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tv   PODKAST  1TV  December 24, 2023 2:35am-3:20am MSK

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tomorrow on the first. a new myth about old leopards. ukraine will receive about 100 leopard-1 tanks next year. they are trying to get rid of them. and the best way to get rid of it is to hand it over to ukraine. all nato tanks have absolutely problems with side armor. i was surprised to learn that the holy roman empire was allegedly destroyed by ukrainians. bogdan khmelnitsky in his station wagons called to follow in his footsteps. odaakra was most likely germanic and was the leader of a gang, a mercenary, an anti-fake, premiered on monday on the first. so this is a podcast. chronicles of the end times. and today we are talking about the case of kinchev, who divided the career of a rock musician into before and after. journalist kokosov apologized. in front of the bones and
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in front of the team, but it remained unclear whether this was a pure order or just a journalist, as they would say now, hype, then naturally there was no such term, but of course there was this concept, hype, he was then in full growth existed, to be honest, i tried to hype myself once, i wanted to make a magazine about tattoos, on the cover of the first issue of this magazine, which is so was called tattoo, this was before the appearance of the tattoo group, had nothing to do with it, sergei gorbunov, the photographer of my new look, this was the newspaper, he shot konstantin and alexandra, this was the cover with sasha from kostya, this is kostina.
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the tattoo, in fact, that’s why the tattoo, and in general the session was great, but you know, not everything always goes according to plan, that is, i somehow published a magazine, but as soon as it came out , it left, so it didn’t work out to hype, but i really love this photo shoot and i love this picture, and i also love to think that it’s me introduced sasha amanov to kostya kincheva, although now no one will remember how... in fact it was, here, but what, of course, cannot be ignored is that after the failure of this insinuation, after it completely did not work an attempt, with the help of newspapermen , to deal with kostya, i will repeat this to me in general, very knowledgeable people from the central committee of the lenin komsomol said openly that this was simply the whole thing.
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people sort of settled scores, because well, he probably wasn’t the best - of course a comfortable person to interact with the security forces, well, like any rock musician, it ’s just by definition that rock musicians are prescribed to be rebels and not be friends with the system, so to speak, that’s how to protest, but unfortunately, for me, i failed i think that this idea failed, it didn’t work with...
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at that time, in general, all the musicians were like-minded, that is, everyone quite unanimously perceived the administrative-command system, and... understood that it was necessary to break through this , this wall of prohibitions, where i remember filming such a film by the british, they came here, the title of this film was translated into russian as how the beatles brought down the kremlin, and the concept there was such that there are bans on rock music, they are young people from the system, from the state, from...
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they see the situation, including the situation in musical culture, consumers of, uh , products, that is, well, relatively speaking, young people, and those people who formed the official discourse for youth, that is, people working there in a variety of central committees, that is, it was obvious that the system was unviable, that the end of times was coming, and it was not clear how to get out of the current situation.
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chronicles of the end of times, and we will see you more than once. thank you, it was evgeny dodolev. hello, this is the podcast of schrödinger's cat, and i am its host, editor-in-chief of a popular science magazine, which is also. called schrödinger's cat, and we are talking about science and how it affects our lives. today our guest is vladimir spiredonov, professor, doctor of psychological sciences, head of the cognitive laboratory ranhix research. hello,
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hello, vladimir, and egor plotnikov, artist. hello, don’t be alarmed, this is a special composition of two, it would seem that in real life you and i behave the way we do, yes, we are not super logicians, not super statisticians, not super thinkers, we are ordinary living people with a mindset that has to make mistakes in order to work well, that's why it's very useful to understand how it actually works, because it allows you to on the one hand, to understand how people make decisions, on the other... here is my favorite
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cognitive error, and i think scientists have it too, this is the so-called fundamental error of causal attribution, i specially say it in full so that you understand that psychologists are scientists too , they also have terms, for example, an employee brought a report on time, a report on some work.
