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tv   Umnitsi i umniki  1TV  December 23, 2023 9:00am-9:46am MSK

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when buying something technical, carefully study all the characteristics. here, by the way, you can call on the maidens for help, they won’t miss a single detail, and it’s generally unrealistic to confuse the maidens’ heads or out-argue them. tomorrow, late in the evening, the virgins may have an interesting meeting, perhaps with an old friend. libra's contacts will generally go great these days, it will be possible to resolve some business issues in an informal setting, if only you want to do this, and vice versa. the regiment is located for you. scorpios won't either suffer from a lack of attention, these days they are generally in high demand, they are invited everywhere, people want to communicate with them. among other things, there may be calls or messages related to work. whether it can wait until monday, well, decide for yourself. for sagittarius, something or someone may slightly confuse the cards, however, this will not upset you, perhaps it will even turn out for the better. tomorrow, some kind of trip is not excluded, drive more carefully, more often.
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look in the mirrors and see some old friends. this, by the way, is also true for capricorns. moreover, these days you it may be helpful to get advice from someone you consider your teacher or mentor. but be careful with new acquaintances. ladies, this especially concerns you. aquarius is having a generally good winter weekend. perhaps your pickiness might spoil it a little, but look at it yourself, if you have small children, pay more attention to them. snowman. go blind or go to the cat-catcher with the whole family. it’s a very nice weekend for pisces, when the air smells of christmas trees and tangerines and you can feel the holiday approaching. after lunch some nice homemade meals are possible troubles. guests may arrive tomorrow. pisces are loners, you definitely have a chance these days. good luck to you. our saturday morning broadcast ends. irina muromtseva was with you, have a nice new year's weekend. take them somewhere warm.
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atmosphere, with those with whom you feel good, in those chores that make you feel good, there is a feeling that in the end you have rested, tuned in for the holiday, at least for its approach, stay with us, stay on the first page, bye, vodka veda, product of stellar group. hello, dear friends. arkhangelsk
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and cherkessk, from large cities and not very large ones, for example, from the city of sokol, vologda region, the city of kargopol, arkhangelsk region, from the cities of derbend of the republic of dagestan, novouralsk, sverdlovsk region, pas khantomansky autonomous okrug bratsk, irkutsk region artyom, primorsky territory. i have the honor to inform you that our main prize remains unchanged. the winners of the final competition of the all-russian television humanitarian olympiad umnitsy and umniki, right here in the studio before your eyes, will become students moscow state institute.
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of people's relations at gemo university, one of the most prestigious universities in russia. let me introduce you to the panel of judges. judgega, winner of the 2015 smart girls and clever tv olympics. master in international relations by gemo university 2021. inna vyacheslavovna rodina, works in the field of nuclear energy. and the secretary of the panel of judges, karina knyazeva. well,
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she’s my assistant, she’s been my assistant for a long time, she’s always with me, a fourth-year student at the faculty of international relations gemo university, natalya fomenko. from the city of saratov. we invite camilla dammer, tomsk. overall winner of the regional final. what do you notice about this girl? because for the first time the regional final was held in the wonderful city of tomsk. and now representatives have come to us, we are very happy about this. alexander korolev, petropavlos, kamchatsky, kamchatka territory, also the absolute winner
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of the regional final and alena khrushcheva, zheleznogorsk. irkhut region, as is usual with us, you probably know, 15 minutes before the beginning of the competition, i approached our participants and gave them a topic for an eloquent, i hope, speech, the topic was this: oh, he was one very good man, and he knew mathematics well, his name was descartes, maybe your honor heard? of course, he has , in my opinion, a very interesting statement, because they are all smart and smart, it’s just industrial, it’s not enough to have a good mind, said descartes, the main thing is to apply it. ask!
