profession, i was running to the operating room, in order to get everything done before the arrival of, say, the leading doctor, when one day one of my teachers noticed my enthusiasm, he said: “until you read the book, he gave me a book about complications in anesthesiology, don’t go into the operating room, and he was absolutely right, because when i realized in a row cases that could have happened, and i wouldn’t have known what to do about it, well, i was just, as they say, covered, like that. so this confidence that you can do anything, it is based on a small amount of knowledge and a lack of understanding of the possible consequences, when a person realizes this, he has a completely different attitude, there is more responsibility, yes, i am still very scared by what is happening now there are a lot of completely marketing dietary supplements, for example, vitamin d3 is mixed with k2, yes, that’s the story
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not for everyone at all. not at all for everyone, this is a very important point, because when i say, for example, or in some post i wrote that everyone should not use vitamin k2, because it increases the risk of thrombosis, a large number of comments immediately come in like this is illiterate, k2 does not affect, then these are completely different subtypes of vitamin k, it must be said that vitamin k is also a fat-soluble vitamin, and it is an active participant in the coagulation system, but it has many different sub-substances. yes, but i always answer here when we are dealing with medicine, we absolutely understand that in this capsule, in what quantity, directly , as they say, in micrograms or milligrams, when we talk about badi, there can be anything at all, k4, k1, k7 and so on and the like, and there is no certainty that there is that substance that promotes capture, so. d3 produces
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a protein that transports calcium, k2 promotes the formation of such a terminal residue that grabs this molecule, but if only this were the case, yes, then everything would be fine, but if in this capsule contains subtypes of vitamin k that increase the coagulation system, then we have a risk of thrombosis, in my practice there are many such patients, the likelihood is especially high if a person has varicose veins... he has an increased risk of thrombosis, for example, because women take estrogens, and in contraceptives, or some other predisposing factors, are in a hot climate, do not like to drink water, and so on and so forth, then the addition of this element sharply increases the risk of thrombosis, and such patients cannot even always understand what happened, they were just taking vitamins, suddenly this is the situation, and by the way, it is catastrophic, because
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it is a thrombus. this cannot be taken so lightly and so calmly recommended to everyone, well, we often hear this, kd3 is not absorbed without k2, i would like to say, get over it, everything is quite good with this in our body, but if d3 is more difficult, yes, it is not is produced in such quantities and does not come from food, then with vitamin k everything is relatively good, it there is a lot in plant foods in other foods, well, first of all, vegetable greens. and even part of it is produced in our intestines, but why? because an active participant in the coagulation system, the body is so wise, it protects its life and insures at every stage the possibility of what is called sudden death, yes, so this science is unnecessary, it not only complicates life for many, but also puts this life at risk , well, yes, that is, if the doctor
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prescribed d3. then under no circumstances is it possible engage in no amateur activities, don’t need to improve anything, no recommendations, don’t listen to anyone, you need to go buy d3, which the doctor prescribed, that’s it. moreover, ask questions to your doctor, the one who prescribed it must explain to you why, why, unfortunately, at the appointment, at the usual appointment, yes, the doctor does not have much time, but try, as they say, to ask your questions succinctly questions, why make some wrong decisions and make mistakes, the price is too expensive, see the episodes of the podcastlab project on the website of the first channel, substance deception, olesya nosova and zukhra pavlova are with you. what else do we often do when we talk about skin? we use various creams. we do this especially often with spf , yes, these are protective filters that prevent our skin from being overly exposed
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to ultraviolet radiation, this is also one of the elements of the disease of civilization and, by the way, not only women, men now like to protect their skin because they are told about that it is, but it is correct, actually it is correct, yes, but there is more. one factor that prevents d3 from forming, because we have protected our skin with a protective film. now about omega-3. acids are very important, there is such a story about omega-3, they are always confused with omega-6, especially when they buy it, but this is a completely different story, even opposite. omega-3 prevents inflammation, treats inflammation, and omega-6 causes inflammation. both processes are absolutely necessary for our body. everything is correct, absolutely, and this is a class of polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-6 is really pro-inflammatory, omega-3 is anti-inflammatory, the question is often asked,
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why cause inflammation in the body, this is a phenomenon that happens almost every minute, our body has no other way to fight everything negative except to inflame it, bacteria are... this is excess fatty tissue, it also becomes inflamed, so that constantly to maintain this balance, we need pro-inflammatory acids, that is, those that promote the development of inflammation, for example omega-6, there is a lot of omega 6 in food, it does not need to be added specifically with capsules, you know, it often happens patients proudly show this, and i take omega-3 6 9, it’s definitely wonderful, nine doesn’t bother us either, but we don’t need to take additional omega-6, in the same vegetable oils that we so generously pour into some salads or somewhere else, someone likes to dip bread with salt, vegetable
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oil, there is an abundance of omega-6, and there is absolutely no need to consume additionally, but omega-3 is a big deficiency, why because in... the body is not produced in any quantity, in any quantity, it comes in insufficient quantities with food, we have a skew of omega-6, omega-3, about one in twenty, but it should be one in three, where we have a lot of omega-3, this is all that is associated with sea fish, it’s especially good when these fish are of northern breeds, and it is desirable that this fish be fresh, if it was frozen, transported for a long time, then there it is. there will be a lot of tension, therefore, since we cannot always eat freshly caught fish, this happens when we go somewhere, then these are capsules, these are liquids in the form of an omega-3 solvent, and well this a reasonable compromise, yes, this is exactly
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what they call a vital story, those who were born in the soviet union remember how in kindergartens everyone was given a spoonful of fish oil, we had a hard time enduring this, as it seemed to us, execution, it was disgusting, we grimaced , we were grimacing, now, by the way, on the one hand we need inflammation, but on the other hand it, as a defensive reaction, very often becomes so uncontrollable, the balance of omega-3, omega-6 helps make this inflammation so controlled and regulated.


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