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good in their own eyes, well, in the eyes of others, of course, too, and this leads to a large number of behavioral consequences, again to a large number, well distortions, we are talking about this today, well , what to do, this is human nature, i will say carefully, here is another of my favorite examples of such a cognitive error or rational behavior, which in my opinion is often called a foot in the door when a person agrees for something small at first, he is more willing, then he goes...
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am i mistaken, does this often work? well, actually, as a way of fighting for safe traffic not some times there four times, if i’m not very often, that’s how all sorts of manipulative sales techniques, for example, regularly, that is, accordingly, the sales manager tries to hook you on some little thing, on something that will not cost you anything special, but this will allow you to take the next step, i just don’t...
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but in in general, the general thesis that i would defend is very trivial, in general not mine, the human psyche, it is a very unreliable thing ... it is very prone to errors, very different, that is, in this regard, the 20th century in psychology is filled with studies that show how often, how varied, how we make stupid mistakes in different situations, and we make mistakes consistently, these are not random things, that is, the thesis that i formulated has a downside, that we make mistakes precisely because our psyche works normally. it's time for our second guest to join in, egor, you had an exhibition called cognitive distortion, right, what?
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quite extreme for many, and this, of course, is reflected in the works, here, for example, we see such a white stripe, and in many of my other... in such landscapes are very natural, yes, in a classical manner, oil on canvas, yes, we also see such subtractions, as i call them, these are white, fragments of canvas, circles, squares, stripes and so on, which seem to take away part of the image, it disappears, this is the image of our memory, which precisely preserves parts of the whole, yes, it loses this panorama,
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it retains only some fragments, at the same time these... disappeared parts, they provoke the viewer to complement, replenish, remember this landscape, as if to appropriate it for yourself, to remember from the baggage of some of your memories, to complete it, perhaps, yes, to try to imagine what is there, so to become such a co-author of the artist, at the same time, in general, this is such a call to the viewer, and look more closely at the work of art at the space. around us, how to return to this, to this panoramic view of our vision, look, we have a typical scene, a rural road, some kind of woodland, a person and a cut out rectangle, that’s when we make a decision about assessing the situation, how much information do we use, is it the one in the picture or much less? it
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depends a little on what situation you are in, but really uh, well, the general eye. now in science it explains this kind of situation through models where two systems work: a fast, intuitive system and a slow, reasoning system, respectively, if the situation requires a very quick solution, then the system works almost instantly, uses a minimum of information, some reference points supports, some similarities with other situations, and , accordingly, a very quick decision-making, if a more ... complex system is turned on, it is turned on in cases where the first one does not work satisfactorily, something is wrong, something, accordingly, causes misunderstanding or, accordingly, some then there are possible serious consequences, something like this, everything is not always clear there, then, accordingly, the second system will intervene and , let’s say, record that the situation is very strange, yes, there is an obvious hole in the image,
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that it is not clear in the hole, respectively, is there is this the artist’s intention, or is this a gap in... the fact that we live in a situation of information overload, in fact, the peasant of the 19th century received the same huge amount of information as the geese behaved, and he had a hundred geese there, like a cow milked , like some kind of flower, where did it become, but i will ask you to return this picture after all, look, here we have a situation, a rural dirt road, beaten by tires,
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heavy cars, there is a man standing, i can’t even identify his canvases, men or woman. well, judging by the boots, probably villager, we have a task, for example , to decide to turn right or left, that there is a fork here, and for the first system we just need to see his boots and that he is some kind of local, ask me to go to the stop right or left, right, we need a minimum analysis of the information of these tires , his clothes, facial expressions, well... stopping, then i think that most of what you listed will generally fall out of consideration, there is simply a seemingly safe character who is probably local, who probably knows the way, you can ask, something like this, well, if suddenly we asked him for directions, and he says: i won’t tell you, and this situation repeats itself, probably
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the second system comes into play, what’s going on, what ’s going on, did something unexpected happen? yes, accordingly, something that does not fit into ordinary scenarios, and accordingly, here you need to think a little, or at least analyze more sources of information, perhaps the situation is not so simple, perhaps there are some hints of danger or something that is playing tricks on you or something else that just requires that very system 2, which, well, will think about what is happening, that is, the desire to save on processing information, this is generally... such a basic feature of our brain, i would consider the word brain , let's take it out, i mean our thinking, we can say, of course, yes, accordingly our cognitive system is lazy, a standard metaphor and it.