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hello, dear ariopaka, yuri pavlovich, i believe that every person on earth is talented, but in his own way, someone talented in music, some in painting, some in intellectual activity, but ability. all inclinations will not manifest themselves, therefore, throughout life , it is important for a person to try himself as much as possible from different sides, only then will he be able to determine where he is truly strong and work in this direction, and if he applies his mind correctly there and with due diligence, he will certainly achieve success, but because, as rene descartes said, it is not enough to have a good mind, the main thing is to be able to apply it correctly. thank you! ask! hello, dear! hello, dear yuri pavlovich, and the mind is the basis of every person, and the ability to use it is an ability that he should strive for, and thanks to this we got into this studio, in conclusion of my thought i want to say that if
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a person has mind, but will not apply it, then his knowledge may be forgotten over time, and... man, sasha, i understand, this happens to me too, i think, but it seems to me that what i’m saying, especially since time has expired, please, hello, dear repak, hello, dear yuri pavlovich, rene descartes once said that it is not enough to have a good mind, the main thing is to use it, i completely agree with the statement of the french philosopher, to a person who has a huge amount.
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on my assistant, you know everything, now you decide and judge this, in general, the most difficult competition for me. many thanks to all participants, wonderful performances, special thanks to yuri pavlovich for the proposed topic. in fact, i feel a very great responsibility, acting as a judge today, and, probably, in the competition eloquence is correctly guided by two criteria: the fullness, content of the speech, and the way you present your thoughts. based on this, i would give first place to camilla. yes. camilla, thank you very much for emphasizing how
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important it is to choose the right business. it seems to me that this is really necessary, when we make this right choice in life, then... we make ourselves happy to a large, very large extent, i would give second place to alena, also thank you very much for... your eloquence , for what you we remembered how scientists, using their minds, brought to us the knowledge that we use today, and i give third place to alexander, and i understand how exciting and difficult these moments are, i am sure that everything ahead will be wonderful for you, thank you. dear friends, you remember, in the last meeting, my favorite smart guy, sasha bulchev, when i asked him about his
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marital status, he said that he got married, he said that he married my smart girl, if you remember, i said , let's invite her as a judge, here she is in front of to you, inna's homeland, from the city of zherdevki, tambor obmbory region, applause. but not under my pressure, no, i just like it, please, please, the green one is yours, do you
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like it, alena, what will you choose, the yellow one, the yellow one is yours, alexander, there is no choice, but the person who lives in kamchatka, as i understand it , must be fearless, please, your red, dear friends, we continue to talk about alexander ii of his era, there was such an illegal immigrant, alexander mikhailovich korodku, and an illegal immigrant, an interesting one, who worked in many countries.
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gifts for his passion, if large sums of money and a transmitter had been found on him, it could have cost him his head, he could have ended up in the dungeons of the gestapo. what was the task to prevent keitel from leaving prematurely? the whole life of alexander mikhailovich korotkov passed as required by the motto of illegal intelligence, without the right to glory, for the glory of the state. premiere. names of illegal intelligence, alexander korodkov. tomorrow is the first, what,
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where, when, the final of the year, tomorrow is the first, the new year tree is like from the cover, we are decorating the tree according to science, the holiday will be hot, as they celebrate the new year in africa, we can get rid of shoulder pain in five. a minute the program to live great helps everyone on monday on the first stage there will be a competition, that is, for you there will be three keywords, on the yellow carpet two on the red there will be nothing to choose from, but for you these are balls, a gift trip, balls, balls...
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empress maria fedovna loved these balls very much, well, she loved them very much, but her washing sovereign , emperor alexander ii, did not like balls. tell me please. what remedy did he come up with for in order to quickly finish what seemed to him an endless cotillion, if we know what a cotillion is, a cotillion is just the last dance, they dance, dance, dance, the emperor takes, they dance, dances, this is the means he invented, but the point is, what will i answer, the fact is that there was
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an orchestra at the balls, and alexander ii asked for this orchestra in advance, during the dance, that... one by one the musicians left, when by the end of the dance there was already one musician left, then all the guests saw that there is no point in continuing the dance, continue the score , so they began to disperse, the musicians were ordered, i must read the correct answer, although i liked your answer more than mine, to leave one by one, the orchestra gradually weakened, until finally the music finally cut out, all the looks...
