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tv   Vremya  1TV  December 23, 2023 9:00pm-9:20pm MSK

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this is an emergency, i say what happened, galina borisovna, this is an emergency, the cherry orchard begins , you go out, but instead of you it’s not the episode that comes out, but the tv that comes out, this cannot be allowed, that means, gradually, for me to leave the play the cherry orchard, because that these are already incompatible things, well, yes, but if she watched today how sasha oleshka plays steps, that today not only we, but... everyone who
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watches us remembered a truly outstanding actress, a unique woman, completing today’s program, i want us to listen to galina borisovna, i i’m just saying that i have a very rich collection, no tzatzik, no matzik, no paintings, eh.
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hello, the program is on the air, in the studio of ektorin andreev, the party’s position, what the pre-election congresses of the communist party of the russian federation of a fair russia for the truth decided, suvs. guns, winter ammunition, new year's gathering of the popular front for our defenders. instead of strength, beauty of inspiration, 130 years of humus. the history of the country's main department store is a big celebration in honor of the round anniversary. kalapah. collecting signatures in support of vladimir’s candidacy putin's participation in the upcoming presidential elections began throughout the country. as a self-propelled head of state. it is necessary to collect
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at least 3,000 signatures by the end of january. the headquarters will work even on weekends, including in new regions. you can support the president in local branches of the popular front and united russia. report by svetlana kostina. i got sick right in the shopping center. here is a new year's fair, here is a grocery store where you can shop for the new year, here you can leave your signature. the procedure is short and not complicated; you will need a passport and a few minutes of time. i don’t see any other president, only putin. now it depends on everyone who will lead the country for the next 6 years, i see that what the country is turning into, not from what it was, what, what has become? i got a house, i got a car, i got vladimir vladimirovich - the man who will lead the world to peace. rosim baksikov, who was awarded the hero of russia star by the president and the same tank crew commander, knows well how to bring the world to peace. alyosha. now he is a teacher at the kazan tank school
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. the main thing is that we need consolidation, internal stability, i believe that the president is opening up to young people, when we start in 2017, then...
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the ceremony took place in rostov-on-don. the new year's collection continues,
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you can help too, point your smartphone camera at the qr code on the screen, it leads to a page on the project website for everything to win, where there is the necessary information. details in the report by yulia pogorelova. when such a winter and the urals breaks down, and the tanks stop, the only hope is for the domestic suv, uaz have different types of stoves and heat guns, gas, diesel, so that the guys can dry out dugouts, dry out trenches and strongholds, there are warm insoles, and warm kits , copters, thermal imagers, radio-electronic systems will be sent to the positions struggle. with enemy drones. the new year's gathering within the framework of the popular front project showed everything for victory - it's time. i recently spoke with one of the philanthropists who donates money, a grandfather from kaluga, who is 97 years old. to the question why? he looked very surprised
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the look said: “how could it be otherwise, he ’s a retired colonel, stocked up in reserves, he says: “i gave the order to my children all my pension, all of it.” the soldiers have hands , albeit a small one, but now there will be a new year tree, even in in a trench, especially in a dugout, gifts under the tree, what do you think is there , i think some kind of sweet souvenir, candy, well, yes, i think so, but soldiers love military candy, everyone loves candy, how nice and this soldier and all the other soldiers to receive answers, both from their own and from all the other children who write letters to them, for the guys this is very important, when they say that a letter is some kind of nonsense, no , it really warms the soul, for the new year they prepared special cards for the front, children's
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drawings with poems of wishes, it turns out that snow maidens also cry, what to wish i want it, it’s warm, there’s a snowstorm, the frost is getting stronger, my dad is in the zone, of course we believe in a miracle, so we believe in a miracle, hope and everything, there are gifts, there is a new year’s mood, victory will be ours. meanwhile, the new year's gathering continues. to join it, just go to the website or use for money transfer qr code. he's on the screen now. just consider it a smartphone and send a gift. general training for everyone from 18 to 25 years old. such a law is being discussed by the verkhovna rada. and the military is calling for preparations for total mobilization. according to ukrainian journalists, they have already reached professional athletes. the players of the obolon football club received a group visit. a summons for 25 people, however, the club denies this, and the western press writes about the colossal losses of the ukrainian armed forces. reporters
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from the british times found out that recruits they stopped assigning call signs to the front line and will still die quickly. in such conditions. it is not surprising that ukrainians who were unable to avoid mobilization surrender at the first opportunity. just one of them, caught by military commissars right on the street, laid down his arms. confirms that ukrainian armed forces recruits are expendable. no military training. brief instructions. straight to the front line, at the position where he was, no food or ammunition, not tied up, he was leaving work, the technical officers stopped him, checked his documents and food, they didn’t leave us any communications, they didn’t even leave radios with the command to go out, send them away, they offered to surrender, we surrendered, now about the situation in the middle east, the palestinian media are reporting that the israeli army stormed the city of jericho on the west bank of the jordan river, in hebron, as well as in the camps without...