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a very nice test for it was called cognitive reflection, the idea is very simple, they give you problems where you can take very a quick solution, find a quick answer, the usual wrong one, or have time to catch yourself by the tail and that means thinking and answering correctly, but much longer, well, let’s say, respectively, a stick and a puck cost 1 ruble 10 kopecks, respectively, a stick is a whole ruble more expensive than a puck. how much does a stick and puck cost? well, a ruble and 10, they answer you, yes, this is the wrong answer, this is exactly how system one worked, you need to have time to catch yourself by the tail to understand that five rubles is one thing, 5
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beds is another, the numbers are conditional, well, accordingly this kind of problem allows you to record how much you manage to cope with your system alone, yes, how much you manage to slow it down and , accordingly, make more informed decisions. unfortunately, these kind of tests, they are usually interpreted as tests of the rationality of human thinking, they show that we are not very rational. how often does this let us down? in your opinion, is it still some kind of exotic thing, is it for large economic transactions or for impulse purchases, or is it still everywhere? i have the impression that it’s not just everywhere, it ’s absolutely everywhere, somehow i don’t even know how to say this, that is, this is how life works. i don’t understand, you are 10 years old, and you have already participated in the world championship, wow, you do
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it like this, and if you do it like this, you have to do it like this, three japanese, if you do well they give five, which is not good to do, four, three, two, and there is also a stake, you can open up to cry. quickly, i told you the recipe: add ketchup, mayonnaise, mix, it turns out that you are now there are 3 seconds so that no one notices, you're laughing at me, shooting from what, archery with your feet, the best, new season, tomorrow after the evening news, oh, what, where,
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when, final of the year, tomorrow on the first. this is the schrödinger's cat podcast, and today we're talking about cognitive distortions. i would like to return to one of the main, well , at least in my opinion, from... the source of cognitive errors, this desire to appear good in your own eyes in the eyes of observers, consistent, integral, as much as the person who sees your pictures wants be good? an interesting question, let me give you an example, look, here’s a man who grew up in an intelligent, somewhat educated family, and he thinks that it’s good to be good, you have to appreciate modern art, and he sees... he wouldn’t like the situation, but he wants to maintain the consistency of his beliefs, and he begins to experience an emotion, i like it, which he may have somewhere else
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in this picture, this is possible, yes, of course, this is possible, this reaction can be instantaneous, there are people really those who have a flair for art, as if for understanding, say, painting, or people there, people who feel an acute plastic solution, but there are... conditional ones, yes, who seem to show it better, as it seems to a person, but in reality in fact, the further, the more i see spectators, art and make some kind of judgments, as if they are not afraid to ask questions, are not afraid to sincerely not understand something, but asking questions is not just not... namely trying to figure it out , that in front of them, after listening to the artist’s opinion, you say: your
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an opinion that is actually very important has a right to exist, just like the artist’s opinion about his work. vladimir, from the point of view of science, how common is it, or has it been tested or proven, that a person can like something and honestly like it, because if suddenly he doesn’t like it, it will be a cognitive dissonance with his other beliefs and knowledge, well, that’s quite frequency situation, a situation when you obey, well, or... the dictates of the opinions of others, quite standard situation, or you are subject to the dictates of your own ideas about what you should like, yes, in fact, i want to be advanced, that’s why i appreciate modern art, although i don’t really understand it, it gives me mixed feelings, how sincere are these feelings , can a person sincerely love something that, in fact , for some objective formal reasons , he should not have liked, but so as not
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to enter into dissonance with the rest of his knowledge. at first it raised doubts, fears, hostility and so on and so forth, yes, what was boiling there in the depths or not boiling, we don’t know and can’t know, yes, but i repeat, based on all the signs sufficient for external analysis, we will be sure that he resigned himself, accepted, fell in love, and so on, so on, but what to do, for example, a person likes a certain singer, likes the way he sings, likes the way he moves on stage.