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a gift, do you like gifts? i love which ones? different, okay, but this is a very expensive gift, i warn you in advance, what was the name of the gift presented by the emperor to empress maria feodorovna on easter 1885, and to whom did the emperor order it, but what was the name, you understand, yes, yes, and the gift? same you won’t think, but i won’t, but this gift was a fauberge egg, in fact, it was ordered from the masters of the iberges; later this master began to work, as it were, at the imperial house, so the egg was like a white shell, inside, in my opinion, there is a carriage, that’s the name of the gift i
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i haven’t heard, it has a name, this is the first egg of the famous... my soul, young lady, you don’t know, well, now let’s go to the podium, wait for now, fatima from shingarovo, the city of irbend, republic of dagestan, and the egg itself was called a chicken in the auberge, please immediately an order, yes an order, please. i would fine it. yuri pavlovich, if there is such an opportunity, not to fine and not to count the correct answer, i would probably choose this option, if, of course, this is possible. who is our judge? she? yes,
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why is it impossible, if she is a judge, then it is possible. so, we don’t fine, we don’t fine. we don’t count the correct answer , we don’t count it, the verdict is final , there is no choice, trip, sasha, trip, here’s an interesting story, sasha, the emperor-empress persuaded tsitsarevich nicholas to lead the delegation to the house of romanov for the wedding of the duke hessian.
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but it was necessary to get along with the relationship, then i have a counter question, let's go to the bank, what a pretty girl is sitting there, you are on the shore of the pacific ocean, she is on the shore of the pacific ocean, you are in the north, she is in the north, well, in general, think for now arseniy orefev , the city of orenburg, the european lyceum of a suburban village, tsarevich nikolai alexandrovich went at the head of the delegation to... so they tried to persuade him, why it was so important for them, what rumors were circulating, the medarva had already started working, there was a very difficult
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situation there, that nikolai was in a hurry to marry him , that tsarevich nikolai there were rumors, supported by the prussian king and the german emperor welgel ii, that tsarevich nikolai wanted to marry his sister. margarita, no, zolotka, i haven’t heard about such rumors, he had a specific, absolutely, as you say now, relationship, i have a question with whom? please, arshturbezhinar, vologda region, sokolsky district, and the marriage to alice gesenskaya was undertaken to develop rumors about nicholas ii’s affair with matilda kshesinskaya, with a ballerina, yes, that’s vologda. they know everything so well, attention, correct answer: they went to drown out the stormy rumors about the heir's passion for the ballerina and matilda ksishinskaya; alisa
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gessinskaya was present at the wedding, a meeting with whom, according to the parents, was supposed to distract nikolai from his st. petersburg hobbies. on the fourth day after nicholas arrived in coburg, alice told the tsarvich of her consent to marry him. i would give a medal for the first answer and an order for the second, it’s clear that he fully knew the answer, naturally he fully knew when the gold was before him they said, you are also for two orders, of course two, yes, of course, good, thank you very much, i will fix two medals for you, please. sasha, are you ready to answer my question? yes, there is an opportunity to recoup
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, i have to go to the bank, i won’t go, like this, like this, your will, please, to the podium, get ready, start, she sacrificed a lot to do this theater, if you have your heart and blood.. .. of this house, it’s probably impossible to do otherwise, she told how she cried in the pillows, how she clenched her teeth when there was nothing it worked out, i had to learn to live in the theater, to love it like my child , i was probably very jealous of her, of course i wanted her to be with me, and not with the theater, but it didn’t work out, she was a queen close, inaccessible and dear, immediately in my soul she is still the most beloved, i always say that i have two mothers, it’s true with... i spent only 17 years with my mother at 30, i wouldn’t dare explain what love is, i just feel sorry for those , who has never experienced this feeling,
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on galina volchik’s ninetieth birthday, premiere, today on the first, nothing is impossible, without hands at the wheel, the new life of roman kostamarov, it’s terrible what i was and what i have become. i won’t say now that yes no , but this is nonsense, life has changed dramatically, our exclusive today is the whole family of the olympic champion, of course there were fights, well, more often they were friends, denis supported me in the hospital, he will insert a cradle in my plan, yes you are a hero, you have conquered death, this is my man, throughout my life we ​​have passed such the most difficult test, this is true love, my love, just don’t cry, i don’t i'm crying. that it will be a shame to watch my mother cry, the main thing is that he is here, next to me, i can see him, touch him, kiss him, how the tragedy of the son, father and husband changed the fate
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of everyone, i said, i will return home on my own two feet , i won’t go in a wheelchair, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, watch after the evening news, city, centers.