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supported by a number of arab states, we would certainly veto it. to the security council in essence, and not for the sake of peace, for the sake of ensuring the narrow selfish interests of washington. we proceed from the fact that no matter how we resist, shielding our main middle eastern ally the united states, the council will return to this issue and clearly and unequivocally demand a cessation of hostilities . now the author’s program, however, is what a global threat can threaten humanity.
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everyone, in the most unexpected way. according to this is certain, and this problem may concern new research, gases contained in the air expelled from human lungs contribute to global warming. after analyzing the samples, the researchers found that nitric oxide was released by all participants, but methane would have been detected only in 31% of subjects between gases released during breathing and diet, although food poisoning is known to contribute to the climate crisis in other ways, is there life on mars, is there life on mars, this is unknown to science, science is not yet up to date. climate forums are the only platform where good people of palelida and uncles can go.
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aviation of the russian aerospace forces, this is a formidable strike force, the air component of our nuclear triad, the aircraft fleet is based on the legendary white swans, intercontinental supersonic strategic missile carriers tulletorazvedchiki tu-22 mr. the main weapons are long-range aircraft cruise missiles and conventional operational-tactical missiles, as well as aerial bombs of various types. on this day in 1913 , the heavy bomber ilya muromets was created.
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here is the passage in milan, yes, it was also covered, a station, an artesian well, sewerage, heating, ventilation, underground , snow melters, a railway for transporting goods, now everything is here except escalators, as it was, because it is still relevant , a what a beauty, the french perfumer henri bracard came to russia, fell in love, stayed here forever, not only invented perfume,
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the favorite bouquet of the empress, who would later be called red moscow, he sold a bar of soap for a penny, so according to contemporaries , the russian de... santa claus in a fold, for example, or a bunny in a fold, or a chocolate egg with a toy inside, this was originally invented by the abrikosovs, then everyone copies it, all this fragile beauty on glass, negatives by pyotr pavlov, cab drivers waiting for customers, time flows slowly, it won’t be like this for long, in the seventeenth they will close it, then lenin will call gum a gum, stalin will move the department here, and six months after his death the x-rays themselves arrived. the device showed whether the foot felt good in the shoe , the records were listened to through the earphone, the cardboard silhouette showed how the dress would turn out after going through the gum, people changed, that’s how it was intended, the store had an educational mission, for example, shows in the dim hall were supposed to instill taste. a long black dress always adorns a woman, in this dress you can go anywhere, there is a place for
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shopping, and for walks, and if you didn’t manage to become the lucky owner, go to alexander gutkin and alexander kosygin, sergey klishin, channel one. at the russian exhibition at vdnkh today are the days of st. petersburg and the leningrad region, their stands in the seventy -fifth pavilion opposite each other, a lot of activities, film screenings, concerts, master classes, a gastronomic show, of course, all the key attractions of the northern capital are presented, from siskins and pyzhek is a palace bridge that actually opens once an hour. about the vectors of development of the city founded by peter i spoke. another historical center, the impetus for the development of the city was given in 2003. polis of the xx century.
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