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i like the way he gives interviews, what if this singer makes some statement that is absolutely at odds with the moral values ​​of this listener-spectator, how to get out of this cognitive dissonance? well in fact, you have many ways, and the person who invented, discovered the phenomenon of the cogantin surname festinger, actually described these ways, and you can consider that the singer is really a brute. has been wrapping you up all your life , and accordingly, to be convinced that he is so bad, and that means rejecting him as a class, this is a difficult path, because if he deceived me, then i am gullible, and it’s not very good to be gullible , not very good, accordingly you can disavow, that is, challenge his judgment, which seems controversial, dubious or simply unacceptable to you, yes, well, it was taken out of context, in this case the brute will be
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the journalist who conducted the interview or else...
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he was good, smart, advanced and so on for a long, long, long time, but age has taken its toll and my head is no longer the same, well, this is also a relatively rational path, yes this is certainly a rational path, well, now we’re talking more about the irrational, think about it, well, as if all my life i’ve loved this actor, singer, or so on, and he says what i don't know is the earth is flat, yes it is i don’t seem to be competent in this area, but maybe it’s easier for me to move this installation, well, flat earth? it’s not very easy to move, with such moral assessments , you are certainly right, in general it’s easy, especially against the backdrop of some geopolitical events, everything happens easily and cheerfully, well, considering that moral assessments lie in such a fuzzy area where cognitive distortions probably work stronger, yes, yes, yes, that’s right. another example, also on the verge of cognitive distortions of some other things, is an experiment with helping a person who was either unwell or not at all, the conditions
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were: if i’m not mistaken, you will correct me, a seminarian at some religious american college or something like that, they had to give a teaching sermon, and they they said:
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i observed it not through experimental experience when i was young and hitchhiking, it was very clearly noticeable that the fewer cars there are on the road, the higher the likelihood that you will stop and get a lift, yeah, tell me, but for the perception of a painting or some other work art, the number of people around is important, a person is looking alone at a picture, or he is standing in a large crowd on an excursion, yes, i think it is important, in general there is such a technique. which is offered by guides and some specialists, there you can force yourself to linger at the painting for at least 10 minutes, in a state of excursion or some kind of movement of a group of people, and all the time the attention of one is drawn to one thing, the other to another part,
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even if they are telling about work, half of them are looking around, someone is looking at the phone, and accordingly the person is too reacts to all these movements around him, when he is left alone, there is still some kind of... like concentration happening here, but in fact it is a rather difficult experience, complex, difficult for a modern person, like this in front of a motionless, silent image, to stay in silence for a long time, to concentrate, but sometimes some community of people who simultaneously look at the work, it, it can help to look, here it seems to me that the quality of the audience plays a certain role, and sometimes even observation... behind the beholder, that is, as it were, when we look at the one who is looking, he can concentrate us and give us attention to the work, that is, since a person studies something so carefully and looks at it, let me take a look, maybe there is really something important there, quantity
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cognitive errors, many even have beautiful names, you can list them almost endlessly, i don’t know the reference book, i saw 250, i think it’s possible 500, and a thousand, but how... they are often flawed, yes, accordingly, pay attention the fact that you are easily fooled by a bright wrapper in a variety of options, that you easily underestimate some hidden or semi-hidden aspects of the situation, that you make mistakes for the sake
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of your self-esteem, and so on, so on, so on, that you have stereotypes, that you have some established frames of perception of the situation, yes, that is, perhaps we need to run it more often. system 2, perhaps it will be a little calmer in the future. is it possible to somehow more purposefully learn to avoid critical situations and such cognitive errors? you know, right here is just uh. the main problem is that errors of this kind are the flip side of well-functioning thinking, that is, it is not that thinking makes mistakes on purpose, yes, precisely because it makes us very adaptive to the complex life we ​​live, it allows itself such kind of stupid delusion, exactly this payment for adaptability, for the ability to cope with information, with complex communication situations, and so on, so on, so on, many years ago? let me give you an example, psychologists
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asked ordinary people to keep diaries very of a specific property: how many times during the day do you make mistakes, well, the most simple ones, well, you took a tube of shaving paste instead of toothpaste, tried to salt something accordingly, grabbed sugar, and so on and so on and so on. that's when these same respondents. we were sure that everything would be anonymized, we were talking about dozens of such small errors a day, yes, in fact, this was before all the talk about cognitive errors, then people simply happily classified what happened, it was impeccably in different ways, we make mistakes in the most trivial situations, yes, i repeat that we are talking about dozens of mistakes a day, as you understand, well, a lot, why are these adults, reasonable, adapted people, not a kindergarten. as we sometimes say, what is the creative process?