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she’s smart, teachers, she needs to be told more often that she’s smart, she’s passed the next stage, but here you have, so i don’t understand, what do you mean, you didn’t make a mistake in the first stage, well, it turns out, yes, that is, there is no penalty, no, but there is no answer, so you need to answer correctly twice, centers or king, centers.
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the largest passage in europe arose in moscow, where was it located and what is a passage? i have no answer. zolotka, since you need to answer correctly twice on the yellow track in order for you to win, now it’s definitely a penalty, but there was no penalty, sorry, but there was no answer there, so you’re a theorist, okay. anna vinogradova, cherepovets city,
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vologda region. i think that the passage was located in the city of moscow, on red square and the passage are shopping arcades where trade went on as if in a row, where there were many different representatives who presented their goods. before that, there were shopping arcades; they weren’t called arcades. the word is french, that this means a passage, now this building remains, what is it called, you don’t know, this is a gum, absolutely right, wait, we will decide your fate, someone will explain to me what a passage is, kirill epishenkov, city of yekaterinburg, specialized educational -scientific center of the ural federal university, the word passage comes from french, and which
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literally means: it turns out that the passage consisted of several monumental buildings, which were then covered with a glass roof, this is in st. petersburg, which means it was located on red square, now it is a gum, the passage was called shopping arcades, the assage was the name of a commercial building where shops are located in tiers , on the sides of the wide passage in the gallery, we talked about a passage with a glass ceiling, but
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to be honest, it’s possible without a glass ceiling... the ceiling is probably the same, well , give me a medal, two medals, please, two medals, thank you, colleague , camilla dammer from the city of tomsk is leaving us , due to the fact that she is smart, i would even say very smart, without... her semi-final, good luck to you, long live the city of the point she won on the green path is leaving in tomsk, just joined the movement and is already an immediate winner. the competition
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continues, because the questions that i... began to naturally be asked to theorists, and the theorists, yes, absolutely right, dear friends, are those participants who are sitting in the stands, the king, his named: lana kaetmazova republic of north ossetia alania city of caucasus was called flower and the speech about andrei brakar was called andrei afanasyevich bakartsuz adikalon was called
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quite correctly flower order. boxes: at the beginning of july 1882 , boxes arrived at the gadchin palace, they were brought to the office of the emperor, why are you looking at me, what was inside? hello, dear, pavel trofimov, arkhangelsk region, city of kargopol, in the boxes there was a phone and a device for installing it, a phone, a phone, and something like that there was no phone? he was simply not in the gachina, they connected the gachina palace with the winter one, i don’t ask any more questions, i read the correct answer: there were telephone sets inside, telephone communication was open between the two palaces,
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the katchina and the winter order, please. the play, in 1884, the premiere of the play by alexander ostrovsky took place at the maly theater. what was it called? hello, what's your name? alsukhakimov, ulyanovsk region, bolshenogadkinsky secondary school. and don't you want any tips from me? i'm guessing this is nonsense? no. in my script written, there is a hint. a hint, we take a hint, one of the characters says: but they are artistic, poor people, in european words they are proletarians, but in our russian words, birds of the air, no, who is ready?
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anastasia mitina, lyceum of humanities, saratov. i'll assume it's no fault. between one artist and the author of the story, what was the name of the story, who wrote it, and which artist considered himself the prototype and became furious? hello, daria baranova,
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the city of arkhangelsk, this is a story by anton pavlovich chekhov, a jumper, and an artist, who thought that he was depicted in this story was isaac levitan, an acquaintance of the czech. are you answering correctly? and what do you think? i'm curious, what do you think? i think yes. now we'll see. the story was called jumping. the author is czech, and the artist halevitan considered himself a prototype of the artist rebovsky, who in the original version of the story was indeed very similar to isaac ilyech. what do you think they will give us? well, anything? here the order is definitely smart, thank you very much, in the epilogy
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the questions are simpler, at least they are simpler for our participants, this does not mean that they are easier for you, that’s why we don’t give orders, we give medals, which is what captain sergei ivanovich mosin , ivan frolov, gymnasium 24 in the city of tomsk became famous for in the era of alexander ii. sergei, captain sergei mosin developed the mosin rifle, which was used both in the first and second world war. smart girl. the russian designer and organizer of small arms production, captain mosin, created a three-line rifle, which was in service with the russian army for more than half a century. medal. thank you too.