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the creative process is a path of mistakes and failures, that is, such a basic part of the process. well, besides what to know about cognitive errors, is there some method, training, course that allows you to make them less often? people claim that you can improve your degree rationality of decision-making, that is , the number of situations in which you launch system 2. you are seriously engaged in solving some problems, and, accordingly, very different ones, it is not very clear how much skill you will acquire when solving problems that require system 2, you will be able to transfer to a variety of other situations, such a thing is controversial, but once again solving problems in general and developing your thinking is never harmful, in this regard, of course, you will help yourself, at least by the fact that you will have an interesting time carry out, but can art help us , after all, look, often a painting or some other work is a completely different
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view of the phenomena that surround a person, so an impressionist artist came out, saw the sunset red, although all his life he had been seen gray, and he forced the viewer to look at an ordinary thing differently, from a different point of view, this helps to avoid cognitive errors if you start trying to understand how a work of art, any painting, works.
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people were given a little freedom, they are the same the object was seen from a different point of view, one can only applaud, and it is useful to look at the same thing from different points of view, so this is actually the recipe, well, as soon as you start trying to understand it, it turns out to be complex , multifaceted, multifaceted, contradictory those lord, and the more points of view you find, the more you actually discover and this is truly such a boundless immersion. it's not just a call, it's from there.
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we have to figure out how to carry out a historic operation. doctor preobrazhensky, the beginning of the story and new episodes, from monday, on the first. did you spend the night here, what happened? wait, is that the husband? maybe he's hitting himself? decorating clothes with flowers, overloading them with all sorts of details does not mean creating fashion. but making a dress based on just one line is a real art. my fashion philosophy is to be yourself, try not to follow trends. the art of kutya is akin to the art of an artist, the future of my craft is connected with the spiritual side of things, people no longer willing to serve as clothes hangers, is there a difference between a
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male fashion designer and a female fashion designer, only you can judge that. fashion is a game where things can happen to anyone. anything you want, motodor - high fashion, on friday first. what do you think about the fashion world? perhaps this is an even more magical world than mine. this is the schrödinger's cat podcast, and today we're talking about cognitive distortions. you can watch all episodes of our podcast on the website tell me, do you have it? there are cognitive mistakes, lord, for example , well, according to the number of everyday mistakes, everything is endless, as in the studies that i cited, and an even more amusing mistake, i also really like it, there is such an effect, the impostor effect, yes, accordingly, regardless of that professional level
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, you are always realizing how much you don’t know, you are waiting to chat, yes , well, what is it, how can you not see that i don’t know this, i don’t know this, to some illusions of perception, when we see something other than what actually exists, or illusions of thinking, when, accordingly , we miss some fundamental factors and make a decision based on, say , superficial information, yes, that is, in this regard, when we are talking about cognitive distortions, then this is a deviation from something not
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just acceptable, but some then a more rational decision-making, option, idea, or something like that.
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and girls are approximately the same, but the main thing is that the gender of the next child does not depend on the half of the previous child, then both sequences are approximately equally likely. people, even those who know statistics, alas, overestimate the similarity.


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