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get up, knight, in vain, you are looking for a bookstore, what is the name? lydia nabieva, secondary school number one, anadri city, and this was glinka and his play ruslan and lyudmila. absolutely right, medal, please, medal, and the simplest question number three, but the most significant.
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museum so what? no, everything is correct, but what will happen to you? what will happen? can we please let the girl out and give her a medal for answering correctly? for her, a medal means freedom, but i would still like to reward her with a medal for correct answers. we release the medals.
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dear friends, the epilogue is over, but to be honest, i need to deal with the judge and her husband, because in the history of the program, smart guys, smart guys, this is the first time they get married, our children. people, my dear, respected tv viewers , this is the first time in 30 years, my smart kids, one might say, met each other and say that they got married, at the beginning i want to ask, how did you get on the program, in the tenth grade i took participation in the regional stage in the tambov region, as a result of this so... i already got to moscow
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filming, where they entered later , they entered, well, they won, of course, that’s understandable, they won, yes, it was a very difficult competition, it seemed that fate itself was present at it, but everything in the end played out very well for me, and i chose the international institute of energy politics and diplomacy, where i studied for 4 years as a bachelor's degree and then continued a little in... a narrower direction, but also in mgemo, studying for a master's degree, and then we went somewhere to work, then there was the international atomic energy agency in vienna, where we met with sasha, foreigner, well, now i have to turn to sasha, the fact is that we talked with him in the last program, and when the broadcast was already over, he said, i somehow want to tell you about who i am there worked, because it turns out that... i was mainly involved in the kitchen,
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theaters and so on, sasha, just briefly , please, who did you work there, if it’s not a secret, i was the leader of the magate group in the russian mediation with international organizations, in fact, most of the time i was engaged in business international agency, but inna came there for an internship through the marie skladovskaya curie program, she actually met me precisely for this reason, and i met her, honestly, just tell me, please, this is the transfer of smart girls and smart guys. sasha is deceiving me, he really knew by the time we met him, mutual acquaintances told him about it , already knowing that sasha himself was one of the smartest guys, that there was such a girl, but i didn’t know, but very quickly i understood because of my erudition sasha, from his love of history, this is very easy
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to understand, well, by that time i had lived in vienna for several years, i had just arrived, that’s why. i naturally offered to show her vienna , then other cities in austria, well, in general, my first was arabic, my second was english, yes, and french, in vienna, it probably didn’t help you much, most of the communication really took place in english , and she also didn’t really like being an observer at the sessions of magath’s decision-making bodies, well, she couldn’t be a participant then, so she could watch from the outside how it was happening, in her it was very and where did you get married in vienna, also in vienna, at the embassy, ​​the embassy kindly provided its small hall, a music room, and since inna plays the piano, it was doubly pleasant, yes, i love it very much, and as if 11 passed months from the day we
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met and we got married, to have a good mind, descartes said, you also need to use it competently, do you use it? so yes, it’s obvious that it’s really important , dear guys, well, finally the last question, this is the first wedding, naturally i’m extremely interested, i need grandchildren or granddaughters, who would come straight from the smart guys , give a gift to the transfer, we will try, we will try, and whoever you want, a grandson or a granddaughter,
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but for me in the sense of a son or a daughter, it really doesn’t matter, and for you it doesn’t matter, yes, and it doesn't matter to me. i persuaded my wife to keep her last name when she married me, the povichnevsky story repeated itself, of course, how can you change your homeland, that’s what they said, the employee of the police department told us that i hope that you won’t change your homeland, well and you, alexander, don’t do you want to change your last name, i said that well, i’m a little known by mine, so no, but thank you, i’m known not only as a person who won in smart girls. smart guys , he also played, wherever he played, and what , where, when it was, and somewhere else, the main thing is, of course, the children, they promised us, we wish them happiness, happiness, happiness, well, you and i agree, dear tv viewers, thank you,
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thank you very much, thank you for the program, in fact, it introduced us, well, that is, at least thank you, dear tv viewers, because that... without you, there would be no program, all the best, cognac, old barrel, product of the steller group.


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